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    Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案
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    高中外研版Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案

    这是一份高中外研版Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案,共30页。

    II. 目标语言
    III. 教材分析与教材重组
    1. 教材分析
    本模块以My First Ride n a Train为话题,通过模块教学,使学生学会用过去时态和表示过去时态的时间短语来描述过去的旅游经历,并掌握有关交通工具和各种地点及活动的用语。功能句式要求学生学会如何在生活中使用礼貌用语以及如何在会话中做出回应、表明态度。
    1.1 INTRODUCTION复习和学习有关交通工具的名词和动词,让学生回忆第一次长途旅游的情景,引出本模块的话题。
    1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY介绍作者第一次在澳大利亚乘火车旅游的经历,详细描写了旅途中的活动和途中的风景,并介绍了Ghan train的由来。
    1.3 GRAMMAR包括两部分,第一部是动词的-ed 形式做形容词;第二部分回忆、熟悉和运用过去时间的表达法。
    1.4 FUNCTION练习乘车礼貌用语的表达法。让学生学会在不同场合使用礼貌用语。
    1.5 VOCABULARY列举了表示地点和相关活动的词汇。为后面学生描述记忆中的活动打下基础。
    1.6 READING AND SPEAKING 是五篇回忆童年的段落,叙述在童年发生的开心或不开心的故事,为后面的写作提供了范文。
    1.7 LISTENING是听一段对一位90岁高龄的电影演员过去经历的采访录音。
    1.8 WRITING要求学生用第一人称写一篇关于回忆童年假期或外出旅游的短文。培养学生用英语写游记的能力。
    1.9 PRONUNCIATION通过听一段对话,让学生识别并准确读出句子重音。
    1.10 EVERYDAY ENGLISH训练学生根据对方话语做出回应、表明态度的技能。
    1.11 CULTURAL CORNER是一篇关于世界上最快的磁悬浮列车的文章,让学生了解这种列车的优点,并说出与普通列车的不同。
    1.12 TASK要求学生利用照片、明信片、纪念品等介绍自己的一次旅游经历。
    2. 教材重组
    2.2 把READING AND VOCABULARY设计成一节“阅读课”。
    2.3 把GRAMMAR 1, GRAMMAR 2 和 WORKBOOK中的 Grammar 整合为一节“语法课”。
    2.4 把VOCABULARY, READING AND SPEAKING, WRITING和 WORKBOOK中的 Speaking and writing 整合在一起上一节“写作课”。
    2.5 把 CULTURAL CORNER, TASK和 WORKBOOK中的Reading整合在一起上一节“泛读课”。
    3. 课型设计与课时分配
    1st Perid Listening and Speaking
    2nd Perid Reading
    3rd Perid Grammar
    4th Perid Writing
    5th Perid Extensive Reading
    IV. 分课时教案
    The First Perid Listening and Speaking
    Teaching gals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    Tram, distance, helicpter, ferry, abslutely, ut f date, get n, get ff, get int, get ut (f), take ff
    b. 重点句式 P25
    Excuse me...
    Culd I
    Wuld yu
    I’m very srry but...
    The fact is that...
    2. Ability gals 能力目标
    Enable the Ss t learn expressins f being plite.
    Enable the Ss t learn expressins used in a flight travel by listening.
    3. Learning ability gals 学能目标
    Help the Ss learn hw t use expressins f being plite in different situatins.
    Help the Ss learn hw t use expressins abut flight travels.
    Teaching imprtant & difficult pints 教学重点和难点
    The use f plite expressins in cnversatins.
    Teaching methds 教学方法
    Listening and speaking in pairs r grups.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A tape recrder and a prjectr.
    Teaching prcedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Intrductin
    T: Last year, I went t Hainan by plane. That was my first time t travel by plane. I was very excited. I lked ut f the windw t see the sights belw me; smetimes I talked t ther passengers t express my excitement. Have yu ever been t Hainan?
    S1: Yes, I have been there twice.
    T: Hw did yu get there?
    S1: By plane. Yu knw it’s far away frm here, but it nly takes abut 2 hurs if yu travel by plane.
    S2: I went there last summer hliday with my parents. We went there by train. I enjyed the scenery n the way very much.
    T: Yes. There are different means f transprt. Sme take shrter time while sme are safer and mre pleasant. Yu may chse the ne that will satisfy yur special needs. Nw please turn t P21. There are sme pictures f different means f transprt. I think yu knw mst f them very well. Wh’d like t explain the three wrds n the blackbard? D yu knw what kind f vehicles they are?
    Write the fllwing three wrds n the blackbard.
    helicpter ferry tram
    Let the Ss lk them up in their dictinaries and try t get the meanings.
    T: What is a helicpter?
    S1: An aircraft with large metal blades n tp that spin and lift it int the air.
    T: Hw abut ferry?
    S2: A bat that makes shrt regular trips between tw r mre places. e.g. There is n ferry service t the island in the winter.
    T: And tram?
    S3: A lng narrw vehicle that travels alng metal tracks in the middle f a street and is used as public transprtatin in sme places.
    T: Very gd. Nw please match the wrds in the bx with the pictures.
    A few minutes later, check the answers with the whle class.
    T: Amng these vehicles, sme travel n rads, sme n water, sme n rails and als sme in the air. Nw please classify them.
    Ask ne student t write the classificatin n the blackbard.
    On rads: bicycle, bus, taxi and mtrbike
    On rails: train and tram
    In the air: plane and helicpter
    On water: ferry
    T: Quite gd! Nw I’d like yu t judge what verbs n the screen g with these vehicles. Make sentences by putting the right nes tgether.
    Shw the fllwing verbs n the screen.
    get n, get ff, get int, get ut f, ride, drive, take ff, land, take
    Sample sentences:
    1. I gt n the bus at Xiayuan bus statin and gt ff at Dananmen bus statin.
    2. I rde the bicycle dwntwn t visit ne f my friends last weekend.
    3. Hurry up! The plane takes ff at five ’clck. Yu are getting late.
    4. He gt ut f his car t see what happened at the crssrad.
    5. He drives t wrk everyday.
    6. The plane landed n Hngqia airprt after 10 hurs’ flight.
    7. I gt up late this mrning and had t take a taxi t my ffice.
    Step II Listening
    First f all, get the Ss t guess the answers t the questins in Activity 1 n P27. Then let them listen t the tape. Fr the first time, let them listen carefully and get the general idea. Fr the secnd time, let them answer the questins accrding t what they hear.
    T: Nw let us turn t Listening. In this part, a 90-year-ld silent mvie actress was interviewed abut her career and her life. She was brn in England but went t America t make films in the 1930s. First let’s lk at the questins in Activity 1 n P27. I’ll give yu 3 minutes t discuss with yur partners t guess the answers t these questins. Have yu gt it?
    Ss: Yes.
    Three minutes later, the Ss give different answers.
    T: Are yur answers right? Nw listen t the tape and check yur answers. Then finish Activity 2.
    Check the answers t Activity 2 with the whle class.
    Step III Listening and Speaking
    T: Nw let’s turn t P83. Yu are ging t hear a persn describing his jurney. Befre yu listen t the tape, lk at the pictures. Guess what happened during his jurney and then try t number the pictures.
    The Ss read the pictures carefully and think abut the stry. Then play the tape fr the first time.
    T: OK, nw yu must have a general idea f the stry. What was his jurney like? Did he enjy his jurney?
    Ss: His jurney was terribly bad.
    T: Right. He really had a bad experience. Let’s listen t it again and number the pictures.
    Play the tape again, then check the answers.
    T: Lk at the phrases in Exercise 12, P84. Wrk in pairs and tell the man’s stry by using these phrases.
    Shw the fllwing phrases n the screen and ask the Ss t retell the man’s stry in the first persn.
    tk a train, brke dwn, rush hur, traffic jam, missed the plane, gt n anther flight, bad weather, landed in Bangkk, arrived 12 hurs late
    A sample versin:
    I’ll never frget the first time I tk a lng-distance flight. First f all, I tk a train frm my hme t Lndn airprt. But the train brke dwn. I was afraid f missing the plane, s I tk a taxi t the airprt. It was rush hur and the taxi gt stuck in a traffic jam. When I finally gt t the airprt I missed the flight by ten minutes. I had t wait fr anther flight t Singapre. Unfrtunately after I waited fr three hurs in the airprt, the airline cancelled that flight. I finally gt n a flight t Singapre, but because f bad weather my plane landed in Bangkk airprt. We had t sit in the plane at Bangkk airprt. It tk ff again three hurs later and I finally arrived in Singapre 12 hurs later.
    Step IV Prnunciatin
    T: D yu knw wrd stress in sentences? Generally speaking, wrd stress means in a sentence, sme wrds are stressed and the thers are nt stressed. Fr example, nuns, verbs and adjectives are usually stressed in a sentence, but prnuns, articles and prepsitins are nt stressed in a sentence. Nw listen t the tape and underline the wrds which are stressed.
    The Ss listen and underline the wrds.
    T: Nw read after the tape and pay special attentin t wrd stress.
    Step V Functin
    Let the Ss read the cnversatin between a ticket inspectr and a passenger n a train. Then answer the questins in Activity 2 n P25. After that, use plite expressins t rewrite the cnversatin.
    T: Turn t P24, read the cnversatin. / Nw wuld yu please turn t P24 and read the cnversatin? Any difference between the tw expressins I just used? Which sunds mre plite and friendly?
    Ss: The secnd expressin sunds mre plite and friendly.
    T: Yu are right. Dn’t frget t use plite expressins when yu talk t thers. Nw wuld yu please read the cnversatin between a ticket inspectr and a passenger n a train? After yu read it, discuss the questins in Activity 2.
    A few minutes later.
    T: Wh wuld like t answer the first questin?
    S1: Let me try. He is very rude and implite.
    T: The secnd questin?
    S2: We may use expressins such as “May I have yur ticket please?” t change it.
    T: Yu are right. There are many ther expressins that can be used t express pliteness. Lk at the expressins in Activity 3. Use them t rewrite the cnversatin between the ticket inspectr and the passenger.
    A sample dialgue:
    Ticket inspectr: Excuse me, culd I see yur ticket?
    Passenger: Pardn?
    Ticket inspectr: Wuld yu mind shwing me yur ticket?
    Passenger: I’m srry, I dn’t understand.
    Ticket inspectr: Wuld yu mind if I saw yur ticket?
    Passenger: Oh, here yu are.
    Ticket inspectr: I’m very srry but this is an ld ticket.
    Passenger: Pardn?
    Ticket inspectr: The fact is that it’s ut f date. It’s a mnth ld.
    Passenger: Oh, srry, that’s the ticket I used last week.
    Ticket inspectr: Where’s yur ticket?
    Passenger: Here it is.
    Ticket inspectr: Right.
    T: Nw, lk at Activity 4, make the cnversatin lnger by using mre f the questins listed belw. Wrk in pairs. One pair will be asked t act ut yur cnversatin.
    A sample cnversatin:
    Passenger: Is it pssible t pen the windw? I need sme fresh air.
    Ticket inspectr: Sure, let me d it.
    Passenger: Wuld yu mind telling me where I change t get t the nearest airprt?
    Ticket inspectr: Yu may get ff at next statin and take the bus there.
    Passenger: Thank yu very much.
    Ticket inspectr: Yu are welcme. Enjy the rest f the day!
    Step VI Everyday English
    Fr Everyday English, enable the Ss t learn the ways f respnding t a speaker and shwing interest in cnversatin. Then let them cmplete the cnversatin in Activity 2 n P28 with the expressins in the bx.
    T: We have listened t an interview with a mvie actress. In the interview, the speakers used the expressins in the bx. D yu remember? Why des the interviewer use these expressins? Anybdy?
    S1: In my pinin, the first expressin is a friendly way f intrducing a questin, while the ther three are ways f respnding t Mary’s answers.
    T: What abut Mary? Why des she use these expressins?
    S2: Mary uses the expressins t shw that she is very enthusiastic.
    T: Exactly. Nw finish Activity 2 n P28.
    Check the answers with the whle class after the Ss finish it.
    Step VII Hmewrk
    D Exercises 4 and 5 n P80.
    Preview the Reading: My First Ride n a Train.
    The Secnd Perid Reading
    Teaching gals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    abandned, desert, clrful, farm, fields, seaside, sil, diamnd, midnight, scenery, sht, jurney, get ut f, be shrt fr, refer t
    b. 重点句式 P23
    We gt n in ... and we gt ff in ..., right in the middle f Australia.
    We saw abandned farms which were...
    During the day, I sat and lked ut f ..., and smetimes talked t...
    2. Ability gals 能力目标
    Enable the Ss t describe the first ride experience in their life.
    3. Learning ability gals 学能目标
    Help the Ss learn hw t express the first ride experience in their life.
    Teaching imprtant pints 教学重点
    Deal with the questins in Activity 4 n P24.
    Teaching difficult pints 教学难点
    Enable the Ss t find the clues f the writer’s first ride n a train.
    Teaching methds 教学方法
    Asking and answering activity, reading and discussing.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A tape recrder, a prjectr and a cmputer.
    Teaching prcedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Revisin
    Greet the class as usual and check the hmewrk.
    Step II Lead-in
    T: As we knw, with the develpment f turism, travel becmes very cnvenient and it has becme a very imprtant part in peple’s life. Many peple travel everywhere during the hliday. Tday I’ll take yu t a beautiful cuntry — Australia.
    Shw the pictures abut Australia n the screen. Ask the Ss t say ne r tw sentences abut Australia. Then ask them sme questins abut Australia.
    T: Bys and girls nw please lk at the three pictures and say smething abut Australia.
    S1: Australia lies in the Suth Pacific Ocean.
    S2: The flag shws the UK flag and a large star with seven pints. The ther stars n the flag represent the Suthern Crss.
    S3: Australia is the nly cuntry in the wrld that cvers an entire cntinent.
    S4: The mst famus animal is the Kangar. It has becme the symbl f Australia.
    S5: Australia has mre sheep than peple, s it is a cuntry built n the backs f sheep.
    T: Quite right. Nw I’d like yu t answer the fllwing questins n the screen. After answering these questins, yu’ll learn mre abut Australia.
    Shw the fllwing questins n the screen:
    1. Hw many peple live in Australia?
    2. What’s the capital city f Australia?
    3. Where d yu think mst f the Peple live, in the central part f the cuntry r n the cast?
    4. What d yu think the central part f the cuntry is like?
    5. What Australian animals d yu knw abut?
    Sample answers:
    1. Abut 19 millin. Mst f Australians live in the six majr cities arund the cast.
    2. The capital city f Australia is Canberra.
    3. Because tw thirds f the cuntry is dry and desert, mst f the peple live n the cast.
    4. I think there are many farms in the central part f the cuntry, where farmers raise sheep and cattle.
    5. In Australia, the mst famus animals are kangars and kala bears. There are als many varieties f parrts, and ver 140 different types f snakes.
    Step III Reading
    T: Befre we read the text, let’s lk at the wrds in Activity 2 n P22. Match sme f the wrds in the bx with the 6 definitins. If yu are nt sure, yu can turn t yur dictinary fr help.
    Check the answers after the Ss finish it.
    T: Lk at the picture n P23. Where is the train heading? And where des the stry take place? Nw read the passage quickly and get a general idea abut it.
    A few minutes later.
    T: What’s the passage abut?
    S1: It’s abut Alice’s traveling t the central part f Australia. It was her first ride n a lng-distance train. She described her jurney and the scenery she saw n the way.
    T: Yu are quite right. Nw please read the text again and find the answers t the questins in Activity 4 n P24.
    Sample answers:
    1. Recently Alice traveled n a lng-distance train.
    2. Her destinatin was the central part f Australia.
    3. The scenery was nt the same during the whle jurney. Fr the first few hundred kilmeters f the jurney, the scenery was clrful; after that, it was desert; and then they saw abandned farms which were built lng time ag.
    4 She read bks and listened t her Chinese cassettes while she was n the train.
    5. The Australians used camels t travel t the central part f the cuntry.
    6. They dn’t use camels t deliver gds nw. They use railway instead.
    T: All f yu did a gd jb. D yu still remember the passage we heard in last perid? It was abut the man’s first lng-distance flight.
    Ss: Yes. The man in the passage came acrss many kinds f bad things n the way t Singapre frm the very beginning t the end. When he finally reached the destinatin, it was l2 hurs later. S he felt the jurney was very bring.
    T: Very gd. Fr tday’s reading passage, what did the writer think f her first jurney? Did she enjy herself during the jurney?
    Ss: The writer’s name is Alice Thmpsn. She thught her first train ride was wnderful. S she had a gd time during the jurney.
    Step IV Listening and Explanatin
    This prcess is meant t imprve the Ss’ prnunciatin and slve sme language pints.
    T: We have gt the general understanding f the passage. Nw I’ll play the tape fr yu, listen carefully and imitate the prnunciatin, and at the same time, pay attentin t the sentences that yu dn’t understand.
    Walk arund the classrm t see if the Ss need help.
    T: D yu have any questins?
    S: I dn’t understand this sentence “Suddenly, it lks like a place frm anther time”.
    T: This sentence means suddenly, it lks as if the place changed int anther place frm anther time. Here “lk like” means having the appearance f sb r sth. Fr example: It lks like rain. Or we can say: It lks as if it is ging t rain.
    Let the Ss pay attentin t the different usages f lk. Shw the fllwing n the screen.
    She lked but saw nthing.
    She lked at the actr curiusly.
    Wh lked after the baby when her mther was wrking?
    Mrs Li lked arund the classrm t see wh was absent.
    Father lked in the newspaper t see what was n at the Peple’s Grand Hall.
    The traveler lked int the distance and finally saw a car cming.
    Lking int the future, we are full f cnfidence.
    Why are yu lking ut f the windw frm time t time?
    What are yu lking fr?
    We are lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    Why are yu always lking back? Lk frward and yu will have a much better life.
    She lks cheerful and healthy.
    S: We ate great meals cked by experts. What des “great” here mean?
    T: “Great” here means “delicius”. Fr example: Yesterday they ate a great meal cked by their mther.
    S: Can yu tell me what’s the difference between “be shrt fr” and “be shrt f”?
    T: “Be shrt fr” means serving as an abbreviatin f sth. While “be shrt f” means nt having much r enugh f sth; lacking sth. Fr example:
    “Ben” is usually shrt fr “Benjamin”. China is shrt f arable land. Are yu clear?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Any questins?
    Ss: N.
    T: OK. S much fr language pints. Next, wh wuld like t summarize the writing style f the passage?
    S: I will try. I think this passage is a travel nte. At the beginning f the passage, the writer tells when and where their travel tk place, and then she describes the scenery all the jurney, and at last she explains the rigin f Ghan train and means f transprt fr traveling a lng distance in the past.
    Step V Discussin
    In this prcess, divide the Ss int fur grups, ne questin fr tw grups. Shw the tw questins n the screen.
    1. What srt f peple d yu think travel n the Ghan train?
    2. What kind f twns and villages d yu think the train passed?
    T: Nw, bys and girls, are yu ready fr discussing the tw questins n the screen? Questin 1 fr Grup 1 and Grup 2.
    S1: We think yung students wh are having a hliday travel n the Ghan train. They like traveling n the train. On the ne hand, as students, they dn’t have enugh mney. Traveling n a train is much cheaper than traveling n a plane. On the ther hand, traveling n a train is relatively safer than traveling n ther vehicles.
    S2: In ur pinin, a grup f Chinese turists travel n the Ghan train. They want t see Australia. On the train they can enjy the clrful scenery n the way. Besides, traveling n the train is very cmfrtable and they can als talk t ther passengers n the train t imprve their spken English.
    T: Very gd. Questin 2 fr Grup 3 and Grup 4.
    S3: We cnsider that the twns and villages the train passed are wild, because the central part f Australia is desert and there are n peple living there.
    S4: We dn’t agree with them. In ur pinin, maybe sme villages and twns are abandned, but these shuld be in the middle. Alice travels frm Sydney, which is n the cast. S there must be prsperus twns and villages n the way.
    T: All f yu did a gd jb. Maybe sme students have different ideas. That’s OK. Yu may search n the Internet t get mre infrmatin after class. Traveling is t experience and t learn mre abut ther parts f the wrld and peple wh are leading a quite different life. Turism, as ne f the mst prmising industries in the 21st century, prvides peple with great pprtunities t see everything all ver the wrld. It has becme a lifestyle fr sme peple, and the glbal travel has put it in the spt light. One day when yu have the chance t travel abrad, dn’t frget t write a travel nte, and share it with yur classmates.
    Step VI Hmewrk
    1. Retell the passage in 100 wrds, using the third persn frm.
    2. Find the sentences which cntain the -ed frm in the passage.
    The Third Perid Grammar
    Teaching gals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    abandned, recently, midnight
    b. 语法
    The -ed frm and past tense time expressins.
    2. Ability gals 能力目标
    Enable the Ss t learn the -ed frm used as adjective and past tense time expressins.
    3. Learning ability gals 学能目标
    Help the Ss learn hw t use the -ed frm as adjective and past tense time expressins.
    Teaching imprtant pints 教学重点
    Explain the -ed frm used in the passage.
    Teaching difficult pints 教学难点
    Help the Ss learn hw t use the -ed frm thrugh practice.
    Teaching methds 教学方法
    Explaining and practicing.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A prjectr and a cmputer.
    Teaching prcedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Revisin
    T: Gd mrning / afternn, class! Yesterday we learned a passage abut My First Ride n a Train. Nw I’d like yu t retell the passage. Wh’d like t have a try?
    S: Let me try. Alice Thmpsn, wh cmes frm Sydney, had her first ride n a lng-distance train. Her destinatin was Alice Springs, right in the middle f Australia. The train was wnderful and the fd was great. She enjyed different scenery n the way. She was very excited and quite enjyed the jurney. During the jurney, she als learned sme knwledge. She knew why the train was called the Ghan and that camels used t be the main means f transprt fr traveling a lng distance in the past.
    T: Quite gd. Nw please shw me the sentences that cntain the -ed frm in the passage.
    S: We ate great meals cked by experts.
    We saw abandned farms which were built mre than a hundred years ag.
    Trained camels carried fd and ther supplies.
    T: Very gd. In this perid, we’ll learn a new grammar — the -ed frm used as adjective.
    Step II The -ed frm
    Shw the abve three sentences n the screen.
    T: Nw lk at these three sentences n the screen. Trained, abandned and cked are adjectives, but they are als past participles f verbs. What are the infinitives f the verbs?
    S: Train, abandn and ck.
    T: Lk at the rder f these wrds. The first ne is nun + adjective. What is the wrd rder f the ther tw wrds?
    S: They are bth adjective + nun.
    T: Why are they different? Why is it “meals cked by experts” and nt “cked meals by experts”? Any ideas?
    Ss: N.
    T: Dn’t wrry. I’ll explain it t yu. When we use past participle as attribute, if it is a single wrd, we put it befre the nun, but if this wrd is fllwed by sme phrases such as adverbial phrases r prepsitinal phrases etc., we put it behind the nun. Are yu clear?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: I’ll give yu mre sentences. Lk at the fllwing sentences n the screen. Find ut the similarities and differences between them.
    Shw the fllwing sentences n the screen.
    1. a. Trained students wn the match.
    b. Students trained by Mr Ga wn the match.
    2. a. This is the finished hmewrk.
    b. This is the hmewrk finished by Li Kang.
    3. a. I saw a painted new huse in the distance.
    b. I saw a new huse painted white in the distance.
    S: In the “a” sentences, the -ed frm: trained, finished and painted are all put befre nuns. In the “b” sentences, all f the -ed frm are put behind nuns, because they are fllwed by phrases.
    T: Yu are right. Nw try t give mre sentences with the -ed frm.
    Ss: Let’s g t the bkstre pened last mnth.
    I dn’t like t g t supermarkets crwded with shppers.
    The three injured students were sent t hspital.
    Tm can’t g t schl because f his brken leg.
    T: Yu did a gd jb. Let’s d mre practice. Turn t P79, and finish Exercises 1 and 2.
    After a while, check the answers with the whle class.
    T: Nw lk at the screen, cmpare the -ed frm with the -ing frm f verbs.
    Shw the fllwing practice n the screen.
    a. The man disturbing the ther wrkers is called James Smith.
    The man disturbed by the ther wrkers is called James Smith.
    b. The teenagers discussing the event in the TV talk shw were all schl
    The teenagers discussed in the TV talk shw were all schl children.
    c. The driver infrming us f the accident quit his jb a week later.
    The driver infrmed f the accident quit his jb a week later.
    d. I had already met the man interviewing me befre I came here.
    I had already met the man interviewed by the bss befre I came here.
    e. D yu happen t knw the hst presenting the prfessr?
    D yu happen t knw the hst presented by the prfessr?
    Let the Ss cmpare the differences by translating them int Chinese.
    T: One mre practice fr yu. Translate the fllwing Chinese phrases int English using the past participle frm f verbs.
    Shw the fllwing n the screen.
    A. 一本受到好评的书籍B. 一头落入陷阱的动物
    C. 一条参考答案D. 一次徒劳的旅行
    E. 一个男女生混合组 F. 一个分裂的国家
    G. 一尊雕像H. 一条洪水淹没的街道
    I. 一块犁过的田地J. 一次有导游的旅行
    Sample answers:
    A. a valued bk B. a trapped animal
    C. a suggested answerD. a wasted jurney
    E. a mixed grup F. a divided cuntry
    G. a carved figureH. a flded street
    I. a plughed fieldJ. a guided trip
    Step III Past tense time expressins
    In the prcess, ask the Ss t read My First Ride n a Train again and find past tense time expressins, then finish Activity 2 in Grammar 2 n P27 and Exercise 3 n P80.
    T: Nw let’s g back t My First Ride n a Train again and list the past tense time expressins in it.
    Several minutes later.
    T: Have yu finished? Wh’d like t write them n the blackbard? Vlunteer?
    A student writes the fllwing expressins n the blackbard.
    During the day ... One night ... At (abut) midnight ... A lng time ag ... A hundred and fifty years ag ... In 1925...
    T: These expressins are used when we describe past experiences. Nw turn t P27 and cmplete the sentences in Activity 2 with similar time expressins.
    Check the answers after the Ss finish it. Then let them d Exercise 3 n P80 and check the answers.
    Step IV Hmewrk
    1. Make five sentences cntaining the -ed frm.
    2. Write a shrt passage, using past tense time expressins.
    The Furth Perid Writing
    Teaching gals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    cinema, circus, seaside, stadium, frighten, kindergarten, theatre, unusual, fantastic, wnderful, ride a bicycle, see a film, learn t draw, play sprts, read cmic bks, meet best friends
    b. 重点句式
    I saw ... fr the first time when I ... P26
    I remember the day ... P26
    I will never frget my first visit t ... P26
    It was the best trip I can remember! P84
    The first time I ... was when I ... P84
    2. Ability gals 能力目标
    Enable the Ss talk abut their childhd memries.
    Enable the Ss t write a passage abut an unusual travel experience.
    3. Learning ability gals 学能目标
    Help the Ss learn hw t write a paragraph abut a past jurney r trip.
    Teaching imprtant & difficult pints 教学重点和难点
    Enable the Ss t use past time expressins in their writing.
    Teaching methds 教学方法
    Reading, speaking and guided writing.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A recrder, a prjectr and a cmputer.
    Teaching prcedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Greeting and Revisin
    T: Gd mrning / afternn, bys and girls. First shw me yur sentences with the -ed frm, please. Any vlunteer?
    S: a. The telegram sent by my sister brught me the gd news.
    b. They are experienced editrs in English Weekly.
    c. Sme used textbks were given t the children in the cuntryside.
    d. The articles printed by Li Ming are excellent.
    e. Ten husewives interviewed abut the prduct said they liked it.
    T: Very gd. Nw let’s check the ther hmewrk. I’ll ask sme f yu t present yur passages t the class.
    Ss: ...
    A sample versin:
    A few days ag, I traveled by bus t meet a friend f mine wh nw lives in anther city. That mrning, I gt up very early and after having a wash, I hurried t the bus statin. Luckily, there were still sme seats left. I bught the ticket and seated myself in the bus. I listened t my MP3 and expected the bus t start. At last, the bus was n its way. I lked ut f the windw and enjyed the scenery n the way. Smetimes, I talked with ther passengers abut the changes taking place in these years. After abut tw and a half hurs, I reached my destinatin. I said gdbye t thers and gt ff the bus.
    Step II Reading and Speaking
    Let the Ss read 5 peple’s childhd memries and tell whether their memries are happy r unhappy?
    T: Childhd has been part f ur memries. D yu still remember things that happened when yu were little bys and girls? Yur first day at kindergarten? Yur first experience in a z? Nw turns t P26, here are 5 peple’s childhd memries. Let’s share their stries.
    After a few minutes.
    T: What d yu think f their childhd? Are these memries all happy r unhappy?
    S: The first ne is unhappy and the rest are all happy memries.
    T: Right. Nw wrk in pairs and tell each ther abut the first time yu did ne f the activities n P25, VOCABULARY. Yu may als refer t the places abve.
    The Ss talk t each ther abut their first experiences.
    Step III Writing
    T: Just nw, we talked abut ur first experiences. Nw turn t P27, lk at the tpics in WRITING, I’ll shw yu a sample abut ne f the tpics. Then chse ne tpic and write a paragraph abut it. Befre yur writing, prepare yurself fr the fllwing questins. They may help yu with yur writing. 15 minutes fr yu.
    Where and when did yu g?
    Hw did yu travel there?
    Wh did yu g with?
    What did yu d there and what did yu see there?
    Did yu enjy the trip r jurney?
    Sample versin 1:
    My First Family Hliday
    The first family hliday I can remember was when I was five. We all went t Dalian fr ur hliday. At six ’clck in the mrning, we went t the railway statin and tk a train t Dalian. It tk us six hurs t get there.
    When we gt there, we first settled in a htel. Then we went ut t lk fr a restaurant t have a meal. The next mrning, we tk a bus t the seaside. My parents went swimming while I played n the beach with buckets and spades. At lunchtime, we ate marine fd by the seaside. At night, we went t the entertainment rm.
    We all had a lvely hliday and didn’t want t g hme frm ur first hliday. Then my parents prmised me we wuld have mre hlidays.
    Sample versin 2:
    My First Train Ride
    Last summer hliday my parents and I went t Qingda by train. Early in the mrning that day we went t the supermarket and bught a lt f drinks and fd because the things n the train are very expensive. Then we tk a taxi t the railway statin. At abut 8:30 we gt n the train. The train was cmfrtable. On the train sme passengers were playing cards, sme were talking and sme were walking arund. I even saw a freigner talking with a Chinese student t practice his Chinese. I sat near the windw and a pretty girl sat ppsite me. After a while we knew each ther well and we talked happily. I smetimes lked ut f the windw and enjyed the scenery n the way. After a lng time I fell very tired, s I fell asleep with the sund f “click, click”.
    At abut 8:00 pm we gt t Qingda, where we had a gd time. But I will never frget my first train ride, which was very cmfrtable and exciting.
    Sample versin 3:
    The Mst Unusual Jurney
    Last mnth, ur class made a jurney t visit Martyrs’ Tmbs n the tp f Niu Tuzhai. That was the mst unusual jurney I’ve made in my life.
    That mrning, ur headmaster gathered the whle class at the gate f schl and tld us sme rules when we gt there. It tk us 20 minutes t walk there. When we gt t the bttm f the muntain, the guide first explained the deeds that the martyrs did during the war, then he guided us t visit the exhibitin f tls which the martyrs had used and sme phts during the war. After that we went t the tp f the muntain, where there were tmbs. In frnt f the tmbs is a twer, which is nearly 20 meters high. The natives called it “the Key Twer” because it lks like a key.
    In the evening, we went back t ur schl. Althugh we felt tired, we learned a lt frm this unusual jurney. All f us felt we must value ur happy life.
    Sample versin 4:
    The Best Jurney f My Life
    I have made a lt f jurneys in my life. But the jurney t a frest t study the wildlife is the best jurney in my life.
    Last Mnday ur class went n an rganized trip t a frest t study the wildlife. We traveled by bus. It tk us tw and a half hurs t get t the frest. When we arrived, we were given printed questin papers. We had t fill in the answers.
    The purpse f this trip was t recrd all the wildlife and plants that we culd find in the frest. The gate int the frest was pen, s we entered it. We all started t lk fr new types f plants. At nn all f us had fund sme new plants. After we had ur picnic lunch in the frest, we all went ff separately t lk fr new plants. At 5:00 we started walking back t the entrance t the frest. All f us felt happy.
    Step IV Hmewrk
    Finish Exercises 16 and 17 n P84.
    The Fifth Perid Extensive Reading
    Teaching gals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    dwntwn, Transrapid Maglev, rail, track, suvenir, reach a speed f ..., at a speed
    b. 重点句式
    Traveling at a speed ver 400 kilmeters per hur, the train can cmplete the 30-kilmeter jurney in eight minutes. P29
    2. Ability gals 能力目标
    Enable the Ss t learn abut the Transrapid Maglev train in the wrld.
    Enable the Ss t learn abut an unusual jurney made by Chris Jnes.
    3. Learning ability gals 学能目标
    Enable the Ss t tell the differences between a magnetically levitated train and an rdinary train.
    Teaching imprtant & difficult pints 教学重点和难点
    The advantages f traveling n a Maglev train.
    Teaching methds 教学方法
    Task-based reading.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A recrder, a prjectr and a cmputer.
    Teaching prcedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Revisin
    Check the hmewrk.
    A sample versin:
    The first time I went away frm hme withut my parents was when I was fifteen, when I graduated frm my Junir Middle schl. I went n a hliday t Sichuan with my friends.
    On the first day we gt up at five ’clck. First, we went t Leshan, where we climbed all the way up t the muntain t see the Buddha. The Buddha was really very big: taller than the highest building in ur village. Lking up at the large head and dwn at the large feet made us feel s small. Wei Bin tk phts f us standing in frnt f the Buddha.
    The next mrning, we climbed Munt Emei. There were many ld temples and the frest n the muntain that was very beautiful. The wild mnkeys were the mst exciting things n Munt Emei. They were nt afraid f peple at all. In a secnd they wuld cme t yu and tuch yu. The mnkeys really liked t tuch my hair. Xia Hua tk a pht f a mnkey which was sitting n my head. The mnkeys lked gentle, but they culd be very naughty. A small mnkey suddenly put its hand in Xia Hua’s pcket. Wei Bin tk ut sme peanuts and it was fun t see the mnkey eat frm his hand.
    Finally, twards evening we were n the way back t Chengdu. We were all tired and slept n the bus, but ur trip t Sichuan was really unfrgettable.
    Step II Lead-in
    T: In this mdule, we have talked a lt abut ne’s first train ride r jurney. Hw t travel has becme a ht tpic nwadays. Sme peple like t travel by train, because it is safe and cheap. Sme peple like t travel by plane, because it is fast and cmfrtable, and still sme like t travel by bus because it is cnvenient. Tday I’ll intrduce a new train t yu. This train has n wheels and n engine. It’s fast and clean and it desn’t make any nise. Maybe ne day yu will travel by it.
    D yu knw what I am talking abut? Nw please turn t P29, yu will get the answer after yu read the passage.
    Step III Cultural Crner
    T: Nw read the passage and answer the questins abve it. Yu may discuss with yur partners.
    Several minutes later, the Ss reprt their answers t the class.
    Sample answers:
    1. First f all, the Maglev train is faster than an rdinary train. It is a high-speed train. Secnd, it has n wheels and n engine, it travels between tw magnets, but an rdinary train has wheels in a vacuum and it must use engine t start. Third, the Maglev train causes less pllutin than an rdinary train.
    2. A Maglev train travels very quickly and quietly. N rails and n nise.
    T: Next time when yu visit Shanghai, dn’t frget t have a try n a Maglev train.
    Step IV Reading
    T: We knw many different means f transprt. Usually we travel by train, by plane, by bus, and smene travels by bike. Can yu imagine a travel n an elephant? What will it be like?
    S: That must be fantastic! I wuld like t have a try if pssible.
    T: Smene already did it. He is Chris Jnes. Nw let’s share his experiences. Please turn t P82. First lk at the picture and the title, predict what it is abut. Wrk in grups and discuss it.
    S: I think it is abut Chris’ first ride n an elephant.
    T: Where d yu think this stry takes place?
    S: In India, I guess, because there are many elephants in India. Lcal peple always ride n them.
    T: Yu are right. It is an unusual jurney that happened in India. Nw read the passage and finish Exercises 8 and 9.
    After the Ss finish them, check the answers with the whle class.
    Step V Hmewrk
    T: Finish TASK n P30 accrding t the instructins and summarize what yu have learnt in this mdule.
    附 件
    I. 课文注释与疑难解析
    1. Recently I had my first ride n a lng-distance train.
    The Transrapid Maglev is the wrld’s first high-speed train using magnetic
    levitatin technlgy.
    注意lng-distance 和 high-speed 的表达法,这是由adjective + nun 构成的复合形容词。类似的有:full-time 全日制的,secnd-hand 二手的,first-rate 一流的,high-class 高级的,large-scale 大规模的。
    2. They tried riding hrses, but the hrses didn’t like the ht weather and sand.
    注意try 的不同用法:
    try ding sth ... 试着干某事
    try t d sth ... 设法干某事
    eg. They tried t catch the bus, but they didn’t.
    We shuld try t make everything ready befre the teacher cmes.
    The students tried ding the experiment the ther way.
    Try teaching these wrds in a meaningful cntext, and I guess it wuld be better.
    3. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.
    1) until的不同用法:
    They stayed in Beijing until the end f August.
    She std there until her sn walked ut f sight.
    They didn’t leave Beijing until the end f August.
    The student didn’t knw the meaning until her classmate tld her.
    2) the 1920s 20世纪20年代
    the 1840s 19世纪40年代
    the 50s 50年代
    in her 80s 在她八十多岁的时候
    4. Traveling at a speed ver 400 kilmeters per hur, the train can cmplete the 30-kilmeter jurney in eight minutes.
    at full speed, at a speed f, at the tp f ne’s speed
    II. 文化背景知识
    Means f transprtatin fr traveling
    Peple wh travel lng distances will have t decide whether they wuld prefer t g by land, sea, r air. Maybe nbdy wuld say they enjy sitting in a train fr mre than a few hurs. The train will sn get crwded and dirty. It is almst impssible t take yur mind ff the jurney. Reading may help yu kill time but sn the clicking n the rails will bring yu t sleep. During the day, sleep never lasts lng. At night, when yu really wish t g t sleep, yu find yu can hardly manage t d s. If yu are lucky t get a sleeping seat, yu spend half the night lking at the small blue light ver yur head, and when yu finally arrive at the statin, yu are s tired that yu dn’t want t leave.
    Lng car jurneys are even less pleasant, fr it is impssible even t read. On mtrways, yu can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speed, but mre ften, the great part f the jurney is spent n narrw, bumpy (不平的) rads which are crwded with traffic.
    When traveling by sea, yu have a different experience. Yu can have a walk n the bard, play games, swim, meet interesting peple and enjy gd fd, and f curse, nly when the sea is calm. If it is nt, yu are likely t get seasick, and yu will find n jurney can be wrse than that. Even if yu travel in gd weather, sea jurney takes a lng time. Few peple wuld like t spend a third f their hlidays fr the pleasure f traveling n a ship.
    Traveling by plane seems t be dangerus t sme peple, and, it is als the mst expensive f all traveling frms, thugh nthing can match with planes fr speed and cmfrt. Flying at a height f 30,000 feet, far abve the cluds, and at 500 miles an hur is a very exciting experience. The jurney is s smth that there is nthing t prevent yu frm reading r sleeping. Hwever yu decide t spend yur time, ne thing is certain: yu will arrive at yur destinatin freshly and easily. Yu will nt have t spend the next few days recvering (恢复) frm a lng and tiring jurney.
    Travel: benefit r prblem
    Peple usually travel fr many reasns. Sme are lking fr culture, and sme simply want t have their pictures taken in frnt f famus places. Hwever, mst Eurpean travelers prefer t have a sunny beach t lie n.
    Nrthern Eurpeans are willing t pay a lt f mney fr the sun because they have s little f it. Peple f cities like Lndn and Amsterdam spend much f their winters in the dark because the days are s shrt and much f the years is in the rain. This is the reasn why the Mediterranean has always attracted them. Every summer many peple travel t the Mediterranean fr their hlidays. They all cme fr the same reasn: sun!
    The huge crwds mean lts f mney fr Mediterranean cuntries. Italy’s 30,000 htels are bked withut a break every summer. And 13 millin peple camp ut n French beaches, parks and radsides.
    Spain’s lng castline attracts mre peple than anywhere else. 37 millin travelers visit there every year.
    On the ther hand, smetimes turism can als cause prblems. Fr example, t many travelers can crwd public places that are als enjyed by the natives. If travelers create t much traffic, the natives becme annyed and unhappy. They begin t dislike travelers and treat them implitely. It is imprtant t think abut the peple f the destinatin cuntry and hw turism affects them. Turism shuld als advance the health and happiness f lcal peple.
    T much turism als can be a prblem. If turism grws t quickly, peple must leave ther jbs t wrk in the turist industry. This means that ther industries f the cuntry will suffer frm this.
    Maglevs (Magnetically levitated trains)
    The principle f a Magnet train is that it flats n a magnetic field and is prpelled by a linear inductin mtr. They fllw guidance tracks with magnets. These trains are ften referred t Magnetically Levitated trains which are abbreviated t MagLev. Althugh maglevs dn’t use steel wheel n steel rail usually assciated with trains, the dictinary definitin f a train is a lng line f vehicles traveling in the same directin — it is a train.
    Hw it wrks?
    Maglev train flats abut 10mm abve the guide way n a magnetic field. It is prpelled by the guide way itself rather than an nbard engine by changing magnetic fields (see right). Once the train is pulled int the next sectin f the magnetism switches, the train is pulled n again. The electr-magnets run the length f the guide way.
    What are the advantages f Maglev?
    The primary advantage is maintenance. Because the train flats where are n cntact with the grund and therefre n need fr any mving parts. As a result, there are n cmpnents that wuld wear ut. This means in thery trains and track wuld need n maintenance at all. The secnd advantage is that because maglev trains flat, there is n frictin. Nte that there will still be air resistance. The third advantage is less nise, because there are n wheels running alng, there is n wheel nise. Hwever, nises due t air disturbance still ccur. The final advantage is speed, as a result f the three previus listed it is mre viable fr maglev trains t travel extremely fast, i.e. 500km/h r 300mph. Althugh this is pssible with cnventinal rails, it is nt ecnmically viable. Anther advantage is that the guide way can be made a lt thicker in places, e.g. after statins and ging uphill, which wuld mean a maglev culd get up t 300km/h (186mph) in nly 5km where currently takes 18km. Als greater gradients wuld be applicable.
    What are the disadvantages f Maglev?
    There are several disadvantages f maglev trains. Maglev guide paths are bund t be mre cstly than cnventinal steel railways. The ther main disadvantage is lacking in existing infrastructure. Fr example, if a high-speed line between tw cities is built, then high-speed trains can serve bth cities but mre imprtantly they can serve ther nearby cities by running n nrmal railways that branch ff the high-speed line. The high-speed trains culd g fr a fast run n the high-speed line, and then cme ff it fr the rest f the jurney. Maglev trains wuldn’t be able t d that; they wuld be limited where maglev lines run. This wuld mean it wuld be very difficult t make cnstructin f maglev lines cmmercially viable unless there were tw very large destinatins being cnnected. Of the 5,000km that TGV trains serve in France, nly abut 1,200km is high-speed line, meaning 75% f TGV services run n existing track. The fact that a maglev train will nt be able t cntinue beynd its track may seriusly hinder its usefulness.技能目标 Skill Gals
    ▲ Talk abut a trip t a turist spt
    ▲ Learn the -ed frm used as adjective
    ▲ Learn t use past tense time expressins
    ▲ Write abut ne -s experiences
    ▲ Learn t use plite expressins
    功 能 句 式
    Talking abut being plite
    Excuse me ...
    Culd I (brrw yur bike)?
    Culd I pssibly (use yur dictinary)?
    Wuld yu mind (if I sat here)?
    I’m very srry but (yu can’t change it).
    The fact is that (it’s ut f date).
    Everyday English
    Tell me ...
    Is that right?
    Oh, I see.
    词 汇
    helicpter, mtrbike, tram, distance, abandned, camel, cassette, desert, diamnd, expert, midnight, prduct, scenery, sht, sil, jurney, train, circus, seaside, stadium, frighten, interview, interviewer, event, exhausted, vacuum, rail, track
    2. 认读词汇
    eagle, kindergarten, apartment, cartn, dwntwn, ceremny, suvenir
    3. 词组
    get n, get ff, get ut f, lk ut f, pass a law, during the day, at midnight, be shrt fr, ut f date, get int, take ff, nt ... any mre, refer t
    语 法
    The -ed frm used as adjective
    Trained camels carried fd and ther supplies.
    Past tense time expressins
    During the day ... Recently ... One night ... A lng time ag ... At (abut) midnight ...
    重 点 句 子
    Recently I had my first ride n a lng-distance train.
    We gt n in Sydney and we gt ff in Alice Springs, right in the middle f Australia.
    We ate great meals cked by experts.
    The sun shne, there was n wind and there were n cluds in the sky.
    We saw abandned farms which were built mre than a hundred years ag.
    During the day, I sat and lked ut f the windw, and smetimes talked t ther passengers.
    One night, at abut midnight, I watched the night sky fr abut ne hur.

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