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    这是一份河南省天一大联考2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试+英语+答案(无听力),共20页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. What might the man want fr supper?
    A. Seafd. B. Steak. C. Ndles.
    2. What is the wman cncerned abut?
    A. Catching a cld. B. Lsing her sweater. C. Standing in a lng line.
    3. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a gym. B. In an ffice. C. In a classrm.
    4. What is the price f the day flight?
    A. $360. B. $400. C. $410.
    5. What des the man think f the stry?
    A. It is t hard t understand. B. The beginning is cnfusing. C. The writer tells the stry well.
    6. What’s wrng with the bys?
    A. They lst a camera. B. They gt sick. C. They wasted mney.
    7. What is the family prbably ging t d tmrrw?
    A. G shpping. B. G t the bank. C. Have a birthday party.
    8. What jb is the wman applying fr?
    A. A gardener. B. A nurse. C. A teacher.
    9. Hw many hurs will the wman wrk per day?
    A. Tw. B. Fur. C. Six.
    10. What day might it be yesterday?
    A. Mnday. B. Tuesday. C. Saturday.
    11. What did the wman d after hearing the nise last night?
    A. She went t sleep. B. She turned the light n. C. She went up fr a lk.
    12. Wh is the wman prbably talking t?
    A. A neighbr. B. Her husband. C. A pliceman.
    13. Where did the man g n hliday?
    A. Paris. B. Bali. C. Lndn.
    14. What did the man d n the first day f his hliday?
    A. He went swimming. B. He went bating. C. He played vlleyball.
    15. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Clleagues. C. Fellw travelers.
    16. Hw did the man prbably feel when he visited the small island?
    A. Tired. B. Excited. C. Disappinted.
    17. Why did the pst ffice in Guyana print their wn special stamps?
    A. They wanted t make mre mney.
    B. They had nly a few usual stamps left.
    C. There were n 1-cent r 4-cent stamps then.
    18. Hw much was the 1-cent stamp sld fr in 1980?
    A. A few dllars. B. Seven thusand dllars. C. Seven millin dllars.
    19. Why are stamps with mistakes s valuable?
    A. They are very limited. B. They are very beautiful. C. They were made lng ag.
    20. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The histry f the stamps. B. Things learned frm stamps. C. Reasns fr cllecting stamps.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    There are many ways t explre Paris, but few are as fun as traveling n a bicycle. These handy tw-wheelers will get yu up clse and persnal with the capital’s best streets, squares and attractins-withut getting painful feet frm walking miles n end.
    Paris highlights via Cycl
    Frget yur wrries abut the weather and getting wrn ut, because the Cycl des away with all that. This cvered three-wheeled bicycle will get yu t all the capital’s ht spts with ease, thanks t yur knwledgeable guide and driver. Frm the Tuileries gardens, yu’ll venture nt Champs Elysees, Palais Ryal, the Luvre and mre.
    Tur via the city’s Velib bikes
    This tur intrduces yu t the Velib system: Paris’s equal f Lndn’s Bris Bikes, which can be shared by many peple. As yu switch yur bike as yu mve frm statin t statin, yu’ll get the chance t explre independently. It’s perfect fr thse wh dn’t like t be shwn arund t much.
    Tur de France bike ride
    This is a nce-a-year deal, but a great tur if yu happen t be in Paris in July. As the Tur de France cmes t an end, yu can jin Fat Tire Turs n a bike ride alng the clsed rads thrugh Paris. In the mrning, while the clsing ceremnies are still being set up, yu’ll cycle dwn Champs Elysee, rund the Arc de Trimphe and finish ff at the Eiffel Twer where cffee and bread will be waiting fr yu.
    See Paris by night
    The night bike tur gives yu the perfect pprtunity t see why Paris was given the nickname "City f Lights". In three hurs yu’ll cycle past the city’s mst beautiful fld-lit mnuments and learn abut their histry while yu’re at it.
    21. What can we knw abut Velib bikes?
    A. They are shared bikes in Paris. B. They are als called Bris.
    C. It is cheaper t tur n Velib bikes. D. Visitrs can explre mre n Velib bikes.
    22. What can visitrs d in Tur de France bike ride?
    A. Jin in Tur ae France. B. Bicycle n clsed rads.
    C. Take phts with winners. D. Eat at the clsing ceremnies.
    23. Which f the fllwing culd be the easiest bike trip?
    A. See Paris by night. B. Tur de France bike ride.
    C. Paris highlights via Cycl. D. Tur via the city’s Velib bikes.
    During the late 1960’s and the 1970’s, educatin, influenced by the scial changes f the 60’s, went thrugh a perid when the teaching f grammar was thught t be limiting creativity. Often I was made t feel like a dinsaur fr teaching grammar.
    Strangely enugh, much f the criticism came frm clleagues wh held master’s degrees. I remember saying n mre than ne ccasin, "It is easy fr yu t say but yu have already had grammar skills, r yu wuldn't have been able t write a master’s thesis(论文), Nw, yu want t deny these same skills t present and future students. I am nt against prgress in educatin but, in the heat f the excitement f making changes, we must be very sure that what we cnsider t be prgressin is nt regressin(退步).”I firmly cntinued t teach grammar.
    In the fall f 1991, I decided that it was time t learn t use a cmputer. The instructr suggested that I wuld learn mre quickly if I wrked n a cntinuus prject. I thught f my grammar curse which was hand-written in an ld brken flder. This became my cmputer prject. I spent every pprtunity available t me in the cmputer rm, early mrnings, lunchtimes, after schl and in the evenings. It was during the lunchtime perids, particularly, that I nticed a pattern frming.
    The yunger teachers n staff, ne by ne, wuld sneak int the cmputer rm and peer(窥视)ver my shulder. At first they were puzzled, but then they became interested in my grammar prject. Withut exceptin each wuld whisper int my ear, "When yu are finished, may I have a cpy? I was never taught grammar and I am terrified t teach it." At that mment, I realised that I was finally vindicated.
    I prmised t give them a cpy and when they left I shk my head and thught t myself, "Anther prduct f the 70’s, and the 80’s, and the 90’s and…"
    24. What was the ppular pinin n grammar teaching in the 1970’s?
    A. Creative. B. Optinal. C. Necessary. D. Outdated.
    25. What did the authr think f his highly-educated clleagues?
    A. They benefited frm grammar teaching.
    B. They were clear hw t make prgress in educatin.
    C. They set the trend in the refrm f teaching methds.
    D. They wrte their master’s thesis withut grammar rules.
    26. What des the underlined wrd "vindicated" in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. T be unsuccessful. B. T prve t be right.
    C. T retire frm schl. D. T evaluate prfessinally.
    27. Why did the yunger teachers care abut the authr's cmputer prject?
    A. They als wanted t learn using a cmputer.
    B. They hped t learn grammar with the authr.
    C. They lacked the grammar learning experience.
    D. They intended t fllw the authr t be a gd teacher.
    Researchers have develped a wearable device(设备). It is stretchy(有弹性的)enugh that yu can wear it like a ring, a bracelet r any ther accessry that tuches yur skin. It als changes the bdy’s temperature int electricity, abut 1 vlt f energy fr every square centimeter f skin space-less vltage per area than what mst existing batteries prvide but still enugh t pwer electrnics like watches r fitness trackers. It can heal itself when damaged and is fully recyclable, making it a cleaner alternative(替代品)t traditinal electrnics.
    The innvatin(创新)begins with a base made ut f a stretchy material called plyimine. The scientists then stick a series f thin heating chips int that base, cnnecting them all with liquid metal wires. The final prduct lks like a crss between a plastic watch and a mini cmputer mtherbard r maybe a diamnd ring.
    Just pretend that yu’re ut fr a jg. As yu exercise, yur bdy heats up, and that heat will radiate ut t the cl air arund yu. The device catches that flw f energy instead f letting it g t waste. A persn taking a quick walk culd use a device the size f a typical sprts wristband t prduce abut 5 vlts f electricity, which is mre than what many watch batteries can hld.
    The new devices are as stretchy as bilgical tissue. If yur device tears, fr example, yu can put tgether the brken ends, and they’ll seal back up in just a few minutes.
    Researchers are trying t make their devices as cheap and reliable as pssible, while als having as clse t zer effect n the envirnment as pssible. While there are still prblems t wrk ut in the design, they think that the devices culd appear n the market in a few years.
    28. Which f the fllwing statements is false abut the device?
    A. It can repair itself. B. It can be recycled.
    C. It can transfrm energy. D. It can evaluate itself.
    29. Hw can a wearer make the device prduce electricity?
    A. By shaking it fast. B. By leaving it in the cl air.
    C. By giving ut heat. D. By cnnecting it with watch batteries.
    30. What d the researchers think abut the devices?
    A. They will be expensive. B. They will have a bright future.
    C. They can nt be damaged by frce. D. They are cmpletely envirnment-friendly.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. A Great Exercise Cmpanin B. An Innvatin in Wearable Devices
    C. A New Functin f Traditinal Electrnics D. A Bilgical Battery in the Human Bdy
    Jumping wrms are wriggling(蠕动)their way acrss the United States, greedily swallwing prtective frest leaf litter and leaving behind bare sil. They replace ther earthwrms, insects and grund-nesting , and disrupt frest fd chains. They can harm mre than 12 acres in a single year, changing sil and micrbial cmmunities as they g.
    Jumping wrms are ften sld as cmpst(堆肥)wrms r bait(饵料). And that is partially they' re spreading. Fishers like them because the wrms wriggle and swing like angry snakes, which attracts . They're als marketed as cmpst wrms because they eat up fd leftvers far faster than ther earthwrms.
    But when it cmes t eclgy, the wrms have mre wrrisme features. Their eggs are s they can easily attach t a hiker’s r gardener's shes, r can be transprted in mulch(地膜), cmpst plants. Hundreds can exist within a square meter f grund.
    Jumping wrms grw faster and reprduce faster-and withut a mate, s ne wrm can a whle invasin(人侵).Jumping wrms als cnsume mre nutritin than ther earthwrms, turning dry tiny balls that resemble cffee grunds r grund beef. This can make the sil unfriendly t native yung trees and far mre likely t be harmed.
    Scientists have been wrking hard t get a gd handle n these wrms. But there's still a unknwn, making it hard t predict hw much farther the wrms might spread and int what kinds f . One imprtant questin is hw weather cnditins affect the wrms. Fr example, a lng-term year in Wiscnsin seems t have killed ff many f the wrms. Sils filled with wriggling wrms just a ag nw hld far fewer. Perhaps that’s a hpeful sign that even these hardy wrms have their limits, but in the meantime, the attack f wrms cntinues its march-with help frm the humans wh spread them.
    32. What is the main harm that jumping wrms d t the envirnment?
    A. They feed n small insects. B. They destry the sil nutritin.
    C. They eat up the leaves n plants. D. They change the cnditins f cmpst.
    33. What helps jumping wrms spread widely?
    A. Their tiny eggs. B. Their way f mving.
    C. Their bdy size. D. Their evlutinary prcess.
    34. What is mst likely t hld back jumping wrms' quick spread?
    A. The climate. B. Farm chemicals.
    C. Their natural enemies. D. Their unique demand fr fd.
    35. What is the authr’s attitude t the fight against jumping wrms?
    A. Desperate. B. Optimistic. C. Uncaring. D. Wrried.
    Think abut what yu are able t d if yu find yurself in a survival situatin. If yu dn’t want t fall int despair, yu shuld learn sme utdr skills. 36 The fllwing are sme utdr skills yu shuld learn:
    1. Build an emergency shelter. If it’s still winter where yu live, find a pile f snw and learn hw t build a cave. Dn’t dig straight but create a wider space in the back. Make a small hle thrugh a wall t let in fresh air. 37
    2. Navigate(导航)in the ld way. Get ut yur map and cmpass and start ging ver thse skills yu likely learned as a kid. 38 Ask thers t hide smething and then give yu a starting pint, a searching directin and sme type f tips. Then yu have t try yur best t find the hidden thing.
    3. G ver building fires. If yu haven’t learnt hw t start a fire in the wds, nw is the time. Even a 3-year-ld knws hw t strike matches n tp f red needles t start a fire. The lder yu are, the mre cmplex yu can be with fire starting. 39 Add a little chemistry by lighting steel wl n fire with a battery.
    4. 40 It’s spring, and if yu dn’t have a garden yet, nw is a gd time t start putting ne in the grund and learn hw t grw basic vegetables. Then put yurself in charge f watering and wrking n weeding, learning what yu shuld d in the garden. Yu als can head int the wds t harvest native plants.
    A. If it’s nt winter, build a tent where yu culd spend a night.
    B. Prepare fr a hunting r fishing trip.
    C. Plant a garden r harvest wild plants.
    D. Yu can als g ver using stnes and glass.
    E. Then yu can head utside fr a searching hunt.
    F. Otherwise, yu may end up regretting nt learning earlier.
    C. It als encurages yu t learn sme math and science alng the way.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    My parents annunced I was getting my wn rm. I was s excited. 41 , my new bedrm was dwn in the dark basement, and basements are 42 places when yu’re nly five years ld. S I was a little 43 until I knew my grandmther wuld live next t me. She 44 cmpletely and ffered t let me sleep with her.
    It wrked ut well fr bth f us fr a while. I culd even 45 that her snring(打鼾)was lvely. But sn my parents 46 , and they were nt happy. They wanted me t learn t 47 by myself. Of curse, I screamed and threw temper tantrums(使性子). It didn’t 48 , but at least 1 had put up a gd 49 . At last, I went back t my wn rm because I didn’t want t bring any 50 t my grandmther. Hwever, I was fearful. S when I 51 my parents had fallen asleep, I gt up and walked as quietly as I culd int Grandma’s bedrm.
    In the mrning, Grandma 52 me awake and said 53 that I needed t get back t my rm befre my parents gt up. I ran back t my rm just in time as I heard 54 upstairs. My wnderful grandmther 55 me while we lived there. She 56 t patiently wake me up every mrning t g back t my wn bed. Because f her, I never had t sleep by myself, and I still had the 57 f my wn rm.
    A year later, we mved t a different huse. My mm tld me that I wuld 56 a rm with my grandmther. I was 59 ! Mm said I didn’t have t g t sleep 60 with Grandma anymre.
    41. A. Obviusly B. Unfrtunately C. Basically D. Thankfully
    42. A. scary B. pleasant C. suitable D. safe
    43. A. puzzled B. curius C. wrried D. ashamed
    44. A. refused B. understd C. agreed D. hesitated
    45. A. suspect B. explain C. cnsider D. frget
    46. A. gave up B. kept away C. brke dwn D. fund ut
    47. A. play B. exercise C. live D. sleep
    48. A. wrk B. end C. pass D. matter
    49. A. acceptance B. fight C. excuse D. mind
    50. A. damage B. respnsibility C. change D. truble
    51. A. cnfirmed B. declared C. admitted D. remembered
    52. A. blew B. shk C. beat D. kept
    53. A. cnfidently B. regretfully C. sftly D. repeatedly
    54. A. peratin B. mvement C. argument D. situatin
    55. A. saved B. appreciated C. adpted D. challenged
    56. A. cntinued B. prmised C. lnged D. pretended
    57. A. imaginatin B. expectatin C. benefit D. pressure
    58. A. decrate B. match C. share D. reserve
    59. A. calm B. embarrassed C. disappinted D. verjyed
    60. A. specially B. flexibly C. fearfully D. secretly
    Trains are cleaner, greener, mre spacius and 61 (general)less trublesme than planes. Once 62 (view) as travel’s past, rail is nw starting t lk a lt like the future. In the USA, a huge expansin f the train netwrk is drawing 63 (peple) attentin. And in Eurpe, sme very cl plans have been made fr a whle new generatin f sleeper trains.
    Sleeper services, 64 perate vernight between majr destinatins, get rid f the main disadvantage f train travel: the lengthy jurney time. Like a red-eye flight n rails, yu can bard the train in the centre f ne city and wake up in 65 , ready t drink a cup f cffee and explre.
    Once numerus, Eurpe’s night trains have been cut back gradually ver recent decades. But that trend is reversing(逆转). We’re very excited t hear abut the 66 (annunce)f five new Eurpean night train rutes, launching ver the next fur years. A ttal f eight Eurpean cuntries 67 (link)by the new rutes.
    68 shrt, yur Eurpean travels ver the 69 (cme) years are ging t invlve hanging arund nt at airprts 70 thrugh railway statins. Needless t say, we’re int it. All abard!
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Yesterday mrning, it was early and I hadn’t went t schl. I std in frnt f my hme, seen my parents ff t wrk. My neighbr started driving t her jb, t. Out f plite, I waved t her. At same time, I called ut t my parents, "Bye! I lve yu!" I smiled as my neighbr turned arund. And then he waved back at me. My heart sank dwn. My face grew ht with embarrassments. But sn it turns int a gd laugh. I learnt a lessn day which ne shuld always be friendly, but be mre carefully with multi-persn gdbyes.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假定你是光明中学学生会主席李华。最近你校正在为扩充图书馆藏书而邀请各出版社捐赠图书。请你以校学生会的名义给外文图书出版社Shakespeare Bkhuse写一封信,请求他们捐赠适合中学生阅读的图书。
    Dear Sir r Madam,

    Yurs truly,
    Li Hua

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    2021河南省天一大联考高二下学期期中考试英语含解析: 这是一份2021河南省天一大联考高二下学期期中考试英语含解析,共20页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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