


展开1、不义之财勿取,合理之事则从。Never take ill-gotten gains, but follow reasonable ones.2、君子和而不同,小人同而不和。Gentlemen differ from each other, and villains differ from each other.3、人言夫妇亲,义合如一身。People say that couples are close, and righteousness is the same.4、生活若然是清苦,各人内心要安静。If life is bitter, everyone should be quiet.5、相亲相爱同相敬,家庭才会有温馨。Families are warm only when they love and respect each other.6、我今仅守读书业,汝勿轻捐少壮时。I only keep reading today, you should not give away when you are young.7、家和万事兴,齐力共断金。Home and all things are prosperous, and work together to break the gold.8、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。Young men do not work hard, but old men do not work hard.9、女人是国之母,家之妇,人之妻。Women are the mother of a nation, the wife of a family, and the wife of a man.10、贫贱之知不可忘,糟糠之妻不下堂。Poor knowledge is unforgettable, and the wife of chaff does not go to court.11、家庭以爱为根,生活以和为贵。Family takes love as its root and life takes harmony as its value.12、自奉必须俭约,宴客切勿留连。Self-serving must be frugal, banquet guests must not stay.13、有德才有福,有爱才有家。Fortune comes from virtue, and home comes from love.14、如果时常多吵闹,大家心里没安宁。If we make too much noise from time to time, we will not have peace of mind.15、互相信任为至上,心里不要藏阴影。Mutual trust is paramount. Don\'t hide a shadow in your heart.16、霹雳手段,方先菩萨心肠。Bodhisattva\'s heart is the first means of thunderbolt.17、爱惜我们小天地,永远充满着太平。Cherish our small world, always full of peace.18、家家有本难念经,唯有开心念得通。Every family has its own difficulties in chanting sutras, but only happy ones make sense.19、书山有路勤为径,学海无边苦作舟。There are many ways to learn from the sea.20、热情买得人感动,印象难忘在心声。Enthusiasm is touching and the impression is unforgettable.21、言忠信,行笃敬。Words are faithful and deeds are respectful.22、见不义之财勿取,遇合理之事则从。Do not take ill-gotten wealth, but do what is reasonable.23、夫为家计而辛劳,妻贤勤俭把家持。The husband works hard for his family, while the wife is industrious and thrifty.24、治家严,家乃和;居乡恕,乡乃睦。Rule the family strictly, the family is peaceful; live in the home forgiveness, the home is harmonious.25、不以已长望人,虽卑贱皆得尽所能。If you don\'t look forward to people long enough, you can do your best even if you are humble.26、尊老爱幼、见不义之财勿取。Respect the old and love the young, and do not take unjust wealth.27、甘让君子其志卑,不让小人其量浅。Be willing to let a gentleman have low ambitions and not let a villain have shallow measurements.28、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.29、一念忽略,便有错言错事。If you neglect it, you will make mistakes.30、绮语背道,杂学乱性。Idiomatic apostasy, chaotic.31、善观人者观己,善观己者观心。A good observer looks at himself and a good observer looks at his heart.32、说一千道一万,不如踏踏实实干。It is better to be down-to-earth and down-to-earth than to say ten thousand words.33、善不由外来兮,名不可以虚作。Good can\'t be done from outside, name can\'t be fabricated.34、做老实人、做诚信人、做善良人。Be honest, honest and kind.35、学会放弃,懂得珍惜。Learn to give up and cherish.36、非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。No ambition without indifference, no tranquility without a long way to go.37、家庭和气福运开,家中吵闹灾祸生。Family and fortune move, and the family is noisy and disastrous.38、知足则乐,务贪必忧。Satisfaction is joy, greed is worry.39、勤俭治家,虚心治学,仁爱治德。Diligence and thrift, modesty and kindness govern morality.40、黄金非宝书为宝,万事皆空善不空。Gold is not a treasure book, everything is empty.41、事前最好有准备,不可临渴而掘井。It\'s better to be prepared beforehand than to dig a well in the face of thirst.42、亲贤者,远小人;重礼仪,讲诚信。People who are close to the wise are far from the villain, and they value etiquette and honesty.43、一切皆暗暗安排,胸有成足。Everything is arranged in secret, and everything is done.44、孝致祥,勤致详,恕致详。Xiao Zhixiang, diligent and detailed, forgive and detailed.45、一点笑容最可爱,家里立时见光明。A little smile is the most lovely, and the light at home is instant.46、记住家和万事兴,无须终日口不停。Keep home and everything in mind, and you don\'t have to keep talking all day.47、保持地方常洁净,才有快乐之心境。Keep the place always clean, and you will have a happy mood.48、父之爱子,教以义方。Father\'s love for son teaches righteousness.49、亲不过父母,近不过夫妻。Parents are not close to parents, but couples.50、亲贤者、远小人;重礼仪、讲诚信。Those who are close to the wise and far from the villain should pay attention to etiquette and honesty.51、轩冕而敬,伪也。匿就而爱,私也。Xuan Mian is respectful and false. Love in hiding, love in private.52、居心平,然后可历世路之险。Peace of mind, and then the dangers of the past.53、贫贱不移心智,富贵不忘济贫。Poverty is immovable in mind, wealth is immovable in helping the poor.54、夫不嫌妻丑,妻莫嫌夫贫。A husband does not dislike his wife\'s ugliness, but a wife does not dislike his husband\'s poverty.55、头脑一定要冷静,理智时刻要清醒。The mind must be calm and the mind must be clear at all times.56、人遗子孙以财,我遗子孙以清白。People leave their descendants with wealth, and my descendants with innocence.57、平生不作亏心事,半夜敲门也不惊。In life, he does not feel guilty and knocks at the door in the middle of the night.58、祖宗虽远,祭祀不可不诚。Although ancestors are far away, sacrifices should not be dishonest.59、不要夫妻千担粮,只要夫妻好商量。Don\'t let your husband and wife have a heavy burden of food, as long as they consult each other.60、黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。Black hair does not know how to study early, white head regrets to study late.61、凡事应要留余地,幸福然后有得倾。Everything should be left room, happiness and then have to tilt.62、戒傲戒惰,保家之道也。Avoiding arrogance and laziness is the way to protect our family.63、实爱无成见,真信须勿疑。True love has no prejudice. Truth must be beyond doubt.64、大柔非柔,至刚无刚。Great softness is not soft, to rigidity without rigidity.65、智大心劳者狂,力小任重者踣。A man of great mind and hard work is mad, but a man of little strength and heavy responsibility is short.66、做正直的人,做正确的事。Be upright and do the right thing.67、才智英敏者,宜加浑厚学问。Intelligence and intelligence should be enriched with knowledge.68、器具质而洁,瓦缶胜金玉。The utensils are of good quality and clean. Waxi is better than gold and jade.