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    这是一份北京市朝阳区2021届高三年级二模考试英语试题及答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了05, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语 2021.05
    (考试时间90分钟 满分100分)

    第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    Making My Own Bicycle
    It was a Saturday morning. James and I were at the Bamboo Bicycle Club, ready for our bamboo bicycle building course.
    The first step was setting up the structure for holding the frame (骨架) in place. After that we were told to 1 the bamboo to be of use, which was a delicate job. There were several things to 2 . Of course, finding pieces that were the color we wanted was just as important.
    The rest of the afternoon was spent 3 each piece of the frame into the structure. Bamboo is fairly flexible, and this particular 4 meant that some adjustments were really necessary. One problem lining up the two chains causes 5 made our frame useless. Luckily, however, after some careful 6 , we confirmed that it was alright. There was just enough space to fit a wheel.
    On Sunday morning we returned to the workshop to complete the final 7 . We began to tightly wrap each joint on the frame, to keep it 8 with natural fibers kept in special glue. All that was left now was for it to dry. In a few hours we would be official members of the Bamboo Bicycle Club.
    Finally we finished our job. I couldn’t wait to 9 our bicycle to find out what it was really like to ride a bamboo bicycle. It felt just as 10 as any bicycle, but softer and more relaxed. Now, every time I get on our bicycle, I can’t help smiling. It reminds me of when James and I built it and makes me proud of myself.

    1. A. return B. cover C. deliver D. select
    2. A. bring in B. watch for C. take over D. give away
    3. A. fixing B. changing C. leaving D. mixing
    4. A. angle B. position C. quality D. stage
    5. A. only B. almost C. seldom D. still
    6. A. checks B. requests C. preparations D. links
    7. A. report B. command C. judgement D. process
    8. A. smooth B. heavy C. firm D. slim
    9. A. charge B. test C. seek D. equip
    10. A. complicated B. accurate C. suitable D. capable
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 共15分)
    Evan is a wildlife photographer. Once, two tigers 11 (run) past him, stopped a meter away from his truck and began to fight. He was too afraid to photograph them. Another time in Namibia, one lion came even 12 (close). It went all the way round his truck. Then it got up on the back and looked at him 13 the window, which was one of his happiest moments. Evan’s pictures make people think about animals in danger, which matters a great deal to him.
    Rubbish and litter is not just a problem in the countryside—our cities and towns also suffer. The Big Tidy Up was started in 2008 and volunteers in the UK 14 (collect) more than 50,000 bags of litter in streets and parks up to now. Many schools organise events in September 15 (tidy) up their areas. They get help with special jackets, so they are safe when they clean up. The project aims to get bigger each year and get more people to take responsibility for their 16 (community).
    Parents these days seem to protect their children more than ever before. And yet the truth is that children must 17 (give) the opportunity to take risks in order to aid their development. By the time a child becomes an adult, he needs to learn 18 they can deal with the success and failure connected with risk-taking. It is a real shame that nowadays there are many children 19 (miss) out on typical childhood activities such as tree climbing. That is mostly because of their parents’ fear of 20 (injure), especially as many of those parents may have enjoyed such activities when they were growing up.

    Sevenhugs HugOne
    Do you want to improve the quality of your sleep? Sevenhugs has created HugOne that tracks different sleep patterns to help families consistently rest better. There are dozens of devices and tools devoted to monitoring the sleep. But, HugOne is the world’s first family smart home sleep system, which integrates a calculation rule for sleep patterns of children and adults.
    HugOne is a well-designed product, full of a sense of science and technology. It connects to a number of smaller sensors called “minihugs”, which are placed on the edge of each bed. They monitor the sleep patterns and other data coming from the person sleeping in that bed. The data are then sent to an app on the smartphone.
    ● The benefits of HugOne include:
    Ø Having a smart alarm clock on the app as HugOne learns your sleep cycle and automatically sets and sounds to when the best moment in your sleep cycle is identified.
    Ø Monitoring temperature and humidity (湿度) in your bedroom as well as indoor air quality for the main living space.
    Ø Linking with smart lamps and thermostats (恒温器), allowing users to fall asleep with sunset light and preferred nighttime temperatures, and wake up to sunrise light and preferred daytime temperatures.
    Ø Ensuring safety from electronic transmissions (传输) when you sleep—when the minihug senses a presence in bed, it shuts off its electronic transmissions and starts recording sleep data and sending them to the app.
    ● The following are selected from customers’ comments:
    I think HugOne is a humanized product. It’s shareable, and I’ve connected eight minihugs to the HugOne base in my house. All my family members think highly of it.
    —Chris Hanawalt
    I prefer HugOne, since it’s convenient to use. I simply place the minihug in the corner of my bed under the sheet and it goes to work monitoring my sleep cycle. It’s really good.
    —Robert Compton

    ● HugOne available for purchase includes:
    Style: Sleep Tracking System + 2 Sleep Sensors
    Colour: Blue + Rose

    HugOne will provide maximum protection for your sleep. If you want to get more detailed information, please call the sellers at 1-800-576-1899 or visit devicesforbettersleep.com.

    21. How does HugOne effectively work?
    A. It controls sleep patterns automatically.
    B. It creates smart systems for a better sleep.
    C. It collects sleep data through the minihugs.
    D. It makes a calculation of the data sensors need.
    22. According to the passage, HugOne can ______.
    A. adjust temperature, humidity and air quality in bedrooms
    B. update the sleep cycles by aid of an alarm clock on the app
    C. record sleep data when there are electronic transmissions in bed
    D. help users fall asleep and wake up naturally with preferred temperatures
    23. The passage is made more believable by ______.
    A. providing statistics B. drawing a comparison
    C. giving a demonstration D. using recommendations

    My Biggest Challenge
    As a writer on an adventure sports magazine, I’d always fought shy of doing the adventurous stuff myself, preferring instead to observe the experts from a safe distance and relay their experiences to readers in the form of written language. Thus, when I was challenged to take part in a mountain climb in aid of raising money for charity—and to write about it afterwards—I was unwilling, to say the least.
    I was lucky enough to have a brilliant climbing coach called Keith, who put me through my paces after my daily work. He gave me knowledge about everything from the importance of building muscle groups to how to avoid tiredness through nutrition. It quickly became apparent that the mechanics of climbing were more complex than I had imagined. There was the equipment and techniques I’d never even heard of, all of which would come in handy on the snow-capped peak I’d be climbing.
    Aware of the challenge, Keith made a detailed action plan and I forced myself to stick to it, doing a daily workout at the gym and going on hikes with a heavy pack. I perfected my technique on the climbing wall and even went to climb the mountains to get vital experience. My self-belief increased alongside my muscle power and I became confident about finishing the climb.
    All too soon I was on a plane to my destination. On that day, when I looked up at the mountain, I thought of abandoning it. But then I remembered all the hard work I’d done and how disappointed Keith would be if I gave up at the last minute—not to mention letting down the charity and the sense of failure I’d experience myself. With a deep breath I gathered my equipment and headed out into the sunshine to meet the rest of the group.
    And as I sit here now, tapping away on my laptop, I’m amazed at the details in which I can recall every second of the climb: the burning muscles, the tiredness, the minor problems along the way. Could I have been better prepared? Possibly. Would I be back for another go? Thankfully not. The feeling of being excited when I stood on top of the world is a never-to-be-repeated experience but one I will enjoy forever nevertheless.

    24. At the beginning of the activity, the author revealed his ______.
    A. disappointment in the coming adventure
    B. expectation of writing about his experience
    C. lack of enthusiasm for the challenge he’d been offered
    D. curiosity about taking part in the mountain climb for charity
    25. What did the author realise during his climb training?
    A. The knowledge about climbing was really confusing.
    B. The equipment was the key factor to reach the peak.
    C. Climbing was much more complicated than expected.
    D. Hard training was far more important than making plans.
    26. How did the author feel after he succeeded in climbing the mountain?
    A. He was relieved that he wouldn’t have to do it again.
    B. He was well satisfied that he had done his best for it.
    C. He was surprised that he had managed to complete it.
    D. He was regretful that it wasn’t as smooth as imagined.

    The Rise of Voice Technology
    Voice technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been unusable. But now, those who follow the technology know that it has got considerably better.
    Writing with your voice raises several interesting questions. How difficult is it actually? Human speech involves a lot more starting and stopping with errors and the need for repairing broken sentences than you may think. Even gifted speakers make mistakes. To turn the spoken word into reasonable writing requires lots of planning. You’ll need some kinds of notes or other organisers to make it work.
    Another question turning speech into writing raises is the style. How would writing make the change that people speak their writing rather than type? Chances are that it would come up with many more short sentences and more concrete language, which is good. It would probably also rely on prepared phrases a lot more often, which is not available when you are speaking quickly.
    To confirm this, a column was not written, but dictated (听写). It was composed from brief notes written down for structure only, and it was edited for length, with all of the original errors kept in. Here were the results. The first was that the literal accuracy was extremely high. There weren’t many cases where the software had heard one word incorrectly and written down another. But the other result was that the readability of this column was rather bad. Obviously, the blame is not with the technology at all, which turns out to be rather good. Speaking into writing relies on a better human brain than the one we currently possess. Writing is hard. There’s a reason it can’t be done at the speed of speech, in real time.
    To clarify the matter, this time paragraph breaks were added after the whole writing. Punctuations (标点) had to be spoken aloud, and after a full stop, the first word in the new sentence was capitalized automatically. Some minor punctuation marks were added to make it clearer. To improve accuracy, people “trained” the software beforehand, reading a prewritten passage aloud. Actually it turns out to be more effective. All of these ensure the satisfactory completion of turning speech into writing.
    Language is the most important tool for human interaction, and voice is one beautiful part of language. With the maturity of modern technology, it has given birth to a great change in the human-computer voice interaction.

    27. According to the passage, which helps to turn speech into writing in terms of style?
    A. There is careful planning in advance.
    B. Errors and broken sentences are avoided.
    C. People type words as fast as they say them.
    D. The writing contains more prepared phrases.
    28. To achieve better results, the author mentions some changes for ______.
    A. processing errors in a column
    B. adding minor punctuation marks
    C. increasing the number of brief notes
    D. integrating short paragraphs in writing
    29. The author suggests that ______.
    A. human brains are responsible for poor dictated writing
    B. writing with voice promises to improve the quality of writing
    C. writing is an unnatural act that can hardly be learned and improved
    D. technology has a long way to go in the human-computer voice interaction
    30. What is the passage mainly about?
    A. Why people fully intend to turn speech into writing.
    B. What role voice technology plays in improving readability.
    C. Where the human-computer voice interaction is at an advantage.
    D. How voice technology enables the change from speech into writing.

    A Bridge Linking Art and the Audience
    According to a 2018 report, people aged between 16 and 24 make up about 15 percent of the population but only 10 percent of museum-goers. Similarly, people aged over 35 go half as much as you would expect from their population size. We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience but haven’t yet determined how to bridge the gap. Two answers to tackling this challenge lie in telling a greater diversity of art histories and communicating these stories in more accessible ways.
    In 2018, a radio program called Art Matters was started with the aim of discussing art from a pop-culture viewpoint with topics that would engage younger and more diverse audience. It offers an accessible pathway to art history with conversations on different topics. Art history is about storytelling; art content shines when there is an effort to bring audience along for the discussion.
    More traditional institutions are paying attention. Recently the Getty Museum issued a social-media challenge for people to recreate paintings using items they had at home. Users displayed incredible creativity, and the museum was flooded with submissions. This reaction proves that there is a potential desire for the audience to engage with art topics if the format is appealing. Since many people feel intimidated and think that there’s a base level of understanding required to join the conversation, the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.
    Another result of the Getty challenge was the exposure given to a diversity of artworks. The famous opera singer Peter Brathwaite, for example, made scores of attractive recreations highlighting centuries of black paintings. His efforts opposed the idea that there were not many historical paintings of black figures. It is extremely important that we do a better job of showing the complex and diverse stories that are represented in art.
    Social media have offered a platform for people who have not traditionally had a seat at the table. Anyone can recognise a gap in the field and address it. Accounts have gathered tens of thousands of followers. They are the proof that there is hunger to hear these art histories, and these themes work brilliantly for museum programming.
    But there is only so much that can be done without the museums and galleries changing meaningfully from within. We need to see a better balance of these stories represented in permanent collections. We also need a much wider diversity of people and interests represented on board. Ensuring that art—and writing and talking about art—is able to continue on the rising generation of storytellers, inside and outside of institutions, getting the funding and support they need to paint a brighter picture for the part.

    31. What challenge is the author trying to tackle?
    A. People doubt a great diversity of artworks.
    B. Fewer and fewer young people go to museums.
    C. Art appears too distant from common audience.
    D. Adult audience has a different understanding of art.
    32. What does the underlined word “intimidated” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A. Tired. B. Worried. C. Annoyed. D. Surprised.
    33. In the author’s opinion, the museums and galleries should ________.
    A. make the art history stories accessible in a traditional way
    B. change meaningfully for activities like the Getty challenge
    C. limit the number of storytellers both in and out of institutions
    D. improve the permanent collections by adding famous artworks
    34. We can conclude from the passage that common audience ________.
    A. lacks the channels to understand and talk about art history
    B. prefers to view artworks and hear art stories on social media
    C. feels satisfied with people and interests represented on board
    D. refuses to engage with diverse art topics and art history stories
    People Who Can’t Count
    A recent study has discovered that dyscalculia, the mathematical inability in reading, affects about 5% of children in Britain. There is no simple way of finding out the reason and kids with this learning disability are usually labelled unintelligent.
    So what exactly is this learning disability in mathematics? Unlike most people, dyscalculics cannot recognise three or four objects. 35 For example, they need to count the books on the table before they can say how many there are. In other words, they have to count them one by one. This is where they are different from others. The majority of us, if shown three or four similar things, can immediately recognise them.
    36 They cannot understand, for instance, why two and three makes five. Another problem is not being able to tell which group contains more objects than the other. Experiments have proved that dyscalculics have not developed the part of the brain responsible for processing numbers.
    There are also problems with the abstract concept of time for dyscalculics. 37 If your best friend is always late, he might be suffering from dyscalculia. Dyscalculics cannot keep track of time, and they never know how much time they have spent getting ready and how long it will take them to get to work. In addition, research has shown that dyscalculics behave oddly in social situations. 38 This poor ability can explain why they never know how much change they are due or what kind of budget they need for their holiday.
    On the other hand, dyscalculics are very good at creative arts. People suffering from dyscalculia can become painters or poets. Dyscalculia does not seem to delay language acquisition. Dyscalculic children acquire language at the same time as, if not earlier than, most children and have no problem learning to read or write. 39
    A. Dyscalculics have difficulties in using numbers at all.
    B. This disability scares children away from learning mathematics.
    C. They have to go through the routine of counting even a small number of objects.
    D. It is quite reasonable for dyscalculics to solve this kind of specific problem at any time.
    E. They never know how much they should tip the waiter or they’ve got left after a shopping trip.
    F. We can see that dyscalculia is only a learning disability, not a general indication of intelligence.
    G. This can account for their difficulty in reading schedules and remembering the order in which
    things have happened.
    第一节 (共4小题;第40至41题每小题2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12分)
    Shared Services Need More Imagination
    Suppose you need to drill a hole in the wall to hang an item but do not own a power drill. You may regard it as expensive to buy a power drill and consider renting one. Sharing is the solution. The sharing industry is an emerging, highly flexible economic network that allows people to share resources, either free or for a fee.
    The important idea of the sharing industry is that people might only need an item for a relatively short period. The private part of shared services has been moving towards this area since the beginning of the 1980s, and then the public part has taken note of the benefits and continued for best practice. The United States and Australia among others have had shared services in government since the late 1990s.
    With the rise of the sharing industry, the best-known shared bikes and shared cars have got a lot of public attention. This kind of transportation is so environmentally-friendly that it is increasingly popular among people in many cities.
    Of course shared services don’t need to be limited to machines. The real pay-off in shared services probably lies in renting out smaller, less heavy items. For example, in today’s casual environment, you don’t need a tie unless you’re going to a wedding or a job interview. So some companies would let you pick up a tie when you needed it and only when you needed it. Another example is an umbrella-sharing service. Since visitors don’t want to be carrying umbrellas all the way, it would be cheaper and easier to simply borrow an umbrella on one street corner and drop it off on another.
    Recently organisations that have centralised their IT functions have begun to take a close look at the technology services that their IT departments provide for customers, evaluating where it makes sense to provide technology components. E-mail and scanning (扫描) operations were obvious early candidates. Many organisations are now offering their document-intensive operations as a shared service. There is no doubt that people are calling for the expansion of shared services to more and more areas.
    40. What is the sharing industry?
    41. Why does shared transportation receive attention from people?
    42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Ø Shared services are getting increasingly popular for their convenience, but there are still calls for expansion to wider areas because they are currently restricted to machines.
    43. Please provide another example of shared services and explain your reason. (about 40 words)


    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你校将举办主题为 “创意点亮校园”学生手工作品展。请给你校的交换生Jim写一封邮件,邀请他参观展览。内容包括:
    1. 介绍展览信息 (例如:时间、地点、内容等);
    2. 询问对方意向。

    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua


    英语 参考答案 2021.05
    第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B
    6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10. D

    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    11.ran 12.closer 13.through 14.have collected 15.to tidy
    16.communities 17.be given 18.how 19.missing 20.injury

    21.C 22.D 23.D 24.C 25.C
    26.A 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.D
    31.C 32.B 33.B 34.A

    35.C 36.A 37.G 38.E 39.F

    第二节 (共4小题;第40至41题每小题2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12分)
    40. The sharing industry is an economic network that allows people to share resources, either free or for a fee.
    41. Because it offers environmentally-friendly means of transportation to people in cities.
    42. Shared services are getting increasingly popular for their convenience, but there are still calls for expansion to wider areas because they are currently restricted to machines.
    According to the passage, presently shared services include not only machines but also smaller, less heavy items, such as ties and umbrellas.
    43. (1) Sharing books is a good type of shared services. People can share and read the books they like without pay or with only a little money, so that they will improve their knowledge and enrich their life. Thus I think it is well worth spreading.

    (2) Sharing platforms is a good type of shared services. For example, resources can be shared there. Another example is that in a community, old people can learn how to use computers and smartphones with the help of it. Thus I think it is well worth spreading.

    Possible versions:
    Dear Jim,
    How are you doing? I’m writing to invite you to visit a handicrafts exhibition in our school, whose theme is “Creativity Lights Up the Campus”.
    The exhibition aims to enrich our school life and promote our creativity and hands-on ability. It is scheduled to be held in the lecture hall from May 15 to June 1. Dozens of handicrafts with unique designs and various themes will be on display, such as clay sculptures, paper cuttings and so on. They are all created by students. Many works are made from unwanted materials in our daily life, which shows how students turn waste into treasure. I’m sure you will be amazed at the students’ creativity and imagination.
    Would you like to come? I’m looking forward to meeting you at the exhibition.
    Li Hua

    Dear Jim,
    How is everything going? Our school is going to organize a handicrafts exhibition themed “Creativity Lights Up the Campus” this weekend. Knowing you have a great interest in handicrafts, I believe this is an opportunity to appreciate the creative works.
    About 100 handicrafts made by students will be on display in the school lecture hall, each of which is full of fantastic ideas. You can find a wide variety of works that are suitable for decoration. In addition, the exhibits will consist of handicrafts of traditional styles methods, which will offer you a great chance to explore the Chinese traditional culture. I’m sure the exhibition is worth a visit.
    It will be a great pleasure if you come to the exhibition. I will be happy to keep you company and offer necessary explanations.
    Li Hua


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