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    选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language学案

    这是一份选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language学案,共17页。学案主要包含了高频词汇等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.He had a (酷爱)fr gardens.
    2.We've made (非凡的) prgress as a sciety in recent years.
    3.I am an independent inventr and have had dzens f (专利) awarded t me in the past 35 years.
    4.I studied fr my (博士学位) in Tsinghua University frm 2013 t 2016.
    5.Father patted meg n my back, but said nthing.
    6.He was ne f the very greatest scientific and mathematicalg .
    7.Theye untld difficulties and dangers befre they reached their destinatin.
    8.They sat dwn andd a letter t the lcal newspaper.
    9.The new technique is targeted at mbile (仪器).
    10.He shaved hism ff and lked yunger than his age.
    ut f a passin fr;cme t pwer;take up;;pass away
    1.Mst tur guides d the jb traveling rather than mney.
    2.He left a new psitin in anther cmpany.
    3.Hwever, scial changes brught abut by new technlgy ften changes in attitudes.
    4.When Jin Yng , there were many fans n scial media expressing their sadness ver his death.
    5.After Mandela , his gvernment tried its best t imprve blacks' educatin.
    1.It is a unique American (institute) fr the new president t deliver an inaugural address(就职演说).
    2.Einstein's thery f (relative) wn him universal fame and respect.
    3.Despite (number) failures, they cntinued t cnduct the experiment.
    4.Electricity lines t 30,000 hmes were (gradual) being restred yesterday.
    5.Mistakes due t carelessness may have serius (cnsequence).
    6.In 1979, nly 2% f British (prfessr) were females.
    7.Many (thery) have been advanced as t why sme peple suffer frm depressin.
    8.Can I just sum what we've agreed s far?
    1.据报道3人在这起交通事故中受伤。(It is reprted that...)

    2.这个法国人说起长城好像他以前去过那里似的。(as if)


    4.如果把电视嵌入天花板,你就可以躺在那里观看你最喜欢的节目了。(while ding...)

    Albert Einstein, a genius well knwn fr the thery f relativity, is universally cnsidered the greatest scientist in mdern physics. Brn 1 14 March 1879, Einstein tried t enter university in Switzerland when he was 16, but failed due t his lw scres in the general part f the 2 (enter)exam, thugh he did succeed in btaining exceptinal scres in maths and physics. It was in 1896 3 he managed t pass the exam. While 4 (wrk) in the Swiss patent ffice, he cntinued t study and earned a 5 (dctr) in physics in 1905. Fur years later he quit the jb and 6 (cmmit) himself t full-time research at a university. In 1922, he was awarded the 1921 Nbel Prize fr Physics fr his explanatin f the phtelectric effect.
    Sadly,the great genius had t 7 (flee) Germany in 1933, 8 Hitler came t pwer and Jews were persecuted(迫害). After spending time in Eurpe, he finally tk up 9 psitin as a researcher at the Institute fr Advanced Study in Princetn, USA. And he cntinued t make great 10 (achieve) in physics and mathematics.
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
    The Nbel Prize in Literature, which has been awarded annually almst every year since 1901, netted(净赚)the winning authr 747,000 punds, a medal and a certificate, and the legal duty t deliver a lecture in Sweden at sme future dates. The winner was selected, as usual, by the Swedish Academy, which als picked a secnd laureate(获奖者)this year t make up fr the fact that n prize was presented in 2018 because f a scandal(丑闻).
    The Nbel Prize in Literature fr 2018 was awarded t the Plish authr Olga Tkarczuk fr“a narrative imaginatin that with encyclpedic(百科全书式的)passin represents the crssing f bundaries as a frm f life”. She wn last year's Man Bker Internatinal Prize fr her nvel Flights. Her representative wrks include Drive Yur Plw Over the Bnes f the Dead and Primeval and Other Times.
    The Nbel Prize in Literature fr 2019 was awarded t the Austrian authr Peter Handke fr“an influential wrk that with linguistic ingenuity(语言的独创性) has explred the periphery and the specificity f human experience”. His representative wrks include A Srrw Beynd Dreams and Slw Hmecming.
    Befre the annuncement f the Nbel Prize in Literature winners, there were als tw nminees(被提名者)wh have attracted much attentin. Chinese peple were keeping an eye n the nminee Can Xue. Can Xue, whse real name is Deng Xiahua, was brn in central China's Hunan Prvince in 1953. She had a tugh childhd, wrking as a wrker in a street factry fr eight years. Her life experience has frmed her wn unique literary path. Can's bks have been translated and published utside China. Frntier, published in the US in 2017, wn attentin and applause f the West.
    The ther ht guess was the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami whse bks and stries had been bestsellers in Japan as well as internatinally, with his wrk being translated int 50 languages and selling millins f cpies utside his native cuntry. His wrk has received numerus awards. Internet users kept an eye n him in the Nbel Prize in Literature because he had becme a ht guess fr years. His representative wrks include Nrwegian Wd, Kafka n the Shre and 1Q84.
    1.Why are tw writers awarded the Nbel Prize in Literature this year?

    A.T fill the prize gap f 2018.
    B.T attract mre peple's attentin.
    C.T inspire mre utstanding writers.
    D.T satisfy the develpment f literature.
    2.What made Olga Tkarczuk win the Nbel Prize in Literature?
    A.Her high ppularity.B.Her language skills.
    C.Her numerus wrks.D.Her writing style.
    3.Which bk can yu chse if yu are interested in Peter's style?
    A.Flights.B.Slw Hmecming.
    C.Frntier.D.Kafka n the Shre.
    4.Why did the Internet users pay clse attentin t Haruki Murakami?
    A.Because he had created hundreds f great nvels.
    B.Because he had received lts f awards all the time.
    C.Because he had been suppsed t win the prize fr years.
    D.Because he had been recgnized as the mst ppular writer.
    Hw t Beat the Prcrastinatin Habit
    I am a prcrastinatr (拖延症患者). I always have been. I've tried all srts f things t beat the habit. Here are sme techniques I've been using.
    Set aside blcks f time t d things.
    When I was talking with my wellness (健康) cach earlier this year, she asked me why I didn't exercise mre ften. “ 1 ,” I said. “Smething always cmes up.” She wasn't impressed. “J.D.,” she said, “yu have t make time. Make an appintment with yurself t run r t g fr a bike ride.” The same principle applies t ther things yu might prcrastinate.
    2 .
    Often I'll be sitting n the back prch reading a bk, and it will ccur t me that sme chres need t be dne, mending the fence, fr example. “ 3 ,” I tell myself. Wrng! What usually happens is that I frget t write it dwn, and even if I d, I just lk at the list and prcrastinate fr weeks n end. The best mve is t actually d the chre when I think f it. (Assuming, f curse, that I have the time at that mment, which I usually d.)
    Use a timer t bring yu back t reality.
    Part f the reasn why I prcrastinate is that I'm a daydreamer. 4 . One way t keep n track is t use a timer. I use the Ultrak Jumb Cuntdwn Timer, but nt as ften as I shuld. I set it fr 48 minutes. When it ges ff, 5 :Am I ding what I'm suppsed t be ding?
    D nt multitask.
    I ften start many things at nce, but I never actually d any f them. In rder fr me t get smething dne, I need t fcus my attentin n it. Trying t d several things at nce is a sure way t be sure they'll all be unfinished tmrrw.
    A.I'm always lst in thught
    B.it brings me back t reality
    C.If it cmes t mind, then d it
    D.I dn't have the time
    E.it serves as an instant reality check
    F.D it right away if yu are asked t d smething
    G.I need t write that dwn s I can remember it
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    Last Saturday,David was taking a walk in the park near his hme when he nticed a wman with a by f abut eight years ld. When David passed them, he heard the wman yell, “Hw stupid yu are! Yu're gd at nthing.”David stpped and lked at the little by. The by said nthing. He just std there, lking upset.
    David was reminded f his English teacher Mrs.Brwn in the middle schl. After he entered the middle schl, David lacked self-cnfidence because he was ften made fun f by thers. He was ften tld that he was gd at nthing, which David believed. But ne day it all changed.
    One day, in an English writing class, Mrs.Brwn asked them t read a nvel. They were asked t write a new chapter f the nvel after they finished reading the bk. A few days later, David handed in his stry. He didn't give it much thught. But the next day t his surprise, the cmment “well dne” frm Mrs. Brwn came int view the mment he turned t the page where the stry was written.
    When David read that, he almst burst int tears. He never expected t be praised ne day. He suddenly gained sme self-cnfidence.
    That day after he returned hme, he wrte a shrt stry and gave it t Mrs.Brwn the next mrning. And again he was praised.
    David became very interested in writing. He ften wrte shrt stries and asked Mrs. Brwn t read them and crrect them fr him. Mrs. Brwn always crrected them fr him. Mrs. Brwn always crrected the mistakes he had made and gave him gd advice t imprve them. One year later, David jined the schl newspaper and became an editr f it. He was n lnger that by wh lacked self-cnfidence. He gained his cnfidence and was hpeful abut his future.
    He succeeded in entering cllege and kept writing. Several years after graduating frm cllege, he had his first bk published. With sme mre bks cming ut, he became famus as a writer in his cuntry. And he wed his success t Mrs. Brwn's encuragement. Withut her encuragement, his life might be very different nw.
    Paragraph 1:
    Inspired by his wn life stry, David decided t d smething fr that by.

    Paragraph 2:
    The mther was ashamed when she heard that.

    Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Yur Prgress &Vide Time
    Ⅰ 2.extrardinary 3.patents 4.dctrate 5.gently
    6.geniuses 7.encuntered 8.drafted 9.devices 10.mustaches
    Ⅱ f a passin fr 2.t take up 3.are;mistaken fr
    4.passed away 5.came t pwer
    Ⅲ 考查词性转换。句意:对于新总统来说,发表就职演说是一个独特的美国的习俗。由设空处前的a可知此处应用名词,institutin意为“习俗”。
    2.relativity 考查词性转换。句意:爱因斯坦的相对论理论为他赢得了全世界的名声和尊重。thery f relativity意为“相对论理论”,所以此处应填名词relativity。
    3.numerus 考查词性转换。句意:尽管(经历了)许多的失败的事,他们继续进行实验。此处应用形容词作定语,修饰其后的复数名词failures。numerus作形容词,意为“许多的”。
    4.gradually 考查词性转换。句意:通向3万户人家的电线昨日被逐步修复。分析句子成分可知,设空处修饰谓语动词,应用副词,gradually意为“逐渐地,逐步地”。
    5.cnsequences 考查名词单复数。句意:由于粗心犯的错误可能会有严重的后果。cnsequence为可数名词,意为“后果”,设空处前无冠词及形容词性物主代词,且由语境可知此处应用名词的复数形式,故填cnsequences。
    6.prfessrs 考查名词单复数。句意:在1979年,只有2%的英国教授是女性。prfessr为可数名词,意为“教授”,由设空处后的were可知此处应填复数名词prfessrs。
    7.theries 考查名词单复数。句意:关于为什么一些人患有抑郁症,许多理论已经被提出来了。thery为可数名词,意为“理论”,由设空处前的Many可知此处应填复数名词theries。
    8.up 考查固定搭配。句意:我可否就我们目前达成的共识作个概括?sum up 意为“总结,概括”,故填up。
    Ⅳ is reprted that three peple were injured in the traffic accident.
    2.The French man talked abut the Great Wall as if he had been there befre.
    3.Bth sides f the street were crwded with peple, all cheering the runners n.
    4.If the TV was built int the ceiling, yu culd lie there while watching yur favurite prgramme.
    Ⅴ 考查介词。 有具体日期的时间前面要用n。
    2.entrance 考查词性转换。the entrance exam 意为“入学考试”,entrance在此处为名词作定语。
    3.that 考查强调句式。 句意:是在1896年他设法通过了考试。此处It 为强调句式,强调时间状语。
    4.wrking 考查非谓语动词。 While wrking...为状语从句的省略,省略了主语和be动词,补充完整为While he was wrking...。
    5.dctrate 考查名词。由设空处前的冠词a可知此处应用名词,dctrate 意为“博士学位”。
    6.cmmitted 考查动词时态。根据句子中时间状语Fur years later及上下文语境可知应该用一般过去时。此题注意不要受quit的干扰,quit的过去式、过去分词有两种——quit/quitted。
    7.flee 考查动词的形式。have t d sth.意为“不得不做某事”,故填flee。
    8.when 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:令人悲伤的是,这位伟大的天才1933年不得不离开德国,这一年希特勒上台执政,犹太人受到迫害。句中的1933为先行词,设空处引导定语从句,并在定语从句中作时间状语,故填when。
    9.a 考查冠词。 句意:在欧洲度过一段时间之后,他最终在美国普林斯顿高等研究院担任研究员的职位。此处包括固定搭配take up a psitin,意为“担任,任职”。
    10.achievements 考查词性转换和名词复数。achievement作“成就”讲时是可数名词,故填achievements。
    Ⅰ.◎语篇解读 文章属于新闻类说明文,介绍了2019年诺贝尔文学奖的一些获奖情况。
    1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段可知瑞典学院今年还选出了第二名获奖者,以弥补在2018年由于一桩丑闻而没有颁发诺贝尔文学奖这件事。故选A。
    2.D 推理判断题 。根据第二段中的The Nbel Prize in Literature fr 2018 was awarded t the Plish authr Olga Tkarczuk fr “a narrative imaginatin that with encyclpedic(百科全书式的)passin represents the crssing f bundaries as a frm f life.”可知波兰作家奥尔加·托卡尔丘克因为“她的叙事想象力富于百科全书式的激情,代表了一种跨越边界的生命形式”而获得了2018年的诺贝尔文学奖,也就是说她的写作风格使她赢得了这个奖。
    3.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的His representative wrks include A Srrw Beynd Dreams and Slw Hmecming.可知Slw Hmecming是Peter的代表作之一,如果对Peter的风格感兴趣可以看这本书。
    4.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Internet users kept an eye n him in the Nbel Prize in Literature because he had becme a ht guess fr years.可知互联网用户关注着村上春树是因为多年来他都是这个奖的热门人选,这说明多年来大家认为他应该获得这个奖。
    1.award v.授予;奖励 n.奖;奖品;奖金 2.certificate n.证明;证明书 3.representative adj.典型的;有代表性的;代表各类人(或事物)的 4.keep an eye n留意、注意
    原句 The ther ht guess was the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami whse bks and stries had been bestsellers in Japan as well as internatinally, with his wrk being translated int 50 languages and selling millins f cpies utside his native cuntry.
    句意 另一个热门猜测是日本作家村上春树,他的书和故事在日本和国际很畅销,他的作品被翻译成50种语言,在他的祖国以外的地方销售数百万册。
    分析 主句The ther ht guess was the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami是主系表结构。whse引导定语从句,修饰先行词Haruki Murakami。逗号后面为with复合结构作伴随状语。
    Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 作者结合切身经历,给出了应对拖延症的几个合理建议。
    1.D 考查上下文语境关系。根据上文的“she asked me why I didn't exercise mre ften”可知,健身教练问“我”为什么不多经常锻炼,此处是答语,故D项符合语境。
    2.C 考查段落主旨。根据最后的结论The best mve is t actually d the chre when I think f it.可知,最好的办法就是想到就做,由此可知,本段讲的是想到了什么事情就要马上去做,故C项符合语境。
    3.G 考查逻辑关系。根据空后内容可知,通常情况是忘记写下来,即使是写下来,也只是看看清单,拖延几个星期,故G项(我需要把它写下来,这样我就能记住了)符合语境。
    4.A 考查上下文逻辑关系。根据空前“我”拖延的部分原因是“我”喜欢做白日梦,此处承接上文,故A项符合语境。
    5.E 考查逻辑关系。根据“Am I ding what I'm suppsed t be ding?”可知,定时器可以让我们检查自己:“我”做“我”该做的事了吗?故E项符合语境。
    1.technique n.技巧 2.cme up发生 3.make an appintment with...与……约定 4.g ff (警报器等)突然发出巨响
    原句 Often I'll be sitting n the back prch reading a bk, and it will ccur t me that sme chres need t be dne, mending the fence, fr example.
    句意 我常常会坐在后廊上看书,这时我会突然想到一些需要做的家务,比如修篱笆。
    分析 此句为and连接的并列复合句。上半句为将来进行时,后半部分为It ccurs t sb. that...的句型, 意为“某人突然想到……”。
    Ⅲ.One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    Inspired by his wn life stry, David decided t d smething fr that by. He went t the wman, wh immediately recgnized him because she had read his bks and seen his pictures. David started t chat with her. He tld her that what she had said t her by was nt apprpriate. Then he tld her abut the encuragement he nce gt frm Mrs. Brwn. In the end, he said, “I culdn't have becme a writer if I had believed I was gd at nthing.”
    Paragraph 2:
    The mther was ashamed when she heard that. She realized that she shuldn't have called her sn stupid, which wuld make him lse cnfidence in himself. S she said, “Thank yu fr yur advice. I'll never say such things t him again. Instead, I'll find ut what he's gd at and encurage him.” The wman then left with the by. Lking at the back f the by, David felt relieved, hping his actin culd make sme difference t the by.

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