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    2022届安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含有答案
    2022届安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含有答案01
    2022届安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含有答案02
    2022届安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含有答案03
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    2022届安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含有答案

    这是一份2022届安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含有答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 7,具体安排;,其它等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.Hw lng will it take t fly t Prtland?
    A.Tw hurs.B.Five hurs.C.Ten hurs.
    2.Hw des the wman prbably feel nw?
    3.Hw much des ne ticket cst?
    A.Mre than 15 yuan.B.Less than 15 yuan.C.15 yuan.
    4.What des the wman want?
    A.Her jacket.B.Her ticket.C.Her backpack.
    5.What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A.Try smewhere else.B.Quit the present jb.C.Remain at the restaurant.
    6.Why is rck climbing nt dangerus?
    A.Yu use a rpe t hld yu.
    B.Yu have a partner t catch yu.
    C.Yu can take measures t climb safely.
    7.What is a cmmn beginner’s mistake?
    A.Tying the rpe incrrectly.
    B.Trying t climb t quickly.
    C.Wearing a helmet t lsely.
    8.Which skill will the climbing curses teach yu?
    A.Hw t chse yur partner.
    B.Hw t give medical treatment.
    C.Hw t fix climbing equipment.
    9.What is the main tpic f the talk?
    A.Hw t climb safely.
    B.Hw t avid mistakes.
    C.Hw t take a climbing curse.
    10.When did the earthquake happen?
    A.On the mrning f Tuesday.
    B.On the mrning f Wednesday.
    C.On the afternn f Wednesday.
    11.What happened t the by?
    A.He was buried under ruins.
    B.He hid in a refrigeratr fr fun.
    C.He was lcked in a refrigeratr.
    12.What were peple ding when they fund the by?
    A.They were pening the refrigeratr.
    B.They were pulling Tm’s father ut f ruins.
    C.They were digging hles t bury dead peple.
    13.What did it mean when freign dctrs left the earthquake area?
    A.The earthquake happened in anther place.
    B.There were mre peple dead in anther place.
    C.There was n hpe t find peple alive here.
    14.Where is Julia Swan?
    A.In Shanghai.B.In New Yrk.C.In Califrnia.
    15.What did Julia ask the speakers t d?
    A.Attend her art lessn.
    B.Wrk at Fudan University.
    C.Visit her when they're free.
    16.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Experienced drivers.
    B.A terrible car accident.
    C.Safe driving n the rad.
    17.When des the wman feel nervus?
    A.A car cuts in at will.
    B.A car is clse behind her car.
    C.A car turns withut turn signals.
    18.When did the wman begin t have sprts in the gym?
    A.Half a year ag.B.abut tw mnths ag.C.Three mnths ag.
    19.What is the benefit t take physical exercise?
    A.Easing the negative emtins B.Gaining weight.C.Keeping in gd shape.
    20.What is the wman’s attitude twards regular sprts?
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Summer f Culture
    “What is yur teen ding this summer?”
    Welcme a student frm France r Spain int yur family!
    Hst a student frm Spain r France and experience his/her life and culture.
    Exchange students frm Spain and France are lking fr welcming, warm, fun and lving hsts wh will share life and culture with them fr a few weeks in June, July and August. Stays can be frm 3 t 6 weeks.
    What t d with yur exchange student:
    prjects/Vlunteering/Hanging ut/Shpping/Disneyland/anything yu can think f...
    Requirements t hst:
    Lving, active, utging family
    One stay-at-hme, r part-time hst parent
    Teen in the hme within 4 years f age f the exchange student
    Willing t take students t places f interest nce a week
    (maybe visiting them next summer in their hme cuntries)
    If yu are interested and wuld like mre infrmatin, please cntact:
    Shirley Wentzell 909×××6715
    21.Exchange students frm France r Spain will pssibly stay fr ________ in hst families.
    A.10 daysB.5 weeksC.2 mnthsD.1 year
    22.Accrding t the passage, we can learn that ________.
    A.exchange students will cme back next summer
    B.exchange students have t ck dinner by themselves
    C.parents in a hst family shuld have full-time jbs
    D.teens in hst families can experience different cultures
    23.The text abve is prbably a ________.
    Mentin the terms Italian culture and Renaissance art and ne is immediately reminded f the mysterius smile f Lenard da Vinci’s Mna Lisa.
    The Renaissance had a deep effect n the develpment f Eurpean culture. Having its beginnings in Italy, by the 16th century, it had spread t the rest f Eurpe. Its influence was felt in different fields such as philsphy, literature, religin, science, plitics, and, f curse, art. The schlars f the Renaissance perid applied the humanistic methd t every field f study, and wanted t have human emtin and realism in art.
    Renaissance schlars studied the ancient Latin and Greek texts, searching the libraries f Eurpe fr wrks f ancient times that had becme bscure, in their hunt fr refrming and perfecting their wrldly knwledge. Hwever, that des nt mean that they refused religin. In fact, many f the greatest wrks f the Renaissance perid were devted t it, with the church supprting a lt f the wrks f Renaissance art. Hwever, there were slight changes in the manner in which the schlars began t treat religin, which affected the cultural life f sciety, which in turn influenced the artists f that perid and therefre was reflected in their art.
    In Raphael’s The Schl f Athens, fr example, sme well-knwn peple were described as classical schlars with Lenard da Vinci given as much imprtance as Plat in his time. Gitt di Bndne, 1266-1337, a Flrentine, wh is regarded as the greatest Italian painter just earlier than the Renaissance perid, is thught t be the first artist wh treated a painting as a windw int space.
    Hwever, it was nly after the writings f Filipp Brunelleschi, 1377-1446, wh is cnsidered the first great builder f the Italian Renaissance, that perspective (透视法) was frmally accepted as an artistic technique.
    24.What makes Italy stand ut in a way in wrld histry?
    A.Its artists during the Renaissance were numerus.
    B.It was the center f the Eurpean cuntries.
    C.It had many famus inventrs in different fields.D.It was hme t the Renaissance.
    25.The underlined wrd “bscure” in Paragraph 3 mst prbably means ________.
    A.meaningless and hard t recgnizeB.clear and meaningful t guiding peple
    C.unclear and difficult t understand r see
    D.easy t understand but having little meaning
    26.When was perspective fficially accepted during the Renaissance?
    A.After the cmpletin f Lenard da Vinci’s Mna Lisa.
    B.After Lenard da Vinci’s being cmpared t Plat.
    C.After Gitt di Bndne’s paintings were respected.
    D.After Filipp Brunelleschi’s cmpleting his writings.
    27.The passage aims t tell us ________.
    A.Italy’s Renaissance art and artists B.the famus artists in Italy’s histry
    C.Italy’s influence n the wrld in culture D.the hardships during the Renaissance in Italy
    In early Nvember f 1503, during Christpher Clumbus's furth and final trip t America, his ship was seriusly damaged in a strm. Clumbus and his men had t live n a small island fr several mnths while they tried t repair their ship and return t Spain.
    At first, the lcal peple n the island were very kind t the Eurpean visitrs, giving them all the fd and clthes they needed t survive. Hwever, as mnths passed, the lcal peple became mre and mre unhappy with their guests, wh were tricking and stealing frm them. Finally the lcals decided t stp helping. Withut fd r any way t leave the island, Clumbus's grup was sn in serius truble.
    Luckily fr Clumbus, he had a bk abut the stars and planets n his ship. It described the mvements f all the bjects in the night sky. The bk, written by a well-knwn German scientist, said there wuld be a ttal lunar eclipse(月全食) n the evening f February 29,1504 and hw lng it wuld last.
    Clumbus wrked ut the difference in time between Germany and Nrth America. He then had a meeting with the lcal leaders just befre the eclipse wuld take place. In this meeting, Clumbus tld them his gd was angry because the lcal peple were n lnger giving fd. S his gd wuld take away the mn t punish them. The mment Clumbus finished talking, just as he had planned, the mn began disappearing.
    The lcal leaders grew panicked and quickly agreed t prvide Clumbus with fd and anything else he wanted. But first, Clumbus's gd had t return the mn. Clumbus tld them he wuld have t discuss the idea with his gd n his ship. Knwing the mn wuld stay cmpletely hidden fr abut 48minutes, Clumbus returned just befre the mn began t reappear. Frm that day n, until they finally left, Clumbus and his men n lnger had any truble getting the fd they needed.
    28.The lcal peple became angry because the Eurpeans ________.
    A.lked very differentB.had nthing t trade
    C.were cheats and thievesD.wanted t take their land
    29.Where did Clumbus learn abut the ttal lunar eclipse?
    A.Frm a bk.B.Frm the mn.
    C.Frm his grup.D.Frm the lcals.
    30.What did Clumbus d after returning t his ship n the night f the meeting?
    A.He discussed the prblem with his gd.
    B.He waited fr the ttal lunar eclipse t finish.
    C.He read abut the stars and planets.
    D.He tld his men what happened.
    31.What can we learn abut the Eurpeans frm the passage?
    A.They all believed in Gd.B.They never returned t Spain.
    C.They admired the lcal peple.D.They caused their wn prblems.
    Accrding t archaelgical evidence, at least 5, 000 years ag, and lng befre the rise f the.Rman Empire, the Babylnians began t measure time, intrducing calendars mainly t regulate planting and harvesting. They based their calendars n the cycles f the sun and the mn. Befre the inventin f artificial light, the mn had greater scial impact. Fr thse living near the equatr in particular, its changes were mre nticeable than the passing f the seasns. S the calendars that were develped at lwer latitudes were influenced mre by the lunar cycle than by the slar year. In mre nrthern areas, hwever, where seasnal agriculture was practiced, the slar year became mre vital.
    Centuries befre the Rman Empire, the Egyptians had develped a calendar having twelve mnths f thirty days, with five days added t apprximate t the slar year. They divided the day int twelve tempral r seasnal hurs. A tempral hur was ne twelfth f the time frm sunrise t sunset. Similarly, they divided the night int twelve hurs frm sunset t sunrise. These perids became knwn as tempral hurs because their duratin varied accrding t the changing length f days and nights with the passing f the seasns. In the daytime, summer hurs were lng, and winter nes shrt. Tempral hurs, which were first adpted by the Greeks and then the Rmans, wh spread them thrugh Eurpe, remained in use fr mre than 2,500 years.
    In rder t track tempral hurs during the day, inventrs created sundials(日晷). T keep time during the night, inventrs designed anther time keeping instrument called the water clck. One f the first water clcks was a basin with a small hle near the bttm thrugh which the water fell in drps. The falling water level shwed the passing hur as it dipped belw hur lines cut n the inner surface. Althugh these instruments perfrmed satisfactrily arund the Mediterranean, they culd nt always be depended n in the cludy and ften freezing weather f nrthern Eurpe. As a result, generatins f inventrs put their effrts int designing all-weather, mre accurate timekeeping instruments.
    32.The cycles f the sun had mre influence n the ancient calendars used
    A.in mre develped cuntriesB.in mre suthern areas
    C.at higher latitudesD.near the equatr
    33.Which f the fllwing were the inventrs f seasnal hurs?
    A.The Babylnians.B.The Egyptians.C.The Greeks.D.The Rmans.
    34.What was ne f the disadvantages f the water clck?
    A.It was very expensive.B.It wasted t much water.
    C.It culdn't shw the crrect time.D.It didn't wrk prperly in icy weather.
    35.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The passing f the seasns.B.The inventin f artificial light.
    C.The early histry f timekeeping.D.The calendars used in Rman times.
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    The English language develped as a result f several invasins f Britain. The first invlved three tribes called the Angles, the Jutes and the Saxns. A mix f their languages prduced a language called Angl-Saxn, r Old English. It sunded very much like German. Only a few wrds remained frm the Celts wh had lived in Britain.
    36. The Vikings f Denmark, Nrway and Sweden arrived in Britain mre than ne thusand years ag. The next invasin tk place in the year 1066. French frces frm Nrmandy were led by a man knwn as William the Cnquerr. 37. The wrds “parliament” “jury” “justice” and thers that deal with law cme frm the Nrman rulers.
    The English language was vilently influenced by an event that tk place mre than ne thusand fur hundred years ag. In the year 597, a Rman religin began its attempt t establish the religin f Britain. 38. Latin was nt spken as a language in any cuntry at that time. But it was still used by sme peple. Latin made it pssible fr a church member frm Rme t speak t a church member frm Britain. Educated peple frm different cuntries culd cmmunicate using Latin.
    39. English began t grw mre quickly when William Caxtn returned t Britain in the year 1476. He had been in Hlland and ther areas f Eurpe where he had learned printing. He returned t Britain with the first printing press. The printing made it pssible fr almst anyne t buy a bk. 40. Slwly, during the year 1500 English became the mdern language we wuld recgnize.
    A.Meanwhile, experts cannt explain many English wrds.
    B.The language f the Rman religin was Latin.
    C.Tw mre invasins added wrds t Old English.
    D.The Nrman rulers added many wrds t English.
    E.It helped spread educatin and the English language.
    F.English is a little like a living thing that cntinues t grw.
    G.English speakers als cntinue t invent new wrds by linking ld wrds tgether.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Lebrn James isn't the first high schl basketball player t g straight int the NBA, but he's prbably the best. He has the bdy, skills and the basketball brain f an all-star. This 41 was n 42 as he scred 41 pints t take Cleveland Cavaliers t a 107-104 win ver the New Jersey nets n march 28. Aged f 19 years and 87 days, James became the 43 player t scre 40 r mre in the NBA."It was by far James' best 44 ," said Cleveland cach Paul Silas.
    Knwn t his friends 45 "the king", this was the day James earned his crwn(王冠). But he was 46 frm being a king during a childhd spent in the back streets f Akrn, Ohi. 47 many ther African-American basketball players, James' early years were a 48 . His mther Glria was just 16 when she gave birth t him; he knws nthing abut his father. Mther and sn battled fr everything frm fd t a place t live. 49 help frm his grandmther and neighbrs, James wuld 50 have died when he was yung. This spirit f survival has served him well n curt, frcing him t take any 51 he finds. "I 52 lsing. I dn't like lsing," said James f his 41-pint display. "I 53 the pprtunity fr us t win and I was 54 t capture it." At 2.03 meters, he is n Ya Ming but this didn't 55 him being first chice in 2003 NBA draft(选秀). This was 56 t his strength and skill, much f which he learned frm high schl American ftball.
    Althugh he has a 57 _ brain, James has never had t cncentrate n 58 . Sme peple think this is a mistake and say he shuld have gne t cllege t 59 his mind. But James is ne f the lucky few wh has fund fame and frtune withut a diplma (文凭). On the curt, he is 60 .
    49.A.except frB.exceptC.besidesD.withut
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Father f hybrid rice—Yuan Lngping61.(pass) away at 13:07 pm in Changsha f Hunan prvince, Xinhua reprted62. Saturday. Yuan Lngping(1930-2021)was a pineer fr all peple. Althugh he was ne f China’s mst famus63.(science),Yuan Lngping cnsidered 64.(he) a farmer. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strng bdy were just like thse f millins f Chinese farmers, fr 65. he had struggled fr decades. Dr Yuan Lngping develped super hybrid rice. In 1974,he became 66. first agricultural pineer in the wrld67. (grw)rice with a high utput. Nw mre than 60% f the rice 68.(prduce) in China each year is frm this hybrid strain.
    In 1949, Yuan applied fr Suthwest Agricultural Cllege and began his special69.(cnnect)with rice — a staple fd f the Chinese peple that wuld becme the fcus f his lifelng research career.
    Nw the fcus f Yuan’s hybrid rice prject70.(change)frm increasing utput t green and sustainable develpment. The secnd dream is that the whle wrld can plant the rice he develped and all the peple in the wrld are nt hungry.
    Let’s remember the great man.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
    修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
    2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。
    Dear Editr-in-chief,
    Cngratulatin n the 5th anniversary f Glbal Mirrr!
    I have been a faithful reader after Glbal Mirrr started. It is the unique advantages f the newspaper that always attracts my affectin. Fr the ne thing, the newspaper cvers news bth at hme r abrad. It pens a windw fr yu t learn what is happening in the wrld. Fr anther, there are sme stries abut hw famus peple succeeded, which is benefit t us.
    Therefre, I still have a suggestin that Glbal Mirrr carry sme articles guided us t learn English. If s, it will have a large audience f readers.
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Hua
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    61.passed62.n63.scientists64.himself65.whm66.the67.t grw68.prduced
    69.cnnectin70.has changed
    1.Cngratulatin→Cngratulatins 2.after →since 3.attracts→attract 4.去掉the 5.r→and 6.yu→us 7.is后加a或benefit →beneficial 8.Therefre→Hwever 9. Guided →guiding 10 large→larger
    Dear Peter,
    Delighted t knw that yu are cming t ur schl fr a visit next mnth, I wuld like t cnvey my sincere welcme t yu n behalf f ur schl.
    As scheduled, all f yu will visit the schl museum, which cntains the splendid histry f ur schl. Furthermre, yu can jin us in ur class. After the class, we will have a 30-minute talk, discussing ur preferred learning methds. As fr fd and accmmdatin, it is at ur schl canteen that yu can have a special lunch and the htel nearby called Seagull Htel will surely prvide yu with a gd night’s sleep.
    May yu have an unfrgettable experience and if yu have any further questin, feel free t cntact me.
    Li Hua

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    2022-2023学年安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高一上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校高一上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 7,5分,满分37,led 57等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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