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    专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版)01
    专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版)02
    专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版)03
    专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版)01
    专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版)02
    专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版)03
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    专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份专题3 阅读理解之说明文 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含考点巩固卷3阅读理解之说明文原卷版docx、考点巩固卷3阅读理解之说明文解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共46页, 欢迎下载使用。

    The gal f this bk is t make the case fr digital minimalism, including a detailed explratin f what it asks and why it wrks, and then t teach yu hw t adpt this philsphy if yu decide it’s right fr yu.
    T d s, I divided the bk int tw parts. In part ne, I describe the philsphical fundatins f digital minimalism, starting with an examinatin f the frces that are making s many peple’s digital lives increasingly intlerable, befre mving n t a detailed discussin f the digital minimalism philsphy.
    Part ne cncludes by intrducing my suggested methd fr adpting this philsphy: the digital declutter. This prcess requires yu t step away frm ptinal nline activities fr thirty days. At the end f the thirty days, yu will then add back a small number f carefully chsen nline activities that yu believe will prvide massive benefits t the things yu value.
    In the final chapter f part ne, I’ll guide yu thrugh carrying ut yur wn digital declutter. In ding s, I’ll draw n an experiment I ran in 2018 in which ver 1,600 peple agreed t perfrm a digital declutter. Yu’ll hear these participants’ stries and learn what strategies wrked well fr them, and what traps they encuntered that yu shuld avid.
    The secnd part f this bk takes a clser lk at sme ideas that will help yu cultivate (培养) a sustainable digital minimalism lifestyle. In these chapters, I examine issues such as the imprtance f slitude (独处) and the necessity f cultivating high-quality leisure t replace the time mst nw spend n mindless device use. Each chapter cncludes with a cllectin f practices, which are designed t help yu act n the big ideas f the chapter. Yu can view these practices as a tlbx meant t aid yur effrts t build a minimalist lifestyle that wrds fr yur particular circumstances.
    8. What is the bk aimed at?
    A. Teaching critical thinking skills.B. Advcating a simple digital lifestyle.
    C. Slving philsphical prblems.D. Prmting the use f a digital device.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “declutter” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Clear-up.B. Add-n.C. Check-in.D. Take-ver.
    10. What is presented in the final chapter f part ne?
    A. Theretical mdels.B. Statistical methds.
    C. Practical examples.D. Histrical analyses.
    11. What des the authr suggest readers d with the practices ffered in part tw?
    A. Use them as needed.B. Recmmend them t friends.
    C. Evaluate their effects.D. Identify the ideas behind them.
    Reading Art: Art fr Bk Lvers is a celebratin f an everyday bject — the bk, represented here in almst three hundred artwrks frm museums arund the wrld. The image f the reader appears thrughut histry, in art made lng befre bks as we nw knw them came int being. In artists’ representatins f bks and reading, we see mments f shared humanity that g beynd culture and time.
    In this “bk f bks,” artwrks are selected and arranged in a way that emphasizes these cnnectins between different eras and cultures. We see scenes f children learning t read at hme r at schl, with the bk as a fcus fr relatins between the generatins. Adults are prtrayed (描绘) alne in many settings and pses —absrbed in a vlume, deep in thught r lst in a mment f leisure. These scenes may have been painted hundreds f years ag, but they recrd mments we can all relate t.
    Bks themselves may be used symblically in paintings t demnstrate the intellect (才智), wealth r faith f the subject. Befre the wide use f the printing press, bks were treasured bjects and culd be wrks f art in their wn right. Mre recently, as bks have becme inexpensive r even thrwaway, artists have used them as the raw material fr artwrks — transfrming cvers, pages r even cmplete vlumes int paintings and sculptures.
    Cntinued develpments in cmmunicatin technlgies were nce believed t make the printed page utdated. Frm a 21st-century pint f view, the printed bk is certainly ancient, but it remains as interactive as any battery-pwered e-reader. T serve its functin, a bk must be activated by a user: the cver pened, the pages parted, the cntents reviewed, perhaps ntes written dwn r wrds underlined. And in cntrast t ur increasingly netwrked lives where the infrmatin we cnsume is mnitred and tracked, a printed bk still ffers the chance f a whlly private, “ff-line” activity.
    8. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. An intrductin t a bk.B. An essay n the art f writing.
    C. A guidebk t a museum.D. A review f mdern paintings.
    9. What are the selected artwrks abut?
    A. Wealth and intellect.B. Hme and schl.
    C. Bks and reading.D. Wrk and leisure.
    10. What d the underlined wrds “relate t” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Understand.B. Paint.
    C. Seize.D. Transfrm.
    11. What des the authr want t say by mentining the e-reader?
    A. The printed bk is nt ttally ut f date.
    B. Technlgy has changed the way we read.
    C. Our lives in the 21st century are netwrked.
    D. Peple nw rarely have the patience t read.
    The elderly residents (居民) in care hmes in Lndn are being given hens t lk after t stp them feeling lnely.
    The prject was dreamed up by a lcal charity (慈善组织) t reduce lneliness and imprve elderly peple’s wellbeing, It is als being used t help patients suffering dementia, a serius illness f the mind. Staff in care hmes have reprted a reductin in the use f medicine where hens are in use.
    Amng thse taking part in the prject is 80-year-ld Ruth Xavier. She said: “I used t keep hens when I was yunger and had t prepare their breakfast each mrning befre I went t schl. ”
    “I like the prject a lt. I am dwn there in my wheelchair in the mrning letting the hens ut and dwn there again at night t see they’ve gne t bed.”
    “It’s gd t have a different fcus. Peple have been bringing their children in t see the hens and residents cme and sit utside t watch them. I’m enjying the creative activities, and it feels great t have dne smething useful.”
    There are nw 700 elderly peple lking after hens in 20 care hmes in the Nrth East, and the charity has been given financial supprt t rll it ut cuntrywide.
    Wendy Wilsn, extra care manager at 60 Penfld Street, ne f the first t embark n the prject, said: “Residents really welcme the idea f the prject and the creative sessins. We are lking frward t the benefits and fun the prject can bring t peple here.”
    Lynn Lewis, directr f Ntting Hill Pathways, said: “We are happy t be taking part in the prject. It will really help cnnect ur residents thrugh a shared interest and creative activities.”
    28. What is the purpse f the prject?
    A. T ensure harmny in care hmes.
    B. T prvide part-time jbs fr the aged.
    C. T raise mney fr medical research.
    D. T prmte the elderly peple’s welfare.
    29. Hw has the prject affected Ruth Xavier?
    A. She has learned new life skills.
    B. She has gained a sense f achievement.
    C. She has recvered her memry.
    D. She has develped a strng persnality.
    30. What d the underlined wrds “embark n” mean in paragraph 7?
    A. Imprve.B. Oppse.
    C. Begin.D. Evaluate.
    31. What can we learn abut the prject frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. It is well received.B. It needs t be mre creative.
    C. It is highly prfitable.D. It takes ages t see the results.
    Human speech cntains mre than 2,000 different sunds, frm the cmmn “m” and “a” t the rare clicks f sme suthern African languages. But why are certain sunds mre cmmn than thers? A grund-breaking, five-year study shws that diet-related changes in human bite led t new speech sunds that are nw fund in half the wrld’s languages.
    Mre than 30 years ag, the schlar Charles Hckett nted that speech sunds called labidentals, such as “f” and “v”, were mre cmmn in the languages f scieties that ate sfter fds. Nw a team f researchers led by Damián Blasi at the University f Zurich, Switzerland, has fund hw and why this trend arse.
    They discvered that the upper and lwer frnt teeth f ancient human adults were aligned (对齐), making it hard t prduce labidentals, which are frmed by tuching the lwer lip t the upper teeth. Later, ur jaws changed t an verbite structure (结构), making it easier t prduce such sunds.
    The team shwed that this change in bite was cnnected with the develpment f agriculture in the Nelithic perid. Fd became easier t chew at this pint. The jawbne didn’t have t d as much wrk and s didn’t grw t be s large.
    Analyses f a language database als cnfirmed that there was a glbal change in the sund f wrld languages after the Nelithic age, with the use f “f” and “v” increasing remarkably during the last few thusand years. These sunds are still nt fund in the languages f many hunter-gatherer peple tday.
    This research verturns the ppular view that all human speech sunds were present when human beings evlved arund 300,000 years ag. ”The set f speech sunds we use has nt necessarily remained stable since the appearance f human beings, but rather the huge variety f speech sunds that we find tday is the prduct f a cmplex interplay f things like bilgical change and cultural evlutin,” said Steven Mran, a member f the research team.
    32. Which aspect f the human speech sund des Damián Blasi’s research fcus n?
    A. Its variety.B. Its distributin.C. Its quantity.D. Its develpment.
    33. Why was it difficult fr ancient human adults t prduce labidentals?
    A. They had fewer upper teeth than lwer teeth.
    B. They culd nt pen and clse their lips easily.
    C. Their jaws were nt cnveniently structured.
    D. Their lwer frnt teeth were nt large enugh.
    34. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. Supprting evidence fr the research results.
    B. Ptential applicatin f the research findings.
    C. A further explanatin f the research methds.
    D. A reasnable dubt abut the research prcess.
    35. What des Steven Mran say abut the set f human speech sunds?
    A. It is key t effective cmmunicatin.
    B. It cntributes much t cultural diversity.
    C. It is a cmplex and dynamic system.
    D. It drives the evlutin f human beings.
    Over the last seven years, mst states have banned texting by drivers, and public service campaigns have tried a wide range f methds t persuade peple t put dwn their phnes when they are behind the wheel.
    Yet the prblem, by just abut any measure, appears t be getting wrse. Americans are still texting while driving, as well as using scial netwrks and taking phts. Rad accidents, which had fallen fr years, are nw rising sharply.
    That is partly because peple are driving mre, but Mark Rsekind, the chief f the Natinal Highway Traffic Safety Administratin, said distracted(分心)driving was "nly increasing, unfrtunately."
    "Big change requires big ideas." he said in a speech last mnth, referring bradly t the need t imprve rad safety. S t try t change a distinctly mdern behavir, lawmakers and public health experts are reaching back t an ld apprach: They want t treat distracted driving like drunk driving.
    An idea frm lawmakers in New Yrk is t give plice fficers a new device called the Textalyzer. It wuld wrk like this: An fficer arriving at the scene f a crash culd ask fr the phnes f the drivers and use the Textalyzer t check in the perating system fr recent activity. The technlgy culd determine whether a driver had just texted, emailed r dne anything else that is nt allwed under New Yrk's hands-free driving laws.
    "We need smething n the bks that can change peple's behavir,” said Félix W. Ortiz, wh pushed fr the state's 2001 ban n hand-held devices by drivers. If the Textalyzer bill becmes law, he said, "peple are ging t be mre afraid t put their hands n the cell phne."
    28. Which f the fllwing best describes the ban n drivers' texting in the US?
    A. Ineffective.B. Unnecessary.
    C. Incnsistent.D. Unfair.
    29. What can the Textalyzer help a plice fficer find ut?
    A. Where a driver came frm.B. Whether a driver used their phne.
    C. Hw fast a driver was ging.D. When a driver arrived at the scene.
    30. What des the underlined wrd "smething" in the last paragraph refer t?
    A. Advice.B. Data.C. Tests.D. Laws.
    31. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. T Drive r Nt t Drive? Think Befre Yu Start
    B. Texting and Driving? Watch Out fr the Textalyzer
    C. New Yrk Banning Hand-Held Devices by Drivers.
    D. The Next Generatin Cell Phne: The Textalyzer.
    Yung and ld alike can be crazy abut a new finding by researchers at Ohi State University and the University f Chicag. There is hpe fr us all when it cmes t creativity, they say.
    Accrding t the study, which fcused n the 31 mst ntable Nbel Prize winners in ecnmics, there are tw types f creativity that can blssm at different pints in a persn’s life. Cnceptual innvatrs tend t d their best wrk in their mid-twenties, while experimental innvatrs peak in their fifties.
    They explain in the paper that there are cnceptual thinkers, wh seek t cmmunicate specific ideas r emtins and have precise gals fr their wrks, planning them carefully in advance, and carrying them ut systematically. Pabl Picass and Albert Einstein bth did their greatest wrk in yuth. Hwever, experimental innvatrs build n their knwledge and accept theries thrughut their careers and ultimately find new and innvative ways t analyze that knwledge. These thinkers tend t d their best wrk later in life. The paper cites Virginia Wlf and Charles Darwin as late blmers.
    The study states, “Many schlars believe that creativity is nly assciated with yuth. Tw 54-year-ld Harvard schlars were denied ffers f tenured prfessrships (终身教授) due t cncerns f the s-called prblem f “extinct vlcanes.”
    Their findings suggest that this kind f biased (有偏见的) thinking leads t bad decisins. It ignres the fact that there are different types f innvatrs and that different prblems demand different kinds f cntributins and slutins. They hpe their wrk will gradually remve the wrld’s favritism fr preccius geniuses(早熟的天才) and its ignrance f the creativity that cmes with age. Weinberg, the c-authr f the study, said,“We believe what we fund in this study isn’t limited t ecnmics, but culd apply t creativity mre generally.”
    8. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined “blssm”?
    A. Fully develp.B. Suddenly change.
    C. Gradually fade.D. Repeatedly emerge.
    9. What determines a persn’s mst creative perid accrding t the study?
    A. Age r career.B. Educatin backgrund.
    C. Type f thinking.D. Expsure t diverse ideas.
    10. What des the writer want t stress in the last paragraph?
    A. Creativity breeds success.
    B. Creativity knws n age limit.
    C. Slutins need diverse creativity.
    D. Favritism fr geniuses limits creativity.
    11. What’s the writer’s attitude t the new findings?
    A. Dubtful.B. Objective.C. Psitive.D. Critical.
    Netwrk-based technlgies have becme increasingly widespread, and they are nw being used by cuntless individuals, prfessinals, and businesses wrldwide. Despite their advantages, mst netwrk-based systems are highly at risk f malicius (恶意的) attacks.
    The cnsequences f a malicius attack n netwrk-based systems can be extremely harmful. Fr instance, an attack n a pwer plant netwrk culd leave millins f individuals and ffices withut electricity, while attacks n scial media netwrks can lead t expsure f user infrmatin.
    T vercme the weaknesses f netwrk-based systems, cmputer scientists wrldwide have been trying t develp advanced intrusin detectin systems (IDSs) (入侵检测系统) that culd help t identify malicius attacks, increasing a netwrk’s safety. In recent years, machine learning (ML) algrithms (机器学习算法) have been fund t be particularly prmising fr autmatically detecting attacks and intrusins n a netwrk’s functining.
    An imprtant step in the develpment and training f ML-based IDSs is the selectin f data features that a mdel can rely r fcus n when making predictins. Ideally by analyzing large datasets, researchers shuld be able t identify the mst suitable features fr slving a given task using ML tls, and this can als be applied t intrusin detectin.
    Researchers at Canadian University Dubai in the UAE have recently develped a new feature selectin methd that culd enable the develpment f mre effective ML-based IDSs. This methd was fund t perfrm remarkably well when cmpared with ther cmmnly emplyed feature selectin techniques. Using the features they identified as mst imprtant fr intrusin detectin, the researchers created a highly efficient ML-based detectin system. This system was fund t be capable f distinguishing between DDS attacks and harmless netwrk signals with 99% accuracy.
    In the future, the feature selectin methd develped by the researchers and their findings culd help the develpment f new, highly effective IDSs. In additin, the system they created using the features they identified culd be applied in real-wrld settings t detect malicius attacks n real netwrks.
    12. What des paragraph 1 fcus n abut netwrk-based technlgies?
    A. Their targeted users.B. Their ppularity.
    C. Their ptential risk.D. Their advantages.
    13. Hw can IDSs increase the safety f netwrks?
    A. By tracking malicius attacks.
    B. By starting anti-virus prgrams.
    C. By srting ut user infrmatin.
    D. By recgnizing malicius attacks.
    14. What is the key t the develpment f ML-based IDSs?
    A. Slving given tasks.B. Selecting reliable data features.
    C. Making accurate predictins.D. Analyzing large enugh datasets.
    15. What’s the purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce a new technique fr IDSs.
    B. T prmte netwrk-based technlgies.
    C. T raise peple’s awareness f netwrk safety.
    D. T discuss ways t deal with malicius attacks.
    Fr mtrcycle enthusiasts, nthing beats the excitement f riding yur mtrcycle n the pen highway with the wind n yur back. With gas prices rising, riding mtrcycles is ecnmical and a much greener way t travel. Alng with the benefits cmes the risk f persnal injury if an accident ccurs. After all, yu’re nt prtected by steel like yu are while driving yur car. Besides a helmet (头盔), the latest safety innvatins, new airbag jeans, are persnal airbags that yu can wear t better prtect yur life.
    Airbags have been prtecting peple in car accidents fr decades. Nw, a Swedish cmpany, M’cycle, teamed up with an airbag technlgy cmpany which previusly prduced upper bdy prtectin fr mtrcycle riders, t design and prduce the airbags jeans. This kind f airbag can ffer prtectin fr the mtrcycle rider’s lwer bdy, especially the tailbne, in case f an accident. Accrding t the cmpany, “It refrmed the airbag technlgy t prtect the first bne f the spinal clumn (脊柱), because spinal clumn injury is the leading cause f disability amng mtrcycle riders.”
    The airbag jeans lk like cnventinal trusers. Its cmpnent is remvable and the jeans can be washed, dried, and wrn again. The jeans are made f a fabric called Armalith which is strnger and weighs less than steel. Armalith helps t prevent riders frm injuries caused by frce f frictin after a fall. The airbags fixed int the fabric help prtect the rider if he r she falls ff the mtrcycle. If the rider is separated frm the vehicle, the airbags are tuched ff in secnds. That’s because the mechanism is actually a chain that cnnects the jeans t the mtrcycle.
    M’cycle’s airbag jeans are available n the cmpany’s crwdfunding campaign alng with an airbag shirt and a cmplete prtectin package. Obviusly, they can prvide prtectin fr mre mtrcycle riders. Making the rads safer fr them is certainly a wrthy effrt.
    8. What is the purpse f Paragraph 1?
    A. T shw the ppularity f mtrcycles.B. T stress the necessity f airbags jeans.
    C. T state the imprtance f wearing helmets.D. T display the excitement f highway riding.
    9. What can be inferred frm Paragraph 2?
    A. The tailbne injuries are hard t identify.
    B. Airbags ffer verall prtectin fr riders.
    C. M cycle is famus fr airbag design and prductin.
    D. The airbag jeans are based n the existing technlgy.
    10. What is a feature f airbag jeans?
    A. They lead a new fashin trend.B. They are cmfrtable t wear.
    C. They are quick in respnse.D. They need fixing regularly.,
    11. Hw des the authr feel abut the future f the airbag jeans?
    A. Indifferent.B. Uncertain.C. Prmising.D. Curius.
    Walter Benjamin, the German philspher, nce nted that bredm was the “dream bird that hatches the egg f experience”. Hwever, the creative flights f fancy which ften arise frm having little t d are being killed ff by scial media, researchers argued. Viewing mindlessly thrugh attentin-grabbing psts and vides prevents “prfund (深层的) bredm” that can drive peple n t new passins r skills. Instead, peple find themselves in a state f “superficial bredm”, which des nt mtivate creative thught.
    Dr Timthy Hill, leader f the research team at the University f Bath, said, “The prblem we bserved was that scial media can ease superficial bredm. But that als cnsumes time and energy, and may prevent peple prgressing t a state f prfund bredm, where they might discver new passins. Prfund bredm may sund like a negative cncept but, in fact, it can be intensely psitive if peple are given the chance fr undisturbed thinking and develpment.
    Researchers interviewed 15 peple during the pandemic (流行病), when bredm was mre likely because f restrictins. Many described being trapped in regularly daily walks and watching televisin, with many turning t scial media t pass the time. But althugh the participants said that scial media prvided a temprary escape frm superficial bredm, it als appeared t exacerbate it, leaving them feeling they had wasted their time.
    The pandemic was a painful and cnsuming experience fr thusands f less frtunate peple. But there are stries f thse in lckdwn wh fund new hbbies, careers r directins in life. Switching ff devices culd help peple reach the state f bredm which pushes them n t new hbbies r achievements.
    This research has given us a windw t understand hw the “always-n”, 24/7 culture and devices that prmise an abundance f infrmatin and entertainment may be fixing ur superficial bredm but are actually preventing us frm finding mre meaningful things.
    12. Why are Walter Benjamin’s wrds mentined?
    A. T call fr attentin t the research n bredm.
    B. T cmment n the strategies t face lneliness.
    C. T ffer advice n develping creative thinking.
    D. T clarify the prblem caused by scial media.
    13. Which f the fllwing may Dr Timthy Hill agree?
    A. Prfund bredm is f value.
    B. Scial media can fuel passins.
    C. The research has sme limitatins.
    D. Creative thught is easily disturbed.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “exacerbate” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Avid.B. Break.
    C. Inspire.D. Wrsen.
    15. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Why peple enjy bredm
    B. Hw bredm helps kill time
    C. Why being bred may be gd fr yu
    D. Hw scial media blcks creative ideas
    (2023·湖北·高三统考一模)Anne Lacatn and Jean-Philippe Vassal, this year’s winners f the mst famus award in architecture, are as surprised as anyne else. “Of curse, we are very pleased,” Lacatn said. She and her partner smiled bradly.
    Putting aside their wearing eyeglasses, Lacatn and Vassal culd nt be mre different frm an earlier generatin f “architects”. Lacatn and Vassal apply a belief—never destry, never remve r replace, always add, transfrm, and reuse - t their wrk n ld urban buildings. Designs by Lacatn and Vassal have fcused n perfecting lw-incme husing cmplexes, beautifully and functinally, while respecting — rather than displacing- the peple wh live there.
    “Buildings are beautiful when peple feel well in them,“ Lacatn explained. “When the light inside is beautiful and the air is pleasant, when the exchange with the utside seems easy and gentle, and when uses and sensatins are unexpected.” Vassal added, “There’s a lt f vilence in architecture. We try t be accurate. We try t wrk with kindness.” perfecting lw-incme husing cmplexes, beautifully and functinally, while respecting — rather than displacing- the peple wh live there.
    When Lacatn and Vassal were asked t redesign a particularly large and ugly public husing building in Brdeaux in 2017, the residents tld them they did nt want t mve, even temprarily, but that they wanted bigger units. The slutin was t surrund the building with large utdr terraces (露天平台), adding sliding glass drs t each unit, and remaking the exterir frm cncrete t smething gleaming(闪光的), mdern and alive. Suddenly, everyne had rmy utdr space, sme f which was enclsed t be used during the winter as “winter gardens”.
    “Their apprach f cst-effective, creative readaptin culd be a mdel fr urban planning in the U.S., where destructin’s been seen as a methd f slving the wrsening public husing in such cities as Chicag and St.Luis,” architecture prfessr Mabel 0. Wilsn says. “And granted, there’s a hst f ther issues as t why that happened. It’s nt the building. It’s the absence f scial services and lack f repair t buildings that made living in public husing impssible fr residents.
    1.What des the secnd paragraph mainly talk abut Lacatn and Vassal?
    A.Their husing standard.B.Their wrking principle.
    C.Their living cnditins.D.Their wearing style.
    2.What d Lacatn and Vassal seek t d in their architecture wrk?
    A.Rebuild ld huses precisely.
    B.Displace the settlers with great kindness.
    C.Imprve rather than knck dwn ld buildings.
    D.Extend space fr peple as much as pssible.
    3.Why des the authr mentin the public husing building in Brdeaux?
    A.T stress the imprtance f winter gardens.
    B.T shw the vilence in tearing dwn buildings.
    C.T reflect the cst f readapting huses.
    D.T prve the pssibility f imprving ld huses.
    4.Why d peple tend t knck dwn the wrsening public husing, accrding t Wilsn?
    A.It saves the cst effectively.
    B.It makes rm fr new creative buildings.
    C.They lack awareness f scial services.
    D.There is n need t repair these buildings.
    (2023·浙江·校联考模拟预测)It is easy t be dubtful abut annuncements f drugs that claim t slw the prgress f Alzheimers, the mst cmmn frm f dementia(痴呆). A new drug called Lecanemab, hwever, may be the real deal Results f a clinical trial, cnducted by its makers, Eisai, f Tky, and Bigen, f Cambridge Massachusetts, have just been annunced in the New England Jurnal f Medicine(Nvember; 2022). After18 mnths, it had slwed the prgress f symptms by a quarter.
    The trial invlved 1795 participants wh were in the early stages f the illness. Half received the drug The thers, a placeb(安慰剂). It shwed tw things. One was the mdest but measurable slwing f prgressin. The ther was that an explanatin f Alzheimers called the Amylid Hypthesis(淀粉样蛋白假说) seems crrect.
    Amylid is a prtein which accumulates in parts f the brains f thse with Alzheimers, which is an established sign f the illness. Lecanemab, cntaining a special antibdy, is fund t be able t attach itself t amylid and then attracts immune-system cells t clear the prtein away (and measurably did s in thse receiving the drug).That suggests amylid des indeed directly create prblems assciated with dementia and that Lecanemab can slw dwn the develpment f the disease.
    This is a small first step. Sme experts questin whether the test used t shw an imprvement in symptms is clinically meaningful because amylid can be detected nly with the help f a piece f expensive equipment, which is nt smething that can easily be turned int a rutine prgram. Mrever, Lecanemab als caused swelling and bleeding f the brain in a number f participants. Nw that the new drug has been shwn t wrk, it can be fllwed up with further tests. Hpe fr mre gd news sn.
    5.What can be learned frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.The public shws cnfidence in new drugs fr Alzheimers.
    B.All participants didn’t receive the new drug.
    C.The new drug had an bvius effect n the participants.
    D.It tk 18 mnths t make the new drug.
    6.The authr explains the effectiveness f the new drug by _______.
    A.illustrating hw the drug interacts with amylid in bdy
    B.describing hw immune-system wrks in detail
    C.making cmparisns between tw grups f participants
    D.quting the cmments f ther scientists
    7.Which f the fllwing is a drawback f the new drug?
    A.It can’t be accessed easily in daily treatment.
    B.It can cause sme side-effects.
    C.It csts t much fr rdinary families.
    D.It needs t be further tested befre its launch.
    8.What des the authr think f Lecanemab?
    (2023·广东深圳·统考一模)When put t tests, bees have lng prved that they’ve gt a lt mre t ffer than pllinating (授粉) , making hney and being lyal t a queen. The hard-wrking insects can change their behavir when things seem difficult, and nw sme scientists find there is prf that they als like t play.
    Scientists frm Queen Mary University f Lndn perfrmed an experiment, in which they set up a cntainer that allwed bees t travel frm their nest t a feeding area. But alng the way, the bees culd chse t pass thrugh a separate sectin with sme small wden balls. Over 18 days, the scientists watched as the bees “went ut f their way t rll wden balls repeatedly, despite n apparent incentive (刺激)t d s. ”
    Earlier studies have shwn that the black and yellw bugs are willing t learn new tricks in exchange fr fd r ther rewards. In this case, t get rid f external factrs, scientists made sure the bees had adapted t their new hme and that their envirnment was stress-free.
    The finding suggests that like humans, insects als interact with bjects as a frm f play. Als similar t peple, yunger bees seem t be mre playful than adult bees. “This research prvides a strng indicatin that insect minds are far mre cmplicated than we imagine. There are lts f animals wh play just fr the purpse f enjyment, but mst examples cme frm yung mammals (哺乳动物) and birds,” said Lars Chittka, a prfessr f sensry and behaviral eclgy at Queen Mary University f Lndn, wh led the study.
    The study’s first authr, Samadi Galpay, wh is a PhD student at Queen Mary University f Lndn, states that it is mre evident that bees may be capable f experiencing feelings. “They may actually experience sme kind f psitive emtinal states, even if basic, like ther larger animals d. This finding has effects n ur understanding f the sense and welfare f insects, which, cnsequently, encurages us t respect and prtect wildlife n Earth ever mre,” she says.
    9.What is the new finding abut bees?
    A.They are fnd f having fun.
    B.They are faithful t the queen.
    C.They are adaptable t changes.
    D.They are skilled at rlling balls.
    10.Hw did scientists remve external influences in the experiment?
    A.By teaching bees new tricks.
    B.By rewarding bees with fd.
    C.By making bees feel at hme.
    D.By building new hmes fr bees.
    11.What are Lars Chittka’s wrds mainly abut?
    A.The frms f bees’ interactin.
    B.The cmplexity f bees’ minds.
    C.The examples f mammals’ play.
    D.The purpse f mammals’ enjyment.
    12.What des Samadi Galpay say abut the study result?
    A.It backs up prir understanding f insects.
    B.It reveals reasns fr bees’ psitive feelings.
    C.It drives research n animals’ emtinal state.
    D.It cntributes t wildlife cnservatin n Earth.
    (2023春·江苏泰州·高三统考一模)After the seasn fr giving, it is the ne fr thrwing away. Each year in late December and early January a massive amunt f plastic packaging is discarded wrldwide. In Britain alne husehlds generate 30% mre waste, an extra 3m tnnes, in the mnth ver Christmas. Mst is destined fr landfill. Sweden will d less damage than many, thugh. The cuntry nw recycles at a recrd level. Almst three-quarters (74%) f plastic packaging waste was recycled there in 2021, the highest prprtin in Eurpe.
    Much f Sweden’s success is due t a depsit refund scheme. Custmers pay €0.10 extra when buying drinks cntainers. After use, these can be fed int reverse vending machines installed in shps, which spit the depsit back ut. The machines’ cntents are sent directly t recycling centres. By the end f 2021, 92% f all bttles and cans sld in Sweden were being returned. The verall plastic packaging recycling rate increased by almst 20%.
    The Swedish gvernment says the scheme has arused a ptential enthusiasm fr recycling in its citizens. Nearly 90% f Swedes have used the machines at least nce. Hwever, Swedes d nt generally describe themselves as ec-fighters. A 2021 survey by the Eurpean Cmmissin fund they were less likely than mst ther Eurpeans t regard envirnmental issues as “very imprtant”.
    The eagerness f Swedish recyclers may stem nt frm a lve f the Earth but frm a lw net wrth. A tenth f the ppulatin get by n less than €245 a mnth. In big cities it is cmmn t see peple scping recyclable items ut f bins t take t the machines.
    Less litter and mney fr peple wh need it seems like a win-win. But it might nt in fact be best fr the envirnment in the lng run. In Germany—where a similar, widely used refund depsit scheme has been in place since 2003—the earnings frm keeping the depsits frm unreturned bttles seem t have discuraged prducers frm switching t mre sustainable packaging.
    13.What might mst Swedish custmers d under the depsit refund scheme?
    A.They send their drinks cntainers directly t recycling centres.
    B.They spend mre n drinks than ther Eurpean custmers.
    C.They return their used drinks cntainers.
    D.They use vending machines t buy drinks.
    14.What did the 2021 survey find ut?
    A.Sweden beat many cuntries in plastic recycling.
    B.Swedes had lw envirnmental awareness.
    C.Swedes made much mney frm recycling.
    D.Sweden had an unequal incme distributin.
    15.What is the authr’s attitude t the depsit refund scheme?
    16.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Why Swedes cash in n their trash.
    B.Hw waste turns int treasure in Sweden.
    C.Wh are recycling plastic bttles in Sweden.
    D.Where Swedes thrw away their plastic packaging.
    (2023春·湖北·高三校联考一模)Deep within the Yukn, ne f the mst densely wded areas f Canada, sits a patch f land that is unlike any ther frest n the planet. Instead f a canpy f treetps spreading acrss the hrizn, tens f thusands f signpsts perch haphazardly ne n tp f the ther. They are all part f the Signpst Frest, the largest cllectin f signs frm places arund the wrld. At last cunt, the Signpst Frest in Watsn Lake, lcated abut 10 miles nrth f the brder, cntains 91,000 signs frm spts near and far.
    The traditin began during the Alaska Highway Prject in 1942, when U.S. sldier Carl K. Lindley spent time in Watsn Lake recvering frm an injury. A cmmanding fficer asked him t repair and erect the directinal signpsts, and while cmpleting the jb, the hmesick sldier added a sign that indicated the directin and mileage t his hmetwn: “Danville, Illinis, 2,835 miles.” Others fllwed suit, and the trend caught n. Each year, an average f 1,000 new signs are being added t the cllectin. Lindley’s riginal sign has since been lst t time. Fifty years later, in 1992, Lindley and his wife Elinr made the pilgrimage back t Watsn Lake t place a replica, which is still there.
    The Signpst Frest takes up a cuple f acres, with huge panels snaking thrugh the trees. There are street signs, welcme signs, signatures n dinner plates, and license plates frm arund the wrld. There are als a lt f familial signs; fr example, a grandfather will put up a sign and then years later family will cme back and try t find it. A lt f these are persnal signs t literally say that they are here. Thugh the visitr center has wd and paints n hand t help create a sign, many peple pt t bring their wn signs, thugh illegally, by snatching a metal sign frm their hmetwn and nailing it t ne f the wd psts. The frest has grwn s vast that the visitr center n lnger tries t keep a detailed list f the signs.
    17.What des “The traditin” in the secnd paragraph refer t?
    A.Cunting the number f signs in the Signpst Frest.
    B.Replacing the natural frest with signs f different kinds.
    C.Putting directinal signpsts n the highways f the Yukn.
    D.Bringing signs t the Signpst Frest frm arund the wrld.
    18.Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is true abut the first sign in the Signpst Frest?
    A.It remained in the Frest until 1992.
    B.It was erected by an American sldier.
    C.It was first put n the Alaska Highway.
    D.It was brught frm Lindley’s hmetwn.
    19.Which f the fllwing is clsest in meaning t the wrd “replica” in the secnd paragraph?
    20.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The rigins and sizes f the signs in the Signpst Frest.
    B.The quantity and variety f the signs in the Signpst Frest.
    C.The difficulty f categrizing the signs in the Signpst Frest.
    D.The practice f nailing illegal signs t the psts in the Signpst Frest.

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