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    这是一份河北省张家口市宣化区2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题,共17页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解 阅读 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一、单项选择 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1. 下列字母组合表示"中国中央电视台"的是____.
    2. 与字母k含有相同元音音素的一组字母是____.
    3. This is my ____. My rulers and pencils are in it.
    A.eraserB.keyC.telephneD.pencil bx
    4. E-mailme____marygy@hymail.cm .
    5. —____ is the by in the pht?
    — He is my brther.
    6. —I lst my ID card.
    — Here ____ ne. Is it yurs?
    7. This pencil is Mary's, ____ ne ver there is Li Ming's.
    8.—My tape is lst.
    —I'm srry. But I have ne, yu can listen t ____.
    9. My schlbag is ____. I like the clr f trees.
    10. — The tape player is n the desk. Let me get it fr yu.
    — Thank yu fr yur ____.
    A.helpB.helpsC.helpingD.t help
    二、完形填空 (共10题; 每小题1分, 满分10分
    阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    My name is Wang Jialing. My English name is Alice. I'm a 11. in a middle schl in Beijing. I have a gd friend 12. schl. Her full name is Mary Smith. Mary is her 13. name and Smith is her family name. She is 14. English girl. She is frm Ln- dn, but nw she is in Beijing with her mm and dad. They are English teachers in ur schl. Mary and I are in the same class. We ften g t schl tgether (一起). She ften 15. me with my English, 16. . She wants t learn Chinese well, 17. I ften help her with 18. Chinese. Nw she can speak sme Chinese.
    Mary is a 19. girl. Mary likes China very much. Smetimes we talk with each ther(互相) in English, smetimes in Chinese. Mary and I ften help each ther. I'm very happy t make 20. with her.
    11.A. teacherB. studentC. byD. man
    12.A. tB. nC. atD. under
    13.A. lastB. neC. firstD. family
    14.A. aB./C. theD. an
    15.A. helpsB. thinksC. callsD. asks
    16.A. alwaysB. tC. nwD. everywhere
    17.A. sB. butC. rD. fr
    18.A. hisB. myC. herD. yur
    19.A. badB. niceC. newD. tall
    20.A. friendB. friend'sC. friends'D. friends
    三、阅读理解 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)阅读 A、B两篇材料, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    阅读材料, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Hi! D yu knw wh I am? Well, my name is Lst and Fund. I am a bx. Nw I am in Classrm 2E, N.1 Middle Schl. Yu can see a pen, a watch and a ntebk in me.
    21.The Lst and Fund Bx is in ____.
    A.Classrm 1EB.Classrm 2EC.Classrm 2BD.Classrm 3C
    22.What clr is the pen?
    C.blackD.red and yellw
    23.If yu want t find the watch, call Frank at ____.
    24.The ntebk is ____.
    25.Which is right?
    A.Jenny fund a pen in the schl library.
    B.Frank fund a watch in the schl library.
    C.Jenny's name is n the ntebk.
    D.The Lst and Fund Bx is in N.4 Middle Schl.
    阅读材料, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    It's 2: 30 in the afternn. The huse is quiet(安静的). " Tm?" Mm says. N ne answers(没有人回答).
    Mm cmes t Tm's rm. He is nt n the bed, but his mdel plane is n the desk." He is nt in his rm, and he is nt in the yard," Mm thinks. Then Mm cmes t his grandparents' rm. Tm likes t play with his grandpa's tape player, but he is nt there. Mm lks fr Tm everywhere. Where is Tm? Mm is wrried. She wants t call Dad. She cmes t the living rm t get the phne." What's that?" Mm sees smething black under the sfa. Oh, it's Eric, Tm's dg. It lves sleeping(睡觉) there. What is next t Eric? It's Tm!
    26.____ peple are in Tm's family.
    27.划线单词 wrried的汉语意思是____。
    28.Tm's grandpa has a ____.
    A.red radiB.tape playerC.mdel planeD.cmputer
    29.What can we knw frm the passage (文章)?
    A.Tm is in his rm.
    B.Eric is Tm's father.
    C.Mm wants t call Tm's teacher.
    D.Tm is under the sfa in the living rm.
    30.What's the best title (标题) fr the passage?
    A.The quiet huseB.The lst dg
    C.Where is Tm?D.Tm and Eric.
    四、任务型阅读 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分
    阅读下面短文, 按要求回答问题。
    Bb is a student in N.3 Middle Schl. It is 4: 30 in the afternn nw. Bb is at the schl's Lst and Fund ffice. He desn't lse anything (任何东西). He cmes with a yellw schlbag. There are sme bks, a set f keys and a shirt in it. But the schlbag is nt his. He wants t find its wner (主人).
    Bb waits fr (等候) its wner in the library fr abut 30 minutes, but n ne cmes. S he brings the schlbag here.
    "I fund the schlbag under a desk in the library," Bb says t Ms. Black. Ms. Black is in the Lst and Fund ffice (办公室).
    " Thank yu, by. It's very nice f yu t d it. Please write yur class and yur name here. We' ll tell yur stry t yur teacher and she may praise (表扬) yu," Ms. Black says.
    "I d it nt fr that. I just hpe the schlbag finds its wner sn!" Bb says and leaves the ffice.
    31.Bb lst his schlbag.
    32.Bb is a by.
    33.What is in the schlbag?
    34.Where des Bb find the schlbag?
    35. 将文中画线句子译成汉语。
    五、词语运用 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的, 填入所给单词的正确形式)。
    Hell, everyne. My 36. ( ne) name is Peter, and my last name is Smith. I am 12. Fur peple are in my family. I dn't have a sister. I nly have a 37. . His name is Bill Smith. Our parents are nice and we like 38. ( they). Bill and I are in the same(相同的) schl, 39. we are in different (不同的) 40. ( class). I am in Class 7. He is in Class 6. I like bks. I read them 41. the evening. I have a cllectin(收集) f bks. It's great! I have 16 bks. Seven C 42. bks and nine English bks 43. ( be) in the bx under my bed. Bill desn't like bks. He likes cmputer games, 44. he likes playing them n 45. cmputer every evening.
    六、基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分15分, 共20分)A) 连词成句(共5 小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)将所给词语连成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。句末标点已给出。
    46. is, n, it, sfa, the
    47. it, let's, spell
    48. is, what, in English, that
    49. is, baseball, his, nt, the
    50. my, family, is, a pht f, here
    七、基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分15分, 共20分)B) 书面表达(满分15分
    51. 假如你有一位英国好友,请以" My gd friend"为题, 根据下面的提示信息写一份关于他的介绍,并在英语口语课上向同学们介绍他。
    1. 他叫 Alan Smith, 是一名中学生;
    2. 他的家庭成员: 父母和一个姐姐;
    3. 他的卧室: 整洁, 有一张棕色的床……
    4. 他的邮件地址:alan2011@gfimail.cm .
    1. 表达正确, 语句通顺, 书写规范;
    2. 内容包括所有提示信息, 并适当发挥;
    3. 词数50个左右。
    一、单项选择 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1. 下列字母组合表示"中国中央电视台"的是____.
    【解析】【分析】CCTV,全称:China Central Televisin,即中国中央电视台。是中国的重要媒体机构,负责新闻、娱乐、体育等多种节目的制作和播出。UFO,全称:United Federatin Of Clans,中文直译为"宗族联合会"。中国中央电视台是缩写形式是CCTV,UFO,全称为Unidentified Flying Object,中文意思是不明飞行物,俗称飞碟。UFO是指不明来历、不明空间、不明结构、不明性质,但又漂浮、飞行在空中的物体,BBC是British Bradcasting Crpratin(英国广播公司)的缩写,是全球知名的新闻媒体机构,广泛应用于新闻报道、电视节目制作、电台广播等多个领域,USA(United States f America)是美利坚合众国的英文缩写,故选A。
    2. 与字母k含有相同元音音素的一组字母是____.
    【解析】【分析】A [ei] , [ef] , H h [ eitʃ] ,B[ei] , [ eitʃ] , [d3ei] ,C[di:] , [d3ei] , [a:] ,D[si:] , [i:] , [d3i:] ,与字母k含有相同元音音素的一组字母是ahj,故选B。
    3. This is my ____. My rulers and pencils are in it.
    A.eraserB.keyC.telephneD.pencil bx
    【解析】【分析】句意:这是我的铅笔盒儿,我的格尺和铅笔在里面。A橡皮,B钥匙,C电话,D铅笔盒,根据My rulers and pencils are in it,可知铅笔盒里面有文具用品I,故选D。
    【点评】考查名词,注意识记pencil bx,铅笔盒的用法。
    4. E-mailme____marygy@hymail.cm .
    【解析】【分析】句意:请给我往marygy@hymail.cm发电子邮件。A为了,B在里面,C在上面,D往,e-mail sb at+地址,固定搭配,给某人往某个地址发邮件,故选D。
    【点评】考查介词,注意识记e-mail sb at+地址的用法。
    5. —____ is the by in the pht?
    — He is my brther.
    【知识点】疑问代词wh / whm / whse
    【解析】【分析】句意:——照片里的男孩是谁?——他是我弟弟。A如何,B哪,C谁,D什么,根据回答,he is my brther,可知提问人用wh,故选C。
    6. —I lst my ID card.
    — Here ____ ne. Is it yurs?
    7. This pencil is Mary's, ____ ne ver there is Li Ming's.
    【知识点】指示代词that / thse
    【解析】【分析】句意:这支铅笔是玛丽的,那边的那一支是李明的。A那个,B那些,C这个,D这些,ne指代名词单数。根据ver there可知指远处的物体用that,故选A。
    8.—My tape is lst.
    —I'm srry. But I have ne, yu can listen t ____.
    【解析】【分析】句意:——我的磁带丢了。——真遗憾,但是我有一个你可以听我的。A她的,B你的,C他的,D我的,根据I have ne, yu can listen t,可知听我的,名词性物主代词mine作宾语,故选D。
    9. My schlbag is ____. I like the clr f trees.
    【解析】【分析】句意:我的书包是绿色的,我喜欢树的颜色。A橘色,B蓝色,C绿色,D红色,根据the clr f trees,可知树的颜色是绿色,故选C。
    10. — The tape player is n the desk. Let me get it fr yu.
    — Thank yu fr yur ____.
    A.helpB.helpsC.helpingD.t help
    二、完形填空 (共10题; 每小题1分, 满分10分
    阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    My name is Wang Jialing. My English name is Alice. I'm a 11. in a middle schl in Beijing. I have a gd friend 12. schl. Her full name is Mary Smith. Mary is her 13. name and Smith is her family name. She is 14. English girl. She is frm Ln- dn, but nw she is in Beijing with her mm and dad. They are English teachers in ur schl. Mary and I are in the same class. We ften g t schl tgether (一起). She ften 15. me with my English, 16. . She wants t learn Chinese well, 17. I ften help her with 18. Chinese. Nw she can speak sme Chinese.
    Mary is a 19. girl. Mary likes China very much. Smetimes we talk with each ther(互相) in English, smetimes in Chinese. Mary and I ften help each ther. I'm very happy t make 20. with her.
    11.A. teacherB. studentC. byD. man
    12.A. tB. nC. atD. under
    13.A. lastB. neC. firstD. family
    14.A. aB./C. theD. an
    15.A. helpsB. thinksC. callsD. asks
    16.A. alwaysB. tC. nwD. everywhere
    17.A. sB. butC. rD. fr
    18.A. hisB. myC. herD. yur
    19.A. badB. niceC. newD. tall
    20.A. friendB. friend'sC. friends'D. friends
    【解析】【分析】文章主要介绍了作者王佳玲(英文名Alice)在北京一所中学的学习生活,以及她与好友Mary Smith之间的深厚友谊和互相帮助的经历。
    11.句意:我是北京一所中学的一名学生。A: 老师,B: 学生,C: 男孩,D: 男人,根据in a middle schl和Mary and I are in the same class. We ften g t schl tgether,可知学生,故选B。
    12.句意:我在学校有一个好朋友。A到,B在上面,C在,D在下面,根据schl,可知是be at schl,在学校,固定搭配,故选C。
    13.句意:玛丽是她的名字,史密斯是她的姓氏。A: 最后一个,B: 一个,C: 第一个,D: 家人,根据Her full name is Mary Smith她的全名是玛丽·史密斯。可知玛丽是她的名字,first name,名字,故选C。
    15.句意:她也经常帮我学英语。A: 帮助,B: 认为,C: 打电话,D: 询问,根据help with,帮助,固定搭配,故选A。
    16.句意:她也经常帮我学英语。A: 总是,B: 也,C: 现在,D: 到处,根据肯定句句尾,用t表示也,故选B。
    17.句意:她想学好中文,所以我经常帮她学中文。A: 所以,B: 但是,C: 或,D: 因为,根据She wants t learn Chinese well,可知所以我帮她学习。故选A。
    18.句意:她想学好中文,所以我经常帮她学中文。A: 他的,B: 我的,C: 她的,D: 你的,根据上文的help me with my English,可知此处Chinese前用形容词性物主代词her,故选C。
    19.句意:玛丽是一个不错女孩。A: 不好, B: 不错 ,C: 新, D: 高,根据他们彼此帮忙,可知Mary是个不错的女孩,故选B。
    20.句意:我很高兴和她交朋友。A: 朋友,B: 朋友的,C: 朋友们的,D: 朋友,名词复数,make friends,固定搭配,交朋友,故选D。
    三、阅读理解 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)阅读 A、B两篇材料, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    阅读材料, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Hi! D yu knw wh I am? Well, my name is Lst and Fund. I am a bx. Nw I am in Classrm 2E, N.1 Middle Schl. Yu can see a pen, a watch and a ntebk in me.
    21.The Lst and Fund Bx is in ____.
    A.Classrm 1EB.Classrm 2EC.Classrm 2BD.Classrm 3C
    22.What clr is the pen?
    C.blackD.red and yellw
    23.If yu want t find the watch, call Frank at ____.
    24.The ntebk is ____.
    25.Which is right?
    A.Jenny fund a pen in the schl library.
    B.Frank fund a watch in the schl library.
    C.Jenny's name is n the ntebk.
    D.The Lst and Fund Bx is in N.4 Middle Schl.
    21.细节理解题。根据"my name is Lst and Fund;Nw I'm in Classrm 2E"可知,失物招领箱在教室2E。故选B。
    22.细节理解题。根据I fund a pen in the schl library. The clr f it is red and yellw,可知,钢笔是红色和黄色的。故选D。
    23.细节理解题。根据Whse watch is it? If yu want t find it, call Frank at 217-5691可知,如果你知道手表的主人是谁,可以拨打217-5691。故选C。
    24.细节理解题。根据"The bk is blue and it's Jhn's. Yu can find his name n it."可知,Jhn的名字在书上。故选D。
    25.细节理解题。根据My name is Jenny. I fund a pen in the schl library可知珍妮在学校图书馆里找到了一支笔。故选A。
    阅读材料, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    It's 2: 30 in the afternn. The huse is quiet(安静的). " Tm?" Mm says. N ne answers(没有人回答).
    Mm cmes t Tm's rm. He is nt n the bed, but his mdel plane is n the desk." He is nt in his rm, and he is nt in the yard," Mm thinks. Then Mm cmes t his grandparents' rm. Tm likes t play with his grandpa's tape player, but he is nt there. Mm lks fr Tm everywhere. Where is Tm? Mm is wrried. She wants t call Dad. She cmes t the living rm t get the phne." What's that?" Mm sees smething black under the sfa. Oh, it's Eric, Tm's dg. It lves sleeping(睡觉) there. What is next t Eric? It's Tm!
    26.____ peple are in Tm's family.
    27.划线单词 wrried的汉语意思是____。
    28.Tm's grandpa has a ____.
    A.red radiB.tape playerC.mdel planeD.cmputer
    29.What can we knw frm the passage (文章)?
    A.Tm is in his rm.
    B.Eric is Tm's father.
    C.Mm wants t call Tm's teacher.
    D.Tm is under the sfa in the living rm.
    30.What's the best title (标题) fr the passage?
    A.The quiet huseB.The lst dg
    C.Where is Tm?D.Tm and Eric.
    26.推断题,根据mm,grandparents,Tm,Dad,可知汤姆家有5口人,故选D。细节理解题。根据"his mdel plane is n the desk."可知,他的飞机模型在桌子上,故选D。
    27.词义猜测题。根据"Mm lks fr Tm everywhere. Where is Tm? Mm is wrried. She wants t call Dad."可知,Tm的妈妈找不到Tm很担心,想给Tm的爸爸打电话,所以单词"wrried"指的是"担心的",故选A。
    28.推断题。根据"Tm likes t play with his grandpa's tape player"可知,Tm的爷爷有一个录音机,故选B。
    29.细节理解题。根据""What's that?" Mm sees smething black under the sfa. Oh, it's Eric, Tm's dg. It lves sleeping there. What is next t(紧挨着) Eric? It's Tm!"可知,汤姆在客厅的沙发下面,故选D。
    30.最佳标题题。本文主要讲述妈妈到处都找不到Tm,变得很担心,于是想给Tm的爸爸打电话,这时她发现Tm正在客厅的沙发下面与他的小狗在一起,主要讲述妈妈到处都找不到汤姆的故事,故标题是Where is Tm?,故选C。
    四、任务型阅读 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分
    阅读下面短文, 按要求回答问题。
    Bb is a student in N.3 Middle Schl. It is 4: 30 in the afternn nw. Bb is at the schl's Lst and Fund ffice. He desn't lse anything (任何东西). He cmes with a yellw schlbag. There are sme bks, a set f keys and a shirt in it. But the schlbag is nt his. He wants t find its wner (主人).
    Bb waits fr (等候) its wner in the library fr abut 30 minutes, but n ne cmes. S he brings the schlbag here.
    "I fund the schlbag under a desk in the library," Bb says t Ms. Black. Ms. Black is in the Lst and Fund ffice (办公室).
    " Thank yu, by. It's very nice f yu t d it. Please write yur class and yur name here. We' ll tell yur stry t yur teacher and she may praise (表扬) yu," Ms. Black says.
    "I d it nt fr that. I just hpe the schlbag finds its wner sn!" Bb says and leaves the ffice.
    31.Bb lst his schlbag.
    32.Bb is a by.
    33.What is in the schlbag?
    34.Where des Bb find the schlbag?
    35. 将文中画线句子译成汉语。
    33.Sme bks, a set f keys and a shirt.
    34.Under a desk in the library.
    31.根据He desn't lse anything他什么也没丢,可知鲍勃丢了书包是错误的,故选错误。
    32.根据Thank yu, by. It's very nice f yu t d it,可知他是个好孩子,故答案为nice。
    33.根据There are sme bks, a set f keys and a shirt in it,可知里面有一些书、一串钥匙和一件衬衫,故答案为Sme bks, a set f keys and a shirt。
    34.根据I fund the schlbag under a desk in the library,可知在图书馆的桌子下发现了书包,故答案为Under a desk in the library。
    35.Ms. Black布莱克夫人, is,在, in the Lst and Fund ffice失物招领办公室,故答案为布莱克夫人在失物招领办公室。
    五、词语运用 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的, 填入所给单词的正确形式)。
    Hell, everyne. My 36. ( ne) name is Peter, and my last name is Smith. I am 12. Fur peple are in my family. I dn't have a sister. I nly have a 37. . His name is Bill Smith. Our parents are nice and we like 38. ( they). Bill and I are in the same(相同的) schl, 39. we are in different (不同的) 40. ( class). I am in Class 7. He is in Class 6. I like bks. I read them 41. the evening. I have a cllectin(收集) f bks. It's great! I have 16 bks. Seven C 42. bks and nine English bks 43. ( be) in the bx under my bed. Bill desn't like bks. He likes cmputer games, 44. he likes playing them n 45. cmputer every evening.
    【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者Peter Smith的家庭情况、学校生活以及他和哥哥Bill的兴趣爱好差异。
    36.句意:我的名字是Peter,我的姓是Smith。ne,基数词,一,根据is Peter, and my last name is Smith,可知是first name,名字,故填first。
    37.句意:我只有一个哥哥。根据I dn't have a sister. I nly have,可知是brther,哥哥,是名词单数,不定冠a修饰名词复数,故填brther。
    39.句意:Bill和我在同一所学校,但我们在不同的班级。根据Bill and I are in the same(相同的) schl, 4 we are in different,可知是转折关系,故用but,但是,故填but。
    41.句意:我晚上看书。in the evening,固定搭配,在晚上,故填in。
    44.句意:他喜欢电脑游戏,所以他每天晚上都喜欢在电脑上玩它们。根据He likes cmputer games, 9 he likes playing,可知是并列关系,故用and,并且,故填and。
    45.句意:他喜欢电脑游戏,所以他每天晚上都喜欢在电脑上玩它们。n是介词,n the cmputer,介词短语中,通常用定冠词,故填the。
    六、基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分15分, 共20分)A) 连词成句(共5 小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)将所给词语连成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。句末标点已给出。
    46. is, n, it, sfa, the
    【答案】Is it n the sfa?
    【解析】【分析】句意:它在沙发上吗?根据标点符号是问号和系动词is,可知是一般疑问句。is位于句首首字母大写,it,主语,它,n the sfa,在沙发上,表语,故答案为Is it n the sfa?
    47. it, let's, spell
    【答案】Let's spell it.
    【解析】【分析】句意:让我们拼写一下。it, 它,let's, 祈使句标志,让我们,其后用动词原形,spell,拼读,故答案为Let's spell it。
    48. is, what, in English, that
    【答案】What is that in English?
    【解析】【分析】句意:那个用英语怎么说?根据标点符号是问号。和特殊疑问词what,什么,可知是特殊疑问句。is,是,系动词,that,那个,in English,用英语,故答案为What is that in English?
    49. is, baseball, his, nt, the
    【答案】The baseball is nt his.
    【解析】【分析】句意:这个棒球不是他的。根据标点符号是句号以及系动词is,是,否定副词nt,不,可知是主系表结构的否定句。主语baseball,棒球,表语his,他的,否定副词位于系动词后面。故答案为The baseball is nt his。
    50. my, family, is, a pht f, here
    【答案】Here is a pht f my family .
    【解析】【分析】句意:这是我的一张全家福。根据标点符号是句号和系动词is,是,以及地点副词here,可知是here位于句首引导的倒装句。here is,这里有,一张照片,a pht f,我全家人的my family,故答案为Here is a pht f my family。
    【点评】考查连词成句,注意倒装句,a pht f的用法。
    七、基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分15分, 共20分)B) 书面表达(满分15分
    51. 假如你有一位英国好友,请以" My gd friend"为题, 根据下面的提示信息写一份关于他的介绍,并在英语口语课上向同学们介绍他。
    1. 他叫 Alan Smith, 是一名中学生;
    2. 他的家庭成员: 父母和一个姐姐;
    3. 他的卧室: 整洁, 有一张棕色的床……
    4. 他的邮件地址:alan2011@gfimail.cm .
    1. 表达正确, 语句通顺, 书写规范;
    2. 内容包括所有提示信息, 并适当发挥;
    3. 词数50个左右。
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    My gd friend
    Hell, bys and girls. I have a gd friend. His name is Alan Smith. And he is an English middle schl student. There are fur peple in his family. They are his parents, his sister and he. Alan's bedrm is tidy and clean. A brwn bed is in her rm. The rm is really nice. Yu can email him at alan2011@gfimail.cm. Thank yu.
    【解析】【分析】本文是命题作文,请以" My gd friend"为题,介绍好朋友,时态为"一般现在时";写作要点已经给出,考生注意不要遗漏要点;注意逻辑清晰、行文连贯、无拼写和语法错误。第一步,介绍Alan的基本情况以及家庭的成员;第二步,介绍Alan喜欢的科目、爱好以及梦想;第三步,书写结语。最后检查所用时态,人称是否符合要求;检查段落是否完整,句子表达是否准确,语法,拼写,标点,移行,大小写等方面是否有误。
    【点评】本文结构紧凑,语言简练,要点齐全,亮点词汇,等词汇的使用,使上下文意连接紧密 ,突出介绍了朋友的姓名,家庭成员,卧室的物品摆放等。本文还采用了丰富的句型,比如亮点词汇email him at,高分句型there be句型,There are fur peple in his family,情态动词Yu can email him at alan2011@gfimail.cm,打招呼用语Hell, bys and girls. I have a gd friend. 的用法。
    My name is Jenny. I fund a pen in the schl library. The clr f it is red and yellw. Whse (谁的) is it?
    Whse watch is it? I fund it n the schl playgrund. It's black and it's very nice. If yu want t find it, call Frank at 217-5691.
    The ntebk is blue and it is Jhn's. Yu can find his name n it.
    My name is Jenny. I fund a pen in the schl library. The clr f it is red and yellw. Whse (谁的) is it?
    Whse watch is it? I fund it n the schl playgrund. It's black and it's very nice. If yu want t find it, call Frank at 217-5691.
    The ntebk is blue and it is Jhn's. Yu can find his name n it.

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