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    这是一份上海市行知中学2020-2021学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版),共11页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分
    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. At a dancing shw. B. At an airprt.
    C. At hme. D. At a cinema.
    2. A. He can’t find the manager. B. His new watch desn’t wrk.
    C. He desn’t get the right watch. D. His depsit was missing.
    3. A. The plan f their hliday trips. B. Their feeling f the trip t Washingtn.
    C. The weather f the beach. D. Their wishes and dreams.
    4. A. Save mney n the rent. B. Share the rent with smene.
    C. Find a part-time jb. D. Apply fr a student lan.
    5. A. The wman has watered t much.
    B. Mving plants is nt a gd idea.
    C. The plants may need mre sunshine.
    D. The wman shuld get sme prfessinal help.
    6. A. She is ill and has t stay at hme. B. She hates watching TV at hme.
    C. She can’t g t wrk herself. D. She’s wasting much time watching TV.
    7. A. Lk at the laundry basket. B. Check the business time f the laundry.
    C. G t d her laundry. D. Find anther suitable bluse.
    8. A. The man will have a business trip tmrrw.
    B. The wman has n idea what the bss is ding.
    C. The terrible weather has delayed all the flights.
    D. The bss is nt suppsed t be at the ffice.
    9. A. He is used t ging ut n cld days. B. He is used t wearing a wl hat.
    C. He is used t wearing n hat in winter. D. He is used t carrying a heavy bag.
    10. A. The wman ften suffers frm bad traffic.
    B. The wman is used t getting up late.
    C. The wman lives in the dwntwn area.
    D. The wman lives far away frm the cmpany.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked questins n each f them. The passages and cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    11. A. Hw t stay calm. B. Hw t rder a meal.
    C. Hw t cmplain plitely. D. Hw t deal with an argument.
    12. A. Custmers are less likely t get help. B. Custmers will get prblems fixed.
    C. Managers will be frightened. D. Managers will smile happily.
    13. A. Asking t speak t a manager.
    B. Blaming the persn yu’re talking t.
    C. Saying “There has been a misunderstanding”.
    D. Giving the persn a chance t explain.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    14. A. Sharing yur wishes. B. Supplying things with yu.
    C. Chatting with yu. D. Carrying things fr yu.
    15. A. Its special Wi-F. B. Fingerprint identificatin system.
    C. Its built-in cameras. D. Its partners.
    16. A. Security. B. Cnvenient. C. Independent. D. Unpractical.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17. A. Kids shuld d chres n weekends.
    B Parents shuld help kids with chres.
    C. Parents feel pride in helping arund the huse.
    D. Chres teach children respnsibility.
    18. A. Kids’ academic achievements will imprve.
    B. Kids’ rms will be clean and tidy.
    C. Kids will take care f themselves.
    D. Kids will finish schlwrk sner.
    19. A. Kids like ding schlwrk. B. Kids dn’t need t d chres.
    C. Kids are spiled. D. Kids appreciate parents.
    20. A. The wman wn’t ask her kids t d chres.
    B. The wman will encurage her kids t d chres.
    C. The man wn’t ask his kids t d chres.
    D. The man will encurage his kids t study.
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passages belw, fill in the blanks t make the passages cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Grgeus Rare White Grizzly Bear Sighted In Canada
    With less than 55,000 grizzly bears left in the wild acrss Nrth America, the sighting f even ne is a cause fr celebratin. Hence yu can nly imagine ____1____ delighted Cara Clarksn and her family were when they sptted tw yung grizzlies —___2___ with rarely seen all-white fur— wandering alngside the Trans-Canada Highway near Banff, Canada.
    “We knew we were s lucky because white grizzly bears are unheard f,” Cara tld St. Albert Tday. The Directr f Operatins at the Rimrck Resrt Htel in Banff, wh shared her images and vide ___3___ scial media, said the sighting was a real treat given that the family was ut celebrating tw birthdays — her husband Tyler's n April 26 and her three-year-ld sn Beau's n April 24.
    Mike Gibeau, a carnivre (食肉动物) specialist fr Parks Canada, says ___4___ Clarksns and ther mtrists wh have encuntered the white bear — nw called Nakda, which means “friend” in the native language — are truly lucky. Fr, ___5___ there are a few variatins f white bears t be fund, such as the Kermde bears in British Clumbia and the plar bears in the Arctic, white grizzly bears are extremely rare.
    Thugh this is the first time that the wrld ___6___ (see) the white grizzly, park rangers have knwn f Nakda's existence since 2018. Jn Stuart-Smith, a Parks Canada wildlife management specialist says his team first sptted the bear and its sibling traveling with their mther, wh they tracked frm 2012 t 2017 as part f a Canadian Pacific-Parks Canada research prject ___7___ (analyze) the mrtality rates f the regin's grizzly bears. The park fficials never publicized the unique bear ___8___ fear that it wuld be chased by fans eager t catch a glimpse. “They're just yung bears trying t figure ut hw t make a living n the landscape, and haven't had enugh time t knw they ___9___ avid the highway and peple. These unusual-lking animals get hunted mercilessly by phtgraphers, and s ____10____ (little) we talk abut them, the better.”
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Dieg Maradna Transcended Sprt
    Fr a natin prne t frequent grieving ver its missed pprtunities, crashing frm the wrld’s 10th wealthiest ecnmy per capita in 1913 t the edge f ecnmic and scial ___11___ in the past century, Argentina has prduced an astnishing array f instantly recgnizable glbal icns.
    And there is Dieg Maradna, ___12___ the wrld’s greatest ever ftballer, wh transcended the sprt t becme smething much mre than a sccer star t millins arund the wrld. Perhaps n image ____13____ his cnflicting essence like the ne at the 1994 Wrld Cup. After scring a wnderful gal against Greece, he raced tward the sideline TV camera, arms pulled back, chest stuck ut, muth pen, eyes wide as if he were pssessed by the devil. And there als was the “Hand f Gd,” a(an) ___14___ gal undetected by the referee. Had it taken place in this age f vide review, it wuld have been laughed ff and frgtten. Instead, it stands in a histric mment that culd belng nly t Maradna.
    T the wrld’s neglected and ___15___, Maradna became a figure f hpe, fr sme almst a gd. Such is the pwer f the Maradna icn that even his death f natural causes n Wednesday, mst likely brught n by decades f ___16___ abuse, still feels like a kind f martyrdm (殉难).
    Here in Argentina, Maradna is everywhere ___17___, in peple’s hearts, in peple’s minds. “I lve him,” I have heard grwn peple shuting fr ver fur decades nw, cntinuing years after he retired frm the sccer field. “D yu realize the happiness he brught t us, the pr? Yu have n idea!” A shrt vide f a crying fan lighting a candle n the street fr Maradna went ___18___ in Argentina. T cuntless fans like this, Maradna ___19___ a signal f rebellin against everything that is unfair in ur unequal wrld. “Fr the kind f peple wrking their way up frm the ___20___, the kind f kids wh play ball bareft in the street, Maradna was the Malclm X(马尔科姆·艾克斯,美国黑人领袖)f them.”
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Prmising Vaccine Trials Bring Hpe T Crnavirus-Weary Wrld
    On December 1, 2020, the United Kingdm became the first western cuntry t give emergency ___21___ fr a COVID-19 vaccine. The Medicines and Healthcare Prducts Regulatry Agency (MHRA) fficials annunced they wuld begin ___22___ 800,000 dses f Pfizer’s crnavirus vaccine t 50 British hspitals as early as next week. The initial vaccines will be administered t sme f the natin's mst ___23___ citizens — nursing hme residents, health wrkers, and the elderly.
    The vaccines are made using a synthetic Messenger ribnucleic acid (核糖核酸), r mRNA, that cntains ___24___ abut the crnavirus’s signature spike prtein (突刺蛋白). When injected int the bdy, it prvides the immune system a ___25___ f what the threat lks like and allws it t prepare the antibdies needed t neutralize the virus if a persn gets infected. This is different frm traditinal vaccines, which ___26___ the immune system by injecting weakened viruses that cannt reprduce themselves very effectively.
    The ___27___ apprach has several advantages. Since it des nt use a live virus, there is little danger f the vaccinated persn being infected with the crnavirus. mRNA vaccines are als easier and faster t mass-prduce.
    Hwever questins abut hw lng the vaccines will prvide prtectin and their ___28___ acrss varius age grups and ethnicities are yet t be answered. Als, at an expected price f between $15 t $25 per dse, the immunizatins will be expensive t extend, especially since each persn needs tw shts t btain full ___29___.
    ___30___, Pfizer's BNT162b2 must be stred at a temperature f minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit (-70 degrees Celsius), and nce melted, it lasts just five days in regular refrigeratrs. This means that the cuntries wishing t use the vaccinatin will first have t build cld strage ___31___. Mderna's mRNA-1273 will be a slightly easier chice since it can be stred in a regular medical freezer fr up t six mnths. It als remains ___32___ in a standard refrigeratr fr up t a mnth after melting.
    “Tday’s emergency use authrizatin in the U.K. ___33___ a histric mment in the fight against COVID-19. This authrizatin is a gal we have been wrking tward since we first declared that science will win, and we ___34___ the MHRA fr their ability t cnduct a careful assessment and take timely actin t help prtect the peple f the U.K.,” Albert Burla, chairman and CEO f Pfizer, said in a press release.
    Pfizer and Mderna are nt the nly nes cmpeting t find a way t stp the spread f this deadly virus that has brught the wrld t a halt. With the wrld's greatest minds wrking tgether, there is little dubt that the crnavirus will be eliminated. Hwever, given the extent f its ___35___, it will take sme time. Until then, we must all cntinue t take the precautins recmmended by medical experts.
    21. A. agreementB. apprvalC. achievementD. authrity
    22. A. experimentingB. develpingC. dnatingD. distributing
    23. A. severeB. sensitiveC. vulnerableD. valuable
    24. A. infrmatinB. indicatinC. implicatinD. instructin
    25. A. predictinB. prescriptinC. previewD. precnditin
    26. A. inspireB. trainC. recverD. imitate
    27. A. disciplinedB. cnservativeC. realisticD. grundbreaking
    28. A. enduranceB. perfrmanceC. appealD. demand
    29. A. accessB. reliefC. immunityD. cntrl
    30. A. CnverselyB. UnfrtunatelyC. AdditinallyD. Eventually
    31. A. servicesB. slutinsC. facilitiesD. cnditins
    32. A. stableB. cnstantC. availableD. intact
    33. A. sharesB. marksC. createsD. features
    34. A. examineB. applaudC. prveD. assess
    35. A. fatalityB. invlvementC. cmpetenceD. reach
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing tw passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Grwing Up in the Library
    I grew up in libraries, r at least it feels that way. I was raised in the suburbs f Cleveland, just a few blcks frm the brick-faced Bertram Wds branch f the Shaker Heights Public Library system. I went there several times a week with my mther. She and I wuld walk in tgether, but as sn as we passed thrugh the dr, we each headed twards ur favrite sectins. The library might have been the first place I was ever given autnmy.
    Even when I was maybe fur r five years ld, I was allwed t head ff n my wn. Then, after a while, my mther and I wuld reunite at the checkut cunter with ur finds. Tgether we'd wait as the librarian pulled ut the date card and stamped it with the checkut machine ― that giant fist thumping the card with a lud chunk-chunk, printing a crked due date underneath a scre f previus crked due dates that belnged t ther peple, ther times.
    Thse visits were dreamy, frictinless (没有摩擦的) perids that held the prmise f leaving me richer than I’d arrived. It wasn’t like ging t a stre with my mm, which guaranteed a tug-f-war between what I wanted and what my mther was willing t buy me; in the library, I culd have anything I wanted.
    After we had finished checking ut the bks, I lved being in the car and having all the bks we’d gtten stacked n my lap, pressing me under their slid, warm weight, their Mylar cvers sticking a bit t my thighs. It was such a thrill leaving a place with things yu hadn’t paid fr; such a thrill expecting the new bks we wuld read. On the ride hme, my mther and I talked abut the rder in which we were ging t read ur bks, a serius cnversatin in which we planned hw t pace urselves thrugh this charmed perid f grace until the bks were due.
    When I was lder, I usually walked t the library by myself, lugging back as many bks as I culd carry. Occasinally, I did g with my mther, and the trip wuld be as engaging as it had been when I was small. Even when I was in my last year f high schl and culd drive myself t the library, my mther and I still went tgether every nw and then, and the trip unflded exactly as it had when I was a child, with all the same beats and pauses and cmments and daydreaming, the same perfect rhythm we’d fllwed s many times befre. After my mther passed away tw years ag, I plunged int a deep shadw f grief fr a lng time. When I miss my mther these days, I like t picture us in the car tgether, ging fr ne mre magnificent trip t Bertram Wds, during which we talked, laughed ― as if she were still in my cmpany, giving me inexhaustible strength
    36. In this passage, the wrd “autnmy” (paragraph 1) is clsest in meaning t “__________.”
    A. vitalityB. freedmC. inspiratinD. entitlement
    37. After the authr and her mther left the library, __________.
    A. they wuld plan t read their newly-brrwed bks with feverish enthusiasm
    B. they wuld have a serius cnversatin abut which bk attracted them the mst
    C. they wuld be anxius t recmmend t each ther the bks they had brrwed
    D. they wuld agree n buying the bks they had just brrwed if they enjyed them
    38. What wuld the authr mst likely g n t write abut in the paragraphs immediately fllwing the last paragraph f this article?
    A. One specific memry f a childhd trip t the library.
    B. The fnd childhd memries f her mther taking gd care f her.
    C. Hw her affectin fr ging t the library has endured int her wn mtherhd.
    D. Why her wn child made up their mind t becme a librarian after finishing cllege.
    With the cming f big data age, data science is suppsed t be starved fr, f which the adaptin can pint a great change in crprate cmpetitiveness. Cmpanies, bth brn in the digital era and traditinal wrld are shwing ff their skills in data science. Therefre, it seems t have been creating a great demand fr the experts f this type.
    Mr Carls Guestrin, machine learning prfessr frm University f Washingtn argues that all sftware applicatins will need inbuilt intelligence within five years, making data scientists — peple trained t analyze large bdies f infrmatin — key wrkers in this emerging “cgnitive” technlgy ecnmy. There are already critical applicatins that depend n machine learning, a subfield f data science, led by recmmendatin prgrams, fraud detectin systems (欺诈检测系统), frecasting tls and applicatins fr predicting custmer behavir.
    Many cmpanies that are brn digital — particularly internet cmpanies that have a great number f real-time custmer interactins t handle — are all-in when it cmes t data science. Pinterest, fr instance, maintains mre than 100 machine learning mdels that culd be applied t different classes f prblems, and it cnstantly fields requests frm managers eager t use this resurce t deal with their business prblem.
    The factrs weighing n many traditinal cmpanies will be the high cst f munting a serius machine-learning peratin. Netflix is estimated t spend $150m a year n a single applicatin and the ttal bill is prbably fur times that nce all its uses f the technlgy are taken int accunt.
    Anther prblem fr many nn-technlgy cmpanies is talent. Of the cmputer science experts wh use Kaggle, nly abut 1,000 have deep learning skills, cmpared t 100,000 wh can apply ther machine learning techniques, says Mr Gldblm. He adds that even sme big cmpanies f this type are ften reluctant t expand their pay scales t hire the tp talent in this field.
    The biggest barrier t adapting t the cming era f “smart” applicatins hwever, is likely t be cultural. Sme cmpanies, such as General Electric, have been building their wn Silicn Valley presence t attract and develp the digital skills they will need.
    Despite the bstacles, sme may master this difficult transitin. But cmpanies that were built, frm the beginning, with data science at their center, are likely t represent serius cmpetitin.
    39. Which ne is an bstacle fr many traditinal cmpanies t ppularize learning peratins?
    A. Technlgical prblem.B. Expert crisis.
    C. High cst.D. Custmer interactins.
    40 What can NOT be inferred frm the passage abut the machine learning?
    A. Machine learning peratins are cstly in Netflix.
    B. Machine learning plays an imprtant rle in existent applicatins.
    C. Machine learning experts are nt highly paid in sme nn-technlgy cmpanies.
    D. Machine learning mdels are nt sufficient t slve business prblems in Pinterest.
    41. What is the authr’s main purpse in writing this article?
    A. T pint ut the prblems facing machine learning experts.
    B. T call n cmpanies t cultivate mre experts in data science.
    C. T tell the readers the present situatin f data science.
    D. T advise nn-technlgy cmpanies t lk beynd the advantages they face.
    42. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr this passage?
    A. Data science: a frefrnt frce in tech business
    B. Crprate cmpetitin: an bstacle t the transitin
    C. Machine learning : a key t smart technlgy
    D. Technique experts: a decisive factr f the cming era
    Sectin C
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, chse the best answers frm the six statements accrding t what yu have just read.
    Yur Incredible Brain
    Physicist Emersn Pugh nce said that if the human brain were s simple that we culd understand it, we wuld be s simple that we culdn’t. Thankfully, the cmplexity f brain is s great that we are nt simple and neither, therefre, is the task f understanding it.
    ___43___ Our latest attempt t cunt them suggests there are 75 different types in the necrtex alne, the area respnsible fr ur mst advanced thughts and behavirs.
    That isn’t t say ur effrts t explre the brain’s mysteries are in vain. Despite Pugh’s bservatin, we are always learning mre and mre abut hw a 1.5-kilgram lump f tissue that flutters and crackles inside ur skull can cme up with ur mst elabrate ― behavirs. ____44____
    Breakthrughs in the understanding f hw ur brain stitch (缝合) tgether ur sense f reality are redefining what it means t be cnscius. They are als highlighting the persistent pwer f the mind, even in the cases in which ur bdies hide all signs f awareness.
    We dn’t appear t be heading twards a wrld f jars full f brains, bdies thrwn away, just yet thugh. ___45___ Gut thinking is nt just a clever turn f phrase: micrbes in ur intestines (肠道) affect ur risk fr neurlgical cnditins, and can influence ur md and mental health.
    And when it cmes t preventing cgnitive decline, physical activity is crucial. Still, let’s nt reject a sci-fi future entirely ― we knw, fr instance, that magnetic stimulatin can have many uses, frm treating depressin t supercharging ur brain’s prcessing pwer, effectively making us smarter.
    The human brain has many mre revelatins in stre, and they may require us t rethink ld ideas r crrect ur assumptins. ____46____ After all, between ur ears lies the mst cmplex bject in the knwn universe.
    A. But that shuld cme as n surprise.
    B Our brain-bdy cnnectin has never been s strng.
    C. Pugh’s claim appears t be widely challenged amng scientific circles.
    D. Yet each new insight raises mre questins, while it als casts age-ld prblems in a new light.
    E. We seem t have a lng way t g befre we will be able t shed any further light n the structure f the brain.
    F. Hwever, it can feel like an amazing achievement t establish even basic facts, such as hw many different kinds f brain cells we have.
    I.Summary Writing
    47. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize in n mre than 60 wrds the main idea f the passage and hw it is illustrated. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    It’s a familiar but uncmfrtable feeling. Yur best friend will marry a handsme dctr, and the cngratulatry hug yu ffer lacks genuine warmth. Yur friend is made the team fr Saturday’s big game, and yu take a certain pleasure in telling him yu can’t be there t watch him play. Yu smile but a vice in yur head asks, why them and nt yu?
    Envy is a shrtcming f character we like t keep in ur heart secretly. Hw shameful is it nt t be lking frward with delight t yur day as yur best friend’s bridesmaid! Wh wuld hpe yur friend might suffer sme injury, s yu can take his place n the team?
    Envy is everywhere. It seems t be in ur nature t hate thers’ gifts and gd frtune, especially if we see them as advantages they shuldn’t have.
    Envy raises its ugly head when we fcus n what we want but we dn’t pssess nw. Wrse still, we may even wish fr and take pleasure in smene’s lsing what we have always desired. When yu cmpare yurself and yur life unfavrably with yur friend r yur clleague, yu can nly keep yur darker emtins.
    S, is there a slutin? Is there anything yu can d t get rid f this mst ungenerus emtin? Well, why nt make envy the mtivatin yu need fr self-imprvement? The best weapn against envy is nt t cmpete where yu can’t shine, but t d yur abslute best where yu can.
    Start by making peace with yurself, and accept the gifts which make yu unique. Make an agreement with yurself t be the best yu can be. Then find the qualities in thers that cause yur envy. Is it smene’s singing vice, their wrk prmtin, their new car? Envy shws us the things we’d like t have. S, make a plan t earn what’s imprtant t yu.
    And aim fr genuine pleasure in the achievements and gd frtune f thers. Cheer n yur friend when he scres that gal. Enjy yur best friend’s wedding day. Then g ut and d smething special, and make yurself wnderfully prud f yu.
    II. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    48. 世界各地的洪水往往与滥砍滥伐密切相关。(relate)(汉译英)
    49. 在深秋,穿行在夹杂着绿色、红色和金色的树林中,不胜惬意。(tuch n.) (汉译英)
    50. 为了让后人有鱼吃,许多国家已经对一次捕捞量作了限制。(limit) (汉译英)
    51. 是这位年轻学者的热忱、好奇心与坚持帮助她赢得了学术权威的信任。(It) (汉译英)
    A. tricky B. present C. arguably D. admittedly E. marginalized F. bttm G. viral H. capturedI. substance J. cllapse K. represented

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