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    第I卷(选择题 共70分)第一部分:阅读理解(共二节,总分40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A B C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共4小题,每题2分,满分30分)
    1.     On your journey,  there are some healthy active transport options,  for example cycling.
        Active transport benefits
        *It's a convenient and practical way to incorporate (并入) regular exercise into your day.
        *Cycling to your stop or station helps to reduce your carbon footprint.
        *The cost of buying and maintaining a bicycle is around 1% of the cost of buying and maintaining a car.
        *It provides an opportunity to socialize with people in your local community.
        *Cycling provides commuters (通勤者) with economical and efficient access to public transport services. On average,  10 times more households are within cycling distance of public transport than they are within walking distance.
        Taking your bike on the train
        You can take your bike on the train on weekdays,  except during the following peak times: 
        *7 a.m.﹣9: 30 a.m. towards the CBD (Central Business District); 
        *3 p.m.﹣6: 30 p. m. outwards from the CBD; 
        *at any time during weekends and public holidays.
        Note:  You can travel in the opposite direction during the specified peak times above.
        To avoid travelling during peak times,  you must complete your morning journey by 7 a.m. towards the CBD and afternoon journey by 3 p.m. outwards from the CBD.
        During peak hours,  bikes cannot be brought through Fortitude Valley,  Central or Roma Street stations. If you travel with a bike during peak times,  you may be asked to leave the train until peak time ends.
        Bike storage facilities
        Bike facilities offer greater flexibility as you can cycle to a station and securely park your bike before continuing your journey on public transport. Queensland Rail and the City of Gold Coast also offer a number of bicycle storage facilities across our network. You can book a bike locker by emailing us at bikelockerqueries@ translink. com. au.

    (1)What is mentioned about cycling in the text?________
    A. It is environmentally﹣friendly.
    B. It is convenient to get around.
    C. It is helpful to reduce your weight.
    D. It is much faster than walking..

    (2)When can you take your bike on the train through Roma Street station?________
    A. 7 a.m. on Christmas. B. 3 p.m. towards CB
    D.. C. 6 p.m. during weekends.

    (3)Where can we probably find the text?________
    A. A guide book. B. A health journal.
    C. A sports magazine. D. A Travel website..

    2.     Nobody likes to fail. It makes people feel embarrassed and discouraged. What's worse,  it may cause major professional or personal trouble and lead to negativity. Basically,  failure is no fun for most people. However,  a vast body of research tells us that failure provides us with a chance to grow and develop,  increases adaptability,  and helps protect against anxiety.
        It's hard to change the mindset (心态) of a lifetime. But even if we still can't get over the broken marriage or the failed College Entrance Examination or the work presentation that went fearfully wrong,  it might not be too late for our kids.
        Christy Pennison,  a professional consultant,  says she works with an increasing number of kids and teens who show significant anxiety around a fear of failure. She said,  "We want to protect our children,  and we want them to live happy and meaningful lives,  so we frequently tell them the harm of failure and ask them to avoid failure. The children experiencing internal and sometimes extenal pressure think they shouldn't fail. Meanwhile,  we always have high expectations of them. So when they don't live up to a certain standard,  or things don't go according to the plans,  they will feel upset and anxious."
        Pennison argues that failures,  are often the hidden learning chances that can help people develop positive qualities,  like persistence,  focus,  flexibility,  patience,  and positive self﹣image.
        So what can parents do to help their children embrace (拥抱) failure instead of avoiding it at all costs?  Pennison suggests directing praise towards the effort,  not the result. "This allows children to build confidence in themselves,  "she explains." Acknowledging the effort can give children permission to try new things without a fear of failure. And the bigger picture is that the development of the mindset ﹣'I'd rather try and fail than not try at all.'﹣helps them keep a belief in themselves,  and expands their world of possibilities." As Pennison points out,  we all fail,  but how we get up after we fail is what matters.

    21.What aspect do most people focus on when thinking of failure?
    A. The great courage to face it.
    B. The efforts made to handle it.
    C. Unexpected benefits it brings.
    D. Unpleasant side effects it brings..

    22.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?
    A. Bring up the main topic.
    B. List the challenges in our life.
    C. Add some background information.
    D. Stress the importance of the mindset.

    23.What is mainly talked about in the third paragraph?
    A. The causes of children's anxiety.
    B. Christy Pennison's comments on adolescents.
    C. The consequences of overprotecting children.
    D. Christy Pennison's experience in educating children..

    24.Which of the following advice can help parents encourage kids to face failure?________①Praise kids' every achievement.
    ②Make kids embrace a bright mindset.
    ③Focus on the process of kids' effort
    ④Expand kids' knowledge about the world.
    ⑤Encourage kids to make new attempts.

    A. ①②④ B. ②③④ C. ②③⑤ D. ①③⑤.
    3.     New App Helps People Remember Faces
        Large gatherings such as weddings and conferences can be socially overwhelming. Pressure to learn people's names only adds to the stress. A new facial﹣recognition app could come to the rescue,  but privacy experts recommend proceeding with caution.
        The app,  called SocialRecall,  connects names with faces via smartphone cameras and facial recognition,  potentially avoiding the need for formal introductions. "It breaks down these social barriers we all have when meeting somebody, " says Barry Sandrew,  who created the app and tested it at an event attended by about 1, 000 people.
        After receiving an invitation to download SocialRecall from an event organizer,  the user is asked to take two selfies and sign in via social media. At the event,  the app is active within a previously defined geographical area. When a user points his or her phone camera at an attendee's face,  the app identifies the individual,  displays the person's name,  and links to his or her social media profile. To protect privacy,  it recognizes only those who have agreed to participate. And the app's creators say it automatically deletes users' data after an event.
        Ann Cavoukian,  a privacy expert who runs the Privacy by Design Center of Excellence praises the app's creators for these protective measures. She cautions,  however,  that when people choose to share their personal information with the app,  they should know that "there may be unintended consequences down the road with that information being used in another context that might come back to bite you."
        The start﹣up has also developed a version of the app for individuals who suffer from prosopagnosia,  or "face blindness, " a condition that prevents people from recognizing individuals they have met. To use this app,  a person first acquires an image of someone's face,  from either the smartphone's camera or a photograph,  and then tags it with a name. When the camera spots that same face in real life,  the previously entered information is displayed. The collected data are stored only on a user's phone,  according to the team behind the app.

    (1)SocialRecall is used to________.
    A. take photos B. identify people
    C. organize events D. make friends.

    (2)Paragraph 3 is mainly about________.
    A. how the app works
    B. how the app was created
    C. what makes the app popular
    D. what people can do with the app.

    (3)SocialRecall helps people with prosopagnosia by________.
    A. giving names to the photos kept in their smartphones
    B. collecting information previously entered in the phone
    C. providing the information of a person when they first meet
    D. showing the person's information when it spots a stored face.

    (4)What can we learn about SocialRecall from the passage?________
    A. It may put people's privacy at risk.
    B. It has caused unintended consequences.
    C. It can prevent some communication disorders.
    D. It is praised by users for its protective measures..
    4.     GOING TO UNIVERSITY is supposed to be a mind﹣broadening experience. That statement is probably made in comparison to training for work straight after school,  which might not be so encouraging. But is it actually true?  Jessika Golle of the University of Tübingen,  in Germany,  thought she would try to find out. Her result,  however,  is not quite what might be expected. As she reports in Psychological Science this week,  she found that those who have been to university do indeed seem to leave with broader and more inquiring minds than those who have spent their immediate post﹣school years in vocational (职业的) training for work. However,  it was not the case that university broadened minds. Rather,  work seemed to narrow them.
        Dr. Golle came to this conclusion after she and a team of colleagues studied the early careers of 2, 095 German youngsters. The team used two standardized tests to assess their volunteers. One was of personality traits,  including openness,  conscientiousness(认真)and so on. The other was of attitudes,  such as realistic,  investigative and enterprising. They administered both tests twice﹣once towards the end of each volunteer's time at school,  and then again six years later. Of the original group,  382 were on the intermediate track,  from which there was a choice between the academic and vocational routes,  and it was on these that the researchers focused. University ________ 212 of them. The remaining 170 chose vocational training and a job.
        When it came to the second round of tests,  Dr. Golle found that the personalities of those who had gone to university had not changed significantly. Those who had undergone vocational training and then got jobs were not that much changed in personality,  either﹣except in one crucial respect. They had become more conscientious.
        That sounds like a good thing,  certainly compared with the common public image of undergraduates as a bunch of lazybones. But changes in attitude that the researchers recorded were rather worrying. In the university group,  again,  none were detectable. But those who had chosen the vocational route showed marked drops in interest in tasks that are investigative and enterprising in nature. And that might restrict their choice of careers.
        Some investigative and enterprising jobs,  such as scientific research,  are,  indeed beyond the degreeless. But many,  particularly in Germany,  with its tradition of vocational training,  are not. The researchers mention,  for example,  computer programmers and finance﹣sector workers as careers requiring these traits. If Dr. Golle is correct,  and changes in attitude brought about by the very training Germany prides itself on are narrowing people's choices,  that is indeed a matter worthy of serious consideration.

    (1)Which of the following can best replace "beckoned for" in Paragraph 2?________
    A. Examined. B. Attracted. C. Organized. D. Recognized..

    (2)What can we learn from the research?________
    A. The degreeless have not changed in personalities.
    B. Going to university is a mind﹣broadening experience.
    C. Working straight after school narrows people's minds.
    D. College students pride themselves on their education..

    (3)According to the last two paragraphs,________.
    A. college students enjoy a very good public image
    B. the undergraduates have changed significantly in attitude
    C. the degreeless are much better at dealing with challenging tasks
    D. people show less interest in investigative jobs due to vocational training.

    (4)What is the author's attitude towards the finding?________
    A.Concerned. B.Optimistic. C.Unclear. D. Sceptical..

    Mystery of Evolution
    Following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP), also named COVID﹣19 by WHO, there is a general fear of the unknown virus as its full effects remain to be seen. Fever, coughing, sore throat, difficulty breathing﹣the NCP's symptoms are similar to the common cold or the flu. but it's potentially more dangerous.
    Viruses could be deadly, like HIV and Ebola (埃博拉) . But what are viruses? How can they cause so much trouble? Viruses are non﹣living organisms (有机体) approximately one﹣millionth of an inch long. Unlike human cells or bacteria, they can't reproduce on their own.(1)_______
    Viruses can infect every living thing﹣from plants and animals down to the smallest bacteria. For this reason, they always have the potential to be dangerous to human life. Sometimes a virus can cause a disease so serious that it is fatal. Other viral infections cause no noticeable reaction. Viruses lie around our environment all of the time, waiting for a host cell to come along. They can eater our bodies by the nose, mouth, eyes or breaks in the skin.(2)_______For example, HIV, which causes AIDS. attacks the T﹣cells of the immune system.
    But the basic question is, where did viruses first come from?(3)_______"Tracing the origins of viruses is difficult. " Ed Rybicki, a virologist at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, told Scientific American, "because viruses don't leave fossils (化石) and because of the tricks they use to make copies of themselves within the cells they've invaded."(4)_______First, viruses started as independent organisms, then became parasites (寄生者) . Second. viruses evolved from pieces of DNA or RNA that "escaped" from larger organisms. Third, viruses co﹣evolved with their host cells, which means they existed alongside these cells.
    For the time being, these are only theories. The technology and evidence we have today cannot be used to test these theories and identify the most plausible explanation. (5)_______ Or future studies may reveal that the answer is even murkier (含糊不清的) than it now appears.
    A. Once inside, they try to find a host cell to infect.
    B. Until now, no clear explanation for their origin exists.
    C. Continuing studies may provide us with clearer answers.
    D. There's pretty strong evidence that this is a bat origin coronavirus.
    E. However, there are three main hypotheses (假说) to explain the origin of viruses.
    F. Instead, they invade the cells of living organisms to reproduce, spread and take over.
    G. Bat is a flying mammal with a long lifespan, whose temperature is high, similar to a fever.
        My Perfect Imperfect Life
        A few years ago,  I was standing at the barre (扶手杠) waiting for my adult ballet class when I heard a voice behind me. "So,  do you have this perfect life? "
        My first reaction was to (1)_______ who was being asked such an odd question. Then I remembered there were only two of us in the room. When I turned(2)_______,  the other woman was looking straight at me.
        I had no idea how to answer it. Was she(3)_______?  Who has a perfect life?  Sure,  occasionally I did find the perfect dress or the perfect pair of shoes, (4)_______ never would I use that word to describe anything about me or my life. I felt a twinge of guilt for somehow giving her that (5)_______.
        She watched me. I finally (6)_______ to whisper a quick "No".
        By then,  the teacher had entered the room and turned on the music to start class. With a sigh of (7)_______,  I moved my feet into the best position. But as soon as my knees bent for our first pose,  I realized my (8)_______ had been disturbed. This woman's words wouldn't(9)_______ echoing in my thoughts.
        I wanted to know how she came up with her very mistaken (10)_______. If she knew anything about my life,  she never would have had the(11)_______ to ask me that question.
        I did my best to do our floor exercises in front of the mirror. For a few moments,  I didn't see the usual(12)_______ of my older self attempting to use a beautiful art form to (13)_______ my gracefulness. I only saw the little girl whose father died when she was two,  the child who walked home from elementary school every day to an empty house,  who learned to sew her own clothes to (14)_______ money.
        Perfect. My life had been far from it.
        When those memories (15)_______,  I was left with a vision of the woman I had become,  the woman (16)_______ by all those things I considered imperfect. I now saw the woman who had learned to be self﹣reliant,  who (17)_______ her family and her friends,  who didn't take life for granted. Was that the "perfect" this woman had detected? 
        I still don't know,  but I no longer feel (18)_______ or feel like I must keep track of all the difficult times to prove my life isn't(19)_______. If ever again asked whether my life is perfect,  I would have a different (20)_______. Because now I see that,  despite all its imperfection,  it is.

    A.notice B.. understand C.. wonder D.. expect

    A.up B.. away C.. over D.. around

    A.fair B.. serious C.. anxious D.. wise

    A.but B.. or C.. for D.. and

    A.intention B.. instruction C.. impression D.. information

    A.learned B.. managed C.. agreed D.. planned

    A.sadness B.. surprise C.. pleasure D.. relief

    A.concentration B.. patience C.. confidence D.. effort

    A.escape B.. keep C.. stop D.. stand

    A.idea B.. advice C.. reason D.. theory

    A.right B.. urge C.. excuse D.. honor

    A.reflection B.. preference C.. appearance D.. expression

    A.experience B.. describe C.. replace D.. improve

    A.collect B.. earn C.. spend D.. save

    A.faded B.. failed C.. floated D.. flashed

    A.buried B.. shaped C.. watched D.. followed

    A.changed B.. welcomed C.. valued D.. protected

    A.worried B.. guilty C.. cautious D.. desperate

    A.comfortable B.. ordinary C.. perfect D.. meaningful

    A.solution B.. message C.. approach D.. answer
    People are always buying things because they want to get the(1)________(late) products. However, in the future people will probably buy fewer things because of(2)________development of digital technology.
    In the past, new inventions brought many products into our houses, but digital technology often(3)________(replace) these things with a single device. For example, your mobile phone can now be your television, radio, music (4)________(play) and alarm clock. In the future, children may play all their games on a phone or tablet, and so traditional board games will disappear. Consequently, people(5)________(have) less stuff in their house, for they spend a lot on digital services.
    Secondly, digital technology supports a(6)________ (share) economy, and that means people will not need to buy so many things. Owning a car will not be necessary as you will simply have an app,(7)________ (book) a driverless car when you need one. People will share things(8)________ bicycles and gardening equipment within their local community by using an app to find what they need.
    To sum up, digital technology will(9)________(definite) continue to change our lives, and one of those changes will be(10)________ we won't need to own so much stuff.
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.
    Senior Three student will face the question after they pass by the college entrance examination. "Should I choose a good major and a good university?" Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn which they are interested in. It will also make it possible for them take their favorite jobs in the future. However, those who think differently believes that the environment is important to one's development. They also believe that students graduate from leading universities are often more likely to find good jobs. In my opinion, a best choice is to choose a good major at a good university. But if they can't obtain both, the first thing to consider was a good major. Because no matter where they study, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if they try their best.
    第三部分 书面表达(满分25分)
    1.组建俱乐部的目的; 2.俱乐部的主要活动; 3.报名的时间和地点;
    Dear Peter,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua

    第I卷(选择题 共70分)第一部分:阅读理解(共二节,总分40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A B C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共4小题,每题2分,满分30分)
    (1)A.细节理解题。根据Active transport benefits介绍部分,Cycling to your stop or station helps to reduce your carbon footprint.骑自行车到车站可以减少你的碳足迹。即骑自行车对环境有好处。A. It is environmentally﹣friendly.它是对环境友好的。结合选项,故选A.
    (2)B.细节理解题。根据Taking your bike on the train介绍部分,You can take your bike on the train on weekdays, except during the following peak times:*7 a.m.﹣9:30 a.m. towards the CBD (Central Business District);*3 p.m.﹣6:30 p. m. outwards from the CBD;*at any time during weekends and public holidays.在以下高峰期都不能把自行车带上火车:早上7点半到9点半前往CBD方向;下午3点到6点半从CBD向外;在任何周末和公共假日;During peak hours, bikes cannot be brought through Fortitude Valley, Central or Roma Street stations.在高峰时刻,自行车不能通过 Fortitude Valley,Central或Roma Street 站。可知,要通过Roma Street把自行车带上火车要避开这些高峰期。B. 3 p.m. towards CBD.(下午三点前往CBD)不在高峰期时段内,结合选项,故选B.
    (3)D.文章来源题。根据文章第一段,On your journey, there are some healthy active transport options, for example cycling.在你的旅途中,有一些健康积极的交通选择,例如骑自行车;以及文章最后一句,You can book a bike locker by emailing us at bikelockerqueries@ translink. com. au.你可以通过给bikelockerqueries@ translink. com. au.给我们发邮件预定一个自行车储放室。可知,这篇文章可能出自旅游网站。D. A Travel website.(一个旅行网站)符合以上推断,结合选项,故选D.
    (1)D.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,Nobody likes to fail. It makes people feel embarrassed and discouraged."和"Basically, failure is no fun for most people.没有人喜欢失败,它让人感到尴尬和气馁。基本上,失败对大多数人来说并不是一件有趣的事。可知,当想到失败时,大多数人会关注它所带来的不愉快的影响,例如,让人感到尴尬和气馁,结合选项,故选D.
    (2)A.推理判断题。根据文章第二段,But even if we still can't get over the broken marriage or the failed College Entrance Examination or the work presentation that went fearfully wrong, it might not be too late for our kids.即使我们仍然不能克服生活中的失败带来的恐惧,但对我们的孩子来说可能还不算太晚。根据下文内容可知,下文讲述了父母应该如何鼓励孩子面对失败。可知,作者想通过第二段的内容来引出文章主题,如何鼓励孩子面对失败,结合选项,故选A.
    (3)A.主旨大意题。根据文章第三段,Meanwhile, we always have high expectations of them. So when they don't live up to a certain standard, or things don't go according to the plans, they will feel upset and anxious.我们对孩子总是抱有很高的期望,所以当他们没有达到一定标准,或者事情没有按照计划进行时,他们就会感觉不安和焦虑。可知,第三段主要是告诉我们儿童焦虑的原因,结合选项,故选A.
    (1)B. 推理判断题。根据文章第二段The app, called SocialRecall, connects names with faces via smartphone cameras and facial recognition, potentially avoiding the need for formal introductions.可知,这款名为SocialRecall的应用软件可以通过智能手机摄像头和面部识别功能将名字和人脸联系起来,从而避免了正式介绍的必要,从而可以推断出,是用来识别人。故选B.
    (2)A. 段落大意题。根据文章第三段本主要讲述在收到活动组织者发出邀请后,用户需要自拍两张照片并通过社交媒体登录,在活动中,该应用程序在之前定义的地理区域内处于活动状态。当用户将他或她的手机摄像头对准出席者的脸时,该应用程序就会识别这个人,显示这个人的名字,并链接到他或她的社交媒体个人资料,故本段主要介绍SocialRecall这款应用软件工作原理。故选A.
    (3)D. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段To use this app, a person first acquires an image of someone's face, from either the smartphone's camera or a photograph, and then tags it with a name. When the camera spots that same face in real life, the previously entered information is displayed. The collected data are stored only on a user's phone, according to the team behind the app.可知,用户使用智能手机的摄像头或照片中获取某人的面部图象,然后给它加上一个名字。当摄像机在现实生活中发现相同的人脸时,就会显示之前输入的信息,从而帮助脸盲症患者识别此人的信息。故选D.
    (4)A. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段She cautions, however, that when people choose to share their personal information with the app, they should know that "there may be unintended consequences down the road with that information being used in another context that might come back to bite you."可知,当人们选择将自己的个人信息分享给应用程序时,他们应该知道,在未来可能会出现意想不到的后果,从而可以推断出SocialRecall这款应用程序可能会危及人们的隐私。故选A.
    本文是一篇社会类短文阅读。德国蒂宾根大学的Jessika Golle通过对比调查上大学和参加职业培训的两组人之间在个性特征和态度方面的差别,指出选择职业路线的人在调查性和进取性的任务上表现出明显的兴趣下降,而这可能会限制他们选择职业。而德国有悠久的职业培训历史,如果这一发现是正确的,那么由于培训而带来态度上的变化缩小了人们的选择,这确实是一个值得认真考虑的问题。
    (1)B.词义猜测题。根据文章第二段Of the original group, 382 were on the intermediate track, from which there was a choice between the academic and vocational routes, and it was on these that the researchers focused. University beckoned for 212 of them. The remaining 170 chose vocational training and a job.可知,原始组中有382人就读中等学校,这些人是研究人员重点关注的对象。其中212名被大学录取,剩下的170人选择职业培训或参加工作。根据后句The remaining 170 chose vocational training and a job.从而可以猜测出beckoned for为"召唤;吸引"之意。A. Examined.检查过的;B. Attracted.吸引的;C. Organized.有组织的;D. Recognized.认可的。故选B.
    (2)C.细节理解题。根据文章第一段As she reports in Psychological Science this week,she found that those who have been to university do indeed seem to leave with broader and more inquiring minds than those who have spent their immediate post﹣school years in vocational training for work.However, it was not the case that university broadened minds. Rather, work seemed to narrow them.可知,本周她在《心理科学》的报告称,她发现和那些离校后马上进行职业训练的人相比,那些读过大学的人看起来确实在毕业后有更加开阔的探索性的思维。但大学能够开阔思维,其实并非如此。而是工作似乎会使思维狭隘。故选C.
    (3)D.推理判断题。根据文章最后两段,尤其倒数第二段中But those who had chosen the vocational route showed marked drops in interest in tasks that are investigative and enterprising in nature.可知,但是那些选择职业培训的人,他们对调查型和进取性任务的兴趣明显下降,从而可以推断出由于职业培训,人们对调查性工作的兴趣降低。故选D.
    (4)A.观点态度题。根据文章最后一段If Dr. Golle is correct, and changes in attitude brought about by the very training Germany prides itself on are narrowing people's choices, that is indeed a matter worthy of serious consideration.可知,如果Golle的结论正确,并且由于培训(德国人以此为傲)而带来态度上的变化缩小了人们的选择,这确实是一个值得认真考虑的问题,可以推断出,作者对这一发现持关注的态度。A.Concerned.关心的;B.Optimistic.乐观的;C.Unclear.不清楚的;D. Sceptical怀疑的。故选A.
    (1)F. 细节理解题。上文Unlike human cells or bacteria, they can't reproduce on their own.(不像人类细胞或细菌,他们不能通过自己繁殖)与F. Instead, they invade the cells of living organisms to reproduce, spread and take over.(相反,他们入侵生物组织的细胞进行繁殖、扩张和占据)承接自然,上下文是明显的转折关系,reproduce是关键词,故选F项。
    (2)A. 细节理解题。上文They can eater our bodies by the nose, mouth, eyes or breaks in the skin.(他们可以通过鼻子、嘴、眼睛或皮肤的伤口处进入我们的身体)与A. Once inside, they try to find a host cell to infect.(一旦进入,他们就会找一个宿主细胞来感染)承接自然,上下文讲述的话题一致,enter和inside是关键词,故选A项。
    (3)B. 细节理解题。上文But the basic question is, where did viruses first come from? (但最基本的问题是,病毒最初是来自哪儿)与B. Until now, no clear explanation for their origin exists.(直到现在,他们的原始存在没有明确的解释)承接自然,选项中的their就是上文提到的virus,origin exists和first come from是关键词,故选B项。
    (4)E. 推理判断题。E项However, there are three main hypotheses (假说) to explain the origin of viruses.(但是,有三个解释病毒起源的主要假说)与下文内容提到的三点在文章结构上构成总分关系,故选E项。
    (5)C. 细节理解题。下文Or future studies may reveal that the answer is even murkier (含糊不清的) than it now appears.与C. Continuing studies may provide us with clearer answers.(继续的研究会给我们提供更清晰的答案)承接自然,上下文构成明显的选择关系,answer是关键词,故选C项。
    (1)C. 考查动词及语境理解。A. notice注意;B. understand理解;C. wonder想知道;D. expect期望。我的第一反应是想知道是谁被问了这么奇怪的问题。故选C。
    (2)D. 考查动词短语及语境理解。A.turn up出现;B.turn away拒绝……进入;C.turn over移交;D.turn around转身。当我转过身时,另一个女人正直直地看着我。故选D。
    (3)B. 考查形容词及语境理解。A. fair公平的;B. serious认真的;C. anxious渴望的;D. wise明智的。根据I had no idea how to answer it.可知,她是认真的吗?故选B。
    (4)A. 考查连词及语境理解。A. but但是;B. or或者;C. for因为;D. and和。分析前后句可知,前后句之间为转折关系。当然,偶尔我也会找到一件完美的衣服或一双完美的鞋子,但我绝不会用这个词来描述我或我的生活。故选A。
    (5)C. 考查名词及语境理解。A. intention目的;B. instruction教诲;C. impression印象;D. information信息。不知何故给了她那种印象,我感到一丝愧疚之情。故选C。
    (6)B. 考查动词及语境理解。A. learned学习;B. managed设法对付;C. agreed同意;D. planned计划。manage to do设法做成某事。根据finally提示可知,最终,我终于轻轻地说了一声"不(完美)"。故选B。
    (7)D. 考查名词及语境理解。A. sadness难过;B. surprise惊讶;C. pleasure愉快;D. relief欣慰,放松。我松了一口气,把脚挪到最好的位置。故选D。
    (8)A. 考查名词及语境理解。A. concentration集中;专注;B. patience耐心;C. confidence自信;D. effort努力。我意识到我的注意力被扰乱了。故选A。
    (9)C. 考查动词及语境理解。A. escape逃离;B. keep保存;C. stop停止;D. stand容忍。根据后句This woman's words wouldn't 9 echoing in my thoughts.可知,这个女人的话不停地在我的脑海里回响。故选C。
    (10)A. 考查名词及语境理解。A. idea想法;B. advice建议;C. reason原因;D. theory理论。我想知道她是怎么想出这个大错特错的想法的。故选A。
    (11)B. 考查名词及语境理解。A. right权力;B. urge冲动;C. excuse借口;D. honor荣誉。如果她知道我的生活,她就不会有问我这个问题的冲动了。故选B。
    (12)A. 考查名词及语境理解。A. reflection倒影;B. preference优先;C. appearance外表;D. expression表达。有那么一会儿,我并没有像往常一样,看着老去的自己寻常的身影试图用一种美丽的艺术形式来提升自己的优雅。故选A。
    (13)D. 考查名词及语境理解。A. experience经历;B. describe描述;C. replace代替;D. improve提升。有那么一会儿,我并没有像往常一样,看着老去的自己寻常的身影试图用一种美丽的艺术形式来提升自己的优雅。故选D。
    (14)D. 考查动词及语境理解。A. collect收集;B. earn获得;C. spend花费;D. save节省。她学会了自己缝制衣服来省钱。故选D。
    (15)A. 考查动词及语境理解。A. faded褪色;B. failed失败;C. floated漂流;D. flashed闪现。根据后句I was left with a vision of the woman I had become可知,当那些记忆褪去。故选A。
    (16)B. 考查动词及语境理解。A. buried埋葬;B. shaped塑造;C. watched观看;D. followed跟随。一个被我认为不完美的东西塑造的女人。故选B。
    (17)C. 考查动词及语境理解。A. changed改变;B. welcomed欢迎;C. valued珍惜;D. protected保护。我现在看到的是一个学会自立的女人,她珍惜家人和朋友,不把生活视为理所当然。故选C。
    (18)B. 考查形容词及语境理解。A. worried担心的;B. guilty愧疚的;C. cautious小心的;D. desperate令人绝望的。根据转折词but和feel like I must keep track of all the difficult times to prove my life isn't 19.可知,我仍然不知道,但我不再感到内疚。故选B。
    (19)C. 考查形容词及语境理解。A. comfortable舒服的;B. ordinary普通的;C. perfect完美的;D. meaningful有意义的。根据后句If ever again asked whether my life is perfect可知,或者我觉得我必须记录下所有的艰难时刻来以证明我的生活并不完美。故选C。
    (20)D. 考查名词及语境理解。A. solution解决方法;B. message信息;C. approach方法;D. answer回答。如果再问我的生活是否完美,我会有一个不同的回答。故选D。
    latest,the,replaces,player,will have,sharing,to book,like,definitely,that
    本文讲述数字技术在改变着我们的生活, 将来人们可能会因为数字技术的发展而买更少的东西.
    (5)will have.考查时态. In the future在将来,和一般将来时态连用,故填will have.
    (7)to book.考查不定式,做目的状语,所以用不定式,故填to book.
    Senior Three student will face the question after they pass by the college entrance examination. "Should I choose a good major and a good university?" Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn which they are interested in. It will also make it possible for them ∧take their favorite jobs in the future. However, those who think differently believes that the environment is important to one's development. They also believe that students graduate from leading universities are often more likely to find good jobs. In my opinion, a best choice is to choose a good major at a good university. But if they can't obtain both, the first thing to consider was a good major. Because no matter where they study, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if they try their best.
    详1.student改为students.考查名词单复数.句意:高三学生通过高考后会面临这样一个问题:"我应该选择一个好的专业还是一个好的大学?" student"学生"是可数名词,此处应用复数形式表泛指,故将student改为students.
    2.去掉by.考查及物动词.句意:高三学生通过高考后会面临这样一个问题:"我应该选择一个好的专业还是一个好的大学?"pass by"路过、经过",分析语境可知,此处,动词pass的含义是"通过",及物动词,后面直接带宾语,不需要加介词.故去掉by.
    3.and改为or.考查连词.句意:高三学生通过高考后会面临这样一个问题:"我应该选择一个好的专业还是一个好的大学?"a good major与a good university之间是选择关系,不是并列关系,应用连词or连接,故将and改为or.
    4.which改为 what.考查宾语从句.句意:有些学生喜欢先考虑专业,这样他们就能学到他们感兴趣的东西.动词learn后面接宾语从句,连接词作介词in的宾语.which表示特定事物中的"哪一个(些)",此处表示泛指的事物,意思是"所……的事物",应用连接代词what.故将which改为what.
    7.graduate改为graduating.考查现在分词.句意:他们也认为从名牌大学毕业的学生往往更容易找到好工作.that引导的宾语从句中,主语是students,谓语部分是are often more likely to find good jobs,所以graduate为非谓语动词作定语修饰名词students,且与被修饰词之间为主动关系,应用现在分词形式,故将graduate改为graduating.
    8.a改为 the.考查冠词.句意:在我看来,最好的选择是在一所好大学选择一个好的专业.形容词最高级best前应加定冠词the.故将a改为the.
    9.was改为 is.考查时态.句意:但如果他们不能同时得到这两个,首先要考虑的是一个好的专业.本文整体时态为现在时,结合条件状语从句中的时态信息,此处应用一般现在时,故将was改为is.
    10.we改为 they.考查人称代词.句意:因为无论他们在哪里学习,只要他们尽力,他们仍然可以在某个领域取得很多成就.本文主要是针对高三学生高考后面临的选择好学校还是好专业的问题提出建议,整体上用了第三人称复数,此处应与前文一致,故将we改为they.
    Senior Three student will face the question after they pass by the college entrance examination. "Should I choose a good major and a good university?" Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn which they are interested in. It will also make it possible for them ∧take their favorite jobs in the future. However, those who think differently believes that the environment is important to one's development. They also believe that students graduate from leading universities are often more likely to find good jobs. In my opinion, a best choice is to choose a good major at a good university. But if they can't obtain both, the first thing to consider was a good major. Because no matter where they study, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if they try their best.
    详1.student改为students.考查名词单复数.句意:高三学生通过高考后会面临这样一个问题:"我应该选择一个好的专业还是一个好的大学?" student"学生"是可数名词,此处应用复数形式表泛指,故将student改为students.
    2.去掉by.考查及物动词.句意:高三学生通过高考后会面临这样一个问题:"我应该选择一个好的专业还是一个好的大学?"pass by"路过、经过",分析语境可知,此处,动词pass的含义是"通过",及物动词,后面直接带宾语,不需要加介词.故去掉by.
    3.and改为or.考查连词.句意:高三学生通过高考后会面临这样一个问题:"我应该选择一个好的专业还是一个好的大学?"a good major与a good university之间是选择关系,不是并列关系,应用连词or连接,故将and改为or.
    4.which改为 what.考查宾语从句.句意:有些学生喜欢先考虑专业,这样他们就能学到他们感兴趣的东西.动词learn后面接宾语从句,连接词作介词in的宾语.which表示特定事物中的"哪一个(些)",此处表示泛指的事物,意思是"所……的事物",应用连接代词what.故将which改为what.
    7.graduate改为graduating.考查现在分词.句意:他们也认为从名牌大学毕业的学生往往更容易找到好工作.that引导的宾语从句中,主语是students,谓语部分是are often more likely to find good jobs,所以graduate为非谓语动词作定语修饰名词students,且与被修饰词之间为主动关系,应用现在分词形式,故将graduate改为graduating.
    8.a改为 the.考查冠词.句意:在我看来,最好的选择是在一所好大学选择一个好的专业.形容词最高级best前应加定冠词the.故将a改为the.
    9.was改为 is.考查时态.句意:但如果他们不能同时得到这两个,首先要考虑的是一个好的专业.本文整体时态为现在时,结合条件状语从句中的时态信息,此处应用一般现在时,故将was改为is.
    10.we改为 they.考查人称代词.句意:因为无论他们在哪里学习,只要他们尽力,他们仍然可以在某个领域取得很多成就.本文主要是针对高三学生高考后面临的选择好学校还是好专业的问题提出建议,整体上用了第三人称复数,此处应与前文一致,故将we改为they.
    第三部分 书面表达(满分25分)
    Dear Peter,
    With swimming sweeping nationwide, a swimming club has been formed recently in our school.【高分句型一】 In light of your great passion about it, I'm writing to invite you to join it.(提出邀请)
    In order to enrich our campus life, the swimming club without doubt provides us with an opportunity to build up our strength and foster a healthy lifestyle.(组建俱乐部的目的) In addition, a diversity of water﹣based activities are held, ranging from routine practice to regularly﹣organized matches, which cultivate the sports spirit as well as sharpen swimming skills.【高分句型二】 More appealing water games are arranged for us to get entertained and refreshed. Amazing, isn't it? (俱乐部的主要活动)Please sign up in Mr. Smith's office before next Friday.(报名的时间和地点)
    Such a great chance is it that you can't afford to miss it. I'm convinced that it will live up to your expectations.(再次邀请)
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    1.With swimming sweeping nationwide, a swimming club has been formed recently in our school.
    句子里,With 的复合结构swimming sweeping nationwide做伴随状语.
    2.In addition, a diversity of water﹣based activities are held, ranging from routine practice to regularly﹣organized matches, which cultivate the sports spirit as well as sharpen swimming skills.
    句子里, 现在分词ranging from routine practice to regularly﹣organized matches做伴随状语;关系词 which 引导非限制性定语从句cultivate the sports spirit as well as sharpen swimming skills.
    Dear Peter,
    With swimming sweeping nationwide, a swimming club has been formed recently in our school.【高分句型一】 In light of your great passion about it, I'm writing to invite you to join it.(提出邀请)
    In order to enrich our campus life, the swimming club without doubt provides us with an opportunity to build up our strength and foster a healthy lifestyle.(组建俱乐部的目的) In addition, a diversity of water﹣based activities are held, ranging from routine practice to regularly﹣organized matches, which cultivate the sports spirit as well as sharpen swimming skills.【高分句型二】 More appealing water games are arranged for us to get entertained and refreshed. Amazing, isn't it? (俱乐部的主要活动)Please sign up in Mr. Smith's office before next Friday.(报名的时间和地点)
    Such a great chance is it that you can't afford to miss it. I'm convinced that it will live up to your expectations.(再次邀请)
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua

    2021内蒙古集宁一中(西校区)高三上学期期中考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2021内蒙古集宁一中(西校区)高三上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,共14页。

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