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    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件01
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件02
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件03
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件04
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件05
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件06
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件07
    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件08
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    专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件

    这是一份专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了CONTENTS,试题再现,试题分析,写作思路,范文赏析等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    “I’m ging t miss yu s much, Pppy,” said the tall, thin teenager. He bent dwn t hug his ld friend gdbye. He std up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying nt t let his emtins (情绪) get the better f him. His parents were nt quite able t keep theirs under cntrl. They had driven their sn several hurs ut f twn t the university where he wuld sn be living and studying. It was time t say gdbye fr nw at least. The family hugged and smiled thrugh misty eyes and then laughed. The by lifted the last bag nt his shulder, and flashed a bright smile. “I guess this is it,” he said. “I’ll see yu back hme in a mnth, kay?” His parents ndded, and they watched as he walked ut f sight int the crwds f hundreds f students and parents. The by’s mther turned t the dg, “Okay, Pppy, time t g back hme.” The huse seemed quiet as a tmb withut the by living there. All that week, Pppy didn’t seem interested in her dinner, her favrite ty, r even in her daily walk. Her wners were sad t, but they knew their sn wuld be back t visit. Pppy didn’t. They ffered the dg sme f her favrite peanut butter treats. They even let her sit n the sfa, but the ld girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self. Her wners started t get wrried. “What shuld we d t cheer Pppy up?” asked Dad. “We’ve tried everything.” “I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy,” smiled Mm. “Withut anybdy left in the huse but us, this place culd use a bit f fun. Let’s get a little dg fr Pppy.” It didn’t take lng befre they walked thrugh the frnt dr carrying a big bx. Pppy welcmed them hme as usual, but when she saw the bx, she stpped. She put her nse n it. Her tail began wagging (摆动) ever s slwly, then faster as she caught the smell.注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1: Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. _____________________________Paragraph 2: A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university. ___________________________
    The by, his parents, their dg Pppy and the new little dg.
    He was unwilling t part with his family and tried t cntrl his tears.
    Because the by was nt at hme, and Pppy missed him a lt.
    They gt a little dg fr her.
    1. Wh are the characters in the stry?
    2. Hw did the by feel when separating frm his family?
    3. Why did Pppy seem uninterested in anything back hme?
    4. What did the by’s parents d t cheer Pppy up?
    1、The tall and thin teenager brught his dg with him living and studying at the university.
    2、His parents saw him ff and were unwilling t part with him at the train statin.
    3、The by cmfrted his family that he wuld be back in a mnth.
    4、The parents and the dg were s sad that they weren’t interested in their daily rutines.
    5、Pppy gt a bx with a little dg inside frm the parents.
    本篇的故事梗概: 男孩即将离家奔赴大学学习,父母带着宠物狗Pppy 去送他。男孩 与父母依依惜别,彼此都竭力控制情绪,但后来还是含泪拥抱(此处表达了男孩与家庭成员之间的深 厚感情)。男孩离开后,家里冷清的环境让失去了小主人的Pppy 闷闷不乐,不吃不喝,对玩具和 户外活动都提不起兴趣。女主人突然心生一计,想要给 Pppy 找个伴。某天,男孩父母回家时 Pppy 照常到门口迎接,此时她突然闻到了小狗的味道 ……。
    “I’m ging t miss yu s much, Pppy,” said the tall, thin teenager. He bent dwn t hug his ld friend gdbye. He std up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying nt t let his emtins(情绪) get the better f him.His parents were nt quite able t keep theirs under cntrl. They had driven their sn several hurs ut f twn t the university where he wuld sn be living and studying. It was time t say gdbye fr nw at least. The family hugged and smiled thrugh misty eyes and then laughed.
    The by lifted the last bag nt his shulder, and flashed a bright smile. “I guess this is it,” he said. “I’ll see yu back hme in a mnth, kay?” His parents ndded, and they watched as he walked ut f sight int the crwds f hundreds f students and parents. The by’s mther turned t the dg, “Okay, Pppy, time t g back hme.”The huse seemed quiet as a tmb withut the by living there. All that week, Pppy didn’t seem interested in her dinner, her favrite ty, r even in her daily walk. Her wners were sad t, but they knew their sn wuld be back t visit. Pppy didn’t.
    They ffered the dg sme f her favrite peanut butter treats. They even let her sit n the sfa, but the ld girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self. Her wners started t get wrried. “What shuld we d t cheer Pppy up?” asked Dad. “We’ve tried everything.”“I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy,” smiled Mm. “Withut anybdy left in the huse but us, this place culd use a bit f fun. Let’s get a little dg fr Pppy.”
    It didn’t take lng befre they walked thrugh the frnt dr carrying a big bx. Pppy welcmed them hme as usual but when she saw the bx, she stpped. She put her nse n it. Her tail began wagging(摆动)ever s slwly, then faster as she caught the smell.
    分析续写段首,确定续写方向 根据文章最后一句Her tail began wagging ever s slwly, then faster as she caught the smell的暗示伏笔和段首句1:Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared(爸爸打开盒子,一只可爱的小狗出现了)。设想以下问题获取写作要点:①Which wrds r phrases catch yur eyes?(a sweet little dg appeared)②Hw did parents get rid f lneliness at hme?③Hw did Pppy relieve her lneliness?④Hw did Pppy get alng with anther dg?
    根据段首句2:A few weeks later the by arrived hme frm university(几个星期后,男孩从大学回到家里)及时间线索词A few weeks later。可通过以下问题获取写作要点:①Which wrds r phrases catch yur eyes? (the by arrived hme)②Hw did the by g back hme?③Hw did the by get ut f lneliness?④Hw did the character feel?⑤Hw culd Paragraph 2 be ended reasnably and creatively?
    Paragraph 1 : Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. _______________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2 : A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university. _______________________________________________________________________
    Pppy 看到一只小狗之后会是什么反应呢?应该是开心的。所以这段续写两只狗狗玩的愉快。
    Paragraph 1 : Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared.
    Pppy apprached.
    The puppy came ut
    The tw dgs played tgether.
    The parents were glad.
    Paragraph 2 : A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university.
    He was greeted by pppy and the ther dg
    The by played with the tw dgs.
    They were all happy.
    1. 爸爸打开盒子,一只可爱的小狗出现了。波比小心翼翼地走近,试图不吓到小狗。
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. Pppy apprached with cautin, trying nt t scare the puppy.
    apprached with cautin
    scare the puppy
    2. 果然,过了一会儿,绒球才从盒子里抬起头来偷看它的新家和新朋友。
    Sure enugh, mments later, the ball f fur lifted its head ut f the bx t peek at its new hme and its new friend.
    Sure enugh, it was nly mments later that the ball f fur lifted its head ut f the bx t peek at its new hme and its new friend.
    ifted its head ut f the bx t peek at
    3. 爸爸妈妈高兴地看着他们结识。
    Mm and Dad watched delightedly as the tw made acquaintances.
    made acquaintances
    4. 他们很高兴看到波比恢复了原来的样子,他们每天带着小狗散步,甚至向它介绍了她最喜欢的玩具。
    They were glad t see Pppy cming back t her usual self, and they guided the little dg n daily walks and even intrduced t it her favrite tys.
    They were glad t see Pppy cming back t her usual self, guiding the little dg n daily walks and even intrducing t it her favrite tys.
    cme back t her usual self
    guide the little dg n daily walks
    5. 听到他把包从车上卸下,波比竖起耳朵,突然她四肢着地。
    Pppy heared his bags unladed n the driveway, and she pricked up her ears and suddenly she was n all furs.
    Hearing his bags unladed n the driveway, Pppy’s ears pricked up and suddenly she was n all furs.
    Pick up ne’s ear
    Be n all furs
    6. 男孩被一声欢快的犬吠声迎接。
    The by was greeted with a cheerful high-pitched bark.
    cheerful high-pitched bark.
    7. 然后前门砰地一声打开,波比扑到他的怀抱里,后面是那个温柔地舔着手指的小家伙。
    Then the frnt dr ppped pen and Pppy darted t his embrace, fllwed by the little ne wh licked his fingers fndly.
    darted t his embrace
    licked his fingers
    8. 他笑得从来没有那么灿烂过,大声喊着他的父母,他们拉他进来,长时间地拥抱着。
    He smiled ever s bright, and then called ut t his parents, wh tugged him in fr a lng hug.
    Smiling ever s bright, he called ut t his parents, wh tugged him in fr a lng hug.
    Smile ever s bright
    tugged him in
    9. 尽管秋风凛冽,他们的家却充满了爱与团圆的温暖。
    Despite the chill autumn wind, their hme was filled with the warmth f lve and reunin.
    Despite the chill autumn wind
    lve and reunin
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. _______________________ (然后盒子里跳出来一小团金色波浪状的东西。倒装结构). Pppy was amazed. She watched carefully. She wagged furiusly. She barked with jy. _____________________(她微笑着,伸着舌头审视着这个惊喜。独立主格结构). The little pup was nt shy and immediately started barking and jumping arund the lder dg. “That didn’t take lng,” remarked the by’s mm, as bth dgs went raring arund the huse in a happy game f chase. Dad laughed. A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university. _____________________ (在大学时他很想念Pppy,省略句) and was lking frward t seeing her. When he bent dwn t give her a big hug, he fell ver in surprise as a small glden clud came racing up t lick his face t. “Oh my, wh is this?” he exclaimed. _________________________________ (看着他满脸的惊讶,他的父母笑了起来。非谓语动词作状语). “That’s Pee-wee,” said Dad. “I can’t believe yu gt yurselves a puppy!” “We didn’t,” replied Mm. “This puppy is fr Pppy!”
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. Then ut f the bx jumped a small mass f wavy glden thing. Pppy was amazed. She watched carefully. She wagged furiusly. She barked with jy. She smiled, her tngue hanging ut as she investigated the surprise. The little pup was nt shy and immediately started barking and jumping arund the lder dg. “That didn’t take lng,” remarked the by’s mm, as bth dgs went raring arund the huse in a happy game f chase. Dad laughed. A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university. He had missed Pppy while at university and was lking frward t seeing her. When he bent dwn t give her a big hug, he fell ver in surprise as a small glden clud came racing up t lick his face t. “Oh my, wh is this?” he exclaimed. His parents laughed, seeing the lk f shck n his face. “That’s Pee-wee,” said Dad. “I can’t believe yu gt yurselves a puppy!” “We didn’t,” replied Mm. “This puppy is fr Pppy!”
    2020年1月浙江卷读后续写——逻辑连贯 (cherent)
    Then ut f the bx jumped a small mass f wavy glden thing. Pppy was amazed. She watched carefully. She wagged furiusly. She barked with jy. She smiled, her tngue hanging ut as she investigated the surprise. The little pup was nt shy and immediately started barking and jumping arund the lder dg. “That didn’t take lng,” remarked the by’s mm, as bth dgs went raring arund the huse in a happy game f chase. Dad laughed.
    重复、指代、同义替换等 (chesive)
    What was Pppy’s reactin t the little dg? Hw did the little dg behave?
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared.
    He had missed Pppy while at university and was lking frward t seeing her. When he bent dwn t give her a big hug, he fell ver in surprise as a small glden clud came racing up t lick his face t. “Oh my, wh is this?” he exclaimed. His parents laughed, seeing the lk f shck n his face. “That’s Pee-wee,” said Dad. “I can’t believe yu gt yurselves a puppy!” “We didn’t,” replied Mm. “This puppy is fr Pppy!”
    What did the by d after seeing Pppy and the new little dg? Hw did he feel?
    A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university.
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. Then ut f the bx jumped a small mass f wavy glden thing. Pppy was amazed. She watched carefully. She wagged furiusly. She barked with jy. She smiled, her tngue hanging ut as she investigated the surprise. The little pup was nt shy and immediately started barking and jumping arund the lder dg. “That didn’t take lng,” remarked the by’s mm, as bth dgs went raring arund the huse in a happy game f chase. Dad laughed.
    A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university. He had missed Pppy while at university and was lking frward t seeing her. When he bent dwn t give her a big hug, he fell ver in surprise as a small glden clud came racing up t lick his face t. “Oh my, wh is this?” he exclaimed. His parents laughed, seeing the lk f shck n his face. “That’s Pee-wee,” said Dad. “I can’t believe yu gt yurselves a puppy!” “We didn’t,” replied Mm. “This puppy is fr Pppy!”
    It lwered its head with cautin, its eyes shining with curisity. It was s sweet that Pppy culdn’t help appraching it and kissing it. It was nt lng befre the tw gt familiar with each ther. They sniffed each ther like ld friends. The parents, in great surprise, culdn’t imagine the tw dgs enjying each ther’s cmpany in the blink f an eye. The by’s parents smiled happily, packing up their wrries. Ever since then, the huse had n lnger been ruled by dead silence, but full f lud laughter. Being warmly greeted by tw lvely dgs, he was quite astnished. Strangely, he wasn’t greeted with Pppy’s usual barking, but with an unbelievable scene. He excitedly pened the dr, lking frward t gathering with his family, nly t find …

    专题16 2022年6月浙江卷(帮助无家可归的人)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件: 这是一份专题16 2022年6月浙江卷(帮助无家可归的人)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件,共26页。PPT课件主要包含了试题再现,试题分析,写作思路,“四到一行”,“线索呼应”,范文赏析等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    专题10 2017年11月浙江卷(健忘妈妈趣事)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件: 这是一份专题10 2017年11月浙江卷(健忘妈妈趣事)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了试题再现,试题分析,写作思路,范文赏析等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    专题09 2017年6月浙江卷(骑行遇狼脱险)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件: 这是一份专题09 2017年6月浙江卷(骑行遇狼脱险)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件,共36页。PPT课件主要包含了试题再现,试题分析,写作思路,范文赏析等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        专题05 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗的陪伴)-近年新高考英语真题读后续写解析+讲评课件
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