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    出题学校:静海一中 宝坻一中
    第I卷 选择题(共80分)
    1.What kind f clthes des the wman like?
    A.Frmal clthes.B.Infrmal clthes. C.Ppular clthes.
    2.What will the man d tnight?
    A.Buy flwers.B.Phne his mther.
    C.Have dinner with his mther.
    3.What is the wman likely t d?
    A.Lk fr a street. B.Take a flight. C.Get n the bus.
    4.What is the man afraid f ?
    A.Pain in his neck. B.Running the marathn.C.Having t stp training.
    5.What des the man think f the smartphne?
    A.It is expensive.B.It is nt cl.C.It’s wrth the mney.
    6.What are the tw speakers prbably ding?
    A.Seeing a film.B.Watching a basketball game.C.Attending a lecture.
    7.What d yu knw abut Tim?
    A.He quitted his team.
    B.He did shw up n the curt.
    C.He failed t pass the test.
    8.Hw did Tim get alng with his cach?
    A.Very well.B.Pleasantly.C.Badly.
    9.Why des the man make the telephne call?
    A.Because he wants t bk a cking curse.
    B.Because he wants t find infrmatin abut a language curse.
    C.Because he wants t apply fr a jb in a schl.
    10.Which curse will the man take?
    A.A tw- mnth curse.B.A tw-year curse.
    C.A tw-week curse.
    l1.Where will the last class be held?
    A.At a restaurant.B.In a kitchen.C.In a library.
    12.What abut the temperatures n the mn?
    A.They are always very lw.
    B.They can be very different.
    C.They are usually very high.
    13.Why is the mn a silent wrld?
    A.Because there are nly animals.
    B.Because there is n air.
    C.Because there are n green trees.
    14.What des the earth lk like, seen frm the mn?
    A.It lks brighter than the stars.
    B.It lks like a ball, clred red and blue.
    C.It lks unfriendly.
    15.Which f the fllwing is true abut the mn?
    A.It is a friendly place.
    B.There are nly a few f plants n the mn.
    C.Yu can hear nthing n the mn.
    16.--- I feel depressed these days because I have lst my match.
    --- ________. Next time yu will d a great jb.
    A.It’s a pity B.N way
    C.Cheer up D.Well dne
    17.________ is certainly a sign f being cnfident in neself.
    A.Having butterflies in ne’s stmachB.Depending n thers
    C.Starting high schlD.Hlding ne’s head up
    18.His mvie wn several awards at the film festival, ______ was beynd his wildest dream.
    A.whichB.thatC.where D.it
    19.I wish t ______ the meeting as quickly as pssible, fr I have ther things t d.
    A.wind upB.turn upC.burn upD.lk up
    20.The yung man is s ________ that he can make different pictures with sand.
    A.cmmn B.psitive C.creative D.frmal
    21.When the ship was abut t sink, the captain had n ________ but t give rders t abandn the ship.
    22.With his attentin ________ his smart phne, the by did nt ntice his teacher standing behind him.
    A.fcused nB.turned tC.left behindD.dealt with
    23.--- I’m afraid I can’t pass the examinatin this time.
    --- ________ .It’s said that it will nt be difficult.
    A.Take yur time B.Take it easy
    C.I can’t believe it D.Never mind
    24.We graduated frm primary schl in 2017 and I have ________ mst f my primary schl classmates.
    A.lst track fB.lst sight f
    C.left an impressin nD.made the mst f
    25.Tm, as well as his parents, ________ in China ver the past five years.
    A.have been living B.has been living C.are living D.is living
    26.The by ________ left leg is missing has just gt a gld medal at the Paralympics.
    A.whichB.whC.whm D.whse
    27.---Yu lk s tired.Yu ________ late last night.
    ---Yes, I had t finish an imprtant reprt last night s I didn’t sleep at all.
    A.culd sleep B.shuld have slept
    C.may sleep D.must have slept
    28.Mrs.Smith was cking breakfast in the kitchen ________ she heard a lud knck at the dr.
    29.If peple are psitive abut their life, they will take the truble t_________the skills they need t succeed.
    30.Kirl and I entered the art rm, cmpletely __________ the rule that n student may enter the art rm withut permissin.
    A.t ignre B.ignred
    C.ignring D.t be ignred
    When I was yung,my father and I used t climb the muntains near my huse.Suth Krea has mre 31 than plains(平原), and fr this reasn,climbing the muntains has been a natural thing fr me since I was a kid.
    32 tgether,my father and I used t have 33 thrugh which I learned a lt frm him.He always stressed,“Yu shuld have gals in life just like in climbing the muntains.” This has 34 my life deeply.
    Withut such muntaineering 35 ,we culdn’t have had enugh time t spend tgether because my father was very 36 .I believe muntaineering is really 37 .It gave me time t talk with my father and t develp my 38 .I lved walking in the muntains, 39 the rutine f city life,the nise and the pllutin,and being able t breathe fresh air.
    One time we climbed ne f the highest muntains in Krea.It was s 40 fr me because I was nly ten years ld. 41 the first few hurs f climbing,I enjyed the fresh air,the birds singing,and the beautiful dances f butterflies.As time passed,I gt pains in bth f my 42 .I wanted t quit climbing.But my father said t me,“ 43 is a seasn when everything cmes t life again.The muntain where we are 44 are decrated with flwers and trees.Yu can 45 see a beautiful sky at the tp f the muntain,but yu can’t 46 yu are halfway up.Only at the 47 can yu enjy all the beautiful things,just like in 48 .Yu shuld have patience with all things,but chiefly have patience with yurself.”
    At that time,I was t 49 t understand his wrds,but after that, I gt new hpe and cnfidence. 50 , I fund myself standing at the tp f the muntain.And there,I culd see the beautiful sky.
    31.A.riversB.1akes C.seas D.muntains
    32.A.Walking B.Wrking C.StudyingD.Running
    34.A.rebuilt B.destryed C.influenced D.imprved
    35.A.trainingB.pprtunities C.perid D.memries
    36.A.strict B.free C.busy D.special
    37.A.beneficial B.hpeful C.difficultD.serius
    38.A.pwer B.cncern C.curageD.patience
    39.A.putting up withB.cming up with
    C.getting away frmD.getting clse t
    40.A.temprary B.challenging C.disappinting D.acceptable
    41.A.During B.After C.Between D.Befre
    42.A.arms B.ears C.1egs D.eyes
    43.A.Winter B.Autumn C.Summer D.Spring
    44.A.standing B.struggling C.watching D.finishing
    45.A.never B.always C.seldm D.smetimes
    46.A.what B.when C.that D.where
    47.A.stream B.shade C.tp D.bttm
    48.A.wrk B.1ife C.news D.traditin
    49.A.flish B.happy C.prud D.yung
    50.A.Finally B.Mstly C.Actually D.Immediately
    D yu want t g t take a vacatin in Nrthern Ireland? If yu d, here are sme places where yu can g.
    The Sperrins, Cunty Derry and Tyrne
    The Sperrins are Nrthern Ireland’s largest muntains and als its least explred.Starting frm Strabane in Cunty Tyrne t the shres f Lugh Neagh in the east, Nrthern Ireland’s largest upland area is a designated(指定的)Area f Outstanding Natural Beauty.
    The Murnes, Cunty Dwn
    The wild scenery f the Murne Muntains sweeps dwn t the sea.It is the place where C.S.Lewis fund his fantastic winter-land f Narnia cme t frm in his mind, which inspired him t write The Lin, the Witch and the Wardrbe.The Murne Muntains in Cunty Dwn are famus fr a lt f things such as challenging peaks and clear lakes.
    Dunluce Castle, Cunty Antrim
    The ruin f Dunluce Castle sees a lng and amazing histry.The castle was first built n the amazing castal cliffs (悬崖)f nrth Cunty Antrim by the MacQuillan family arund 1500.The earliest written recrd f the castle was in 1513.The amazing histry f Dunluce is matched by tales f hw the castle kitchens fell int the sea ne strmy night in 1639.
    Carrick-a-Rede Rpe Bridge, Cunty Antrim
    Cnnected t the cliffs by a rpe bridge acrss the Atlantic Ocean .Carrick-a-Rede Island (hme t a single building- a fisherman’s small huse) is the final destinatin(目的地).Suspended (悬空的)almst 100 ft (30m) abve sea level,the rpe bridge was first made by a fisherman 350 years ag.In 2016, Carrick-a-Rede welcmed the highest number f visitrs ever t this exciting rpe bridge experience.
    51.Wh wuld mst prbably be attracted t the Sperrins?
    A.Peple lving lcal cultures.
    B.Peple lving histric places.
    C.Peple interested in natural scenery.
    D.Peple interested in meeting new peple.
    52.After C.S.Lewis saw the wild scenery f the Murne Muntains, he gt ______.
    A.disappintedB.puzzled C.frightenedD.inspired
    53.What is a feature f Dunluce Castle?
    A.It has a lng and amazing histry.
    B.It has been repaired several times.
    C.It sits belw sme fantastic castal cliffs.
    D.It’s the earliest castle in Nrthern Ireland.
    54.What can ne d by visiting Carrick-a-Rede Island?
    A.Visit a very ld castle.
    B.Walk n a rpe in the sky.
    C.Experience a very special bridge.
    D.Pay visits t sme fishermen’s huses.
    55.What is the writer’s purpse in writing the passage?
    A.T encurage readers t take a vacatin.
    B.T explain the value f visiting Nrthern Ireland.
    C.T cmpare sme places f interest in Nrthern Ireland.
    D.T intrduce sme places f interest in Nrthern Ireland.
    Dear Sharn Draper,
    A lt f bks have ideas which can inspire readers new thughts, but nly few f them can pen the readers’ mind and make them realize smething new.Yur bk, Out f My Mind, filled me with thse sparks.I enjyed getting t knw Meldy.Despite the fact that she had cerebral palsy(脑瘫),Meldy had an amazing character that shne brightly.Out f My Mind helped me learn a life-lng lessn.
    Yur bk has changed my pint f view.I never laugh at thse wh had special needs, but I never really felt cmfrtable arund them either.When I started reading yur nvel, I saw hw Meldy was a smart and talented girl.At the beginning f the bk, I asked myself, “Wuld I be Meldy’s friend?” The vice in my stmach tld me the sad truth: n.I carried n with yur bk frm start t finish, and when I clsed it, I asked myself the same questin, “Wuld I be Meldy’s friend?” I realized, with a smile, that the answer was right in frnt f me.Thrughut Out f My Mind, I had becme Meldy’s friend.
    Last year, there was a by in my class wh had Asperger’s syndrme(阿斯伯格综合症).I didn’t really knw him; he just seemed different t me.This was arund the time that I read yur nvel.Meldy shwed me hw she was just as gd as anyne else in her classrm and hw the same ges fr anyne else with disabilities.The by in my class amazed me by what he culd d.As the days went by, I started helping him instead f aviding him.
    Meldy pened my eyes and cleared the wrld arund me.She shwed me hw a girl with cerebral palsy was the same as a girl like me.Nw it is time fr me t thank yu fr writing this amazing nvel.I will never frget yur fantastic bk.
    Margaret Lim
    56.Befre Margaret Lim read Out f My Mind, she ________.
    A.ften laughed at thse wh are disabled
    B.liked t help thse wh had special needs
    C.wuldn’t make friends with the disabled
    D.lked dwn upn thse wh are different
    57.Accrding t the passage, the authr mainly thinks Out f My Mind is ________.
    A.beautiful in wrds B.influential t readers
    C.skilful at writingD.successful in sales
    58.What des the secnd paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A.The characters f a disabled girl.
    B.The change f Margaret’s attitude tward the disabled.
    C.The friendship between Margaret and Meldy.
    D.The main idea f Out f My Mind .
    59.What can we learn frm the third paragraph?
    A.Meldy became Margaret Lim’s classmate and they became gd friends.
    B.The by wh had Asperger’s syndrme was different frm his classmates.
    C.The disabled can deal with many things as well as the healthy peple.
    D.Margaret Lim ften helped the disabled by since they became classmates.
    60.Sharn Draper is prbably a(n) ________.
    A.editr B.dctr C.teacher D.writer
    Are yu smetimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternn? Many peple feel this way after lunch.They may think that eating lunch is the cause f the sleepiness.Or, in summer, they may think it is the heat.Hwever, the real reasn lies inside their bdies.At that time -- abut eight hurs after yu wake up -- yur bdy temperature ges dwn.This is what makes yu slw dwn and feel sleepy.Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was n night r day.The peple in these experiments almst always fllwed a similar sleeping pattern.They slept fr ne lng perid and then fr ne shrt perid abut eight hurs later.
    In many parts f the wrld, peple take naps(小睡) in the middle f the day.This is especially true in warmer climates(气候), where the heat makes wrk difficult in the early afternn.Researchers are nw saying that naps are gd fr everyne in any climate.A daily nap gives ne a mre rested bdy and mind and therefre is gd fr health in general.In cuntries where naps are traditinal (传统的), peple ften suffer less frm prblems such as heart disease.
    Many wrking peple, unfrtunately, have n time t take naps.Thugh dctrs may advise taking naps, emplyers d nt allw it! If yu d have the chance, hwever, here are a few tips abut making the mst f yur nap.Remember that the best time t take a nap is abut eight hurs after yu get up.A shrt sleep t late in the day may nly make yu feel mre tired and sleepy afterward.This can als happen if yu sleep fr t lng.If yu d nt have enugh time, try a shrt nap -- even ten minutes f sleep can be helpful.
    61.Why d peple feel sleepy in the early afternn accrding t the text?
    A.Their bdy temperature becmes lwer.
    B.They sleep t little at night.
    C.They eat t much fr lunch.
    D.The weather becmes a lt warmer.
    62.If yu get up at 6:30 am, what is the best time fr yu t take a nap?
    A.Abut 12:30 pm. B.Abut 2:30 pm
    C.Abut 1:30 pm. D.Abut 3:30 pm
    63.What advice des the writer give n taking a nap?
    A.Yu’d better take a nap abut an hur after yu have lunch.
    B.Yu can sleep as lng as yu like s that yu will nt feel tied r sleepy.
    C.Only peple in warmer climate need t take a nap.
    D.If yur time is limited, a shrt nap can als help.
    64.Naps are gd fr everyne in any climate because ______________ .
    A.a nap makes bth yur bdy and mind have a gd rest.
    B.a daily nap benefits yur health.
    C.peple wh ften take naps suffer less frm prblems such as heart disease than thse wh dn’t.
    D.All the abve.
    65.What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A.Just fr a Rest.B.Just fr a Nap.
    C.A Special Nn.D.Taking Naps in Warmer Climate.
    66.D___________ danger, he risked his life t save the girl in the river.
    67.Grup wrk is gd fr e___________ideas and finding the answers.
    68.A gd student shuld ___________ (反思) n himself three times a day.
    69.Persnal __________ (品德,素质)such as hnesty and curage play an imprtant rle in ur career.
    70.Yung peple learn t be __________(承担责任)fr their wn chices.
    71.We usually depend n the c___________ f a text t figure ut the meaning f an unknwn wrd.
    72.When a persn has n___________ feelings, he is mre likely t be sad r angry.
    73.He had changed s much that I culd hardly r__________ him when I met him at the airprt.
    74.At the end f the meeting, ur headteacher made a _________(总结)f what had been discussed and gave us sme advice.
    75.As they __________(靠近)the wd , a rabbit ran ut f the tree.
    第二节: 阅读表达(每小题2分,满分10分)
    At the age f frty-five, my usually well-rdered life became full f changes.After twenty-tw years f wrking in a bank, a plan t use less staff led t the unemplyment f ver ne hundred peple.Unluckily,I was ne f them.
    My nce gd future became uncertain.Hwever, I was nt a single parent, s the family did nt depend nly n my incme and my husband can supprt the family.My mtt(格言) has always been,“Change is gd; change is prgress, but when it affected my life, I had t change it. Accept change and make the mst f it.” Frm the beginning, I chse t lk at this matter nt as bad luck, but as a welcme chance.I refused t becme srry; instead, I actively planned t d smething new and different.
    Having a psitive attitude made all the difference in the way I pursued(追求) the future.First, I decided t return t cllege and graduate many years later than I shuld have.Ding this at my age tk mre than a little curage.Nt being a graduate had never held me back in my career in the bank, but nw it’s a persnal gal I was lking frward t achieving.With a lt f determinatin, I went t evening classes and became an adult student.In the class, I became mre and mre cnfident.During this time,I realized that n matter what life thrws in ur way, nthing can hinder ur persnal grwth.
    The secnd thing I did t imprve my inner self was t reevaluate(评价) my past life.It used t be filled with endless,and smetimes meaningless events.But nw, my heart and life are cmpletely arund peple I care fr.
    The lss f my jb led t sme psitive changes in my life.Revisiting the past made rm fr the future.I realize that I have accepted the change, and am making the mst f it.
    76.What made the authr lse her jb? (n mre than 10 wrds)
    77.What did the authr d after the unemplyment? (n mre than 15 wrds)
    78.Hw d yu understand the underlined wrd “hinder” in Paragraph 3? (n mre than 1 wrds)
    79.Hw wuld yu describe the authr’s persnalities? (n mre than 3 wrds)
    80.What’s yur attitude twards the “changes” in yur life? Please explain. (n mre than 20 wrds)
    Dear Tm,
    Lking frward t yur reply!
    Li Jin

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