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    Unit 5 Into the unknown Part 1-2022版英语选择性必修第四册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)
    Unit 5 Into the unknown Part 1-2022版英语选择性必修第四册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)01
    Unit 5 Into the unknown Part 1-2022版英语选择性必修第四册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)02
    Unit 5 Into the unknown Part 1-2022版英语选择性必修第四册外研版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)03
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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Into the unknown测试题

    这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Into the unknown测试题,共11页。

    1.As we knw, the Panama (运河) has played a very imprtant rle in transprtatin.
    2.The suggestin shuld nt be (拒绝考虑) withut thinking abut it.
    3.The mummies (木乃伊) were discvered in 1881 and 1898 in tw caches in the (废墟) f Thebes, Egypt's ancient capital—mdern-day Luxr in Upper Egypt.
    4.Landing n Mars may inspire mre peple t learn abut science and a .
    5.My brther b himself in his studies when in high schl and as a result he entered his ideal university.
    crrespnd t,a series f,apply t,n tp f,deal with, at ne's peak,all the mre,fall int ruin
    1.The gvernment is taking emergency actin t the husing crisis.
    2.His success is remarkable when yu cnsider his pr perfrmance last seasn.
    3.A large number f buildings after the earthquake.
    4.As we knw, the British Empire was in the early 20th century.
    5.During the missin, Chang'e 5 accmplished firsts fr China's space prgram.
    6.My rmmates are clean, caring, and everything, respectful f privacy.
    7.The wing f a bird the arm f a man.
    8.The new tariff rates will 883 kinds f gds, including fds, medicines and infrmatin technlgy prducts.
    1.The bk that he bught yesterday explres the relatinship between (civilise) and develpment.
    2.The three newly-pened shps are all lcated in the (trpic) resrt city f Sanya.
    3.The huses n the seaward side f the rad were all ruins.
    4.The picture shws the (abandn) shpping area due t COVID-19 in dwntwn Essen, Germany.
    5.China's ecnmy has sustained its (expand) in the first tw mnths f the year.
    Extending suth frm parts f what we nw knw as Mexic int Central America, Maya civilisatin 1 (surrund) by mystery since its rediscvery in the 19th century. The Maya built 2 (impress) palaces and temples. 3 is mst extrardinary abut these cmplex structures is hw they were built withut the use f wheels, metal tls r even animal pwer. The Maya peple applied their understanding f mathematics and astrnmy 4 the Maya calendar, which was accurate t within 30 secnds per year. On tp f all this was an achievement unique in the Americas at that time—a true writing system, which cntained mre than 800 characters, with sme signs 5 (represent) syllables. It was a writing system s cmplicated that, s far, n ne has been able t interpret it 6 (cmplete).
    By 700 AD, Maya civilisatin was at its peak. Yet, within a cuple f 7 (generatin), it began t mysteriusly decline. The cities were left t be taken back by the jungle. Sme research seems 8 (indicate) that the Maya peple 9 (they) may have played a part in their dwnfall. Research als suggests that thse natural disasters may have led t the decline f the Maya. 10 the reasns are, Maya civilisatin largely disappeared within the deep jungle.
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
    (2020 河南省实验中学高二下期中,)
    The cean is ne f the mst interesting and breathtaking places n the entire planet. The cean has witnessed a variety f disappearances and ther mysteries, mst f which cannt and have nt been explained by mdern science. Here are sme interesting unslved sea mysteries f the wrld.
    USS Scrpin
    In May 1968, USS Scrpin, an American submarine, departed frm Nrflk, Virginia, n its way twards the Mediterranean. The crew had almst a decade f experience, and yet the sub disappeared and brke int pieces n the sea flr. There were 99 men abard the sub, all f whm lst their lives.
    Baltic Sea Sub
    In the later half f 2014, a mysterius vessel was sptted by Swedish citizens, many f whm described it as a Russian submarine, in the Baltic Sea. The military spent much time in investigating, but fund n sign f the mysterius sub.
    Bermeja Island
    During the 1970s, the Bermeja Island served as a bit f a marker fr Mexic and its ecnmic zne. Arund 20 years later, the island disappeared withut any sign. Alng with the island, numerus imprtant dcuments abut majr il reserves als went missing.
    Gulf f Mexic Shipwreck
    In 2001, ExxnMbil was laying the pipeline in the Gulf f Mexic when peple ran int a shipwreck arund 2,600 feet under the surface. Upn explring the shipwreck, archaelgists believed it t be a terrible spell(咒语), as smething wuld cnstantly g wrng when they went dwn t explre.
    SS Edmund Fitzgerald
    Lake Superir is s large that it behaves like an inland cean, including terrific strms. In Nvember 1975, ne such strm struck the vessel SS Edmund Fitzgerald, which was headed fr Detrit. The Fitzgerald disappeared after cmmunicatins were lst. A week later, a snar ship fund the vessel 500 feet under the water. Nbdy was fund, thugh.
    1.Why des the authr think f USS Scrpin as a mystery?
    A.Because 99 men died abard the sub.
    B.Because it lst its way twards the Mediterranean.
    C.Because the sub still sank even with the experienced crew.
    D.Because there is n infrmatin n the unknwn sub.
    2.What d Baltic Sea Sub and Gulf f Mexic Shipwreck have in cmmn?
    A.Bth are highly put n a bad spell.
    B.Bth the names f the vessels are unknwn.
    C.Bth are fund n the beach.
    D.Bth are said t be Russian vessels.
    3.Which mystery is different frm the thers?
    A.SS Edmund Fitzgerald.
    B.Bermeja Island.
    C.Gulf f Mexic Shipwreck.
    D.USS Scrpin.
    When Stephen Mills sptted a dusty ld safe (保险箱) in a museum in Canada, he thught he'd try t crack the cde (破解密码), “just like in the mvies”. But when he began turning the dial, he wasn't expecting a Hllywd ending.
    Fr years, anyne wh visited the Vermillin Heritage Museum in Alberta wuld have passed by a large, black metal bx. Staff knew it had cme frm the lng-gne Brunswick Htel and was dnated t the museum in the 1990s, but its cde and cntents remained a mystery fr decades—until Mills unexpectedly cracked the cde.
    Mills, wh lived in Frt McMurray, Alberta, was visiting the museum with his family last mnth ver a hliday weekend. As they wandered arund the exhibits with the museum guide, Tm Kibblewhite, they sptted the safe.
    Kibblewhite tld the family what he had tld all ther guests: the 900 kg black bx with a silver dial had remained clsed fr generatins. Fr years, the safe has intrigued vlunteers at the museum. The manufacturer was unable t prvide advice n hw t pen its thick dr.
    A lcksmith (锁匠) nce suggested that years f inactivity might have slwed dwn the gears(齿轮), making it inperable. But Mills, wh is a “mechanically-minded persn”, asked whether he culd give it a try. “Kibblewhite kept saying n ne had pened it and that it was a mystery what was inside,” Mills said. “I thught this wuld be a great thing t d fr a laugh fr the kids. Maybe they can find sme interesting histrical things in it—like a time capsule(时空胶囊).”
    After pressing his ear against the cl metal, he began spinning the dial. With numbers ranging frm 0 t 60, he turned clckwise (顺时针方向地) three times t 20, cunterclckwise tw times t 40, and then clckwise ne time t 60. He was astnished t hear a click. “I jumped up and tld everyne I was buying a lttery ticket (彩票),” he said.
    4.What des the underlined part in the first paragraph mean?
    A.He didn't think he wuld pen the safe.
    B.The museum trip was like a Hllywd film.
    C.He didn't want t turn the dial in the beginning.
    D.It was unbelievable fr him t win the lttery in the end.
    5.What d we knw abut the safe?
    A.The dial n the safe was brken.
    B.It is a dnatin frm a rich businessman.
    C.It has been lng clsed since it was brught t the museum.
    D.It is ne f the mst valuable exhibits ever in the museum.
    6.What's the authr's purpse in writing the text?
    A.T tell peple an interesting stry.
    B.T infrm peple hw t pen a safe.
    C.T prmte the turism f the museum.
    D.T encurage peple t learn the mechanism.
    7.What des the stry tell us?
    A.A safe is nt always that “safe”.
    B.Life is just full f surprises.
    C.Success is fr the prepared nes.
    D.Everyne can d smething great.
    Hw d languages die?
    Hw many languages d yu think there are in the entire wrld? Altgether, peple arund the wrld speak abut 6,000 languages. Des that surprise yu? 1 Tday, abut half the wrld's spken languages are endangered. Experts say that anther language becmes extinct every tw weeks.
    Hw d languages die? They die when peple stp using them. But mst peple dn't just stp speaking their native language. It's mre cmplex than that. Mre ften, they're either pressured r frced t d s. 2 They are ften pressured t speak the area's main language instead f their wn. This leads many immigrants t stp using their native language. They might nt even teach it t their children. Slwly, the native language dies ut.
    Smetimes, languages shift r develp instead f becming extinct. Have yu ever heard that Latin is a dead language? In a way, it is. N ne tday speaks Latin as their native language. 3 Peple still use Latin in many ways. Scientists use it t name plants and animals.
    4 That means the death f a language hurts peple's ability t take part in cultural traditins. They might lse access t stries and knwledge that were passed dwn fr many years. This is ne reasn why many peple tday are wrking t save dying languages.
    Hw can languages be saved? Sme yung peple learn the language f their ancestrs as adults. Linguists travel the wrld t recrd the last native speakers f dying languages. Sme native speakers write dictinaries in their languages. They d s in the hpe that future generatins will bring the languages back t life. 5
    A.There used t be many mre!
    B.Yu may have used it in schl.
    C.Languages are extremely clsely tied t culture.
    D.But that desn't mean it disappeared cmpletely.
    E.One example is when peple mve t a different cuntry.
    F.Many prgrammes als wrk t help preserve native languages and culture.
    G.There are plenty f things t d t help prtect languages.
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    4.abandned 考查形容词。句意:这张照片展示了德国埃森市中心因新冠肺炎而废弃的购物区。shpping area是名词短语,应用形容词修饰。设空处表示“被离弃的,废弃的”,故填abandned。
    5.expansin 考查名词。句意:今年前两个月,中国经济持续发展。its是形容词性物主代词,其后应用名词。故填expansin。
    Ⅳ been surrunded 考查动词的时态、语态及主谓一致。根据since its rediscvery in the 19th century可知应用现在完成时;Maya civilisatin与surrund之间为被动关系,因此用现在完成时的被动语态。主句主语是Maya civilisatin,主句谓语应用第三人称单数形式,故填has been surrunded。
    2.impressive 考查形容词。句意:玛雅人建造了令人印象深刻的宫殿和寺庙。修饰palaces and temples应用形容词,表示“令人印象深刻的”,故填impressive。
    3.What 考查名词性从句。句意:这些复杂建筑最不同寻常的地方在于,它们是如何在没有使用轮子、金属工具甚至动物力量的情况下建造的。 is mst extrardinary abut these cmplex structures为主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故填What。
    4.t 考查介词。句意:玛雅人将他们对数学和天文学的理解应用到玛雅历法中……。是固定搭配,意为“把……应用到……中”,符合句意。故填t。
    5.representing 考查现在分词。根据句子结构可知,with sme signs syllables是with的复合结构,设空处作宾语补足语,宾语sme signs和represent是逻辑上的主动关系,应用现在分词作宾补。故填representing。
    6.cmpletely 考查副词。修饰动词interpret应用副词作状语。
    7.generatins 考查名词复数。generatin是可数名词,由a cuple f修饰,应用复数形式。故填generatins。
    8.t indicate 考查不定式。句意:一些研究似乎表明,玛雅人自己可能对他们的衰败负一定责任。seem t d sth.意为“似乎做某事”。故填t indicate。
    9.themselves 考查反身代词。句意同上。分析句子结构可知,设空处作the Maya peple的同位语,表示“他们自己”,应用反身代词。they的反身代词是themselves,注意其拼写。
    10.Whatever 考查让步状语从句。分析句子结构并结合语境可知,设空处引导让步状语从句,意为“无论什么”,故填Whatever。
    Ⅰ. A
    ◎语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。海洋是整个地球上最有趣、最令人惊叹的地方之一。海洋已经见证了各种各样的神秘事件,其中大多数没有得到现代科学的解释。文章主要介绍了世界上的一些未解之谜。
    1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的The crew had almst a decade f experience, and yet the sub disappeared and brke int pieces n the sea flr.可知船员们有将近10年的经验,但这艘潜艇还是消失了,在海底变成了碎片。由此可知,作者认为“天蝎”号是一个谜是因为即使有经验丰富的船员,该潜艇还是沉没了。故选C。
    2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知2014年下半年,一艘神秘的船只在波罗的海被瑞典公民发现,其中许多人将其描述为一艘俄罗斯潜艇。根据第五段可知2001年,埃克森美孚公司在墨西哥湾铺设输油管道时,在水面下2,600英尺处遇上了一艘沉船;考古学家认为这是一个可怕的咒语,因为当他们下去探索时,总会有东西出错。由此可知,波罗的海潜艇和墨西哥湾沉船的共同之处是人们都不知道这两艘船的名字。故选B。“put n a bad spell (被施咒)”的说法只出现在对墨西哥湾沉船的探索上,A项与原文不符;墨西哥湾沉船发现于海底,C项与原文不符;文章未提及对墨西哥湾沉船国籍的推测,故D项不正确。
    3.B 推理判断题。根据第四段可知在20世纪70年代的大约20年后,Bermeja岛消失得无影无踪。由此可知Bermeja岛的谜团是关于岛屿的,而其他的谜团都是关于船只的,因此Bermeja岛的谜团与其他的不同。
    【高频词汇】 1.breathtaking adj. 惊险的;吃惊的;令人赞叹的;壮观的 2.witness vt. 目击;经历;见证 n. 目击者;证人
    3.mysterius adj. 神秘的;不可思议的 4.investigate v. 调查;研究 5.numerus adj. 为数众多的;许多 6.run int 遇到
    7.cnstantly adv. 不断地;经常地
    原句 Upn explring the shipwreck, archaelgists believed it t be a terrible spell(咒语), as smething wuld cnstantly g wrng when they went dwn t explre.
    分析 本句为主从复合句。Upn表示“一……就……”;as smething 为as引导的原因状语从句;when they went dwn t explre为when引导的时间状语从句。
    句意 考古学家一探索这艘沉船就认为这是一种可怕的咒语,因为当他们下去探索时,总会有东西出错。
    ◎语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了博物馆中的一个几十年都无法打开的保险箱竟然被游客轻易打开的故事。
    4.A 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句When Stephen Mills sptted a dusty ld safe (保险箱) in a museum in Canada, he thught he?d try t crack the cde (破解密码), “just like in the mvies”.可知,当米尔斯在加拿大的一个博物馆里发现一个满是灰尘的旧保险箱时,他想试试破解密码,“就像电影里演的那样”。再根据第二段中的until Mills unexpectedly cracked the cde可知,米尔斯意外破解了密码。由此可知,画线部分(他没指望会有个好莱坞式的结局)指的是他没有想到自己会破解密码,打开保险箱。故选A。
    5.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的Staff knew it had cme frm the lng-gne Brunswick Htel and was dnated t the museum in the 1990s, but its cde and cntents remained a mystery fr decades—until Mills unexpectedly cracked the cde.可知,这个保险箱来自消失已久的不伦瑞克酒店,在20世纪90年代被捐赠给了这个博物馆,但它的密码和里面的东西几十年来一直是个谜,直到米尔斯意外破解了密码。由此可知,自从它被带到博物馆很长时间以来一直都是关闭着的。故选C。由上述内容可知,保险箱密码未被破坏,故A项不正确;文中未提及保险箱的捐赠者,也未说其是这家博物馆最珍贵的展品之一,故B、D两项不正确。
    6.A 推理判断题。文章主要讲述了一位游客意外打开了博物馆中的一个很长时间都无法打开的保险箱。由此可推断,作者写本文就是为了给我们讲述一个有趣的故事。故选A。文章不是侧重告诉读者如何打开保险箱,也不是为了促进博物馆的旅游或鼓励人们学习机械知识,故B、C、D项不正确。
    7.B 主旨大意题。根据第二段中的Staff cde and cntents remained a mystery fr decades—until Mills unexpectedly cracked the cde.可知,该保险箱的密码和里面的东西几十年来一直是个谜,直到米尔斯意外破解了密码;再结合文章主要讲述了博物馆中的一个几十年都无法打开的保险箱竟然被游客意外打开的故事可推断出,文章告诉我们生活充满了惊喜。故选B项。
    【高频词汇】 1.spt v. 发现,看见,注意到;玷污 n. 地点;场所;污点;斑点 2.dnate v. 捐赠 3.unexpectedly adv. 意外地
    4.wander vi. 漫步;闲逛;徘徊 vt. 漫步于 n. 漫游;徘徊;闲逛 5.slw dwn 使减速;放慢速度
    原句 Kibblewhite kept saying n ne had pened it and that it was a mystery what was inside...
    分析 本句为主从复合句。n ne had pened it和that it was a mystery what was inside是宾语从句,作saying的并列宾语;第二个宾语从句中it是形式主语,what was inside是what引导的主语从句,作真正的主语。
    句意 Kibblewhite一直说没人打开过它,里面是什么是个谜……
    Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了语言消亡的原因、语言消亡对文化传承的冲击和人们为保护语言和文化所做的努力。
    1.A 根据前文Altgether, peple arund the wrld speak abut 6,000 languages. Des that surprise yu?可知此处是说世界上的语言很多。根据后文Tday, abut half the wrld?s spken languages are endangered.(今天,世界上有大约一半的口头语言濒临灭绝。)再结合选项可推断A项“以前有更多!”切合文意,讲过去的口头语言种类更多。A项中的mre与前文意思衔接,且A项是感叹句,与前文的问句连用起强调作用,突出口头语言种类之多。故选A。
    2.E 根据前文Mre ften, they?re either pressured r frced t d s.可知此处是说人们被迫停止说母语。根据后文They are ften pressured t speak the area?s main language instead f their wn.(他们经常被迫说当地的主要语言而不是自己的语言。)可知,后文是人们被迫停止说母语的一个例子,再结合选项可推断E项“一个例子是当人们搬到一个不同的国家时。”切合文意,与后文人们被迫说当地的语言讲的是同一件事,讲了当人们搬到一个不同的国家时,他们被迫放弃自己的母语。E项中的a different cuntry与空后的the area对应,故选E。
    3.D 根据前文N ne tday speaks Latin as their native language.(现在没有人说拉丁语作为母语)和后文Peple still use Latin in many ways.(人们仍然在很多方面使用拉丁语。)再结合选项可知,空处是讲拉丁语并没有完全消失。D项(但那并不意味着它完全消失了。)和前文“现在没有人说拉丁语作为母语”构成转折关系,对应表转折的连词but,D项中的disappeared cmpletely与前文N ne tday speaks Latin对应,D项中的it指的是Latin,所以选项D切合文意。故选D。
    4.C 设空处位于句首,推测是本段的中心句。后文That means the death f a language hurts peple?s ability t take part in cultural traditins.(那意味着一种语言的消亡会损害人们参与文化传统的能力。)是对设空处的解释。根据空后一句并综合全段来看,本段讲的是语言和文化的关系。选项中C项和F项提到了文化,但F项主要讲的是一些项目(prgrammes)的情况,与本段中心不符,而C项(语言与文化有着极其紧密的联系。)与后文衔接紧密,讲的是语言和文化的关系,能够概括本段段意。故选C。
    5.F 根据段首句Hw can languages be saved? 并综合全段内容可知本段讲的是拯救语言的方法。本段提到了几组人(Sme yung peple、Linguists、Sme native speakers)为拯救语言做出的努力。结合选项可知F项(许多项目也致力于保护当地语言和文化。)符合本段主旨,也是人们的一种拯救语言的做法,与前边的几种做法并列。故选F。本题易错选G项,G项虽然也提到了保护语言,但G项应是放在列举的做法前边的总括句,不适合作段尾句,故排除。
    【高频词汇】 1.endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的 2.extinct adj. 灭绝的;熄灭的;消亡的 3.cmplex adj. 复杂的 4.die ut 消失; 灭绝 5.access n. 机会;权利;通道 vt. 到达;进入;使用 6.pass dwn 使世代相传;流传
    Unit 5 Int the unknwn
    Part 1 Starting ut &Understanding ideas
    Ⅰ 2.dismissed 3.ruins 4.astrnmy 5.buried
    Ⅱ with 2.all the mre 3.fell int ruin 4.at its peak
    5.a series f 6.n tp f 7.crrespnds t 8.apply t
    Ⅲ 考查名词。句意:他昨天买的这本书探讨了文明和发展之间的关系。连接并列成分,develpment是名词,此处也应用名词。故填civilisatin。
    2.trpical 考查形容词。句意:新开业的这三家商店均位于热带度假城市三亚。resrt city f Sanya是名词短语,应用形容词修饰。故填trpical。
    3.in 考查固定短语。句意:马路临海一侧的房子全部沦为废墟。in ruins是固定短语,意为“成为废墟”,符合句意。故填in。
    此处易受固定短语fall int ruin(衰落,败落)影响而错填成int,两个短语的不同应分辨清楚。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 6 Space and beyond巩固练习: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 6 Space and beyond巩固练习,共10页。试卷主要包含了hw 考查状语从句等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Into the unknown巩固练习: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Into the unknown巩固练习,共6页。试卷主要包含了词数100左右;,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,      多达,高达,      比如,诸如,      迄今为止等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Into the unknown习题: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Into the unknown习题,共11页。试卷主要包含了which 考查定语从句,Being 考查现在分词,beynd 考查介词,Hwever 考查副词等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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