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    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Ancient Civilizatins Had Game Nights T!
    Mrten Ramstad, a researcher at the University f Bergen, Nrway, and his team sptted ne f the rare bjects while unearthing the remains f an Early Irn Age (400-300 BC) burial site in Western Nrway. Burying lved nes with basic necessities like ceramic pts and clthing, t ensure their (31) _______ in the afterlife, was a fairly cmmn traditin in ancient cultures. Hwever, the families f sme lucky individuals went a step further by (32) ________ a bard game fr entertainment.
    Thugh the game bard was (33) ________, the archelgists, wh revealed their findings n April 5, 2020, managed t recver the dice(骰子)and 18 circular game pieces. Unlike the mdern-day cubical(立体的)dice, which are (34) _______ with a different number f dts frm ne t six n each face, the ancient game cunter was square and had bulls-eye like (35) ________, which indicated zer t five n each f its fur faces. The researchers suspect it may have been (36) ________ by the ldest-knwn bard game — the “Game f Mercenaries”. The tw-persn strategy game, which dates back t the 3rd century BC, was believed t be similar t mdern-day chess.
    The archelgists, wh als unearthed remains f pttery jars and a brnze needle at the burial site believe the game pieces indicate the dead was a wealthy individual. In ancient civilizatins, bard games were a status symbl, signifying the wner’s high scial and ecnmic (37) ________. They indicated an individual’s intellectual ability and als prved he/she culd affrd t spend time n such activities.
    “These are status bjects that bear witness t (38) ________ with the Rman Empire, where they liked t enjy themselves with bard games,” Ramstad said. “Peple wh played games like this were frm the upper class. The game shwed that they had the time, prfits, and ability t think strategically.”
    The researchers planned t put the (39) _______ game pieces in a museum as the discvery prvides insights int Nrway’s scial structure during the Early Irn Age and gives sme ideas f what tabletp (40) _______ lked like during ancient times, at least fr the upper class.
    31-35. G A E J B 36-40 I C K D F
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Cambridge Dictinary’s Wrd f the Year 2020
    Quarantine has been named Wrd f the Year 2020 by Cambridge Dictinary, a website where editrs use data frm the website, blgs, and scial media t identify and priritize new additins. On the New Wrds Blg, ____31____ new additins are psted weekly fr readers t cast their vtes n whether they feel these wrds shuld be added. Surprisingly, “Quarantine” has defeated “lckdwn” and “pandemic” t be ____32____ Wrd f the Year 2020 after data shwed it t be ne f the mst highly searched fr n the Cambridge Dictinary.
    The Cambridge Dictinary editrs have als tracked hw peple were using the wrd quarantine and discvered a new meaning ____33____: a general perid f time in which peple are nt allwed t leave their hmes r travel freely, s that they d nt catch r spread a disease.
    Research shws the wrd is being used ____34____ t lckdwn, particularly in the United States, t refer t a situatin in which peple stay hme t avid catching the disease.
    This new ____35____ f quarantine has nw been added t the Cambridge Dictinary, and marks a shift frm the existing meanings, which relate t ____36____ a persn r animal suspected f being infectius.
    Neither crna virus nr COVID-19 appeared amng the wrds that Cambridge Dictinary users searched fr mst this year. We believe this indicates that peple have been ____37____ cnfident abut what the virus is. Instead, users have been searching fr wrds related t the scial and ecnmic impacts f the pandemic, as ____38____ nt just by quarantine but by the tw runners-up n the shrtlist fr Wrd f the Year: lckdwn and pandemic itself. This interest in quarantine and ther related ____39_____ was reflected nt nly in ur search statistics, but als in visits t this blg.
    Cambridge Dictinary is the tp dictinary website fr English learning. The dictinary nt nly shws hw wrds are used in real-wrld ____40____ but als gives ut their definitins.
    31-40 BGIAD CHEJK
    Sectin B (10分)
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in each blank with a prper wrd given in the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne mre wrd than yu need.
    Nise Pllutin Rules Shuld Be Tightened
    Rad traffic, aircraft, ships, factries and il drilling are all human activities that prduce nise. The nise shuld be better ___31___ t prtect wildlife, say the authrs f a study ___32___ hw sund pllutin affects creatures frm fish t birds.
    Studies have fund nise pllutin t be linked t prer human health. But experts say it can als affect wildlife, frm preventing their cmmunicatin t affecting the ___33___ with which they search fr fd. “Fr example, if bats ___34___ their prey thrugh sund clues can’t hear clearly,” said Dr Hansjerg Kunc, the c-authr f the research, “they have t fly lnger and invest mre time and energy t find fd.”
    The studies were based n experiments in which ___35___ aspects f the animals’ behaviur r ther measures, such as changes in hrmne (荷尔蒙) levels, were ___36___ befre and after expsure t nise. The results reveal that human-prduced nise affects a wide range f species. “Thus, the respnse t nise can be explained by mst species respnding t nise rather than a few species being ___37___ sensitive t nise,” the authrs wrte.
    The team cntinued t ___38___ that their research did nt examine whether the effects were beneficial r harmful t species. That was because such cnsideratins were ___39___. Fr example, nise that affects hunting culd benefit prey while creating difficulties fr predatrs (食肉动物).
    “Even if sme animals benefitted, it did nt mean nise shuld nt be dealt with, since the majrity wuld still experience negative effects”, said Kunc. But there was ___40___ fr ptimism. “Unlike chemical pllutin, if a nise surce mves away, then nthing stays in the envirnment any mre,” he said.
    词汇:31-40 BDJGI FHKCA
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    This crna-virus affects everyne, but nt equally. Because f cvid-19, the number f extremely pr peple wuld rise by 70,000,000 t 100,000,000 this year, the Wrld Bank predicted. Using a brader measure, including thse wh lack basic 31 r clean water and children wh g hungry, the pr wuld rise by 240,000,000 this year, said the UN. That culd 32 almst a decade f prgress. Vaccinatin (疫苗注射) will t sme extent help ecnmies recver, but
    33 vaccinatin will take years and the very pr cannt wait that lng.
    The IMF and Wrld Bank have 34 lending, but nly 31% mre f the bank’s mney has reached pr cuntries, says the Centre fr Glbal Develpment. Gvernments in pr cuntries need t spend their mney wisely. Even when mney is 35 fr gd purpses, it is t ften wasted r stlen.
    The best way t help the pr is t give them mney in a direct manner. With a little 36
    cash in their pckets, the pr can feed their children and send them back t schl, which will help them make a living in the future. One cuntry that has dne well getting cash int pr pckets is Brazil, despite President Jair Blsnar’s habit f understating the effects f cvid-19. Varius measures f pverty there have actually fallen. A(n) 37 fr gvernments shuld be basic health care, which the crna-virus has interrupted s badly that vaccinatin rates fr children have been set back abut 20 years. The crisis requires pliticians t make hard chices quickly, and they can fllw the example f China.
    Mistakes are unavidable, given hw much remains unknwn abut the disease, but sme are
    38 . India’s sudden lckdwn frced millins f migrant wrkers t head back t their villages n ft r crwded trains, spreading the virus far and wide. Pliticians 39 remtely frm their cmfrtable hme ffices shuld think harder abut hw their decisins might affect thse whm cvid-19 is plunging back int extreme pverty. It is shameful when their 40 t cvid-19 adds t the suffering f the least frtunate.
    31---40 DCGAI KFBEJ
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Hw Big is the Eclgical Ftprint f Yur Fd?
    There is n dubt that eating less meat is gd fr ur planet. Hwever, if yu are nt ready t give up meat entirely, hw t make a mre (31) ___________ chice? Or have yu ever thught abut where the fish in yur sup cmes frm? Or have yu ever wndered hw t reduce envirnmental impact f yur meals?
    ‘We are what we eat!’ cnfirms the imprtant ntin that fd and human are (32) ___________. Fd is culture, a sense f identity and a persnal preference. But glbally, ur fd system accunts fr (33) ___________ a quarter f manmade greenhuse gas emissins. That’s why we shuld rethink ur fd cnsumptin and include “the gd fd fr the planet Earth” int ur next recipe!
    An expert frm WWF Sweden (瑞典世界自然基金会) discussed the rle f WWF at ne meeting abut future fd. WWF Sweden aims t (34) ___________ prductin and cnsumptin f fd t increase sustainability. There are three interesting tls (35) ___________ by WWF Sweden that can help yu t make the right chice n fd cnsumptin.
    “Our Planet Plate” is a campaign with which WWF Sweden hpes t raise climate change (36) ___________ abut fd cnsumptin. Aiming t address the gal f the Paris Agreement t limit glbal warming t 1.5 degrees, WWF prvides infrmatin n hw much greenhuse gases a meal shuld release t achieve the gal.
    WWF Fd Calculatr is a tl that gives yu an idea f hw much greenhuse gas emissins yur breakfast, lunch r dinner leads t. This tl can (37) ___________ hw much carbn dixide is released frm the ingredients yu use t ck. If yu want t reach the gal f 1.5 degrees emissin reductin, yu are lking at having apprximately 11 kg f CO2 equivalent fd per week. Yu d nt have t be (38) ___________ t reach this gal, but yu have t be creative with yur recipes. Fr instance, yu culd chse free-range meat r pt fr lcal fish ver mass-prduced meat r (39) ___________ fish.
    Initiated by SLU, a ‘Meat-Guide’ has been taken up and expanded by WWF Sweden since 2015. The Meat-Guide bases n five (40) ___________ f climate, bidiversity, chemical pesticides, animal welfare and antibitics. Yu can dwnlad the Meat-Guide app nt yur phne and use it the next time yu d yur grceries.
    Sectin B
    31-40 FDBHA EJIKC
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Wrk is necessary t earn an incme, and if yu get gd jb (31) _________, it’s a bnus! But what can make it mre wrthwhile are the extra perks (工资外的补贴) that yur emplyer ffers yu as a reward fr yur lyalty and cmmitment.
    Emplyee (32) _________ are cmmnplace these days. Traditinally, these have included a gd pensin and extra days ff wrk. But when a jb used t be fr life, there wasn’t much incentive t try and keep staff. Nw when millennials are (33) _________ a psitin, they want t knw the benefits they’ll get n tp f their pay.
    But these perks cme at a cst t an emplyer, and nw technlgy is being used t discver if and when they ffer value fr mney. The idea aims t enable a cmpany t tailr what it can ffer t (34) _________ and retain the right staff.
    As an example, at merchant bank, Clse Brthers, AI has been used t develp chatbts that can help emplyees t find infrmatin n subjects ranging frm mental health t saving fr retirement at any time. And Micrsft has develped sftware t help businesses (35)_________ their emplyee’s well-being needs. Anna Rasmussen, funder f Open Blend, tld the BBC “It shws cmpanies what their emplyees need t stay (36) _________ and reach their full ptential in real-time.” Insurance cmpany Vitality ffer wearable technlgy t track emplyees’ mvements. Staff can earn ‘(37) _________’ by having their activity tracked. A study fund that by (38)_________ participant’s perfrmance, they did the equivalent f 4.8 extra days f activity per mnth.
    It seems that if used in the right way, technlgy can prvide greater (39) _________ between an emplyee and the cmpany. That can lead t a happier, healthier and (40) _________ wrk frce. But human resurces experts warn against relying slely n tech fr deciding n emplyee benefits prvisin, they say.
    31-40 KAJBD IHECF
    A. including B. impressins C. standing D. restred E. missing
    F. fun G. cmfrt H. assciated I. inspired J. marked K. cntact
    A. similarly
    B. ptential
    C. restricting
    D. sense
    E. evidenced
    F. influential
    G. crwned
    H. fairly
    I. emerging
    J. terms
    K. cntexts
    A. cause B. regulated C. cmplex D. expsing E. deliberately F. recrded
    G. lcating H. particularly I. different J. efficiency K. cautin
    increased B. inexcusable C. reverse D. shelter E. gverning F. pririty G. widespread H. departing I. assigned J. respnse K. extra
    A. develped B. rughly C. standards D. inseparable E. awareness F. sustainable
    G. definitely H. transfrm I. vegetarian J. infrm K. imprted
    A. benefits B.attract C. engagement D. track E.measuring F. cmmitted G. prmting H.rewards I. mtivated J. seeking K.satisfactin

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