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    这是一份精品解析:2024年广东省深圳市中考英语真题(原卷版),共7页。试卷主要包含了 全卷共6页, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    William grew up in a pr family in Africa. His family lived in a village with n ___1___. At night, they used il lamps fr light. Hwever, il was t expensive fr his parents t affrd.
    William wanted t ___2___ life there but he had n idea hw t realize it. One day, he read a bk n hw t turn wind int electricity with a windmill.
    “That is ___3___!” Thugh he didn’t knw what a windmill was, he decided t give it a try.
    First he had t ___4___ all the materials. He dug thrugh the rubbish with his cusin in the villages nearby and ___5___ his gal until he gt what he wanted.
    Then he started t make the windmill. The mment his farm wrk finished in the fields, he threw himself n studying the materials, staying ___6___ till midnight. Finally, he made it after many ___7___. He fixed the windmill n the tp f a wd twer t catch wind. The villagers came t lk. A lng wire was used t cnnect t a bulb t the windmill. The wind blew and the windmill ___8___. T their amazement, the bulb lit up. The villagers cheered. William threw his hands in the air and jumped ___9___. T prduce mre energy, he built anther windmill fr his village.
    Bred int pverty William didn’t give up in the face f difficulties. He kept reading, taught himself and lit up the whle ___10___.
    1. A. gasB. waterC. InternetD. electricity
    2. A. prtectB. imprveC. createD. understand
    3. A. amazingB. surprisedC. wrriedD. imprtant
    4. A. buyB. inventC. cllectD. brrw
    5. A. stuck tB. went verC. lked intD. learn abut
    6. A. calmB. awakeC. relaxedD. free
    7. A. tellsB. excusesC. failuresD. meeting
    8. A. fellB. flewC. penedD. turned
    9. A. excitedlyB. hurriedlyC. carefullyD. wrriedly
    10. A. teamB. clubC. schlD. village
    When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy and he spent many years in a special hspital fr peple with mental (精神的) health prblems.
    When he left the hspital, Adams decided t becme a dctr, s he went t a medical schl in Virginia, the USA. But when he was there, he did things in a different way. Fr example, he didn’t like the dctrs’ white cats, s he wre shirts with flwers n them when he visited his patients and he tried t make them laugh. The dctrs at the medical schl didn’t like Adams because he was t different.
    But Adams believed that peple in hspital need mre than medicine. He saw unhappy and lnely peple, and he tried t help them. He spent a lt f time with children in hspital and ften dressed up like a clwn t make the children laugh. When he finished medical schl and became a dctr, Adams pened his wn hspital, called “The Gesundheit Institute”, tgether with sme ther dctrs. They wanted it t be a place with a different way f wrking with sick peple.
    Hunter Adams became famus during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film abut his life. It was very successful. In the film (called Patch Adams), Rbin Williams played Adams. Williams said, “Adams is a really warm persn, wh believes that patients need a dctr wh is a friend. I enjyed playing him.”
    11 When did Adams have mental health prblems?
    A. After he left medical schl.B. During the 1980s.
    C. When he was a teenage by.D. After the film came ut.
    12. Why did the dctrs at the medical schl dislike Adams?
    A. Because he was a warm persn.B. Because he had mental health prblems.
    C. Because he was a clwn.D. Because he wasn’t the same as thers.
    13. The Gesundheit Institute _________.
    A. was a hspitalB. belnged t Universal Pictures
    C. culd make filmsD. was a medical schl
    14. Accrding t the passage, which statement is NOT true?
    A. Adams wre shirts instead f white unifrms when visiting patients.
    B. Rbin Williams believed that patients need a dctr wh is a friend.
    C. In Adams’ pinin, nt nly medicine was needed fr patients.
    D. Rbin Williams was an actr.
    15. The passage mainly tells us abut ________.
    A. hw t cheer up patientsB. peple with mental health prblems
    C. a film abut AdamsD. a dctr named Hunter Adams
    After a 10-year prject t cunt tuna and ther large fish in the wrld's ceans scientists have made a very surprising discvery: these fish are almst gne. Because f t much fishing, almst 90 percent f the wrldwide ppulatin f large fish—the nes we usually eat—has disappeared. If we dn’t act, these animals will ttally disappear. That will influence every animal in the cean.
    The demand fr fish is grwing. Almst a billin peple arund the wrld get their prtein (蛋白质) mstly frm fish. Dctrs praise seafd fr being lw in fat. But what seems like a healthy chice fr humans is causing a disaster t ur ceans. “Peple are cnsuming (消费) t much,” says Lance Mrgan, a scientist at the Marine Cnservatin Bilgy Institute.
    A dish f tuna in restaurants csts mre than just ne animal's life. When fish like tuna disappear frm the ecsystem (生态系统), the cean’s fd chain (链) breaks dwn. Animals such as sharks, which nrmally eat tuna, may die because they find n fd.
    The news may be scary, but taking actin frm nw n can prevent harm that hasn’t happened yet. Wrld rganizatins are rdering cuntries t stp fishing t much. The Mnterey Bay Aquarium gives seafd chices t anyne hping t keep healthy withut destrying the envirnment.
    “If yu care abut wildlife, first spend time and think abut yur wn values and beliefs,” says Mrgan. “Then decide what yu’re ging t eat.”
    16. Hw des the writer start the text?
    A. By giving a fact.B. By asking a questin.
    C. By telling a stry.D. By using a saying.
    17. What des the underlined wrd “demand” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Wish.B. Supprt.C. Need.D. Price.
    18. Frm Paragraph 3, we knw that ________.
    A. if sharks die ut, tuna will die ut snB. tuna will be mre ppular in restaurants
    C. tuna plays an imprtant rle in the ecsystemD. tuna disappeared because they fund n fd
    19. What’s the purpse f the text?
    A. T tell peple t stp plluting ur ceans.B. T tell peple t prtect wildlife in ceans.
    C. T tell peple t avid eating t much seafd.D. T tell peple t live a balanced and healthy life.
    20. What des the last paragraph f the article explain ________.
    A. We need t care abut wildlifeB. We need t eat wild animals
    C We need t reflect n ur wn values and beliefsD. We dn’t want t prtect wild animals
    A recent TV series T the Wnder has becme China’s breakut TV hit f the year. It has als wn praise at a film festival abrad. T the Wnder is based n the award-winning nvel f Li Juan, My Altay, and is directed by Teng Cngcng. It is very petic and filled with beautiful wisdm.
    The TV drama fllws the jurney f Li Wenxiu. She nce wished t leave Altay, an area in Nrthern Xinjiang. After failing t realize her dream in the capital f Xinjiang, Li has t mve back t her hmetwn and tries t find a new directin fr herself. At first, Li finds it hard t understand her neighburs’ traditinal way f thinking. Under the influence f her mther Zhang Fengxia, Li starts t see the place and its peple in a new light. Later, she cmes t understand their lifestyle and respect fr nature.
    Fans describe watching the drama as an experience in the wnderland. “It’s like breathing in fresh air r lying under the sun,” said ne fan. “It is a unique drama, very different frm the usual Chinese series. A must-watch if yu want t discver the beauty f the grassland and life there,” anther fan said.
    “Peple enjy the wnderful view f Altay. But the key t the success f the series lies in its ability t cnnect with the viewers n a human level,” said Teng Cngcng. “In the drama, everyne cmmunicates sincerely. Even if I disagree with yu, I sincerely respect yu. In fact, this is a very imprtant part f human nature—the lve fr truth, gdness and beauty.”
    21. T the Wnder is the name f·________.
    A. a freign dramaB. a famus filmC. a TV seriesD. a beautiful pem
    22. Why des Li Wenxiu cme back t Altay?
    A. T lk after her mther.B. T find herself a new directin.
    C. T help the lcal peple.D. T enjy its beautiful view.
    23. The underlined wrd “unique” has the clsest meaning t ________.
    A. seriusB. cmmnC. specialD. strange
    24. What is the key t the success f T the Wnder accrding t Directr Teng?
    A. Its sincere respect fr nature.B. The beautiful wisdm f the writer.
    C. The lifestyle f the lcal peple.D. Its sincere cnnectin with viewers.
    25. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. Everyne cmmunicates sincerelyB. Life requires believing in miracles
    C. A lve fr truth, gdness, and beautyD. Sincerely respect yu
    There are many humanistic mnuments (人文古迹) and natural scenic spts (景点 ) in textbks. Children are always interested in them, and they want t g there in persn. ___26___ This kind f tur allws parents and children t deepen their understanding f the scenes (场景) mentined in the textbks.
    Many families have taken part in the textbk tur. ___27___ They can understand the cultural backgrund and experience the histrical perid in the textbks. Fr example, in Fuzhu, parents and children can watch lively shws and visit the museums t learn mre abut the famus writer Tang Xianzu in the Ming Dynasty. In additin, they can learn abut the lcal custms. ___28___
    The textbk tur is a cnnectin between “reading thusands f bks” and “travelling thusands f miles”. ___29___ Besides, the textbk tur further increases children’s pride in them ther land. It als helps them learn abut the excellent traditinal culture f China.
    The rise f the textbk tur is a great chance fr the cnnectin between culture and turism. Fr example, the Wen chuan gvernment hlds sme activities n the birthday f Dayu. ___30___ This spreads lcal culture and prvides an unfrgettable experience fr turists. As the text bk tur becmes a new fashin, the gvernment shuld ffer warm services t achieve a win-win situatin fr bth scenic spts and turists.
    A. This further makes their jurney clrful.
    B. That’s why the textbk tur has becme ppular these days.
    C. They fllw the stries in the textbks and chse places t travel.
    D. Cultural wrkers teach “Dayu culture” t turists in these activities.
    E. Thrugh the practice, children can have a deeper understanding f the textbks.
    F Textbks can braden my hrizns.
    A. Use a nte r a watch t remind yurself t be punctual. Write dwn hw late yu usually are, 10 r 15 minutes? Then d things 10 r 15 minutes ahead f time.
    B. N ne can d tw things well at the same time. Yu’d better change yur way f studying and try t fcus n ne thing at a time.
    C. Create t-d lists. At the beginning f the day, make a list f the tasks yu must d. Write dwn the mst imprtant task at the tp f the list.
    D. By balancing study and rest, yu can d mre with less. Take a break after finishing a task. Yu can try listening t music r ding sme exercise t relax.
    E. When yu start ding hmewrk, ask yur family t turn ff the TV and let yur family knw that yu need a quiet envirnment t study.
    F. Jining a study grup and having a study partner are gd ways t avid prcrastinatin (拖延) . In study grups, students can remind each ther t finish their hmewrk n time.
    31. Grace likes filling her day with study and all kinds f clubs, s her schedule is s full that she desn’t have enugh rest time and ften feels very tired.
    32. Tina gets used t finishing tasks in the last secnd. Fr example, she knew there wuld be an exam in a mnth but she didn’t prepare fr it until last week.
    33. Tim always spends much time n unimprtant things such as playing games. Therefre, he has less time fr his hbbies.
    34. Tm ften des mre than tw tasks at the same time, because he thinks it can save time. But in fact, it usually takes him mre time t finish his hmewrk.
    35. Alice is always unpunctual (不守时的), such as being late fr a friend’s birthday party r an imprtant event. She desn’t knw hw t get rid f this bad habit.
    Ole is a student frm Nrway at East China Nrmal Schl. He first visited China in 2016, and since then, he ___36___ (develp) a deep interest in traditinal Chinese culture. Recently, he and his team wn the Shanghai Internatinal Students Dragn Bat Race. It was the team’s ___37___ (six) win in a rw and his secnd time winning the first prize. “I ___38___ (intrduce) t the dragn bat racing in the spring f 2023. My teacher nticed my strng arms and encuraged me ___39___ (try) it,” said Ole. When he was asked the secret f his success, he replied, “There is n ‘I’, ___40___ nly ‘we’. My teammates are internatinal students cming ___41___ different cuntries. Befre we became the champins, we practiced rwing three times a week, trying t match the strkes with drumbeat.
    At first, we weren’t very gd. We did nt knw ___42___ the prblem lay. Hwever, with cntinuus effrt, we learned that teamwrk is the key. Althugh we are culturally different, we are ne team in the race. Befre each race, the team wuld stand in ___43___ circle and cheer ludly. “Taking part in this sprt, we realized the ___44___ (imprtant) f cperatin. We trained hard, each strke bringing us a clser t understanding the traditin f Dragn Bat Festival,” said Ole ___45___ (prud).
    46. 假如你是李华,你的作品在“the Beauty f Nature”主题摄影展上获得了一等奖。你的英语老师邀请你在“英语一分钟演讲”上给同学们做分享。要点如下:
    1. 拍摄的时间,地点,内容;
    2. 选择这张照片的原因;
    3. 参赛感受。
    That’s all! Thank Yu!

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