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    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)
    1. What will Jane d this Friday?
    A. G ut f twn. B. Watch her sister’s dg.
    C. Have dinner with her classmates.
    2. Hw lng will the man stay if his wife cmes?
    A. 4 nights. B. 6 nights. C. 8 nights.
    3. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At the brder. B. At the airprt. C. At a travel agency.
    4. What time will the meeting begin?
    A. At 11:00 am. B. At 1:00 pm. C. At 3:00 pm
    5. What language des Mr. Black speak best?
    A. Chinese. B. French. C. Spanish
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第7题。
    6. What des the wman’s backpack lk like?
    A. It is made f leather. B. There is a pattern n it. C. A handkerchief is tied t it.
    7. Hw des the wman prbably feel in the end?
    A. Disappinted. B. Relieved. C.Wrried.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第8至第10题。
    8. What is Jhn ding?
    A. Ding a fun prject. B. Emptying the cupbard. C. Dnating unwanted things.
    9. What is “freecycling”?
    A. A way f recycling. B. A kind f ld junk. C. A travel website.
    10. What des Jhn want nw?
    A. A grilla arm. B. A micrphne. C. A bicycle.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第11至第13题。
    11. Hw did Helen cntact the cmpany?
    A. By email. B. By phne. C. By letter.
    12. What is the duty f the jb in the ad?
    A. T lk after children. B. T wrk fr a newspaper.
    C. T serve in a phne cmpany.
    13. On what cnditins wuld Helen accept the jb?
    A. The place is fun. B. The pay is gd. C. The wrk is easy.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第14至 16 题。
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers ?
    A. Clleagues. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student.
    15. What is Mr. Jnes’ suggestin?
    A. Frming gd habits. B. Canceling the research prject.
    C. Saving all the wrk fr the final week.
    16. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The research paper. B. The changes t the schedule.
    C. The plans fr the end f the term.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第17至20题。
    17. Wh is the speaker talking t?
    A. Shp custmers. B. Cafe emplyees. C. Huse agents.
    18. Why des the speaker give the talk?
    A. T tell the listeners the mve f the cafe.
    B.T annunce the pening f a new shp.
    C. T aplgize fr the wrng decisins.
    19. When is a new place expected t be fund?
    A. By September. B. By Nvember. C. By December.
    20. What is the speaker’s attitude tward the matter in general?
    A. Psitive. B. Nervus. C. Cnfused.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Enjy amazing 360-degree views ver Lndn frm the Lndn Eye, a rtating (旋转的) bservatin wheel which is 135 meters high. Spt sme f the capital’s mst famus landmarks, including Big Ben, the Huses f Parliament and Buckingham Palace.
    Hw lng des it take t g rund the Lndn Eye?
    The gradual rtatin in ne f the 32 high-tech glass capsules takes apprximately 30 minutes and gives yu an ever-changing view f Lndn. Yu can skip mst f the queues with a fast-track ticket.
    Where is the Lndn Eye and hw d I get there?
    The Lndn Eye is lcated n the Suth Bank f the River Thames. The nearest tube statin is Waterl, but Charing Crss, Westminster and Embankment are als a shrt walk away. Several bus rutes stp near the Lndn Eye.
    Hw t bk Lndn Eye tickets?
    Tickets t the Lndn Eye must be pre-bked n the Internet with timed entry.
    Child ticket: Frm £23.00 per ticket.
    Adult ticket: Frm £28.00 per ticket.
    Children under three years ld enter free.
    Opening hurs
    The Lndn Eye pening time varies thrughut the year. Typically the attractin pens at 10am and clses between 6pm and 8.30pm. Make sure yu check it befre yur visit t get the best experience
    Imprtant infrmatin
    We encurage yu t arrive at the attractin as early as pssible, t allw mre time fr security checks. Please nte items that CAN and CANNOT be taken n bard the Lndn Eye.
    What d we knw abut the Lndn Eye?
    A.It has fixed pening hurs. B.N queuing is needed t take it.
    C. A ride n it takes abut half an hur. D. It lies sme distance away frm Waterl.
    What is a must t pay a visit t the Lndn Eye?
    A.Bking tickets nline in advance. B.Taking n items n bard.
    C. Being accmpanied by an adult. D.Arriving at the attractin ahead.
    Hw much shuld a cuple with their sn aged 5 and daughter aged 2 pay t visit the Lndn Eye?
    A.At least £56. B.At least £74. C.At least £79. D.At least £102.
    I was 16 years ld and n a frtnight-lng trip t visit a cllege in Iwa. On the way ur grup stpped in Chicag fr a day. We were staying in a building n the suth side f the city and were warned nt t g ut alne.
    It wasn’t lng, thugh, befre I was feeling bred and decided t g fr a shrt walk. I was ging dwn a street when I saw sme peple making a wide circle arund a man sitting n the sidewalk. His clthes were wrn and trn and I culd smell him frm several feet away. I stpped in my tracks. My mind flashed back and I realized I had seen a hmeless persn nce befre: Me.
    It was a summer night in my 11th year when the hme I grew up in caught fire in the middle f the night. I can still remember the fire destryed everything we wned. Thankfully, ur small twn cmmunity shwered us with lve and care. They fed us, brught us clthes, and within a few days helped us t rent a temprary huse. A few mnths later they helped us t finance a new hme. I culd remember feeling lved even after lsing s much.
    The hmeless man sitting in frnt f me, hwever, had n ne t help him. I culd see the sadness and desperatin in his eyes. I nly had a few dllars left in my wallet, but I went t him directly, bent dwn and handed them t this fellw, talking with him, tuching his hand and wishing him well befre I left.
    He isn’t the first ne t get my help these years. Seeing the jy n their face, I feel mre than happy. I wn’t stp and say n t thse wh are in need. Even thugh what I can d is really limited, I believe that the wrld will change if each f us gives a little.
    What happened when the authr went ut fr a walk?
    A.He gt his clthes trn. B.He lst his wallet carelessly.
    C.Sme strangers stpped him. D.A man reminded him f his past.
    What des the authr say abut the fire?
    A.It hurt sme peple. B.It happened during the day.
    C.It made him hmeless. D.It didn’t d much damage.
    Hw did the authr react t the hmeless man?
    A.He turned a blind eye t him. B.He raised mney fr him.
    C.He shared his experience with him. D.He helped and cmfrted him.
    What des the authr cnvey in the last paragraph?
    A.Care makes the wrld warmer. B.Man’s nature at birth is gd.
    C.Yu never knw till yu have tried. D.Everything cmes t him wh waits.
    When mst f us think f sand, we immediately think f sunny beaches and summer hlidays. But actually it’s in pretty much everything that surrunds us in ur everyday lives. Frm the walls f ur hmes t the glass bttles in ur kitchens and even the mbile phnes in ur hands. Sand is the secnd mst used resurce in the wrld after water: it accunts fr mre than tw-thirds f everything that’s being dug ut f the grund. But there isn’t a limitless supply. In fact, a UN reprt says we might be running ut.
    Accrding t the reprt, we use an estimated 15 billin tns f sand every year in the cnstructin industry alne. That’s enugh t build a 20m × 20m wall arund the equatr every year. Hwever, sand can take tens f thusands f years t frm: the prcess starts with rck being erded(侵蚀) in the muntains and ends, eventually, with sand being in river beds and n the seaflr.
    Sand is heavy and difficult t transprt, s in develping cuntries, sand is ften mined frm the nearest cnvenient surce, and quite ften that means a river bed r beach. But beaches and rivers are delicately balanced ecsystems and when a large amunt f sand is remved, the balance is upset. The smallest fish, which eat rganic matter n the sand in river beds, frm the base f the fd chain in a river. If this sand is remved, s is the surce f fd fr the bttm feeders. All rganisms in a fd chain share the jys and the srrws. Thus, when they disappear, s des the fd fr the larger fish which wuld have been caught and eaten, r sld by fishermen.
    It is high time we tk int cnsideratin the big prblem cncerning the tiny thing. Mre and mre cnservatinists are calling fr alternatives t sand especially in the cnstructin industry.
    28. Why are the things in ur daily life mentined in the beginning?
    A.T shw the uses f sand. B.T indicate ur relatinship with nature.
    C.T intrduce ur lifestyles. D. T stress the cnvenience f mdern life.
    29. What des the UN reprt imply?
    A. Sand is actually ur mst used natural resurce.
    B. Sand is used mre quickly than it’s frmed.
    C. The cnstructin industry desn’t use sand wisely.
    D. The prblem f washing sand is wrsening.
    30. What des the underlined phrase “the bttm feeders” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A.The river beds. B.The fishermen. C.The larger fish. D.The smallest fish.
    31. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A.The wrld is running ut f sand B.Alternatives t sand will be fund sn
    C.Sand mining is unfriendly t nature D.Sand is in need f immediate cnservatin
    The develpment and testing f self-driving car technlgy has seen majr prgress but engineers are wrking n ther kinds f autnmus vehicles t — including sme built fr water.
    Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) are leading ne such prject. It aims t create bats t transprt gds and peple alng waterways f Amsterdam and explre hw autnmus bats can make life in Amsterdam mre streamlined. The Dutch capital has been called the wrld’s “mst watery city” because f its large netwrk f canals which affects daily life and industry there; cnvenience f citizens’ life and levels f prductivity rely n water vehicles greatly.
    The engineers centered past effrts n the first autnmus bats designed t transprt small gds. But their latest creatin, the Rbat II, can als carry passengers. It measures tw meters by ne meter and weighs abut 80 kilgrams. A demnstratin vide f the mdel shwed it carrying tw peple. The bat is designed t use the sensr-cllected data t create and “pilt a path between a series f gd pints”.
    The MIT team is currently develping its third autnmus water vehicle. That bat is expected t be fur meters lng and is designed t carry up t six passengers. The team says it designed its autnmus system t invlve separate bats wrking tgether. Fr example, Rbat II vehicles can link up in larger grups guided by a leader bat. This ability can expand the pssibilities f autnmus vehicles meant t transprt gds. The team plans t test the vehicles in mre nisy waters.
    In September, it was annunced that an cean research vehicle called the Mayflwer Autnmus Ship wuld attempt t set sail acrss the Atlantic withut a captain r crew n bard. The 15-meter ship will take the same path acrss the Atlantic as the 1620 Mayflwer. The builders f the new Mayflwer say they hpe it can be used in the future t travel and research parts f ceans that are t difficult r dangerus fr peple t reach.
    32.What des the underlined wrd “streamlined” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.secure B.ppular C.relaxing D.efficient
    What is the advantage f the third autnmus bat ver the first tw?
    A.It is much smaller in size. B.It can cnnect separate bats.
    C.It has a larger lad capability. D.It can sue sensr-cllected data.
    What might be the ultimate missin f the Mayflwer Autnmus Ship?
    A.Travel acrss the Atlantic Ocean. B.Imprve transprtatin in Amsterdam.
    C.Get thrugh mre nisy cnditins. D.Replace humans fr tugh explratin.
    What is the text mainly abut?
    A.Key rles f autnmus bats in Amsterdam.
    B.The develpment f MIT’s autnmus bats.
    C.MIT’s cntributin t Amsterdam’s prgress.
    D.Status f water transprtatin in Amsterdam.
    第二节 (共5小题 :每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t stp life getting yu dwn
    There’s a saying— “If yu and everyne else threw yur prblems nt the pile, yu’d take yurs back immediately nce yu saw everyne else’s”. 36 Others are prbably dealing with their wn prblems just like yu. S when things start t get yu dwn, hw can yu pick yurself back up?
    37 If yu’re struggling r feeling dwn, always remember that yu dn’t have t be alne. Yu dn’t need t be n yur wn, either. 38 If yu dn’t feel able t talk t friends r family, yu’ll find supprt grups that can prvide yu with ideas r at least listen t yu. Yu’ll als find supprt grups that can prvide yu with ideas r at least listen t yu. Yu’ll als find that nline frums(论坛) and scial media sites can prvide pprtunities t cnnect and ask fr help.
    Try ut a new hbby. Hbbies dn’t just fill time; they als help t give yu a sense f purpse. Try ut a new sprt, learn t dance r perhaps jin a chess club. Many hbbies als prvide pprtunities fr scial interactin. 39
    Try t appreciate the little things. Thse that have bunced back frm a serius illness ften state that they’ve been given a new chance f life and that they wake up each mrning feeling grateful fr just being able t wake up. 40 G ut fr dinner and make effrts t truly appreciate yur meal r lie back n yur bed, surrunded by ttal silence, and simply fcus n hw it feels t breathe and t relax. If yu can’t fcus n the silence, yu can instead chse backgrund nise.
    Reach ut.
    Turn t yur friends r family.
    C. Bad experiences are part f life fr us all.
    D. Friends will be happy t help and make yu jyful.
    E. Enjy the beauty f a flwer r a simple sunny day.
    F. Talking and making new friends will raise yur spirits.
    G. A new attitude t rdinary life can make yu feel mre psitive.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)
    This Father’s Day certainly seems different t me. My 41 as a father during the pandemic (大流行)has taught me smething new and special abut fatherhd.
    I’m a phtgrapher and have t travel frequently. 42 , living in islatin brught me clser t my sn Dieg. We 43 every crner f the huse tgether: reading n the sfa, watching mvies in the bedrm and grilling n the rf. Nw 44 always yelling, “Mmmy, Mmmy,” my sn screams, “Daddy!” That makes me 45 . I’m s thankful fr this unexpected gift f a deeper 46 with my sn.
    On ur first day f freedm after tw mnths f islatin, I discvered Dieg had lst his familiarity with 47 . While visiting a park in the city, I nticed that he was even 48 f ants. S my wife and I arranged a trip t the 49 . My father jined us and, fr a cuple f days, three 50 - my father, my sn and I - fund urselves walking in the wds.
    The pandemic allwed me t take the time t 51 n what it means t be a father, with the hnr and duty t 52 my parents’ teachings t my sn. Of curse, I really 53 the time I spent wrking in the field. But I've 54 a lt f time with my family, especially with my 55 . I used t think that withut phtgraphy, I was nthing. Nw I see that, withut lve, I am less than nthing.

    第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    A few weeks ag I was ut with my family at the pening f a new playgrund in ur cmmunity. The advertisements were put up, 56 (state) there wuld be cffee available and activities fr children, and I was cnvinced that it was a gd idea fr us t attend. S after we settled in, and fund a place fr the kids 57 (play) in, I headed ver t the cffee statin.
    I 58 (break) my reusable cffee cup several days befre, 59 I kncked ff a table nt a hard flr, s I didn’t have anything with me. Feeling 60 (guilt) that I might need t use a thrwaway cup, I was delighted t see they were using gd ld ceramic(陶瓷的) cffee cups that are 61 (rare) seen tday. It lked like they searched the cupbards and grabbed every cup they culd find.
    After we finished, the cups went int a big cntainer where they wuld 62 (wash) later. What a fantastic way f slving the prblem f reusable cups! Yes, there is the washing t d after, but, 63 any plastic r paper waste being created, it is wrthwhile. 64 is great t see a lcal cuncil leading the way in a significant 65 (reduce) f waste.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是校陶艺社团(pttery club)的负责人李华,请你为英语班会写一篇发言稿,分享社团上周举行的社团活动。
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 活动感受。
    注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

    第二节(满分25 分)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    My dad always tld me that when I was tw years ld, I tld everyne I met that I was ging t be the next Michael Jrdan. One day when I was six, he lked me straight in the eye, asking, “Are yu willing t d any amunt f wrk t becme Michael Jrdan?” I hesitated fr a mment, feeling the weight f his wrds, but then smiled brightly and ndded.
    “All right.” He prduced a sheet f paper and handed it t me, warning, “This will be ne serius cmmitment.” He gave me a pen and gestured fr me t sign my signature at the bttm f the page.
    The next mrning I had cmpletely frgtten abut the paper until, at the crack f dawn, my father shk me awake.
    “Get up,” he rdered. “Basketball practice starts tday.”
    I cmplained, unwillingly getting ut f my warm bed and fllwing my dad. We headed ut t the driveway and he shwed me an range basketball. He threw it t me, and I clumsily grasped it with bth hands. That mrning, I practiced fr three hurs, the mst tired I’d been in thse years. Already, I was beginning t regret my decisin t be the female versin f Michael Jrdan.
    The next mrning my dad dragged me ut in the driveway at the crack f dawn, nce again. It was the same the next day, and the next day. I screamed that I wuld never tuch a basketball again, but he tk ut my signed cntract and waved it in my face, explaining that I culdn’t take back my wrds nw.
    Years passed and I began t accept basketball practice as just a fact f life. One day, at the age f 15, I finally reached my gal — my 10,000 hurs. That mrning we practiced ur usual three hurs, and fr nce, I felt like I may have learned everything there was t knw abut basketball. At the end f ur sessin, my dad hugged and cngratulated me befre handing me that range basketball and saying, “It’s yurs nw.”
    1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    That evening we had a party, with a huge basketball-shaped cake. _______________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Dad and I held the paper t the candle’s flame and watched it slwly burn. _________________
    第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)
    1-5 CCAAC 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 AABCA 16-20 CBAAA
    第二部分 阅读 (共20小题,每小题2.5分,共50 分)
    21-25 CACDC 26-30 DAABD 31-35 ADCDB 36-40 CABFG
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    41-45 CDADB 46-50 BCADB 51-55 ACDAB
    第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    56.stating 57.t play 58.had brken 59.which 60.guilty
    61.rarely 62.be washed 63.withut 64.It 65.reductin
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    Hell, everyne,
    I’m mre than delighted t share with the event ur pttery club rganized last Friday in the Activity Center.
    As scheduled, the activity started with the excellent presentatin made by ur instructr Mr. Wang, wh designed the task fr this sessin. We all bserved carefully hw a mass f clay was transfrmed fantastically int a vivid artwrk. He als encuraged us t make ne f the twelve animal signs. Thanks t the teacher’s help, we accmplished ur wn wrk, with which we had phts taken tgether prudly.
    Thrugh the activity, we knew mre abut Chinese pttery and what it tk t make a craftsman.
    That evening we had a party, with a huge basketball-shaped cake. On tp f the cake were five candles that read “10,000”. I had never been s prud. My dad made a speech, and many f my friends came t cngratulate me. It was when the cake’s candles were lit that my dad handed me the paper I had signed n that fateful day at the age f six. I felt tears welling up as I traced the letters n the paper, each engraved in my heart.
    Dad and I held the paper t the candle’s flame and watched it slwly burn. Thse pwerful wrds that had bund me fr nearly 10 years seemed pintless nw. The crwd f family and friends gave a great cheer t me. “S, are yu ging t quit nw?” a friend asked. I lked arund, staring at the many pictures f Michael Jrdan, and f me ding basketball practice ver the years. Then, withut hesitatin, I smiled and shk my head. “Never,” I respnded.
    1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据所续写短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 词数少于130的,从总分中减去2分。
    4. 评分时,应主要从以下四个方面考虑:
    (1) 与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;
    (2) 内容的丰富性和对所标出关词语的应用情况;
    (3) 应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;
    (4) 上下文的连贯性。
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。
    6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档次。
    Text 1
    M: Jane, can yu meet us fr dinner this Friday? There’s a great new Indian restaurant that just pened.
    W: I actually have dinner plans with my high schl classmates this Friday. What abut this Sunday?
    M: I will have t watch my sister’s dg while she’s ut f twn.
    Text 2
    M: My secretary made a reservatin fr me the 14th f January.
    W: Fr hw many nights?
    M: Six. But if my wife cmes, I’ll stay fr tw mre nights.
    Text 3
    W: Hell, sir. I need t see yur passprts, please. What is yur purpse f entering the cuntry?
    M: I’m just driving the family t see their aunt, wh lives in Seattle. We’ll be cming back n Sunday night.
    Text 4
    W: Wuld it be OK t have the meeting at 11 ’clck n Tuesday mrning?
    M: That’s fine, but it has t be finished by 1:00 because I have a flight t catch at 3:00.
    W: OK, gt it.
    Text 5
    W: Mr. Black is very gd at Spanish and nw he is beginning t study French.
    M: Yeah. And he als knws smething f Chinese.
    Text 6
    M: Hell. Can I help yu?
    W: I hpe s. I was sitting in that restaurant ver there and, when I’d finished my meal, I frgt t pick up my backpack. Has anyne handed it in as lst prperty?
    M: What des it lk like?
    W: It’s quite small. And it’s made f plastic. It’s nt leather r anything.
    M: Has it gt a pattern n it?
    W: N. It’s gray, with a handkerchief tied t it.
    M: Well, yu’re in luck. This ne was handed in by the restaurant staff ten minutes ag.
    Text 7
    W: Are yu OK, Jhn?
    M: Yeah, just clearing ut this cupbard, Emily. It’s full f ld junk.
    W: Oh, what a lt f stuff. Is that a ... grilla arm?
    M: Yes! Ah... that was a fun prject.
    W: Interesting.
    M: Oh, this is the micrphne I recrded my first masterpiece with. Bit dusty. I wnder if it still wrks. Or maybe I shuld sell it. Wh wuld buy it?
    W: Why dn’t yu freecycle it?
    M: Oh, that’s a gd idea. I can exchange a micrphne fr a bicycle, right?
    W: N. Yu give it away. Yu give it t smene fr free. It’s anther way f recycling. There are websites that help match yu t peple wh want these things.
    M: Free... recycle. Freecycle. Yes, I like the idea. But I wuld like a free bicycle even mre.
    Text 8
    M: Helen, what d yu think f this advertisement in tday’s newspaper?
    W: Didn’t I tell yu? It was als in last week’s newspaper. I saw it there and s I inquired by email. I had a phne call tday frm the cmpany and I’ve gt an interview tmrrw.
    M: That’s exciting. D yu think yu’ve gt the jb?
    W: Well, they seemed very eager n the phne. I d think that they’ll prbably ffer me the jb.
    M: S, yu’re ging t Califrnia?
    W: I didn’t say that. It wuld be hard wrk lking after tw bys and three girls, even thugh living in Califrnia wuld prbably be great fun. I may be ffered the jb, but I wn’t take the jb unless I can get a prper salary.
    Text 9
    W: Mr. Jnes, thanks fr making time fr me tday. Many f the students are wrried abut hw clse the class trip is t final exams. As class mnitr, they asked me t speak with yu t wrk ut a new plan that we can fllw.
    M: Ella, yur cncerns are reasnable. But all the teachers have met t talk abut the trip and exams. We all agree that there is a large amunt f wrk fr students t d. Hwever, we are cnfident that as lng as yu all wrk tgether with everyne ding their part, there will be enugh time.
    W: But Mr. Jnes, they’re wrried abut having t d the grup research prject and t study fr exams in such a shrt time.
    M: Remember last term when half f yur classmates waited until the last week t start the Internatinal Studies research paper? What a disaster? I imagine they remember it as well. Yu knw we always talk abut hw gd habits lead t success. Here is anther chance t practice that. There will be n changes t schedule.
    W: Yes, I remember that. I’ll encurage them t get started early and wrk tgether.
    Text 10
    M: Hi, fellw wrkers. I have sme surprising news t reprt. I have just cme frm the huse agency and it seems that the wner f this place has decided nt t cntinue t rent the huse after Nvember, srry, I’m wrng, after December f this year. Unfrtunately, that means that Burnside Cafe will have t mve. Nw I knw that we have been at this place fr ver 20 years and the mve will certainly raise a number f challenges. First, I’m ging t have t find a suitable new place. Of curse I’ll be lking t keep us in the same area, hpefully smewhere right here in this neighbrhd. I hpe I can get that dne by September. After finding a suitable place, the mve itself will als be a headache. There are s many things that culd g wrng. But all thse difficulties can be vercme. Althugh we’ll face sme tugh times ver the next few mnths, I knw I can lk frward t everyne’s cmplete cperatin. With yur help, Burnside Cafe can repen better than ever.
    A. knwledge
    B. prmise
    C. experience
    D. perfrmance
    A. Gradually
    B. Hpefully
    C. Strangely
    D. Luckily
    A. enjyed
    B. cleared
    C. searched
    D. decrated
    A. due t
    B. regardless f
    C. alng with
    D. instead f
    A. cnfused
    B. delighted
    C. embarrassed
    D. surprised
    A. cmmunicatin
    B. relatinship
    C. cperatin
    D. satisfactin
    A. peple
    B. sciety
    C. nature
    D. art
    A. afraid
    B. fnd
    C. aware
    D. ashamed
    A. beach
    B. museum
    C. streets
    D. muntains
    A. branches
    B. generatins
    C. categries
    D. divisins
    A. reflect
    B. impress
    C. cunt
    D. cmment
    A. bring up
    B. shw ff
    C. pass n
    D. write dwn
    A. imagine
    B. frget
    C. regret
    D. miss
    A. gained
    B. spared
    C. wasted
    D. saved
    A. wife
    B. sn
    C. father
    D. mther
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    2023届海南省海口市高三学科能力诊断一模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届海南省海口市高三学科能力诊断一模英语试题(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,邀请信,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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