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    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Ready t start an exciting new jurney and pursue an educatin in Natinal University f Singapre? Overseas Training Prgram fr senir high schl graduates may be yur chance. Our team is here t walk yu thrugh the applicatin prcess and answer any and all f yur questins alng the way.
    • The applicant must be a nn-Singaprean citizen hlding a freign passprt.
    • Applicants have n criminal recrd, bserve Singaprean gvernment laws, regulatins, and respect the custms and habits f the Singaprean peple.
    • Applicants shuld be ver 18 years ld.
    • Applicants shuld be physically and mentally healthy.
    • Applicants shuld be able t cmmunicate in English.
    Applicatin Time: July 10, 2021 t September 1, 2021
    Enrllment(入学)Date:September 10, 2021
    Applicatin Prcedure
    • Applicants shuld visit the fficial website t inquire abut the 2021 admissin infrmatin and fill in the Applicatin Frm.
    • Applicants shall name the applicatin materials accrding t the list, pack the flder and send it t ur schl and the schl will evaluate the admissin qualificatin.
    • Applicants wh have passed the admissin qualificatin review will participate in the interview r written test rganized by the department that yu apply fr.
    • The qualified candidates will finally receive ur admissin letter.
    1. Which f the fllwing will result in disqualificatin?
    A. Being a Singaprean citizen.
    B. Having a clean persnal recrd.
    C. Having a sund bdy and mind.
    D. Having a gd cmmand f English.
    2. What can ensure the applicants an interview pprtunity?
    A. A high test scre.
    B. An applicatin frm.
    C. Overseas studying experience.
    D. Qualified applicatin dcuments.
    3. What's the ttal annual cst fr a student hping t live alne?
    A. $ 1,000.B. $ 6,600.C. $ 6,100.D. $ 5,600.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。由Qualificatins下的第一段“The applicant must be a nn-Singaprean citizen hlding a freign passprt.”(申请人必须是持有外国护照的非新加坡公民。),可知申请人必须是非新加坡公民,新加坡公民不能申请。故选A项。
    细节理解题。由Applicatin Prcedure下的第二段“Applicants shall name the applicatin materials accrding t the list, pack the flder and send it t ur schl and the schl will evaluate the admissin qualificatin.”(申请者应根据名单对申请材料进行命名,并将文件夹打包发送至我校,学校将对入学资格进行评估。),可知学校对入学资格进行评估,进行文件审查,所以要按照申请学校的要求准备文件,即拥有合格的申请文件才能确保申请人获得面试机会。故选D项。
    细节理解题。由Fees下的表格信息“Full-time Graduate Prgrams $5000”(全日制研究生课程 5000美元),“Textbks $ 500”(课本 500美元),“Insurance $ 100”(保险 100美元)和“Accmmdatin: Single $ 1,000 Duble $ 500”(住宿:单人1000美元 双人500美元)可知,一个希望独居的学生每年的总费用是6600美元(5000美元+500美元+100美元+1000美元)。故选B项。
    I am thrilled t welcme yu t the 20th annual Rger Ebert's Film Festival, a special event in partnership with the University f Illinis Cllege f Media, the greater Champaign-Urbana cmmunity, and mvie lvers everywhere. Little did we think, back in 1999, that ur experiment in reinventing the film festival — t make a festival that celebrated verlked films and the wmen and men wh made thse films — wuld becme a landmark annual event in the life f ur cmmunity and cntribute t the repairs f the remarkable Virginia Theater.
    In selecting the films fr this year, Chaz Ebert and I lked t wmen filmmakers fr ur inspiratin. Fully half f ur films are either directed r c-directed by wmen, and several thers have wmen in pwerful prducing rles. Films directed r c-directed by wmen include 13th , directed by Ava DuVernay9 Belle, directed by Amma Asante, and American Splendr, directed by Shari Springer Berman and Rbert Pulcini. And wmen prducers include Lynda Obst and Emma Thmas winter stellar, and Ruth Ann Harnisch and Danielle Renfrew Behrens (Clumbus).
    Our pening night film is The Fugitive, directed by Andrew Davis, a graduate frm University f Illinis. Our Saturday night film is the classic The Big Lebzvski. Our guest will be the Hllywd master Jeff Dwd. And f curse The Ally Orchestra will be back, this year with A Page f Madness, the classic Japanese silent film.
    We wuld like t thank ur spnsrs, vlunteers, festival pass hlders, and individual ticket hlders fr their welcme participatin. We lk frward t yur unwavering supprt t make ur festival mre successful each spring in central Illinis. We especially want t thank the University f Illinis fr their lyal supprt year after year.
    4. What was the purpse f reinventing Rger Ebert's Film Festival in 1999?
    A. T enrich the life f residents.
    B. T help rebuild Virginia Theater.
    C. T wrk clsely with the University f Illinis.
    D. T hnr peple whse films were nt bx-ffice hits.
    5. What is the fcus f this year's film selectin?
    A. Hllywd classics.
    B. Films prduced r directed by wmen.
    C. Diversity in themes.
    D. Stries featuring female leading rles.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “unwavering” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Cnsistent.B. Original.C. Legal.D. Cnditinal.
    7. Wh is mst likely the authr f the passage?
    A. The President f the University f Illinis.
    B. A mvie critic wh is a friend f the Eberts.
    C. A member f the Festival's rganizing cmmittee.
    D. A jurnalist wh reprts stries abut the Festival.
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“back in 1999, that ur experiment in reinventing the film festival — t make a festival that celebrated verlked films and the wmen and men wh made thse films”(早在1999年,我们的实验改造电影节——建立一个庆祝被忽视的电影和制作这些电影的男女工作人员的电影节)可知,1999年重新设计罗杰·艾伯特电影节的目的是为了表彰那些电影票房不佳的人。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In selecting the films fr this year, Chaz Ebert and I lked t wmen filmmakers fr ur inspiratin. Fully half f ur films are either directed r c-directed by wmen, and several thers have wmen in pwerful prducing rles.”(在选择今年的电影时,查兹·艾伯特和我从女性电影人身上寻找灵感。我们的电影中有一半是由女性导演或联合导演的,还有几部是由女性担任强大的制片角色。)可知,今年电影评选的重点是由女性制作或导演的电影。故选B项。
    词义猜测题。根据划线词后文“t make ur festival mre successful each spring in central Illinis. We especially want t thank the University f Illinis fr their lyal supprt year after year.”(使我们的节日在伊利诺斯州中部每年春天更加成功。我们特别要感谢伊利诺伊大学年复一年的忠诚支持。)可知,我们期待着你坚定不移的支持。所以猜测unwavering是“不动摇的”之意。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“I am thrilled t welcme yu t the 20th annual Rger Ebert's Film Festival,”(我非常激动地欢迎大家参加第20届罗杰·艾伯特电影节,)和最后一段“We wuld like t thank ur spnsrs, vlunteers, festival pass hlders, and individual ticket hlders fr their welcme participatin. We lk frward t yur unwavering supprt t make ur festival mre successful each spring in central Illinis. We especially want t thank the University f Illinis fr their lyal supprt year after year.(我们要感谢我们的赞助商、志愿者、节日通行证持有者,和个人门票持有者欢迎他们的参与。我们期待着你坚定不移的支持,使我们的节日在伊利诺斯州中部每年春天更加成功。我们特别要感谢伊利诺伊大学年复一年的忠诚支持。)”等信息可猜测,作者可能是电影节组委会成员。故选C项。
    During a decline in turism, ne natinal park in Thailand has seen a dramatic rise in “visitrs” recently. S many are the hermit crabs (寄居蟹)flding int the therwise empty beaches f Kh Lanta that shells (贝壳)fr them t live in have becme in shrt supply.
    The Thai gvernment mved quickly t ease the husing shrtage, launching a public appeal fr empty shells that netted ver 200 kg. On December 5 these were distributed arund the park in a ceremny.
    Hermit crabs rely n shells t prtect their sft bdies, mving t larger shells as they grw. On Kh Lanta and the surrunding smaller islands, their rapid increase seems t be a natural phenmenn, rather than directly related t the absence f turists. But the shrtage f shells may be man-made:pretty nes have lng been gathered t be sld as gds. Crabs had begun t make d with ptential death-traps such as plastic caps and bttles.
    The shell drive was part f a gvernment initiative t “regain the balance f nature”. “I have instructed all natinal parks t d whatever it takes,” says Varawut Silpa-archa, the minister fr natural resurces. His inspiratin cmes frm the pause in turism brught n by CO VID-19. A ban n internatinal visitrs and the clsure f natinal parks have helped nature recver, bringing endangered leatherback turtles back nt Thai beaches. In the castal prvinces f Phang Nga and Phuket, turtles have laid the largest number f eggs fr 20 years.
    The gvernment has decided t try t cpy the shrt break frced n it by CO VID-19 in future. Frm nw n, all natinal parks will be required t clse fr a shrt perid during the ff-seasn and t limit the number f turists thrugh a reservatin system when they are pen. Althugh such restrictins mean reduced earnings frm turism in the shrt term, in the lnger run mre parks may help t keep the turists cming.
    8. What happened t the beaches f Kh Lanta recently?
    A. They gt flded by seawater.
    B. They became cmpletely empty.
    C. They were packed with hermit crabs.
    D. They saw a cnstant stream f turists.
    9. What cntributed t the husing shrtage fr hermit crabs?
    A. Natural disasters.
    B. Human activities.
    C. Their preference fr bttles.
    D. The gvernment's invlvement.
    10. Why are turtles mentined in paragraph 4?
    A T warn turtles are dying ut.
    B. T prve beaches are their ideal habitats.
    C. T stress eclgical diversity f Thailand.
    D. T illustrate the birth f Varawut’s inspiratin.
    11. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Develping Ecnmy r Prtecting Animals?
    B. Clsing Natinal Parks r Drawing Mre Visitrs?
    C. Gvernments are Respnsible fr the Balance f Nature
    D. Authrities Help t Find Shelters fr Hmeless Hermit Crabs
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. D
    细节理解题。由第一段中的“S many are the hermit crabs (寄居蟹)flding int the therwise empty beaches f Kh Lanta that shells (贝壳)fr them t live in have becme in shrt supply.”(许多寄居蟹涌入原本空旷的科兰塔海滩,以至于供它们居住的贝壳变得供不应求。),可知原本空旷的科兰塔海滩现在有许多寄居蟹,以至于贝壳都不够住了,说明科兰塔海滩挤满了寄居蟹。故选C项。
    细节理解题。由第三段中的“But the shrtage f shells may be man-made:pretty nes have lng been gathered t be sld as gds.”(但贝壳的短缺可能是人为的:漂亮的贝壳早就被收集起来作为商品出售了。),可知贝壳是寄居蟹的住房,但贝壳的短缺可能是人为的,因为漂亮的贝壳早就被人类收集起来作为商品出售了,所以是人类活动导致了寄居蟹的住房短缺。故选B项。
    推理判断题。由第四段中的“His inspiratin cmes frm the pause in turism brught n by CO VID-19. A ban n internatinal visitrs and the clsure f natinal parks have helped nature recver, bringing endangered leatherback turtles back nt Thai beaches. In the castal prvinces f Phang Nga and Phuket, turtles have laid the largest number f eggs fr 20 years.”(他的灵感来自于CO-VID-19带来的旅游业停顿。禁止国际游客和关闭国家公园有助于自然恢复,将濒危的棱皮龟带回泰国海滩。在沿海省份邦加和普吉岛,海龟产卵数量已达20年之久。),可知CO-VID-19的禁令将濒危的棱皮龟带回了泰国海滩,这是自然恢复的例子,而Varawut Silpa-archa的灵感正是来源于这次海龟拯救行动,所以提到海龟是为了说明Varawut灵感的诞生。故选D项。
    If Mars were the ppular kid in schl, Venus (金星)wuld be the unwelcme ne sitting in the crner, largely ignred. Venus has nearly the same mass and size as Earth, but being clser t the sun, it gets nearly twice as much heat frm the sun.
    Hwever, instead f having a climate that is just a warmer versin f Earth’s, Venus's surface and atmsphere are unbearable: cluds f sulphuric acid blanket the planet, while at grund level, it is ht enugh t melt lead. Despite this, there is nw a sign that Venus may harbur life.
    Jane Greaves at Cardiff University, UK, and her clleagues recently detected phsphine (磷化氢)in Venus's atmsphere, with ne ptential explanatin that it is the by-prduct f bilgy. That is because the nly way this gas is made n Earth is in labratries r by micrbes(微生物).Thugh this desn't mean it was prduced by life n Venus, attempts t find nn — bilgical explanatins fr its presence have s far failed.
    Our best way f cnfirming r rejecting the pssibility f life n Venus is t g and have a prper lk. While Mars has been the fcus f interplanetary explratin effrts lately, the phsphine discvery lets peple lk at Venus in a new light. As NASA administratr Jim Bridenstine tweeted: "It's time t priritize Venus.”
    In the mnths and years t cme, cmputer simulatins will be used t further study the pssible chemistries f the atmsphere n Venus. Mre labratry experiments will be cnducted t try t identify ther ways the phsphine there culd be prduced. Hwever, there is n guarantee that these effrts will reveal the true nature f this substance n Venus. A newly-prpsed strategy is t directly sample the atmsphere and surface f Venus. By ding s, we wuld be able t take direct measurements f phsphine.
    The discvery f phsphine in Venus's atmsphere is a great accmplishment. The scientific effrts may be just what we need t finally refcus n this neglected wrld. Pssibly, the quiet kid in the crner may get the last laugh.
    12. In thery, what's Venus expected t be like?
    A. It is almst as large as Earth.
    B. It has nearly the same mass as Earth.
    C. It has a warmer Earth-like climate.
    D. It has the unbearable surface and atmsphere.
    13. What can the discvery f phsphine n Venus indicate?
    A. There might exist signs f life.
    B. This kind f gas is very cmmn.
    C. Many prducts can be made with it.
    D. Experiments were nce cnducted there.
    14. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f bservatins.
    B. The pwer f cmputer simulatins.
    C. The appraches t explring phsphine.
    D. The necessity t analyse phsphine.
    15. Which can best describe the authr's attitude t the explratin f Venus?
    A. Casual.B. Supprtive.C. Cautius.D. Dubtful.
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. C 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Venus has nearly the same mass and size as Earth, but being clser t the sun, it gets nearly twice as much heat frm the sun.(金星的质量和大小几乎与地球相同,但由于离太阳更近,它从太阳获得的热量几乎是地球的两倍)”可知,在理论上,金星是与地球质量相同的更温暖的星球,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Jane Greaves at Cardiff University, UK, and her clleagues recently detected phsphine (磷化氢)in Venus's atmsphere, with ne ptential explanatin that it is the by-prduct f bilgy. That is because the nly way this gas is made n Earth is in labratries r by micrbes(微生物).( 英国卡迪夫大学的Jane Greaves和她的同事们最近在金星的大气中发现了磷化氢,一种可能的解释是,它是生物学的副产品。这是因为在地球上制造这种气体的唯一方法是在实验室里或通过实验室微生物。)”可知,通过在金星上发现了磷化氢,说明了那里可能存在生命的迹象,故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第五段第一句“In the mnths and years t cme, cmputer simulatins will be used t further study the pssible chemistries f the atmsphere n Venus.( 在未来的几个月或几年里,计算机模拟将被用于进一步研究金星大气的化学成分。)”和最后一句“By ding s, we wuld be able t take direct measurements f phsphine.(通过这样做,我们可以直接测量磷化氢。)”可知,第5段主要是关于探索磷化氢的方法,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“The discvery f phsphine in Venus's atmsphere is a great accmplishment. The scientific effrts may be just what we need t finally refcus n this neglected wrld. ( 在金星大气层中发现磷化氢是一项伟大的成就。科学的努力也许正是我们最终重新关注这个被忽视的世界所需要的。)”可知,作者认为在金星大气层中发现磷化氢是一项伟大的成就,因此作者对探索金星的态度是支持的,故选B。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。
    Psychlgists have lng believed that human beings have a fairly cnsistent “negativity bias(消极偏见)” that leads us t pay mre attentin t negative thughts, feelings and events than t psitive nes. ____16____There is a psitive explanatin fr the questin. After all, we are mtivated t grw after a misstep. Hwever, we can't abandn urselves t the negativity bias frever. Hw? ____17____
    Practice Psitivity. Like yur muscles, yur thught patterns respnd t hw they are used and exercised. Yu dn't have t erase the negativity bias frm yur mind. ____18____Fr example, set calendar reminders thrughut yur day t cnvey an expressin f gratitude r simply adjust yur bdy language s yu're hlding yurself with strength and cnfidence.
    ____19____We're living in a time f pandemic r financial stress and deep divisin. Our negativity biases call ur attentin tward thse realities. But we are well served t als see the pprtunities in this mment:Maybe there's a hme prject we therwise wuldn't have fund time t tackle.
    Ask fr Psitive Reminders. Get in the habit f checking in with peple wh are with yu when gdness finds yu tday. Mentin t them, “That is an unexpected bit f praise frm the bss, isn't it?” ____20____And wh knws, yu may help yur friend, family member r cwrker have a mre psitive day as well!
    A. Try the fllwing suggested ideas.
    B. Redefine negativity as an pprtunity.
    C. Instead, practice yur psitive lifestyle.
    D. Its negative influence can never be avided.
    E. Why and hw des this phenmenn happen?
    F. Hw d yu handle it as yu try t live with mre psitivity?
    G. Asking thers t cnfirm yur psitive insights can facilitate yur psitivity.
    【答案】16. E 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. G
    由上一句“Psychlgists have lng believed that human beings have a fairly cnsistent “negativity bias(消极偏见)” that leads us t pay mre attentin t negative thughts, feelings and events than t psitive nes.”(心理学家长期以来一直认为,人类有一种相当一致的“消极偏见”,这导致我们更多地关注消极的思想、情感和事件,而不是积极的思想、情感和事件。)和下一句“There is a psitive explanatin fr the questin.”(对这个问题有一个肯定的解释。)可知,上句提到了“消极偏见”这种消极的心理问题现象,下句又说这个问题有一个肯定的解释,可得出该空填写内容应与解释这种现象为什么和如何发生的信息有关,承接上下文,E选项“这种现象为什么会发生,又是如何发生的?”切题。故选E项。
    由上两句“Hwever, we can't abandn urselves t the negativity bias frever. Hw?”(然而,我们不能永远沉浸在消极偏见中。怎样做呢?),第二段首句“Practice Psitivity.”(实践积极性。)和最后一段首句“Ask fr Psitive Reminders.”(索要积极的提醒。)及下文内容可知,上文说人们不能永远沉浸在消极偏见中,下文讲走出消极偏见的一些建议(如实践积极性和要求积极的提醒),可得出该空填写的内容与提供建议有关,承接上下文,A选项“尝试以下建议。”切题。故选A项。
    由本段小标题“Practice Psitivity.”(实践积极性。)和上一句“Yu dn't have t erase the negativity bias frm yur mind.”(你不必消除你心中的消极偏见。)可知,作者建议读者在生活中去实践积极性,即以积极的态度去生活,所以无需消除你心中的消极偏见,只需在生活中不断实践积极的生活方式,承接上文,C选项“相反,练习你积极的生活方式。”切题。故选C项。
    根据本段内容,归纳出小标题。由本段后文“We're living in a time f pandemic r financial stress and deep divisin. Our negativity biases call ur attentin tward thse realities. But we are well served t als see the pprtunities in this mment:Maybe there's a hme prject we therwise wuldn't have fund time t tackle.”(我们生活在一个大流行病、经济压力和严重分裂的时代。我们的消极偏见要求我们关注这些现实。但我们也很乐意看到这一刻的机遇:也许有一个家庭项目,否则我们就没有时间去解决。)可知,即使我们的消极偏见要求我们关注那些消极的现实,但我们也要在消极中看到机遇,可得出本段主要讲在消极中找到机遇,承接下文,B选项“将消极性重新定义为机遇。”切题。故选B项。
    由本段小标题“Ask fr Psitive Reminders.”(索要积极的提醒。)和上一句“Mentin t them, “That is an unexpected bit f praise frm the bss, isn't it?””(对他们说:“这是老板出乎意料的表扬,不是吗?”)可知,在本段中作者建议读者要去向别人索要积极的提醒来摆脱消极偏见,如用反义疑问句“这是老板出乎意料的表扬,不是吗?”来肯定自己的积极性,承接上文,G选项“让别人确认你的积极见解可以促进你的积极性。”切题。故选G项。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A few weeks ag, I surfed the Internet and came acrss a bk called The Debt t pleasure. At first sight, I____21____, immediately, t wn it. Its structure was nvel and it had wn wide ____22____amng readers.
    But befre I culd____23____ the Buy Nw buttn, a tiny inner vice ____24____the library, the library, which was simply three blcks frm my apartment. I searched the catalg (目录)f the library and sure enugh, " ____25____" nw. Hwever, by the time the bk was brrwed, I culdn't say with ____26____that I wuld lve it. This wrn, yellw-papered bject was just s ____27____. Hwever prmising ur first ____28____was, my initial desire ____29____sank. When the bk was _____30_____, I walked t the library and _____31_____it int the Returns bx. Once reshelved, it wuld _____32_____fr thers. I sighed and walked ff. It had never _____33_____me frm the very beginning.
    One thing I shuld mentin:I did end up lving The Debt t Pleasure, I lved it s much that I finally rdered a cpy f my wn. The library bk des _____34_____me the cst f a paperback, but it just delivers a _____35_____satisfactin, ne that can't prmise permanent wnership. Live yur life fully, fr ur lives are nly lent t us and can't be wned frever.
    21. A. attemptedB. decidedC. arrangedD. ceased
    22. A. sympathyB. judgmentC. adaptatinD. recgnitin
    23. A. clickB. sptC. untieD. strike
    24. A. defendedB. insistedC. cnfirmedD. cnveyed
    25. A. accessibleB. affrdableC. availableD. dynamic
    26. A. patienceB. reliefC. certaintyD. hnesty
    27. A. plainB. vividC. uniqueD. attractive
    28. A. respnseB. adventureC. interactinD. encunter
    29. A. frequentlyB. graduallyC. cnsequentlyD. nrmally
    30. A. dueB. extraC. missingD. ut
    31. A. submittedB. dnatedC. drppedD. distributed
    32. A. applyB. exchangeC. cheerD. head
    33. A. belnged tB. appealed tC. turned tD. depended n
    34. A. paidB. fferC. saveD. prepare
    35. A. materialB. tempraryC. cmpleteD. sustainable
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:乍一看,我立刻决定拥有它。A. attempted尝试;B. decided决定;C. arranged安排;D. ceased停止。由下文的“I did end up lving The Debt t Pleasure, I lved it s much that I finally rdered a cpy f my wn”可知,作者很喜欢《快乐的债务》这本书,以至于作者买下了它,说明作者决定拥有它。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它的结构新颖,赢得了读者的广泛认可。A. sympathy同情;B. judgment判断;C. adaptatin适应;D. recgnitin认可。由上文的“Its structure was nvel”可知,这本书结构新颖,且作者一看见它就想拥有它,说明它赢得了读者的广泛认可。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我还没来得及点击“立即购买”按钮,一个微弱的内心声音坚持说要去图书馆,图书馆,它离我的公寓只有三个街区。A. click点击;B. spt发现;C. untie团结;D. strike碰撞。由下文的“the Buy Nw buttn”可知,按钮是用来点击的,此处指点击“立即购买”按钮。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我还没来得及点击“立即购买”按钮,一个微弱的内心声音坚持说要去图书馆,图书馆,它离我的公寓只有三个街区。A. defended防御;B. insisted坚持说;C. cnfirmed确认;D. cnveyed传达。由上文的“But befre I culd____3____ the Buy Nw buttn”和下文的“the library, the library”可知,作者还没来得及点击“立即购买”按钮,而是去了图书馆借书,此处说了两次图书馆,可得出是坚持说。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在图书馆里搜了搜目录,果然现在“可找到”。A. accessible可接近的;B. affrdable负担得起的;C. available可找到的、可获得的;D. dynamic充满活力的。由下文的“by the time the bk was brrwed”可知,作者借到了这本书,说明在图书馆,这本书可以找到。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,当这本书被借来时,我不能肯定地说我会喜欢它。A. patience耐心;B. relief轻松;C. certainty肯定、确定性;D. hnesty诚实。由下文的“This wrn, yellw-papered bject”可知,借来的这本书很破旧、书业泛黄,这种外观很难得到人们的喜欢,所以作者不能肯定地说自己会喜欢它。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这本破旧的,书业泛黄的书是如此的简单。A. plain简单的;B. vivid生动的;C. unique独特的;D. attractive有吸引力的。由上文的“This wrn, yellw-papered bject”可知,借来的这本书很破旧、书业泛黄,所以这本书看起来很普通、简单。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:不管我们第一次相遇的希望有多大,我最初的渴望逐渐消失了。A. respnse响应;B. adventure冒险;C. interactin互动;D. encunter相遇。由上文和本处语境可知,作者一开始是很喜欢这本书的(以至于要买下它),很期待与这本书相遇,此处指作者非常希望与借来书的相遇。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:不管我们第一次见面的希望有多大,我最初的渴望逐渐消失了。A. frequently频繁地;B. gradually渐渐;C. cnsequently因此;D. nrmally正常地。由上文语境可知,作者一开始是很喜欢这本书的(以至于要买下它),很期待与这本书相遇,但借来的书到来后,因为它破旧的外观,作者都不能肯定说喜欢它,所以作者对它最初的渴望/热情逐渐消失了。故选B项。
    考查形容词/副词词义辨析。句意:书到期时,我走到图书馆,把它放进了归还箱。A. due到期的;B. extra额外的;C. missing丢失的;D. ut不在家。由下文的“I walked t the library and ____11____it int the Returns bx”可知,作者去图书馆还书了,说明书到期了。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:书到期时,我走到图书馆,把它放进了归还箱。A. submitted提交;B. dnated捐赠;C. drpped投进;D. distributed分配。由本处的“I walked t the library and ____11____it int the Returns bx”可知,作者是去图书馆还书的,所以把书投进了归还箱。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦重新被搁置,它可能去到其他人的手上。A. apply申请;B. exchange交换;C. cheer欢呼;D. head前往。由常识可知,书一旦归还图书馆,这本书就有可能被其他人借走,去到其他人的手上。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:它从一开始就不属于我。A. belnged t属于;B. appealed t呼吁;C. turned t求助于;D. depended n依靠。由上文语境和常识可知,书是图书馆的,图书馆借来的书是要归还的,它从一开始就不属于作者。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:图书馆的书确实为我节省了一本平装书的费用,但它只是提供了一种暂时的满足,不能保证永久的所有权。A. paid支付;B. ffer提供;C. save节省;D. prepare准备。由本处的“The library bk des ____14____me the cst f a paperback”可知,此处指图书馆的书能节省一本平装书的费用。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:图书馆的书确实为我节省了一本平装书的费用,但它只是提供了一种暂时的满足,不能保证永久的所有权。A. material物质的;B. temprary暂时的;C. cmplete完全的;D. sustainable可持续的。由上文语境可知,作者原本想买下《快乐的债务》来拥有它,但之后还是从图书馆借了它,归还之后,作者感慨它从一开始就不属于作者,最后还是自己订了一本,这说明图书馆的书只能提供一种暂时的满足,不能保证永久的所有权。故选B项。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    China speed is amazing the wrld. While ther cuntries are struggling t make high-speed railway a reality, the China Railway Crpratin ____36____ (busy) itself in laying dwn ver 25,000 km f high-speed tracks ver the past ten years - accunting fr rughly tw ____37____ (three) f the wrld's ttal length f high-speed rail lines.
    Up t nw , China has built the largest high-speed rail netwrk wrldwide. The ____38____ (impact) g well beynd the railway sectr. It als includes changed patterns f urban develpment, increases in turism, and grwth f reginal ecnmy. ____39____ (bst) reginal integratin and ecnmic grwth, plans fr high-speed maglev (磁悬浮) lines with trains traveling ____40____a speed f 600 kph r mre are taking shape in mre Chinese cities.
    “China started perating its first maglev railway mre than a decade ag. Nevertheless, fr lack f critical technlgies at that time, we nly cncentrated n cnventinal high-speed rail, said Sun Zhang, ____41____is a leading railway specialist. But the research team ____42____ (lead) by him, tried their best t learn advanced technlgies frm freign cuntries and eventually develped ur wn innvatins, greatly ____43____ (transfrm) ur way f life.
    There is n denying that all f these achievements make ur travel cnvenient and ____44____ (rely) , especially during “Chunyun”, _____45_____annual test n the China's transprtatin system. Thanks t “China speed", peple can g back hme fr reunins with families and friends in time.
    【答案】36. has busied/has been busying
    37. thirds 38. impacts
    39. T bst
    40. at/with
    41. wh 42. led
    43. transfrming
    44. reliable
    45. an
    考查时态。句意:其他国家正在努力实现高速铁路时,中国铁路总公司却在过去十年里忙于铺设超过2.5万公里的高速铁路——约占世界高速铁路总长度的三分之二。分析句子可知,设空处为谓语,根据时间状语ver the past ten years可知,应用完成时,根据语境可以是已经完成的,用现在完成时,也可以是还将进行下去的,用现在完成进行时,故填has busied/has been busying。
    考查名词。句意:影响远远超出了铁路部门。 分析句子可知, 设空处为主语,应用名词impact,根据“g ”可知,应用复数形式,故填impacts。
    考查不定式。句意:为了促进区域一体化和经济增长,时速600公里或以上的高速磁浮线路计划正在中国更多城市形成。 分析句子可知,设空处作目的状语, 应用不定式,故填T bst。
    考查定语从句。句意:然而,由于当时缺乏关键技术,我们只专注于传统高速铁路,铁路专家孙章说。分析句子可知,____6____is a leading railway specialist为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Sun Zhang,设空处为引导词,在从句中做主语,故填wh。
    考查过去分词。句意:但是他领导的研究团队,尽他们最大的努力从国外学习先进的技术,最终开发出我们自己的新设施,极大地改变了我们的生活方式。分析句子可知,设空处修饰the research team作定语,和修饰语之间为被动关系,应用过去分词,故填led。
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假如你是校英文报编辑李华,你报拟举行以三牛精神为主题的征文活动。请用英语为本活动写一份征稿启事,内容如下:
    3 .截稿日期及投稿方式。
    参考词汇:三牛精神the spirit f the x
    Cntributins Wanted
    Editrial Sectin
    March 12, 2021
    【答案】Cntributins Wanted
    Aimed at prmting students' understanding f the spirit f the x, the schl English newspaper is ging t hld an English Essay Cntest next mnth. Requirements are as fllws.
    Firstly, all entries must be themed n the spirit f the x, which means diligence, innvatin and hard wrk withut cmplaints. Next, yur essays shuld be assciated with the real life f teenagers with a maximum f 300 wrds. Please dn't miss the deadline—March 25, 2021 and submit yur entries t englishnewspaper@yah, cm. The winning entries will be published in ur April issue.
    Lking frward t yur active participatin.
    Editrial Sectin
    March 12, 2021
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 稿件要求;
    3. 截稿日期及投稿方式。
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    aim at ding sth.; be ging t d sth.; be assciated with sth.; with a maximum f; submit…t…; lk frward t
    1. Aimed at prmting students' understanding f the spirit f the x, the schl English newspaper is ging t hld an English Essay Cntest next mnth.
    2. Next, yur essays shuld be assciated with the real life f teenagers with a maximum f 300 wrds.
    3. Please dn't miss the deadline—March 25, 2021 and submit yur entries t englishnewspaper@yah, cm.
    4. Lking frward t yur active participatin.
    表文章结构顺序:Firstly, Next
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Aimed at prmting students' understanding f the spirit f the x, the schl English newspaper is ging t hld an English Essay Cntest next mnth. 用了过去分词短语作状语。
    [高分句型2] Firstly, all entries must be themed n the spirit f the x, which means diligence, innvatin and hard wrk withut cmplaints. 用了which引导的非限制性定语从句。
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I was in my rm, unwilling t head t the cmmunity theatre with “my brther” Henry. He was just adpted by my parents recently. I was nt in the md fr being nstage with him.
    “Kirstie, cme here," my mm called. Fllwing her vice, I fund her utside the bathrm, hlding a wet bk. She gave the bk a shake. "Henry's bk was in the bathtub. Did yu put it there?” She glared at me, smething she never did befre Henry came t ur hme. I didn't wet his bk n purpse. Tears f hurt cluded my eyes. Wrse still, she prmised t buy him a new cpy. My heart ached. Henry was stealing my mther's lve. He was ruining my life.
    Meanwhile, Henry was just nearby, absrbed in wrking n a cmplicated rpe knt (绳结)as usual. Why did a by like him d the girly wrk? Far frm manly!
    Sn, it was time t have t set ff t the cmmunity theatre. As Henry walked ahead f us t the car, my mm tk me aside and said in a lw vice, "It's the first time fr Henry t be nstage. Be kind t him, Hney. I ndded but sighed. Being kind didn't use t be hard. But after Henry mved in, everything felt different. The theatre used t be a special place fr my parents and me. With Henry invlved, it didn't seem s special any mre.
    Finally, it was ur stage time. My heart beat wildly. I frgt my annyance at Henry fr a while. As we kids lined up, ready t act ut ur shrt play, I realized hw lsely I had tied the drawstring (束带)n my skirt. Sure enugh, my skirt began t drp. Laughter frm the audience culd be heard, and even thugh I was wearing shrts under my skirt, I culd feel my face burst int flames. Hwever, my hands were full. If nly smene culd help me ut!
    Right then, Henry sensed my embarrassment.
    After the perfrmance, I fund Henry and tapped him n the arm gratefully.
    【答案】Right then, Henry sensed my embarrassment. He immediately came t my aid. He pulled up my skirt and skillfully tied the drawstring with a beautiful knt. Seeing what Henry did fr me, smething deep in my mind began t change. It seemed as if my cld heart began t melt slwly and my annyance at him gradually gave way t guilt. I regretted having treated him as a stranger. While my mind was wandering, ur perfrmance time came. It turned ut a great success, thunderus applause filling the whle theatre.
    After the perfrmance, I fund Henry and tapped him n the arm gratefully. “Thanks,” I said with a grateful smile n my face. I had t admit that but fr his timely help, I wuld have been extremely embarrassed. Withut his kntting skill, the perfrmance wuld have been quite different. “KNOT a prblem. Yu are my sister,” he grinned inncently, saying humrusly. Surrunded by the cheerful atmsphere, I felt a fld f warmth f a big family. Maybe it wuldn’t be s bad t have a new persn in my crner f the wrld after all.
    帮助:give me a hand / cme t my aid
    不高兴:unwilling / was nt in the md / annyance /cluded my eyes
    后悔:regret/feel srry fr
    【点睛】[高分句型1] It seemed as if my cld heart began t melt slwly and my annyance at him gradually gave way t guilt.该句as if 引导表语从句。and连接两个并列结构。使用高分词汇give way t。
    [高分句型2] It turned ut a great success, thunderus applause filling the whle theatre.该句复合句。后半句是独立主格结构。使用高分词汇turn ut。
    [高分句型3] Withut his kntting skill, the perfrmance wuld have been quite different.该句使用虚拟语气。withut“没有……”,对过去的虚拟,主句谓语用wuld have dne结构。Items
    Full-time Graduate Prgrams
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    $ 5,000
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