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    2024年新牛津译林版教材7AU3 Welcome to our school 教师版教学教案(上)
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    2024年新牛津译林版教材7AU3 Welcome to our school 教师版教学教案(上)

    这是一份2024年新牛津译林版教材7AU3 Welcome to our school 教师版教学教案(上),共12页。

    课程主题: 7AU3 Welcome to our school(上)学习目标1.掌握7A U3reading部分的重点词汇和句型;2.掌握人称代词主格和宾格的用法。教学内容【进门测试】1.I enjoy (spend) time with my family because it can bring me warmth and love.2.The girl spends an hour to keep healthy every day. (swim)3.Do you like (chat) with your friends on the Internet (网络)?4.This is Daniel. He is from Nanjing. We all like (he).5.There are many tall (build) in Beijing Sunshine Town.答案:1.spending 2.swimming 3.chatting 4.him 5.buildings【多元导学】教学建议:新学校已经适应一段时间了,肯定对新学校比较了解了,所以请你介绍一下你的新学校吧。批注:让学生上交上节课留下的调查及报告任务,并集体分享。 【互动精讲】第一部分 Welcome to the unit【知识梳理1】The best part is the modern library.1.modern 形容词 现代化的现代化大楼____________________________2.library 名词 图书馆 复数形式____________________3.best意思是“最好的”,是good的最高级;最高级前面一般加定冠词the;如果前面有人称代词,则不加;最好的学生____________________ 我最好的朋友____________________做某事最好的方式____________________答案:1.modern building 2.libraries 3.the best student; my best friend; the best way to do sth.【例题精讲】1.Don’t forget to return the books to the library when you finish reading them.2. As we all know, modern technology is changing all the time.【课堂练习】1.We all think our school library looks ________. (现代化的)2.Many city ________ (library) have been built with the aim of encouraging people to read.3 .我叔叔认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。 _________________________________________________________答案:1.modern 2.libraries 3.My uncle thinks the best way to relax is through exercise .第二部分 Reading【知识梳理2】They are the perfect place for us to study.the perfect place (for sb)to do sth (对某事来说)做某事的好地方This is the perfect for us to have a rest.对我们来说,这是休息的好地方。【例题精讲】1.If you are interested in culture, Beijing is a good place to visit. 2.Hainan Island is a wonderful place to take a holiday in Summer.【课堂练习】1.My hometown Qujing is a wonderful place _____________(take) a trip.2.英语角是练习英语的好地方。_____________________________________________________________________答案:1.to take 2.The English corner is a good place to practise our oral English.【知识梳理3】Students enjoy spending time here.1.enjoy 喜欢 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事2. spend 动词 花费(时间/金钱);主语一般是人;句子结构:sb spend +时间/金钱 on sth. 或sb spend +时间/金钱(in) doing sth.词汇辨析take 花费(时间);主语是物:It takes sb some time to do sthcost 花费(金钱);主语是物: Sth cost sb some moneypay 花费(金钱);主语是人:sb pay( some money) for sth【例题精讲】1.As students, we should spend time on something meaningful.2.Don’t spend too much time playing computer games. It’s a waste of time.3.You need to pay 200 yuan for the coat.4.This T-shirt is very nice, but it costs too much.5.It takes me only five minutes to get to school.【课堂练习】1.—Look at my new headphone! It costs me 500 dollars.—Maybe you should ________ money for a rainy day.A.spend B.save C.take D.pay2.—How long does it ________ you to go to school on foot every day?—Half an hour.A.take B.spend C.pay D.cost3.—How much does this book ________ you?   —Ten yuan.A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay4.He has to ________ 20 yuan on the book. But I needn’t ________ any money for it.A.pay; spend B.cost; pay C.spend; pay5.—How much do you ________ on this new coat?—Not much. It cost me only 200 yuan.A.pay B.cost C.take D.spend6.Nancy, how long does it ________ to fly to Thailand?A.spend B.pay C.cost D.take7. He spends two hours ________ articles every day. (write)答案:BABCDD writing【知识梳理4】Sometimes we chat with teacher about our problems here too.Can you see the students running there?1.chat with sb about sth 和某人聊某事;chat的ing形式是chatting;2. see sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事 see sb do sth 看到某人经常做某事/看到某人做过某事类似的用法还有hear hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事 hear sb do sth 听到某人经常做某事/听到某人做过某事【例题精讲】1.Chatting online is popular with young people.2.We often hear them shout loudly at each other. 3.If you see an old man lying on the road, you should help him.【课堂练习】1 . We often hear the children ________ songs in the next room.A.sing B.sings C.singing D.to sing2.These girls always have fun ________ (chat) with each other about their favourite film stars.3.Can you see some teachers __________ (play) football on the playground?4.Don’t make so much noise. Can’t you see him ________ (make) a phone call now?5.Every morning, I can hear the girl ________ (sing) in the next room.答案:1.A 2.chatting 3.playing 4.making 5.sing【知识梳理5】Lots of exciting sports matches take place on it.1.exciting 形容词 令人兴奋的(事情);修饰事情; excited(某人)感到兴奋;修饰人;名词 兴奋____________________短语:对...感到兴奋_____________________________句型:对某人来说做某事是令人兴奋的__________________________________________2.take place 发生 相当于happen答案:1.excitement be excited about It is exciting for sb to do sth【例题精讲】1.The Olympic Games take place once four years.2.Most young people find it exciting to watch a football match.3.All the children sang and danced with excitement.【课堂练习】1.It is really exciting ________ (go) on a picnic in spring.2.They felt________ after hearing this _________ news.(兴奋)3.一百年以后,中国将发生什么样的巨大变化? __________________________________________答案:1.to go 2.excited exciting 3.What great changes will take place in China in 100 years?【知识梳理6】Here we can read about school news and stories of star students and teachers.news 消息;新闻 不可数名词一则消息_______________________初中常见的不可数名词有:information信息;advice建议;music音乐;fun乐趣;news消息;weather天气;traffic交通等答案:a piece of news【例题精讲】I can imagine how surprised she will be when hearing this piece of news.2.The woman looked at me quietly when she heard the bad news.【课堂练习】1.That is a piece of good ________ (消息).2.What _________ unhappy news! We can’t get the movie tickets.A.a B.an C.the D./3.—Do you know David got full marks in the PE test? —Good for him! _________exciting the news is!A.How B.How an C.What D.What an答案:1.news 2.D 3.A第三部分 Grammar 人称代词主格和宾格【知识梳理1】人称代词1概念及分类概念:人称代词是表示“我、你、他”等人称的代词,它有单复数、性别、以及主格和宾格的变化。分类:人称代词有主格和宾格之分(见下列表格)。第一人称单数第二人称单数第三人称单数第一人称复数第二人称复数第三人称复数主格I(我)you (你)he(他)she(她)it(它)we(我们)you(你们)they (他们,她们,它们)宾格me(我)you (你)him(他)her(她)it(它)us(我们)you(你们)them (他们,她们,它们)2人称代词的用法:1)一般情况下,人称代词的主格作主语,放在句子的开头。2).宾格作宾语A. 宾格放在动词后 如:let, like, help, give, ask等的后面;如:Let’s go shopping.=Let us go shopping. 让我们去购物吧。(us作宾语 let’s =let us) Can you help us?你能帮我们吗?(me是宾语)B. 宾格放在介词后 如:for, to, of, at等的后面。如:The sandwich is for her.   这个三明治是给她的。(her是宾语)C. 在简短对话或口语中,当人称代词单独使用或用在not后,多用宾格。如:①---I like art. ---Me too. ②---Who broke the glass? ---Me. (这里me= It's me.) ③ Why not me? (为什么不是我?)④---Who is that? ---It's me. 是谁啊?是我。3)人称代词在than后与其他人或事物进行比较时,用主格和宾格都可以。如: He is older than me.= He is older than I. 他比我大。【例题精讲】I am a vet. 我是一名兽医。(I是主语)You are 10 years old. 你10岁了。(You 是主语)He is my art teacher. 他是我的美术老师。(He是主语)It is rainy today. 今天下雨。(It是主语)【课堂练习】1.—Do you know the woman in a pink dress?—Yes, she is our new teacher. She teaches ________ English this term.A.we B.our C.us D.ours2.—Who’s the girl over there?—________ is my new classmate, Betty.A.He B.She C.It3.—Can you show your new book to ________ , Nick? —OK. Here you are.A.I B.me C.my4.—Sally, these are your new clothes. Do you like ________?—Yes, I do.A.their B.them C.they D.theirs5.—Who is that man?— ________ is our new teacher.A.I B.He C.She D.You6.This pair of socks ________ new. You can give ________ to your daughter.A.is; it B.are; it C.are; them D.is; them7.Here is a new coat for you. Please ________.A.try it on B.try on it C.try them on D.try on them答案:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A【知识梳理2】It的特殊用法1. 一般情况下,it表示人以外的动物和东西,是单数名词的代词,译为“它”。2. 但在表示天气、时间、距离等时,用it来代替,此时的it,并不译为“它”。1)指天气: It is sunny today. 今天阳光灿烂。2)指气候或温度: It’s cold in this room. 这个房间很冷。3)指时间: What time is it?It's six thirty. 几点了?六点半了。4)指距离: How far is it from here to the park? 从这儿到公园有多远?It's about two miles. 大约是二英里。3.“ it ” 在情景对话中有时也可指人,表示不确定是谁的情况。 如:It's me. Open the door, please.4.在一些常用句型中也会出现it的用法,如It’s time to have dinner. =It’s time for dinner.【例题精讲】Where is your dog?It is over there. 你的小狗在哪儿?(它)在那边。【知识梳理3】人称代词的顺序单数的人称代词为第二人称,第三人称,第一人称(2,3,1)复数的人称代词为第一人称,第二人称,第三人称(1,2,3)但若是用于承担责任或错误等场合,则可把第一人称 I 置于其他人称代词之前:单数you/he and Iyou and heyou, he, and I复数we and you/theyyou and theywe, you and they【温故知新】一、单词拼写1.There are many (图书馆)in our city.2.Their classroom is always clean and (明亮的).3.Tony as well as his class mates all has lunch in the dining (大厅).4.Our school library is small but . (现代的)5.Let’s meet at the school (大门) tomorrow.6.I (相信) Mike because he always helps me.7.There is a notice (通知) on the (布告牌) . Can you see it?8.I’m (兴奋的) about visiting the Great Wall with my foreign teachers.9.Tom worked all night in the (实验室) yesterday evening.10.The teacher asks (he) to be quiet in the library.11.Mr. Wang teaches Chinese. (we)12.When we walked through the park, we saw (he) running around the lake.13.Come and join (we).14.I went to the park with my parents, but now I can’t find (they).二、单项选择15.Please write and tell us ________ your new classmates.A.for B.about C.of D.from16.All my friends are very nice. I love _______.A.they B.them C.him D.her17. Uncle Tom will come to visit ________ next Saturday.A.we B.us C.our D.ours18.Miss Gao is________ teacher. She teaches ________ Chinese.A.our; our B.our; us C.us; our D.my; our19.This is Amy. _______ has short hair and _______ are good friends.A.She; we B.Her; our C.Her; us D.She; us20.________ are good friends.A.He, I and you B.He, you and IC.You, he and I D.I,  you and he21.—How much is the ticket to Central Park?—A one-way ticket ________$40, and you can ________ another $20 for a round-trip.A.spends; pay B.costs; pay C.pays; spend22.— How much did the beautiful clothes ________ you?— 5, 500 yuan.A.cost B.spend C.take三、完成句子23.I usually play basketball with my father after lunch. (对划线部分提问) you basketball with your father?24.My brother watches TV after supper. (对画线部分提问)   your brother after supper?25.It takes about 2 hours to arrive in Hong Kong. (对划线部分提问) it take to arrive in Hong Kong?26.We have an art festival on October 22nd. (改为否定句)We an art festival on October 22nd.27.My father has breakfast at home every day. (改为否定句)My father breakfast at home every day.28.Alice learns English by watching videos twice a week . (改为一般疑问句) Alice English by watching videos twice a week?29.Tom does his homework at home. (改为一般疑问句) Tom his homework at home?答案:1.libraries2.bright3.hall4.modern5.gate6.trust7.board8.excited9.lab10.him11.us12.him13.us14.them15.B16.B17.B18.B19.A20.C21.B22.A23.When do usually play24.What does do25.How long does26.don’t have27.doesn’t have28.Does learn29.Does do能力提升四、完形填空We have a big library in our school. We all like to 30 books 31 after school. It’s Friday. We have only two classes   32 the afternoon. When school is   33 ,a lot of student go to the library. There are many 34 books in it. And 35 of the books are very new. We can’t speak loudly or 36 something in it . I often borrow books   37 it. I can learn a lot from books. It is 38 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Welcome to   39 library. It is a really good place.30.A.talk B.speak C.read D.listen31.A.there B.in there C.at there D.on there32.A.on B.in C.at D.over33.A.beginning B.long C.all D.over34.A.kinds of B.kind of C.kinds D.kind of35.A.lot of B.a lots o f C.many D.much36.A.eat B.drink C.play D.make37.A.from B.in C.on D.at38.A.OK B.good C.open D.close39.A.us B.our C.you D.I五、阅读理解School Open DayTimeActivity Place8: 00 a.m.See the students' art works Art room9: 00 a.m.Watch the students doing morning exercisesPlayground9: 30 a.m.Have a parents' meetingSchool hall10: 00 a.m.Watch two lessons (English&Maths)Classroom building1: 00 p.m.Have the music party (about 1.5 hours)Music room40.Tom's mum can go to the to see art works.A.music room B.school hallC.art room D.playground41.Jack's dad gets to school at 9:20 a.m, so he is late for .A.the English lesson B.the music partyC.the parents' meeting D.morning exercises42.How long does the Open Day last(持续)?A.For about 5 hours. B.For over(超过)6 hours.C.For over 7 hours. D.For 5.5 hours.43.Parents don't go to on the Open Day.A.the classrooms B.the computer roomC.the school hall D.the playground44.Parents sing and dance with the students .A.in the morning B.in the school hallC.after 9:30 a.m. D.for 90 minutesThis is my school. It is in front of a park. It is very big and beautiful. There are twenty-one classes in our school. There are about six hundred students in it. It has three small gardens. There are three teaching buildings, too. Building A is for Grade 7. Building B is for Grade 8 and Building C is for Grade 9. There is another(另一个)building behind(在……之后) the teaching buildings. There are two libraries and some reading rooms in it. We can borrow all kinds of books from our school libraries. I like my school.45.Where is this school?A.In front of a park. B.In front of a zoo.C.In front of a supermarket. D.In front of a bus station.46.How many gardens are there in this school?A.Two big gardens. B.Two small gardens.C.Three big gardens. D.Three small gardens.47.How many classes are there in this school?A.10. B.20. C.21. D.22.48.Which Grade is Building B for?A.It is for Grade 6. B.It is for Grade 7.C.It is for Grade 8. D.It is for Grade 9.六、书面表达假如你是李慧,请根据下面的信息,写一封信告诉你的笔友王芳有关你学校的一些情况:1.我在希望中学上学,学校不大, 但是干净又漂亮; 2.有一间美术室和一间音乐室,但没有图书馆;3.这儿的老师很好,我们很喜欢他们;4.我住得离学校很远,每天乘公交车上学,要花费40分钟的时间。要求:1.表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2.必须包括所给的信息,并适当发挥;3.词数:70词左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);4.不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Dear Wang Fang,Thanks for your letter. I am glad to tell you something about my school. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________All the best,Li Hui参考答案30.C 31.A 32.B 33.D 34.A 35.C 36.A 37.A 38.C 39.B40.C 41.D 42.B 43.B 44.D45.A 46.D 47.C 48.C49.Dear Wang Fang,Thanks for your letter. I am glad to tell you something about my school. I’m now studying in Hope Middle School. It is not very big but it’s clean and beautiful. There’s an art room and a music room. But there’s no library. The teachers here are all nice to us. We like them very much.I live far away from my school. I have to take a bus to school every day. It takes me about 40 minutes to get to school.I feel happy here.All the best,Li Hui
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