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    甘肃省天水市2022届高三上学期8月第一次考试 英语 (含答案)练习题
    甘肃省天水市2022届高三上学期8月第一次考试 英语 (含答案)练习题01
    甘肃省天水市2022届高三上学期8月第一次考试 英语 (含答案)练习题02
    甘肃省天水市2022届高三上学期8月第一次考试 英语 (含答案)练习题03
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    甘肃省天水市2022届高三上学期8月第一次考试 英语 (含答案)练习题

    这是一份甘肃省天水市2022届高三上学期8月第一次考试 英语 (含答案)练习题,共11页。

    (满分:120分 时间:100分钟)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Wh says inventins are nly made by grwn-ups and prfessinals? Over the years, children have als succeeded in making their useful cntributins t the wrld. Here are a few inventins that came t life frm the minds f yung children.
    Her Helmet
    Seven-year-ld Samul
    Meyer's inventin is aimed at stpping peple frm riding their bikes r skatebards withut using a helmet. The Her Helmet features an inbuilt remte that cntrls a lck n the wheels which unlcks when the Helmet is being wrn by the rider. Samuel says: n helmet, n bike.
    Rbtic Earthwrm
    The first thught that cmes t mind is,why a rbtic earthwrm? Well, ten-year-ld David Chen had sme useful applicatins in mind. He believed it culd be used t find victims after a fld, earthquake r fire.The rbt culd get int small and dangerus places where search dgs and humans culd nt g.
    Fifteen-year-ld Hannah Herbst's inventin, which stands fr Bringing Electricity Access t Cuntries thrugh Ocean Energy, was inspired by her pen pal wh lives in Ethipia and did nt have access t lights.S she came up with ,which absrbs energy directly frm cean waves. Her inventin wn the“Discvery Educatin 3M Yung Scientist Challenge”in 2015 and ther numerus awards.
    Prtable Wheelchair Cntrller
    At nly eight years ld, Amelia Fx created the inventin t help lift peple in and ut f their wheelchair. This inventin was nt just brn ut f the desire t create smething. Amelia develped this cntrller fr her brther,wh had just gt hip surgery and needed the wheelchair t mve arund.
    1. Wh is the yungest inventr?
    A. Samuel Meyer. B. David Chen.
    C. Amelia Fx. D. Hannah Herbst.
    2. Which f the fllwing can be used as a rescue tl?
    A. Her Helmet B.
    C. Rbtic Earthwrm. D. Prtable Wheelchair Cntrller.
    3. Why did Amelia Fx create the inventin?
    A. T give her brther assistance. B. T benefit the earthquake victims.
    C. T generate electricity effectively. D. T prtect bike riders frm injuries.
    When I first gt the bird, it must have nly just been hatched. Its mther had disappeared, leaving it alne and shivering in the face f the nrth wind. I decided t take it straight back and build it a new hme.
    At that time, we grew a great many flwers in ur huse. Next t ne hanging rchid (兰花) I hung anther empty flwerpt and it was in this pt that the bird was t have its new hme. When Dad gt hme, he immediately discvered the new additin t ur family. Withut saying a wrd, he turned arund and left the huse. After sme time, he returned and I saw that he had a handful f grass and pine needles. Obviusly, Dad thught the nest I had made was far t rugh and s he had decided t decrate it himself.
    “A bird brn at this time f year wn’t survive the winter.” In spite f this predictin n the bird’s future, Dad very carefully fashined the nest himself. Sn I fund “Nu Nu” (Dad had named him) had started t grw feathers. They lked like such fine little hairs that yu culd nly ntice them if yu lked really clsely. I nly discvered them because every day I wuld cup him in my hands and lk at him.
    Dad prbably realized that he had been a little cruel in his predictin. Yu see, he had already started training Nu Nu t walk. As yu knw, Nu Nu lived in a flwerpt, nt a cage r anything. When he had nthing else t d, he walked arund his little hme. There were times when he was a bit naughty t and he jumped dwn nt ur dining table.
    It was bvius that Nu Nu didn’t realize he was a bird. He perhaps thinks he was ne f the family. But it is nt enugh fr a bird t walk, it must fly as well. Dad sn began attempting t make him learn this new ability, but it was nt an easy task. After all, nbdy in ur family had mastered the art f flying. we didn’t even have wings. Hw culd we ask Nu Nu t d smething that we had n means f ding urselves?
    The flying lessns went n regardless. Dad jumped ff a chair, waving his arms as if his life depended n it, in an attempt t encurage Nu Nu t shake his wings. Surprisingly, this stupid actin f Dad’s did actually have an effect. Nu Nu began t shake his wings and started t rise.
    Everything is hard at the beginning. But seeing as what we had already started, the fact that Nu Nu culdn’t fly was n reasn nt t cntinue trying. Nu Nu learnt t fly finally and he survived the winter as well.
    4. Accrding t the text, what is the new additin t the family?
    A. ne hanging rchid B. anther empty flwerpt
    C. the little bird D. a handful f grass
    5. Why is it nt an easy task t make the bird learn t fly?
    A. Because the bird was raised in the cage.
    B. Because the bird was ne f the family.
    C. Because the family didn’t want t teach him t fly.
    D. Because the family didn’t have relevant experience.
    6. What’s the family’s attitude twards the bird?
    A Cruel B. Cnsiderate C. Tlerant D. Uncncerned
    7. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. All the predictins may cme true. B. Nthing is difficult at the beginning.
    C. Everything deserves a try thugh hard. D. There is always a reasn t d smething.
    We all talk t urselves smetimes. We’re usually t embarrassed t admit it, thugh. In fact, we really shuldn't be because mre and mre experts believe talking t urselves ut lud is a healthy habit.
    This “self­talk” helps us mtivate urselves, remember things, slve prblems, and calm urselves dwn. Be aware, thugh, that as much as 77% f self talk tends t be negative. S in rder t stay psitive, we shuld nly speak wrds f encuragement t urselves.We shuld als be quick t give urselves a pat n the back. The next time yu finish a prject, d well in a test, r finally clean yur rm, jin me in saying “Gd jb!”
    Often, wrds cme ut f ur muths withut us thinking abut the effect they will have. But we shuld be aware that ur wrds cause certain respnses in thers. Fr example, when returning an item t a stre, we might use warm, friendly language during the exchange. And the clerk will prbably respnd in a similar manner. Or harsh(刻薄的) and critical language will mst likely cause the clerk t be defensive.
    Wrds pssess pwer because f their lasting effects. Many f us regret smething we nce said. And we remember unkind wrds said t us!Befre speaking, we shuld always ask urselves:Is it true? Is it lving? Is it needed? If what we want t say desn’t pass this test, then it's better left unsaid.
    Wrds pssess pwer: bth psitive and negative. Thse arund us receive encuragement when we speak psitively. We can ffer hpe, build self­esteem(自尊) and mtivate thers t d their best. Negative wrds destry all thse things. Will we use ur wrds t hurt r t heal? The chice is urs.
    8.Why shuld we nt feel embarrassed when talking t urselves?
    A.Talking t urselves is believed t be gd fr ur health.
    B.It des harm t have “self­talk” when we are alne.
    C.Talking t urselves helps us t slve all the prblems.
    D.Almst everybdy has the habit f talking t neself.
    9.What des the underlined phrase “give urselves a pat n the back” mean?
    A.Blame urselves. B.Punish urselves. C.Talk t urselves. D.Praise urselves.
    10.Which f the fllwing statements wuld the authr agree with?
    A.Wrds always pssess lng psitive effects.
    B.Kind wrds are smetimes nt needed at all.
    C.It is impssible fr unkind wrds t be frgtten.
    D.It is better t think twice befre talking t thers.
    11. Hw des the authr explain the effect f wrds in paragraph 3?
    A. By giving a definitin.B. By classifying different types.
    C. By giving examples.D. By giving data.
    Patients in the early stages f Alzheimer’s disease ften struggle t remember recently learned infrmatin, meaning they frget things like imprtant appintments r where they left their keys. But it seems that these memries are nt lst. They are still filed away in the brain smewhere; they just can’t be easily accessed.
    Nw, researchers at MIT have develped a means f getting back memries in mice suffering frm Alzheimer’s. The methd relies n a technique that uses light t cntrl genetically mdified neurns (转基因神经元). Currently it is t early t be used in human trials as it invlves inserting light emitting (发光) equipment int the subjects’ brains, but the same principles still apply, the researchers said.
    “The imprtant pint is that this is evidence f cncept. That is, even if a memry seems t be gne, it is still there. It’s a matter f hw t get it back, ” said senir researcher Susumu Tnegawa.
    The team tk tw grups f mice, ne genetically engineered t develp Alzheimer’s and ne healthy. They then placed them int a rm and gave them a mild electric shck. All f the mice shwed fear when put back in an hur later. When placed in the rm a third time several days later, the Alzheimer’s mice acted nrmally. They had frgtten the shck.
    The researchers were then able t bring back the memry f the shck by activating (激活) the cells in which the memries were stred. Even when the mice were put int an unfamiliar rm, they shwed fear when the cells assciated with the shck were activated.
    “Shrt­term memry seems t be nrmal. But fr lng­term memry, these early Alzheimer’s mice seem t be damaged, ” said lead researcher Dheeraj Ry. “Or rather, there is indeed an access prblem t the infrmatin.”
    12.What can we learn abut the researchers at MIT?
    A.They are the pineers f brain research.
    B.They have used the methd in human trials.
    C.They can cure Alzheimer’s using the new methd.
    D.They can get back memries in mice with Alzheimer’s.
    13.What d we knw abut the lng­term memry f the early Alzheimer’s mice?
    A.They can transfrm their brain cells.
    B.They can’t learn new tricks well.
    C.They can easily get back their memry.
    D.They can’t access the infrmatin stred.
    14.Hw did the researchers cnduct their experiment firstly by testing the mice?
    A. By dividing the mice int different grups.
    B. By giving them a mild electric shck.
    C. By studying their fear when placing int a rm.
    D. By analyzing their memries.
    15.What is the main purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce a methd f a research.
    B. T reprt the latest discvery abut a disease.
    C. T give advice n hw t imprve memry.
    D. T explain hw the brain stres infrmatin.
    第二节(共5小题;每题2分, 满分10分)
    Tp Tips fr the Flu Seasn
    It’s cming. I can feel it in the air. On the subway every time smene cughs, I lk up t see if I can mve a little further. As I exit the train, I immediately reach fr hand wash t remve any f the dirt n my hands. 16
    If yu are yung and healthy, it’s mst likely that yu will just feel uncmfrtable fr a week r tw, miss sme wrk r study. If yu are elderly, have medical prblems, r are a yung child, yu may nt be s lucky. 17 Depending n the year, between 3,000 and 49,000 peple die.
    The best way t prevent the flu is t get vaccinated(接种疫苗). 18 Hwever, it still ffers cnsiderable prtectin. In adults, the vaccine is 59 percent prtective n average. Fr children the stry is better. Clearly, we need better vaccines but it’s still a really gd idea t get vaccinated.
    Can the flu sht give yu the flu? Yu may have an arm pain r a little fever, but the injectin des nt cntain a live virus and cannt give yu the flu.
    19 It isn’t clear hw lng prtectin lasts and if the vaccine prtects against different flus fr nly ne year.
    Finally, here is sme advice fr what t d if yu get the flu.
    • 20
    • Stay at hme until yur fever has been gne fr at least 24 hurs. That will reduce the number f peple yu give this t.
    Best wishes fr a happy flu seasn!
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Mattew Shifrin has been building with Legs (乐高积木) since he was 5 with the help f his friends. When he turned 13, he gt a 21 birthday present frm his friend, Lilya Finkel. It was an 843-piece Middle Eastern Leg palace. And with it were 22 that Finkel made specially fr it. Finkel 23 a unique name fr every ne f the mre than 800 pieces in the palace set. Then she spent cuntless hurs 24 building instructins in Braille (盲文) that spelled ut hw t 25 them all tgether.
    His mind was blwn. As a 26 persn, Shifrin had never befre been able t cmplete a Leg set 27 . Shifrin knew immediately that he had t help ther blind children find the same 28 . Shifrin says, ''Fr blind peple, Leg sets act as small 3D 29 fr real-life buildings instead f tw-dimensinal phtgraphs. Leg bricks 30 me t see things that are 31 t explre by tuch.'' Fr years after that incredible Leg 32 , he tgether with Finkel created similar instructins fr abut 45 ther Leg sets, all 33 n a website they created, ''Leg fr the Blind.''
    Shifrin began 34 the Leg cmpany several years ag t discuss his wrk, but it was in 2017, when Finkel died f cancer, that he finally cnnected with the 35 persn. His years-lng effrts 36 when the Leg cmpany released its first audi and Braille building instructins. The prject is a high-tech versin f what Shifrin and Finkel did fr their 37 . It culdn’t have been cmpleted withut Shifrin's 38 – r withut his determinatin.
    He just 39 Finkel had been here t see it. ''I think she'd be very glad that we came this 40 ,'' Shifrin said.
    27.A.in his favurB.in his turnC.n his wnD at his cnvenience
    30.A.warnB.allw C.frceD.truble
    34.A.putting up with B. catching up with C .reaching ut tD. keeping away frm
    35.A.previusB.missingC.smart D.right
    36.A.spread utB.blew upC.faded awayD.paid ff
    38.A.encuragement B.preparatinC.invlvement D.recmmendatin
    39.A.predicted B.wished C.assumedD.expected
    40.A.lng B.far C.deepD.fast
    第二节(共10小题: 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    A study recently published by Science fund that as yung as age six, girls are less likely than bys 41. _____ (admit) that they are “really, really smart.” Even 42. _____ (bad), the study fund that girls act n that belief: Arund age six they start t avid 43. _____ (participate) in activities fr children 44. _____ are “really, really smart.” Can ur planet affrd t have any great thinkers becme discuraged and give up? It desn’t take a genius t knw the answer: 45. _____ (abslute) nt.
    Here’s the gd news. In a wired wrld with cnstant 46. _____ (glbe) cmmunicatin, we 47. _____ (see) flashes f genius up t nw. And the mre we lk, the mre we will see that scial factrs (因素) 48. _____ gender, race, and class d nt determine the appearance f genius. As a writer 49. _____ (say), future geniuses cme frm thse with “intelligence, 50. _____ (create), perseverance (毅力), and frtune, wh are able t change the wrld.”
    注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    When I was a kid, I cnsidered different jbs that I wuld like d. First, I wanted t be a fireman, whse unifrm lked clly. Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted t be a teacher because I liked my English teacher t much at that time. Therefre, when I studied chemistry at high schl, I recnsidered my gal and decide t be a dctr. They were tw reasns fr the decisin. One was that I was amazing at the fact that a sick persn culd feel much mre better after seeing a dctr. But the ther was that I wanted t help peple in need.
    假定你是李华。你的英国网友Mary 家经营的农场产品因疫情而滞销,写信向你求助。请你给她写一封信,鼓励她做网络主播,在家直播带货。内容包括:
    1. 直播推销需要的设备;
    2. 直播推销的优势;
    3. 直播推销的建议。
    参考词汇:秒光 sell ut within secnds 网红营销 scial influence marking
    直播带货 prmte gds sales thrugh living-streaming
    Dear Mary,
    Best wishes!
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    --3 ACA 4-----7 CDBC 8----11 ADDC 12-----15 DDBA
    --20 AFGCD
    21----25 BAADB 26-----30 ACDCB 31-----35 ADACD 36-----40 DBCBB
    语法填空:41.t admit 42.wrse 43. participating 44. wh 45. abslutely
    glbal 47. have seen 48. like 49. says 50. creativity
    短文改错:51.wuld like^t 52. clly----cl 53. five---fifth 54. t---very
    Therefre----Hwever 56. decide----decided 57. They---there
    amazing-----amazed 59. much \mre better 60. But---And
    Dear Mary,
    Knwing that the prduce n yur farm is hard t sell during the pandemic, I really feel wrried. S I’ m writing t share sme successful experience in China t help yu.
    Chinese farmers encuraged the similar prblem nt lng ag, but they fund a creative slutin by prmting gds sales thrugh live-streaming, fr which yu nly need a cmputer r a cellphne with access t the Internet and a live stream platfrm r an applicatin fr bradcasting. By taking advantage f scial influence marketing, the sellers can intrduce the gds mre efficiently and the buyers can watch the prducts visually in real time, thus, making the nline trade mre cnvenient.
    I hpe my advice will be helpful t yu.
    Best wishes! Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Flu seasn is here, and I take it seriusly.
    Oftentimes giving flu shts is fast, easy and effective.
    If yu gt the flu sht last year, d yu need it this year?
    If yu have the symptms, call yur dctr t prescribe sme medicine.
    Flu symptms usually include high fever, cugh, sre thrat and bdy aches.
    F. Each year mre than 200,000 peple are staying in hspital due t the illness.
    G. Yu may have heard that the flu vaccine didn’t wrk as well as we thught r wuld like.

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