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    Experience the magic f theater t enhance yur daily life. Here are sme ptins fr yu t explre. Shakespearean Play at the Grand Theater The play is perfrmed at 3456 Oak Street. The seasn extends frm July t September, with special shws in May and Octber. Seasn pass hlders receive exclusive discunts. Phne: 987-6543.
    Imprvisatinal Cmedy Trupe This grup perfrms at the Cmedy Club lcated at 5678 Pine Street, ffering a series f shws frm April t July. Call 555-0123 fr mre details.
    Drama Ensemble The ensemble presents its perfrmances at the Civic Playhuse, situated at 7890 Maple Street, with a regular seasn running frm Nvember thrugh March and summer perfrmances in the Civic Park. Fr ticket inquiries, dial 123-4567.
    University Theater Department (UTD) Shws are typically hsted at the Mainstage Theater n campus. UTD ffers a diverse range f prductins. University students can attend the perfrmances fr free with their student ID. Fr further infrmatin, cntact 456-7890.
    Outdr Amphitheater It's lcated at 1234 Birch Street. This is a spacius utdr venue with cvered frnt rws and featuring well-knwn perfrmances thrughut the summer seasn! Phne: 321-9876.
    What number wuld yu dial t secure tickets fr a Shakespearean play? ______
    A. 987-6543
    B. 555-0123
    C. 123-4567
    D. 321-9876
    When can yu attend an Imprvisatinal Cmedy Trupe shw? ______
    A. In June
    B. In January
    C. In March
    D. In December
    Where can university students enjy free perfrmances with their student ID? ______
    A. At the Grand Theater
    B. At the Cmedy Club
    C. At the Mainstage Theater
    D. At the Outdr Amphitheater
    The anchring effect, a prevalent cgnitive bias in the financial sectr, significantly skews ur investment decisins. It serves as a mental shrtcut that simplifies cmplex financial assessments by relying n the first piece f infrmatin encuntered. This can lead t subptimal investment chices, as it may cause investrs t cling t utdated r irrelevant data, ignring mre recent and pertinent financial indicatrs. This is a primary reasn why sme financial advisrs can influence clients t maintain investments that are n lnger prfitable, and why certain investment firms can sustain higher fees despite market dwnturns.
    Cntrary t the assumptin that investrs are slely swayed by initial data pints, sme research suggests that when investrs are prmpted t reassess their psitins, they might perceive alternative investments as mre lucrative. Hwever, when faced with the decisin t act, they ften revert t the initial anchr. This culd explain the divergence between investrs' stated gals and their actual investment actins, such as hlding nt lsing stcks r cntinuing with underperfrming funds.
    It might be seductive t regard the anchring effect as an bstacle, smething t be surmunted as it might seem t hinder ur prgress tward achieving financial bjectives. Yet, adpting such a perspective culd be self-defeating, as it steers us tward a macr-level mindset where change is perceived as necessitating a radical and dramatic verhaul that investrs might nt be prepared t undertake. Sme financial literature prpses that the remedy fr the frustratin stemming frm anchring is t immerse neself in diverse investment pprtunities. While this might appear effective in the shrt term, it culd result in merely substituting ne set f risks fr anther, with the added danger f feeling verwhelmed and facing financial exhaustin.
    What if, instead, we culd leverage the anchring effect t ur advantage? Anchring is nt merely a limitatin but als a fundatin fr infrmed decisin-making and a pathway fr financial grwth. We can incrementally expand ur investment hrizns. By cnceptualizing anchring as a malleable cncept, we can mdify the cnditins within and arund ur financial strategies t create mre rm fr ur investment preferences t take rt and evlve steadily. Frm this vantage pint, we will start t make chices frm an increasingly diverse pl f valuable pprtunities.
    What enables financial advisrs t influence clients t maintain unprfitable investments? ______
    A. The superir investment strategy.
    B. The initial data pints.
    C. The anchring effect.
    D. The market dynamics.
    What insight can be gained frm the secnd paragraph? ______
    A. Initial data pints always lead t better investments.
    B. Investrs tend t disregard new financial indicatrs.
    C. The anchring effect has bth psitive and negative aspects.
    D. There is ften a gap between investment gals and actins.
    What is the authr's stance n the slutin prpsed by sme literature? ______ A. Critical.
    B. Accepting.
    C. Neutral.
    D. Cautius.
    Hw shuld we apprach the anchring effect accrding t the passage? ______ A. T cnsider it as an impediment.
    B. T priritize it abve all else.
    C. T replace it with a diverse range f investments.
    D. T subtly utilize it t expand ur investment perspectives.
    In the crprate jungle, lyalty ften trumps persnal gain, as demnstrated by a recent study n team dynamics. Researchers fund that emplyees are willing t frg individual recgnitin t maintain strng team bnds, even when it means missing ut n ptential career advancements.
    Dr. Alex Thrntn, a specialist in rganizatinal behavir, explained the study: "We mnitred the interactins f numerus emplyees within a cmpany, each identified with a unique cde. We created tw teams, Alpha and Beta, and set up a system where nly members frm the same team wrking tgether culd access exclusive resurces and pprtunities." If members frm different teams, Alpha with Beta, attempted t cllabrate, they were denied access. Individual effrts were rewarded with basic recgnitin, but nt the cveted pprtunities they sught.
    Thrntn said, "The gal was t see if emplyees culd frm new alliances fr better pprtunities. They might have allies in the wrng team. Wuld they abandn them t align with thse wh culd ffer better prspects? Emplyees prved t be strategic, quickly learning t leave behind less advantageus alliances fr better pprtunities. Hwever, they shwed a different side when it came t their cre team members, even if it meant frging pprtunities."
    Thrntn highlighted that emplyees were an ideal subject fr the study as they were intelligent and had cmplex scial netwrks within the cmpany. "Yu have individuals netwrking beynd their immediate team, engaging with a variety f clleagues. They are akin t the intricate dynamics f human sciety."
    Michael Kings, a prfessr f business psychlgy at the University f Exeter, cmmented, "These findings enhance ur cmprehensin f scial intelligence develpment, illustrating that the ability t mnitr and recall infrmatin abut team members can lead t cllective benefits."
    Accrding t the experiment, what d emplyees priritize abve all else?
    A. Their immediate team.
    B. Their prfessinal netwrk.
    C. Aviding career stagnatin.
    D. Securing individual pprtunities.
    What can be inferred abut the emplyees in the experiment?
    A. Emplyees frm different teams received basic recgnitin.
    B. Emplyees wrking alne received the exclusive pprtunities.
    C. Emplyees with their cre team received nthing.
    D. Emplyees frm the same team accessed exclusive pprtunities.
    Hw did the researchers cnduct the study?
    A. By making emplyees act like their cded identities suggested.
    B. By bserving hw emplyees interacted when cmpeting fr resurces.
    C. By examining the dynamics between the tw created teams.
    D. By cmparing emplyee behavir t that f ther rganizatinal mdels.
    What is the purpse f the final paragraph?
    A. T elucidate the brader implicatins f the research.
    B. T ffer ptential explanatins fr the bserved behavirs.
    C. T suggest practical applicatins f the study's insights.
    D. T critique ptential flaws in the research methdlgy.
    I was uncertain abut what I was seeking when I mved t Flrence, Italy, fr an art residency. I craved an artistic renaissance, a significant change frm the rutine f my hmetwn where my canvases felt uninspired. What I anticipated t be the mst transfrmative experience was my temprary studi: a mnthlng stay within the bustling cmmunity f lcal artists.
    At the time, I was dabbling in Renaissance art techniques, but there was s much I culdn't master r appreciate fully. As we strlled thrugh the cbblestne streets, my mentr wuld inquire if I was lst, then mimic a bewildered lk t ensure I grasped her meaning. In the atelier, she demnstrated the art f mixing pigments with her hands. My fellw artists wuld discuss their wrk, cnversing in a rapid, passinate manner that left me catching nly fragments, as we ventured dwn ancient alleyways; I'd listen and nd in understanding, albeit imperfect.
    This linguistic barrier was ddly liberating. In the familiar art classes back hme, I always felt the pressure t fit in. I'd carefully select my wrds, anxiusly attempting t avid being perceived as derivative r uninspired. In Flrence, the cncern fr perfect expressin vanished. I culd nly gesture and utter the few phrases I'd learned: "May I assist?" "Where is the muse?" "Is the artwrk cmplete?" My artist cmpanins chuckled at my awkward gestures and prnunciatin, but amidst their laughter, I felt embraced and unafraid f judgment.
    With my Italian artist family in the heart f Flrence, I discvered an artistic ease I'd never encuntered. We were a diverse grup, they and I, with differences stretching beynd language. Their hands were callused frm years f sculpting and painting; mine were sft frm a sheltered artistic upbringing. My clleagues had grwn accustmed t the challenges f the art wrld; I had nly knwn the cmfrts f an academic setting.
    Fr me, these differences highlighted the imprtance f authenticity ver cmparisn. Withut the usual scial benchmarks, I n lnger bsessed ver my standing. Only genuine attributes—like genersity and creativity—mattered.
    Why did the authr chse t g t Flrence fr an art residency?
    A. She aspired t a rebirth f her art.
    B. She was weary f the mntny back hme.
    C. She was required t study Renaissance techniques.
    D. She was cmpiling a new art curriculum.
    What des the wrd "shiver" in paragraph 2 imply?
    A. A gesture f shared cnfusin.
    B. An artistic shudder f inspiratin.
    C. A reactin t the cld.
    D. A mment f artistic awe.
    Hw did the authr interact in the art classes in her hme cuntry?
    A. She thrived in the creative atmsphere.
    B. She was cautius with her artistic expressins.
    C. She frequently initiated humrus discussins.
    D. She ften used humr t engage with thers.
    What valuable lessn did the authr glean frm her time in Italy?
    A. Artistic judgment is universal.
    B. The grandeur f art can make ne feel small.
    C. One's art reflects their lifestyle.
    D. Genuine kindness is a universal artistic virtue.
    The final stretch f yur cllege educatin is like a marathn, with the finish line in sight but the curse still demanding yur utmst effrt. It's an exhilarating time, as yu prepare t step int the prfessinal wrld. 16_______, but it can als be a time f great tensin. With the right apprach, yu can crss the finish line with pise and accmplishment.
    17______. Set a clear and detailed agenda fr yur thesis defense and ther key academic cmmitments. Break dwn these tasks int manageable parts and tackle them methdically. This will help yu avid the last-minute rush and keep yur research n track.
    Furthermre, it's essential t lk after yur health and well-being. 18______. Pursue hbbies that bring yu jy and relaxatin, such as gardening, phtgraphy, r simply engaging in meaningful cnversatins with yur peers. Maintaining yur well-being is vital fr staying fcused and ready t take n any academic challenges.
    Yu're nt alne in this academic marathn. Seek supprt when yu need it. Whether it's guidance frm yur prfessrs r mral supprt frm yur fellw students, 19______.
    Finally, keep a psitive utlk thrughut yur final year. Build a netwrk f mentrs and friends wh encurage yu and believe in yur capabilities. 20______. Recgnize that challenges are part f the prcess and use them as stepping stnes t success.
    The last year f cllege is a blend f emtins, but with these strategies, yu can make the mst f it and set the stage fr a successful career as yu mve frward.
    A. It's the mment t realize yur lng-held aspiratins.
    B. Start by rganizing yur time and resurces effectively.
    C. Ensure yu get adequate rest and pursue leisure activities.
    D. They can prvide insights and share their experiences.
    E. Stay clse t thse wh challenge and supprt yu.
    F. Remember t celebrate yur prgress and recgnize yur grwth.
    G. Cultivate a mindset that sees bstacles as pprtunities.
    I was n a lng-haul train jurney. The train was an ld-fashined, nn-heated ne, and it was incredibly crwded. Passengers wh were frtunate enugh t have a view f the scenery thrugh the windws seemed t be (21) ______ the bustling wrld utside. Thse wh were stuck in the aisles, with n place t sit, were (22) ______ leaning against the luggage racks.
    After what felt like an eternity, I was utterly (23) ______ and restlessly mved frm ne ft t the ther, trying t alleviate the (24) ______. Suddenly, I felt a gentle tap n my shulder. Turning arund, I saw an elderly wman with a warm smile, lking (25) ______ at me. She std up and gestured that I culd take her seat fr a while. I was taken aback and (26) ______ accepted her kind gesture. After a brief respite, I (27) ______ her t reclaim her seat. A yung man seated acrss the aisle had (28) ______ ur interactin.
    At that mment, an unexpected turn f events ccurred. The yung man gt up and ffered his seat t a weary traveler. Surprisingly, this (29) ______ f kindness ignited a chain reactin, and sn, almst everyne n the train fund a place t sit. Passengers (32) ______ began t cnverse, exchanging stries and laughter. The atmsphere became quite (33) ______ fr the remainder f the trip.
    This memrable experience has stayed with me t this day. It taught me a valuable (34) ______ that by sharing what we have, we can (35) ______ the burdens f thers and make this shared jurney mre bearable.
    21.A. absrbed by B. detached frm C. captivated by D. repelled by
    22.A. intermittently B. persistently C. spradically D. reluctantly
    23.A. drained B. intrigued C. agitated D. perturbed
    24.A. strain B. awkwardness C. tensin D. fatigue
    25.A. intently B. casually C. indifferently D. keenly
    26.A. hesitantly B. indifferently C. gratefully D. reluctantly
    27.A. prmpted B. implred C. urged D. insisted
    28.A. mnitred B. ignred C. anticipated D. verlked
    29.A. spntaneus B. calculated C. deliberate D. accidental
    31.A. cmmuters B. nlkers C. travelers D. bystanders
    32.A. gradually B. immediately C. reluctantly D. ccasinally
    33.A. cnvivial B. slemn C. tense D. mntnus
    34.A. lessn B. principle C. ntin D. belief
    35.A. alleviate B. impse C. share D. transfer
    The Dragn Bat Festival, als knwn as the Duanwu Festival, is a traditinal Chinese hliday celebrated natinwide ___36___ (remember) Qu Yuan, ne f the greatest pets f ancient China and the ___37___ (early) knwn by name. When Qu Yuan jumped int a river ut f lve fr his cuntry in 278 BC, peple ___38___ (desperate) rwed ut in bats t search fr him. This inspired the Dragn Bat Festival, which takes place each year n the fifth day f the fifth mnth f the Chinese calendar, ___39___ day when Qu Yuan died. Festivities vary in different parts f China, ___40___ they share several traditins, dragn bat racing included. Rwers sit in large dragn-shaped bats and rw them ___41___ the beat f a drum (鼓), which is usually played by smene ___42___ (seat) at the frnt f the bat. Anther feature f the celebratins is a ppular snack called zngzi r ___43___ (stick) rice dumplings. It is believed that zngzi, which represent gd luck, ___44___ (thrw) int the river t stp fish eating Qu Yuanˈs bdy. In sme parts f China, mugwrt (艾草) leaves can be seen ____45___ (hang) n drs r windws during the Dragn Bat Festival t discurage insects frm entering the huse.
    (1)历史悠久,可追溯到西晋(the Western Jin Dynasty);
    Dear Eric,______________
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I knew I wuld have a beynd-busy summer. I was set t be a junir teacher fr the Little Dragns Karate Camp, and I had als jined the summer swim team. But there was mre; Ollie and I had just launched ur dg-walking business, and we already had a cuple f clients lined up.
    "Yu might be biting ff mre than yu can chew," my mm said with a warning glance when I shared my plans, adding, "I want t d everything!"
    "Dn't wrry," I replied with a grin. "I have strng teeth!"
    My mm smiled back. "In this case, it's yur rganizatinal skills, nt yur teeth, that need t be strng." I brushed ff her cncern.
    The first week was surprisingly manageable. With Ollie away and the karate camp still n the hrizn, I nly had my swimming gear t wrry abut. The secnd week was equally smth. I swam and even received a cmpliment frm a Little Dragn at the karate camp, wh declared me his favrite teacher.
    Hwever, I sn realized that juggling tw activities was mre challenging. My backpack was already full with swim gear, s I needed a separate ne fr my karate attire. Navigating frm the karate camp t the pl with tw backpacks was n easy feat, but I was still in cntrl—until Ollie returned.
    "We're behind n ur business preparatins!" he exclaimed. "We need t use every spare minute t get things in rder."
    "But I dn't have any spare minutes!" I prtested.
    "Did yu frget we agreed t walk Alfie every Saturday and Muffin n Tuesdays at 4:00?" Ollie reminded me. I culdn't let him dwn, s I prcured a third backpack, filling it with dg tys, treats, and plastic bags. I thught I had everything figured ut.
    But I was mistaken. It didn't take lng fr the chas t ensue. My belngings fr dg-walking, karate, and swimming were sn a tangled mess, ften frgtten r misplaced. One day, I left my karate backpack behind and had t brrw an ill-fitting utfit frm Emma. The next, I remembered my karate gear but neglected my swimsuit, frcing me t spend the afternn assisting at the snack shp instead f swimming. And n anther ccasin, when I reached int my dg-walking backpack fr plastic bags, all I fund were misplaced swim gggles and sunscreen.
    As the summer days grew htter, the pressure munted. I was determined t excel in all my cmmitments, but the munting disarray threatened t unravel my carefully laid plans. Little did I knw, a twist f fate was just arund the crner, ne that wuld challenge my reslve and frce me t reevaluate my pririties. But that's a stry fr anther day...注意:
    Wrse still, I had t keep track f all the special times.
    Luckily, I, with my parents, came up with a slutin t get rganized.
    A篇: 文体:这篇是应用文,包含不同的剧院和表演团体提供的演出信息。 主题:介绍不同的剧院和表演团体的演出时间和联系方式,以及特定优惠信息。 主要内容:列举了五个不同的表演场所和他们各自的演出时间、地点、联系方式和特别优惠。
    问:拨打哪个号码可以预定莎士比亚戏剧的票? 答:A. 987-6543 解析:根据第一段中的信息,莎士比亚戏剧在Grand Theater上演,时间为7月至9月,5月和10月有特别演出,季票持有者享有独家折扣,联系电话为987-6543。因此,预定莎士比亚戏剧的票应该拨打这个号码。
    问:你什么时候可以参加即兴喜剧团队的表演? 答:A. In June 解析:第一段提到即兴喜剧团队在Cmedy Club的演出时间是从4月到7月,因此6月是他们演出的月份之一。
    问:大学学生可以在哪个剧院免费观看表演? 答:C. At the Mainstage Theater 解析:第三段提到University Theater Department (UTD) 在校园内的Mainstage Theater举行演出,大学生可以使用学生证免费观看表演。
    B篇: 文体:这是一篇论述文,探讨锚定效应在金融投资决策中的影响及其潜在的解决方法。 主题:锚定效应如何影响投资决策,并提出利用锚定效应的思考方式。 主要内容:锚定效应是一种认知偏差,它会导致投资者依赖初次接触到的信息,忽略新的金融指标,影响他们的投资决策。
    问:金融顾问如何影响客户维持无利可图的投资? 答:C. The anchring effect. 解析:第二段提到,由于锚定效应,投资者可能会维持不再盈利的投资,而金融顾问能够利用这一效应影响客户。
    问:从第二段可以得出哪些洞见? 答:D. There is ften a gap between investment gals and actins. 解析:第二段阐述了投资者在面对重新评估时可能会看到其他投资选项,但当需要做决定时,他们往往回到最初的锚定上。这解释了投资者声明的目标和实际投资行动之间的差异。
    问:作者对某些文献提出的解决方案持什么态度? 答:A. Critical. 解析:最后一段中,作者对文献提出的通过沉浸在不同的投资机会中来解决锚定效应带来的挫败感持批评态度,认为这可能会简单地用另一套风险替代当前的风险,并有可能导致投资者感到不知所措和财务上的疲惫。
    问:根据文章,我们应该如何对待锚定效应? 答:D. T subtly utilize it t expand ur investment perspectives. 解析:文章最后一段强调,我们应该巧妙地利用锚定效应来拓宽我们的投资视野,而不是将其视为障碍。
    C篇: 文体:这篇文章是一篇叙事文,讨论了忠诚在团队动态中的重要性。 主题:研究显示员工愿意为了维持团队联系而放弃个人认可。 主要内容:通过对公司内员工互动的观察,研究者发现员工更倾向于保持团队的紧密联系,即使这意味着错过潜在的职业发展机会。
    问:根据实验,员工最优先考虑的是什么? 答:A. Their immediate team. 解析:最后一段中提到,尽管员工在策略上能够放弃不那么有利的联盟以获得更好的机会,但当涉及到他们的核心团队成员时,他们表现出了不同的一面,即使这意味着放弃机会。这表明员工最优先考虑的是他们的直接团队。
    问:关于实验中的员工,我们可以推断出什么? 答:D. Emplyees frm the same team accessed exclusive pprtunities. 解析:第二段中提到,只有同一团队的成员一起工作才能获得独家资源和机会。如果来自不同团队的成员尝试合作,他们将被拒绝访问。因此,可以推断出同一团队的员工能够获得独家机会。
    问:研究人员是如何进行这项研究的? 答:C. By examining the dynamics between the tw created teams. 解析:第二段描述了研究人员创建了两个团队,Alpha和Beta,并设置了一个系统,考察了这两个团队之间的动态。
    问:最后一段的目的是什么? 答:A. T elucidate the brader implicatins f the research. 解析:最后一段通过Michael Kings教授的评论,阐述了这项研究如何增强我们对社交智力发展的理解,说明了记住和监控团队成员信息的能力可以带来集体利益,从而阐明了研究的更广泛影响。
    文体:这是一篇议论文,给出大学生活最后一年的建议。 主题:大学最后一年是情感的混合体,通过这些策略,可以充分利用它,并为成功的职业生涯打下基础。 主要内容:文章给出了几个关键策略,帮助大学生在最后一年保持积极态度,有效组织时间,关注健康和福祉,并建立支持网络。
    16题答案:A. It's the mment t realize yur lng-held aspiratins. 解析:这句话位于段落的开头,强调了大学最后一年是实现长期愿望的时刻,与后文提到的准备进入职业世界和以优雅和成就完成学业相呼应。
    17题答案:B. Start by rganizing yur time and resurces effectively. 解析:紧接着上文提到的“With the right apprach”,提出首先需要有效组织时间和资源,为后续提到的制定清晰详细的议程和分解任务做铺垫。
    18题答案:C. Ensure yu get adequate rest and pursue leisure activities. 解析:在提到关注健康和福祉之后,紧接着强调了要确保充足的休息和追求休闲活动,与后文提到的追求爱好和放松活动相一致。
    19题答案:D. They can prvide insights and share their experiences. 解析:在提到寻求支持时,这一句说明了教授和同学可以提供的是洞察力和分享经验,与前文的寻求指导和道义支持相吻合。
    20题答案:F. Remember t celebrate yur prgress and recgnize yur grwth. 解析:最后一句提到保持积极态度,建立鼓励和相信你能力的导师和朋友网络,紧接着提出要记得庆祝自己的进步并认识到自己的成长,与前文的积极看待和利用挑战作为成功的垫脚石相呼应。
    文体:这是一篇记叙文,描述了作者在长途火车旅行中的一次感人经历。 主题:通过分享和善举来减轻他人的负担,使共同的旅程更加轻松。 主要内容:作者描述了一次火车旅行中,由于拥挤和不舒服,一位老年妇女让座给作者,随后这种善举激发了一系列的连锁反应,使整个车厢的气氛变得和谐。
    答:C. captivated by 解析:原文中提到,有座位的乘客似乎被窗外忙碌的世界所吸引,"seemed t be captivated by the bustling wrld utside",表明他们对外面世界的景象感到着迷。
    答:B. persistently 解析:原文描述没有座位的乘客"were persistently leaning against the luggage racks",说明他们持续不断地倚靠在行李架上。
    答:A. drained 解析:作者感到"utterly drained",表示感到筋疲力尽,由于长时间站立。
    答:D. fatigue 解析:作者试图缓解"fatigue",即疲劳,通过不断地换脚站立。
    答:A. intently 解析:老年妇女"lking intently at me",表示她专注地看着我。
    答:C. gratefully 解析:作者对老年妇女的善意"accepted her kind gesture gratefully",表示感激地接受了她的好意。
    答:D. insisted 解析:作者在短暂休息后"insisted her t reclaim her seat",表示坚持让老年妇女重新坐下。
    答:A. mnitred 解析:年轻男子"mnitred ur interactin",即观察了我和老年妇女之间的互动。
    答:A. spntaneus 解析:年轻男子的"spntaneus act f kindness",即自发的善举,引发了一连串的反应。
    答:A. gradually 解析:乘客们"gradually began t cnverse",表示他们逐渐开始交谈。
    答:A. cnvivial 解析:车厢的气氛变得"quite cnvivial",即友好欢乐的。
    答:A. lessn 解析:作者学到了宝贵的"lessn",即教训或启示。
    答:A. alleviate 解析:通过分享,我们可以"alleviate the burdens f thers",即减轻他人的负担。
    答案:t remember 解析:"celebrate natinwide t remember",这里"t remember"作为目的状语,表示全国范围内庆祝的目的就是为了纪念。
    答案: earliest 解析:"ne f the greatest pets fancient China and the earliest knwn by name",这里"earliest"修饰pets,表示"最早已知的诗人之一"。
    答案:desperately 解析:"peple desperately rwed ut in bats t search fr him",这里"desperately"作为副词修饰动词rwed,表示人们绝望地划船去寻找。
    答案:the 解析:"which takes place each year n the fifth day f the fifth mnth f the Chinese calendar, the day when Qu Yuan died",这里"the day"特指端午节当天,故使用定冠词the。
    答案:but 解析:"Festivities vary in different parts f China, but they share several traditins",这里but用来表示转折,尽管各地的庆祝活动不同,但他们有一些共同的传统。
    答案:t 解析:"Rwers sit in large dragn-shaped bats and rw them t the beat f a drum",这里"t the beat"表示按照鼓点的节奏。
    答案:seated 解析:"which is usually played by smene seated at the frnt f the bat",这里"seated"是过去分词作定语,修饰smene,表示坐在船头的人通常是坐着的。
    答案:sticky 解析:"Anther feature f the celebratins is a ppular snack called zngzi r sticky rice dumplings",这里"sticky"作为形容词修饰rice dumplings,表示"糯米"的粘性。
    答案:were thrwn 解析:"It is believed that zngzi, which represent gd luck, were thrwn int the river",这里使用过去分词作谓语,表示粽子被扔进河里。
    答案:hanging 解析:"mugwrt leaves can be seen hanging n drs r windws during the Dragn Bat Festival",这里"hanging"现在分词作宾语补足语,表示艾草叶子被挂着的状态。
    范文: Dear Eric,
    I'm delighted t hear abut yur curisity twards Chinese teahuses. With a histry that dates back t the Western Jin Dynasty, teahuses have been an integral part f Chinese culture. They are nt nly places fr drinking tea but als serve as scial hubs where peple gather t relax, cnverse, and even engage in cultural activities such as Chinese pera and traditinal music.
    Teahuses are a testament t the Chinese way f life, reflecting the values f cmmunity and tranquility. They prvide a serene escape frm the hustle and bustle f daily life, allwing visitrs t immerse themselves in the art f tea drinking and the cmpany f fellw tea enthusiasts.
    I wuld be thrilled t invite yu t a teahuse during yur visit. Let's share a cup f fragrant tea and experience the authentic Chinese tea culture tgether.
    Yurs sincerely, Li Hua
    范文: Wrse still, I had t keep track f all the special times. Each day seemed t bring a new challenge as I tried t balance my cmmitments. The cnstant switching between activities nt nly left me physically exhausted but als mentally strained. I felt like I was n the verge f cllapse, with the pressure munting and my carefully laid plans threatening t crumble.
    Luckily, I, with my parents, came up with a slutin t get rganized. We devised a clr-cded system fr my backpacks, assigning a specific clr t each activity. This way, I culd easily identify the crrect backpack fr the day's tasks. Additinally, we created a detailed schedule that included all my cmmitments, which I kept in a central lcatin fr easy reference. With this new system in place, I felt a sense f relief as I regained cntrl ver my chatic summer.

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