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    这是一份2024年广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇中考一模英语试卷,共11页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    说 明:本试卷共8页, 满分90分;考试用时90分钟。
    1. 答卷前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的准考证号、姓名、考场号和座 位号填写在答题卡上。用2B 铅笔在“考场号”和“座位号”栏相应位置填涂自己的考 场号和座位号。
    2. 作答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点 涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试卷上。
    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域 内相应位置上;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔 和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
    4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    一、语法选择(本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    请通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 根据语法和上下文连贯的要求, 从每小题所给的三个选 项中选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
    A girl wh wrte Chinese calligraphy(书法)n her hme curtains (窗帘)has becme ppular nline. The pictures f her creatins have 31 surprised lts f peple.
    The girl named Yating is frm Quanzhu, Fujian Prvince. It tk 32 three days t write the calligraphy. Yating decided 33 the calligraphy curtains because her ld nes had cartn pictures n them and they didn't fit the style f her hme. She wanted t make 34 change. Yating put “Fur Treasures f the Study”(文房四宝)n the desk t match the calligraphy curtains.
    Accrding t Yating, the curtains 35 f thin etamine(纱)instead f cmmn clth r paper. “I have t be careful nt t use t much ink 36 the etamine is quite thin, r the ink wuld spread t a wide area. ”she said.
    Yating said she lved writing calligraphy a lt. She 37 up the hbby abut five years ag. “On the curtains, I cpied the wrks 38 tw famus ancient calligraphy masters Huai Su and Huang Tingjian. And I am quite 39 with my calligraphy wrks. ”said Yating.
    Yating tk phts f her calligraphy curtains and shared them nline. 40 amazing pictures they were! Many peple thught they were nt nly beautiful, but als brught them peace in the heart.
    31. A. greatB. greaterC. greatly
    32. A. sheB. herC. hers
    33. A. t dB. didC. ding
    34. A. aB. anC. the
    35. A. madeB. are madeC. were made
    36. A. whenB. thughC. because
    37. A. takes B. tk C. was taking
    38. A. by B. fr C. with
    39. A. satisfied B. mre satisfied C. mst satisfied
    40. A. Hw B. What C. What a
    二、完形填空(本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    请通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
    Once a yung man was asked t paint a bat f a rich man. While painting, he 41 a small hle in the ship's hull(船体)and quietly fixed it. After finishing his wrk, the yung man gt paid and left.
    The bat's wner 42 at the yung man's huse the next day with much mney, far greater
    than the painting payment.
    “Yu've already given me. 43 fr painting the bat, Sir!” said the surprised yung man.
    “This isn't fr the paint jb, it's fr repairing the 44 . ”said the rich man.
    “But it was such a little service. Yu dn't need t 45 me that much. ”said the yung man.
    “My dear by, I frgt the hle when I asked yu t paint the bat. After yu finished painting it, my 46 tk the bat and went n a fishing trip. Then, I suddenly remembered the hle. I was scared t death. Imagine hw 47 I was when I saw them return hme safely. After that, I 48 checked the bat and discvered that yu had repaired the hle. Yu 49 my children's lives. ”said the rich man.
    S, n matter what, where, when r hw, try t be 50 . Because smetimes, the smallest act f kindness may be wrth mre t thers.
    41. A. burnt B. dug C. made D. discvered
    42. A. grew upB. gave upC. shwed upD. cheered up
    43. A. adviceB. mneyC. presentsD. prizes
    44. A. hle B. huse C. painting D. shelf
    45. A. save B. tell C. pay D. ask
    46. A. parents B. kids C. wife D. friends
    47. A. thankfulB. lnelyC. bredD. lvely
    48. A. luckilyB. carefullyC. recentlyD. cmfrtably
    49. A. gaveB. helpedC. lstD. prtected
    50. A. braveB. patientC. helpfulD. humrus
    三 、阅读理解(本大题共15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分)
    请阅读A、B 两篇短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子 的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
    51. Peple can visit Zhuhai Aerspace Center _____________.
    A. at 10:00 a. m. n Mnday B. at 1:00 p. m. n Wednesday
    C. at 9:00 a. m. n May 1st D. at 7:00 p. m. n Saturday
    52. If Mr. and Mrs. Green visit the Center with their 12-year-ld daughter, they need t pay __________.
    A. ¥199 B. ¥256 C. ¥329 D. ¥420
    53. Accrding t the highlights f the Center, visitrs can _________________.
    A. attend lectures given by astrnauts
    B. experience AR, VR and 5D filming technlgies
    C. wrk with astrnauts in the Tiangng space statin
    D. see the life-size cpy f Tiangng space statin
    54. What can we knw frm the pster?
    A. Zhuhai Aerspace Center pened in February in 2024.
    B. Peple can win free tickets by taking part in a quiz.
    C. Smking is allwed in Zhuhai Aerspace Center.
    D. Yu dn't have t d security check befre entering the Center.
    55. Where is the pster mst prbably frm?
    A. A website. B. A picture bk. C. A nvel D. A news reprt
    In recent years, plastic pllutin has becme ne f the mst serius envirnmental prblems arund the wrld. Many cuntries have been lking fr slutins fr a better future. China has started a “bamb instead f plastic” initiative(倡议)with the Internatinal Bamb and Rattan Organizatin(国际竹藤组织). It will hpefully increase green bamb prducts and reduce plastic pllutin.
    Bamb is a renewable natural resurce f great value, such as cleaning air and preventing sil lss. Unlike trees which usually need s lng time t fully grw, bamb can be harvested in 3 t 5 years. As lng as it is prtected well, bamb can be cut every year and desn't have t be replanted. Bamb can be used t make different kinds f prducts. These prducts can take the place f plastic prducts in many fields such as packaging and building. Mrever, bamb is an inncuus material. It desn't cause any pllutin when it has t be thrwn away.
    China is ne f the cuntries with the richest bamb resurces in the wrld. The Chinese are a pineer in the use f bamb. Prvinces like Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and Guizhu have set up cmpanies t develp and prduce bamb prducts. They cver the areas f furniture, decratin, daily necessities, etc. Many f them have been sld t different cuntries. China is als sharing its technlgies and experience t help ther cuntries with rich bamb resurces. It is hped that cuntries will wrk tgether fr glbal green develpment.
    56. What is the purpse f the initiative?
    A. T ask peple t prtect bamb.
    B. T advise peple t plant mre bamb.
    C. T encurage peple t make gd use f bamb.
    D. T invite peple t learn abut Chinese bamb culture.
    57. Hw lng des it take fr bamb t fully grw?
    A. Fr ne year. B. Fr three t five years.
    C. Fr ten years. D. Fr mre than ten years.
    58. What des the underlined wrd "inncuus "in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Harmless. B. Strng. C. Cheap. D. Light.
    59. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. Few peple use bamb prducts in Eurpe.
    B. China hpes t set up mre cmpanies in ther cuntries.
    C. China is helping ther cuntries with rich bamb resurces.
    D. Guizhu and Henan have set up cmpanies t prduce bamb prducts.
    60. Which can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Chinese Bamb Prducts B. Less Plastic, Mre Bamb
    C. Bamb in Chinese Culture D. Cuntries with Rich Bamb Resurces
    配对阅读 左栏是五位同学遇到的问题, 右栏是七个解决方法。请为每个同学选择一个合适 的解决方法, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
    四、短文填空(本大题共10小题, 每小题1 . 5分, 共15分)
    请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词, 每词仅用一次, 有两词为多余项。请将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。
    It is well-knwn that silk was discvered in China. 66 ne f the best materials fr clthes, it has a perfect lk and feel.
    There is a stry abut 67__________ silk was discvered. Over 4, 000 years ag, a silkwrm ccn (蚕茧)fell in t a wman's teacup. As she tried t 68___________ the ccn ut, it started t unwind(展开) and the “line” seemed endless. 69 __________ realized that the strng line culd be used t make clthes.
    Fr hundreds f years after that, silk was nly used by70________ peple because f its high cst. With the 71 _________ f the silk industry, mre silk was prduced. And it was used mre. 72___________ than befre. In the Han Dynasty, silk was transprted as far as Spain and many ther 73_________. The trade rad was knwn as the Silk Rad. It 74__________ China with the rest f the wrld and played quite an imprtant rle in the wrld trade.
    Tday, silk can be used fr many kinds f things, nt nly fr clthes. 75 _________ als fr paintings, kites, and even fishing nets. Wherever Chinese silk ges arund the wrld, it is always warmly received.
    五、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B 两部分, 共25分)
    A. 回答问题(本题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
    请阅读下面这篇文章, 根据所提供的信息, 回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整, 并把答案写在答题卡指定的位置。
    Yang Le Ge Yang, a matching puzzle(配对拼图游戏), is very ppular n Chinese scial media. But nw smething magical has happened. This game has been turned int Ying Le Ge Yu and it appeared in a high schl in Wuhan, Hubei.
    Ying Le Ge Yu is created by an English teacher, Xu Yanglan. It has the same backgrund music as that ppular game. But the pictures are changed int English wrds. Students need t grup the wrds accrding t their parts f speech(词性)in the new game.
    “Play is ur brain's favrite way f learning. ”Xu said. “When playing games, students becme mre active in their learning. Sme students learn English wrds mre quickly by jining in the game rather than just reading r writing texts. ”
    “Nw I find myself taking part in the English class actively because I want t be the final
    winner in the game, "said Yuan Ruxin, a student at the schl.
    “Teachers usually use games in teaching t create a cmfrtable and welcming envirnment fr learning. "Zhng Ruhui, head teacher f the high schl, said. “The use f digital tls in class is just a frm f teaching. N matter what methds teachers use in their classes, behind the methds, it's always the lve frm a teacher fr his r her students. ”
    76. Where did Ying Le Ge Yu appear?
    77. What d students need t d in Ying Le Ge Yu?
    78. Hw are students when playing games?
    79. Wh is a student, Xu Yanglan r Yuan Ruxin?
    80. Why d teacher usually use games in teaching?
    B. 书面表达(本题15分)
    请根据要求完成短文写作, 并将作文写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。
    创新是科技发展的第一动力。假设你叫李华, 上周你校举办了校园科技节(Science and
    Technlgy Festival)。请你根据以下思维导图内容提示给你的外国朋友Jack 写一封电子邮件,
    (3)语句连贯, 词数80个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数。
    Dear Jack,
    Last week, a great event "Science and Technlgy Festival" was held in ur schl.
    Li Hua
    英 语
    一、语法选择(本大题共10小题每小题1分, 共10分)
    31-35:CBAAC 36-40:CBAAB
    二、完形填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    41-45:DCBAC 46-50:BABDC
    三、阅读理解(本大题共15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分)
    51-55:BCDBA 56-60:CBACB 61-65:DGAFB
    四、短文填空(本大题共10小题, 每小题1. 5分, 共15分
    66. As 67. hw 68. take 69. She 70. rich
    71. develpment 72. widely 73. cuntries 74. cnnected 75. but
    五、读写综合(本大题分为A 、B 两部分, 共25分)
    A. 请阅读下面短文, 根据所提供的信息, 回答5个问题, 要求所写答案语法正确, 语义完整。 (每2分, 共 10分)
    76. It appeared in a high schl in Wuhan. Hubei.
    77. They need t grup the wrds accrding t their parts f speech.
    78. They are mre active in their learning.
    79. Yuan Ruxin
    80. T create a cmfrtable and welcming envirnment fr leaning.
    B. 书面表达(15分)
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Jack
    Last week, a great event called "Science and Technlgy Festival" was held in ur schl. It can nt nly enrich students' schl life, but als help develp their interest in science and technlgy.
    There were many activities during the event. Sme students shwed their creative inventins, such as a flying huse. It was in fact a mdel plane, but it lked like a huse. What a wnderful inventin it was! Besides, we listened t sme lectures (talks /speeches)abut science and technlgy. What's mre, we did sme interesting experiments. It was a great chance fr us t put what we learned int practice.
    In my pinin, this event was nt nly exciting but als meaningful. We all had great fun and learnt a lt abut science and technlgy at the same time.
    Li HuaChina's 1st Super-large Aerspace Land Opens
    in Nv. 2024 in Zhuhai!
    It shws the latest and eye-catching aerspace(航天航空技术), and natinal defense prducts in China with eight exhibitin areas.
    There is the life-size cpy f China's Tiangng space statin and the Lng March rckets. Turists can enter the display area and get a clse lk at hw astrnauts live, wrk, and sleep in the statin
    AR, VR, and 4D filming technlgies are available.
    Lectures abut the develpment f China's space industry will be given by a rbt.
    Opening Hurs
    *Frm Tuesday t Friday:10:00-17:00
    * Weekends &Public hlidays: 9:30-18:30
    *Mnday: Clsed
    Adults: ¥168
    Discunt tickets: ¥88(Fr children, teenagers, university students, elderly ver 60)
    Parent-child tickets: ¥199(1 adult, 1 child)
    Family tickets: ¥329 (2 adults, 1 child)
    Tickets can be bked n the WeChat Accunt "Zhuhai Aerspace Center"
    Zhuhai Internatinal Airshw Center, N. 272 Airprt Rad, Jinwan District (Bus Z105, Z107 207, 504 can take yu there. )
    ▶Visitrs are nt allwed t enter the Center after 4:30 p. m.
    ▶Security check is needed befre entering the Center
    ▶ N shuting and n smking in the Center
    Cme and take the space knwledge quiz t win free tickets! Fr mre infrmatin, please click here.
    61. Jrdan wasn't chsen t be the member f the schl basketball team. He likes basketball. Why didn't the teacher chse him?
    62. Jamie thinks the hmewrk is difficult. He keeps lking at it and he desn't knw what t d. He's s wrried.
    63. Annie cmes frm India and studies in the USA. She is wrried everyne will laugh at her when she speaks because she speaks differently t everyne else.
    64. Lily ften says Ann is ding badly in everything. Ann is nt happy but she desn't want t lse this friend.
    65. Jack's grandfather died last week and Jack is s sad that he desn't want t get ut f his huse r d anything.
    A. Cme and meet yur deskmate first, then ther classmates Dn't wrry. They'll lve yur way f prnuncing.
    B. Chclate is the mst ppular cmfrt fd. It's prven great t cheer up a sad persn, because it releases(释放 happy hrmnes in the bdy.
    C. It's hard t stay calm when yu're wrried. But yu had better finish yur hmewrk alne!
    D. Why dn't yu g and speak t the teacher and tell him hw much yu like basketball? Maybe he will tell yu the reasn r hw t achieve it.
    E. Let yur parents knw yu will be lnely if yu aren't allwed t g ut. Als, yu can ask a teacher t talk t yur parents abut the after -schl activity.
    F. Yur chice f friend r partner is imprtant. Give yur time t the peple in yur life wh are warm and encuraging. Keep away frm thse wh lk dwn n yu.
    G. Dn't wrry. Yu can d yur hmewrk with yur classmates tgether. Yu can discuss prblems with yur classmates.
    cnnect she as cuntry deep hw rich between but develp widely take

    广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中英语试卷: 这是一份广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中英语试卷,共9页。试卷主要包含了语法选择,完形填空,阅读理解,词汇基础,短文填空,读写综合等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    73,广东省 佛山市南海区狮山镇官窑第二初级中学2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷: 这是一份73,广东省 佛山市南海区狮山镇官窑第二初级中学2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷,共22页。试卷主要包含了 语法选择, 完形填空, 阅读理解阅读A, 短文填空, 读写综合.回答问题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇官窑二中中考三模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇官窑二中中考三模英语试题(含解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了补全对话6选5,语法选择,完形填空,阅读单选,阅读匹配,短文语境提示填空,阅读回答问题,书信作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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