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    1.What is the weather like tday?
    A. It is fggy.B. It is sunny.C. It is rainy.
    2.What will Jessie d this Saturday?
    A. She will have a picnic
    B. She have t finish her hmewrk.
    C. She will take a part-time jb.
    3.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a library.B. In a bkstre.C. In a classrm.
    4.When d the speakers decide t meet?
    A. On Sunday mrning
    B. On Saturday mrning.
    C. On Saturday afternn.
    5.Wh thinks the new teacher is humrus?
    A. Nancy.B. Jack.C. Angelina.
    6.Hw lng did Nancy stay in New Zealand?
    A. One week.B. Three mnths.C. Five mnths.
    7.What might be Nancy's jb?
    A. A travel agent.
    B. A marketing manager.
    C. A teacher.
    8.What did James buy?
    A. A cat.B. A pair f shes.C. A scarf
    9.Hw much did James spend n Black Friday?
    A. $50.B. $250.C. $500.
    10.Why did Vivian buy nthing n Black Friday?
    A. She wanted t save mney fr her plan.
    B. She didn’t like shpping festivals.
    C. She didn’t like the gds n sale.
    11.Where des Jhnsn g t cllege?
    A. In Britain.B. In Australia.C. In France.
    12.What des Jhnsn think f his schl life?
    A. Ordinary.B. Exciting.C. Clurful.
    13.What will Jhnsn d when he returns t his hmeland?
    A. Jin his friend’s cmpany.
    B. Establish his wn cmpany.
    C. G t a freign cmpany.
    14.Hw lng did William stay at Munt Tai?
    A. One day.B. Tw days.C. Three days.
    15.When did William arrive at Munt Tai?
    A. On June 5th.B. On June 6th.C. On June 7th.
    16.Hw did William cme back?
    A. By train.B. By plane.C. By car.
    17.What’s the speaker’s last suggestin n hw t get ready t g fishing?
    A. Preparing fd and drink.
    B. Getting up early.
    C. Taking warm clthes.
    18.Where des the speaker usually g fishing?
    A. T the river.B. T the lake.C. T the sea.
    19.Why des the speaker like fishing?
    A. It’s peaceful.B. It’s exciting.C. It’s ppular.
    20.What d we knw abut the speaker?
    A. He ften enters fishing cmpetitins.
    B. He usually ges fishing alne.
    C. He thinks fishing difficult.
    As the electric vehicle market cntinues t expand, mre affrdable EV mdel ptins are becming available t cnsumers wrldwide. One such cmpetitr is the BYD Dlphin, an electric vehicle that has gained attentin recently fr its affrdability and features.
    Affrdable Pricing
    The BYD Dlphin stands ut fr its cmpetitive pricing. In fact, with a starting price f just 38,890 dllars befre n-rad csts, the BYD Dlphin is actually the mst affrdable EV in Australia. And despite its affrdability, the Dlphin desn’t cmprmise (妥协) n features, making it an attractive ptin fr budget-cnscius cnsumers.
    Dlphin Charging Time
    When charging at hme, the Dlphin typically takes apprximately 8 hurs and 38 minutes t reach a full charge frm zer. Alternatively, using rapid DC charging statins, the Dlphin can achieve a significant charge in just 29 minutes.
    Impressive Safety Features
    Safety is uppermst, and the BYD Dlphin desn’t disappint. With a 5-star ANCAP safety rating and a hst f standard safety features, buyers can feel cnfident in this EV’s safety credentials.
    Fr mre infrmatin n the BYD Dlphin, please click here.
    21.What’s the starting price f BYD Dlphin befre n-rad?
    A. S38,980.B. $38,890.C. $38,809.D. $39,880.
    22.Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the passage?
    A. Custmers are wrried abut BYD Dlphin’s safety.
    B. The BYD Dlphin easily gets charged fully when charging at hme.
    C. Custmers have t pay ¥38, 890 when buying a BYD Dlphin.
    D. The BYD Dlphin has gained wide ppularity fr its price and unique features.
    23.Where is the passage prbably frm?
    A. A web page.B. A newspaper.C. A nvel.D. A reprt.
    Fr the past century, peple f all ages have sung a fur-line tune t mark their lved nes’ birthdays. Happy Birthday t Yu was described by Guinness Wrld Recrds as the mst frequently sung English-language sng. But few knw the names behind it: Mildred Jane Hill and Patty Smith Hill.
    In 1893, the Hill sisters c-wrte and published a tune called Gd Mrning t All. Their gal was t create sngs that expressed wrds and emtins and ideas fitted t the limited musical ability f a yung child. Patty tested ut the sng, set t the same meldy (旋律) as “Happy Birthday” n her kindergarten students. The lyrics went like this: “Gd mrning t yu /Gd mrning t yu /Gd mrning, dear children /Gd mrning t all.”
    Hw and when did these lines change int “Happy Birthday”? In Luisville, lcals ften went t the Little Lmhuse, a cabin that nw huses a nnprfit arts rganizatin. “The stry ges that the sisters were at a birthday party at the summer cabin, and that’s where the lyrics were changed,” says a directr at Luisville’s Frazier Histry Museum.
    Happy Birthday may be the Hill sisters’ main claim t fame, but their impact n American histry ges far beynd the belved sng. Patty is the reasn peple nw attend kindergarten. She intrduced the prgressive philsphy f early childhd teaching, which stresses the imprtance f children’s creativity and fcuses n scial and emtinal well-being in additin t academic learning. She was cnvincing the public that kindergarten was nt just wrthwhile but abslutely necessary.
    Mildred was an internatinally knwn pianist. She als acted as a histrian f Luisville’s music scene. She cllected examples f the unique sngs and pushed fr the music’s preservatin.
    24.What des the authr tell us in paragraph 1?
    A. The creative inspiratins fr the Hill sisters.
    B. The ppularity f Happy Birthday t Yu.
    C. The wrldwide reputatin f the Hill sisters.
    D. The main rigin f Happy Birthday t Yu.
    25.What can we knw abut Gd Mrning t All?
    A. It was full f mixed emtins.B. It was written by tw students.
    C. It was created fr yung kids.D. It was first used in music tests.
    26.What caused the change f the lyrics?
    A. The advice frm sme lcal peple.
    B. The request frm a nnprfit grup.
    C. The birthday party fr a lcal directr.
    D. The sisters’ attendance at a birthday party.
    27.What did Mildred and Patty have in cmmn?
    A. They bth had a talent fr children music.
    B. They bth fcused n kids’ educatin.
    C. They were bth well-knwn as histrians.
    D. They bth made a great difference t the United States.
    In 2019, tiny green plants sputed (发芽) n the mn. The plants arrived as cttn seeds, carried by Chang’e 4, a Chinese spacecraft that had landed, in a histric first, n the far side f the mn, the side that never turns tward Earth. The seeds came with the cmfrts f hme: Water, air, sil, and a heating system fr warmth. Hwever, abut a week later, they all died. Lunar night had set in. Withut enugh sunlight, surface temperatures near the spacecraft suddenly lwered t-52 degrees Celsius. The heating system wasn’t designed t last. The plants frze. Outer space, as yu might expect, is nt kind t plants, r peple, r mst living things.
    China’s experiment marked the first time bilgical matter has been grwn n the mn. But plants have blssmed (开花) in space fr years. They just need a little mre care and attentin than their peers grwing n earth. Plants are planted inside special rms equipped with artificial lights pretending t be the sun. Seeds are planted in nutrient-rich substance with fertilizers (化肥). Water unable t flw n its wn, is administered carefully and precisely t rts.
    Scientists are thinking abut mre than nutritin in these planting experiments. Research has shwn that gardening is sthing and can be beneficial fr gd mental health. Future deep-space astrnauts, wh are in a small spaceship fr a lng time with the same peple, will need all the sthing activities they can find. Plants, especially flwers, grwn nt fr cnsumptin but fr decratin may help the astrnauts feel cnnected t the cmfrts f Earth. “There’s a great deal f jy in grwing and watering the plants and prducing a flwer,” Rbinsn, the ISS(Internatinal Space Statin)scientist says. “There can als be sme real sadness if plants yu’ve been cultivating are nt successful and are dying.”
    28.What led t the plants’ death?
    A. Lw temperature.B. Unfamiliar surrundings.
    C. T much sunlight.D. Nt enugh water.
    29.Hw can a plant blssm in space?
    A. Let it grw in natural envirnment.B. Mark its grwth every day.
    C. Prvide it with artificial lights.D. Equip it with a water pump.
    30.What des the underlined wrd “sthing” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Bring.B. Relaxing.C. Disappinting.D. Satisfying.
    31.What can we infer frm Rbinsn’s wrds?
    A. Planting is a hardwrking task fr astrnauts.
    B. Only prducing a flwer brings astrnauts jy.
    C. It is a pity that sme plants are nt cultivated.
    D. Bth delight and sadness exist in planting.
    When I interview the students fr admissin t my institutin, Pitzer Cllege, I usually ask them the same questin, “What d yu lk frward t the mst in the university?”. I was surprised and delighted recently when a student sat acrss frm and replied, “I lk frward t the pssibility f failure.” Of curse, this is nt hw mst students respnd t the questin when sitting befre the persn wh can make decisin abut their academic futures, but this yung man tk a risk. “Yu see, my parents have never let me fail,” he said. “When I want t take a chance at smething, they remind me it’s nt a safe rute t take. Taking a mre rigrus curse r trying an activity І may nt succeed in, they tell me, will ruin my chances at cllege admissin.”
    Kids all ver the wrld admit they are under heavy pressure t be perfect. S students are usually in shck when I tell them I never expect perfectin. Hw culd a dean (院长) f admissin at ne f America’s mst selective institutins nt want the best and the brightest ? The reality is(that)perfectin desn’t exist.
    I’ve spent enugh time in high schls t knw teenagers will never be perfect. They d silly things, mess up, fall dwn, and lack cnfidence. The lessns f failure can’t be taught in a classrm; they are experienced and reflected upn. During my weekend f interviews, anther student tld me, “I’m ashamed t admit I failed English, but I decided t take it again and gt a B-plus. I’ m nw taking English lessns, and even thugh I dn’t lve it, I’m glad I pushed thrugh!” I asked him what he learned frm the experience. “I learned t let g f shame,” he said. “I realized that I can’t let a grade define my success. I als learned that if yu want anything bad enugh, yu can achieve it.”
    I smiled as I wrte his wrds dwn n the applicatin-review frm. This kid will thrive n my campus. Nt nly will the cllege teachers lve him, but he has the skills he needs t adjust t the life in a cllege. Failure is abut grwth, learning, vercming and mving n. Let’s allw yung peple t fail. Nt nly will they learn smething, it might even get them int cllege.
    32.What can we learn frm the student mentined in paragraph 3?
    A. Teachers can help students t admit failure.
    B. Parents define their children’s success by grades.
    C. Yung peple spend enugh time letting g f shame.
    D. Teenagers get lessns f failure thrugh experiences.
    33.Which f the fllwing statements may the authr disagree with?
    A. T make errr is human and nbdy can achieve perfectin.
    B. Pursuing perfectin puts t much pressure n kids.
    C. A student shuld keep pushing fr what he wants and try t avid failure.
    D. Failure is viewed as an unavidable but valuable learning pprtunity.
    34.Why did the authr smile as he wrte the student’s wrds dwn?
    A. Because the cllege teachers wuld lve the student fr his perfectin.
    B. Because he succeeded in recmmending the student t enter the cllege.
    C. Because the student realized his dream f being a perfect persn.
    D. Because he thught the student wuld have a prmising future.
    35.What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Learn t FailB. Live t Learn
    C. Try t SucceedD. Decide t Experience
    36.Family Camping Guide: Ensuring Safety And Fun Fr Everyne
    Are yu planning a family camping trip? Whether it’s a weekend getaway r a lnger adventure, spending time utdrs can be a wnderful bnding experience fr families. Hwever, as exciting as camping can be, safety must cme first. ①_______.
    Check the Weather Frecast Befre Heading Out
    ②_______. Because Mther Nature can be unpredictable. This step ensures yu pack the apprpriate clthing and ready fr unexpected weather changes. In case the weather turns chilly r rainy, bring light jackets and umbrellas t stay cmfrtable. On sunny camping days, dn’t frget t pack sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen fr sun prtectin.
    While explring the great utdrs, being aware f dangerus plants and animals is very imprtant. Infrm yur kids that pisnus plants, such as pisn ivy, ak, r sumac, might cause skin irritatins and rashes. Teach them hw t identify these plants and the imprtance f aviding cntact with them. In additin, it’s best t discuss with yur family the ptential encunters with wildlife and hw t handle them safely. Remind them nt t apprach r feed bears, raccns, r squirrels. ④_______, they can be dangerus if prvked (挑衅,激怒).
    Pack a First Aid Kit
    Accidents culd happen n camping grunds, s preparing a well-stcked first aid kit is essential. The basics shuld include adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, adhesive tape, and tweezers.
    ⑤_______, it’s time t hit the rad. Happy camping!
    A. While these animals seem cute
    B. Packing a first aid kit with basic supplies
    C. Be Cautius f Dangerus Plants and Animals
    D. Bringing light jackets and umbrellas fr chilly r rainy weather
    E. Checking the weather befre heading fr yur family camping trip is essential
    F. Nw that yu have these essential tips fr a safe and enjyable family camping trip
    G. This guide has practical tips fr keeping everyne safe and having fun n a family camping trip
    Luke Celh recently transferred frm Brazil t attend schl in the United States. He understands that integrity and 1 are values appreciated in all cuntries and cultures. And Luke didn’t hesitate t 2 bth when he fund a pcket full f family 3 left behind in a(n) 4 jacket.
    Andy’s Attic is a clthing dnatin prgram at Luke’s new schl, and Luke recently 5 the jacket thrugh the prgram. Lcal resident Dave Kenney was the ne wh dnated the jacket.
    When Luke put n the cat, 6 he fund much mre than a warm cat. Inside the pcket, Luke discvered sme persnal 7 , including tw watches, a bracelet and tw diamnd rings!
    Luke 8 shared the news with his aunt Taryn Suza and tgether they set t wrk trying t 9 the wner f the items. With sme detective wrk, they were 10 t find Dave. Of curse, Dave was 11 t receive the prized pieces back, but he hadn’t even 12 that they were in the jacket!
    Earlier this year, bth Dave’s mther and wife passed away, s he was especially 13 t have back the wedding ring he’d bught fr his wife and items that had 14 his mther. Dave stated, “This fine yung man did the right thing. I ttally 15 what they did fr me and my family.”
    37.A. curageB. hnestyC. genersityD. bravery
    38.A. prmteB. avidC. exerciseD. learn
    39.A. treasuresB. factrsC. traditinsD. memries
    40.A. frgttenB. utdatedC. dnatedD. wrn
    41.A. discveredB. changedC. fundD. received
    42.A. in reliefB. ut f curisityC. t his surpriseD. with jy
    43.A. belngingsB. artC. materialD. gld
    44.A. immediatelyB. hesitantlyC. eventuallyD. happily
    45.A. knwB. recgnizeC. remindD. lcate
    46.A. readyB. likelyC. eagerD. able
    47.A. suppsedB. annyedC. surprisedD. excited
    48.A. mentinedB. realizedC. admittedD. imagined
    49.A. anxiusB. determinedC. gratefulD. amazed
    50.A. led tB. belnged tC. cme frmD. std fr
    51.A. appreciateB. acceptC. supprtD. understand
    52.Suth China theater festival t shwcase utstanding classics
    A ttal f 39 plays will be perfrmed as part f a special event ①_______(feature) utstanding Chinese stage prductins, accrding t the Ministry f Culture and Turism.
    Fcusing n shwcasing the ②_______ (achieve) f the cuntry’s theatrical circle ver the past decade, the event ③_______ (schedule) t take place in the cities f Nanning and Guilin, ④_______ (lcate) in suth China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autnmus Regin, frm July 17 t August 23, the ministry said at a press briefing n Wednesday.
    Cnsisting f 34 grand prductins and five plays tailred fr smaller theaters, the selected wrks include stries ⑤_______ revlve arund the funders f the Cmmunist Party f China, recrd the spirits f the times, and summarize the essence f fine ⑥_______ (traditin) Chinese culture, as well as ther classics.
    With a range f additinal ⑦_______ (activity), this event will be ⑧_______ great significance in imprving cultural cnfidence, strengthening the creatin f utstanding theatrical wrks, ⑨_______ advancing the high-quality develpment f the theater industry, said Huang Xiaju, ⑩_______ fficial with the ministry.
    Accrding t the ministry, 22 f the 39 selected plays will be live streamed fr the public during the perfrmance.
    53.假设你是李华。上周你的笔友Jhn送给你一本书Little Prince作为礼物,你想回赠一本中文书,希望通过这本书能让Jhn对中国文化有更深的理解。请你给Jhn写封邮件。
    1. 表达你的感谢之情。
    2. 简单介绍你回赠的书。
    Dear Jhn,
    Li Hua
    Betty was my best friend. My mm didn’t like her, but t me, she was a dg with a persnality. At seventeen, I fell in lve with the tiny, curly-haired dg. Betty was smart, t. I taught her tricks. She wuld sit by my feet and when I put a stick r a piece f carrt by her muth, I’d say “eat” and she wuld stand and bey. She lved ging fr walks with my friend and me. She danced arund us as if listening t ur cnversatins abut schl and clthes and mvies we’d seen.
    Smetimes, I sat with her in the frnt yard, letting her explre the sft grass. I’d tell her abut my friends, the mvies I liked and the tests I was abut t take. Betty wuld sit and stare at me as if listening t everything I tld her.
    Then my uncle, my mther’s yunger brther, came t live with us. He and his wife slept in my rm and I slept n the cuch. My mm didn’t want Betty’s curly fur all ver the living rm, s she slept in the utility rm (杂物间). Instead f being beside my bed as usual, she was ut f my aunt and uncle’s way. I hated their presence and kept Betty utside with me as much as pssible.
    But ne afternn, I went t get her frm the back yard and she wasn’t there. The back gate was partly pen. Had Betty been searching fr me? “Srry,” my uncle said. “I guess when I went thrugh the gate t check smething in my car, I frgt t clse it cmpletely.”
    I didn’t want his aplgy, s I cried and searched.
    I hugged Betty and asked uncle hw he fund her.
    解析:段落大意题。根据第一段Fr the past century,peple f all ages have sung a fur-line tune t mark their lved nes' birthdays.Happy Birthday t Yu was described by Guinness Wrld Recrds as the mst frequently sung English-language sng.But few knw the names behind it:Mildred Jane Hill and Patty Smith Hill.(在过去的一个世纪里,各个年龄段的人都会唱一首四行曲调来纪念他们所爱之人的生日。《祝你生日快乐》被吉尼斯世界纪录描述为最常唱的英文歌曲。但很少有人知道它背后的名字:MildredJaneHill和PattySmithHill。)可知作者在第一段中告诉我们《祝你生日快乐》的流行程度。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段In 1893,the Hill sisters c-wrte and published a tune called Gd Mrning t All.Their gal was t create sngs that expressed wrds and emtins and ideas fitted t the limited musical ability f a yung child.(1893年,希尔姐妹共同创作并发表了一首名为《大家早上好》的曲子。她们的目标是创作出一些歌曲,表达出适合小孩子有限的音乐能力的文字、情感和思想。)可知,《大家早上好》是为小孩子创作的。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段Hw and when did these lines change int "Happy Birthday"?In Luisville,lcals ften went t the Little Lmhuse,a cabin that nw huses a nnprfit arts rganizatin. "The stry ges that the sisters were at a birthday party at the summer cabin,and that's where the lyrics were changed," says a directr at Luisville's Frazier Histry Museum.(这些台词是什么时候以什么方式变成"生日快乐"的?在路易斯维尔,当地人经常去小卢姆豪斯,这个小屋现在是一个非营利艺术组织的所在地。路易斯维尔弗雷泽历史博物馆的一名负责人说:"故事是这样的,姐妹们在夏季小屋参加了一个生日聚会,歌词就是在那里被修改的。")可知姐妹俩参加了一个生日聚会,导致了歌词的变化。故答案为D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段Happy Birthday may be the Hill sisters' main claim t fame,but their impact n American histry ges far beynd the belved sng.(《生日快乐》可能是希尔姐妹成名的主要原因,但她们对美国历史的影响远不止这首受人喜爱的歌曲。)和最后一段Mildred was an internatinally knwn pianist.She als acted as a histrian f Luisville's music scene.She cllected examples f the unique sngs and pushed fr the music's preservatin.(米尔德里德是国际知名的钢琴家。她也是路易斯维尔音乐界的历史学家。她收集了这些独特歌曲的样本,并推动音乐的保存。)可知米尔德里德和帕蒂有一个共同点,他们都对美国产生了巨大的影响。故答案为D。
    解析:细节理解题。由本文第一段Hwever,abut a week later,they all died.Lunar night had set in.Withut enugh sunlight,surface temperatures near the spacecraft suddenly lwered t-52 degrees Celsius.The heating system wasn't designed t last.The plants frze.(然而,大约一个星期后,它们都死了。月夜已经来临。没有足够的阳光,航天器附近的表面温度突然降至零下52摄氏度。供暖系统的设计不能持久。植物都冻僵了。)可知,月球夜晚的低温是导致植物死亡的原因。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。由本文第二段Plants are planted inside special rms equipped with artificial lights pretending t be the sun.Seeds are planted in nutrient-rich substance with fertilizers(化肥).(植物被种植在特殊的房间里,房间里装有人造灯,假装是太阳。种子种植在营养丰富的化肥中。)可知,太空中,由于缺乏自然光照,植物需要在配备有人造光源的特殊房间内生长,以模拟太阳的光照条件,从而促进植物的生长和开花。故选C。
    解析:词义猜测题。由本文第三段Scientists are thinking abut mre than nutritin in these planting experiments.Research has shwn that gardening is sthing and can be beneficial fr gd mental health.(科学家们在这些种植实验中考虑的不仅仅是营养。研究表明,园艺是_____,对良好的心理健康有益。)可知,上下文表明,园艺被描述为对人们的心理健康有镇静或放松的作用。因此"sthing"意思是"令人放松的"。A.Bring.无聊的;B.Relaxing.令人放松的;C.Disappinting.令人失望的;D.Satisfying.令人满意的。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。由本文最后一段"There's a great deal f jy in grwing and watering the plants and prducing a flwer," Rbinsn,the ISS(Internatinal Space Statin)scientist says. "There can als be sme real sadness if plants yu've been cultivating are nt successful and are dying.""(国际空间站(ISS)的科学家Rbinsn说:"种植、浇水和开花是一件非常快乐的事情。如果你种植的植物不成功或正在死亡,也会有一些真正的悲伤。")可知种植中既存在喜悦也存在悲伤。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段The lessns f failure can't be taught in a classrm;they are experienced and reflected upn.During my weekend f interviews,anther student tld me, "I'm ashamed t admit I failed English,but I decided t take it again and gt a B-plus.I' m nw taking English lessns,and even thugh I dn't lve it,I'm glad I pushed thrugh!" I asked him what he learned frm the experience. "I learned t let g f shame," he said. "I realized that I can't let a grade define my success.I als learned that if yu want anything bad enugh,yu can achieve it."(失败的教训不能在教室里教授;他们经历和反思。在我周末的面试中,另一个学生告诉我:"我很惭愧地承认我英语不及格,但我决定再考一次,并得了B +。我现在正在上英语课,尽管我不喜欢,但我很高兴我坚持了下来!"我问他从这次经历中学到了什么。"我学会了放下羞耻,"他说。"我意识到我不能让一个分数来定义我的成功。我还学到了,如果你足够想要什么,你就能实现。")可知,作者在第三段中举的这个例子说明了青少年通过自己失败的经历获得了宝贵的教训,关于坚持不懈、自我接纳以及不让成绩定义自己价值的教训。重点是通过实际经历失败获得的教训,而不仅仅是在课堂上被告知这些教训。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段S students are usually in shck when I tell them I never expect perfectin.(因此,当我告诉学生们我从不期望完美时,他们通常会感到震惊。)最后一段Failure is abut grwth,learning,vercming and mving n.Let's allw yung peple t fail.Nt nly will they learn smething,it might even get them int cllege.(失败是成长、学习、克服和继续前进的过程。让我们允许年轻人失败。他们不仅会学到一些东西,甚至可能会进入大学。)以及全文内容可知,在整篇文章中,作者都强调了失败作为学习机会的重要性,并鼓励学生去接受它,而不是避免它。作者通过举例说明了学生从失败中获得了宝贵的教训,并因此成长。相比之下,C选项中的说法A student shuld keep pushing fr what he wants and try t avid failure.(学生应该坚持追求自己想要的东西,并尽量避免失败)与作者的观点相悖,因为作者认为失败是学习过程中的一个不可避免的部分,学生应该学会接受并从中学习。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段I smiled as I wrte his wrds dwn n the applicatin-review frm.This kid will thrive n my campus.Nt nly will the cllege teachers lve him,but he has the skills he needs t adjust t the life in a cllege.Failure is abut grwth,learning,vercming and mving n.Let's allw yung peple t fail.Nt nly will they learn smething,it might even get them int cllege.(我微笑着把他的话写在申请审查表上。这孩子会在我的校园里茁壮成长。不仅大学老师会爱他,而且他有适应大学生活所需的技能。)可知,作者之所以在写下学生的话时微笑,是因为作者被学生从失败中学习并坚持不懈的能力所打动。学生认识到成绩并不能定义成功,并克服了与失败相关的羞耻感,这展现了他的成熟和韧性。这些品质表明他是一个能够成长并在未来取得成功的学生。作者的微笑反映了他对学生的潜力的信心,以及他对学生的未来前景的乐观态度。故选D。
    解析:标题判断题。根据文章最后一段Failure is abut grwth,learning,vercming and mving n.Let's allw yung peple t fail.Nt nly will they learn smething,it might even get them int cllege.(失败是成长、学习、克服和继续前进的过程。让我们允许年轻人失败。他们不仅会学到一些东西,甚至可能会进入大学。)以及全文内容可知,文章主要讨论了将失败视为学习机会的重要性,而不是去避免它。作者举了学生从失败中学习并获得宝贵经验的例子,并因此成长。A选项LearntFail(学会失败),准确地概括了文章的主要信息,即失败是学习过程中的一个自然且必要的部分,学生应该学会接受并从中学习。故选A。
    ①根据空前内容“Hwever, as exciting as camping can be, safety must cme first.(然而,尽管露营很刺激,安全必须放在第一位。)”可知,露营的安全必须放在第一位。选项G“This guide has practical tips fr keeping everyne safe and having fun n a family camping trip(这份指南提供了实用的建议,以保证每个人的安全,并在家庭露营旅行中玩得开心。)”承上启下,承接上文指出露营的安全很重要;同时引出下文具体的建议。故选G。
    ②根据空后内容“Because Mther Nature can be unpredictable. This step ensures yu pack the apprpriate clthing and ready fr unexpected weather changes.(因为大自然是不可预测的。这一步可以确保你带上合适的衣服,并为意外的天气变化做好准备。)”可推测,天气变化是很难预测的,因此要提前做好准备。选项E“Checking the weather befre heading fr yur family camping trip is essential(在你的家庭野营旅行之前,检查一下天气是很重要的)”与下文内容相符,指的是要提前检查天气。故选E。
    ③空处为小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文内容“While explring the great utdrs, being aware f dangerus plants and animals is very imprtant. Infrm yur kids that pisnus plants, such as pisn ivy, ak, r sumac, might cause skin irritatins and rashes. Teach them hw t identify these plants and the imprtance f aviding cntact with them. In additin, it's best t discuss with yur family the ptential encunters with wildlife and hw t handle them safely.(在探索伟大的户外活动时,了解危险的动植物是非常重要的。告诉你的孩子有毒的植物,如毒葛、橡树或漆树,可能会引起皮肤刺激和皮疹。教他们如何识别这些植物,以及避免与它们接触的重要性。此外,最好和你的家人讨论一下可能遇到野生动物以及如何安全处理它们。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是要了解危险的动植物。选项C“Be Cautius f Dangerus Plants and Animals(小心危险动植物)”是本段内容的概括。故选C。
    ④根据空后的“they can be dangerus if prvked (挑衅,激怒).(他们可以是危险的,如果被激怒。)”可推测,空处的内容与下文存在转折关系。选项A“While these animals seem cute(虽然这些动物看起来很可爱)”指出动物很可爱,与下文动物如果被激怒有可能会很危险形成转折关系。故选A。
    ⑤根据下文“it’s time t hit the rad. Happy camping!(不管怎样,该上路了。野营快乐!)”可推测,空处为从句,为文章的总结。选项F“Nw that yu have these essential tips fr a safe and enjyable family camping trip(既然你已经掌握了这些安全愉快的家庭露营的基本技巧)”与下文形成一致,指的是既然已经掌握了这份指南的内容,那么我们就可以出发了。故选F。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.curage勇气;B.hnesty诚实;C.genersity慷慨;D.bravery勇敢。句意:他明白,在所有国家和文化中,正直和诚实都是备受推崇的价值观。根据下文"Earlier this year,bth Dave's mther and wife passed away,s he was especially ______ t have back the wedding ring he'd bught fr his wife and items that had ______ his mther."以及全文内容可知,Luke发现了那些物品后,就努力找到了主人,由此可知,他认为正直和诚实很重要。故选B。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.treasures财富;B.factrs因素;C.traditins传统;D.memries记忆。句意:当Luke在一件捐赠的夹克衫中发现一兜家庭珍宝时,他毫不犹豫地展现了自己的正直和诚实。根据下文"Inside the pcket,Luke discvered sme persnal ______ ,including tw watches,a bracelet and tw diamnd rings!"可知,他在夹克中发现的是一些珍宝。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.frgtten被遗忘的;B.utdated落伍的;C.dnated捐赠的;D.wrn磨损的。句意:当Luke在一件捐赠的夹克衫中发现一兜家庭珍宝时,他毫不犹豫地展现了自己的正直和诚实。根据下文"Lcal resident Dave Kenney was the ne wh dnated the jacket."可知,这件夹克是当地人捐赠的。故选C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.discvered发现;B.changed改变;C.fund发现;D.received收到。句意:Andy's Attic是Luke新学校的一个衣物捐赠项目,Luke最近就是通过这个项目获得了这件夹克衫。根据下文"When Luke put n the cat, ______ he fund much mre than a warm cat."可知,Luke通过这个项目获得了这件夹克。故选D。
    解析:考查介词短语及语境理解。A.in relief松了口气;B.ut f curisity出于好奇;C.t his surprise使他感到惊讶的是;D.with jy高兴地。句意:当Luke穿上外套时,令他惊讶的是,他发现的不仅仅是一件温暖的外套。通过下文"he fund much mre than a warm cat."以及下文"Inside the pcket,Luke discvered sme persnal ______ ,including tw watches,a bracelet and tw diamnd rings!"可知,Luke在夹克中发现了一些珍宝,这超出他的意料,由此可知,这件事令他惊讶。故选C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.belngings所有物;B.art艺术;C.material材料;D.gld金子。句意:在口袋里,Luke发现了一些私人物品,包括两块手表、一个手镯和两个钻石戒指!根据空后"including tw watches,a bracelet and tw diamnd rings!"可知,这些是一些私人物品。故选A。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.immediately立即;B.hesitantly迟疑地;C.eventually最后;D.happily高兴地。句意:Luke立即将这个消息告诉了他的姑姑Taryn Suza,两人开始一起努力寻找这些物品的主人。根据下文"tgether they set t wrk trying t ______ the wner f the items."可知,Luke看到这些珍宝后,立即将这个消息告诉自己的姑姑,并一起寻找物品的主人。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.knw知道;B.recgnize认出,识别;C.remind提醒;D.lcate位于,找出。句意:Luke立即将这个消息告诉了他的姑姑Taryn Suza,两人开始一起努力寻找这些物品的主人。根据下文"With sme detective wrk,they were ______ t find Dave."可知,两人开始寻找这些物品的主人,并找到了Dave。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.ready准备好的;B.likely有可能的;C.eager渴望的;D.able有能力的。句意:经过一番调查,他们找到了Dave。根据下文"Of curse,Dave was ______ t receive the prized pieces back,but he hadn't even ______ that they were in the jacket!"可推测,他们找到了物品的主人。be able t d sth意为"能够做某事",符合句意。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.ready准备好的;B.likely有可能的;C.eager渴望的;D.able有能力的。句意:经过一番调查,他们找到了Dave。根据下文"Of curse,Dave was ______ t receive the prized pieces back,but he hadn't even ______ that they were in the jacket!"可推测,他们找到了物品的主人。be able t d sth意为"能够做某事",符合句意。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.anxius焦虑的;B.determined坚定的;C.grateful感激的;D.amazed惊叹的。句意:今年早些时候,Dave的母亲和妻子相继去世,所以他特别感激能找回他为妻子购买的婚戒以及属于他母亲的物品。根据上文"Earlier this year,bth Dave's mther and wife passed away"可知,这些物品的主人已经过世了,由此可推测,能够找回这些物品,Dave心存感激。故选C。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.led t导致;B.belnged t属于;C.cme frm来自;D.std fr代表。句意:今年早些时候,Dave的母亲和妻子相继去世,所以他特别感激能找回他为妻子购买的婚戒以及属于他母亲的物品。根据上文"the wedding ring he'd bught fr his wife"可推测,还有些物品是属于Dave的母亲的。故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.appreciate感激;B.accept接受;C.supprt支持;D.understand理解。句意:Dave说:"这个优秀的年轻人做了正确的事。我非常感激他们为我和我的家人所做的一切。"根据上文"s he was especially ______ t have back the wedding ring he'd bught fr his wife and items that had ______ his mther."以及常理可知,重新找回这些物品让Dave心存感激。故选A。
    52.答案:①featuring②achievement/achievements③is scheduled④lcated⑤which/that⑥traditinal⑦activities⑧f⑨and⑩an
    ①考查非谓语动词。句意:据文化和旅游部介绍,作为一场特别活动,将有39部优秀中国舞台作品上演。这里为非谓语动词担当后置定语,被修饰词“a special event”和动词“feature”之间为主动关系,用现在分词形式。故填featuring。
    ③考查时态和语态。句意:该部在周三的新闻发布会上表示,该活动计划于7月17日至8月23日在中国南部广西壮族自治区的南宁市和桂林市举行,重点展示过去十年来我国戏剧界取得的成就。这里为本句谓语动词,根据时间状语“frm July 17 t August 23”可知,这是计划好的事情,用一般现在时即可。主语为“the event”,单数,和动词“schedule”之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填is scheduled。
    ④考查非谓语动词。句意:该部在周三的新闻发布会上表示,该活动计划于7月17日至8月23日在中国南部广西壮族自治区的南宁市和桂林市举行,重点展示过去十年来我国戏剧界取得的成就。非谓语动词担当后置定语,被修饰词“the cities f Nanning and Guilin”和动词“lcate”之间为被动关系,用过去分词形式。故填lcated。
    ⑦考查名词的数。句意:文化和旅游部的一位官员黄小驹表示,此次活动将举办一系列附加活动,对于提升文化自信、加强优秀戏剧作品的创作、推动戏剧产业高质量发展具有重要意义。分析句子成分以及“a range f”可知,空处为名词的复数形式。故填activities。
    ⑧考查固定搭配。句意:文化和旅游部的一位官员黄小驹表示,此次活动将举办一系列附加活动,对于提升文化自信、加强优秀戏剧作品的创作、推动戏剧产业高质量发展具有重要意义。固定搭配:be f+名词形式,相当于“be+该名词的形容词形式”,用来说明主语的特征等。故填f。
    ⑨考查连词。句意:文化和旅游部的一位官员黄小驹表示,此次活动将举办一系列附加活动,对于提升文化自信、加强优秀戏剧作品的创作、推动戏剧产业高质量发展具有重要意义。空前“imprving cultural cnfidence, strengthening the creatin f utstanding theatrical wrks”和空后“advancing the high-quality develpment f the theater industry”之间为并列关系,用连词and连接。故填and。
    Dear Jhn,
    I hpe this email finds yu well. I want t express my heartfelt thanks fr the bk Little Prince yu gifted me last week. I thrughly enjyed reading it.
    In rder t express my appreciatin, I wuld like t give yu a Chinese nvel that I believe will prvide yu with insights int Chinese culture. The bk I have chsen fr yu is Dream f the Red Chamber, a classic masterpiece that shwcases the richness f Chinese literature and traditins.
    I hpe this bk will ffer yu a glimpse int ur culture. Let’s cntinue t stay in tuch and share ur lve fr literature and culture.
    Li Hua
    解析:本篇书面表达属于应用文。上周你的笔友Jhn送给你一本书Little Prince作为礼物,你想回赠一本中文书,希望通过这本书能让Jhn对中国文化有更深的理解。要求考生给Jhn写封邮件表达感谢之情并简单介绍回赠的书。
    保持联系:stay in tuch→keep in tuch
    喜爱:enjy→be fnd f
    原句:I want t express my heartfelt thanks fr the bk Little Prince yu gifted me last week. I thrughly enjyed reading it.
    拓展句:I want t express my heartfelt thanks fr the bk Little Prince yu gifted me last week, which I thrughly enjyed reading.
    [高分句型1]In rder t express my appreciatin, I wuld like t give yu a Chinese nvel that I believe will prvide yu with insights int Chinese culture. (运用了不定式作目的状语和that引导定语从句)
    [高分句型2]I hpe this bk will ffer yu a glimpse int ur culture.(运用了省略连接词that的宾语从句)
    I didn’t want his aplgy, s I cried and searched. I lked everywhere arund the neighbrhd, kncking n drs and asking everyne if they’d seen her. I called her name where we usually played tgether. At the same time, my mm, my uncle and aunt, and my friends were cming t help me search Betty. But this time she didn’t appear. Every night I prayed fr her safe return. Then tw days later, my uncle left withut breakfast. An hur later he was hme, with Betty sleeping sweetly in his arms.
    I hugged Betty and asked uncle hw he fund her. “I guess she may be picked up by the animal shelter, s I registered Betty’s infrmatin there and just nw the shelter infrmed me a kind persn fund Betty and sent her there.” he said. I felt relieved that she was hme safe and sund. My uncle felt very guilty and ffered t buy me anther dg t keep Betty cmpany utside. I knew he and my aunt were having a hard time and that it wasn’t his fault. S I tld uncle there was n need t buy anther dg. Frm this incident, I knew all my family members cared abut me.
    ①出现:appear/turn up
    [高分句型1]I called her name where we usually played tgether.(运用了where引导的地点状语从句)
    [高分句型2]I knew he and my aunt were having a hard time and that it wasn't his fault. (运用了省略that的宾语从句和that引导的宾语从句)

    江西省上饶市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测+英语: 这是一份江西省上饶市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测+英语,共15页。

    江西省上饶市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测+英语: 这是一份江西省上饶市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测+英语,共15页。

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