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    时量:120分钟 总分:150分
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    1. What will the wman d this weekend?
    A. Camp in the muntains.B. G hiking.C. G swimming.
    2. Hw will the wman g dwntwn?
    A. By taxi.B. By car.C. By bus.
    3. What is the weather like tday?
    A. Sunny.B. Rainy. C. Cludy.
    4. When shuld the wman return the bk accrding t the man?
    A. N later than Saturday. B. N later than next Tuesday. C. N later than next Friday.
    5. What is the wman's attitude?
    A. She isn’t interested in spken English.
    B. She is gd at spken English.
    C. She thinks spken English is useful.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Hw much sunlight des the plant need?
    A. A lt.B. A little. C. Nne at all.
    7. What des the wman think f the plant?
    A. It's beautiful and perfect.B. It’s very expensive. C. It’s t difficult t keep alive.
    8. Whm did peple usually marry in Russia in the past?
    A. Thse with the same interests.
    B. Thse with the same backgrund.
    C. Thse with the same prfessin.
    9. What did the wman d when she met her husband?
    A. She was a scientist. B. She was a teacher. C. She was a musician.
    10. Which is NOT the reasn why the man dislikes the city?
    A. The air is nt fresh.B. It’s t nisy. C. Husing is expensive in the city.
    11. Hw des the wman feel abut mving?
    A. She is eager t mve t the cuntryside.
    B. She prefers t mve t anther city.
    C. She desn't really want t mve.
    12. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Mve ut f the city.B. Find a new jb.C. Buy a huse in the city.
    13. What music makes the man want t dance?
    A. The 80s music.B. The sng “Hliday”.C. Madnna’s new music.
    14. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Think abut past experiences.B. Drive mre carefully.C. Try smething new.
    15. What des the wman think abut schl?
    A. Getting gd grades is imprtant.
    B. One shuldn't study histry at schl.
    C. Studying is cmplicated.
    16. What des the man mean in the end?
    A. He will frget the past.B. The wman is right.C. He will study harder.
    17. What is TaskRabbit?
    A. A service cmpany.B. A mving cmpany.C. A smartphne cmpany.
    18. What culd a TaskRabbit wrker d?
    A. Find yu a jb t d.
    B. Help yu mve yur furniture.
    C. Lend yu mney fr rent.
    19. Wh funded TaskRabbit?
    A. Leah Busque. B. Sally. C. Sally's Neighbrs.
    20. Hw many TaskRabbit emplyees have a bachelr's degree?
    A. 5% f all TaskRabbit emplyees.
    B. 20% f all TaskRabbit emplyees.
    C. 70% f all TaskRabbit emplyees.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    The first summer jb is ften a signal that yu're n yur way t adulthd, and it's als a methd fr earning mney t pay fr what yu dream f. It's never t early t start cnsidering the future. Nw, here are sme gd chices fr yu!
    Retail (零售) Sales
    Retail ffers plenty f pprtunity fr teens wh are lking fr a jb. This type f wrk can pay frm $10 t $15 an hur depending upn the duty yu are expected t take n. It can als be great fr teens wh are friendly and enjy talking t ther peple. Fr mre infrmatin, call us at 111-222-3333.
    Fd Service
    A jb in the fd service industry is a natural fit fr sciable teens wh enjy cmmunicating with the public. It allws emplyees t wrk as part f a team while learning abut fllwing instructins. It als cmes with the pprtunity t earn between $8 and $10 per hur. Just call 111-222-3533 fr mre infrmatin.
    This jb requires smene wh is highly respnsible. Thugh it pays generally between $6 and $8 hurly, it als requires a lt f patience. This is a great chice fr teens wh wish t make a career in teaching, child care, scial wrk r any ther field that makes use f scial skills r requires interactin with kids. Gt a questin? Just call 111-222-3336.
    This type f wrk can bring in abut $5 an hur and it will allw teens t learn respnsibility and develp their rganizatinal skills. The summer sees an upswing in the turism industry, s htels are ften lking fr mre husekeeping staff, and parks ften need mre peple t assist with keeping public areas clean and rganized as well. Telephne: 111-222-3330.
    Hw much can yu earn at least in tw hurs as a retailer?
    A. $10.B. $12.C. $16.D. $20.
    22. Which f the fllwing jbs may attract teens wh want t be a teacher?
    A. Retail Sales.B. Husekeeping.C. Babysitter.D. Fd Service.
    23. The text is mainly written fr teens wh .
    A. are faced with cmmunicatin prblems
    B. want a part-time jb in the summer
    C. dream f becming a husekeeper
    D. plan t start their wn business
    It has always been thught that when it cmes t trnades (龙卷风), the mst peaceful place is the center: the eye f the strm. But a pht taken this week in the small Canadian twn, Three Hills, Alberta, suggests that there is perhaps n place mre peaceful than inside the calm mind f Theunis Wessels.
    It all started when Mr. Wessels’ wife, Cecilia, was warned by their nine-year-ld daughter that he was cutting the grass in their yard while a vilent trnad appeared in the distance. When her husband refused t cme inside, saying it was mving away frm them, Cecilia tk a pht t shw her parents the strm. The pht, which has been shared widely n scial media, is a masterclass in calmness.
    In it, sckless Mr. Wessels, dressed casually in summer shrts and sunglasses, is seen never being upset by the disastrus clumn f clud. “I tk the picture just t shw my mum and dad in Suth Africa, ‘Lk, there’s a trnad,’ and nw everyne is like, ‘why is yur husband cutting the grass?’” Cecilia tld the Times Clnist.
    When asked later abut the trnad’s apprach t him, Mr. Wessels respnded, “I was keeping an eye n it,” seeming as cl as his gardening style and attracting mre than a little respect. “Alberta, Canada,” wrte ne admiring Twitter user, “where men face the elements and d what needs t be dne.” A writer fr Esquire magazine struck a pensive nte: “I can understand Theunis,” Peter Wade admitted, “smetimes when the wrld is raging (肆虐) utside, the nly thing yu can d is keep yur small area inside.”
    Hw is Paragraph 1 develped?
    A. By listing theries.B. By giving examples.
    C. By analyzing causes. D. By making cmparisns.
    25. Why did Cecilia take the pht?
    A. T pst it n scial media. B. T recrd her husband’s heric act.
    C. T infrm her parents f the trnad. D. T prve what is the mst peaceful place.
    26. Which may make Mr. Wessels respected?
    A. His way f gardening. B. His calmness in the face f a trnad.
    C. His bravery in fighting the trnad. D. His rich knwledge abut trnades.
    27. What is the mst suitable title fr the passage?
    A. The main features f trnades B. The man wh ignred a trnad
    C. Surprising ways t survive a trnad D. A picture which caused heated discussin
    3D printing is becming mre and mre ppular. We are nw able t create things we need very quickly and easily using 3D printers. But can yu imagine printing fd?
    Sme scientists are trying t revlutinize the dining experience by ding this. They hpe that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will be as cmmn as the micrwave ven r blender.
    Scientists say that it’ll be quite easy: yu simply have t select a recipe and put the raw fd “inks” int the printer. Yu can als mdify the instructins t make the fd exactly hw yu want it. This means that it wuld be very quick and easy t create tasty and nutritius meals.
    Using 3D printers t create yur meals wuld als be saving the envirnment. There wuld be less need fr traditinal grwing, transprting and packaging prcesses as fd prductin wuld be a lt mre efficient. Fr example, alternative ingredients(原料) such as prteins frm algae, beetrt leaves and insects culd be cnverted int tasty prducts.
    Printing fd culd als help peple wh suffer frm dysphasia (a swallwing disrder). They culd prgram the printer t print sfter versins f their favrite fds s that they wuld nt have truble in swallwing them.
    Hwever, sme peple think that a future f 3D fd printing wuld be a disaster. It culd take away many jbs, including thse frm grwing, transprting and packaging fd. Imagine a wrld where there was n need fr farming r grwing crps and the same tastes culd be printed frm a raw “fd ink”. Likewise, traditinal cafes and restaurants might lse business. Als, there are cncerns abut the nutritinal value f printed fd: is it really pssible t get the nutrients we need frm fd-based inks and gels(凝胶)?
    What’s mre, cking and eating tgether with family and friends has lng been a traditinal and enjyable activity. It is hard t imagine a wrld where the pleasure f cking is dead and meals can be created at the tuch f a buttn.
    28. Which f the fllwing best describes 3D fd printing?
    A. Quick and ppular.B. Sft and cnvenient.
    C. Nutritius and tasty.D. Easy and efficient.
    29. Why d sme think that 3D fd printing wuld be a disaster?
    A. Traditinal fd wuld disappear.B. Many peple culd lse their jbs.
    C. It wuld affect the peple’s health.D. We culd all eat the same fd.
    30. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. 3D fd printing will replace traditinal cking.B. 3D printing fd can treat dysphasia.
    C. It wuld hurt ur traditin f fd culture. D. 3D fd printing wuld be a failure.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. 3D fd “printing”: cming t the kitchen B. Can 3D printing create everything?
    C. 3D printing fd will be in fashin!D. The disadvantage f 3D fd printing
    A new internatinal study published in PLOS Bilgy suggests that the ppularity f tigers, lins, plar bears and thers may actually cntribute t their dwnfall. The researchers used a cmbinatin f nline investigatins, schl questinnaires, z websites and cartn films t identify the 10 mst belved animals. The tp three were tigers, lins and elephants.
    “I was surprised t see that althugh these 10 animals are the mst belved, a majr danger faced by nearly all f the misdirect killing by humans, especially frm hunting,” said William Ripple, a distinguished prfessr f frest eclgy at Oregn State University and a c-authr n the study. “This killing by humans seems sadly irnic (讽刺的) t me, as these are sme f ur mst belved wild animals.”
    Many f these animals are s frequently described in pp culture and marketing materials that they may frm an inaccurate “virtual ppulatin” that is ding better in the media than in nature, nted lead authr Franck Curchamp f the University f Paris. The researchers fund, fr example, that the average French citizen will see mre virtual lins thrugh phts, cartns, lgs and brands in ne mnth than wild lins left in West Africa.
    “Unknwingly, cmpanies using giraffes r plar bears fr marketing purpses maybe actively cntributing t the false belief that these animals are nt at risk f dying ut, and therefre nt in need f cnservatin,” Curchamp said. He suggested in the paper that cmpanies using images f endangered animals fr marketing purpses prvide infrmatin t prmte their cnservatin, and perhaps part f their prfits fr prtectin f the animals.
    Nearly half f the ty animals sld in the United States n Amazn were ne f the 10 belved animals, while in France sme 800,000 “Sphie the giraffe” baby tys were sld last year—mre than eight times the number f giraffes living in Africa.
    “The appearance f these belved animals in stres, in mvies, n televisin, and n a variety f prducts seems t be tricking the public int believing they are ding kay,” Ripple said. “If we dn't wrk tgether t save these animals, that may sn be the nly way anyne will see them.”
    What is the text mainly abut?
    Wild animals are at a high risk f dying ut.
    Animals’ ppularity in life causes their decrease.
    Effrts are made t prtect animals in danger.
    Animal images are used in marketing.
    What shuld cmpanies d accrding t Curchamp?
    Use animals fr marketing purpses.
    Spare sme earnings t prtect animals.
    Avid prviding infrmatin abut animals.
    Cntribute themselves t marketing research.
    Why des the authr mentin “Sphia the giraffe” baby tys?
    T prve these baby tys are a hit in France.
    T advertise fr the baby tys amng readers.
    T shw the difference between virtual and real ppulatin.
    T indicate giraffes rank higher than ther animals in France.
    What des the underlined wrd “that” in the last paragraph refer t?
    Raising animals at hme.
    A clse lk at the animals.
    Expsure t animals in the wild.
    Animals’ appearance in the media.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Htels in Shanghai are requested t stp ffering dispsable tiletries (一次性洗漱用品) unless custmers ask, in rder t make effrts t reduce waste and pursue (追求) green develpment. 36 . The mve is stated in a set f regulatins n garbage srting and recycling that went int effect in Shanghai.
    Under the new regulatins, mst husehld plastic wastes shuld be srted and recycled. The city als encurages individuals and cmpanies t reduce their use f dispsable plastic prducts. Kunlun Jing An Htel is ne f thse that answered the gvernment call that “nt ffering dispsable tiletries unless asked”. 37 . “Shanghai is taking a lead in the cuntry t fight against plastic waste,” said Gerd Knaust, general manager f Kunlun Jing An Htel. “Htels shuld make cntributins t srting and recycling garbage. 38 .”
    39 . “It’s a gd thing t reduce waste in daily life,” said Zhang Wei, 40, frm East China’s Shangdng Prvince wh checked in the htel fr a business trip. He brught a reusable tthbrush after being infrmed by the htel in advance.
    At least 6.5 millin sets f dispsable tiletries are said t be used every day if the ccupancy rate(入住率) is 50 percent fr the 13 t 50 millin htel rms acrss China, said Du Liangliang f the Htel Business Unit f Ctrip (携程), China’s leading nline travel agency. “ 40 .” Du said.
    The htel said the new measure will help reduce plastic waste
    Guests are encuraged t use recyclable tiletries during their stay
    If htels stp ffering dispsable tiletries, it will be great prgress
    It is ne f the steps that the gvernment takes t prtect ur envirnment
    Als, we shuld encurage custmers wrldwide t lead an ec-friendly life
    The htel has infrmed peple f the change thrugh nline and ffline means
    Plastic prducts harm ur envirnment s greatly that we shall reduce their use
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    My sn Daniel's passin (激情)fr surfing 41 at the age f 13. Befre and after schl each day he went surfing with his 42 . Daniel's lve f the sprt was tested ne afternn.
    The lifeguard 43 ver the phne t my husband Mike that my sn had been 44 by the pint f the bard. Mike 45 him t the emergency rm and Daniel received 26 stitches (缝线/针) frm the cmer f his eye t the bridge f his nse.
    I was flying hme frm a speaking engagement while Daniel's eye was being stitched. Mike drve 46 t the airprt after they left the dctr's ffice. He 47 me at the gate and tld me Daniel was waiting in the car.
    I ran t the car s 48 that the heel f my she brke ff. I swung pen the dr, and Daniel was leaning frward with bth arms 49 tward me crying, “Oh, Ma, I'm s glad yu're hme.”
    I sbbed in his arms telling him hw 50 I felt abut nt being there when the lifeguard called.
    “It’s kay, Mm,” he cmfrted me. “I'll be fine. The dctr says I can g back in the water in eight days.”
    “What?” I asked.
    I tld him he wasn't 51 t g near water again until he was 35.
    Fr the next seven days he kept pressing me t let him g back n the bard. One day after I 52 “N” t him, he beat me at my wn game.
    “Mm, yu taught us never t give up what we lve.”
    I 53 .
    Back then Daniel was just a by wh was 54 abut surfing. Nw he's a man with respnsibility. He has a(n) 55 amng the tp 25 prfessinal surfers in the wrld.
    I was tested in my wn backyard n an imprtant principle that I taught audiences in distant cities: “Passinate peple embrace(拥抱) what they lve and never give up.”
    41. A. ended B. began C. paused D. decreased
    42. A. cmpetitrs B. clleaguesC. parentsD. cmpanins
    43. A. reprted B. demandedC. requiredD. cnducted
    44. A. injured B. shtC. attackedD. ccupied
    45. A. dragged B. walkedC. rushed D. fetched
    46. A. directly B. steadilyC. cautiuslyD. secretly
    47. A. acceptedB. greetedC. blamedD. dismissed
    48. A. naturallyB. happilyC. fastD. heavily
    49. A. settled dwn B. reached utC. fastened upD. sught ut
    50. A. nrmal B. relaxedC. calmD. awful
    51. A. frced B. chargedC. limitedD. allwed
    52. A. agreed B. ignredC. repeatedD. avided
    53. A. tk up B. gave inC. came utD. insisted n
    54. A. dubtfulB. wrriedC. nervusD. enthusiastic
    55. A. situatinB. psitinC. impressinD. presentatin
    第二节 (共10小题: 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The State Fair f Texas, the largest in the US, attracts ver a millin visitrs every year with varius entertainment events. But this year’s fair 56._____________(cancel) due t the crnavirus pandemic.
    Fr Savannah Rbisn, 57._______senir student at Lake Dallas High Schl in Texas, US, this is 58. _________(upset). She has been lking frward t the fair’s yuth livestck (家畜) games since last year. “This is ging t be my last time shwing in the shw ring; it’s smething really special t me,” the 17-year-ld said. Yuth livestck 59._____________(cmpete) are when teenagers raise their farm animals 60.______ lambs and steers (牛), and then shw them at auctin.
    Rbisn paid a lt t get a State Fair champin banner (徽章). She has been saving half f her incme frm her part-time jb fr her pigs. Since mid-May, she’s spent tw hurs feeding, walking r bathing her three pigs every day. “If I culdn’t shw them, I think my whle summer wuld just be ruined,” Rbisn said. Nw, there’s gd news. Yuth market livestck shws are 61. ____________( current )rescheduled frm Sept 23 t Oct 2.
    Daryl Real, the state fair’s senir vice president f agriculture (农业) and livestck, said that staff will remind peple 62._________(wear) masks and keep 63. __________(sciety) distance t ensure the 64._______(safe) f all attendees.
    Hwever, “sme students may still be cnsidering 65. __________t cme this year,” said market steer judge, Jirl Buck. “But I think they shuld give it 100 percent and prepare their animals, and lk frward t the pprtunity t get t shw at the Texas State Fair.”
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    Snwflakes dancing in the sky, it was an awfully cld winter. Mary felt as gray as the sky utside. She struggled t get by the tugh winter because her bills went up while her incme went dwn.
    Her refrigeratr sat empty. Her nly fd cnsisted f peanut butter, bread and bananas, nly enugh fr tw sandwiches. Wrse still, it wuld be fur days befre she gt paid. As Mary prepared t sit dwn and eat half f her remaining fd, she heard a knck at the dr. Wh culd it be n such a freezing night? Rbbery scenes frm films flashed acrss her mind. Then Mary shk her head and laughed at her flish thught---n rbber wuld chse her as a target. Opening the dr, she saw a stranger standing utside, bdy trembling with cld.
    “Madam, srry t disturb yu, but I'm lst and get stuck in the snw. Culd yu please spare a piece f bread?" the stranger asked cautiusly and plitely in a weak but deep vice.
    “I'm afraid nt,” said Mary, “but I culd make yu a peanut butter and banana sandwich.”
    “That sunds wnderful,” the stranger answered. "Mind if I wait here n the prch?”
    “Yes, I d mind,” Mary replied, "but yu culd cme in and eat it at the table.”
    Nt expecting bth fd and warmth, the stranger entered the huse eagerly. Mary hurried ff t the kitchen fr the last fur pieces f bread, peanut butter, and bananas. In a few minutes, she returned and invited him t sit dwn t eat what she culd ffer. After eating, the man thanked and said gdbye t her.
    Lking utside, Mary hesitated a mment and said, "If yu dn't mind, yu can sleep n the sfa.” "That wuld be gd enugh," respnded the man gratefully.
    Mary went int her rm, and lcked the dr. The next mrning, when she wke up, she remembered the man. "Hw will I tell him I have nthing fr breakfast?" she asked herself. She dressed, unlcked, and pened the dr slightly.
    Paragraph 1: T her surprise, the man was nwhere t be seen.
    Paragraph 2: Mary pened the envelpe and fund a letter.
    第一部分 听力 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    01-05:BCACC 06-10:BACBA 11-15:CABCA 16-20:BABAC
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    21-23:DCB24-27:DCBB28-31:DBCA 32-35:BBCD
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    36-40: BAEFC
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    第二节 (共10小题: 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    56. was canceled 57. a 58. upsetting 59. cmpetitins 60. like
    61. currently 62. t wear 63. scial 64. safety 65. whether
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    Pssible versin 1:
    The English speech cntest, “My favrite Chinese Festival” held by ur newspaper, will be at the speech hall n 28th this mnth in the schl lecture hall. Here is sme infrmatin yu need t knw.
    T make the cntest mre cmpetitive and time-saving, nly ne cntestant will be recmmended by ne class. The judges will include 2 English teachers and a member f ur staff. The first 3 winners will be given a special reward, with their speech draft printed in ur paper.
    Paragraph 1: T her surprise, the man was nwhere t be seen. Lking fr him thrughly nce again, she cnfirmed that the stranger had left, withut saying gdbye. Apparently, the “rbber” had left withut taking anything. Cmplaining f the man's impliteness, Mary cllapsed n the sfa where she put him up the night befre, getting a little bit annyed. With nthing left t eat, she sighed, "Anyway, gd luck t him!" She gt dwn t tidying up the sfa when an envelpe lying n it came int her eyes.
    Paragraph 2: Mary pened the envelpe and fund a letter. It read, “It is harder t trust a stranger, especially when that stranger appears hmeless. Yu have helped me restre faith in humanity s yu deserve what yu have received. "Mary had n idea what the stranger meant until she saw a cheque wrth $ 10,000. Tears f delight welled up in her eyes. As it turned ut, the stranger, wh gt stuck in the heavy snw and turned t her fr help, was a successful businessman. Gazing at the warm light cast thrugh the windw, she decided t pay the kindness frward whatever the future wuld hld.
    Text 1
    M: Hey, Lucy. I want t g swimming this weekend. D yu want t cme with me?
    W: Jack and I planned t g fr a hike in the muntains.
    Text 2
    W: What's the best way t dwntwn?
    M: If yu’re in a hurry,yu shuld take a taxi. But it’s very expensive.
    W: I'm in n particular hurry.
    M: Well, take a bus then, it will cst yu nly abut $5.
    W: That's a gd idea.
    Text 3
    M: The newspaper says it’ll be cludy and rainy tday. What d yu think?
    W: I dn't believe it. Lk! The sun is ut. There's nt ne clud in the sky.
    Text 4
    W: Tday is Saturday. I will return the bk next Tuesday.
    M: Take yur time. Yu can keep it fr three mre days.
    Text 5
    W: D yu mean t tell me yu are nt interested in spken English?
    M: That's right. I think it's f n use.
    W: I can't agree with yu.
    Text 6
    M: This is a very special and expensive plant. It's frm Brazil.
    W: It's s beautiful. I think I'm ging t buy this plant. Hw much sunlight des it need?
    M: Put it near a windw, but dn't put it in direct light. Als, when the plant grws flwers, make sure yu dn't let it get t cld!
    W: I am nt very gd at taking care f plants, but this ne lks s perfect that I'm ging t be very careful.
    Text 7
    M: I have a questin. Culd peple in Russia marry anyne they wanted?
    W: actually in the past, peple usually married a persn with the same prfessin. Fr example, a teacher wuld marry anther teacher; a gvernment wrker wuld marry anther gvernment wrker. My parents are bth musicians.
    M: Hw abut yu and yur husband?
    W: My husband is a scientist and when I met him I was teaching children in a schl.
    M: S Russians these days marry peple frm ther prfessins?
    W: Yes. And peple tday marry peple with similar interests and backgrunds.
    Text 8
    M: I'm sick f living in the city. It seems like there is always a car alarm ging ff thrugh the streets! It's s nisy!
    W: I knw, but I still lve living here. I can walk t wrk, the stre, and my favrite cafe every day. Everything is s clse! Wuld yu give that up just fr less nise?
    M: I'm beginning t think s. Anther thing that annys me is parking the car. Smetimes I have t drive arund fr 30 minutes t find a spt!
    W: I wish yur wrkplace was clser. Then we culd just get rid f the car and nt wrry abut parking it.
    M: And it is getting expensive t rent an apartment. I heard that rents will cntinue t increase in the next several years. We culd buy a big huse and save mney in the lng run if we mved smewhere else.
    W: I wuld like t have enugh rm fr a dg and a hme ffice. "I guess that is the nly thing that wuld get me ut f the city.
    M: Well, keep thinking abut it! I'm ready t mve.
    Text 9
    M: Madnna's music is still gd, dn't yu think? “Hliday” is my favrite. It always makes me want t dance when I hear it.
    W: She has sme new music, t. Have yu heard it? Yu might like it even better. Why d yu always g back in time when there is new music ut there t listen t?
    M: The 80s music makes me remember the fun times we had in high schl!
    W: Hmm. Yu wuldn't drive while lking at yur back view mirrr the whle time, wuld yu?
    M: , f curse nt.
    W: Then why d yu live yur life with memries f the past n yur mind all the time? Hw can yu make new memries when yu are hanging nt the ld nes? At least make rm in yur brain fr a few new experiences...
    M: I see what yu mean. It's just that things seemed s much easier back then.
    W: Well, sure. Yu're living yesterday and tday in ne day. That's cmplicated. If yu stp wrrying abut what yu did in the past, yu'll have mre energy t devte t smething new. Desn't that sund easier?
    M: I guess. S, we shuldn't study histry, either?
    W: That's different. We have t get gd grades in schl if we want t get int a gd cllege. But as far as what we d in ur everyday lives, it's all abut the here and nw.
    M: That's a pretty cl way t lk at it...
    Text 10
    W: If yu are like millins f busy peple, yu want t get yur wrk dne, s yu can d the things that yu enjy the mst. That's what TaskRabbit, a new service cmpany, helps peple d. TaskRabbit use the Internet and smartphnes t quickly find peple in yur neighbrhd t d the tasks fr yu. Fr example, yu are thrwing a surprise party and yu need smene t pick up the ice cream cake and yur aunt Sally, but yu dn't have time t drive arund, a tasker will d it fr yu! TaskRabbit emplyee are hired and screened by the cmpany. They have specific services in which they specialize. Need help hanging a painting? Need smene with a pickup truck t help yu mve? There is a tasker ut there t help yu. The taskers are generally well-educated peple. Out f all the taskers, abut 70 % hld bachelr's degrees, 20% hld master's degrees, and 5% hld PhD degrees. Sme peple have turned their wrk fr TaskRabbit int a full-time jb as well. Leah Busque, wh ran ut f dg fd ne day, funded TaskRabbit in 2008. She based it n the idea f “neighbrs helping neighbrs”. Since then, the cmpany has received $37.5 millin in funding.

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