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    这是一份浙江省2022届高三上学期12月联考英语试卷(含听力),文件包含浙江省2022届高三上学期12月联考英语试卷doc、浙江省2022届高三上学期12月联考英语试卷mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. What des the wman mean?
    A. She didn’t g utside.
    B. She didn’t hear clearly.
    C. She didn’t see the glasses.
    2. Wh is the man speaking t?
    A. A dentist.B. His daughter.C. Mrs. Smith.
    3. Why was the man ut f wrk?
    A. He was fired because f lateness.
    B. He quit the jb wing t his health prblem.
    C. His cmpany clsed dwn due t the COVID-19.
    4. What will the wman d?
    A. Write a reprt.B. G shpping.C. G hme.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A cuntry.B. The ppulatin.C. A language.
    6. What des the man d?
    A. A car seller.B. A plice fficer.
    C. A student.
    7. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She’ll have t pay a fine.
    B. She can’t ffer the license.
    C. She just receives a warning.
    8. Why des the wman want t lse weight?
    A. T lk pretty.
    B. T stay healthy.
    C. T avid being laughed at.
    9. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Buy her a cup f cffee.
    B. Give her sme suggestins.
    C. Make a training plan fr her.
    10. What des the wman think f the man?
    A. He’s quite helpful.
    B. He’s a little wrried.
    C. He’s s surprised.
    11. What des the wman want the man t d at first?
    A. Make a decisin quickly.
    B. Drive the car n the freeway.
    C. Talk abut the price.
    12. What des the man say abut the car?
    A. Its style really appeals t him.
    B. It is a secnd-hand car with a high price.
    C. It desn’t drive smthly.
    13. Hw much shuld the man pay if he buys the car?
    A. $16,600.B. $17,800.C. $18,600.
    14. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Habits.B. Advice. C. Hbbies.
    15. What is Agatha Christie prbably?
    A. A famus writer.B. A mvie star.C. A bkseller.
    16. What des Bb suggest ding?
    A. Buying sme bks.B. Watching mvies.C. Waiting at the ffice.
    17. Where is Easter Island?
    A. In Eurpe.
    B. In America.
    C. In the sutheastern Pacific Ocean.
    18. What caused the decrease f the ppulatin?
    A. Disease.B. War.C. Earthquakes.
    19. Hw many statues are n the island?
    A. 788.B. 1100.C. 887.
    20. What has been prved abut the statues?
    A. They remain a mystery tday.
    B. They were frm anther planet.
    C. They were built by ancient peple n the island.
    阅读理解 (共两节,满分35分)
    One beautiful day, I shwed up fr wrk, where I had just been prmted. I was right in the middle f training a new girl, when my bss asked t talk t me fr a secnd. After that cnversatin, yu can effectively crss “had a gd jb” ff my cmfrtable living checklist. N warning. In fact, just the mnth befre I had received my fifth Emplyee f the Mnth award. I was speechless and s was everyne else. Seven f us were cut frm my department that day. Later, I wuld discver that there were thusands f cuts cmpanywide. I wrked at a bank. A failing ne.
    When smething like this happens t yu, it’s natural t ask why. I reviewed all my wrk accmplishments. I thught abut hw I had been a tp perfrmer every mnth since I was hired and abut hw they gave me the highest rating n my review. What had I dne wrng? What culd I have dne better?
    The truth is that smetimes we search fr a lgical explanatin in a situatin that can’t be understd. The nly way t mve past it is t have cnfidence in the jb yu did as an emplyee and understand that yu are a victim f an unfrtunate circumstance.
    Speaking f writing, with all f the extra time n my hands, I reunited with the lng lst lve f my life: writing.
    I decided t pursue writing as an actual jb. I designed a website and applied fr writing jbs. I started getting mre and mre clients. It ccurred t me that with sme hard wrk I might be able t make a living ding what I lve. S there I was, three mnths after the sky fell, thinking abut hw incredibly blessed I was. And this wuld never have happened had I nt lst smething in the first place.
    What happened t the authr that day accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. She gt an award. B. She was sclded.
    C. She gt prmted. D. She was fired.
    22. Hw did the authr feel abut her situatin in the end?
    A. Cncerned. B. Cntent. C. Amazed. D. Disappinted.
    23. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Interest Will Help Us t Find a Way
    B. If Yu Can Dream It, Yu Can D It
    C. Nthing Is Impssible t a Willing Heart
    D. When One Dr Clses, Anther Opens
    Accrding t the statistics shared by UNESCO, at least 43% f the ttal languages that are estimated as being spken acrss the wrld are in danger f extinctin. Mrever, many languages arund the wrld have less than 1,000 speakers nw. Linguists(语言学家)and researchers believe that by the end f the century, at least half f the wrld’s languages will have died. This is trublesme, given that cultural identity and languages g hand in hand.
    Language activists and peple wh speak these endangered languages are fighting back tth and nail. Scientists believe that digitizatin might be ur nly hpe t preserve sme f these quickly disappearing languages in the nline wrld.
    Fr instance, Oxfrd University Press launched Oxfrd Glbal Languages a few years ag. It is an initiative that bsts “digitally underrepresented” languages. They are fcused n prmting languages that might have clsed t a millin speakers wrldwide, yet have little r n nline presence. Therefre, they have been creating digital dictinaries as a fundamental building blck t help preserve them.
    There have been cuntless ther prjects like this with the same aim. Anther is the Rsetta Prject, which aims t create a handheld digital library that will carry mre than 1,500 languages. It will be apprpriately sized t fit nicely int ur hands, and will cme with arund 13,000 pages f infrmatin. It will als have a high life expectancy f anywhere between 2,000 and l,0000 years. Initiatives like these have as their primary bjective t ensure the preservatin f lcal languages lng after their speakers have died.
    Cuntless languages are dying every day, and they will cntinue t perish as the remaining speakers die. Of curse, we cannt merely rely n digitizatin t deal with wrldwide languages lss. Hwever, it is a step in the right directin. These digital tls ffer endangered languages many pprtunities t bunce back and survive.
    24. What des the data in paragraph 1 mainly shw?
    A. Many languages are endangered.
    B. Culture determines language evlutin.
    C. Human develpment results in fewer languages.
    D. Many linguists attempt t prtect threatened languages.
    25. What’s the purpse f Oxfrd Glbal Languages?
    A. Prmte nline curses f lcal languages.
    B. Publish paper dictinaries f glbal languages.
    C. Increase dying language speakers t a millin.
    D. Make certain languages available in a digital frm.
    26. What can we learn abut the digital library t be created by the Rsetta Prject?
    A. It is prtable but has a shrt life.
    B. It is spnsred by Oxfrd University Press.
    C. It prvides prtectin fr linguistic diversity.
    D. It cntains autmatically updated infrmatin.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best replace the underlined wrd “perish” in the last paragraph?
    A. Be enriched. B. Be lst.
    C. Be acquired. D. Be invented.
    Researchers have been lking int silicn carbide(碳化硅), a prmising alternative material fr the semicnductr (半导体) industry, fr several years nw. Size, weight and efficiency are three imprtant factrs fr pwer electrnic t fit in e-cars. Silin carbide meets all three factrs. It is mre efficient but leaves a smaller ftprint than cnventinal semicnductrs such as silicn.
    Even s, silicn carbide isn’t t be fund in any e-cars n the rad tday. This semicnductr material is still limited t research labs. T shift it frm the lab t the factry, the Si n Carbide Mdule (模块) prject has taken int cnsideratin all the cnditins f industrial prductin. The mdule's design is a gd case: researchers at the Fraunhfer IZM are basing it n the structure f the classic printed circuit bard that the industry has lng favred. This shuld speed up its first display.
    The mdule is als benefiting frm the latest scientific advances. Instead f wire-bnding the semicnductr t the package, the researchers decided t put it directly in the circuit. The team als brught the ptential custmers n bard fr this develpment effrt. In the prject’s first year, they drew up a specificatin (规格) sheet illustrating the requirements fr the mdule and semicnductr. The researchers wrked clsely with users, catering t their wishes when they determined the prduct specificatin.
    Autmakers, cmpnent suppliers and OEMS were directly invlved in the effrt t map ut the pwer-electrnic mdule’s size, layut and electrical circuits. The grup sught t make the mst f the space available in the vehicle’s pwer train. Lars Bttcher, grup leader at the Fraunhfer IZM and head f the SiC sub-prject, says, “The majr gal is t advance the new semicnductr material silicn carbide t mass prductin.”
    28. What d we knw abut silicn carbide?
    A. It is larger than silicn. B. It is still under research.
    C. It has been used in sme e-cars. D. It has been shifted t the factry.
    29. Why did researchers invite the ptential custmers t get invlved in the prject?
    A. T draw up a frmal agreement.
    B. T adjust the mdule accrdingly.
    C. T witness their effrt and success.
    D. T wire-bnd the semicnductr t the package.
    30. What was the main purpse f the grup accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. T mass-prduce silicn carbide.
    B. T change the shape f the mdule.
    C. T increase the vlume f the mdule.
    D. T expand the prductin f pwered vehicles.
    What Can We See in a Lg?
    We see hundreds f lgs n signs, vehicles, websites, and even n the clthes we wear. All f these lgs are designed t attract ur attentin. They als help us remember a prduct r service cnnected t that image. 31
    Researchers gave 85 students a simple assignment t draw the Apple lg purely frm memry. Surprisingly, nly ne student in the study culd accurately draw the lg frm memry. 32
    Researchers have develped a thery that they think might help t explain this blind spt in ur memries.
    Lgs are typically designed t be simple and easy t recgnize with a quick glance. 33
    This prcess is knwn as “attentinal saturatin (注意力饱和).” Our brains actually signal us t ignre infrmatin we dn’t think we will need t remember.
    Even thugh the brain is accustmed t ignring unnecessary details, it is als prgrammed fr recgnitin. 34 This cnstant expsure leads t smething scientists refer t as gist (梗概) memry. It means that ur brain remembers the basic idea withut all f the details. This general sense f memry has its wn benefits. In fact, familiarity with a ppular lg can even make peple feel mre cmfrtable abut purchasing r using certain prducts.
    Lgs are everywhere we lk tday. A fancy design r a thughtful clr cmbinatin may be a gd start fr a lg cncept, but there are ther factrs t cnsider. 35 A clever design may be interesting, but mst peple will frget the details—especially if ur brains have anything t say abut it.
    This may be inspiring t lg designers.
    Peple will knw the prduct behind the lg.
    S why is it s difficult fr peple t recall the details f images?
    Yet the frequent expsure t these lgs can actually make ur brains verlk them.
    When we see images such as lgs ver and ver again, we becme familiar with them.
    Lg designers need t knw that peple will nly remember what they believe is wrthwhile.
    Hwever, recently research supprts the idea that remembering what a lg lks like is a very difficult task.
    I was taking a nap(小睡) when a lud nise wke me. Outside the windw in a parking lt, a car had just 36 int a chain-link fence. The fence bent ut in exactly the 37 f the car’s back end.
    A shrt man wearing a shirt unbuttned t 38 his chest gt ut f the car, with a shaven head. I disliked him 39 . After a few secnds f 40 the damage, the man tried t 41
    that. He first attempted t pull the 42 fence back int place, but it wuldn’t mve. I tk a drink frm the glass, 43 cheering. Then he pulled against the fence’s supprt ple, which bent 44
    and was mre likely t recver. But the ple suddenly brke. I laughed ut lud this time. This was
    45 . He went back t his car. He must be ging t leave all the 46 behind fr smene else t tidy up.
    That, I thught, wuld be the 47 . But he reappeared a few minutes later with sme 48
    and gt t wrk using them. He fixed the fence, and even 49 it using a supprt bar bught frm a nearby grcery. Nw it wuld be extra 50 , strnger than befre.
    This man was actually a 51 fr me, and I was the lazy ne. My 52 assumptins were all abut myself. I wuldn’t fix that fence and wuld 53 . Years later, I still lk ut f my windw at that 54 . It still lks new. And it makes me 55 what else that man has made better, and hw I can make myself mre like him.
    36. A. backed up B. damagedC. pulled upD. went
    37. A. spt B. directinC. spaceD. shape
    38. A. expse B. hideC. prtectD. cver
    39. A. by chance B. by cntrastC. n sightD. in demand
    40. A. discvering B. preservingC. witnessingD. assessing
    41. A. prevent B. repairC. hideD. identify
    42. A. balanced B. crackedC. fixedD. ruined
    43. A. silently B. instantlyC. excitedlyD. wildly
    44. A. seriusly B. simplyC. slightlyD. easily
    45. A. unique B. surprisingC. ridiculusD. strange
    46. A. structures B. prfsC. evidenceD. chas
    47. A. intentin B. endC. planD. cst
    48. A. sticks B. tls C. helpersD. appraches
    49. A. cnstructed B. imprvedC. decratedD. updated
    50. A. secure B. beautiful C. beneficialD. cmplicated
    51. A. mdel B. menderC. masterD. vlunteer
    52. A. distinctive B. unusualC. shallwD. selfish
    53. A. leave behind B. run awayC. drp utD. turn rund
    54. A. car B. ltC. manD. fence
    55. A. questin B. dubtC. wnderD. predict
    第II卷(共 55 分)
    The Shenzhu XII spacecraft departed China’s Tiangng space statin n Thursday mrning,
    56 _(carry) three Chinese astrnauts n a jurney back t Earth, the China Manned Space Agency said.
    It said in a brief statement that the spacecraft left the statin's cre mdule(核心舱) at 8:56 am and started t rbit Earth 57 its wn. Befre their departure, the astrnauts transmitted sme experimental data back t grund cntrl and arranged materials inside the statin, the agency said. By Thursday mrning, the crew 58 (be) in space fr 91 days, almst three times lnger than the Shenzhu XI missin, 59 saw Jing Haipeng and Chen Dng spend 33 days in rbit. Shenzhu XII 60 (launch) n a Lng March 2F carrier rcket that blasted ff n June 17 frm the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in nrthwestern China. The astrnauts entered Tiangng later that day, becming 61 6first inhabitants f the statin. Their wrk was expected t enable the China Manned Space Agency 62 (accumulate) experience and check the capability, perfrmance and cmpatibility f systems invlved in the space statin prgram t prepare fr the next steps in its cnstructin.
    During the missin, the astrnauts carried ut tw extravehicular activities, r spacewalks, using a large rbtic arm and ther 63 (equip) t install and adjust devices utside the statin. They als perfrmed a number f 64 (science) experiments and technlgical tests, which laid an imprtant technical fundatin fr the fllwing manned missins. After living in the space statin cre mdule Tianhe fr 90 days, the spaceship returned as 65 (plan).
    假定你是学生会主席李华。你校和美国某中学是友好学校,对方学校邀请你校派学生参加他们即将举办的“校园文化节”。请你给负责该项目的老师Tm写一封电子邮件, 感谢邀请并询问相关事宜:
    1. 活动开始时间;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 学生住宿安排。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    I peered ver my grandma’s shulder as she sewed pieces f clth tgether. The tw pieces became ne faster than I’d imagined. The clrs, hwever, lked ugly when put tgether and nne f the patterns matched. All the patches (补丁) n this blanket seemed t disagree.
    “Grandma, that’s the ugliest quilt (棉被) I’ve ever seen.”
    “Oh, sweetie, it’s warm and beautiful,” said Grandma, pinting t a pile f crazy patterned shirts and suits. “I can take these ld clthes that Grandpa and I will never wear again and turn them int smething useful and gd. It’s nt the quilts appearance but the lve that sews it tgether that makes it beautiful. This quilt will keep yu warm n a cld night like tnight. And I knw that fr a fact.” Grandma put her hand n my shulder, “Nt everyne is as lucky as we are. Here, put n yur cat. We’ll get a secnd pinin abut hw ugly my quilts are.”
    Grandma flded a finished quilt and tucked it int a shpping bag. Afterwards, we gt in the car and drve dwntwn. The white snw turned grayer as we gt t the city. Eventually, Grandma pulled up at a dark alley (胡同) and we gt ut f the car. The terrible smell f rtting garbage made me feel sick and pinch my nse shut. Grandma tk my hand and led me t the street lamp. I culd see the snw shimmering (发出微光) in the light.
    Grandma paused. “There’s usually smebdy dwn this alley. It’s quiet and ut f the wind---a gd place t stay n cld nights. A nice warm quilt might make it even better.”
    The dark engulfed (吞没) Grandma and I as we stepped deep int the alley. The pavement was cracked and missing in spts. Chicken bnes and stained bxes littered their way. And Grandma’s shes made a lud sund with each step. Feeling frightened, I squeezed Grandma’s hand. Grandma squeezed my hand back. “It’s OK.” she smiled.
    “Wh’s there?” shuted a vice ut f the darkness.
    Paragraph 1:
    “I have a nice warm quilt, if yu want it.” said Grandma.

    Paragraph 2:
    Back hme, I fund a wrn-ut quilt by accident in a cupbard.

    1—5 BCCBA 6—10 BABBA 11—15 BBACA 16—20 ACACC

    第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分35分)
    A篇: 21--23 DBD B篇: 24--27 ADCB C篇: 28--30 BBA
    31--35 GCDEF
    36--40 ADACD 41--45 BDACC 46--50 DBBBA 51--55 ACBDC
    56. carrying 57. n 58. had been 59. which 60. was launched
    61. the 62. t accumulate 63. equipment 64. scientific 65. planned
    Dear Tm,
    I’m Li Hua, chairman f the students’ unin. I’m writing t make sme inquiries cncerning the upcming campus cultural festival.
    Firstly, n behalf f the students, I’d like t express ur heartfelt gratitude fr yur invitatin. T make better preparatins and prmte ur participatin, we’d like t knw when it starts and what specific activities are included. Mrever, culd yu please tell us what type f accmmdatin will be prvided?
    It wuld be highly appreciated if yu culd deal with my inquiries at yur cnvenience. Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    “I have a nice warm quilt, if yu want it.” said Grandma. After a while, a beam f light appeared and a lady walked ut f the darkness. Grandma pened the shpping bag and pulled ut the multiclred quilt. “That’s pretty and it lks warm.” the lady exclaimed and tk the quilt, her eyes filled with tears f gratitude. As we walked back dwn the alley, I lked ver my shulder and saw the lady hlding the quilt tightly t her face. “Yu’re right, Grandma. That is a beautiful quilt.” On ur ride back hme, the lady’s grateful wrds were still ringing in my ears.
    Paragraph 2:
    Back hme, I fund a wrn-ut quilt by accident in a cupbard. I asked Grandma curiusly, “Grandma, why is there a quilt here?” After a mment f silence, Grandma began t share her wn stry. On a freezing night decades ag, as a pr yung wman sleeping in the same alley, Grandma was ffered a quilt, which warmed her up. She was determined t pass the lve frward. That’s why Grandma sewed the ld clthes tgether and made quilts fr thse in need. After hearing the stry, I gave Grandma the biggest hug ever. I thught f all the clthes I didn’t want t wear anymre and knew what Grandma and I wuld d the next mrning.

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