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    这是一份2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高三(上)期中英语试卷人教版,共9页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,     Dillin,等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,总分50分)第一节(共4小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    1.     Dillion,
           Would you like to deepen your understanding of diversity, equality,and inclusion (DEI) as it relates to the field of English language teaching?  You're invited to join online conversations on these topics as part of a new reading club in the Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Community, accessible through my TESOL. Each week there will be a new article used as a basis for the discussion.
           In Week 1,  August 9-15,  we will discuss "Black Teachers of English in South Korea:  Constructing Identities as a Native English Speaker and English Language Teaching Professional" with author Quanisha D.Charles. Throughout the week, the author will post questions for discussion for participants to discuss within the discussion group.
           In Week 2,  August 16-22,  we will discuss "On Issues of Discrimination and Prejudice:  What Can TESOL Practitioners Do to Support and Advocate for Refugee Students? " with author Chatwara Suwanamai Duran. Suwanamai will post the initial question(s) for discussion and will take part in the discussion.
           To participle, join the online community in my TESOL. More details can be found at TESOL International Association website https: //www.tesol.org//dei-reading-club
           We look forward to having many meaningful and thoughtful exchanges with you.

    (1)This piece of information is sent by________.
    A. DEI B. TESOL International Association
    C. Quanisha D. Chatwara Suwannamai Duran.

    (2)What is this email aimed at?________
    A. Asking Dillion to learn how to teach English.
    B. Asking Dillion to become a TESOL Practitioner.
    C. Inviting Dillion to take part in online discussions.
    D. Inviting Dillion to exchange thoughts about my TESOL..

    (3)What will be talked about with Suwannamai?________
    A. Becoming a TESOL practitioner.
    B. Identities as an English teacher
    C. Helping refugee students.
    D. Discrimination in South Korea..
    2.     Born into a poor family, Lin Bu studied hard and grew up to be a learned scholar. He had travelled extensively across China before living the carefree life of a hermit(隐士).He was a good poet and.writer but he never kept any of his writings, tearing them up right after penning them.
           "Why won't you keep them for later generations? " people asked.
           "I'm a forest hermit" he said. "If I seek no praise now, why should posthumous(死后的) fame matter to me? "
           The most extraordinary thing about Lin Bu was his Plum Blossom Wife and Crane Son, meaning that he had a plum blossom(梅花) as his wife and a crane as his son. This fascination puzzled his friends. "Why plum blossoms, of all flowers? " they asked.
           "Plum blossoms alone flower during the coldest of days, unbending to the freezing falling snow. It is the character of these 'Gentlemen of the Flowers' that attracts learned gentlemen, as well as hermits like myself." he replied.
           After Lin Bu died, the Flying Crane Pavilion(亭子) was built in his memory. People would come to admire the hundreds of plum trees, appreciating the form and character of Lin Bu' s beloved ‘wife' and 'son'.
           One day, two scholars had a discussion. "Isn't it a shame that a competent person justifying his official ranks settle for a hermit's life in the depths of the mountains? " one asked. "What's so bad about fame and fortune that they have escaped it? "
           "It's true that all people wish for fame and fortune, but they must suffer a great deal to obtain them. The darkest side of human nature is almost always revealed in these struggles for fame and fortune."
           "That's why a hermit would flee from all worldly cares, maintaining his noble character, just as the plum blossoms quietly flower in the depths of winter!" Their discussion ended, but the two remained in the pavilion for a long time.

    (1)Why did Lin Bu destroy his own writings?________
    A. Because he traveled a lot as a learned scholar.
    B. Because he was not satisfied with their quality.
    C. Because he cared nothing about fame and fortune.
    D. Because he didn't care about later generations..

    (2)What is special about plum blossoms in Lin Bu's eyes?________
    A. They symbolize beauty and peace.
    B. They symbolize bravery and independence.
    C. They symbolize happiness and long life.
    D. They symbolize purity and good luck..

    (3)What does the last sentence of this article indicate?________
    A. The debate on Lin Bu' s choice would last for a long time.
    B. The two scholars would maintain their noble characters long.
    C. The Flying Crane Pavilion would attract more Chinese scholars.
    D. Lin Bu' s story would have a lasting influence on Chinese scholars..

    (4)What can we mainly learn from this article?________
    A. Chinese culture valued living in harmony with Nature.
    B. Nature played an important role in Chinese scholars' daily life.
    C. Hermits in China generally compared themselves to plum blossoms.
    D. Material success meant nothing to scholars with a noble character in China..
    3.     The discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century. With hindsight(回过头看),  it is easy to wonder why no one had thought of it before. Newton,and others,should have realized that a static(静止的)universe would soon start to shrink under the influence of gravity. But suppose instead the universe is expanding.If it was expanding fairly slowly,the force of gravity would cause it eventually to stop expanding and to start shrinking. However, if it was expanding at more than a certain critical rate,gravity would never be strong enough to stop it,and the universe would continue to expand forever.
           This is a bit like what happens when one fires a rocket upward from the surface of the earth. If it has a fairly low speed,gravity will eventually stop the rocket and it will start falling back. On the other hand, if the rocket has more than a certain critical speed, gravity will not be strong enough to pull it back, so it will keep going away from the earth forever.
           This behavior of the universe could have been predicted from Newton's theory of gravity at any time in the nineteenth, the eighteenth, or even the late seventeenth centuries.Yet so strong was the belief in a static universe that it persisted into the early twentieth century.Even Einstein,when he formulated(构想) the general theory of relativity in 1915,  was so sure that the universe had to be static that he modified his theory to make this possible,introducing a so-called cosmological constant(宇宙常数)into his equations. When Hubble's study of nearby galaxies showed that the universe was in fact expanding,Einstein regretted modifying his elegant theory and viewed the cosmological constant term as his "greatest mistake".

    (1)What does the passage mainly talk about?________
    A. the discovery of the expanding universe theory
    B. the differences between two universe theories
    C. scientists' unwillingness to abandon a widely accepted theory
    D. scientists' doubts about the theory that the universe is expanding.

    (2)Which of the following can be inferred about the expanding universe?________A  It did not agree with a theory widely accepted in the nineteenth century.

    B. Most scientists nowadays believe that the idea is no longer acceptable.
    C. The existence of gravity makes it impossible for the universe to expand.
    D. Einstein discovered it when working with the general theory of relativity..

    (3)The author mentions Newton in order to________
    A. show respect for his great scientific work of gravity
    B. provide evidence that the universe is not expanding
    C. give one example of a supporter of the expanding universe theoryD  show that the expanding universe theory might have been discovered earlier.

    (4)What can we know from the last two paragraphs?________
    A. The author mentions a rocket to prove the theory of a static universe.
    B. The force driving the universe to expand is similar to that driving the rockets upward.
    C. Einstein used the term "cosmological constant" to challenge Newton's gravity theory.
    D. Einstein's mistake is used to show the author's doubt whether the universe is expanding..
    4.     Lord Robert Winston was sitting on a train,when he found himself becoming steadily angry. Winston is normally a fairlyamiable  man. What was driving him slowly insane was the particular behavior of another passenger. Ignoring the child with her, the woman had picked up her phone and begun what would become a very loud conversation filled with boring facts.
           Winston did try to ignore it,but there is something fundamentally un-ignorable about a loud, one-sided conversation. It was then that Lord Winston made a mistake. He began to tweet(网上发 about the woman. He took photos of her and sent them out to his more than 40, 000 followers.
           When the train had finally arrived at its destination, Winston quickly ran off. He had had enough of what he described as her "rudeness."But the woman faced an unusual surprise. The press had picked up on Winston's tweets. They were waiting for her on the platform.When they excitedly showed her Winston's messages,the woman's face fell, She also suddenly found herself using just one word to describe Winston's actions: "rude".
           We find ourselves living at a time of incredible rudeness. Social media has taught the world that it needs to have an opinion, on everything,at all times. Reality television has taught us to celebrate meanness(不友好), so long as that meanness is delivered as "honesty."So what can we do about the rising tide of rudeness? 
           Winston shone a spotlight on that woman's behaviors, but he did not confront it, and he did not stop it. Instead,that spotlight was shone weakly from afar, shaming her by taking an almost rudimentary(原始的)form of revenge Often, the trick to handling rudeness is far more elegant, and can be done with the gentle delivery of a sentence as simple as "just stop."
           When we see it happen in a store, we must step up and say,"Just stop."If it happens to a colleague,we must point t out Because once a rude pt 12 )s had the looking glass held up to them and can see their actions through the eyes of others, they are far more likely to end that behavior themselves.

    (1)What's the best title of this article?________
    A. Before You Are Rude
    B. When Someone Is Rude
    C. If They Can End It
    D. Unless You Can Stop Rudeness.

    (2)What does the underlined word "amiable" most probably mean?________
    A. selfless B. cooperative
    C. mild-mannered D. open-minded.

    (3)Which of the following does the author agree with?________
    A. The woman shouldn't have ignored Winston's anger over her behavior.
    B. Winston is actually as rude as the woman with his behavior.
    C. Being rude is widely accepted as being honest in the society.
    D. Winston should have pointed out the woman's rudeness to her face..

    (4)What is the purpose of this text?________
    A. To argue against a point of view.
    B. To introduce a social phenomenon.
    C. To offer solutions to a social problem.
    D. To express concerns over a social problem..
    Look inward for better career advice
        Sometimes we turn to others for advice on major career decisions. (1)_______Warren Buffet's father discouraged him from entering the securities(证券)business.Walt Disney's brother and wife both tried to talk him out of making Snow White.
       Why does so much career advice end up being misguided? (2)_______We often listen to the wrong sources. I've watched many students rely on their parents and grandparents for guidance, forgetting that they were raised in an area when it was common to spend an entire career in one organization.
        What about going to people who are qualified to give advice? (3)_______Advisers often focus too heavily on their personal preferences and experiences rather than take our perspective(视角)。
        At some point,you have probably noticed that you're wiser when giving advice to others than you are in making decisions for yourself. You're not alone. It often happens because we have more distance from other people's problems than our own. (4)_______Sure enough, psychologists find that our reasoning becomes wiser when we think about our own problems from a third-person perspective.
        Advising others doesn't just help us make better decisions, but it also leaves us more motivated to follow through.In one experiment, it was expected people were more motivated when receiving than giving advice. (5)_______It was people who gave advice who became more motivated.
        If you want to get better career advice, you can start by reflecting on what you would tell someone else with a similar question. Listen to the advice you give to others. It's usually the advice you need to take yourself.And it might be the best way to motivate yourself, too.

    A. However,sometimes we make decisions depending on ourselves.
    B. But the opposite was true.
    C. But they may direct us in the wrong direction.
    D. It's no guarantee that they will know what's right for us.
    E. But it was easier said than done.
    F. The problem may start with who we approach for advice.
    G. The lesson here is that one of the most effective ways to get better advice is to give it.
    As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I'd made a mistake. "You think Jane Austen is…(1)________?" the man opposite me asked in disbelief. Then, he and his colleague took turns to(2)________my claim.
        "I just mean…" I said in a bright voice, in order to keep the tone(3)________,"that she's not as biting as Virginia Woolf."
        The two professors, like a couple of cats toying with a(4)________bird, gave specific examples of how Austen' s work was, (5)________, more biting. With no more action to take, I simply smiled and said, "Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?" And at that moment, my dreams of going to Oxford University (6)________in a puff of smoke.
        Part of my problem was a(7)________of confidence. Even though I was a straight A student and had prepared for the interview to the best of my abilityI wasn't a skilled (8)________.When faced with two experts who told me that I was wrong, instead of(9)________myself, I rolled over and accepted (10)________.
        So, months later, I already knew the(11)________of my thin envelope when it appeared on my doormat. (12)________,I felt a pang of disappointment. However, failing my Oxford interview provided a(13)________life lesson. I'm now more confident of my opinions, and I try to(14)________my points with hard evidence. What's more, I have never since( 15)________a discussion by giving a simpering smile and saying, "Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?"

    (1)A. noble B. soft C. beautiful D. clumsy (2)A. appreciate B. submit C. challenge D. substitute (3)A. pleasing B. serious C. low D. light (4)A. frightened B. brave C. fragile D. naughty (5)A.on the contrary B.by no means C.for example D.beyond expectation (6)A. developed B. arrived C. disappeared D. shifted (7)A. matter B. lack. C. sense D. kind (8)A. debater B. learner C. fighter D. educator (9)A. expressing B. behaving C. defending D. identifying (10)A. truth B. advice C. prejudice D. defeat (11)A. details B. spirits C. contents D. statistics (12)A. Frequently B. Originally C. Absolutely D. Naturally (13)A. typical B. valuable C. miserable D. temporary (14)A. make up B. take up C. pick up D. back up (15)A. ended B. mended C. attended D. extended

    Over 1600 years ago,a man named Nicholas became the bishop of Myra in Turkey.After he died, (1)________(mercy)Nicholas became the saint of children,butchers,merchants and makers of perfume.
        One day when Nicholas was walking past a cottage,he overheard a man talking to(2)________(he) that there was not enough money for each of his daughters to find a husband. Late that night, Nicholas went back to the house(3)________threw a small bag of gold down the chimney.He did the same hing the following two nights,One of the bags of gold fell into a stocking that was hanging up(4)________(dry) over the fireplace(5)________, people say Father Christmas comes down the chimney and children hang stockings over the fireplace for Father Christmas to put presents in.
        In the traditional picture of St Nicholas,He is usually shown as a tall,thin man(6)________a beard or moustache,unlike Father Christmas (7)________has a fat belly and a lot of facial hair. St Nicholas is also presented as (8)________(wear)the neat,traditional clothes of a religious leader,not a red woolen suit with a black belt like Father Christmas's
        Over the years, many things(9)________(add) to the story of St Nicholas,changing him to the Father Christmas we know of today, For example, he Is said to live near the North Pole with his wife and lots of elves,who help make toys.He also has deer that(10)________(help)him deliver presents on Christmas Eve.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,总分40分)第一节 (满分15分)
    Dear fellow students
    Li Hua

    In the doorway of my home, I looked closely at the face of my 23-year-old son, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France. He would be staying there for at least a year to learn another language and experience life in a different country.
        Before his college graduation, one day I told Daniel that the great failing in my life had been that I din't take a year or two off to travel when I finished college. This is the best way to my way of thinking, to broaden oneself and develop a lager perspective on life. Once I had married and begun working, I found that the eagerness of living in another culture had disappeared.
        Daniel thought about this. His friends said that he would be insane to put his career on hold. But he decided it was not so crazy. After graduation, he worked as a waiter at college, a bike messenger and a house painter. With the money he earned, he had enough to go to Paris.
        Last night, I tossed in bed, unable to sleep. It was a transitional time in Daniel's, a passage, a step from college into the adult world. I wanted to leave him some words that would have some meaning, some significance beyond the moment. I failed. Nothing came to my mind. Maybe, I thought, it wasn't necessary to say anything.
        But I knew that it was necessary. My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always regretted never hearing him put his feelings into words and never having the memory of that moment.
        Now, as I stood before Daniel, still nothing came from my lips. No sound broke the stillness of my beach-side home. Outside, I could hear the shrill cries of sea gulls as they circled the ever-changing surf of Long Island. Inside, I stood frozen and quiet, looking into the searching eyes of my son.
        What made it more difficult was that I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment pass _________________________________________________________________________________
        Thinking of those lost opportunities. Now I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,总分50分)第一节(共4小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    (1)B. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"To participle, join the online community in my TESOL. More details can be found at TESOL International Association website https://www.tesol.org//dei-reading-club""加入my TESOL在线社区,即可参与。更多详情请访问TESOL国际协会网站,网址https://www.tesol.org//dei-reading-club"可知,这条信息是由TESOL国际协会发送的。故选B项。
    (2)C. 推理判断题。根据第一段"Would you like to deepen your understanding of diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) …""你想加深对多元化、平等和包容(DEI)的理解吗?"以及"You're invited to join online conversations on these topics as part of a new reading club in the Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Community, accessible through my TESOL. ""我们邀请您加入EDI社区里的新阅读俱乐部的部分主题的在线对话,可通过my TESOL进行访问。"可知,这封邮件的目的是邀请Dillion参加在线讨论。故选C项。
    (3)C. 细节理解题。根据第三段"we will discuss‘On Issues of Discrimination and Prejudice: What Can TESOL Practitioners Do to Support and Advocate for Refugee Students?' with author Chatwara Suwanamai Duran.""我们将与作家Chatwara Suwanamai Duran讨论‘关于歧视和偏见的问题:TESOL从业者可以做些什么来支持和倡导难民学生?'"可知,会和Suwanamai谈论关于帮助难民学生之事。故选C项。
    (1)C.细节理解题。根据第三段"‘I'm a forest hermit' he said. ‘If I seek no praise now, why should posthumous(死后的) fame matter to me?'("我是隐士。"他说。"我现在都在山林深谷中隐居,不想成名,何必要惦记着后世名扬天下呢?")"可知,林逋毁掉自己的作品是因为他对名利毫不在乎。故选C.
    (2)B.推理判断题。根据第五段"‘Plum blossoms alone flower during the coldest of days, unbending to the freezing falling snow. It is the character of these 'Gentlemen of the Flowers' that attracts learned gentlemen, as well as hermits like myself.' he replied. (他回答说:"梅花在最冷的日子里独自绽放,不惧严寒的落雪。正是这些‘花中之君子'的特质吸引了有学问的绅士和像我这样的隐士。")"可知,在林逋眼中,梅花特别之处在于它们象征勇敢和独立。故选B.
    (3)D.推理判断题。根据第六段"After Lin Bu died, the Flying Crane Pavilion(亭子) was built in his memory. People would come to admire the hundreds of plum trees, appreciating the form and character of Lin Bu' s beloved ‘wife' and 'son'. (林逋死后,人们为纪念他而建飞鹤亭。亭子里有几百棵梅树,人们都会来欣赏,欣赏林逋的‘妻'和‘子'的形态和性格)"以及最后一段中"That's why a hermit would flee from all worldly cares, maintaining his noble character, just as the plum blossoms quietly flower in the depths of winter!(所以隐士才会远离尘嚣,保持自己高贵的品性,正如梅花在隆冬里静静地开放一样!)"可推知,飞鹤亭是为了纪念林逋而建,所以飞鹤亭传承了林逋的精神,说明林逋的故事对中国文人有很深远持久的影响。故选D.
    (4)D.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中"That's why a hermit would flee from all worldly cares, maintaining his noble character, just as the plum blossoms quietly flower in the depths of winter!(所以隐士才会远离尘嚣,保持自己高贵的品性,正如梅花在隆冬里静静地开放一样!)"结合文章通过林逋与他人的对话和对梅花的态度表现了他的淡泊名利,这种品质也被中国历代文人传承,产生了深远影响。可知,我们可以从这篇文章中主要能学到:在中国,物质上的成功对于具有高尚品格的学者来说并不意味着什么。故选D.
    (1)C. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段最后一句"When Hubble's study of nearby galaxies showed that the universe was in fact expanding,Einstein regretted modifying his elegant theory and viewed the cosmological constant term as his 'greatest mistake'."(当哈勃对附近星系的研究表明宇宙世界上是在膨胀中的时候,爱因斯坦遗憾地修改了他优雅的理论并认为宇宙常数是他最伟大的错误)可知,文中不断强调宇宙膨胀理论本可以更早被发现,但只是因为旧有的观念太牢固,人们不愿意接受新的观念而导致了这一发现的延后。爱因斯坦在最后也不情愿地放弃了既有理论。所以短文主要是关于科学家不愿意放弃一个被广泛接受的理论。故选C.
    (2)A. 推理判断题。根据第一段"The discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century. With hindsight(回过头看), it is easy to wonder why no one had thought of it before. Newton,and others,should have realized that a static(静止的)universe would soon start to shrink under the influence of gravity. But suppose instead the universe is expanding "(宇宙正在膨胀的发现是二十世纪最伟大的智力革命之一。事后看来,人们很容易想知道为什么以前没有人想到过这一点。牛顿和其他人应该意识到,在引力的影响下,静止的宇宙很快就会开始收缩。但是假设宇宙正在膨胀),由此判断出,宇宙膨胀理论与十九世纪广泛认可的理论不同。故选A.
    (3)D. 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句"This behavior of the universe could have been predicted from Newton's theory of gravity at any time in the nineteenth, the eighteenth, or even the late seventeenth centuries."(这种宇宙行为本来能够在十九世纪、十八世纪、甚至十七世纪晚期就能从牛顿的重力理论里被预测。)可知,牛顿本来可以在早些世纪中发现这一理论。故选D.
    (4)B. 细节理解题。根据倒第二段第一句"This is a bit like what happens when one fires a rocket upward from the surface of the earth. "(这有点像一个人从地面点燃了火箭一样)可知,推动宇宙膨胀的力量与推动火箭向上的力量相似。故选B.
    (1)B. 标题判断题。通读全文,特别是最后一段"Because once a rude person has had the looking glass held up to them and can see their actions through the eyes of others, they are far more likely to end that behavior themselves.(因为一旦一个粗鲁的人把镜子举在自己面前,可以通过他人的眼睛看到他们的行为,他们就更有可能结束自己的行为。)"可知,作者讲述了人们在面对别人做出无礼行为时应该做出的反应与态度。所以"When Someone Is Rude(当有人粗鲁的时候)"作为文章标题最为合适。故选B.
    (2)C. 词义猜测题。结合上下文可知,此处描写的应该是Winston先生平日里通常的行为做法,与现在应形成对比反差。根据"Lord Robert Winston was sitting on a train, when he found himself becoming steadily angry."可知,而现在的Winston先生处于"持续生气"的状态中,说明其平日里是行为十分温和的人。所以amiable 为"温和的"之意。A. selfless无私的;B. cooperative合作的;C. mild-mannered温文尔雅的;D. open-minded心胸开阔的。故选C.
    (3)D. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的"Instead,that spotlight was shone weakly from afar, shaming her by taking an almost rudimentary(原始的)form of revenge Often, the trick to handling rudeness is far more elegant, and can be done with the gentle delivery of a sentence as simple as "just stop.""可知,相反,Winston把那个女人的行为暴露在聚光灯之下,这几乎是用一种最原始的报复方式来羞辱她,对付粗鲁的技巧要优雅得多,只需轻轻地说出一句简单的话"不要这样做",由此可知,作者认为Winston应当面指出那个妇女的错误,故选D.
    (4)C. 目的意图题。根据文章最后一段"Because once a rude person has had the looking glass held up to them and can see their actions through the eyes of others, they are far more likely to end that behavior themselves.(因为一旦一个粗鲁的人把镜子举在自己面前,可以通过他人的眼睛看到他们的行为,他们就更有可能结束自己的行为。)"可知,作者在文末强烈传达了自己的观点,以及对于上文提及的社会现象,作者认为的解决方案,即不要用无礼回击无礼,而应该先及时制止。即文章的目的是为社会问题提供解决方案。A与文意不符,B、D项概括不够全面。故选C.
    (1)C. 推理判断题。下文"Warren Buffet's father discouraged him from entering the securities business.Walt Disney's brother and wife both tried to talk him out of making Snow Wnite.(沃伦•巴菲特的父亲阻止他进入证券市场生意。沃尔特迪斯尼的哥哥和妻子都试图说服他不要创造白雪公主)"与第二段"Why does so much career advice end up being misguided?(为什么这么多的职业建议最终都被误导了?)"可知,作者举例说明,巴菲特和沃尔特迪斯尼做重大决定前,曾经向他们的亲人寻求建议,接着又谈到了,很多职业建议最终被误导了,作者在该空要阐述的是:别人的建议不一定是正确的,他们可能会把我们引向错误的方向。因此,C项"But they may direct us in the wrong direction.(但他们可能会把我们引向错误的方向)"承上启下, 选项中的 "they"与上文中的others相呼应,故选C项。
    (2)F. 细节理解题。下文"We often listen to the wrong sources. I've watched many students rely on their parents and grandparents for guidance, forgetting that they were raised in an area when it was common to spend an entire career in one organization.(我们经常听错误的消息来源。我看到很多学生依赖父母和祖父母的指导,却忘记了他们是在一个地方长大,那时候他们的整个职业生涯都是在一个组织里度过是很常见的)"可知,很多学生愿意依赖于依赖父母和祖父母的建议指导,但是,却忽略了自己与这些长辈们的成长环境不同,他们给的建议不一定对自己是适用的,很多职业建议被误导源于向谁寻求建议。因此,F项"The problem may start with who we approach for advice.(问题可能从我们向谁寻求建议开始)"承上启下,选项中的who与下文的parents与grandparents形成呼应,故选F项。
    (3)D. 细节理解题。下文"Advisers often focus too heavily on their personal preferences and experiences rather than take our perspective"可知,职业顾问往往过于注重个人偏好和经验,而不是从我们的角度出发,因此,职业顾问的建议也有可能造成误导,他们的建议不一定适合我们。因此,D选项"It's no guarantee that they will know what's right for us.(不能保证他们所知道的适合我们)"承上启下,选项中的"no guarantee"与下文"rather than our perspectives"想呼应。故选D项。
    (4)G. 细节理解题。根据上一句"At some point,you have probably noticed that you're wiser when giving advice to others than you are in making decisions for yourself.(在某种程度上,你可能已经注意到,给别人建议比自己做决定更明智)"与下一句"Sure enough, psychologists find that our reasoning becomes wiser when we think about our own problems from a third-person perspective.(果然,心理学家发现,当我们从第三者的角度思考自己的问题时,我们的推理会变得更加明智)"可知,人们处在第三者的角度,给别人建议时,推理会变得更加明智。因此,给出建议与别人讨论,站在第三者的角度来考虑自己的建议,是获得更好建议的最有效方法。G选项"The lesson here is that one of the most effective ways to get better advice is to give it.(这里的经验是,获得更好建议的最有效方法之一就是给出建议)"切题。选项中的"get"与上文"giving"想呼应。故选G项。
    (5)B. 推理判断题。上一句"In one experiment, it was expected people were more motivated when receiving than giving advice.(在人们的经验中,人们在接受建议时比给出建议时更有动力)"与下一句"It was people who gave advice who became more motivated.(提供建议的人变得更有动力)"可知,前后两句句意转折,因此,B项"But the opposite was true.(但是,但事实恰恰相反)"承上启下,说明事实上并非接受建议的人更有动力,相反是提供建议的人变得更有动力。故选B项。
    (1)B.考查形容词及语境理解。A. noble高尚的;B. soft软弱的,柔和的;C. beautiful美丽的;D. clumsy笨拙的。句意:我对面的男人怀疑地问:"你认为Jane Austen柔和?"后文提到作者觉得自己说错话了,且第二段中提到"not as biting(尖锐) as"可知此处作者说的是简奥斯丁的写作风格柔和。故选B。
    (2)C.考查动词及语境理解。A. appreciate欣赏;B. submit服从;C. challenge挑战;D. substitute代替。句意:然后,他和他的同事轮流对我的说法提出质疑。上文提到作者知道自己说错话了,对面的男人也表达出了他的难以置信,可知,这里是他们轮番挑战作者的言论并和作者辩论,因此选challenge。故选C。
    (3)D.考查形容词及语境理解。A. pleasing令人愉快的;B. serious严肃的;C. low低的;D. light轻的。句意:"我的意思是……"为了保持轻松的语气,我用一种轻快的声音说:"她不像Virginia Woolf那样尖酸刻薄。"根据前面用的是"I just mean",而且作者也知道说错了,因此是作者因心虚而想使语调听起来轻松,照应前面的bright voice,因此是light。low只是音量低,不合语境。故选D。
    (4)A.考查形容词及语境理解。A. frightened受惊的,害怕的;B. brave勇敢的;C. fragile脆弱的;D. naughty淘气的。句意:相反地,这两位教授就像两只猫在玩弄一只受惊的鸟,举了具体的例子来说明奥斯丁的作品是如何尖刻。根据下文作者没有再说什么来辩解,下一段也描述了自己的不自信,而且这里toy with表示"玩弄",可知,这里是将牛津的教授比作猫,而作者像一只受惊的(frightened)小鸟。故选A。
    (5)A.考查固定短语及语境理解。A. on the contrary正相反;B. by no means决不;C. for example例如;D. beyond expectation出乎意料。句意:相反地,这两位教授就像两只猫在玩弄一只受惊的鸟,举了具体的例子来说明奥斯丁的作品是如何尖刻。根据作者前面说觉得Austen不如Virginia Woolf尖锐可知,相反,教授们向作者举例证明Austen更尖锐。故选A。
    (6)C.考查动词及语境理解。A. developed发展;B. arrived到达;C. disappeared消失;D. shifted转移。句意:就在那一刻,我上牛津大学的梦想在一阵烟雾中破灭了。根据此处作者受到了反驳,并且选择放弃解释可知,她是感到失落的,因此是她的梦想消失了。故选C。
    (7)B.考查名词及语境理解。A. matter事件;B. lack缺少;C. sense感觉;D. kind种类。句意:我的部分问题是缺乏自信。从前文作者在教授举例后没有采取行动可知,作者是缺乏自信的。故选B。
    (8)A.考查名词及语境理解。A. debater辩论家;B. learner学习者;C. fighter战士;D. educator教育家。句意:尽管我是一名全优学生,并已尽我所能为面试做了充分准备,但我并不是一个熟练的辩手。根据前文作者没有进行据理力争可知,作者虽然是个好学生,但是不是个娴熟的辩论者。故选A。
    (9)C.考查动词及语境理解。A. expressing表达;B. behaving行为;C. defending辩护;D. identifying识别。句意:当面对两个告诉我我错了的专家时,我没有为自己辩护,而是就此接受失败。根据前面是instead of,以及作者实际采取的行动可知,作者没有为自己辩护,而是选择接受,defend sb.可表示为某人辩护,这里作者已经表达过自己的观点,只是观点受到了挑战,需要去辩论,故选C。
    (10)D.考查名词及语境理解。A. truth真理;B. advice建议;C. prejudice偏见;D. defeat击败。句意:当面对两个告诉我我错了的专家时,我没有为自己辩护,而是就此接受失败。根据上文讲述的,面对质疑,作者选择不再说什么,可推知她接受失败。故选D。
    (11)C.考查名词及语境理解。A. details细节;B. spirits精神;C. contents内容,目录;D. statistics统计。句意:所以,几个月后,当它出现在我的门垫上时,我已经知道了那封薄薄的信封里的内容。根据前一段作者叙述了自己的不自信,以及后文中"I felt a pang of disappointment"可知作者已经猜到薄薄的信封里的内容,即她可能不会被录取。故选C。
    (12)D.考查副词及语境理解。A. Frequently频繁地;B. Originally最初;C. Absolutely绝对地;D. Naturally自然地。句意:自然,我感到一阵失望。此处上下文之间是一种因果关系,猜想到自己不会被录取,自然而然(naturally),她感受到的是一种强烈的失望情绪,故选D。
    (13)B.考查形容词及语境理解。A. typical典型的;B. valuable有价值的;C. miserable悲惨的;D. temporary暂时的。句意:然而,失败的牛津面试给我上了宝贵的人生一课。结合下文"I'm now more confident of my opinions, and I try to14my points with hard evidence."可知作者变得自信了,成为了更好的自己。由此可知,牛津大学面试的失败给作者上了宝贵的一课。故选B。
    (14)D.考查动词短语及语境理解。A. make up编造;B. take up开始从事;C. pick up挑选;D. back up支持,援助。句意:现在我对自己的观点更有信心了,尽量用确凿的证据来支持我的观点。根据上文"I'm now more confident of my opinions"可知作者现在更加自信,由此可知,作者会用确凿的证据来支撑自己的观点,而不是像之前面试时那样准备不充分,不敢据理力争。故选D。
    (15)A.考查动词及语境理解。A. ended结束;B. mended修改;C. attended参加;D. extended延长。句意:此外,自那以后我再也没苦笑,然后以"我们就保持各自的想法吧"来结束一场讨论。根据上文"With no more action to take, I simply smiled and said, "Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?"可知,作者在牛津大学的面试就是以这句话结束的。而现在,作者不会再以这样的方式来结束一场讨论。故选A。
    merciful,himself,and,to dry  (to be dried),Therefore/So,without,who/that,wearing,have been added,help
    本文是一篇说明文。文章对比了St Nicholas与圣诞老人的相同点和不同点,同时也回顾了一些有趣的圣诞老人逸闻趣事和象征事物。
    (1)merciful.考查形容词。句意:仁慈的Nicholas死后,成了孩子们、屠夫、商人和香水制造者的圣人。修饰名词Nicholas,前有形容词形式。merciful 表示仁慈的。故填merciful.
     (2)himself. 考查代词。句意:有一天,Nicholas路过一所农舍,听到一个男人在自言自语,说没有足够的钱让他的每个女儿都出嫁。talk to oneself自言自语。故填himself.
     (3)and .考查连词。句意:那天深夜,Nicholas回到屋里,并将一小袋金子扔进了烟囱。前后句之间为顺承关系,所以用并列连词and连接。故填and.
      (4)to dry (to be dried).考查不定式。句意:接下来的两个晚上,他做了同样的事情,其中一袋金子掉进了挂在壁炉上方烘干的袜子里。这里是用来被烘干或者用来烘干,所以主被动都可以,而且是不定式做目的状语。故填to dry (to be dried).
     (5)Therefore /So. 考查副词或连词。句意:因此/所以,人们说圣诞老人从烟囱里下来,孩子们把袜子挂在壁炉上,让圣诞老人把礼物放进去。此句与前句之间为因果关系,所以用副词therefore或连词so。故填Therefore /So.
     (7)who /that. 考查定语从句。句意:在Nicholas的传统形象中,他通常是一个又高又瘦、没有胡子或八字胡的男人,不像圣诞老人有个大肚腩和满脸胡须。句中先行词为Father Christmas,指人,在定语从句中作主语,所以用关系代词who或that。故填who /that.
     (8)wearing. 考查动名词。句意:St Nicholas的形象也体现在他穿着整洁传统的宗教领袖服装,而不是像圣诞老人那样穿着带有黑色腰带的红色羊毛西装。as为介词后接动名词作宾语。故填wearing.
     (9)have been added. 考查时态和语态。句意:多年来,St Nicholas的故事加入了许多内容,把他变成了我们今天所知道的圣诞老人。根据句中时间状语Over the years可知用现在完成时。主语things用add之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填have been added.
     (10)help. 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:他还有帮他在平安夜送礼物的鹿。根据句中时态可知用一般现在时。句中先行词为deer,在定语从句中作主语。且名词deer单复同形。根据常识可知,有很多头鹿,应是复数,所以定语从句中谓语动词用复数形式。故填help.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,总分40分)第一节 (满分15分)
    Dear fellow students,
    I am calling upon all of you to spread Chinese culture via English. The reasons are as follows.(提出倡议)
    First of all, Chinese culture, which boasts of a long history and covers a wide range of things, whether materially or ideologically, will highlight our identity as Chinese people and consolidate national cohesion.【高分句型一】Secondly, spreading our glorious culture by English will get across to foreigners our profound wisdom and spectacular civilization. Finally, telling Chinese stories in English is a good way to promote our culture abroad since it is human nature to listen to stories and draw from them valuable lessons. 【高分句型二】What is more ,organizing culture exchange activities among students also helps.(用英语传播中国文化的意义和方法)
    Hope the above suggestions are of practical use.(表达希望)
    Li Hua
    First of all, Chinese culture, which boasts of a long history and covers a wide range of things, whether materially or ideologically, will highlight our identity as Chinese people and consolidate national cohesion.
    分析:这句话运用了which引导非限制性定语从句which boasts of a long history and covers a wide range of things,先行词是Chinese culture。
    Finally, telling Chinese stories in English is a good way to promote our culture abroad since it is human nature to listen to stories and draw from them valuable lessons.
    分析:这句话运用了since引导原因状语从句 it is human nature to listen to stories and draw from them valuable lessons.
    Dear fellow students,
    I am calling upon all of you to spread Chinese culture via English. The reasons are as follows.(提出倡议)
    First of all, Chinese culture, which boasts of a long history and covers a wide range of things, whether materially or ideologically, will highlight our identity as Chinese people and consolidate national cohesion.【高分句型一】Secondly, spreading our glorious culture by English will get across to foreigners our profound wisdom and spectacular civilization. Finally, telling Chinese stories in English is a good way to promote our culture abroad since it is human nature to listen to stories and draw from them valuable lessons. 【高分句型二】What is more ,organizing culture exchange activities among students also helps.(用英语传播中国文化的意义和方法)
    Hope the above suggestions are of practical use.(表达希望)
    Li Hua
    What made it more difficult was that I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment pass. My mind quickly raced back to a summer vacation 8 years ago, when Daniel would tread on the forest with his three buddies for the first time. Bags packed and tools ready, Daniel waited quietly for my final reminder. I just stared at him and quietly murmured. "Take care, son." Another time, Daniel was to give a graduation speech in front of 1,500 students. Before hopping the stage, he inquired, "Mom, do you have any word for me?" "No, son, just believe in yourself." I escaped his searching eyes and retreated into my seat.(描写作者以前错过的机会。)
    Thinking of those lost opportunities, now I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten. Finally, I mustered up my courage and blurted out, "son, I am so proud of you to make this decision and experience a brand-new culture. I assure you this will be the most valuable asset in your life. 【高分句型一】I take pride in you because you possess the courage which I failed to have in pursuing your dream. 【高分句型二】Please take care and my love is always by your side." As a lump formed in my throat, I could no longer continue. My son was also touched beyond words as tears brimmed over in his eyes. Finally out came his mother's reminder and words he had been waiting for in the last 20 years.(作者鼓起勇气终于对儿子说出了自己的感受和对他的期望,儿子也非常感动。)
    高分句型一:I assure you this will be the most valuable asset in your life.
    高分句型二:I take pride in you because you possess the courage which I failed to have in pursuing your dream.
    What made it more difficult was that I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment pass. My mind quickly raced back to a summer vacation 8 years ago, when Daniel would tread on the forest with his three buddies for the first time. Bags packed and tools ready, Daniel waited quietly for my final reminder. I just stared at him and quietly murmured. "Take care, son." Another time, Daniel was to give a graduation speech in front of 1,500 students. Before hopping the stage, he inquired, "Mom, do you have any word for me?" "No, son, just believe in yourself." I escaped his searching eyes and retreated into my seat.(描写作者以前错过的机会。)
    Thinking of those lost opportunities, now I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten. Finally, I mustered up my courage and blurted out, "son, I am so proud of you to make this decision and experience a brand-new culture. I assure you this will be the most valuable asset in your life. 【高分句型一】I take pride in you because you possess the courage which I failed to have in pursuing your dream. 【高分句型二】Please take care and my love is always by your side." As a lump formed in my throat, I could no longer continue. My son was also touched beyond words as tears brimmed over in his eyes. Finally out came his mother's reminder and words he had been waiting for in the last 20 years.(作者鼓起勇气终于对儿子说出了自己的感受和对他的期望,儿子也非常感动。)

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