所属成套资源:人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit 1-Unit 6 全册教案
人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit6 How do you feel单元整体教学设计
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人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit6 How do you feel?单元整体教学设计 一、教学目标 (一)知识与技能目标1. 词汇方面学生能够听、说、认读单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, see a doctor, wear, more, deep, breath, count, take a deep breath, count to ten。能够准确理解这些单词的含义,并在表达情感和应对情绪的情境中熟练运用。2. 句型方面掌握句型“How do you feel? I'm...”询问和回答自己的感受。学会使用“What's wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor.”询问状况和提出建议。(二)过程与方法目标1. 通过多样化的教学活动,如角色扮演、情绪分享、游戏等,培养学生的听说读写能力和综合语言运用能力。2. 引导学生识别和表达不同的情绪,提高情绪管理能力和人际交往能力。(三)情感态度与价值观目标1. 培养学生关注自己和他人的情绪,学会积极应对负面情绪。2. 让学生理解情绪的多样性,尊重每个人在不同情境下的情绪反应。二、教学重难点(一)教学重点1. 掌握本单元的重点单词和句型,准确发音和运用。2. 能够运用所学内容询问和表达情绪,以及针对负面情绪提出合理建议。(二)教学难点1. 单词“worried”“breath”等的发音和拼写。2. 理解和运用“should”表示建议的用法。3. 引导学生深入理解情绪产生的原因,并能在实际情境中准确表达和应对情绪。三、教学方法1. 情景教学法:创设情绪表达、情绪问题解决等生活情景,让学生在真实情境中学习和运用英语。2. 游戏教学法:通过猜谜、情绪卡片游戏、抢答等游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高参与度。3. 直观教学法:运用表情图片、情绪故事视频、实物等直观手段,帮助学生理解和记忆单词和句型。4. 合作学习法:组织学生进行小组合作学习,培养合作能力和自主学习能力。四、教学准备 1. 与情绪相关的单词卡片和表情图片。2. PPT 课件,包含情绪场景动画、情绪管理小故事视频等资料。3. 一些帮助放松的小道具,如气球(用于演示深呼吸)。4. 奖励贴纸或小奖品。五、教学过程 第一课时 (一)Warm up(热身) 1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine, too. Now, let's start our class with a song.2. Sing a song(唱歌曲)播放英语歌曲《If You're Happy and You Know It》,师生一起唱,营造轻松愉快的氛围,同时引出与情绪相关的话题。(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: We just sang a song about being happy. But we have many different feelings in our daily life. Do you know some other feelings?(教师引导学生回答)Ss: Sad, angry...(学生回答)T: Good. Today, we are going to learn some new words about feelings.(在黑板上写下课题:Unit6 How do you feel?)2. Teach new words(教授新单词)AngryT:(展示一张生气的表情图片)Look at this face. The person is angry.(展示单词卡片“angry”)When something makes you unhappy or frustrated, you may feel angry. Read after me, angry.Ss: Angry.T: What makes you angry?(引导学生回答)AfraidT:(展示一张害怕的表情图片,比如有人看到蜘蛛的场景)This person is afraid.(展示单词卡片“afraid”)When you face something dangerous or scary, you may feel afraid. Read after me, afraid.Ss: Afraid.T: What are you afraid of?(引导学生回答)SadT:(展示一张悲伤的表情图片,比如有人丢失东西的场景)This is a sad face.(展示单词卡片“sad”)When something bad happens, like losing something or someone, you may feel sad. Read after me, sad.Ss: Sad.T: When was the last time you felt sad?(引导学生回答)WorriedT:(展示一张担忧的表情图片,比如有人等待考试结果的场景)This person is worried.(展示单词卡片“worried”)When you are thinking about something bad that might happen, you feel worried. Read after me, worried.Ss: Worried.T: What are you worried about?(引导学生回答)HappyT:(再次展示快乐的表情图片)We know this feeling. Happy means feeling good and content.(展示单词卡片“happy”)Read after me, happy.Ss: Happy.T: What makes you happy?(引导学生回答)See a doctorT:(展示一张病人在医院看医生的图片)When you are sick, you should see a doctor.(展示单词卡片“see a doctor”)Read after me, see a doctor.Ss: See a doctor.T: Have you ever seen a doctor? Why?(引导学生回答)WearT:(展示一个人穿着外套的图片)We wear clothes.(展示单词卡片“wear”)Read after me, wear.Ss: Wear.T: What are you wearing today?(引导学生回答)MoreT:(展示一些数量对比的图片,如一个苹果和多个苹果)More means a greater amount or number.(展示单词卡片“more”)Read after me, more.Ss: More.T: Do you want more candies?(引导学生回答)DeepT:(用手比划深度的动作)Deep means going a long way down from the top.(展示单词卡片“deep”)Read after me, deep.Ss: Deep.T: Is the swimming pool deep?(引导学生回答)BreathT:(做深呼吸的动作)Breath is the air that you take into your lungs and send out again.(展示单词卡片“breath”)Read after me, breath.Ss: Breath.T: Take a deep breath with me.(带领学生做深呼吸)CountT:(用手指计数的动作)Count means to say numbers one after another in order.(展示单词卡片“count”)Read after me, count.Ss: Count.T: Count from one to ten.(带领学生数数)Take a deep breath, count to tenT:(再次演示深呼吸和从 1 数到 10 的动作)When we are angry or worried, we can take a deep breath and count to ten to calm down.(展示单词卡片“take a deep breath”和“count to ten”)Read after me, take a deep breath, count to ten.Ss: Take a deep breath, count to ten.T: Let's practice taking a deep breath and counting to ten together.(带领学生练习) (三)Practice(练习)1. Word games(单词游戏)Memory game(记忆游戏)教师快速展示单词卡片,然后拿走一张,让学生说出少了哪个单词。可以逐渐增加难度,如一次拿走两张或三张卡片。Bingo game(宾果游戏)给每个学生发一张印有 9 个方格的纸,教师说出单词,学生在方格中填写。当学生的方格中有一行、一列或对角线三个单词填对时,就喊“Bingo”。2. Match the words and pictures(单词与图片配对)在 PPT 上呈现单词和打乱顺序的图片,让学生将单词与对应的图片连线,巩固对单词的理解。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Describe the feelings(描述情绪)教师展示一些包含不同情绪场景的图片,让学生用所学单词描述。例如:“The boy is sad because he lost his toy.”先让学生在小组内讨论,然后每个小组推选一名代表进行描述,其他小组认真倾听并给予评价。2. My feeling in the picture(我图片中的情绪)教师给每个学生发一张情绪场景的图片(可以是教师准备的通用图片),让学生根据图片内容用所学单词描述自己的“情绪”,然后同桌之间互相交流,分享自己对“情绪”的描述。(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, see a doctor, wear, more, deep, breath, count, take a deep breath, count to ten。2. 教师强调重点单词的发音、拼写和含义,以及单词在描述情绪和相关情境时的用法。(六)Homework(作业)1. 读单词给家长听,每个单词读三遍,并向家长解释单词的含义。2. 画一幅自己有某种情绪的画,并用所学单词写出产生这种情绪的原因。 第二课时(一)Warm up(热身) 1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's review the words we learned last class.(通过简单问候引入复习环节)2. Review words(复习单词)Word cards review(单词卡片复习)教师拿出上节课的单词卡片,随机抽取学生认读单词,对于回答准确的学生给予表扬和奖励。同时,可以让学生用单词造句,加深对单词的理解和运用。Describe the classmates' feelings(描述同学的情绪)教师请几位学生上台,用所学单词描述台下同学可能的情绪,如“He may be worried because he has a lot of homework.”其他学生认真倾听并猜测描述的是谁的情绪。(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: We know some words about feelings. Now, if we want to ask how someone feels, what can we say?(教师通过问题引导学生思考)Ss: How do you feel?(学生可能回答)T: Good. Today, we are going to learn how to ask and answer this question.(在黑板上写下重点句型)2. Teach new sentences(教授新句子)How do you feel? I'm...T:(教师走到一名学生身边)How do you feel today?(引导学生回答,如 I'm happy.)I'm happy, too. Because we are having a great class.(教师重复几遍句子,强调语音语调)Read after me. How do you feel? I'm...Ss: How do you feel? I'm...T: Now, turn to your partner and ask this question.(让学生两人一组互相询问)What's wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor.T:(做出担忧的表情)What's wrong?(引导学生询问)My father is ill.(回答)He should see a doctor.(教师通过简单的对话让学生理解询问状况和提出建议的句型)Read after me. What's wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor.Ss: What's wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor.T: Now, practice with your partner. One asks, and the other answers.(让学生两人一组进行练习)(三)Practice(练习)1. Pair work(两人一组练习)学生两人一组,互相询问对方的感受,运用“How do you feel? I'm...”进行问答练习。然后练习询问状况和提出建议,运用“What's wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor.”,可以改变情境内容,如“My friend is sad. She should talk to someone.”练习几次后,教师请几组学生上台展示,其他学生认真倾听并给予评价。2. Group work(小组活动)将学生分成小组,每组 4 5 人。每个小组有一套情绪卡片(如生气、害怕、悲伤等)和问题卡片(如生病、丢失东西等)。小组成员轮流抽取情绪卡片和问题卡片,然后向其他成员询问和回答,如:“How do you feel?”“I'm sad.”“What's wrong?”“I lost my book.”“You should look for it.”在活动过程中,教师巡视各小组,及时给予指导和帮助,鼓励学生注意“should”的正确使用。3. Chain drill(连锁操练)教师先和一名学生进行问答示范,如:T: How do you feel?S1: I'm worried.T: What's wrong?S1: I have a test tomorrow.T: You should study hard.S1: How do you feel?S2: I'm happy.S1: What's wrong?S2: I got a new toy.以此类推,让学生进行连锁问答,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和反应能力。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Feeling survey(情绪调查)教师在教室里设置一个“情绪调查站”,每个学生在一张卡片上写下自己现在的情绪(可以写原因),但不写自己的名字。然后将卡片放在一个盒子里。学生轮流从盒子里抽取卡片,根据卡片上的信息找到对应的同学,并用英语询问和确认,如:“Are you the one who is worried because of the math problem?”如果找对了,两人互相询问和分享更多关于情绪的信息,如:“How can you solve the problem?”“What else makes you worried?”2. Problem solving(问题解决)让学生在教室里自由采访其他同学,用“How do you feel? What's wrong?”询问信息,然后记录下来。采访几位同学后,回到座位上,针对同学的问题提出建议,如:“She is sad because she argued with her friend. She should talk to her friend and say sorry.”向同桌介绍自己采访的同学的情绪问题和建议。(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的句型:“How do you feel? I'm...”“What's wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor.”2. 教师强调句型的用法和注意事项,如“How do you feel?”询问当前的情绪感受,“should”表示建议,后面跟动词原形。(六)Homework(作业)1. 背诵并默写句型:“How do you feel? I'm...”“What's wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor.”2. 用所学句型采访三位同学,了解他们的情绪和问题,并制作一个简单的英语表格记录信息,下节课和同学们分享。 第三课时 (一)Warm up(热身)1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's sing a song about feelings.(通过问候后,用唱歌热身)2. Sing a song(唱歌曲)播放歌曲《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》(可以改变歌词为与情绪相关,如“Happy, sad, angry, afraid”),师生一起唱,复习上节课所学的关于情绪的单词和句型,营造轻松愉快的氛围。(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: We have learned a lot about feelings and how to talk about them. Now, let's learn some more ways to deal with our negative feelings.(教师在黑板上写下新的重点内容)2. Teach new content(教授新内容)Dealing with negative feelings(应对负面情绪)T: When we are angry, worried or sad, there are some good ways to make ourselves feel better. We can take a deep breath and count to ten. We can also talk to someone we trust.(教师通过举例让学生理解应对负面情绪的方法)T: Now, think about a time when you had a negative feeling. What did you do to make yourself feel better?(引导学生思考)(三)Practice(练习)1. Negative feeling sharing(负面情绪分享)让学生在座位上回忆自己曾经有过的负面情绪经历,以及当时是如何应对的。例如,有的学生可能会说:“I was angry when my brother broke my toy. I took a deep breath and told him it was wrong. Then we fixed the toy together.”然后教师请几位学生站起来分享他们的经历,其他学生认真倾听。在分享过程中,教师可以引导学生使用本单元所学的单词和句型,如:“I was really sad because I lost my favorite book. I was worried that I couldn't find it. But then I remembered that I should stay calm. So I took a deep breath and started to look for it carefully. Finally, I found it under my bed.”2. Pair work(两人一组练习)学生两人一组,互相分享自己的负面情绪经历和应对方法。同伴可以提问和建议,比如:“Why did you feel so angry?”“Maybe you can try another way to relax next time.”练习结束后,教师可以请几组学生向全班分享他们所描述的内容。3. Group work(小组活动)将学生分成小组,每组4 5人。每个小组共同创作一个情绪管理的小故事,故事中要包含负面情绪的产生、应对过程以及最终的结果。例如:“Lily was worried because she had a big presentation at school, but she was afraid of speaking in public. She felt so sad and thought she couldn't do it well. Then her friend told her to take a deep breath and practice in front of a mirror. She also counted to ten to calm down every time she felt too nervous. Finally, she did a great job in the presentation and was very happy.”每个小组可以推选一名代表向全班介绍他们设计的故事,其他小组的同学可以提问或者提出建议,比如:“What if she still felt very nervous during the practice?”“You can add more details about how she practiced.”通过这种方式,不仅能锻炼学生用英语描述故事的能力,还能促进学生之间的交流和思考。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Emotion role play(情绪角色扮演)教师准备一些不同情绪情境的小卡片,如“在医院等待检查结果(worried)”“被朋友误解(sad)”“看到老鼠(afraid)”“比赛获胜(happy)”等。将学生分成两人一组,一名学生抽取卡片,根据情境表演出相应的情绪,另一名学生要询问“What's wrong?”并根据表演猜出情绪,然后给出建议,如“You should talk to your friend and explain.”“Take a deep breath. It will be okay.”表演结束后,两组学生交换角色再次进行。教师在教室里巡视,观察学生的表现,鼓励学生尽量使用丰富的词汇和准确的句型。之后,请几组学生在全班面前展示他们的角色扮演,其他同学进行评价,评价内容包括对单词和句型的运用、对情绪的表现和理解、建议的合理性等方面。2. Emotion management plan(情绪管理计划)让学生四人一组,共同设计一份情绪管理计划。计划要针对不同的负面情绪列出相应的应对方法,并用英语详细地写出。例如:Negative Emotion Management PlanWhen you are angry:Take a deep breath and count to ten. This can help you calm down quickly.Walk away from the situation that makes you angry and find a quiet place to relax.Talk to someone you trust about your feelings. They may give you good advice.When you are worried:Make a list of things you are worried about. Then think about possible solutions for each one.Do some light exercise like stretching. It can relieve your stress.Share your worries with your family. They can support you.When you are sad:Listen to your favorite music. Music has the power to change your mood.Look at some happy pictures or remember good memories.Write down your feelings in a journal. It can make you feel better.每个小组完成计划后,将计划展示在教室的墙上,然后每个小组推选一名代表向全班介绍计划中的内容,其他小组可以提问或者评价,如:“Do you think listening to music always works when you are sad?”“Your plan is really comprehensive.”(五)Summary(总结) 1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的内容,重点回顾如何应对负面情绪,包括深呼吸、倾诉、转移注意力等方法,以及在描述情绪经历和情绪管理计划时更详细准确地运用所学单词和句型。2. 回顾本单元的重点单词和句型,强调在谈论情绪、询问状况和提出建议时,要准确、灵活地运用所学内容,使表达更加丰富生动。教师可以在黑板上简单罗列重点单词和句型,通过举例、提问等方式让学生进一步巩固知识,如:“I was very angry when someone took my pencil without asking. I took a deep breath and told him that he should ask first next time.”(六)Homework(作业)1. 制作一个英语手抄报,主题是“情绪的奥秘与管理”。手抄报内容要包括不同情绪的介绍(用图片和英语单词表示)、应对负面情绪的方法(可以用图表或简单的短文介绍),同时可以配上一些与情绪相关的小插画,如笑脸、哭脸等。要求手抄报设计精美、内容丰富、英语表达准确。2. 用英语写一篇短文,描述一次你帮助他人应对负面情绪的经历,包括对方的情绪、问题以及你给出的建议和最终的结果。尽量多地使用本单元所学的单词和句型。下节课在班级中分享自己的短文。