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    There are fur yungest athletes wh wn the gld medal in the Olympics. Their achievements are recrded in the histry f prfessinal sprts.
    Marjrie Gestring
    Marjrie Gestring was nly 13 years and 268 days ld when she wn a gld medal fr her cunty. After 1936, the Olympies were spped fr the Secnd Wrld War. Fllwing the cnclusin f the war, she culd nt qualify fr the 1948 Lndn Olympics. Marjrie Gestring wuld have wn mre gld medals cnsidering her talent if nt fr the Wrld War II.
    Klaus Zerta
    Klaus Zerta was nly 13 years and 283 days ld when he wn a gld medal at the 1960 Olympics in Rme, Italy. He cperated with his teammates Bernhard Knubel and Heinz Renneberg t win the gld medal. Klaus was frm West Germany but represented the unified team f Germany at the Olympics. Mrever, he is the yungest cnfirmed male athlete t win the gld medal in the histry f the Summer Olympics,
    Fu Mingxia
    Chinese female diver Fu Mingxia is ppular fr being ne f the yungest Olympic diving champins. She wn a gld medal at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelna when she was just 13 years and 345 days ld. Her last Olympic gld medal came during the 2000 Sydney Olympics, which emphasized the envirnmental prtectin and the reductin in waste. With the furth gld medal, she jined Americans Pat McCrmick and Greg Luganis as the wrld's nly quadruple (四次的) Olympic diving champins.
    Nadia Cmaneci
    Nadia Cmaneci is a five time Olympic gld medalist. She is a retired gymnast and ne f the yungest athletes t win the gld medal. In 1976, she became the first gymnast t receive a perfect scre f 10. She was merely 14 years ld when she secured the gld medal at the 1976 Mntreal Olympics. Interestingly, back then, a gymnast had t be 14 t participate but later the age limit went up t16.
    1. Which f the fllwing players played team sprts?
    A. Marjrie Gestring.B. Klaus Zerta.C. Fu Mingxia.D. Nadia Cmaneci.
    2. Which Olympics might cme up with the cncept f “Green Olympics”?
    A. The 1948 Lndn Olympics. B. The 1992 Barcelna Olympics.
    C. The 1976 Mntreal Olympics.D. The 2000 Sydney Olympics.
    3. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. Klaus Zerta defeated Bernhard Knubel and Heinz Renneberg in 1960.
    B. Fu Mingxia wn mre Olympic-diving champins than Pat McCrmick.
    C. Marjrie Gestring didn’t participate in the Olympics because f the war in 1948.
    D. It is impssible t break Nadia Cmaneci's recrd as the yungest gymnast gld medalist.
    Lately, I’ve been traveling arund the wrld. N lnger am I waking up far away frm my hme, tired frm a late night f writing dwn the stries I cllected the day befre. Things are different nw, and each day my travels begin like this: 1 sit dwn at my dining table, usually early in the mrning r late at night when nbdy else is awake, and I listen t the radi.
    The radi statin is always frm smewhere that isn't here in New Yrk, and mst ften it cmes frm a free-t-use website called Radi Garden. Mve yur muse and maybe yu will land in Bujumbura, Burundi; in Dibrugarh, India; r n the edge f the Suth Pacific. Seemingly n matter hw large r small the bradcaster is, if it sends ut a signal nline, it can appear n the site and yu can listen t it.
    During the pandemic, Radi Garden, which is nw available as an app, at times attracted as many as 15 millin mnthly listeners. “We received many heartwarming emails frm peple stuck at hme expressing their gratitude fr the service,” said Jnathan Puckey, the site’s funder.
    Radi Garden began as a prject f the Netherlands Institute fr Sund and Visin, where designers and cmputer prgrammers verlaid (覆盖) statin streams with their gegraphical lcatins n a 3-D map f the wrld. As a result, there is mre than ne way t transmit. Visiting a cuntry like Clmbia brught back memries f past trips - - rmantic accrdin music reminding me f bus rides n the rural rads.
    Where will yu visit first n the Radi Garden glbe? Fr me, thrilling as it is t drp in n Ouagadugu r Ulaanbaatar r the Azres, it’s all abut persnal histry: I was brn and raised in New Yrk, but my family is frm everywhere—Latin America, the Middle East, and places in between. My ancestrs were merchants wh traded in gds and cultures. Nw, because f their wanderings, pieces f six languages still fly acrss ur dinner tables. Thanks t Radi Garden, my family can crss planes f space and time withut wrry!
    4. What des the first paragraph fcus n?
    A. The jys f radi travel.B. A scene f traveling by radi.
    C. A ppular way f traveling.D. The difference in this travel.
    5. What d we knw abut Radi Garden?
    A. It is affrdable.B. It is widely accepted.
    C. It is easy t maintain.D. It is based in New Yrk.
    6. What des the authr think is the greatest advantage f Radi Garden?
    A. Simplifying travel schedules.B. Making turism ppular again.
    C. Imprving the traveling experience.D. Prmting the virtual reality travel.
    7. What des the last paragraph imply?
    A. Radi Garden is expanding quickly.
    B. Radi Garden increases glbal cnnectins.
    C. Radi Garden benefits frm glbal awareness.
    D. Radi Garden facilitates the develpment f turism.
    Peple d physical exercise as part f their healthy lifestyle t get strnger and healthier.
    There are three basic mdes f physical exercise: flexibility exercise helps the human bdy in general r its part in particular t be able t reach farther and bend better; aerbic exercise helps the bdy wrk hard fr a lng time; anaerbic exercise makes the arms and legs strnger.
    It has lng been knwn that exercise is nt nly gd fr yur bdy, but als fr yur mind. Accrding t researchers, gymnasts are mre likely t be emtinally stable, ftball players the mst utging and swimmers the happiest.
    The psychlgical study, which was carried ut by experts, als revealed that sprts can als ffer clues t a persn’s attitude t charity, reading habits and even their vting intentins. Bxers, fr example, are mst likely t fcus n material pssessins in life. Meanwhile, runners tend t be utging peple wh lve being the centre f attentin. Walkers, a grup that includes thse wh enjy wandering and crss-cuntry races, are least cncerned abut ther peple and like ding things by themselves withut interruptin frm thers. Thse wh play chess are cnfident when they face challenges and truble. Thse wh swim tend t be tidy and charitable. Hwever, accrding t Mind Lab, 61 percent f adults are fnd f helping thers regardless f their chice f sprts.
    The results. frm this study als shw that n matter what kind f persn yu are, there is the right kind f exercise fr yu,
    8. Which f the fllwing sprts belngs t flexibility exercise?
    A. Running.B. Swimming.C. Ftball.D. Gymnastics.
    9. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. Walkers enjy lneliness in their lives.
    B. Bxers tend t ignre wealth in life.
    C. Runners have great pwer f cncentratin.
    D. Chess players like challenging ther peple.
    10. Why des the authr mentin Mind Lab in Paragraph 4?
    A. T make a cntrast.B. T draw a cmparisn.
    C. T place an emphasis.D. T give an example.
    11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw can yu chse suitable sprts?
    B. What kind f sprts can benefit yu mst?
    C. Hw can sprts keep yu mentally healthy?
    D. What des yur chice f sprts tell abut yu?
    Cnsumers in the U.S. spend billins f dllars a year n gifts wrapping. Tw clleagues and I wndered whether all that time and effrt is actually wrth it. S we cnducted three experiments t explre the impact f gift wrapping.
    In the first experiment, we invlved 180 students, wh were given a gift—a cffee cup with the lg f ne f tw NBA basketball teams, the lcal Miami Heat r rival (竞争对手) Orland Magic. Every participant was a fan f the Heat and they bviusly didn't supprt the Magic. We gave half f the students a desirable gift, while the thers received smething they disliked. Finally, half f the gifts were wrapped neatly, while the rest lked slppy (凌乱的).
    We fund that thse wh received a slppily wrapped gift liked their present significantly mre than thse wh received a neatly wrapped gift—regardless f which cup they gt.
    T understand why, we asked anther set f students t reprt their expectatins abut either a neatly r slppily wrapped gift. Results shwed that expectatins were significantly higher fr the neatly wrapped gifts. Hwever, receivers f the neatly wrapped gift reprted that it failed t live up t their expectatins, while thse wh gt the slppily wrapped gift said it surpassed (超过) their expectatins.
    In ur final experiment, we surveyed 261 adults and asked them t imagine receiving either a neatly r slppily wrapped gift. This time we instructed half f them t imagine the gift was frm a clse friend, while the ther half believed it came frm an acquaintance (熟人). Then we revealed the gift and asked them t rate it.
    When it came frm a clse friend, receivers ended up liking the slppily wrapped gift mre. Hwever, fr the gift frm an acquaintance, receivers preferred it when it was neatly wrapped. This ccurs because these participants used the wrapping as a cue fr hw much the gift-giver values their relatinship.
    S if yu’re stressed ver gift wrapping this hliday seasn, cnsider saving yurself effrt and mney by wrapping yur friends’ gifts haphazardly (随意地). But fr smene yu dn’t knw quite as well, it’s prbably wrth it t shw that yu put in sme effrt t make it lk gd with all f the beautiful bws.
    12. What did the researchers find in the first experiment?
    A. A desirable gift is expected t be wrapped slppily.
    B. Participants were mre interested in neatly wrapped gifts.
    C. A sppily wrapped gift can make the receiver much happier.
    D. Participants respnded the same t gifts with different wrappings.
    13. Why did the researchers carry ut the secnd experiment?
    A. T further explain the result f the first experiment.
    B. T cmpare receivers’ expectatins fr the same gifs.
    C. T knw why receivers have different expectatins fr gifs.
    D. T find ut the impact f wrapping n receives’ expectatins.
    14. What d neatly wrapped gifts shw accrding t the third experiment?
    A. The gift giver is very skilled at wrapping gifts,
    B. The gift giver has a clse relatinship with the receiver.
    C. The gift giver attaches great imprtance t the relatinship.
    D. The gift giver wants t becme a clse friend f the receiver.
    15. What des the authr want t d in the last paragraph?
    A. T give examples.B. T make suggestins.
    C. T make cmparisns.D. T present an argument.
    Des yur dg always want t g wherever yu’re ging and mst f the time, this behavir is welcmed? 16 Hwever, if yu find yur dg ding this t ften r if it’s accmpanied by ther trubling behavir like eating less, ging utside less ften r interacting less with ther family members, there culd be ptential issues.
    17 Usually, it’s simply ut f lyalty and the clse relatinship that’s been created with its wner, because he r she is the ne that prvides care and cmfrt and keeps it safe. Hwever, smetimes, yur dg wants t fllw yu pssibly due t smething negative. 18
    Dgs are emtinal animals and may feel anxius fr sme reasn smetimes. It may take much time and training t help yur dg wrk thrugh what’s causing the prblem 19 Yu’ll have t wrk with yur dg cnsistently r hire a prfessinal trainer.
    One way t stp yur dg frm fllwing yu might be putting it in a secure and reliable area. 20 If yur dg spends all f its time with yu and yu alne, it may express a dislike fr being away frm yu r interacting with ther humans r dgs.
    A. Yu and yur dg must have a similar lifestyle.
    B. Yu may think it’s because it lves and trusts yu.
    C. There are many reasns why dgs fllw their wners.
    D. Fr example, it culd be il, bred, nervus r stressed.
    E. Keep in mind that the behavir wn’t be cured vernight.
    F. Anther trick might be t make sure yur dg scializes enugh.
    G. This culd be especially true if dgs can take care f themselves.
    Michael Tdd wre the same clthes every day fr the first three weeks f high schl. When the ther kids began t 21 that he was wearing the same black pants and blue lng-sleeve shirt day after day, Tdd became the 22 f taunts (奚落) and laughter
    Tw f the kids 23 that were Garrett and Graham, a pair f freshman ftball players. But ver time, they realized that their abusive 24 felt like bullying (欺凌) and seemed t be slwly destrying Tdd’s spirit. Finally they understd 25 . S he and Garrett 26 a plan. They went hme and hunted 27 their wn drawers and clsets. The next day at schl, they 28 Tdd at their third perid class and asked him t cme int the hall. Tdd was 29 L afraid f being called ut by the larger bys.
    “We’re in the same third perid, and I 30 fr laughing at yu, and I want t give smething t yu t make it 31 .” Graham says. He then handed Tdd an enrmus bag. Inside were 32 shirts and shrts, plus a brand-new pair f New Balance sneakers. Tdd was blwn away, happy and 33 cmpletely.”
    And Tdd gt much mre than new clthes. He n lnger sits alne at lunch. Nw he eats with his new 34 , Garrett and Graham. Reflecting n the day Garrett and Graham called him int the hall, he said, “The 35 day f my entire life, basically”.
    21. A. predictB. nticeC. decrateD. appreciate
    22. A. targetB. effrtC. principleD. mtivatin
    23. A. mving nB. jumping nC. cunting nD. insisting n
    24. A. effectB. pwerC. wrdsD. thughts
    25. A. smethingB. nthingC. anythingD. everybdy
    26. A. canceledB. hatchedC. disturbedD. changed
    27. A. frB. verC. afterD. thrugh
    28. A. calledB. datedC. metD. abused
    29. A. purpselyB. excitedlyC. ccasinallyD. understandably
    30. A. careB. waitC. dislike D. aplgize
    31. A. upB. utC. clearD. dwn
    32. A. ldB. cleanC. fashinableD. expensive
    33. A. annyedB. cnfusedC. shckedD. embarrassed
    34. A. clthesB. sneakersC. friendsD. classmates
    35. A. bestB. hardestC. funniestD. prest
    Thangka artists in Gj Cunty, Tibet Autnmus Regin, are painting their way t success by adding fresh design elements t this 36 (cnventin) art frm. The cunty, lcated in eastern Tibet, is 37 center fr ancient Tibetan art frms such as thangka paintings.
    Thangka artists in Gj 38 (main) practice the Mansar style f Tibetan thangka paintings, 39 started in the 17th century. Accrding t the cunty gvernment, Gj has 11 thangka painting cperatives (合作社) and mre than 200 artists. The ttal incme 40 (earn) by thangka paintings in the cunty was ver 10 millin yuan in 2019.
    But 41 sets these artists apart frm thangka artists in the rest f Tibet is that they have adapted their style f painting t invlve cntemprary scenes and themes. Last year, the tp thangka artists frm each f Gj’s painting cperatives teamed up 42 be (create) sme giant paintings. S far, these masters 43 (prduce) a series f thangka wrks 44 (describe) China’s 56 ethnic grups as well as the experiences f peple wh have been lifted ut f 45 (pr), which win ppularity nline.
    参考词汇:汉字字源网站Chinese Etymlgy
    On a recent Saturday evening, my wife, my sn Jack and I were having dinner when we heard the sunds f a grup f kids talking in the street, utside ur hme. Then ut f the blue came tw lud thuds (闷响) abve ur bedrm windw, fllwed by the nise f laughter and lite kids running away dwn ur street.
    I turned n the external lights and rushed utside, unsure f what had caused the tw thuds r what damage I culd expect t see. The silence f the night was brken by the distant laughter f the neighbrhd kids. At that mment I wanted t run after them. Hwever, running bareft n the rad in the dark wasn’t a wise thing.
    The light abve ur garage helped me t identify just what had happened. Our hme had been the victim f “an egg bmbing”! Faced with the need t clean up this sticky mess, I was annyed with the kids’ bad tricks. I decided t remve the mess the next mrning.
    The next mrning, I walked ut t check the stains left by the tw eggs, fllwed by little Jack with a bk in his hand. “Where are the egg stains?” he asked. I sn fund them and pinted t them. Tw patches (小块) f yellwish egg stains were n the wall abve a large and wide metal awning (雨棚). Right belw the awning was ur frnt bedrm windw. Our metal awning had a strng ability t prtect this windw frm rain and ther heavy things that culd pssibly fall dwn.
    After I pinted t the egg stains, Jack angrily said, “Bad kids.” Then, as usual, he walked t the bench belw the frnt bedrm windw and sat dwn t read his strybk. Jack liked reading there each mrning. While Jack was reading, I carried a mp and placed a ladder n the frnt wall beside the bedrm windw. I was ready t wash ff the dry egg stains. I knew the task was challenging. My annyance with the bad kids reached the level f the night befre. Angrily, I climbed the ladder. Minutes later, I cleaned up the first egg stain.
    1—5 BDDBB6—10 DBDAA11—l5 DCACB16—20 BCDEF
    21—25 BADCA26—30 BDCDD31—35 ABCCA
    36. cnventinal37. a38. mainly39. which40. earned41. what
    42. t create43. have prduced44. describing45. pverty
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Mr. Richard Sears,
    I am writing t invite yu t give us a lecture fr the Chinese Traditinal Culture Week t be held in my schl next mnth.
    As the funder f the website called Chinese Etymlgy, yu are knwn as “Uncle Hanzi”. Yu have researched int hw Chinese characters develped in different perids and established a database. Because f yur hard wrk, Chinese culture is better knwn in the wrld nw. S, will yu give us an ne-hur lecture, sharing yur research and persnal stry?
    We are lking frward t yur early reply.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Just then, I was surprised t find ne piece f glass in the windw just belw the awning badly cracked. “Hw dangerus it is! If it fell, it wuld.” I dared nt cntinue t imagine what wuld happen next, nticing the piece f glass which was n the edge f drpping. It wuld fell n the very place where Jack sat dwn t read bks every mrning. A fld f fear welled up in me at the thught f this terrible scene. At that mment, the yellwish egg strains were mre a warning frm the kids than a bad trick when I saw the cracked glass again.
    Feeling a sense f luck instead f anger, I began handling the cracked glass. After Jack was called away frm the place in case f danger, I climbed the ladder slwly, apprached gradually and tuched the glass gently. It was n wnder that the piece fell n the bench where Jack sat just nw. Jack widened his muth at the sight f the fallen glass pieces. Seeming t be lst in thught fr a mment, then Jack said t me and my wife. “I am s lucky t have thse ‘bad’ kids”. “We might take a psitive view f ‘bad things’ in life”, said I.Dear Mr. Richard Sears,
    Li Hua
    Just then, I was surprised t find ne piece f glass in the windw just belw the awning badly cracked.
    Feeling a sense f luck instead f anger, I began handing the cracked glass.

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