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    The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is a national program of volunteers trained in disaster preparedness and emergency response. Through Teen CERT, you can serve your community and help take care of your school and home.

    Why Join

    Would you know what to do if an emergency comes? After a disaster, professional responders will be needed everywhere. During an emergency, who could help until professional responders arrive? Who could be the first person on-scene to step up? The answer: You.

    In most emergencies, a bystander or even the victim, provides the first immediate assistance. Join Teen CEKT, and you will learn how to respond when others look to you for help.

    What You’ll Do

    We all have a role to play in keeping our communities safe. What role will you play? Once you complete your CERT training, you can participate in or lead a variety of activities.

    During an emergency, your Teen CERT could organize volunteers, give assistance to survivors, provide damage assessment information, pro\ide shelter support and assist with crowd control.

    Teen CERTs can also help in their schools year-round. Your Teen CERT could participate in disaster drills and exercises, present fire safety education, assist in preparedness outreach, provide peer mentoring and address safety issues in the school.

    What You’ll Learn

    It takes about 20 hours to complete the CERT training. During the training, you will learn to put out small fires, conduct light search and rescue, assist those who are injured, set up medical treatment areasassist emergency responders, identify possible dangers and help reduce survivors, stress.

    You can also take the Introduction to CERT training. This independent study web-based training is interactive and will introduce you to CERT skills before you take the classroom training.

    1How can Teen CERTs help in the school?

    ABy helping set teaching aims. BBy organizing rescue teams.

    CBy raising money for survivors. DBy sharing fire safety knowledge.

    2What does the training program teach?

    ACommunication skills. BOutdoor survival skills.

    CHow to detect potential dangers. DHow to make medical devices.

    3What is the purpose of the text?

    ATo introduce a non-profit organization. BTo call on teens to join a program.

    CTo teach what to do during an emergency. DTo encourage teens to buy an online course.


    Years earlier, I’d been a trainee in a lab, which stuck to a traditional format. The lab head would spend much time asking the presenter a series of pointed questions. Presenters would need to know extremely small details about articles they were citing and present their research using picture-perfect analyses and graphs. So the presentation was an untoward thing to almost anyone.

    When I started my own lab, I decided to change the routine by being friendly and welcoming while asking my trainees challenging questions about their science. But for 6 years, I felt I hadn’t created the lab environment I wanted.

    The turning point came during the pandemic. It hit home to me that one’s life isn’t endless and that I need to make the most of the time I have. I decided that I wanted to become a better professor—to make a mark by training the next generation of scientists.

    In my personal life, I had benefited from listening to talks by motivational speakers. So I decided to start there. At the next lab meeting, I showed my students a video about happiness, hoping it would help them in their personal life and give us something light to discuss. I wasn’t sure how they’d respond, hut I was pleased to discover that they were interested in discussing the advice in the video afterward. In the end, I asked them whether they’d like to do similar activities in future meetings, and they said yes.

    From then on, I began every lab meeting with a 20-minute team building session. My lab members and I do many activities—including analyzing and appreciating poetry. These sessions have eased tensions and opened minds, helping foster more participation later in the meeting.

    So far, I have been hopeful about the lab environment we’re creating. My greatest wish is to see my trainees become their best selves, understand who they are and what they want as well as reach their career goals. I am proud of the change and the difference I’ve made.

    4What does the underlined word “untoward” in paragraph 1 probably mean?

    AHarmonious. BEmbarrassing. CStressful. DAppealing.

    5How did the pandemic affect the author?

    AHe no longer wasted his time. BHe decided to become a professor.

    CHe realized the benefit of inspiring talks. DHe wanted to make more contributions.

    6What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

    AThe change the author made. BA video the students liked.

    CThe benefit the author got from others. DA proposal the students put forward.

    7What message does the author mainly want to deliver?

    ATeam building sessions can bring unexpected benefits.

    BOne should have the courage to make a change.

    CProfessors are responsible for teamwork.

    DMotivational talks are the origin of inspiration.


    Kids everywhere love to play. And they know that a ball is a perfect thing to play with. Now scientists report bumblebees(大黄蜂)seem to know the same thing, making bumblebees the first insects known to play.

    Lots of animals play. But the behavior is best known in mammals(哺乳动物)and birds. For many animals, playing is often seen as a kind of training for things they’ll have to deal with in later life.  But before this, there were no reports of insects playing.

    Dr. Lars Chittka did an earlier experiment, where he trained bumblebees to roll balls into a goal for food. He noticed some bees were rolling balls even when they weren’t rewarded. He wondered if they were playing.

    To test the ideahe with other scientists set up a new experiment. First, they marked 45 young bumblebees, both male and female, between one and 23 days old. Then they set up a clear pathway from the bumblebees’ nest to a feeding area. On either side of the open pathway, small colored wooden balls were placed. On one side of the paththe balls couldn’t move. On the other side, the balls could roll around.

    For three hours a day over 14 days, the scientists opened the pathway. The bumblebees never had to leave the pathway to find food, but they left anyway. They weren’t so interested in the side where the balls couldn’t move, but they made lots of visits to the side with the rolling balls.

    Grabbing the balls with their legs, the bumblebees would beat their wings to pull on the balls, causing them to roll. The 45 marked bumblebees did this 910 times during the experiment. Though some only did it once, others did it a lot. The scientists found the younger bumblebees spent more time rolling balls, and that males seemed more likely to play than females.

    The scientists say it’s not clear why the bumblebees roll the balls or whether they enjoy it. But the experiment raises important questions about how the insects’ minds work and whether they have feelings.

    8What does the underlined word  in paragraph 2 refer to?

    AThe discovery that playing is training.

    BThe experiment about mammals’ living habits.

    CThe report that bumblebees play for fun.

    DThe comparison between insects and birds.

    9What did Dr. Lars Chittka and other scientists do in the new experiment?

    AThey trained bumblebees to play balls.

    BThey put small balls on both sides of the pathway.

    CThey set up a feeding area in bumblebees’ nest.

    DThey rewarded the bumblebees that rolled balls.

    10What can we learn from the experiment?

    AMale bumblebees lend to play balls more often.

    BColorful balls are bumblebees’ favourite toys.

    CYounger bumblebees are better at rolling balls.

    DBumblebees show interest in anything round.

    11What can be the best title for the text?

    ABumblebees Arc Just Like Kids BBalls Are a Perfect Thing to Play with

    CPlaying Is Animals’ Second Nature DBumblebees Are First Insect Known to Play


    No one in the US has 3D-printed a two-story house before. But now three companies are working together to print the first large, two-story house in the US.

    The house, which is in Houston, Texas, was designed by a company. Another company provided the 3D printer. And a construction company is doing the actual building. Leslie Lok. who designed the house, says there are special challenges involved in printing the two-story house. One of the biggest is the size of the machine needed for the building. The 3D printer in Houston is massive. It weighs over 12 tons.

    Ms. Lok says printing the house will take the massive machine about 330 hours. That’s about eight normal work weeks. But the team isn’t in a rush. Though it’s a two-year project, the actual printing didn’t start until last July. The house is now about halfway finished.

    “We are not trying to beat the clock,” says Hikmat Zerbe, who works for the construction company. Instead, they’re using the house as a “big laboratory” to learn more about 3D-printing houses. They want to see how the concrete reacts “under different weather conditions”.

    They also want to figure out how to make 3D-printing faster and cheaper. Mr. Zerbe says that currently, 3D-printing a house with concrete costs more than building a house with wood. That’s partly because the technology is new. With time, Mr. Zerbe expects the costs of 3D-printed houses to go down. He thinks printers will improve and make it easier to create more houses quickly. 3D-printed concrete houses are stronger and hold up better in serious storms than house built with wood. This can save money in the long run. Since the machine is doing the building, fewer workers are needed, which also saves money.

    Besides, with 3D-printing, it’s easy to make each house different from other houses. These kinds of changes can apply to almost any tiling. Hikmat Zerbe says that means in the future, each house could be created specially for its owner.

    12What is a big problem in printing the two-story house?

    AThe limited time. BThe lack of skilled workers.

    CThe need for huge 3D printers. DThe shortage of building materials.

    13What is to be studied in the building process?

    AHow the printed houses stand wear and tear.

    BHow 3D-printed houses are made stronger.

    CHow workers can print large houses quicker.

    DHow concrete changes with the shift of weather.

    14What is a disadvantage of the 3D-printed house at present?

    AIts cost is higher. BIt can’t survive the storm.

    CIt uses special concrete. DIt needs experienced workers.

    15How does Mr. Zerbe feel about the future of 3 D-printing?

    ANegative. BUnclear. CWorried. DHopeful.




    How to Teach Teenagers About Money

    Teaching teens about money—how to earn it and save it—is part of being a good dad or mom. You don’t have to be a finance professor to teach them how to save money.____16____ Remember that more is seen than taught. You’ll want to show them how to earn money, create a budget and save it.

    ☆Earning money

    You may have started out asking your kids to help you wash the dishes, sweep the floor or feed the dog. But now that you’ve got a teenager, you’re probably off-loading the big-item work like mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. ____17____ If yes, working for someone else and earning a paycheck will help teach your teen about money quickly.


    By now, they’ve probably earned some money. And they have outgrown that piggy bank they got for their first birthday. Then it’s time for a real bank account. You probably don’t want to connect it to your own. But you will want to be the signer on the account so you can see their spending behavior.

    ☆Saving money

    Teenagers should learn to save money.____19____But if you want your teenager to grow up into an independent, responsible human, you’ll have to show them how.

    Teach them about having long-term savings goals. At this age, all they can probably talk about is getting a car. If they want one, they can pay for it. Work with them on creating a plan for their money: what they need to buy a car and what they need to save. Early exposure to goal setting helps to give them patience and vision.____20____

    AMaking a plan

    BSetting up bank accounts

    CYou can show them by example.

    DIs your teen old enough for a real-life job?

    EThese are important things they’ll need in life.

    FDoes money seem very important to them at first?

    GYou may think it is too early for them.




    Working in animal rescue is often heartbreaking for volunteers, but there are moments of joy that would never be possible without their tireless efforts.

    Joey Wagner enjoys volunteering. Back in 2013, Joey received a(n)____21____about a severely abused dog. He hung up and ____22____ for the place all at once. When he saw the little dog, he ____23____ realized the dog was hours away from death.

    Joey and another rescuer ____24____ the dog, which they named Mojoto the animal shelter. Many people requested to adopt Mojo. However, its ____25____ was so bad that it was not considered. In spite of the fact that it’d been____26____, Mojo was loving towards humans and showed an enormous capacity to ____27____. Mojo gradually recovered under the care of other volunteers of the animal shelter.

    When it was finally able to find its forever home, Joey was the first in line to fill out the ____28____paperwork. And it was natural that the shelter ____29____ Joey’s application. Still, when Joey appeared to bring Mojo home, no one could have predicted the little dog’s reaction to seeing its_____30_____ again!

    The moment Mojo saw Joeyits little tail began to wag()crazily to its _____31_____ dad.

    “It definitely _____32_____ you. It was unexpected to other volunteers as the _____33_____ dog climbed into his arms for more hugs and kisses.

    Mojo is now a healthy member of Joey and Leta’s pack and the Wagners have continued to use its story as a(n)_____34_____ to drive donations and awareness for animal rescue. Mojo knew that Joey helped it at its lowest. Their bond can never be _____35_____.

    21Aletter Bnovel Ccall Dorder

    22Awatched out Bset off Csigned up Dwent in

    23Agradually Bfinally Cmerely Dimmediately

    24Abrought Breturned Clent Dsold

    25Aresponse Bmemory Chealth Dbehavior

    26Acaged Bmistreated Cignored Dmisunderstood

    27Aforgive Bbalance Clearn Ddefend

    28Apurchase Badoption Cassessment Dcooperation

    29Adenied Banalyzed Cshared Dapproved

    30Aowner Btrainer Crescuer Demployer

    31Abrave Bcreative Cformer Dnew

    32Aremembers Bassists Cattracts Dsupports

    33Alarge Bawkward Ccurious Ddelighted

    34Away Bexplanation Cgoal Dstandard

    35Astrengthened Bbroken Cestablished Dmentioned





    Recently, topics related to the movie The Wandering Earth have been trending upwards on Weibo, a popular Twitter-like social media platform in China, one ____36____ another. Many audiences show great interest in the details and science and technology that appeared in the movie and ____37____ number of scientists took the trouble ____38____(analyze) the possibilities of related technologies in the movie, including space elevators and underground city life.

    Wang Yuanzhuo, a research fellow at the Institute of Computing Technology of I the Chinese Academy of Sciences, even drew ____39____(picture) to explain the science and technology theories ____40____(present)in the movie to the young audience in simple language.

    “I ____41____(receive)many questions from my daughter and other kids concerning the movie in the past few weeks,” Wang Yuanzhuo,____42____ is also one of the movie’s science consultants, wrote on Weibo.

    According to him, the key to realizing space elevators is to find a super-strong material that can he used as the elevator cable. The material needs to have the ability to maintain good performance when it ____43____(expose) to terrible conditions in space. But it might be long before space elevators could ____44____(actual) become a reality. Still, the _____45_____(discuss) of this technology itself reflects the ambition of mankind in the research and development of material science.




    46.假定你是李华,你校的美术老师Mr. Zhang将举办在线讲座,介绍中国剪纸历史并教授剪纸基本技巧。请给你的英国朋友Jack写一封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:

    1. 讲座内容;

    2. 邀请理由;

    3. 时间和参加方式。

    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





    Let me tell you a story. It is about Susannah Lung. She taught me to read and write for a single year when I was 7 years old. I’d been looking for Susannah, hoping to thank her in person, for almost twenty years.

    I came to the US at one and a half years old, but I grew up in a household that only spoke Pashto &Farsi, so when I started kindergarten, I didn’t know a word of English. I don’t think my kindergarten teacher knew how to handle an ESL student because he used to punish me for not understanding his directions.

    We moved a lot in those days as my father searched for better work and housing, and I went to three different schools in a year. I continued to struggle with English. Then, after first grade ended, my family went back to Afghanistan for the summer. I fell in love with Logar, but I completely forgot all the English I’d learned in school!

    I remember on the morning of my first day in second grade, I could only recall 10 letters from the alphabet. I was way behind and on track to be left back. But then I had the fortune of meeting Mrs. Lung.

    Mrs. Lung sat with me almost every single day after school, giving me extra lessons in reading and writing so I could catch up with the rest of the class. By the end of the year, I’d learned to read and write, and by third grade, I was winning awards for reading comprehension.

    After that, my family moved a few times more and I lost track of Mrs. Lung. For years afterward, all throughout high school and college, I tried to find Mrs. Lung to thank her for everything she’d done for me. I searched google and social media. I called my old school and visited the district office. But I kept hitting dead ends.

    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    But a few years earlier, someone reached out to me on Facebook.


    Because of Mrs. Lung’s encouragement, I became a teacher two years ago.



    1D    2C    3B


    4C    5D    6A    7B


    8C    9B    10A    11D


    12C    13D    14A    15D


    16C    17D    18B    19G    20E



    21C    22B    23D    24A    25C    26B    27A    28B    29D    30C    31D    32A    33D    34A    35B



    36after    37a    38to analyze    39pictures    40presented    41have received    42who    43is exposed    44actually    45discussion


    46Dear Jack,

    I’m writing to invite you to an online lecture about Chinese paper-cutting, which will be delivered by our art teacher Mr. Zhang.

    The lecture will begin at 2 p. m. Beijing time next Saturday and last for two hours. It will focus on the history of Chinese paper-cutting and teaching some basic paper-cutting techniques. As you are interested in Chinese traditional culture, you will find paper-cutting is an amazing art form. You can attend it by clicking on the link I will send to you. Looking forward to your early reply.


    Li Hua

    47One possible version

    But a few years earlier, someone reached out to me on Facebook. It was Mrs. Lung’s husband! He asked me if I wanted to speak with her, and I said of course! My family and I all gathered together for the call. My parents had been wanting to thank Mrs. Lung for years as well. When I finally got the chance to hear Mrs. Lung’s voice, tears welled up in my eyes. I told her that I owed everything I’d accomplished to her, that I thought of her all the time, and that I’d been searching for her for years.

    Because of Mrs. Lung’s encouragement, I became a teacher two years ago. During the two years of my teaching, I have witnessed the big changes of several struggling students after giving them patience, time and encouragement. I know a child is like a rocket filled with fuel and that all they need is a single spark to lift off into the sky. For me, Mrs. Lung was the spark. She gave me time, understanding and encouragement. I received her care and I’m passing it on.



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