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    2020新课标高考牛津版英语第一轮总复习讲义:第3部分第二节第四讲 如何写好文章正文

    2020新课标高考牛津版英语第一轮总复习讲义:第3部分第二节第四讲 如何写好文章正文第1页
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    2020新课标高考牛津版英语第一轮总复习讲义:第3部分第二节第四讲 如何写好文章正文第3页
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    2020新课标高考牛津版英语第一轮总复习讲义:第3部分第二节第四讲 如何写好文章正文


    第四讲 如何写好文章正文正文是文章的核心段落,在写作时应遵循一定的顺序进行表达,才能让读者快速领会文章表达的内容,而不应是几个要点的简单堆砌。合理地组织段落会使文章大放异彩。一、组段应遵循的两个原则1统一性原则一段话只能有一个中心,每句话都只能围绕这个中心去阐述,不能随心所欲地添加一些与中心无关的句子。下面是一个缺乏统一性的段落:The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man explained.He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender.As we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up and stopped us.My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind.We bought the bicycle.[名师指津]本段内容缺乏统一性,句与句之间关联性不大,貌似每句话表达一个中心意思。语意颠倒,而且最后一句与中心无关。正确内容如下:The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind.As we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up and stopped us.Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man explained“He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender.”2连贯性原则指句与句、段与段过渡自然(和谐、流畅,层次分明,符合逻辑)。保持段落的连贯性就应恰如其分地运用过渡语,使内容承前启后。如:first, at first, second, and then, finally, what's more, but, however, such as, thus, as a result, in fact, therefore, in a word, in short等。二、五种常见的组段排列法一般而言,段落排列是有讲究的,主要有五种常见的行之有效的方法:1时间顺序排列法时间顺序排列法是按事件发生的先后顺序或动作的先后顺序来组成段落的表达法。这是一种简便而常见的手法,常用于讲故事、叙述经历、介绍历史事件、解释事物发展的过程、说明科学研究的程序等。Mike works very hard.He goes to work early.Every day he leaves his home and walks to the lift.He gets into the lift.It takes him down to the first floor.[名师指津]该段是按动作先后顺序,通过时间推进方式描述人物活动的,将Mike从离开家到乘电梯去一楼的场景非常清晰地呈现在读者眼前。有时为了明确各句之间的时间关系,会使用一些较明显的时间标记或过渡语等。I was born in New York, but I grew up in San Francisco.I began to live in London 25 years ago with my wife.If I am asked where I want to live forever, I would say London.[名师指津]按时间顺序安排的段落同样首先要写好主题句,然后按事情发生的顺序或步骤的先后进行组织表达,所以要学会选用合适的表示时间先后的过渡语,使句与句之间有机地联系起来。过渡语就如同润滑剂,起到承上启下的作用,使表达流畅自然。在表达时间顺序时,经常使用的衔接词和过渡语有:now, then, before, after, afterwards, earlier, later, first, first of all, to begin/start with, firstly, at first, at the beginning, at the moment, at the same time, immediately, soon, next, meanwhile, gradually, finally, recently,以及具体的时间状语,如in January, on Monday, on the morning of, in 2018, in spring, in a few days, in the past five years, one morning, the day before yesterday等。2空间顺序排列法空间顺序排列法是指按照事物或人物所处的空间位置进行有序的组织和布局的表现手法,如从左到右、从顶端到底部、由近及远等各种自然的顺序。这种表达法常用于写人、物和景等。这种表达手法可分为静态描写和动态描写。其目的是易于读者正确地理解所表达的内容。按所表达的人或物相互之间的空间关系,进行有序的组织和描写。一旦确定了安排顺序的形式,空间中的所有人或事物都应遵循这一形式,中途不能随意停止和改变。In the western suburb of Jinan, there stands a small village.That is my native place.My native place is full of beauty.A green hill is behind it, and a wide field in front.Around the village, there is a little stream in which the fish are swimming to and fro.The most populous part of the village is in the west.There are many stone houses standing among the green trees.In the east of the village there is a temple, which has been used as a primary school.If one stands on the hill, he is sure to see a perfect view of the village.[名师指津]上文描述的是自己的家乡,作者按照空间顺序对村庄进行了描述,给读者展现了一幅清晰而美丽的家乡图画。文中使用了许多表示位置的过渡语,使全文流畅通顺。从上面的短文我们看出要写一篇准确描述空间位置的段落应该具备:(1) 好的主题句;(2) 空间位置的清晰、有序的组织;(3) 合适的表示空间位置的过渡语。按空间展开的段落之中的衔接词和过渡词有:near, near to, close to, far, far from, in front of, beyond, above, below, under, beneath, up, down, along, to the right/left, in/to the east of, around, surrounding, on the one side, on the other side, inside, outside, alongside, over, throughout, towards, in the middle, in the centre, at the top of, at the foot of, at the bottom of, at the edge of, at the end of, across等。3比较对照排列法比较对照排列法是指将两个或更多的相似或相近的人或物,通过比较和对照,说明其差异及相似性的写作手法,其目的是揭示该事物或人物的特点或特征。严格地说,比较是指出同种类型的两人(或更多人)或两物(或更多物)的相同点,而对照则是指出他()们的不同点。然而,在实际表达时,比较和对照往往同时运用。Today, women's life is much better than ever before.In the past women couldn't get a job.They could only stay at home to take care of babies.But now women can get jobs easily and they can do any work as men do.In cities, all girls can go to school, and even in the countryside many girls can go to school, too.Now, people cherish girls as much as boys.They say girls and boys are the same.In their homes, husbands also do housework.People often say, “Women hold up half the sky.” In fact, women play a very important role in today's society.I believe that one day, there will be a woman president in China.[名师指津]文章讨论了当今一个热点话题——现代妇女的社会地位。作者运用了新旧社会对比的手法,并且引用了俗语,使文章严肃而不乏生动。My hometown is quite different from what it used to be.More than ten years ago my hometown was a small and quiet place.The houses were small and dark.The streets were for the most part narrow and rough.There were few people in the streets and shops.Now everything has changed.Looking in every direction from the centre of the town, one sees a succession of grand, imposing buildings.The streets, whether long or short, are straight and wide.Crowds of people can be found here and there, hurrying, noisy, and well­dressed.From a small and dull village with some shabby houses in the past, my hometown has become a big city, colorful and beautiful.[名师指津]本段阐述了家乡的今昔之别,从第二句开始陈述十年前的家乡旧貌:小而阴暗的房子、窄而不平的街道等;接着展示了今日的景象:宏伟而壮观的楼房、宽阔笔直的街道、忙碌而衣着华丽的人们等。通过今昔家乡的建筑物、街道和人们的比较对照,展现了家乡的巨大变化。表达比较对照的常用连接词和过渡语有:differ from, contrast with, equal, similarly, in the same way, on the other hand, on the contrary, bothandonethe other, whereas, just like, in spite of, instead, another, moreover, besides, in addition to, despite, the formerthe latter, someothers, in contrast to, herethere, thisthat, thennow等。4因果关系排列法因果关系排列法是指通过分析事物的因果关系,通过现象推断其成因,或者根据某一现象的特点推测它在某种条件下可能产生的后果的一种写作方式,该手法一般用于说明文。因果关系法是一种逻辑性写作形式。分析事物的因果关系是一种复杂的思维活动,不能随便乱写。因为事物或现象的出现一般会有多种原因。如主题句是:In the past few years, higher education has become less important to young people than it was previously.这是一种现象,接着应分析产生这种现象的多种原因,如:the pressure of fierce competitions, better opportunities in the job marketmuch of the knowledge taught in the college being outdated等。分析因果关系时要善于运用逻辑推理能力,合理推测,言之有理。表示因果关系的衔接词和过渡语有:because, as, since, for, thanks to, due to, so, therefore, as a result of, as a result/consequence等。People who live in the countryside generally live longer than those who live in the city.First, the close contact with nature is good for the health of the body and spirit.They breathe fresh air and make friends with trees, sand, cows and dogs.Next, hard physical work keeps farmers fit and healthy.It is widely believed that farmers suffer from fewer diseases than people in the city.Besides, being free from the pressures of city life contributes to the health of farmers.Moreover, because of the absence of buses and other vehicles, one can walk more freely without being afraid of accidents.The environment is better in the countryside than that in the city.Hardly does any pollution exist in the countryside, which makes farmers live a quiet and peaceful life.[名师指津]本文的写作手法是先叙述一个结果,然后分析和阐述造成这个结果的原因,运用了因果关系法,这是先结果后原因的表达方式。5过程排列法描述涉及多个步骤,应该按照过程的发展顺序把这些步骤交代清楚,在这一类文章里常常用祈使句和不定代词来表达。描述过程的常用衔接词和过渡语有:(1)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(2)first, then, next, after this, lastly(3)afterwards, furthermore, moreover, in addition toAs a matter of fact, there're many ways for us to deal with our mental problems.First of all, we can turn to our teachers for help, including our psychology teacher.Second, communication is of vital importance.When we have a talk or discussion about our problems with our friends or classmates, we can feel greatly relieved.Last but not least, we need to develop a positive attitude towards our studies and our life.Wearing a smile is not only a sign of friendliness but also a cure for bad feelings.[名师指津]本文开头先点明了解决我们所面对的精神问题的办法,然后按顺序逐一说明各个解决办法。.给下面短文填上适当的衔接词语,使其符合逻辑,语意完整Li Ting likes traveling by bus better than by plane for four reasons.1.________it costs less.She can ride the bus from Nanjing to Shanghai for 20 yuan.2.________the air fare between the two cities is 78 yuan.3.________traveling by bus gives her a closer look at the cities and countryside than she could get from a plane.For example, she enjoys riding a bus through the big cities of Suzhou, Wuxi, and Yangzhou.4.________she finds that the passengers on the bus are often closer to her own age. 5.________they are easy to talk with, 6.________many airline passengers are businessmen who keep busy with their work while flying.7.________riding a bus allows Li Ting to pay a visit to any place along the way.8.________once she got off the bus at a small town in Kunshan and spent the night with a girl friend.9.________the next day she took another bus to Shanghai.10.________Li Ting usually prefers buses instead of planes unless she has to get somewhere in a hurry.【答案】1.First/Firstly 2.However 3.Second/Secondly/Then/Next 4.Third/Thirdly/After that/Next 5.So 6.while 7.Fourth/Fourthly/Finally 8.For example/instance 9.Then 10.For these reasons.将下列句子按照时间顺序重新排列1It was a day when we were learning farming in a state farm near the sea.2We got up early in order to see the sunrise.3The sun was about to rise from the sea, and we all fixed our eyes in the direction.4In a little while, a piece of red cloud on the horizon (地平线) enlarged itself and intensified its light.5It roses step by step, as though it had been carrying a heavy burden.6In a few minutes, a small part of the sun actually appeared, very red, but giving no light.7By the time we reached the beach, the sky was turning light blue.8The colour was charmingly red, and soon the deep­red ball radiates such brilliant light as to dazzle (使目眩) us.9At last, however, it broke through the red cloud and jumped above the sea.10Was this not a grand sight?11At the same time, the clouds, the water and ourselves, were red.【答案】1274365981110  

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