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    Starting t write shrt stries: An nline wrkshp with Stuart Evers
    It is a cmmn miscnceptin that writing a shrt stry is easier than crafting (构思) a lnger frm piece f fictin. Thugh they have fewer wrds, as a writer yu have less time and space n the page t bth capture the imaginatin f yur readers and craft a jurney fr yur characters that has a beginning, middle and end.
    In this highly practical wrkshp with award-winning writer Stuart Evers, yu will knw abut the fundamentals f the shrt stry writing — frm building tensin t creating a current f event that invites interest — fr cnstructing a stry that has the emtinal heft f a nvel, as well as breathing life int characters that are authentic and full.
    Regardless f yur skillset r experience, under Stuart’s expert guidance, yu will take the first crucial steps in shrt strytelling s that yu will have a newfund cnfidence in yur ability t cntinue crafting shrt stries, far beynd the curse.
    Curse cntent
    What makes a shrt stry?
    Hw t generate ideas fr shrt stries
    Hw t turn smething frm a situatin int a stry
    Writing techniques that can be put int practice instantly
    Pst-class learning material that includes shrt stry reading list
    Curse Details
    Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 6pm-9pm GMT
    £80 plus £4.25 bking fee
    A catch-up recrding will be shared after the class and will be available fr tw weeks.
    This masterclass is available glbally. If yu are jining us frm utside the United Kingdm, yu will be sent a link t the wrkshp 24 hurs and 30 minutes befre the start time.
    1.What des the wrkshp with Stuart Evers fcus n?
    A.Adding mre wrds in a limited time and space.B.Develping essential shrt stry writing skills.
    C.Planning a cmplete jurney with the readers.D.Distinguishing between a shrt stry and a nvel.
    2.What is said abut Stuart’s masterclass?
    A.It is demanding but rewarding.B.It will be replayed in tw mnths.
    C.It will be free t freigners nline.D.It is practical and cnfidence-building.
    3.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A.A shrt stry.B.A livestream website.C.An academic article.D.An examinatin paper.
    It is an unpleasant extinctin that will change the wrld and hw peple cmmunicate: within 20 years, tw thirds f all the planet’s languages will be dead.
    Experts agree that nthing can stp it happening but ne academic is trying her hardest t slw it dwn. Prfessr Antnella Srace is ne f a grwing number wh believe learning a secnd language has enrmus untapped benefits fr the human brain. This is true nt nly fr yung children but als fr adults and peple at risk frm dementia (痴呆), where research cnsistently shws that learning a new language culd delay the start f the disease fr fur t five years — a better result than with any medicatin t date.
    It is thse benefits f bilingualism (双语) that shuld encurage us t preserve and prtect Eurpe’s minrity languages — Gaelic, Manx, Crnish and Ulster Scts, she says.
    Already her wrk and the prject she funded three years ag in Edinburgh, Bilingualism Matters — nw expanding acrss Eurpe and in the US — have cnvinced the Scttish gvernment t intrduce languages t primary schls. Frm 2023 all Scttish children will be learning a language ther than English in their first year at schl, with tw ther languages t be intrduced later.
    Bilingualism Matters is als wrking t encurage businesses t cnsider the benefits f their staff learning languages. “In business, peple say ‘English is the language f business, why wuld I need t learn anther language?’” said Srace. “Maybe it wuld mean yu culd d better business.”
    Just as disappearing frests take with them secrets f undiscvered medicines, disappearing languages can take the key t a lnger and better quality f life. The first battle is t unpick the ppular assumptin that bilingualism might damage children’s brains. There were even suggestins it culd encurage schizphrenia (精神分裂症).
    Study after study has shwn the ppsite t be true, says Srace. “These prejudices are deeply rted, but we are perhaps halfway t persuading peple that the brain can cpe. Then we have t persuade peple that it is actually f benefit.”
    4.What will happen t the majrity f the wrld’s languages?
    A.They will becme extinct in decades.B.They will be learnt by mre academics.
    C.They will prevent the risk f dementia.D.They will help peple better cmmunicate.
    5.What’s Bilingualism Matters intended t d?
    A.Find a replacement fr English.B.Teach businesses marketing skills.
    C.Prmte minrity language learning.D.Influence gvernments’ plicy making.
    6.What’s the tp pririty in preserving minrity languages?
    A.Getting rid f peple’s fear fr mental illnesses.B.Finding the key t prmting peple’s welfare.
    C.Unlcking the secrets f undiscvered medicines.D.Crrecting the miscnceptin abut Bilingualism.
    7.Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A.The benefits f BilingualismB.The funding f Bilingualism Matters
    C.A new challenge facing language teachingD.A prfessr fighting t save minrity languages
    There is such a thing as a free lunch, it turns ut, as lng as yu dn’t mind t much what it is. Tamara Wilsn fund hers a few streets away frm her west Lndn hme — and as well as picking up sme unwanted bread and fruit that wuld therwise be thrwn away, she made a new friend.
    Wilsn is ne f 3.4 millin peple arund the wrld using an app designed t encurage peple t give away rather than thrw away surplus (剩余的) fd. “It’s such a small thing, but it makes me feel gd and my neighbur feel gd. And a lt f small acts can end up making a big difference,” she said.
    The last few years have seen an explsin in creative ways t tackle fd waste by linking supermarkets, cafes, restaurants and individual husehlds t lcal cmmunities. Oli, the app used by Wilsn, saw a fivefld increase in listings during 2022, and the signs are that this rapid grwth is cntinuing int 2023, said Tessa Clarke, its CEO and c-funder.
    Abut a third f all fd prduced glbally is wasted, accrding t the UN’s Fd and Agriculture Organisatin (FAO). Almst 1.4 billin hectares f land — clse t 30% f the wrld’s agricultural land — is dedicated t prducing fd that is never eaten, and the carbn ftprint f fd wastage makes it the third cntributr f CO2. Reducing fd waste is ne f the mst effective ways f tackling the glbal climate crisis.
    Oli, Clarke said, was an attempt t change this n a small, lcal scale. “The app cnnects peple with thers wh have surplus fd but dn’t have anyne t give it t because s many peple are discnnected frm their cmmunities.” Users f Oli pst images f surplus fd that thers in the neighburhd might want. Oli als has a netwrk f 24,000 vlunteers wh cllect surplus fd frm lcal supermarkets and stres fr app users t claim.
    Despite the success f the app, it was hard t make a difference t the huge scale f fd waste, Clarke added. “Even thugh we’re ding well, we’ve nly scratched the surface (触及表面). But if everyne makes small changes in the wrld, we’d dramatically reduce the amunt f fd that ends up in bins (垃圾桶).”
    8.What des the authr want t shw by telling Wilsn’s stry?
    A.Peple tend t use apps t rder fd.B.Peple prefer t make friends n apps.
    C.Peple find a high-tech fix t fd waste.D.Peple shw mre cncern fr each ther.
    9.What’s the cnsequence f fd waste accrding t the text?
    A.Glbal warming.B.Lss f land.C.Wrld hunger.D.Pverty and inequality.
    10.What des Oli d t help tackle fd waste?
    A.It sells surplus fd t thse in need.B.It allws vlunteers t stay cnnected.
    C.It prvides a platfrm fr peple t prmte fd.D.It fills the infrmatin gap between green cmmunities.
    11.What des Clarke think f the wrk n reducing fd waste glbally?
    A.It is a great success.B.It requires jint effrts.
    C.It is beynd human pwer.D.It has wn public supprt.
    While the benefits f Zm and ther videcnferencing tls made them abslutely essential in the pandemic (疫情), the research suggests that heavy reliance n the technlgy cmes at a cst t creative thinking.
    Brucks at Clumbia University and her team started their investigatin when managers reprted having truble innvating with remte wrkers. Brucks dubted whether videcnferencing was a factr, suspecting that difficulties crdinating (协调) large, glbal teams nline might be t blame instead.
    T find ut, the researchers analysed ideas fr new prducts generated by 1,490 engineers fr a multinatinal cmpany. The engineers, wh were in Finland, Hungary, India, Israel and Prtugal, were randmly paired up and given an hur r s t brainstrm prducts either in persn r ver videcnferencing. They then selected their best idea.
    Writing in Nature, the researchers reprt that the engineers prduced mre ideas, and mre innvative ideas, when wrking face t face. “They are nt nly generating a larger number f creative ideas, but their best idea is better,” Brucks said. Virtual teams were just as gd at selecting the best ideas frm a bunch as thse that met in persn.
    “Visual fcus is a huge cmpnent f cgnitive (认知) fcus. When yu’re fcused n the screen and ignring the rest f the envirnment, that affects hw yu apprach the task,” said Brucks. “It’s uniquely bad fr creativity because it’s inhibiting brader explratin.”
    Brucks said the impact n the real wrld “culd be huge”, leading t a divisin f labur between face-t-face and virtual meetings that culd “permanently reshape the ffice and wrk schedules”. But she urged businesses t be cautius, because if virtual meetings are cheaper than in-persn nes, they may still be mre cst-effective.
    Asked fr tips, Brucks said peple culd save mre creative tasks fr in-persn meetings, r turn ff their camera when cming up with ideas. “I think it unlcks mre creative thinking,” she said.
    12.Why did Brucks cnduct the research?
    A.T prve her assumptin.B.T clarify a new cncept.C.T make a cmparisn.D.T explain a rule.
    13.What is the finding f the research?
    A.Face-t-face gatherings prmte crss-culture ties.B.Wrkers think less creatively in virtual meetings.
    C.Individual wrk generates mre innvative ideas.D.Videcnferencing has an irreplaceable rle.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “inhibiting” in paragraph 5 mean?
    15.What des Brucks say abut virtual meetings?
    A.They shuld be used accrdingly.B.They’ll make ffice wrkers divided.
    C.They’ll give way t in-persn meetings.D.They help businesses run mre efficiently.
    Peple have tried everything t get mre sleep. But unlike almst every ther area f life, effrt is nt rewarded. 16 The mre yu try, the less yu are likely t succeed. Here are sme ways t imprve yur sleep that might just wrk.
    17 There is nthing yu can d between nw and bedtime t guarantee that yu will sleep tnight. There is, hwever, plenty yu can start ding t imprve yur chances f sleeping well next mnth. S instead f wrrying abut the night ahead, make sleeping well a lng-term gal and expect t see prgress in a few weeks rather than tmrrw.
    Have a late night. Adults need t be awake fr at least 16 hurs t generate enugh sleep-drive t sleep fr eight hurs at night. Having an early night can mean yu wn’t be sleepy enugh t fall asleep quickly and easily. Dn’t pay t much attentin t the exact times r he hurs f sleep yu are getting — the details dn’t matter. And dn’t take naps (小睡) in the day. 18
    Smile mre. Smiling can reduce tensin and prmte relaxatin. As yu turn the light ut at night, try t think f smething funny and smile l yurself in the dark. 19 Even a fake smile is enugh t send a message t the brain t change yur md and retrain the brain t be cmfrtable with being awake, thus reducing tensin and allwing sleep t fllw.
    Stp reading articles abut sleep. Nne f the researching, mnitring r analyzing actually leads t better sleep. In fact, cnstantly lking fr a slutin is undubtedly making things wrse. 20 Make this the last article yu read n the subject, then g and find smething mre interesting t think abut.
    A.Try t stay awake at night.
    B.In fact, it is actively punished.
    C.Give up trying t sleep tnight.
    D.S give sleep less f yur attentin.
    E.They take the edge ff yur appetite fr sleep.
    F.It desn’t have t be a genuine, heartfelt smile.
    G.Yu have t d things differently t get a different utcme.
    At 20, I was scared and lnely. My laptp was filled with the beginning f nvels, half-finished sng lyrics (歌词) — things I’d started with teenage 21 nly t be disappinted by my lack f creativity. I was 22 trying t find a new way t apprach life, with n ne t 23 me in the right directin.
    One Saturday, I went t a training day fr my schl’s new jurnalism team. The teacher suggested I start a blg as a gd way t get int 24 . Bred and in need f a 25 , I immediately set up a Blgger accunt.
    As I typed pst after pst in the mnths that fllwed, I assumed I wuld run ut f 26 . But smehw writing abut the news and, later, abut 27 , came easily. Here was smething interesting that required nly a laptp and an 28 . I lved the research that went int each pst, lved being able t 29 what interested me and lved finding just the right phrase t describe hw I 30 . I fund smething I was gd at and mre imprtantly, smething I 31 .
    I kept psting and slwly I gt better. I 32 , edited and even learned hw t emply a metaphr. It wasn’t lng until my mind was made up: I was ging t be a(n) 33 .
    Seven years later, I am having just cmpleted a fantastic placement (实习) in a lcal newspaper. I have never been s 34 t my yunger self fr actually listening t the ne piece f advice that turned ut t 35 mst.
    Hme t the headwaters f the Yangtze, Yellw and Lancang rivers, the Sanjiangyuan area n the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原) is knwn as “China’s water twer.” It is a 36 (whle) unique plateau wetland ecsystem and serves as 37 imprtant eclgical defense fr the cuntry.
    Decades ag, serius envirnmental degradatin (恶化) in Sanjiangyuan, 38 was caused by climate change and human activities, resulted in a large number f lakes drying ut and wildlife numbers falling sharply. In 2016, the pilt prgram fr the Sanjiangyuan Natinal Park management system 39 (launch). Thrugh painstaking practice, develpment and innvatin, effrts have been made 40 (turn) the park int a symbl f the prgress f China’s eclgical civilizatin.
    Over the past years, the eclgical envirnment f the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 41 (experience) cmprehensive changes. Water cnservatin in the area has risen 42 11 percent every year, cmpared with 10 years ag.
    Lcal residents enjy the gifts given by nature, and the 43 (establish) f the natinal park has enabled them t transfrm frm expliting (开发) nature t becming its prtectrs and benefiting frm it. Sme wrk as tur guides, 44 (assist) visitrs frm hme and abrad.
    Tday, as peple walk n the vast land f Sanjiangyuan, lking at the expansive muntains, glaciers, lakes and pastures, 45 catching sight f wild animals and birds, they cannt help be impressed by the vastness and beauty f nature.
    1. 收到照片表示感谢;
    2. 回顾一起度过的时光;
    3. 邀请他周末来家作客。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下各式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Mike,
    Li Hua
    On Saturday, we gathered at the hall t witness the award ceremny fr the senir scuts (童子军). Receiving an award n such a day was a great hnr fr any scut, and all desired t be the scut selected t give the summary f the year’s activities fr the assciatin.
    I was nt the ne selected t give the summary and fr that, I was grateful. I culd hardly stand in frnt f a large crwd t make a speech, but Sean culd. He was selected t d the hnr because he was the President f the By Scuts fr schls. My jb was much simpler. Being the Vice-President, I was very much behind the scenes, cntent t ensure that everything was in smth running rder.
    It was an hur t g befre the ceremny began, and I had put the finishing tuches t the stage. Walking dwn the stage, I saw my teammates in a state f panic. When they saw me, they ran t me t tell me that Sean met with a traffic accident and wuld nt make it t the award ceremny. Smene else had t give the summary. All f them lked hpefully at me, and I culd feel my knees beginning t cllapse.
    All their arguments against my unwillingness were valid. I had a cpy f the speech as well as the benefit f having seen Sean rehearse (排练) it. I was the Vice-President and therefre shuld take his place. Finally, I was firmly tld nt t decline any lnger and they said that they were cnvinced that I wuld d the right thing. I sank dwn nt the flr, ttally shcked by the situatin.
    I knew I was nt a cnfident speaker, and the thught f presenting a summary in frnt f s many distinguished guests hrrified me. T think that the fame f the scuts wuld take a beating because f me! The burden f respnsibility trubled me greatly.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    But there was really n way ut f the situatin.
    As I std n the stage, my heart beat vilently.
    1.B 2.D 3.B
    1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In this highly practical wrkshp with award-winning writer Stuart Evers, yu will knw abut the fundamentals f the shrt stry writing — frm building tensin t creating a current f events that invites interest — fr cnstructing a stry that has the emtinal heft f a nvel, as well as breathing life int characters that are authentic and full.(在这场与获奖作家Stuart Evers共同举办的高度实用的研讨会上,你将了解短篇小说写作的基本原理——从营造紧张的氛围到引发兴趣的事件流——以构建一个具有情感分量的故事,以及为真实饱满的人物注入生命。)”可知,这个研讨会专注于培养基本的短篇小说写作技能,故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Regardless f yur skillset r experience, under Stuart’s expert guidance, yu will take the first crucial steps in shrt strytelling s that yu will have a newfund cnfidence in yur ability t cntinue crafting shrt stries, far beynd the curse.(无论你的技能或者经验如何,在专家Stuart的指导下,你将知道短篇故事制作的第一个关键步骤,这样你将对自己继续创作短篇故事的能力产生新的信心,远远超出课程范围。)”可知,Stuart的课程是实用的,可以帮助你了解如何创作短篇故事,而且能帮你增加信心,故选D。
    3.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“This masterclass is available glbally. If yu are jining us frm utside the United Kingdm, yu will be sent a link t the wrkshp 24 hurs and 30 minutes befre the start time. (该专家的课程在全球范围内提供。如果你从英国以外的地方加入我们,我们将在开始时间前24小时30分钟向你发送一个链接。)”可知,这篇文章来自一个直播网络,故选B。
    4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D
    【导语】本文是篇说明文。文章主要讲述了Antnella Srace教授所持有的学习第二语言对人类的大脑和健康都有着巨大的好处的观点,从而鼓励人们拯救并保护小语种。
    4.细节理解题。根据第一段“It is an unpleasant extinctin that will change the wrld and hw peple cmmunicate: within 20 years, tw thirds f all the planet’s languages will be dead.”(这种令人不快的灭绝将改变世界和人们的交流方式:在20年内,地球上三分之二的语言将消失。)可知,世界上大多数语言会在几十年内灭绝。故选A。
    5.推理判断题。根据第四段“Already her wrk and the prject she funded three years ag in Edinburgh, Bilingualism Matters — nw expanding acrss Eurpe and in the US — have cnvinced the Scttish gvernment t intrduce languages t primary schls.”(她的工作和她三年前在爱丁堡创立的项目Bilingualism Matters — 该项目目前正在欧洲和美国推广— 已经说服苏格兰政府在小学引入语言课程。),第三段“It is thse benefits f bilingualism (双语) that shuld encurage us t preserve and prtect Eurpe’s minrity languages — Gaelic, Manx, Crnish and Ulster Scts, she says.(这就是双语的好处她说,这应该鼓励我们保存和保护欧洲的少数民族语言——盖尔语、曼克斯语、康沃尔语和阿尔斯特苏格兰语)”和第五段“Bilingualism Matters is als wrking t encurage businesses t cnsider the benefits f their staff learning languages.”(Bilingualism Matters也在努力鼓励企业考虑员工学习语言的好处。)可知,Bilingualism Matters打算要推广小语种的学习。故选C。
    6.细节理解题。根据第六段“The first battle is t unpick the ppular assumptin that bilingualism might damage children’s brains.”(第一场战斗是推翻流行的假设,即双语可能会损害儿童的大脑。)可知,保护小语种的首要任务就是纠正人们对于双语的误解。故选D。
    7.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Prfessr Antnella Srace is ne f a grwing number wh believe learning a secnd language has enrmus untapped benefits fr the human brain. ”(Antnella Srace是越来越多的认为学习第二语言对人类大脑有巨大的尚未开发的好处的人之一。)及全文内容可知,文章主要讲述Antnella Srace教授关于要学习第二语言、拯救并保护小语种的观点和具体做法。故选D。
    8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B
    8.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Wilsn is ne f 3.4 millin peple arund the wrld using an app designed t encurage peple t give away rather than thrw away surplus (剩余的) fd. (威尔逊是全球340万使用该应用程序的人之一,该应用程序旨在鼓励人们放弃而不是扔掉多余的食物。)”可知,威尔逊使用应用程序来捡到一些面包和水果之外,还交了一个新朋友,即通过她的故事展示人们找到了解决食物浪费的高科技方法。故选C。
    9.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Almst 1.4 billin hectares f land — clse t 30% f the wrld’s agricultural land — is dedicated t prducing fd that is never eaten, and the carbn ftprint f fd wastage makes it the third cntributr f CO2. Reducing fd waste is ne f the mst effective ways f tackling the glbal climate crisis.( 近14亿公顷土地(接近世界农业用地的30%)用于生产从未食用的食物,而食物浪费的碳足迹使其成为二氧化碳的第三个来源。减少食物浪费是应对全球气候危机最有效的方法之一。)”可知,过度的未食用食物的生产会导致增加碳排放,由此造成全球气候危机即全球变暖。故选A。
    10.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“The app cnnects peple with thers wh have surplus fd but dn’t have anyne t give it t because s many peple are discnnected frm their cmmunities.( 这款应用程序将人们与其他有多余食物但没有人可以施舍的人联系起来,因为很多人与他们的社区脱节。)”可知,Oli作为一款app其主要是将有多余食物的人与需要食物的人在社区中联系起来,充分的利用过度生产未被使用的食物,减少浪费。由此该应用程序填补了绿色社区之间的信息鸿沟。故选D。
    11.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“But if everyne makes small changes in the wrld, we’d dramatically reduce the amunt f fd that ends up in bins (但如果每个人都能对这个世界做出小小的改变,我们就能大幅减少垃圾桶里的食物数量。)”可知,Clarke认为减少食物浪费需要每个人的努力付出,即需要共同努力。故选B。
    12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A
    12.推理判断题。根据第二段“Brucks dubted whether videcnferencing was a factr, suspecting that difficulties crdinating (协调) large, glbal teams nline might be t blame instead.”(Brucks怀疑视频会议是否是一个因素,他怀疑在线协调大型全球团队的困难反而应负主要责任。)和第三段的“T find ut, the researchers analysed ideas fr new prducts generated by 1,490 engineers fr a multinatinal cmpany. ”(为了找到答案,研究人员分析了一家跨国公司1490名工程师提出的新产品创意。)可知,Brucks进行研究是为了证明自己的怀疑和假设。故选A。
    13.细节理解题。根据第四段“Writing in Nature, the researchers reprt that the engineers prduced mre ideas, and mre innvative ideas, when wrking face t face. ”(研究人员在《自然》杂志上撰文称,当工程师面对面工作时,他们会产生更多的想法,更有创新性的想法。)可知,工程师面对面工作时比虚拟会议中有更多的创新思维。故选B。
    14.词句猜测题。根据第五段“When yu’re fcused n the screen and ignring the rest f the envirnment, that affects hw yu apprach the task,”(当你专注于屏幕而忽略环境的其他部分时,这会影响你完成任务的方式,)可知,人们在虚拟会议中,注意力都集中在屏幕上,就会对创新思维产生影响,阻止人们进行更广泛的探索和思考;结合划线词所在句“It’s uniquely bad fr creativity because it’s inhibiting brader explratin.”(这对创造力特别不利,因为它抑制了更广泛的探索。),划线词应该指“阻止、抑制”。故选D。
    15.细节理解题。根据第六段“Brucks said the impact n the real wrld “culd be huge”, leading t a divisin f labur between face-t-face and virtual meetings that culd “permanently reshape the ffice and wrk schedules”.”(Brucks表示,这对现实世界的影响“可能是巨大的”,导致面对面会议和虚拟会议之间的分工,可能“永久性地重塑办公室和工作时间表”。)和“But she urged businesses t be cautius, because if virtual meetings are cheaper than in-persn nes, they may still be mre cst-effective.”(但她敦促企业保持谨慎,因为如果虚拟会议比面对面会议便宜,它们可能仍然更具成本效益。)可知,Brucks提到了面对面会议和虚拟会议会因为各自的优缺点而造成相应的分工,人们应该根据各自的需求而使用虚拟会议。故选A。
    16.B 17.C 18.E 19.F 20.D
    16.根据前文“Peple have tried everything t get mre sleep. But unlike almst every ther area f life, effrt is nt rewarded.(人们尝试了各种方法来获得更多的睡眠。但与生活中几乎所有其他领域不同的是,努力是没有回报的。)”可知,此处强调的是人们尽管通过各种方法获得睡眠,但并非总是有效的。根据后文“The mre yu try, the less yu are likely t succeed. (你越努力,成功的可能性就越小。)”可知,越是积极地努力,成功的可能性越小。故设空处应该强调的是付出的种种努力没有得到回报,反而得到了消极的惩罚。B选项“In fact, it is actively punished. (事实上,它受到了积极的惩罚。)”承上启下,符合语境。故选B。
    17.本题为本段的段旨。根据后文“There is nthing yu can d between nw and bedtime t guarantee that yu will sleep tnight. There is, hwever, plenty yu can start ding t imprve yur chances f sleeping well next mnth.(从现在到就寝时间,你做什么都不能保证你今晚能睡得着。然而,你可以开始做很多事情来提高你下个月睡得好的机会。)”可知,此处强调不要为当下的睡眠做出积极的准备,因为从现在到就寝时间,你所做的事情不一定能保证你能睡着。所以应该放弃尝试今晚睡觉,可以在未来的时间中为睡眠作积极的准备。C选项“Give up trying t sleep tnight.(放弃尝试今晚睡觉。)”符合语境。故选C。
    18.根据前文“ And dn’t take naps (小睡) in the day.(不要在白天打盹。)”可知,此处指出白天不要小睡,后文应该指出这样做的结果。E选项“They take the edge ff yur appetite fr sleep.(它们会降低你的睡眠欲望。)”承接前文,指出白天打盹会降低夜晚睡眠的欲望,不易睡眠。故选E。
    19.根据前文“Smiling can reduce tensin and prmte relaxatin. As yu turn the light ut at night, try t think f smething funny and smile l yurself in the dark. (微笑可以减少紧张,促进放松。当你在晚上熄灯时,试着想一些有趣的事情,在黑暗中对自己微笑。)”可知,微笑可以缓解压力,有助于睡眠。根据后文“Even a fake smile is enugh t send a message t the brain t change yur md and retrain the brain t be cmfrtable with being awake, thus reducing tensin and allwing sleep t fllw. (即使是一个假笑也足以向大脑传递一个信息,改变你的情绪,重新训练大脑,让它适应清醒的状态,从而减少紧张,让睡眠随之而来。)”可知,此处强调即使睡前的假笑也能给大脑传递信息,放松情绪有助于睡眠。因此设空处应该引出此话题,即不一定是发自内心的笑即假笑也会产生积极的作用。F选项“It desn’t have t be a genuine, heartfelt smile.(不一定是真诚的,发自内心的微笑。)”引起下文,符合题意。故选F。
    20.根据前文“In fact, cnstantly lking fr a slutin is undubtedly making things wrse.(事实上,不断地寻找解决方案无疑会让事情变得更糟。)”可知,不断地寻求解决睡眠的方案可能会起到反作用,更让自己睡不着,因此设空处应该指出解决方案。D选项“S give sleep less f yur attentin.(所以少睡觉吧。)”承接前文。故选D。
    21.C 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.A 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.D 35.A
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的笔记本电脑里装满了小说的开头,还有写了一半的歌词——这些都是我带着青少年的热情开始做的事情,结果却因为缺乏创造力而失望。A. cnfusin混乱;B. maturity成熟;C. enthusiasm热情;D. inncence清白。根据前文“At 20, I was scared and lnely. My laptp was filled with the beginning f nvels, half-finished sng lyrics”可知,作者20岁时,电脑里都是小说开头和写了一半的歌词,结合实际,这些都是带着年少时的热情做的事。故选C项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直在寻找一种新的生活方式,却没有人给我指明正确的方向。A. praised表扬;B. stuck困(于);C. tricked欺骗;D. punished处罚。根据后文“with n ne t 3 me in the right directin.”可知,作者尝试寻找一种新的生活方式,但是无人指点,所以是被困住了。故选B项。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直在寻找一种新的生活方式,却没有人给我指明正确的方向。A. defend保护;B. frce强迫;C. pint指路;D. jin参加。根据前文“I was 2 trying t find a new way t apprach life”可知,作者在尝试寻找一种新的生活方式时,被困住了,因为没人指点他。故选C项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老师建议我开始写博客,作为进入写作的好方法。A. scializing交际;B. advertising登广告;C. debating讨论;D. writing写作。根据后文“As I typed pst after pst in the mnths that fllwed”可知,作者开始在博客上写作,所以是进入写作的好方法。故选D项。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于感到无聊和需要一个项目,我立即建立了一个博客帐户。A. prject项目;B. curse课程;C. tur旅行;D. budget预算。根据前文“I was 2 trying t find a new way t apprach life”以及“Bred”可知,作者尝试一种新的生活方式,以及现在很无聊,所以是需要一个项目。故选A项。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几个月里,当我一篇又一篇地发帖时,我以为自己会精疲力竭。A. steam精力、力量;B. time时间;C. mney金钱;D. luck运气。根据后文“But smehw writing abut the news and, later, abut 7 , came easily.”可知,作者以为写作会让自己精疲力竭,谁知确很容易。故选A项。
    27.考查名词/代词词义辨析。句意:但不知何故,写新闻,后来写我自己,都很容易。A. events大事;B. myself我自己;C. celebrities名人;D. sciety社会。根据后文“lved finding just the right phrase t describe hw I 10 .”可知,后来作者开始写自己的感受,所以是写他自己。故选B项。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这里有一些有趣的东西,只需要一台笔记本电脑和一个想法。A. idea想法;B. ptin选项;C. excuse借口;D. answer回答。根据前文“But smehw writing abut the news and, later, abut 7 , came easily.”可知,作者觉得写博客简单,结合常识,因为只要一台电脑和一个想法就行。故选A项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢每篇文章中的研究,喜欢能够探索我感兴趣的东西,喜欢找到合适的短语来描述我的感受。A. transfrm使改变;B. reject拒绝;C. predict预测;D. explre探索。根据前文“I lved the research that went int each pst”以及本句结构可知,本句是排比句,空处应和research意思相近,结合选项,应是D项explre“探索”符合题意。故选D项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢每篇文章中的研究,喜欢能够探索我感兴趣的东西,喜欢找到合适的短语来描述我的感受。A. acted行动;B. felt感觉;C. develped成长;D. succeeded成功。根据前文“lved being able t 9 what interested me and lved finding just the right phrase t describe”可知,本句是排比句,前句是在描写能够探索作者感兴趣的东西,空处和此对饮,结合选项,所以空处应是找到合适的短语来描述作者的感受。故选B项。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我找到了自己擅长的东西,更重要的是,找到了自己喜欢的东西。A. resisted抵制;B. remembered记得;C. explained解释;D. enjyed喜爱。根据前文“My laptp was filled with the beginning f nvels, half-finished sng lyrics”以及“I fund smething I was gd at and mre imprtantly”可推知,作者是喜欢写作的,所以这里是找到了擅长的东西,更重要的是,找到了自己喜欢的东西。故选D项。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我重新起草、编辑,甚至学会了如何使用隐喻。A. redrafted重新起草;B. cpied复制;C. deleted删去;D. published出版。根据前文“I kept psting and slwly I gt better.”可知,作者的写作能力提高了,所以是对自己写的文章,重新起草和编辑。故选A项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:没过多久我就下定决心:我要当一名记者。A. cmpser作曲家;B. instructr讲师;C. jurnalist新闻记者;D. adventurer冒险家。根据后文“Seven years later, I am having just cmpleted a fantastic placement (实习) in a lcal newspaper.”可知,作者是想成为一名记着。故选C项。
    34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从未如此感激年轻时的自己,因为我听从了一条后来证明最重要的建议。A. friendly友好的;B. helpful有用的;C. mean吝啬的;D. grateful感激的。根据后文“my yunger self fr actually listening t the ne piece f advice that turned ut t 15 mst.”可知,作者年轻时听从了一条后来证明最重要的建议,所以是感谢年少时的自己。故选D项。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从未如此感激年轻时的自己,因为我听从了一条后来证明最重要的建议。A. matter有重大影响;B. differ有区别;C. cst使损失;D. happen发生。通读全文可知,作者想尝试一种新的生活方式,但是无人指点,一次作者听从了老师让自己写博客的建议,从而发现了自己擅长和喜欢的事,自己不再孤单和害怕,所以是最重要的建议。故选A项。
    36.whlly 37.an 38.which 39.was launched 40.t turn 41.has experienced 42.by 43.establishment 44.assisting 45.and
    38.考查定语从句。句意:几十年前,由于气候变化和人类活动造成的三江源环境严重恶化,导致大量湖泊干涸,野生动物数量急剧下降。分析句子可知,空处缺主语,为非限制性定语从句,serius envirnmental degradatin in Sanjiangyuan为先行词,故填which。
    39.考查被动语态。句意:2016年,启动三江源国家公园管理体系试点。主语为Sanjiangyuan Natinal Park management system是单数,和lanuch为被动关系,时间2016为过去时,故填was lancuhed。
    40.考查不定式。句意:通过潜心实践、发展和创新,努力使园区成为中国生态文明进步的象征。painstaking practice, develpment and innvatin, effrts为主语,have been made为谓语,空出为不定式做目的状语,用t+不定式,故填t turn。
    41.考查现在完成时。句意:多年来,青藏高原生态环境发生了全面变化。根据Over the past years可知,时态为现在完成时,主语为the eclgical envirnment f the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau为单数,故填has experienced。
    42.考查介词。句意:与10年前相比,该地区的节水率每年增长11%。rise by为固定搭配,其后常跟表示增长的幅度,也就是说增长了多少,by后通常接分数、百分数、倍数等。故填by。
    44.考查现在分词。句意:有些人担任导游,协助来自国内外的游客。assist与tur guides构成主动关系,应用现在分词。故填assisting。
    45.考查连词。句意:如今,当人们走在三江源这片广袤的土地上,望着辽阔的山峦、冰川、湖泊和牧场,看到野生动物和鸟类时,不禁被大自然的浩瀚和美丽所折服。句中lking at the expansive muntains, glaciers, lakes and pastures和catching sight f wild animals and birds 为并列结构,应用and连接。故填and。
    46.One pssible versin:
    Dear Mike,
    Hw are yu? Thank yu fr sending me the phts that bring back thse wnderful memries.
    The time we spent tgether during the Spring Festival was just incredible. We wke up early t see the sunrise ver the sea. On the way back, we tasted the fine lcal fd, which was impressive indeed. And what was truly unfrgettable was the hspitality I had as a guest at yur hme. I really had a great time.
    I’d like t invite yu ver this weekend. It will be a chance fr yu t meet my family. Lking frward t yur cming.
    Li Hua
    难以置信的:incredible →unbelievable
    玩得愉快:have a great time → have fun
    机会:chance →pprtunity
    原句:It will be a chance fr yu t meet my family.
    拓展句:It will be a chance that yu will meet my family.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】On the way back, we tasted the fine lcal fd, which was impressive indeed.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】And what was truly unfrgettable was the hspitality I had as a guest at yur hme.(运用what引导的主语从句,省略了关系代词的定语从句)
    47.One pssible versin:
    But there was really n way ut f the situatin. In the end, I quickly rehearsed the speech and gt ready t g n stage fr the presentatin. I lked calm and cllected but inside, I was a trembling mass f jelly. Althugh they kept encuraging me, I still felt very wrried that my pr perfrmance wuld cst us the pprtunity t win an award. Nt lng after, I was called t d the presentatin. Having butterflies in my stmach, I walked nt the stage.
    As I std n the stage, my heart beat vilently. My face turned pale, and my mind went blank. I culd nt remember what I was suppsed t say. I was at a lss what t d when I saw my teammates smiling at me with trustful lks. It was then that I realized that I shuld try my best fr ur team. Instantly, I rerganized my thughts, and prceeded t speak int the micrphne. When I was finished, all my teammates std up and applauded ludly.
    ①.担忧的:feel wrried/ feel cncerned
    ②.茫然:be at a lss/be all at sea
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I culd nt remember what I was suppsed t say.(运用了what引导的宾语从句作 remember的宾语。)
    [高分句型2] It was then that I realized that I shuld try my best fr ur team.(运用了it 强调句型及that引导的宾语从句。)



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