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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. Which film des Mike prefer?
    A. The hrrr film.
    B. The science fictin film.
    C. The histrical film.
    2. What is prbably Chris?
    A. A ck. B. A jurnalist. C. A teacher.
    3. Why des the man call the wman?
    A. T make an aplgy.
    B. T ask her t cllect children.
    C. T cmplain abut the delayed train.
    4. What is Tm ding?
    A. Tidying summer hmewrk.
    B. Preparing fr final tests.
    C. Writing his assignment.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A heavy smker.
    B. A new building.
    C. A terrible fire.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
    听第6段材料,回答第 6、7题。
    6. What are the speakers quarrelling ver?
    A. Whether t raise a pet rabbit.
    B. Which suvenir t chse.
    C. Hw t spend mney n travelling.
    7. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.
    B. Friends.
    C. Clleagues.
    听第7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。
    8. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. T have the shwer turned ff.
    B. T have the tilet cleaned.
    C. T get the rm checked.
    9. What's the wman's attitude twards the explanatin?
    A. Supprtive. B. Dissatisfied. C. Uncaring.
    10. Why is it s ht in the rm?
    A. Air cnditining fails t wrk well.
    B. Pwer has been shut ff.
    C. The rm is t small.
    听第8段材料,回答第 11 至 13题。
    11. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. On the street. B. In the ffice. C. On the phne.
    12. Why will Mrs. White be late?
    A. She had an accident.
    B. She is stuck in traffic.
    C. She lst her way.
    13. When will Mrs. White arrive?
    A. At abut 10:30 am.
    B. At abut 11:00 am.
    C. At abut 11:30 am.
    听第9段材料,回答第14 至 17题。
    14. What's wrng with the man?
    A. He has a heart ache.
    B. He has a chest pain.
    C. He has a running nse.
    15. When did the symptms begin?
    A. Three days ag.
    B. This mrning.
    C. Last week.
    16. What des the wman arrange fr the man?
    A. An nline cnsultatin.
    B. An urgent peratin.
    C. A medical test.
    17. What did the man plan t d tnight?
    A. Have a big meal.
    B. Order a ticket.
    C. Bk a restaurant.
    听第10段材料,回答第18 至 20题。
    18. What is the speaker intrducing?
    A. A wrkbk.
    B. An experiment.
    C. An activity.
    19. What are the listeners suppsed t d first?
    A. Start the experiment themselves.
    B. Chse experiments and activities.
    C. Read Chapter One f the wrkbk.
    20. Hw shuld the listeners finish the “Activities” sectin?
    A. In their wn way.
    B. With the teacher's help.
    C. By fllwing instructins.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Abut Saln
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    21. What can we knw abut Saln?
    A. It has a histry f ver three decades.
    B. It mainly fcuses n entertainment cntent.
    C. It is an utstanding digital media channel.
    D. It prvides members-nly newsletters fr regular visitrs.
    22. What address will be used if a third party wants t share Saln's article?
    A. press@saln.cm. B. ekeane@saln.cm.
    C. readermail@saln.cm. D. syndicatin@saln.cm.
    23. What is the purpse f the last part f the text?
    A. T intrduce Saln's recent prgress.
    B. T encurage mre user subscriptins.
    C. T inf rm readers f Saln's peratin.
    D. T prmte a new editrial team at Saln.
    Katalin Kariku alng with her clleague Drew Weissman wn the Nbel Prize in Physilgy r Medicine in 2023 fr the develpment f mRNA technlgy.
    Kariku was brn in January 1955, in a small village in Hungary. She had an ambitin frm early n t becme a scientist. As a yung adult, she became interested in messenger RNA, which carries DNA instructins t the prtein-making engine f cells. She hped that mRNA culd play a key rle in the treatment f varius diseases. It became her missin t make her dream a reality t help cure patients. Hwever, Kariku faced a shrtage f funding fr her research in her cuntry, and she then faced the chice f stpping and ding smething nt cnnected t her missin r cntinuing her research at the price f having t leave her cuntry.
    After searching fr psts and schlarships wrldwide, Kariku accepted an ffer frm Temple University in Philadelphia fr a pstdctral fellwship. Kariku and her husband gave up everything they had in their hmeland and bught a ne-way ticket t the U. S., where they knew n ne.
    She was initially n track t becme a full prfessr but received repeated fund rejectins. Undeterred by the prblems and challenges, she chse t cntinue her research. By fcusing n what mattered t her every day, she “accidentally” met her wrk partner Dre w Weissman wh was als interested in mRNA. They teamed up t wrk n mRNA and published papers abut their grundbreaking discvery fr years. Then the pandemic hit the wrld. The changed mRNA technlgy Kariku and Weissman invented was then used in vaccines(疫苗) that prevented the infectin effectively.
    Kariku’s life is a testament(证明) t finding ne’s passin and then pursuing it every single day. Many f us knw what we are fnd f, but we are nt gd self-mtivatrs n a daily basis.
    24. What can we learn abut Kariku frm paragraph 2?
    A. She had a tlerant mind. B. She lnged t be a dctr.
    C. She was fnd f wrld turs. D. She had a clear sense f purpse.
    25. What des the underlined part “Undeterred by” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Nt discuraged by. B. Being unaware f.
    C. Nt mtivated by. D. Being ashamed f.
    26. What is prbably the main cntributin f Kariku?
    A. Simplifying the mRNA technlgy.
    B. Making the structure f mRNA clear.
    C. Develping a vaccine fr a serius disease.
    D. Laying the grundwrk fr mRNA vaccines.
    27. What lessn can we learn frm Kariku's success?
    A. Nthing seek, nthing find.
    B. Tw heads are better than ne.
    C. Where there's a will, there's a way.
    D. Necessity is the mther f inventin.
    AI systems can nw learn and use human language, but they learn frm astrnmical amunts f language input — much mre than children receive when learning hw t understand and speak a language. The best AI systems are trained n text datasets cntaining trillins f wrds, whereas children receive just millins per year.
    But a recent study suggests AI systems can acquire sme language with a small set f clues. Researchers tk advantage f an existing library f camera ftage that captured ne baby's experience. The baby named Sam wre a headcam(头戴式设备) fr 61 hurs between the ages f six mnths and 25 mnths. The headcam recrded vide and audi while Sam tk part in activities including playing, eating and reading. The researchers fed their AI mdel individual vide images and a written text f what peple were saying at that time. They wndered what the mdel wuld learn and whether it culd prvide insights int the language acquisitin prcess in children.
    Acrss multiple tests, the AI mdel crrectly matched wrds with images 62 percent f the time. The AI was als able t match wrds it had learned with representative images that it had never seen befre, such as a cmmn image f an apple, abut 35percent f the time. Wrds including “car” and “sand” were frequently recgnized by the AI, but it struggled with bjects that might have mre variatins, such as “rm”.
    “The findings demnstrate hw sme aspects f wrd meaning are learnable by assciatin. Hwever, the study didn’t prve hw children actually acquire wrds,” Jshua Tenenbaum, a scientist wh was nt invlved in the research, says. “The study als fcused just n the names f bjects — it didn’t shw that the AI culd learn abut verbs, structures and ther aspects f language thrugh the recrdings,” anther scientist adds. With future research, similar studies f learning culd pull back the curtain n the mysterius prcess f language acquisitin.
    28. What phenmenn abut AI systems and children is mainly described in paragraph 1?
    A. The data gap in language acquisitin.
    B. Sharp distinctin s in language learning ability.
    C. The difficulty f prcessing large numbers f wrds.
    D. Inaccessibility f certain datasets n language learning.
    29. Hw des the AI mdel learn language in the study?
    A. By reading and playing with Sam fr 61 hurs.
    B. By cmmunicating with Sam fr several mnths.
    C. By analyzing a large number f wrds spken by Sam.
    D. By engaging in Sam's daily experiences thrugh recrdings.
    30. Which f the fllwing wrds might the AI mdel mst prbably struggle t match?
    A. Bttle. B. Banana. C. Ty. D. Car.
    31. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. The limitatins f the study. B. Different aspects f language.
    C. Imprvements f the Al mdel. D. The directins fr further study.
    Just like any ther living thing, plants can get stressed. Usually, it's cnditins like heat and drught that lead t this stress, and when they're stressed, plants might nt grw as large r prduce as much. Many scientists have tried genetically changing plants. But plants changed fr higher crp utput tend t have a lwer stress tlerance because they put mre energy int grwth than int prtectin against stresses. Similarly, imprving the ability f plants t survive stress ften results in plants that prduce less because they put mre energy int prtectin than int grwth.
    Our lab instead fcuses n hw plants and bacteria sense ethylene(乙烯) and hw it interacts with ther chemicals t regulate plant develpment. Fr this experiment, we expsed the seeds t ethylene gas fr several days in the dark t see what effect this might have. After gathering data n these seedlings (yung plants), we transferred them t a place with much light.
    Several days later, sme lab members unexpectedly bserved that the plants briefly treated with ethylene had larger leaves as well as strnger rt systems than plants that had nt been expsed t ethylene. These plants cntinued grwing at a faster rate thrughut their whle lifetime.
    But what made ur bservatin even mre pleasing is that the brief ethylene treatment als increased tlerance t varius stresses such as high temperature and lw xygen cnditins. Lng-term effects n grwth and stress tlerance frm brief expsure t a stimulus(刺激物) are ften called priming effects(启动效应).
    S what's the underlying lgic? What we've fund is that ethylene increases phtsynthesis(a prcess by which plants gain chemical energy frm inrganic matters).Part f phtsynthesis includes what is called carbn fixatin, where plants pull carbn frm the atmsphere and use the CO₂ as building blcks t make sugars t fuel their activities.
    Understanding this is mre imprtant than ever and culd help imprve crp prductin t feed the wrld's ppulatin.
    32. What is the challenge faced by scientists behind genetically changed plants?
    A. Guaranteeing a healthy envirnment fr the plants.
    B. Balancing plants' prductivity and stress resistance.
    C. Raising survival rates f genetically changed plants.
    D. Identifying stress factrs affecting genetically changed plants.
    33. What serves as a stimulus in the authr's experiment?
    A. Ethylene. B. Bacteria. C. Darkness. D. Sunlight.
    34. What is the rle f carbn fixatin in phtsynthesis?
    A. It changes sugars int CO₂.
    B. It makes plants absrb much sunlight.
    C. It helps plants generate energy frm CO₂.
    D. It enhances the prcess f ethylene priming.
    35. Which f fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Why d Sme Plants Have a Higher Stress Level?
    B. Emplying a Chemical Early n May Help Feed the Wrld
    C. Hw d Priming Effects Increase Phtsynthesis in Plants?
    D. Expsure t Ethylene is a Gd Way t Prtect Plants
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分 12.5分)
    Hw d yu respnd when smene else sets a bundary? Yu might hear the wrd “bundaries” and imagine walls that separate yu frm ther peple. In a sense, that's true. But bundaries aren’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, they’re an imprtant ingredient in healthy and balanced relatinships. 36
    Yu're nt the nly ne wh can set bundaries. 37 Perhaps yu feel like yu're being sclded r “put in yur place”.
    Yu may ntice sme negative emtins rushing t the surface as yu try t immediately defend yur actins. Keep in mind that yu are nt lsing anything but gaining knwledge f what makes the persn in yur life feel safe and happy.
    38 If yu're feeling upset, deep, slw breathing can calm yur nervus system's “fight r flight” respnse. This makes it easier fr yu t receive infrmatin rather than prepare fr an argument.
    Remember that yu bth have yur wn way f prcessing and feeling emtins. Try nt t assume what yur partner needs befre they say it ut lud. 39
    Aplgize when necessary. Yu're nly human, and we all make mistakes. Maybe yu accidentally verstepped a bundary by making an ffensive jke r versharing when yu've been asked nt t. 40 Ask fr clarity if yu feel yu need it.
    By learning t accept and acknwledge ther peple's bundaries, yu can start t think abut hw yu can imprve yur wn cnnectins with thers. Ultimately, effective bundaries can leave yu bth feeling empwered and result in a healthier, mre satisfying relatinship.
    A. Take time t breathe and listen.
    B. When smene vices a restrictin, yu might feel a sense f shame r frustratin.
    C. Allw them space t vice their needs and wants.
    D. When smene reaffirms the bundary, be humble enugh t aplgize fr yur mistake.
    E. Yu’ll need t adjust it as circumstances change and relatinships grw.
    F. They're als a crucial part f maintaining mental health and physical well-being.
    G. Learning hw t set and maintain bundaries can change many aspects f yur life.
    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分35分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    The last thing Matthews remembered befre waking up in the hspital was riding alng a quiet street.
    It was late last September and Matthews was 41 fr the Irnman Wrld Champinship, due t take place in Hawaii 10 days later. “In fact, this particular street was my favurite, but that sunds 42 nw,” the 31-year ld said.
    Her teammates had t 43 her n what had happened. “Initially, yu just gt up straight away and started mving arund, 44 us that yu were fine t g n,” ne teammate recalled. “I dn’t 45 any f that,” Matthews smiled. “Yu’d actually 46 the car s perfectly that it brke the thickest bne abve yur neck,” the teammate cntinued.
    Many peple wuld think twice abut their chice f 47 after a disastrus episde like that. But Matthews is clearly nt the 48 persn. After just a few days in hspital, she insisted n 49 and flew t Hawaii anyway. Matthews 50 her fellw athlete wh beat ther cmpetitrs and claimed the gld, and dreamt it might be her btaining the 51 sn.
    Despite sme issues, Matthews is 52 awaiting the cming intensive winter training. She makes it sund as if she is recvering frm a(n) 53 wund. In fact, what she is attempting——her 54 is being made int a dcumentary by the Prfessinal Triathletes Organizatin — impresses a large audience.
    Any bystander may think the 55 is enugh fr her t back ff fr a lng time! But Matthews smiles, “I’m just ging t keep ding what I’m ding.”
    41. A. shpping B. travelling C. vlunteering D. training
    42. A. reasnable B. tlerable C. laughable D. serius
    43. A. cnsult B. cngratulate C. update D. evaluate
    44. A. reminding B. cnvincing C. cautining D. recmmending
    45. A. acknwledge B. believe C. mind D. remember
    46. A. ruined B. hit C. driven D. maintained
    47. A. careers B. teammates C. hspitals D. cmpetitrs
    48. A. average B. exceptinal C. selfish D. disciplined
    49. A. canceling ut B. pulling tgether C. checking ut D. getting acrss
    50. A. cmfrted B. cheered C. replaced D. instructed
    51. A. apprval B. supprt C. appintment D. title
    52. A. initially B. gratefully C. eagerly D. frtunately
    53. A. insignificant B. sensitive C. severe D. unidentifiable
    54. A. breakdwn B. cmeback C. withdrawal D. injury
    55. A. recvery B. news C. failure D. incident
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    56. A grup f 80 sldiers l (发起) an all-ut attack just befre dawn.
    57. In remte regins, the air is p (洁净的) and the crps are free f pisnus insecticides.
    58. The exercises are designed t s (加强) yur stmach muscles.
    59. In 2018, her entire life s (积蓄) were dnated t her hme twn in Mulan Cunty.
    60. He was the inncent v (受害者) f a very vilent murder.
    第三节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
    Blue-and-white prcelain is prbably a gd example f the glbal market in the ancient wrld. This Chinese ceramic(陶瓷的) variety 61 (gain) a glbal reputatin during the Yuan Dynasty and ver the fllwing centuries, became ne f the cuntry's signature 62 (prduct) n the flurishing Maritime Silk Rad.
    As ne f the typical varieties frm China, blue-and-white prcelain is famus fr its delicate underglaze patterns. 63 (interesting), its rigin and evlutin we much t freign influences in materials and techniques.
    The blue-and-white style flurished during the 13th t 14th centuries. In its early stages, it relied n 64 (imprt) cbalt(钴) paint knwn as “Samarra Blue” 65 “Sumatra Blue”, which cntained a higher percentage f irn dixide, 66 (result) in the distinct blue hue. Over time, Chinese artisans sught lcal mines and successfully frmulated native pigments (颜料). They experimented by blending lcal and imprted raw materials 67 (create) pigments that nt nly were in line 68 but als shaped aesthetic preferences at the time.
    With 69 craftsmanship and techniques advanced, blue-and-white prcelain prduced during the Kangxi era (1662 ---1722) f the Qing Dynasty exhibited remarkable variatins in tne, 70 reminds peple f the five hues in traditinal Chinese paintings.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    假定你是李华,上周六你们班一起去公园进行了汉服(Hanfu utfits)宣传活动。请你给英国朋友 Lucia写一封邮件分享这次经历,内容包括:
    I was seated in a crner f the furth-grade classrm, feeling lst. My parents had transplanted me frm my ld village schl t this fancy barding schl in Bangalre. With everything strange arund me, I missed my hmetwn and my ld friends because there was nw n warm hme t rush back t after schl and n ne t share tales with. I culdn't help thinking f the happy mments I had spent befre mving here. I didn't even knw hw lng it wuld take t adapt myself t the cmpletely new envirnment. Or culd I?
    Just then there was a lud cheer frm my classmates that pulled me back frm my memries. A tall, slim teacher in a shirt and a starched skirt came by, annuncing that the math teacher was absent and that we wuld have a free perid. She then suggested we d sme activities n ur wn withut making a lud nise. I sn learned that this was Miss Thmas, better knwn as the Sprts Miss.
    All the girls agreed cheerfully and sn gathered in small grups. Sme chatted r giggled while thers read bks r were seen writing. As a newcmer, I believed it was t early fr me t jin them. With nthing better t d, I pulled ut a sheet f paper, n which I scrawled(潦草地涂鸦) rlling hills, swaying palms, the path that led t my ld schl, and my teacher with her lng hair. While ding this, I sensed a strng feeling f lss, tears welling up in my eyes.
    I was s absrbed in drawing my ld friends ne by ne that I didn't even ntice Miss Thmas standing by my side. The mment I raised my head t wipe my tears, I saw her there. I nearly died f embarrassment and tried t hide the paper frm her. Hwever, she asked me if I'd like t share it with the class. After a few secnds' thught, I agreed.
    1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
    “Girls, lk at this picture,” she annunced. “We have a little artist amng us! ”
    Many f my classmates then came frward, shk my hands and smiled at me.$9.95 PER MONTH
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    Dear Lucia,
    Li Hua

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