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    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题11 阅读理解记叙文(解析版)
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题11 阅读理解记叙文(解析版)01
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题11 阅读理解记叙文(解析版)02
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题11 阅读理解记叙文(解析版)03
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    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题11 阅读理解记叙文(解析版)

    这是一份三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题11 阅读理解记叙文(解析版),共31页。

    精准练01 新高考卷
    1.(2024年新高考I卷高考真题B篇记叙文)“I am nt crazy,” says Dr. William Farber, shrtly after perfrming acupuncture (针灸) n a rabbit. “I am ahead f my time.” If he seems a little defensive, it might be because even sme f his cwrkers ccasinally laugh at his unusual methds. But Farber is certain he’ll have the last laugh. He’s ne f a small but grwing number f American veterinarians (兽医) nw practicing “hlistic” medicine-cmbining traditinal Western treatments with acupuncture, chirpractic (按摩疗法) and herbal medicine.
    Farber, a graduate f Clrad State University, started ut as a mre cnventinal veterinarian. He became interested in alternative treatments 20 years ag when he suffered frm terrible back pain. He tried muscle-relaxing drugs but fund little relief. Then he tried acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, and was amazed that he imprved after tw r three treatments. What wrked n a veterinarian seemed likely t wrk n his patients. S, after studying the techniques fr a cuple f years, he began ffering them t pets.
    Leigh Tindale’s dg Charlie had a serius heart cnditin. After Charlie had a heart attack, Tindale says, she was prepared t put him t sleep, but Farber’s treatments eased her dg’s suffering s much that she was able t keep him alive fr an additinal five mnths. And Priscilla Dewing reprts that her hrse, Nappy, “mves mre easily and rides mre cmfrtably” after a chirpractic adjustment.
    Farber is certain that the hlistic apprach will grw mre ppular with time, and if the past is any indicatin, he may be right: Since 1982, membership in the American Hlistic Veterinary Medical Assciatin has grwn frm 30 t ver 700. “Smetimes it surprises me that it wrks s well,” he says. “I will d anything t help an animal. That’s my jb.”
    24. What d sme f Farber’s cwrkers think f him?
    A. He’s dd.B. He’s strict.C. He’s brave.D. He’s rude.
    25. Why did Farber decide t try acupuncture n pets?
    A. He was trained in it at university.B. He was inspired by anther veterinarian.
    C. He benefited frm it as a patient.D. He wanted t save mney fr pet wners.
    26. What des paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. Steps f a chirpractic treatment.B. The cmplexity f veterinarians’ wrk.
    C. Examples f rare animal diseases.D. The effectiveness f hlistic medicine.
    27. Why des the authr mentin the American Hlistic Veterinary Medical Assciatin?
    A. T prve Farber’s pint.B. T emphasize its imprtance.
    C. T praise veterinarians.D. T advcate animal prtectin.
    【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. A
    【导语】本文是记叙文。文章讲述兽医威廉·法伯(William Farber)博士在从针灸中受益后,将综合医疗应用于动物,并取得了初步成效。
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“If he seems a little defensive, it might be because even sme f his cwrkers ccasinally laugh at his unusual methds.( 如果他看起来有点自卫,那可能是因为他的一些同事偶尔会嘲笑他不寻常的方法。) ”可知,Farber的同事们有时会嘲笑他不寻常的方法,他们认为他很奇怪。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“Then he tried acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, and was amazed that he imprved after tw r three treatments. What wrked n a veterinarian seemed likely t wrk n his patients. S, after studying the techniques fr a cuple f years, he began ffering them t pets.(然后,他尝试了针灸,这是一种古老的中国疗法,并惊讶地发现,经过两三次治疗,他的病情有所好转。对兽医有效的方法似乎对他的病人也有效。因此,在研究了这些技术几年后,他开始把它们提供给宠物。)”可知,Farber作为患者从针灸中受益,这促使他决定尝试在宠物上使用针灸。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段内容“Leigh Tindale’s dg Charlie had a serius heart cnditin. After Charlie had a heart attack, Tindale says, she was prepared t put him t sleep, but Farber’s treatments eased her dg’s suffering s much that she was able t keep him alive fr an additinal five mnths. And Priscilla Dewing reprts that her hrse, Nappy, “mves mre easily and rides mre cmfrtably” after a chirpractic adjustment.(利·廷代尔的狗查理患有严重的心脏病。廷代尔说,查理心脏病发作后,她准备让他进入睡眠状态,但法伯的治疗大大减轻了她的狗的痛苦,她能够让它多活五个月。普里西拉·杜因(Priscilla Dewing)报告说,她的马纳皮(Nappy)经过脊椎按摩调整后,“行动更容易,乘车更舒服”。) ”可知,本段主要讲述了两个例子,一个是Farber通过整体医学方法帮助了患有严重心脏病的狗Charlie,另一个是马Nappy在接受脊椎按摩治疗后移动和骑行更为舒适。这些例子都是为了说明整体医学的有效性。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容“Farber is certain that the hlistic apprach will grw mre ppular with time, and if the past is any indicatin, he may be right: Since 1982, membership in the American Hlistic Veterinary Medical Assciatin has grwn frm 30 t ver 700. ( 法伯确信,随着时间的推移,综合疗法会越来越受欢迎,如果过去有任何迹象的话,他可能是对的:自1982年以来,美国综合兽医协会的会员已经从30个增加到700多个。)”可知,法伯认为综合疗法会越来越受欢迎,随后作者列举了美国综合兽医协会的会员已经从30个增加到700多个的例子,因此推断美国整体兽医协会是为证明法伯的观点。故选A。
    2.(2024年新高考II卷高考真题B篇记叙文)D yu ever get t the train statin and realize yu frgt t bring smething t read? Yes, we all have ur phnes, but many f us still like t g ld schl and read smething printed.
    Well, there’s a kisk (小亭) fr that. In the San Francisc Bay Area, at least.
    “Yu enter the fare gates (检票口) and yu’ll see a kisk that is lit up and it tells yu can get a ne-minute, a three-minute, r a five-minute stry,” says Alicia Trst, the chief cmmunicatins fficer fr the San Francisc Bay Area Rapid Transit — knwn as BART. “Yu chse which length yu want and it gives yu a receipt-like shrt stry.”
    It’s that simple. Riders have printed nearly 20,000 shrt stries and pems since the prgram was launched last March. Sme are classic shrt stries, and sme are new riginal wrks.
    Trst als wants t intrduce lcal writers t lcal riders. “We wanted t d smething where we d a call t artists in the Bay Area t submit stries fr a cntest,” Trst says. “And as f right nw, we’ve received abut 120 submissins. The winning stries wuld g int ur kisk and then yu wuld be a published artist.”
    Ridership n transit (交通) systems acrss the cuntry has been dwn the past half century, s culd shrt stries save transit?
    Trst thinks s.
    “At the end f the day all transit agencies right nw are ding everything they can t imprve the rider experience. S I abslutely think we will get mre riders just because f shrt stries,” she says.
    And yu’ll never be withut smething t read.
    4. Why did BART start the kisk prgram?
    A. T prmte the lcal culture.B. T discurage phne use.
    C. T meet passengers’ needs.D. T reduce its running csts.
    5. Hw are the stries categrized in the kisk?
    A. By ppularity.B. By length.
    C. By theme.D. By language.
    6. What has Trst been ding recently?
    A. Organizing a stry cntest.B. Ding a survey f custmers.
    C. Chsing a print publisher.D. Cnducting interviews with artists.
    7. What is Trst’s pinin abut BART’s future?
    A. It will clse dwn.B. Its prfits will decline.
    C. It will expand natinwide.D. Its ridership will increase.
    【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D
    推理判断题。根据第三段““Yu enter the fare gates (检票口) and yu’ll see a kisk that is lit up and it tells yu can get a ne-minute, a three-minute, r a five-minute stry,” says Alicia Trst, the chief cmmunicatins fficer fr the San Francisc Bay Area Rapid Transit - knwn as BART. “Yu chse which length yu want and it gives yu a receipt-like shrt stry.”(旧金山湾区捷运系统(BART)首席通讯官Alicia Trst表示:“你进入检票口,会看到一个亮着灯的信息亭,它告诉你可以得到一分钟、三分钟或五分钟的报道。你可以选择你想要的长度,它会给你一个类似收据的短篇故事。”)”可知,BART启动信息亭是为了满足乘客在乘车过程中的阅读需求,为他们提供不同长度的短篇故事或诗歌来打发时间。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Yu chse which length yu want and it gives yu a receipt-like shrt stry.(你可以选择你想要的长度,它会给你一个类似收据的短篇故事)”可知,信息亭中的故事按长度分类,乘客可以根据自己的需求选择不同长度的故事。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段“We wanted t d smething where we d a call t artists in the Bay Area t submit stries fr a cntest,(我们想做一些事情,呼吁湾区的艺术家为比赛提交故事)”以及第六段“The winning stries wuld g int ur kisk and then yu wuld be a published artist.(获奖故事会进入我们的信息亭,然后你就会成为一名出版艺术家)”可知,Trst最近在组织一个故事竞赛,向湾区的艺术家征集故事,获胜作品将被放入售货亭供乘客阅读。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段““At the end f the day all transit agencies right nw are ding everything they can t imprve the rider experience. S I abslutely think we will get mre riders just because f shrt stries,” she says.(她说:“归根结底,所有的交通机构现在都在尽一切努力改善乘客体验。所以我绝对认为,我们会因为短篇小说而吸引更多的乘客。”)”可知,Trst认为通过提升乘客体验,包括提供短篇故事阅读服务,BART可以吸引更多的乘客,乘客量将会增加。故选D项。
    3.(2024年浙江卷1月高考真题B篇记叙文)When was the last time yu used a telephne bx? I mean t make an actual phne call — nt t shelter frm the rain. Ages ag right? The last time I used a phne bx fr its intended purpse was…2006. I was cnducting auditins (试演) fr my play in my tiny ld shared huse in Lndn. Hping t impress sme talented actrs t cme and wrk fr me fr nthing, I spread sme thrws ver the sfas and lit candles t make it seem a bit mre ”yung prfessinal”.
    As I rushed utdrs t empty the wastepaper baskets, the dr swung shut behind me. Suddenly I was lcked utside. My mbile phne was inside, but luckily there was a telephne bx acrss the street. S, I called Directry Assistance, gt put thrugh t ur landlady’s managing agent, and had a spare key sent t me with just enugh time t get back in befre the actrs arrived.
    As it has been many years since I last used ne, I shuld hardly be surprised that then are n lnger any public telephnes near my huse. The last ne standing has just been turn int a “mini cmmunity library”: any passer-by can “brrw” a bk frm its shelves return it later, r replace it with anther title frm their wn cllectin.
    Fr a few mnths after the “library” pened, I didn’t bther taking a lk, as I had assumed that it wuld be stuffed full f cheese lve stries. Then I nticed frk cnducting spring cleans drpping bxes f vluminus bks n varius subjects there. And these bks were free. This unbeatable price-pint encuraged me t experiment with dzens f titles that I wuld never nrmally cnsider buying. And I’ve discvered sme great bks!
    If I ever get trapped utside my huse again, my lcal telephne bx will, sadly n lnger be able t cnnect me with my keys. But it can certainly keep me entertained while I wait fr my wife t rescue me.
    4. What des the underlined wrd “it” in the first paragraph refer t?
    A. The play.B. The shared huse.
    C. The sfa.D. The telephne bx.
    5. Why did the authr use the telephne bx in 2006?
    A. T place an urgent call.B. T put up a ntice.
    C. T shelter frm the rain.D. T hld an auditin.
    6. What d we knw abut the “mini cmmunity library”?
    A. It prvides phne service fr free.B. Anyne can cntribute t its cllectin.
    C. It is ppular amng yung readers.D. Bks must be returned within a mnth.
    7. Why did the authr start t use the “library”?
    A. He wanted t brrw sme lve stries.
    B. He was encuraged by a clse neighbur.
    C. He fund there were excellent free bks.
    D. He thught it was an ideal place fr reading.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C
    词句猜测题。根据第一段第五句“I was cnducting auditins (试演) fr my play in my tiny ld shared huse in Lndn.(我当时在伦敦我那狭小的合租房子里为我的剧本进行试演。)”可知,此处是指使“我”的合租房看起来更“年轻专业”一点,所以it代指“合租房”。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“S, I called Directry Assistance, gt put thrugh t ur landlady’s managing agent, and had a spare key sent t me with just enugh time t get back in befre the actrs arrived.(所以,我打电话给电话查号台,接通了女房东的经纪人,他们给了我一把备用钥匙,刚好来得及在演员们到来之前回去。)”可知,作者在2006年使用电话亭是为了拨打紧急电话。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“The last ne standing has just been turn int a “mini cmmunity library”: any passer-by can “brrw” a bk frm its shelves return it later, r replace it with anther title frm their wn cllectin.(最后一个被改造成了一个“迷你社区图书馆”:任何路过的人都可以从它的书架上“借”书,以后还回来,或者用自己收藏的另一本书来替换。)”可知,任何人都可以为“迷你社区图书馆”的捐赠图书。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段最后四句“Then I nticed frk cnducting spring cleans drpping bxes f vluminus bks n varius subjects there. And these bks were free. This unbeatable price-pint encuraged me t experiment with dzens f titles that I wuld never nrmally cnsider buying. And I’ve discvered sme great bks!(然后我注意到福克正在进行春季大扫除,把各种主题的大书一箱箱地扔到那里。而且这些书是免费的。这个无与伦比的价格点鼓励我尝试许多我通常不会考虑购买的标题。我还发现了一些很棒的书!)”可知,作者发现“迷你图书馆”里有很多免费的很棒的书,所以开始使用。故选C。
    4.(2023年新高考I卷高考真题B篇记叙文)When Jhn Tdd was a child, he lved t explre the wds arund his huse, bserving hw nature slved prblems. A ditry stream, fr example, ften became clear after flwing thrugh plants and alng rcks where tiny creatures lived. When he gt lder, Jhn started t wnder if this prcess culd be used t clean up the messes peple were making.
    After studying agriculture, medicine, and fisheries in cllege, Jhn went back t bserving nature and asking questins. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)? Which kinds f fish can eat cancer-causing chemicals? With the right cmbinatin f animals and plants, he figured, maybe he culd clean up waste the way nature did. He decided t build what he wuld later call an ec-machine.
    The task Jhn set fr himself was t remve harmful substances frm sme sludge (污泥). First, he cnstructed a series f clear fiberglass tanks cnnected t each ther. Then he went arund t lcal pnds and streams and brught back sme plants and animals. He placed them in the tanks and waited. Little by little, these different kinds f life gt used t ne anther and frmed their wn ecsystem. After a few weeks, Jhn added the sludge.
    He was amazed at the results. The plants and animals in the ec-machine tk the sludge as fd and began t eat it! Within weeks, it had all been digested, and all that was left was pure water.
    Over the years Jhn has taken n many big jbs. He develped a greenhuse-like facility that treated sewage (污水) frm 1,600 hmes in Suth Burlingtn. He als designed an ec-machine t clean canal water in Fuzhu, a city in sutheast China.
    “Eclgical design” is the name Jhn gives t what he des. “Life n Earth is kind f a bx f spare parts fr the inventr,” he says. “Yu put rganisms in new relatinships and bserve what’s happening. Then yu let these new systems develp their wn ways t self-repair.”
    4. What can we learn abut Jhn frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. He was fnd f traveling.B. He enjyed being alne.
    C. He had an inquiring mind.D. He lnged t be a dctr.
    5. Why did Jhn put the sludge int the tanks?
    A. T feed the animals.B. T build an ecsystem.
    C. T prtect the plants.D. T test the ec-machine.
    6. What is the authr’s purpse in mentining Fuzhu?
    A. T review Jhn’s research plans.B. T shw an applicatin f Jhn’s idea.
    C. T cmpare Jhn’s different jbs.D. T erase dubts abut Jhn’s inventin.
    7. What is the basis fr Jhn’s wrk?
    A. Nature can repair itself.B. Organisms need water t survive.
    C. Life n Earth is diverse.D. Mst tiny creatures live in grups.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Jhn Tdd从小就很爱思考且好学,他建造了一个生态机器,利用自然可以自我修复的原理来净化污水。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“When Jhn Tdd was a child, he lved t explre the wds arund his huse, bserving hw nature slved prblems. A ditry stream, fr example, ften became clear after flwing thrugh plants and alng rcks where tiny creatures lived. When he gt lder, Jhn started t wnder if this prcess culd be used t clean up the messes peple were making.(当约翰·托德还是个孩子的时候,他喜欢探索房子周围的树林,观察大自然是如何解决问题的。例如,一条肮脏的小溪流经植物和微小生物居住的岩石后,往往变得清澈。长大后,约翰开始思考这个过程是否可以用来清理人们制造的混乱)”以及第二段“After studying agriculture, medicine, and fisheries in cllege, Jhn went back t bserving nature and asking questins. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)? Which kinds f fish can eat cancer-causing chemicals?(在大学学习了农业、医学和渔业之后,约翰又回到了观察自然和提出问题的生活中。为什么某些植物能捕获有害细菌?哪些鱼类会食用致癌化学物质?)”可知,约翰聪颖好学、好奇心很强。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“After a few weeks, Jhn added the sludge.(几个星期后,约翰把污泥加了进去)”以及倒数第三段“He was amazed at the results. The plants and animals in the ec-machine tk the sludge as fd and began t eat it! Within weeks, it had all been digested, and all that was left was pure water.(他对结果感到惊讶。生态机器里的动植物把污泥当成了食物,开始吃起来!几周之内,它就被消化了,只剩下纯净水)”可知,约翰把污泥放进罐子里为了测试生态机器。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Over the years, Jhn has taken n many big jbs. He develped a greenhuse-like facility that treated sewage (污水) frm 1,600 hmes in Suth Burlingtn. He als designed an ec-machine t clean canal water in Fuzhu, a city in sutheast China.(这些年来,约翰承担了许多重大工作。他开发了一个类似温室的设施,可以处理来自南伯灵顿1600户家庭的污水。他还设计了一种生态机器来清洁中国东南部城市福州的运河水)”可推知,作者提到福州的目的是展示约翰想法的应用。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Yu put rganisms in new relatinships and bserve what’s happening. Then yu let these new systems develp their wn ways t self-repair.(你把生物体放在新的关系中,观察会发生什么。然后让这些新系统自行发展自我修复的方式)”可知,约翰工作的基础是自然可以自我修复。故选A。
    5.(2023年新高考II卷高考真题B篇记叙文)Turning sil, pulling weeds, and harvesting cabbage sund like tugh wrk fr middle and high schl kids. And at first it is, says Abby Jaramill, wh with anther teacher started Urban Spruts, a schl garden prgram at fur lw-incme schls. The prgram aims t help students develp science skills, envirnmental awareness, and healthy lifestyles.
    Jaramill’s students live in neighbrhds where fresh fd and green space are nt easy t find and fast fd restaurants utnumber grcery stres. “The kids literally cme t schl with bags f snacks and large bttles f sft drinks,” she says. “They cme t us thinking vegetables are awful, dirt is awful, insects are awful.” Thugh sme are initially scared f the insects and turned ff by the dirt, mst are eager t try smething new.
    Urban Spruts’ classes, at tw middle schls and tw high schls, include hands-n experiments such as sil testing, flwer-and-seed dissectin, tastings f fresh r dried prduce, and wrk in the garden. Several times a year, students ck the vegetables they grw, and they ccasinally make salads fr their entire schls.
    Prgram evaluatins shw that kids eat mre vegetables as a result f the classes. “We have students wh say they went hme and talked t their parents and nw they’re eating differently,” Jaramill says.
    She adds that the prgram’s benefits g beynd nutritin. Sme students get s interested in gardening that they bring hme seeds t start their wn vegetable gardens. Besides, wrking in the garden seems t have a calming effect n Jaramill’s special educatin students, many f whm have emtinal cntrl issues. “They get utside,” she says, “and they feel successful.”
    4. What d we knw abut Abby Jaramill?
    A. She used t be a health wrker.B. She grew up in a lw-incme family.
    C. She wns a fast fd restaurant.D. She is an initiatr f Urban Spruts.
    5. What was a prblem facing Jaramill at the start f the prgram?
    A. The kids’ parents distrusted her.B. Students had little time fr her classes.
    C. Sme kids disliked garden wrk.D. There was n space fr schl gardens.
    6. Which f the fllwing best describes the impact f the prgram?
    A. Far-reaching.B. Predictable.
    C. Shrt-lived.D. Unidentifiable.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Rescuing Schl GardensB. Experiencing Cuntry Life
    C. Grwing Vegetable LversD. Changing Lcal Landscape
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B
    【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了Abby Jaramill等老师在低收入学校发起的培养学生科学能力,环保意识以及健康生活方式的Urban Spruts花园项目,让学生通过体验乡村生活,对学生影响深远。
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“And at first it is, says Abby Jaramill, wh with anther teacher started Urban Spruts, a schl garden prgram at fur lw-incme schls.(起初是这样的,艾比·哈拉米洛说,她和另一位老师在四所低收入学校启动了“Urban Spruts”学校花园项目。)”可知,艾比·哈拉米洛是Urban Spruts的发起者。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“she says. “They cme t us thinking vegetables are awful, dirt is awful, insects are awful.” Thugh sme are initially scared f the insects and turned ff by the dirt, mst are eager t try smething new.(她说。“他们来找我们,认为蔬菜很可怕,泥土很可怕,昆虫也很可怕。”虽然有些人一开始害怕昆虫,对泥土感到厌烦,但大多数人都渴望尝试新的东西。)”可知,项目之初,一些学生不喜欢园艺工作。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“She adds that the prgram’s benefits g beynd nutritin. Sme students get s interested in gardening that they bring hme seeds t start their wn vegetable gardens. Besides, wrking in the garden seems t have a calming effect n Jaramill’s special educatin students, many f whm have emtinal cntrl issues. “They get utside,” she says, “and they feel successful.”(她补充说,该计划的好处不仅仅是营养。有些学生对园艺非常感兴趣,他们带回家种子开始自己的菜园。此外,在花园里工作似乎对Jaramill的特殊教育学生有镇静作用,他们中的许多人都有情绪控制问题。“他们走了出去,”她说,“他们觉得成功。”)”可知,这个项目不仅给学生提供了有营养的食物,而且许多学生回家开创了自己的菜园,对有情绪控制问题的学生也起到了镇静作用,从而推知,该项目的影响是深远的。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段的“And at first it is, says Abby Jaramill, wh with anther teacher started Urban Spruts, a schl garden prgram at fur lw-incme schls. The prgram aims t help students develp science skills, envirnmental awareness, and healthy lifestyles.(起初是这样的,艾比·哈拉米洛说,她和另一位老师在四所低收入学校启动了“Urban Spruts”学校花园项目。该项目旨在帮助学生培养科学技能、环保意识和健康的生活方式。)”以及下文内容可知,文章主要讲述了Abby Jaramill等老师在低收入学校发起的培养学生科学能力,环保意识以及健康生活方式的Urban Spruts花园项目,让学生体验乡村生活,对学生影响深远。因此推断B项“体验乡村生活”符合文意,最适合作为本文标题。故选B。
    6.(2023年浙江卷1月高考真题B篇记叙文)Live with rmmates? Have friends and family arund yu? Chances are that if yu’re lking t live a mre sustainable lifestyle, nt everyne arund yu will be ready t jump n that bandwagn.
    I experienced this when I started switching t a zer waste lifestyle five years ag, as I was living with my parents, and I cntinue t experience this with my husband, as he is nt cmpletely zer waste like me. I’ve learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu’ll find encuraging if yu’re ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld.
    Zer waste was a radical lifestyle mvement a few years back. I remember shwing my parents a vide f Bea Jhnsn, sharing hw cl I thught it wuld be t buy grceries with jars, and have s little trash! A few days later, I came back with my first jars f zer waste grceries, and my dad cmmented n hw silly it was fr me t carry jars everywhere. It came ff as a bit discuraging.
    Yet as the mnths f reducing waste cntinued, I did what I culd that was within my wn reach. I had my wn bedrm, s I wrked n remving things I didn’t need. Since I had my wn tiletries (洗漱用品), I was able t start persnalising my rutine t be mre sustainable. I als ffered t ck every s ften, s I prtined ut a bit f the cupbard fr my wn zer waste grceries. Perhaps yur husehld wn’t entirely make the switch, but yu may have sme cntrl ver yur wn persnal spaces t make the changes yu desire.
    As yu make yur lifestyle changes, yu may find yurself wanting t speak up fr yurself if thers cmment n what yu’re ding, which can turn itself int a whle husehld debate. If yu have individuals wh are nt n bard, yur wrds prbably wn’t d much and can ften leave yu feeling mre discuraged.
    S here is my advice: Lead by actin.
    24.What d the underlined wrds “jump n that bandwagn” mean in the first paragraph?
    A.Share an apartment with yu.B.Jin yu in what yu’re ding.
    C.Transfrm yur way f living.D.Help yu t make the decisin.
    25.What was the attitude f the authr’s father tward buying grceries with jars?
    A.He disapprved f it.B.He was favrable t it.
    C.He was tlerant f it.D.He didn’t care abut it.
    26.What can we infer abut the authr?
    A.She is quite gd at cking.B.She respects thers’ privacy.
    C.She enjys being a husewife.D.She is a determined persn.
    27.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.Hw t get n well with ther family members.
    B.Hw t have ne’s wn persnal space at hme.
    C.Hw t live a zer waste lifestyle in a husehld.
    D.Hw t cntrl the budget when buying grceries.
    【答案】24.B 25.A 26.D 27.C
    词句猜测题。根据划线部分前文“Chances are that if yu’re lking t live a mre sustainable lifestyle, nt everyne arund yu will be ready t(如果你想过一种更可持续的生活方式,可能不是你周围的每个人都准备好)”及第二段中的“I’ve learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu’ll find encuraging if yu’re ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld.(在这个过程中,我学到了一些东西,我希望如果你在一个不总是支持你的家庭中尽最大努力去弄清楚如何做出改变,你会感到鼓舞)”可知,如果你想过一种更可持续的生活方式,可能不是你周围的每个人都准备好加入这一运动。由此推知,划线词组jump n that bandwagn与Jin yu in what yu’re ding.(加入你正在做的事情)意思接近。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“A few days later, I came back with my first jars f zer waste grceries, and my dad cmmented n hw silly it was fr me t carry jars everywhere. It came ff as a bit discuraging.(几天后,我带着第一罐零废物杂货回来了,我父亲评论说,我到处带着罐子是多么愚蠢。结果有点令人沮丧)”可推知,作者的父亲不赞成用罐子买食品杂货。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Yet as the mnths f reducing waste cntinued, I did what I culd that was within my wn reach. (然而,随着减少浪费的几个月的持续,我尽了自己力所能及的努力)”及“Perhaps yur husehld wn’t entirely make the switch, but yu may have sme cntrl ver yur wn persnal spaces t make the changes yu desire.(也许你的家庭不会完全改变,但你可以控制自己的个人空间,做出你想要的改变)”可推知,作者是一个意志坚定的人。故选D。
    27.主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“Chances are that if yu’re lking t live a mre sustainable lifestyle, nt everyne arund yu will be ready t jump n that bandwagn.(如果你想过一种更可持续的生活方式,可能不是你周围的每个人都准备好加入这一运动)”及第二段中的“I’ve learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu’ll find encuraging if yu’re ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld.(在这个过程中,我学到了一些东西,我希望如果你在一个不总是支持你的家庭中尽最大努力去弄清楚如何做出改变,你会感到鼓舞)”可知,文章主要讲述了作者如何在家庭中过零浪费的生活方式。故选C。
    7.(2023年天津卷第一次高考真题记叙文)One freezing mrning last February, I walked thrugh Ontari Place. Trees were frsted sculptures. Large chunks f ice flated in the lake. Then I saw a grup f peple in bathing suits buncing up and dwn in the water. They held hands, shuting and yelling int the sky. They lked and sunded s free.
    I’ve always fund cld water thrilling. The shck f it is like pressing a switch. It seems t reset my bdy and sul.
    And last winter, I definitely needed a reset. I wke up mst mrnings with a dull, grey feeling as I frced myself ut f bed t start the day. I needed smething t cheer myself up, but I didn’t knw what, until that day.
    The ice warrirs (勇士) emerged frm the lake, their skin steaming. Trembling, they were yet laughing and hugging each ther. I called ut: “Yu guys are awesme!” One wman waved back, “Cme and jin us! We’ re here every Mnday mrning.”
    The night befre my first dip (游泳), I was excited and nervus. Cld water was ne thing, but this icy lake was a whle ther level. Shuld I back ut? Eventually, I gt up in the dark and drve t the meeting spt.
    After sme wild warm up, I charged int the lake alng with thers. We yelled int the sky. Teeth chattering heart rates slwing, fingers and tes ging numb (麻木), we stayed there fr smewhere between tw and five minutes. Knwing it was my first time, peple cheered me n. It felt amazing. I was stupid with cld, but I culdn’t remember the last time I’d felt s happy.
    Nw I g dipping almst every day, and I’ve cme t lng fr that mment when the cld becmes a secnd skin and my internal vice ges silent. Apart frm the thrill f thse first heart-stpping dives, which, irnically, saved me frm ging under, what has drawn me is this cmmunity f generus, pen-hearted suls.
    We laughed tgether, ften, but frm the stries we’ve shared abut urselves, I knw I’m nt the nly ne wh faces life’s challenges. Hlding hands in the freezing lake, we lked ut fr each ther last winter and will d s thrugh this ne.
    It wn’t fix everything in ur lives—but fr sme reasn, it helps. At the end f each sessin I return hme feeling strnger, lighter, mre able t carry n. As anther winter sets in, I’m mre than ready t embrace the cld again.
    39.When the authr saw the peple in the lake, her feeling can be best described as __________
    40.Why did the authr think f jining the swimmers?
    A.T expand her scial circle.B.T lift her spirits again.
    C.T adapt t the cld weather.D.T prepare fr a new career
    41.What can be learnt abut the authr’s first dipping?
    A.She hesitated a bit befre ging.
    B.She suffered frm a heart prblem.
    C.She stayed in cld water t lng.
    D.She regretted nt ding enugh warm up.
    42.What change has cld water swimming brught abut in the authr?
    A.She is mre intelligent.
    B.She gets mre cmpetitive.
    C.She becmes a better stryteller.
    D.She regains her inner peace.
    43.What message des the authr mst likely want t cnvey?
    A.Severe cld builds up character
    B.Grup wisdm brightens ur life.
    C.Tackling the dds tgether cures.
    D.Ding sprts prmtes friendship.
    【答案】39.B 40.B 41.A 42.D 43.C
    39.推理判断题。根据第一段“Then I saw a grup f peple in bathing suits buncing up and dwn in the water. They held hands, shuting and yelling int the sky. They lked and sunded s free. (然后我看到一群穿着泳衣的人在水里跳上跳下。他们手牵着手,对着天空大喊大叫。他们看起来很自由,听起来也很自由。)”以及第二段“I’ve always fund cld water thrilling. The shck f it is like pressing a switch. It seems t reset my bdy and sul. (我一直觉得冰冷的水让人兴奋。它的冲击感就像按下一个按钮。似乎它能够重新调整我的身体和灵魂)”和第四段“The ice warrirs (勇士) emerged frm the lake, their skin steaming. Trembling, they were yet laughing and hugging each ther. I called ut: “Yu guys are awesme!” (冰勇士们从湖中冒出来,浑身冒着热气。他们颤抖着,但仍然笑着,互相拥抱着。我喊道:“你们太棒了!”)”可知,冷水让作者兴奋,她看到湖中的人,觉得他们太棒了,所以感觉是惊讶的。故选B项。
    40.细节理解题。根据第三段“And last winter, I definitely needed a reset. I wke up mst mrnings with a dull, grey feeling as I frced myself ut f bed t start the day. I needed smething t cheer myself up, but I didn’t knw what, until that day. (去年冬天,我确实需要重新调整一下。大多数早晨,当我强迫自己下床开始新的一天时,我都是带着一种沉闷、灰暗的感觉醒来的。我需要一些东西让自己振作起来,但我不知道是什么,直到那天。)”可知,作者去年冬天,整个人很沮丧,需要一些东西让自己振作起来,所以想加入游泳。故选B项。
    41.细节理解题。根据第五段“The night befre my first dip (游泳), I was excited and nervus. Cld water was ne thing, but this icy lake was a whle ther level. Shuld I back ut? Eventually, I gt up in the dark and drve t the meeting spt. (第一次泡澡的前一天晚上,我既兴奋又紧张。冷水是一回事,但这个冰湖完全是另一回事。我应该退出吗?最后,我在黑暗中起床,驱车前往会面地点。)”可知,作者第一次尝试冬泳前,她犹豫了一下。故选A项。
    42.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“Nw I g dipping almst every day, and I’ve cme t lng fr that mment when the cld becmes a secnd skin and my internal vice ges silent. (现在我几乎每天都去游泳,我已经开始渴望那一刻,当寒冷成为我的第二层皮肤,我内心的声音安静下来。)”可知,冷水游泳使作者恢复了内心的平静。故选D项。
    43.主旨大意题。根据倒数第三段“Apart frm the thrill f thse first heart-stpping dives, which, irnically, saved me frm ging under, what has drawn me is this cmmunity f generus, pen-hearted suls. (具有讽刺意味的是,第一次潜水的惊险刺激使我免于沉入海底,但吸引我的是这个慷慨、心胸开阔的社区)”,倒数第二段“We laughed tgether, ften, but frm the stries we’ve shared abut urselves, I knw I’m nt the nly ne wh faces life’s challenges. Hlding hands in the freezing lake, we lked ut fr each ther last winter and will d s thrugh this ne. (我们经常一起笑,但从我们分享的故事中,我知道我不是唯一一个面临生活挑战的人。去年冬天,我们手牵着手在冰冷的湖面上守望着彼此,今年也将如此。)”以及最后一段“It wn’t fix everything in ur lives—but fr sme reasn, it helps. At the end f each sessin I return hme feeling strnger, lighter, mre able t carry n. As anther winter sets in, I’m mre than ready t embrace the cld again. (它不会解决我们生活中的所有问题,但出于某种原因,它会有所帮助。每次游泳结束后,我回到家,感觉更强壮、更轻松,更能坚持下去。又一个冬天来临了,我已经准备好再次拥抱寒冷了。)”可知,作者最想传达的信息是,冬泳让自己感到惊险刺激,但是真正吸引作者的是和社区的人分享故事,一起面对生活的困难,互相鼓励,让自己感觉更强壮、更轻松,更能坚持下去,所以是一起解决问题治愈人心。故选C项。
    8.(2023年天津卷第二次高考真题B篇记叙文)I lked thrugh the windw f the charming little vilin shp, and my heart began t race.
    I'd been ut t dinner that evening. Since it wasn't dark yet after the meal, I decided t walk hme frm the restaurant. I had traveled that way befre, yet I had never nticed that ld little shp. But that night I felt drawn t the vilin shp the mment I came acrss it.
    I wiped the dirt frm the windw t get a better lk inside. Several vilins hung frm the dark walls, quietly waiting t be chsen. As my eyes rested n them, I felt as thugh I were lking thrugh a windw int my wn past.
    My childhd was all abut the pursuits I had attempted, mst f which had been chsen by Mm. She was like, “Jin the swim team, Tara. Yur sister is a gd swimmer;surely yu will be, t. ”What she refused t acknwledge, hwever, was that I was visibly afraid f water.
    Every Saturday I begged Mm nt t make me g t the swim meet, but had little chance f success. That said, with a bang f the starting gun, I wuld dive int the cld water with all my strength and swim t the ther side f the pl as fast as I culd, nly t find that the ther swimmers slid past me. I wuld have given it up if I had nt heard my father's encuraging shuts t cheer me n. When at last my hand wuld grab the edge f the pl, he wuld always be there with a warm, dry twel, telling me hw prud he was f my desperate effrts.
    Then came a turning pint in my life the day ur schl rchestra( 管弦乐队)visited my class, and gave a demnstratin. The drums annyed me. The flutes(笛子)bred me. But the vilin…ah, the vilin. It made the sweetest sund I'd ever heard!My heart was dancing alng with its flwing tune. Fr the first time in my life, I went s wild with jy.
    Tightly hlding the permissin slip frm the rchestra directr, I ran all the way hme after schl, and shakily handed it t my parents with a fear that they might dismiss my desire. They didn't. Mm was thrilled t see me finally excited abut smething, and Dad winked(眨眼示意)at me while eagerly signing the slip.
    I began practicing the vilin with great passin, and rse quickly in ability. Befre lng I had wn the first seat in the cmmunity rchestra …
    39.What did the sight f the vilins in that little shp bring t Tara's mind?
    A.Her miserable past.
    B.An unfrgettable sprt event.
    C.The stries behind the vilins.
    D.Her childhd memry.
    40.What Dad did fr Tara during the swimming cmpetitin implies that he is ________.
    A.mindless and bad-tempered
    B.caring and supprtive
    C.strict and demanding
    D.tlerant and sympathetic
    41.What fascinated Tara during her schl rchestra's demnstratin?
    A.The tune f the flutes.
    B.The beat f the drums.
    C.The sund f the vilin.
    D.The manner f the musicians.
    42.What enabled Tara t win the first seat in the cmmunity rchestra?
    A.The steady imprvement in her taste.
    B.Her strng desire fr success.
    C.Her natural gift fr music.
    D.The rapid prgress in her ability.
    43.What message des Tara's stry cnvey?
    A.It's never t yung t learn.
    B.A passinate interest wrks wnders.
    C.Hard wrk will pay ff in the lng run.
    D.Like mther, like daughter.
    【答案】39.D 40.B 41.C 42.D 43.B
    39.细节理解题。由文章第三段最后一行“As my eyes rested n them, I felt as thugh I were lking thrugh a windw int my wn past. ”(当我的目光停留在他们身上时,我觉得自己好像在透过窗户回顾自己的过去。)和第四段第一行“My childhd was all abut the pursuits I had attempted, mst f which had been chsen by Mm. ”(我的童年都是我尝试追求过的爱好,其中大部分都是妈妈选择的。)可知,透过商店的小提琴作者回想起了童年。故选D项。
    40.推理判断题。由文章第五段最后两句“I wuld have given it up if I had nt heard my father's encuraging shuts t cheer me n. When at last my hand wuld grab the edge f the pl, he wuld always be there with a warm, dry twel, telling me hw prud he was f my desperate effrts.”(如果我没有听到父亲鼓励我加油的呼喊声,我早就放弃了。当我的手终于抓住泳池边时,他总是拿着一条温暖、干燥的毛巾在那里,告诉我他为我拼命的努力感到多么自豪。)由此可以推断爸爸是关心和支持作者的。故选B项。
    41.细节理解题。由文章第六段最后两句“But the vilin…ah, the vilin. It made the sweetest sund I'd ever heard!My heart was dancing alng with its flwing tune. Fr the first time in my life, I went s wild with jy. ”( 但是小提琴…啊,小提琴。它发出了我听过的最甜美的声音!我的心随着它流动的曲调翩翩起舞。我有生以来第一次欣喜若狂。)可知是小提琴的声音令作者痴迷。故选C项。
    42.细节理解题。由文章第八段第一句“I began practicing the vilin with great passin, and rse quickly in ability.”(我怀着极大的热情开始练习小提琴,并且能力迅速提升。 )可知,作者进步飞速,所以才成为首席。故选D项。
    9.(2022年新高考II卷高考真题B篇记叙文)We jurnalists live in a new age f strytelling, with many new multimedia tls. Many yung peple dn’t even realize it’s new. Fr them, it’s just nrmal.
    This hit hme fr me as I was sitting with my 2-year-ld grandsn n a sfa ver the Spring Festival hliday. I had brught a children’s bk t read. It had simple wrds and clrful pictures — a perfect match fr his age.
    Picture this: my grandsn sitting n my lap as I hld the bk in frnt s he can see the pictures. As I read, he reaches ut and pkes (戳) the page with his finger.
    What’s up with that? He just likes the pictures, I thught. Then I turned the page and cntinued. He pked the page even harder. I nearly drpped the bk. I was cnfused: Is there smething wrng with this kid?
    Then I realized what was happening. He was actually a stranger t bks. His father frequently amused the by with a tablet cmputer which was laded with clrful pictures that cme alive when yu pke them. He thught my strybk was like that.
    Srry, kid. This bk is nt part f yur high-tech wrld. It’s an utdated, lifeless thing. An antique, like yur grandfather. Well, I may be ld, but I’m nt hpelessly challenged, digitally speaking. I edit vide and prduce audi. I use mbile payment. I’ve even built websites.
    There’s ne ntable gap in my new-media experience, hwever: I’ve spent little time in frnt f a camera, since I have a face made fr radi. But that didn’t stp China Daily frm asking me last week t share a persnal stry fr a vide prject abut the integratin f Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei prvince.
    Anyway, grandpa is nw an internet star — tw minutes f fame! I prmise nt t let it g t my head. But I will make sure my 2-year-ld grandsn sees it n his tablet.
    4.What d the underlined wrds “hit hme fr me” mean in paragraph 2?
    A.Prvided shelter fr me.B.Became very clear t me.
    C.Tk the pressure ff me.D.Wrked quite well n me.
    5.Why did the kid pke the strybk?
    A.He tk it fr a tablet cmputer.B.He disliked the clrful pictures.
    C.He was angry with his grandpa.D.He wanted t read it by himself.
    6.What des the authr think f himself?
    A.Scially ambitius.B.Physically attractive.
    C.Financially independent.D.Digitally cmpetent.
    7.What can we learn abut the authr as a jurnalist?
    A.He lacks experience in his jb.B.He seldm appears n televisin.
    C.He manages a vide department.D.He ften interviews internet stars.
    【答案】4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B
    4.词句猜测题。根据第一段“We jurnalists live in a new age f strytelling, with many new multimedia tls. Many yung peple dn’t even realize it’s new. Fr them, it’s just nrmal.”以及画线词后文“as I was sitting with my 2-year-ld grandsn n a sfa ver the Spring Festival hliday.”可知,作者是记者,生活在一个讲故事的新时代,有许多新的多媒体工具。许多年轻人甚至没有意识到它是新的。对他们来说,这很正常。而这在春节假期,作者和两岁的孙子坐在沙发上,尤其清楚认识到了这一点。故画线词意思是“我很清楚”。故选B。
    5.细节理解题。根据第五段中“He was actually a stranger t bks. His father frequently amused the by with a tablet cmputer which was laded with clrful pictures that cme alive when yu pke them. He thught my strybk was like that.(事实上,他对书本并不熟悉。他的父亲经常用一台装有彩色图片的平板电脑逗他开心,当你戳它们的时候,这些图片就会变得栩栩如生。他认为我的故事书就是那样的)”可知,那孩子戳故事书是因为他把它当成了平板电脑。故选A。
    6.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“Well, I may be ld, but I’m nt hpelessly challenged, digitally speaking. I edit vide and prduce audi. I use mbile payment. I’ve even built websites. (我可能老了,但从数字角度来说,我还没有毫无希望的挑战。我编辑视频,制作音频。我用移动支付。我甚至建立了网站)”可知,作者认为自己懂数码技术。故选D。
    7.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“There’s ne ntable gap in my new-media experience, hwever: I’ve spent little time in frnt f a camera, since I have a face made fr radi.(然而,在我的新媒体体验中有一个明显的差距:我很少在镜头前呆着,因为我的脸是为电台而生的)”可知,作者作为记者他很少上电视。故选B。
    10.(2022年浙江1月高考真题B篇记叙文)Fr nearly a decade nw, Merebeth has been a self-emplyed pet transprt specialist. Her pet transprt jb was brn f the financial crisis(危机)in the late 2000s. The dwnturn hit the real estate (房地产)firm where she had wrked fr ten years as an ffice manager. The firm went brke and left her lking fr a new jb. One day, while driving near her hme, she saw a dg wandering n the rad, clearly lst. She tk it hme, and her sister in Denver agreed t take it. This was a lving hme fr sure, but 1, 600 miles away. It didn’t take lng fr Merebeth t decide t drive the dg there herself. It was her first rad trip t her new jb.
    Merebeth’s pet delivery service als satisfies her wanderlust. It has taken her t every state in the US except Mntana, Washingtn and Oregn, she says prudly. If she wants t visit a new place, she will simply find a pet with transprt needs there. She travels in all weathers. She has driven thrugh 55 mph winds in Wyming, heavy flding and strms in Alabama and ttal whiteut cnditins in Kansas.
    This wanderlust is inherited frm her father, she says. She mved their family frm Canada t Califrnia when she was ne year ld, because he wanted them t explre a new place tgether. As sn as she graduated frm high schl she left hme t live n Catalina Island ff the Califrnian cast, away frm her parents, where she enjyed a life f sailing and ff-rad biking.
    It turns ut that pet transprting pays quite well at abut $30, 000 per year befre tax. She desn’t wrk in summer, as it wuld be unpleasantly ht fr the animals in the car, even with air cnditining. As autumn cmes, she gets restless—the same ld wanderlust returning. It’s a call she must heed alne, thugh. Merebeth says, “When I am n the rad, I’m just in my wn wrld. I’ve always been independent-spirited and I just feel strngly that I mush help animals.”
    1.Why did Merebeth changed her jb?
    A.She wanted t wrk near her hme.
    B.She was tired f wrking in the ffice.
    C.Her sister asked her t mve t Denver.
    D.Her frmer emplyer was ut f business.
    2.The wrd “wanderlust” in paragraph 2 means a desire t _________?
    A.make mney.B.try varius jbs.
    C.be clse t nature.D.travel t different places.
    3.What can we learn abut Merebeth in her new jb?
    A.She has chances t see rare animals.
    B.She wrks hard thrughut the year.
    C.She relies n herself the whle time.
    D.She earns a basic and tax-free salary.
    【答案】1.D 2.D 3.C
    1.推理判断题。根据第一段中“The dwnturn hit the real estate (房地产)firm where she had wrked fr ten years as an ffice manager. The firm went brke and left her lking fr a new jb.(她曾在一家房地产公司做了10年的办公室经理,经济低迷打击了这家公司。 公司破产了,她只好另寻新工作)”,可知,Merebeth之所以换工作,是因为她以前的雇主破产了。故选D。
    2.词义猜测题。根据第二段中“It has taken her t every state in the US except Mntana, Washingtn and Oregn, she says prudly. If she wants t visit a new place, she will simply find a pet with transprt needs there. She travels in all weathers.(她自豪地说,除了蒙大拿州、华盛顿州和俄勒冈州,她走遍了美国所有的州。如果她想去一个新的地方,她只需要找到一个有交通需要的宠物。 她风雨无阻地旅行)”,可知,划线词的意思是“渴望去不同的地方旅行”。故选D。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“When I am n the rad, I'm just in my wn wrld. I've always been independent-spirited and I just feel strngly that I mush help animals.(当我在路上的时候,我只是在自己的世界里。 我一直很独立,我强烈地觉得我必须帮助动物)”,可知,Merebeth在她的新工作中一直都是靠自己。故选C。
    11.(2022年浙江6月高考真题B篇记叙文)Pasta and pizza were n everyne’s lunch menu in my native land f Italy. Everyne wh had such a lunch was fair-skinned and spke Italian. A few years later, as I std in the lunch line with my kindergarten class in a schl in Brklyn, I realized things were n lnger that simple. My classmates ranged frm thse kids with pale skin and large blue eyes t thse with rich brwn skin and dark hair. The fd chices were almst as diverse as the students. In frnt f me was an array f fds I culdn’t even name in my native language. Fearing that I wuld pick ut smething awful, I desperately tried t ask the by ahead f me fr a recmmendatin. Unfrtunately, between us std the barrier f language.
    Althugh my kindergarten experience feels like a century ag, the lessns I learned will stick in my mind frever. Fr the past three summers, I have wrked in a gvernment agency in New Yrk. New immigrants much like the little girl in the lunch line flded ur ffice seeking help. I ften had t be an interpreter fr the Italian-speaking nes. As I served the rle f vital cmmunicatin link, I was reminded f my desperate struggle t cnverse befre I learned English. I watched with great sympathy as elderly Italians tried t hld a cnversatin in Italian with peple wh did nt speak the language. It suddenly became very clear t me hw lucky I was t be fluent in tw languages.
    In New Yrk, a multicultural city, students like me are blessed with a chance t wrk with a diverse ppulatin. In my English t Italian translatins, I’ve learned abut scial prgrams that I didn’t knw existed. This wrk expanded my mind in ways that are impssible inside the fur walls f a classrm. Walking thrugh the streets f Brklyn tday, I am n lnger cnfused by this city’s sunds and smells. Instead, enjy its diversity.
    1.What did the authr realize after entering schl in Brklyn?
    A.Time passed quickly.B.English was hard t learn.
    C.The fd was terrible.D.Peple were very different.
    2.Wh des “the little girl” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A.An Italian teacher.B.A gvernment fficial.
    C.The authr herself.D.The authr’s classmate.
    3.Hw did the summer jb benefit the authr?
    A.It strengthened her lve fr schl.B.It helped sharpen her sense f directin.
    C.It pened her eyes t the real wrld.D.It made her childhd dream cme true.
    【答案】1.D 2.C 3.C
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段第三四句“A few years later, as I std in the lunch line with my kindergarten class in a schl in Brklyn, I realized things were n lnger that simple. My classmates ranged frm thse kids with pale skin and large blue eyes t thse with rich brwn skin and dark hair. (几年后,当我站在布鲁克林一所幼儿园的午餐队伍里时,我意识到事情不再那么简单了。我的同学中有皮肤白皙、蓝眼睛大的,也有棕色皮肤、深色头发的)”可知,当作者去了在Brklyn的一所学校之后,发现学校里的人不一样。故选D。
    2.推理判断题。根据第二段第二三句“Fr the past three summers, I have wrked in a gvernment agency in New Yrk. New immigrants much like the little girl in the lunch line flded ur ffice seeking help. (过去的三个夏天,我一直在纽约的一家政府机构工作。新移民涌入我们的办公室寻求帮助,就像排队吃午餐的小女孩一样)”以及第一段第三句“A few years later, as I std in the lunch line with my kindergarten class in a schl in Brklyn, I realized things were n lnger that simple. (几年后,当我站在布鲁克林一所幼儿园的午餐队伍里时,我意识到事情不再那么简单了)”可知,当年的小女孩长大了,在纽约的一家政府机构工作,工作环境让她想到当年自己在幼儿园的午餐队伍排队的情境。故选C。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段第三四五句“This wrk expanded my mind in ways that are impssible inside the fur walls f a classrm. Walking thrugh the streets f Brklyn tday, I am n lnger cnfused by this city’s sunds and smells. Instead, enjy its diversity. (这项工作拓展了我的思维,这是在四面墙的教室里不可能做到的。今天走在布鲁克林的街道上,我不再对这座城市的声音和气味感到困惑。 相反,我会享受它的多样性)”可知,作者三个夏天的工作拓展了思维,开始接受真实世界的多样性。故选C。
    12.(2022年北京卷高考真题记叙文)My name is Alice. Early last year, I was trubled by an anxiety that crippled ( 削弱 ) my ability t d anything. I felt like a strm clud hung ver me. Fr almst a year I struggled n, cnstantly staring at this wall that faced me. My perfectinist tendencies were the main rt f this: I wanted t be perfect at whatever I did, which bviusly in life is nt pssible, but it cnsumed me.
    One day, I attended a presentatin by wildlife cnservatinist Grant Brwn at my high schl. His presentatin nt nly awed and inspired me, but als helped emerge an inner desire t make a difference in the wrld. I jined a pre-presentatin dinner with him and that smaller setting allwed me t slwly build up my curage t speak ne-n-ne with him—an idea that had seemed cmpletely impssible. This first cntact was where my stry began.
    A mnth later, Brwn invited me t attend the Wrld Yuth Wildlife Cnference. Lking back, I nw see that this wuld be the first in a series f timely pprtunities that my ld self wuld have let pass, but that this new and mre cnfident Alice enthusiastically seized. Shrtly after I received his invitatin, applicatins t jin the Yuth fr Nature and the Yuth fr Planet grups were sent arund thrugh my high schl. I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. Each f these new steps cntinued t grw my cnfidence.
    I am writing this just six mnths since my jurney began and I’ve realised that my biggest bstacle ( 障碍 ) this whle time was myself. It was that vice in the back f my head telling me that ne phrase that has stpped s many peple frm reaching their ptential: I can’t. They say gd things cme t thse wh wait; I say: grab every pprtunity with everything yu have and be impatient. After all, nature des nt require ur patience, but ur actin.
    4.What was the main cause fr Alice’s anxiety?
    A.Her inability t act her age.B.Her habit f cnsumptin.
    C.Her desire t be perfect.D.Her lack f inspiratin.
    5.Hw did Grant Brwn’s presentatin influence Alice?
    A.She decided t d smething fr nature.B.She tasted the sweetness f friendship.
    C.She learned abut the harm f desire.D.She built up her curage t speak up.
    6.The activities Alice jined in helped her t becme mre ________.
    7.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A.Practice makes perfect.B.Patience is a cure f anxiety.
    C.Actin is wrry’s wrst enemy.D.Everything cmes t thse wh wait.
    【答案】4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C
    细节理解题。由文章第一段“My perfectinist tendencies were the main rt f this: I wanted t be perfect at whatever I did, which bviusly in life is nt pssible, but it cnsumed me.(我的完美主义倾向是这一点的主要根源:无论我做什么,我都想做到完美,这在生活中显然是不可能的,但它消耗了我。)”可知,是要求完美导致了焦虑。故选C项。
    细节理解题。由文章第二段“One day, I attended a presentatin by wildlife cnservatinist Grant Brwn at my high schl. His presentatin nt nly awed and inspired me, but als helped emerge an inner desire t make a difference in the wrld. (一天,我在高中参加了野生动物保护主义者Grant Brwn的演讲。他的演讲不仅让我感到敬畏和鼓舞,还帮助我产生了一种内在的愿望,希望在世界上有所作为。)”和文章第三段“ Shrtly after I received his invitatin, applicatins t jin the Yuth fr Nature and the Yuth fr Planet grups were sent arund thrugh my high schl. I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. (在我收到他的邀请后不久,我的高中就收到了加入“Yuth fr Nature”和“Yuth fr Plane”组织的申请。我决定致力于完成这些申请,很快我就成为了一个日益壮大的全球年轻人保护自然团队的一员。)”可知,是Grant Brwn让作者开始为从事保护自然地活动中。故选A项。
    细节理解题。由文章第三段“I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. Each f these new steps cntinued t grw my cnfidence.(我决定完成申请,很快我就成为了一个不断壮大的全球年轻人保护自然团队的一员。每一步都让我更加自信。)”可知,Alice 加入这些活动让她变得更自信了。故选B项。
    7.推理判断题。由第一段“ Early last year, I was trubled by an anxiety that crippled ( 削弱 ) my ability t d anything. I felt like a strm clud hung ver me.”(去年年初,我被一种焦虑困扰,它削弱了我做任何事情的能力。)由文章第三段“I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. Each f these new steps cntinued t grw my cnfidence.(我决定完成申请,很快我就成为了一个不断壮大的全球年轻人保护自然团队的一员。每一步都让我更加自信。)可知,文章主要讲述作者通过参加保护自然活动治愈好了自己的焦虑。所以从文章中我们能学到行动是忧虑最大的敌人。故选C项。
    13.(2022年天津卷记叙文)I’m an 18-year-ld pre-medical student, tall nd gd-lking, with tw shrt stry bks and quite a number f essays my credit. Why am I singing such praises f myself? Just t explain that he attainment f self-pride cmes frm a great deal f self-lve, and t attain it, ne must first learn t accept neself as ne is. That was where my struggle began.
    Brn and raised in Africa,I had always taken my African rigin as burden. My self-dislike was further fueled when my family had t relcate t Nrway, where I attended a high schl. Cmpared t all the white girls arund me, with their glden hair and delicate lips, I ,a black girl, had curly hair and full, red lips. My nse ften had a thin sheet f sweat n it, whatever the weather was. I just wanted t bury myself in my shell crying “I’m s different!”
    What als cntributed t my self-dislike was my ccasinal stuttering (口吃), which had weakened my self-cnfidence. It always std between me and any fine pprtunity. I’d taken it as an excuse t avid any public speaking sessins, and unknwingly let it rule ver me.
    Frtunately, as I grew lder, there came a turning pint. One day a white girl caught my eye n the schl bus when she suddenly turned back. T my astnishment, she had a thin sheet f sweat n her nse t, and it was in Nvember! “Ww,” I whispered t myself, “this isn’t a genetic(遗传的) disrder after all. It’s perfectly nrmal.” Days later, my life tk an-ther twist(转折). Searching the internet fr stuttering cures, I accidentally learned that such famus peple as Isaac Newtn and Winstn Churchill als stuttered. I was greatly relieved and then an idea suddenly hit me—if I’m smart, I shuldn’t allw my stuttering t stand between me and my success.
    Anther bst t my self-cnfidence came days later as I was watching the news abut Oprah Winfrey, the famus talkshw hst and writer—she’s black t! Whenever I think f her stry and my frmer dislike f my clr, I’m practically filled with shame.
    Tday, I’ve grwn t accept what I am with pride; it simply gives me feeling f uniqueness. The idea f self-lve has taken n a whle new meaning fr me: there’s always smething fantastic abut us, and what w need t d is learn t appreciate it.
    41. What affected the authr’s adjustment t her schl life in Nrway!
    A. Her appearance
    B. Scial discrimɪnatin.
    C. Her changing emtins.
    D. The climate in Nrway.
    42. What did the authr’s ccasinal stuttering bring abut accrding n Paragraph 3?
    A. Her lack f self-cnfidence.
    B. Her lss f interest in schl.
    C. Her unwillingness t greet her classmates.
    D. Her desire fr chances t imprve herself.
    43. Hw did the authr feel n nticing the similarity between her and ne girl n the bus?
    A. Blessed and prud.
    B. Cnfused and afraid.
    C. Amazed and relieved.
    D. Shcked and ashamed.
    44. What lessn did the authr learn frm the cases f Newtn and Churchill?
    A. Great minds speak alike.
    B. Stuttering is n barrier t success.
    C. Wisdm cunts mre than hard wrk.
    D. Famus peple can’t live with their weaknesses.
    45. What can best summarize the message cntained in the passage?
    A. Pride cmes befre a fall.
    B. Where there is a will, there is a way.
    C. Self-acceptance is based n the lve fr neself.
    D Self-lve is key t the attainment f self-pride.
    【答案】41. A 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. D
    推理判断题。根据文中第二段“Cmpared t all the white girls arund me, with their glden hair and delicate lips, I ,a black girl, had curly hair and full, red lips. My nse ften had a thin sheet f sweat n it, whatever the weather was. I just wanted t bury myself in my shell crying “I’m s different!”(与我周围所有有着金色头发和精致嘴唇的白人女孩相比,我,一个黑人女孩,有着卷曲的头发和饱满的红唇。无论天气如何,我的鼻子上经常有一层薄薄的汗水。我只想把自己埋在壳里哭着“我太不一样了!”)”可知,作者的外表与其他的孩子不同,这使得作者不容易适应学校的生活。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“What als cntributed t my self-dislike was my ccasinal stuttering(口吃), which had weakened my self-cnfidence.(导致我自我厌恶的还有我偶尔的口吃,这削弱了我的自信心。)”可知,作者的口吃导致作者失去了自信。故选A项。
    推理判断题。文中第四段提到“T my astnishment, she had a thin sheet f sweat n her nse t, and it was in Nvember!(令我惊讶的是,她的鼻子上也有薄薄的汗水,而且是在十一月!)”可知,作者见到小女孩儿感到很惊讶,根据句子中““Ww,” I whispered t myself, “this isn’t a genetic(遗传的) disrder after all. It’s perfectly nrmal.”(“哇,”我低声对自己说,“这毕竟不是遗传疾病。这很正常。”)”可知,作者此刻感到很放松。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段“I was greatly relieved and then an idea suddenly hit me—if I’m smart, I shuldn’t allw my stuttering t stand between me and my success.(我大大地松了一口气,然后一个想法突然出现在我脑海中——如果我聪明,我不应该让我的口吃阻碍我和我的成功。)”可知,作者意识到口吃不应该是自己成功的障碍。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据首段中的“Just t explain that he attainment f self-pride cmes frm a great deal f self-lve, and t attain it, ne must first learn t accept neself as ne is. That was where my struggle began.(只是为了解释他获得自尊来自大量的自爱,而要获得它,一个人必须首先学会接受自己的本来面目。这就是我挣扎开始的地方。)”可知,本文要讲述的是作者在经历中感悟到要想有自尊,首先要自爱。故选D项。
    精准练02 全国卷
    Terri Bltnis a dab hand when it cmes t DIY (d-it-yurself). Skilled at putting up shelves and piecing tgether furniture, she never pays smene else t d a jb she can d herself.
    She credits these skills t her late grandfather and builder Derek Llyd. Frm the age f six, Terri, nw 26, accmpanied Derek t wrk during her schl hlidays. A day’s wrk was rewarded with £ 5 in pcket mney. She says: “I’m sure I wasn’t much f a help t start with painting the rms and putting dwn the flring thrughut the huse. It tk weeks and is was backbreaking wrk, but I knw he was prud f my skills.”
    Terri, wh nw rents abhuse with friends in Wandswrth, Suth West Lndn, says DIY als saves her frm lsing any depsit when a tenancy (租期) cmes t an end. She adds: “I’ve mved huse many times and I always like t persnalise my rm and put up pictures. S, it’s been useful t knw hw t cver up hles and repaint a rm t avid any charges when I’ve mved ut.”
    With millins f peple likely t take n DIY prjects ver that cming weeks, new research shws that mre than half f peple are planning t make the mst f the lng, warm summer days t get jbs dne. The average spend per prject will be arund £ 823. Tw thirds f peple aim t imprve their cmfrt while at hme. Tw fifth wish t increase the value f their huse. Thugh DIY has traditinally been seen as male hbby, the research shws it is wmen nw leading the charge.
    4.Which is clsest in meaning t “a dab hand” in paragraph 1?
    A.An artist.B.A winner.C.A specialist.D.A pineer.
    5.Why did Terri’s grandfather give her £ 5 a day?
    A.Fr a birthday gift.B.As a treat fr her wrk.
    C.T supprt her DIY prjects.D.T encurage her t take up a hbby.
    6.Hw did Terri avid lsing the depsit n the huse she rented?
    A.By making it lk like befre.B.By furmishing it herself.
    C.By splitting the rent with a rmmate.D.By cancelling the rental agreement.
    7.What trend in DIY des the research shw?
    A.It is becming mre cstly.B.It is getting mre time-cnsuming.
    C.It is turning int a seasnal industry.D.It is gaining ppularity amng females.
    【答案】4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述了一位DIY高手Terri Bltnis的技能以及DIY项目可能会在女性群体中变成一种潮流趋势。
    词句猜测题。根据文章第一段画线短语下文“Skilled at putting up shelves and piecing tgether furniture, she never pays smene else t d a jb she can d herself. (她擅长摆架子和拼接家具,从不付钱给别人做她自己能做的工作)”可推知,此处指Terri Bltnis是一位DIY高手。C项“A specialist (一位专业人员)”最接近画线短语“a dab hand”的意思。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“She credits these skills t her late grandfather and builder Derek Llyd. Frm the age f six, Terri, nw 26, accmpanied Derek t wrk during her schl hlidays. A day’s wrk was rewarded with £ 5 in pcket mney. (她将这些技能归功于她已故的祖父兼建筑商Derek Llyd。从六岁起,现年26岁的Terri就在学校放假期间陪Derek去上班。一天的工作得到了5英镑零花钱的奖励)”以及“It tk weeks and is was backbreaking wrk, but I knw he was prud f my skills. (这花了几个星期的时间,是一项艰苦的工作,但我知道他为我的技能感到骄傲)”可推知,Terri的祖父每天给她5英镑是作为对她的工作的鼓励。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“S, it’s been useful t knw hw t cver up hles and repaint a rm t avid any charges when I’ve mved ut. (所以,当我搬出去时,知道如何掩盖漏洞并重新粉刷房间以避免任何费用是很有用的)”可推知,Terri是通过粉饰房间,让它看起来像以前一样,来避免被扣除租房的押金的。故选A。
    7.细节理解题。通过文章最后一段“the research shws it is wmen nw leading the charge (研究表明,现在是女性主导了这项运动)”可知,研究表明,DIY将在女性中越来越受欢迎。故选D。
    Living in Iwa and trying t becme a phtgrapher specializing in landscape (风景) can be quite a challenge, mainly because the crn state lacks gegraphical variatin.
    Althugh landscapes in the Midwest tend t be quite similar, either farm fields r highways, smetimes I find distinctive character in the hills r lakes. T make sme f my landscape shts, I have traveled up t fur hurs away t sht within a 10-minute time frame. I tend t travel with a few f my friends t state parks r t the cuntryside t g n adventures and take phts alng the way.
    Being at the right place at the right time is decisive in any style f phtgraphy. I ften leave early t seek the right destinatins s I can set up early t avid missing the mment I am attempting t phtgraph. I have missed plenty f beautiful sunsets/sunrises due t being n the spt nly five minutes befre the best mment.
    One time my friends and I drve three hurs t Devil’s Lake, Wiscnsin, t climb the purple quartz (石英) rck arund the lake. After we fund a crazy-lking rad that hung ver a bunch f rcks, we decided t phtgraph the scene at sunset. The psitin enabled us t lk ver the lake with the sunset in the backgrund. We managed t leave this spt t climb higher because f the spare time until sunset. Hwever, we did nt mark the rute (路线) s we ended up almst missing the sunset entirely. Once we fund the place, it was stressful getting lights and cameras set up in the limited time. Still, lking back n the phts, they are sme f my best shts thugh they culd have been s much better if I wuld have been prepared and managed my time wisely.
    4. Hw des the authr deal with the challenge as a landscape phtgrapher in the Midwest?
    A. By teaming up with ther phtgraphers.B. By shting in the cuntryside r state parks.
    C. By studying the gegraphical cnditins.D. By creating settings in the crn fields.
    5. What is the key t successful landscape phtgraphy accrding t the authr?
    A. Prper time management.B. Gd shting techniques.
    C. Adventurus spirit.D. Distinctive styles.
    6. What can we infer frm the authr trip with friends t Devil’s Lake?
    A. They went crazy with the purple quartz rck.
    B. They felt stressed while waiting fr the sunset.
    C. They reached the shting spt later than expected.
    D. They had prblems with their emipment.
    7. Hw des the authr find his phts taken at Devil’s Lake?
    A. Amusing.B. Satisfying.
    C. Encuraging.D. Cmfrting.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B
    细节理解题。通过文章第二段“I tend t travel with a few f my friends t state parks r t the cuntryside t g n adventures and take phts alng the way. (我倾向于和几个朋友一起去州立公园或乡村探险,沿途拍照)”可知,作为一名中西部的风景摄影师,作者应对挑战的方式是去乡村或州立公园拍摄。故选B。
    推理判断题。通过文章最后一段“Still, lking back n the phts, they are sme f my best shts thugh they culd have been s much better if I wuld have been prepared and managed my time wisely. (尽管如此,回顾这些照片,它们仍然是我最好的一些照片,尽管如果我能明智地准备和管理我的时间,它们本可以拍得更好)”可推知,作者认为,风景摄影成功的关键是适当的时间管理。故选A。
    推理判断题。通过文章最后一段“Hwever, we did nt mark the rute (路线) s we ended up almst missing the sunset entirely. (然而,我们没有标出路线,所以我们几乎完全错过了日落)”可推知,作者在与朋友的魔鬼湖之旅中,到达拍摄地点的时间比预期的要晚。故选C。
    推理判断题。通过文章最后一段“Still, lking back n the phts, they are sme f my best shts thugh they culd have been s much better if I wuld have been prepared and managed my time wisely. (尽管如此,回顾这些照片,它们仍然是我最好的一些照片,尽管如果我能明智地准备和管理我的时间,它们本可以拍得更好)”可推知,作者认为自己在魔鬼湖拍摄的照片是令人满意的。故选B。
    3.(2022年全国甲卷)As Ginni Bazlintn reached Antarctica, she fund herself greeted by a grup f little Gent penguins (企鹅) lnging t say hell. These gentle, lvely gatekeepers welcmed her and kick-started what was t be a trip Ginni wuld never frget.
    Ever since her childhd, Ginni, nw 71, has had a deep lve fr travel. Thrughut her career (职业) as a prfessinal dancer, she tured in the UK, but always lnged t explre further. When she retired frm dancing and her sns eventually flew the nest, she decided it was time t take the plunge.
    After taking a degree at Chichester University in Related Arts, Ginni began t travel the wrld, eventually getting wrk teaching English in Japan and Chile. And it was in Chile she discvered she culd get last-minute cheap deals n ships ging t Antarctica frm the islands ff Tierra del Fueg, the suthernmst tip f the Suth American mainland. “I just decided I wanted t g,” she says. “I had n idea abut what I’d find there and I wasn’t nervus, I just wanted t d it. And I wanted t d it alne as I always prefer it that way.”
    In March 2008, Ginni barded a ship with 48 passengers she’d never met befre, t begin the jurney twards Antarctica. “Frm seeing the wildlife t witnessing sunrises, the whle experience was amazing. Antarctica left an impressin n me that n ther place has,” Ginni says. “I remember the first time I saw a humpback whale; it just rse ut f the water like sme prehistric creature and I thught it was smiling at us. Yu culd still hear the peratic sunds it was making underwater.”
    The realizatin that this is a precius land, t be respected by humans, was ne f the biggest things that hit hme t Ginni.
    28.Which f the fllwing best explains “take the plunge” underlined in paragraph 2?
    A.Try challenging things.B.Take a degree.
    C.Bring back lst memries.D.Stick t a prmise.
    29.What made Ginni decide n the trip t Antarctica?
    A.Lvely penguins.B.Beautiful scenery.
    C.A discunt fare.D.A friend’s invitatin.
    30.What des Ginni think abut Antarctica after the jurney?
    A.It culd be a hme fr her.B.It shuld be easily accessible.
    C.It shuld be well preserved.D.It needs t be fully intrduced.
    31.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.A childhd dream.B.An unfrgettable experience.
    C.Sailing arund the wrld.D.Meeting animals in Antarctica.
    【答案】28.A 29.C 30.C 31.B
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了71岁的Ginni Bazlintn从小就对旅行有着深深的热爱,渴望探险,不再跳舞和孩子们成家立业之后,她开始周游世界,并在2008年开始了前往南极洲的旅程。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段第一句“After taking a degree at Chichester University in Related Arts, Ginni began t travel the wrld, eventually getting wrk teaching English in Japan and Chile.(在奇切斯特大学获得相关艺术学位后,Ginni开始周游世界,最终在日本和智利找到了教英语的工作。)”可知,此处是指做有挑战性的事情,所以take the plunge意为“尝试有挑战性的事情”。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“And it was in Chile she discvered she culd get last-minute cheap deals n ships ging t Antarctica frm the islands ff Tiera del Fueg. (正是在智利,她发现自己可以在最后一刻买到从火地岛附近岛屿前往南极洲的廉价船票)”可知,是折扣的票价让Ginni决定去南极洲旅行的。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The realizatin that this is a precius land, t be respected by humans, was ne f the biggest things that hit hme t Ginni. (意识到这是一块宝贵的土地,应该受到人类的尊重,这是Ginni最深刻的感受之一)”可知,旅行结束后,Ginni认为南极洲应该得到很好的保护。故选C。
    31.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了Ginni Bazlintn去南极旅行的经历,再根据第一段“These gentle lvely gatekeepers welcmed her and kick-started what was t be a trip Ginni wuld never frget. (这些温柔可爱的看门人欢迎了她,并开始了一次Ginni永远不会忘记的旅行)”和倒数第二段Ginni Bazlintn对南极之旅的评价可知,文章主要介绍了Ginni Bazlintn的南极洲之旅让她非常难忘。由此可知,An unfrgettable experience. (一次难忘的经历) 能够概括文章主旨。故选B。
    4(2022年全国乙卷B篇记叙文/书评)In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, N. Y.—Drthy Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd—traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. The girls had gne t Smith Cllege. They wre expensive clthes. S fr them t mve t Elkhead, Cl. t instruct the children whse shes were held tgether with string was a surprise. Their stay in Elkhead is the subject f Nthing Daunted: The Unexpected Educatin f Tw Sciety Girls in the West by Drthy Wickenden, wh is a magazine editr and Drthy Wdruff’s granddaughter.
    Why did they g then? Well, they wanted t d smething useful. Sn, hwever, they realized what they had undertaken.
    They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and, like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning. Sme mrnings, Rsamnd and Drthy wuld arrive at the schlhuse t find the children weeping frm the cld. In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.
    In Wickenden’s bk, she expanded n the histry f the West and als n feminism, which f curse influenced the girls’ decisin t g t Elkhead. A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed (牵涉) drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms. The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.
    Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism (坚忍) f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing. Here is a picture f Drthy Wdruff, n her hrse, lking dwn frm a hill tp: “When the sun slipped behind the muntains, it shed a rsy glw all arund them. Then a full mn rse. The snw was marked nly by small animals: fxes, cytes, mice, and varying hares, which turned white in the winter.”
    4. Why did Drthy and Rsamnd g t the Rcky Muntains?
    A. T teach in a schl.B. T study American histry.
    C. T write a bk.D. T d sightseeing.
    5. What can we learn abut the girls frm paragraph 3?
    A. They enjyed much respect.B. They had a rm with a bathtub.
    C They lived with the lcal kids.D. They suffered severe hardships.
    6. Which part f Wickenden’s writing is hair-raising?
    A. The extreme climate f Auburn.B. The living cnditins in Elkhead.
    C. The railrad building in the Rckies.D. The natural beauty f the West.
    7. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt.B. A bk review.C. A children’s stry.D. A diary entry.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B
    【导语】这是一篇书评。本文简要介绍了Drthy Wickenden的书籍并对其进行了评价。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd -traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. (1916年,来自纽约奥本市的两个富裕家庭的女孩——Drthy Wdruff和Rsamnd Underwd——来到落基山脉的一个定居点,在一间只有一个房间的学校教书。)”可知,Drthy和Rsamnd去落基山脉是为了去学校里教书。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning.(他们和一个当地家庭,哈里森一家一起搬进去,和他们一样,几乎没有隐私,很少洗澡,早上醒来时被子上覆盖着一层雪。)”以及“In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.(在春天,雪被泥替代覆盖在冰上。)”可知,女孩们的生活条件非常艰苦,她们饱受磨难。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms.(令人毛骨悚然的一段与铁路建设有关,这涉及到在令人眩目的暴风雪中钻穿落基山脉。)”可知,Wickenden的作品中涉及落基山脉的铁路建设这一部分是令人毛骨悚然的。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.(这本书以Rsamnd和Drthy回到奥本结束。)”以及最后一段“Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing.( Wickenden是个很好的讲故事的人。大地的辽阔和人们的坚忍使她创作出了一些美丽的作品。)”可知,本文简要介绍了Wickenden的书籍内容,并对其进行了评价,所以文本是一篇书评。故选B项。

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