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    1.Tm and Mike are very kind. We like _______ very much.
    A. himB. herC. usD. them
    2.We start ur first class _______ 8:00 in the mrning.
    A. nB. inC. atD. fr
    3.We have t hurry up, _______ we will be late fr the talent shw.
    A. andB. butC. sD. r
    4.—Mum, may I g t the cinema this Saturday? —Of curse yu ________, but finish yur hmewrk first.
    A. mustB. canC. shuldD. might
    5.Technlgy has made ur life _________ than befre.
    A. cnvenientB. mre cnvenient
    C. mst cnvenientD. the mst cnvenient
    6.—______ are tickets fr tw adults and ne child? —$15.
    A. Hw farB. Hw ftenC. Hw muchD. Hw sn
    7.Nw, sme f ur classmates ________ basketball n the playgrund. Let's jin them.
    A. are playingB. have playedC. were playingD. played
    8.We _______ fr a picnic if the weather stays nice tmrrw.
    A. will gB. gC. have gneD. went
    9.Dad ________ dinner when I arrived hme.
    A. cksB. is ckingC. was ckingD. will ck
    10.My grandparents' hmetwn _________ a lt since they mved away.
    A. changesB. was changingC. will changeD. has changed
    11.The Dragn Bat Festival ________ in late May r June every year.
    A. celebratesB. celebratedC. is celebratedD. was celebrated
    12.—I missed the last English class. Culd yu tell me _________? —Yes. We talked abut wrld fd culture.
    A. what did yu discussB. what yu discussed
    C. what are yu ging t discussD. what yu are ging t discuss
    Billy and his classmates were busy preparing fr the end-f-year play under the guidance f Miss Tmpkins, their drama teacher.
    Billy did the sund effects. He wrked hard during rehearsals (彩排). As the actrs and actresses spke their lines, Billy 13 them in his head. He als nted the actin cues (提示). He needed t make sure the right sund effect came at the right time.
    Everything was ging 14 until, just tw days befre the perfrmance, Billy came hme with bad news. "Grandad, Anthny brke his arm while practicing his bike jump n his way hme."
    "Oh, I'm srry t hear that."
    "He'll make a full recvery. But by lsing Anthny, we nw dn't have a main character, the Keymaster. Miss Tmpkins says we might have t 15 the play. Yu knw, after all that hard wrk, rehearsals, artwrk, lights …"
    Billy and Grandad fell silent, thinking abut the situatin.
    After a few minutes, Grandad brke the 16 , "I knw —" he said. "Each evening that yu've cme back frm rehearsals, yu always recite (背诵) the lines. Yu must knw them all by nw. Why dn't yu play the Keymaster?"
    "Because I can't d it."
    "Hw d yu knw unless yu 17 ? It desn't matter hw well yu d, as everyne will be n yur side and cheer yu n."
    "Yeah. Maybe I shuld give it a g," Billy said.
    The next day, Billy tld Miss Tmpkins abut his 18 .
    "Well, Billy, that's fantastic!" Miss Tmpkins smiled. "And I will take ver sund effect respnsibilities."
    The perfrmance turned ut t be a success and Billy did a great jb. At the clse f the perfrmance, Miss Tmpkins cngratulated everyne, "Well dne. Everyne did s well. I especially cngratulate Billy fr stepping in at such shrt ntice. I knw Anthny wuld have made a wnderful Keymaster — as I saw frm rehearsals — but Billy really did 19 the day."
    With everyne cheering ludly, Billy felt as if he were flying. He liked the feeling and was s 20 that he had dne it. He nw believed that he culd d mre than he thught.
    13.A. testedB. repeatedC. guessedD. crssed
    14.A. secretlyB. slwlyC. separatelyD. smthly
    15.A. reviewB. writeC. seeD. cancel
    16.A. silenceB. wrdsC. armsD. limit
    17.A. rushB. fcusC. tryD. wait
    18.A. trubleB. ideaC. mistakeD. prgress
    19.A. saveB. celebrateC. startD. miss
    20.A. nervusB. interestedC. pleasedD. srry
    Fr as lng as I can remember, I've always been in the middle. I'm the middle child in my family. I've always sat in the middle f the classrm at schl. Even my first and last names, Miguel Martinez, start with an M—the middle letter f the alphabet. Luckily, I'm als in the middle f a large circle f friends.
    Hwever, starting middle schl in September brught me a painful change. All f my clsest friends went t a different middle schl, leaving me alne. The nly classmate I knw frm my ld schl is Jake, wh is gd at math. But since it's nt my favrite subject, we never became friends.
    By the end f Octber, Jake and I became gd friends. It happened because I was s hpeless when trying t d my math hmewrk. I hated math—especially fractins (分数). S, ne day, I turned t Jake after schl. T my surprise, Jake nt nly knew my name but was als willing t help me.
    That night, Jake and I studied math tgether. He used pieces f a pizza t explain fractins, and by the end f the night, I finally understd!
    The next day in class, I was even able t answer ne f the math prblems. My math teacher was surprised when I raised my hand, and guess what — s was I!
    The ther day, ur math teacher gave us a math brainteaser (谜题). She asked, "If yu were t write all the numbers frm ne t ne hundred, hw many times wuld yu write a nine?" The questin was harder than it seemed.
    All f ur classmates were wrng. Jake and I were the nly nes with the crrect answer! After that, mre and mre classmates wanted t study math with us.
    Jake and I plan t hang ut tgether during winter break. It wn't just be the tw f us, since all my new friends frm middle schl will g with us t the Math Museum dwntwn. Thugh I nw see math differently, sme things haven't changed. I'm still in the middle f a large circle f friends!
    21.Hw did Miguel feel when he started middle schl?
    A. Lucky.B. Surprised.C. Lnely.D. Tired.
    22.Miguel changed his attitude twards math because _________.
    A. Jake helped him t get better at it
    B. his teacher taught him math with a pizza
    C. he wn first prize in the math cmpetitin
    D. his friends advised him t d mre exercises
    23.At the end f the stry, Miguel ________.
    A. finds pleasure in different subjects
    B. enjys the cmpany f his new friends
    C. plans t g abrad during winter break
    D. slves his prblems at the Math Museum
    A 2, 000-year mystery (谜) has mved ne step clser t being slved. AI sftware develped by researchers has successfully deciphered (辨读) the text frm a burnt scrll (卷轴) fund in the remains f an ancient Rman building in Italy. This culd help us better understand the ancient wrld.
    In the centuries after the scrlls were discvered, many peple have tried t pen them, but ended up destrying sme f them. Brent Seales, a cmputer scientist, has been trying t read these hidden texts fr nearly 20 years. His team develped sftware t read the surface f scrlls using 3D CT images (图像). As the results were nt satisfactry, they wndered whether machine-learning mdels might be trained t read the scrlls. But making sense f all the infrmatin was a huge task fr his small team. Luckily, in March 2023, the Vesuvius Challenge was intrduced, ffering a large prize t researchers wrldwide. Researchers were asked t decipher fur passages, f at least 140 characters each, befre the end f the year.
    The key t the challenge's success was the mix f cmpetitin and cperatin (合作), with Seales ding his part by sharing his sftware and images nline. Smaller prizes were presented alng the way t encurage prgress, with the winning machine-learning algrithm (算法) shared at each stage t "level up" the cmmunity, s cmpetitrs culd build n each ther's prgress.
    The turning pint came in the middle f last year, when physicist Casey Handmer nticed smething that seemed t frm the shapes f Greek letters — he called it "crackle". In late Octber, an American university student studying cmputer science used the crackle t train a machine-learning algrithm, uncvering the wrd prphyras, "purple". This wn him the prize fr discvering the first letters. An Egyptian student, wh fllwed with even clearer images f the text, came secnd. At last, the tw yung researchers tgether with a Swiss student wrked ut ver 2, 000 characters frm ne scrll, sharing the $700, 000 prize.
    The text f the already-pened scrlls is related t Greek philsphy (哲学), and researchers are likely t find mre f the same in the scrlls. Als, the machine-learning techniques pineered by researchers can nw be used t study ther types f hidden text. The prgress suggested the future decipherment f the hundreds f scrlls that had been given up n befre. The real gains are still ahead f us.
    24.The Vesuvius Challenge was set up t __________.
    A. raise mre mney t develp AI sftware
    B. attract scientists t find mre burnt scrlls
    C. cllect mre infrmatin n 3D technlgy
    D. invlve mre peple in deciphering the scrlls
    25.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Casey Handmer wn first prize fr discvering the wrd "purple".
    B. Researchers vlunteered t teach students t read the hidden texts.
    C. Sharing amng cmpetitrs helped t make the challenge successful.
    D. Different machine-learning mdels were trained t write Greek letters.
    26.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. AI unlcks secrets f 2,000-year-ld scrlls.
    B. Yung adults take the lead in AI develpment.
    C. Technlgy awakens curisity abut philsphy.
    D. Big prizes bring abut technlgical achievements.
    The ppularity f self-help bks and happiness wrkshps shws ur cnstant desire (不变的渴望) t make life better. But culd it be that many f ur lives are already better than we recgnize?
    While we may have a lving family, a gd place t live, and a wrthwhile jb, we ften fail t ntice thse things. It's nt because we are unthankful r stupid. It's because f a basic characteristic f ur brain, knwn as habituatin.
    Habituatin is the prcess in which neurns (神经元) fire less and less in respnse (反应) t things that are cnstant. Yu enter a rm filled with rses and after a shrt while, yu cannt catch the pleasant smell any lnger. And just as yu get used t the smell, yu als get used t a lving relatinship, t a nice hme, t a beautiful wrk f art. Yur brain cares abut what recently changed, nt abut what remained the same. And s, what nce tk yur breath away becmes part f life's furniture. Yu habituate t it — yu fail t respnd t what yu used t find attractive.
    The gd news is that yu can dishabituate. The key is taking small breaks frm yur daily life. Fr example, when peple return hme frm a lng business trip, they ften find their nrmal life has "resparkled". Time away, hwever shrt, will enable yu t see yur life with fresh eyes. Similarly, yu can change yur envirnment using yur imaginatin. Create a clear picture f life in yur mind, but withut yur hme, yur jb, r yur family. This small act might make yu feel lucky abut what yu have.
    Why, thugh, have we evlved (进化) a brain that gets less and less pleasure frm gd things that are cnstant? Wuldn't it be great if yu wndered at yur jb r huse just as yu did at the very beginning?
    Maybe, r maybe nt. Habituatin t the gd drives yu t mve frward and prgress. If yu did nt experience habituatin, yu wuld be satisfied with less, which means yu wuld have reduced mtivatin (动力) t learn, t develp, and t change.
    A balance must be fund here. On the ne hand, withut habituatin, we may nt have ended up with the technlgical develpment and great wrks f art we d. But n the ther hand, habituatin can lead us t be unsatisfied, bred, and restless. Perhaps then, rather than fcusing cmpletely n hw t better ur life, we need t als learn hw t see ur life better — t ntice the great things we have habituated t a little bit mre.
    27.What d we knw frm Paragraphs 2 and 3?
    A. It's nt always easy fr us t get used t new things.
    B. We need t pay mre attentin t ur wrk and family life.
    C. We're mre likely t ntice smething bad ver smething gd.
    D. Our brain respnds less t smething after repeated presentatins.
    28.The wrd "resparkled" in Paragraph 4 mst prbably means ___________.
    A. stayed the same day by day
    B. suddenly seemed amazing again
    C. returned t a bring cnditin
    D. cmpletely changed in a shrt time
    29.Frm the passage, we learn that _________.
    A. dishabituatin may lead us t be unthankful fr what we have
    B. habituatin t the gd may decrease ur satisfactin with life
    C. we cannt dishabituate withut mving away frm ur envirnment
    D. we hardly have mtivatin t g frm gd t great when habituatin sets in
    30.What's the writer's main purpse f writing this passage?
    A. T mtivate us t make great prgress in daily life.
    B. T suggest keeping a balance between life and wrk.
    C. T stress the imprtance f experiencing habituatin.
    D. T remind us that ur life may be better than we think.
    31.My biggest regret in 2023 was my relatinship with my smartphne. The screen time reprt shwed I spent mre than five hurs a day n it. While sme f the time was fr activities that enrich my life r are unavidable: wrk, family messages, reading the news and staying in tuch with friends, the ttal amunt trubled me deeply flip phne.
    In 2024, I made a big change — I traded my smartphne fr a basic flip phne which can nly make calls and send text messages. I bught it nline fr nly $30. At first I missed my smartphne. But as time passed, I gt used t the flip phne and even grew t like it. It is mre durable since the screen is better prtected and it desn't need t be charged (充电) as ften — it can last fr ver a week!
    Hwever, there are sme limitatins. T type a text message, I have t repeatedly press buttns (按钮) n the keypad. Als, I can't pen Internet links n it, which means I'm missing ut n the Internet and its cuntless pleasures and benefits. Sme peple dubted I culd manage withut certain cmmn apps, let alne having the wrld's knwledge at my fingertips.
    True, nt having the smartphne and its apps can be incnvenient at times. Fr example, ne day, when I visited a public charging statin, I fund that I culdn't charge my electric car withut using a smartphne app. Additinally, I used t depend n nline maps t g anywhere ver 15 minutes away, but nw I have t search fr directins befrehand and remember them.
    Even with the challenges, I fund it refreshing t discnnect frm the Internet. In the past few mnths, I was able t fcus n the tasks, peple, and wrld befre my eyes instead f a phne screen. I read fur bks and spent mre time with my family.
    I even nticed I'd lst the habit f checking my phne every nw and then.
    "Our health is cmpeting with many f these services and cmpanies that are fighting fr ur time, energy and attentin," said Matthew Buman, a prfessr at Arizna State University. I tld him abut my slutin — a basic flip phne. He said it prbably made my mind feel mre free and feel as if I had mre time, but that "in ur sciety, it's hard t keep that in the lng term."
    (1) Hw much time did the writer spend n the smartphne every day in 2023?
    (2) Accrding t Paragraph 2, what change did the writer make in 2024?
    (3) What truble did the writer have at a public charging statin ne day?
    (4) Wuld yu like t fllw the writer's example? Why r why nt? (Please give tw reasns.)
    32.A. AB. BC. CD. D
    33.A. AB. BC. CD. D
    34.A. AB. BC. CD. D
    提示词语:reuse, dnate (捐赠), benefit, cllect, textbks
    提示问题:● Why shuld we hld this activity?
    ● What preparatins shuld we make?
    Dear schlmates,
    I'm giving this speech t call n yu t dnate the things yu dn't need.
    Lking frward t yur supprt.
    提示词语: thank, lve, friendship, prud, wish
    提示问题:● What wuld yu say?
    ●Why wuld yu say it?
    I wuld say…______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    【解析】句意:汤姆和迈克都很善良。我们非常喜欢他们。him他;her她;us我们;them他们/她们/它们。根据“Tm and Mike are very kind.”可知,设空处指的是喜欢“他们”。故选D。
    【解析】句意:我们得快点了,否则才艺表演就要迟到了。and和;but但是;s因此;r或者,否则。根据“We have t hurry up…we will be late fr the talent shw.”可知,应该说要快点,“否则”才艺表演就要迟到了。故选D。
    【解析】句意:——妈妈,这个星期六我可以去看电影吗?——当然可以,但要先把作业做完。must必须;can可以;shuld应该;might可能。根据“but finish yur hmewrk first”可知,设空处说的是你“可以”去看电影。故选 B。
    【解析】句意:科技使我们的生活比以前更方便。根据“than befre”可知,设空处应填比较级,cnvenient的比较级是mre cnvenient,故选B。
    【解析】句意:——两个大人加一个小孩的票多少钱?——15美元。Hw far多远,询问距离;Hw ften多久一次,询问频率;Hw much多少,多少钱,询问不可数名词的数量或价格;Hw sn多久以后。根据“$15.”可知,设空处是对价格提问。故选C。
    【解析】句意:现在,我们的一些同学正在操场上打篮球。让我们加入他们。根据“Nw”以及“Let's jin them.”可知,同学们正在打篮球,应用现在进行时,结构为am/is/are+动词现在分词。故选A。
    【解析】句意:如果明天天气好,我们就去野餐。根据“if the weather stays nice tmrrw”可知,这是if引导的条件状语从句,主句使用一般将来时,故选A。
    【解析】句意:我到家时爸爸正在做晚饭。根据“when I arrived hme”可知,这是when引导的时间状语从句,此处表示过去的动作在某一个时间点正好正在发生,因此主句应用过去进行时(was/were+动词现在分词)。故选C。
    【解析】句意:我祖父母的家乡自从他们搬走后变化很大。根据“since they mved away”可知,设空处是现在完成时,其结构为“have/has+动词过去分词”。故选D。
    【解析】句意:每年的5月下旬或6月庆祝端午节。根据时间状语“every year”可知,时态为一般现在时,故排除B、D;再根据句子主语The Dragn Bat Festival与动词celebrate之间为被动关系,所以应用被动语态;综合分析,一般现在时的被动语态结构为am/is/are+动词过去分词。故选C。
    【解析】句意:——我错过了上一节英语课。你能告诉我你们讨论了什么吗?——可以。我们讨论了世界饮食文化。根据“Culd yu tell me”可知,空处应填入宾语从句,使用陈述句语序,故排除选项A和C(均为疑问句语序);结合“We talked abut wrld fd culture.”可知,从句使用一般过去时。故选B。
    句意:当演员们说出台词时,比利在脑子里重复着。tested测试;repeated重复;guessed猜测;crssed通过。根据“He needed t make sure the right sund effect came at the right time.”可知,比利重复演员的台词,以确保在正确的时间做出正确的声音效果。故选B。
    句意:一切都很顺利,直到演出前两天,比利带着坏消息回家。secretly秘密地;slwly慢慢地;separately分开地;smthly顺利地。根据“Billy came hme with bad news”可知,之前一切进行顺利,直到有坏消息出现,故选D。
    句意:汤普金斯小姐说我们可能不得不取消演出。review复习;write写;see看;cancel取消。根据“But by lsing Anthny, we nw dn't have a main character, the Keymaster.”可知,少了一个主角,可能需要取消演出。故选D。
    句意:几分钟后,爷爷打破了沉默。silence沉默;wrds话语;arms手臂;limit限制。根据“Billy and Grandad fell silent, thinking abut the situatin.”以及“'I knw—' he said.”可知,爷爷打破了沉默。故选A。
    句意:如果你不去试试,你怎么知道自己不行?rush冲;fcus集中;try尝试;wait等待。根据“It desn't matter hw well yu d, as everyne will be n yur side and cheer yu n.”可知,爷爷鼓励比利进行尝试。故选C。
    句意:第二天,比利把他的想法告诉了汤普金斯小姐。truble麻烦;idea想法;mistake错误;prgress进步。根据“Maybe I shuld give it a g”可知,比利把自己要尝试的想法告诉了汤普金斯小姐。故选B。
    句意:我知道安东尼会成为一名出色的热键大师——正如我在排练中看到的那样——但比利确实挽救了局面。save挽救;celebrate庆祝;start开始;miss错过。根据“Miss Tmpkins says we might have t”可知,原本可能要取消的演出,因为比利的尝试从而挽救了局面。故选A。
    句意:他喜欢这种感觉,并且非常高兴他已经做到了。nervus紧张的;interested感兴趣的;pleased高兴的;srry抱歉的。根据“With everyne cheering ludly, Billy felt as if he were flying.”可知,比利很高兴。故选C。
    【解析】【文章大意】本文讲述了作者一直处于“中间”状态,进入中学后朋友离开,后因数学与杰克成为好友,在杰克帮助下数学进步,他们还答对难题,更多人想和他们学数学,作者计划与 Jake 及新朋友寒假去数学博物馆,虽对数学看法变了但仍有很多朋友。
    根据第二段“All f my clsest friends went t a different middle schl, leaving me alne.”可知,作者所有的好朋友都去了不同的中学,留下了作者一个人在这所中学,所以他感到孤独。故选C。
    根据第四段“He used pieces f a pizza t explain fractins, and by the end f the night, I finally understd!”和第五段“The next day in class, I was even able t answer ne f the math prblems.”可知,在杰克的帮助下,作者不仅弄明白了分数,还能在课堂上回答数学问题,由此可知作者改变了他对数学的态度,是因为杰克帮助他做得更好。故选A。
    根据最后一段“It wn't just be the tw f us, since all my new friends frm middle schl will g with us t the Math Museum dwntwn. Thugh I nw see math differently, sme things haven't changed. I'm still in the middle f a large circle f friends!”可知,故事的最后,作者不仅结识了杰克,还和中学里面的新同学成为了朋友,他又成为了一大群朋友的中心,由此可知作者很享受新朋友们的陪伴。故选B。
    根据第二段“Luckily, in March 2023, the Vesuvius Challenge was intrduced, ffering a large prize t researchers wrldwide. Researchers were asked t decipher fur passages, f at least 140 characters each, befre the end f the year.”可知,维苏威挑战的目的是让更多的人参与破译古卷。故选D。
    根据第三段“The key t the challenge's success was the mix f cmpetitin and cperatin (合作)...”以及“ the winning machine-learning algrithm (算法) shared at each stage t 'level up' the cmmunity, s cmpetitrs culd build n each ther's prgress.”可知,竞争对手之间的分享有助于挑战的成功。故选C。
    根据第一段“AI sftware develped by researchers has successfully deciphered (辨读) the text frm a burnt scrll (卷轴) fund in the remains f an ancient Rman building in Italy.”和全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了研究人员开发的人工智能软件成功辨读卷轴中的文字,故选A。
    根据第二段内容和第三段“Habituatin is the prcess in which neurns (神经元) fire less and less in respnse (反应) t things that are cnstant.”可知,习惯化是神经元对恒定事物的反应越来越少的过程。由此可知,在多次重复的呈现后,我们的大脑对某些事物的反应就会减弱。故选D。
    根据“Time away, hwever shrt, will enable yu t see yur life with fresh eyes.”可知,离开一段时间,不管多么短暂,都将使你能够以全新的视角看待你的生活。由此可推断,resparkled表示“重新焕发光彩”。故选B。
    根据倒数第二段“Habituatin t the gd drives yu t mve frward and prgress. If yu did nt experience habituatin, yu wuld be satisfied with less, which means yu wuld have reduced mtivatin (动力) t learn, t develp, and t change.”可知,对美好的习惯化会驱使你向前迈进并取得进步。如果你没有经历习惯化,你会满足于更少,这意味着你学习、发展和改变的动力会减少。由此可知,习惯于美好的事物可能会降低我们对生活的满意度。故选B。
    根据最后一段“Perhaps then, rather than fcusing cmpletely n hw t better ur life, we need t als learn hw t see ur life better—t ntice the great things we have habituated t a little bit mre.”可知,也许,与其完全专注于如何改善我们的生活,我们还需要学会如何更好地看待我们的生活——更多地注意我们已经习惯的美好事物。由此可知,作者写本文是为了提醒我们,我们的生活也许比我们想象的更好。故选D。
    Mre than five hurs.
    The writer/He/She traded his/her smartphne fr a basic flip phne (which can nly make calls and send text messages).
    (The writer/He/She fund that) he/she culdn't charge his/her electric car (withut using a smartphne app).
    N, I wuldn't. Because smartphnes can nt nly help us learn mre knwledge, but als make it cnvenient fr us t chat with thers.
    根据第一段“My biggest regret in 2023 was my relatinship with my smartphne. The screen time reprt shwed I spent mre than five hurs a day n it.”可知,2023年作者每天花在手机屏幕上的时间超过5个小时。故填Mre than five hurs.。
    根据第二段“In 2024, I made a big change —I traded my smartphne fr a basic flip phne which can nly make calls and send text messages.”可知,2024年,我做了一个大改变——我把智能手机换成了一部只能打电话和发短信的翻盖手机。故填The writer/He/She traded his/her smartphne fr a basic flip phne (which can nly make calls and send text messages).。
    根据第四段“Fr example, ne day, when I visited a public charging statin, I fund that I culdn't charge my electric car withut using a smartphne app.”可知,作者在一个公共充电站时,发现如果不使用智能手机应用程序,就不能给电动汽车充电。故填(The writer/He/She fund that) he/she culdn't charge his/her electric car (withut using a smartphne app).。
    开放性试题,答案不唯一,言之有理即可。参考答案为N, I wuldn't. Because smartphnes can nt nly help us learn mre knwledge, but als make it cnvenient fr us t chat with thers. 。(答案不唯一)
    根据“Rast duck is famus, s I want t try it. Outdr seating area is better if pssible.”可知,Tny想要尝试一下烤鸭;选项B“不尝试一下烤鸭就不要离开这座城市。这家餐馆很有名且历史悠久。如果你点一整只烤鸭,技艺娴熟的主厨会在你餐桌前以一种艺术的方式呈上。在夏季和秋季会提供一个不错的户外座位区。”与之匹配。故选B。
    根据“I like dumplings and hpe t find a restaurant that is pen at midnight.”可知,Alice喜欢饺子,希望能找到一家半夜开门的餐馆;选项C“如果你在深夜感到饥饿,这家 24 小时营业的粤菜馆可以帮到你。它有许多小吃和饺子可供选择。许多饺子都有海鲜馅。这家餐馆还供应受欢迎的食物,比如云吞面和春卷。”与之匹配。故选C。
    根据“I am a ht pt fan, s I want t try it with my friends, but we have different tastes!”可知,Jane是火锅迷,想和朋友一起试试,但是他们口味不一样;选项A“如果你喜欢火锅,这家餐厅是必去的。这里每天都有新鲜的肉和蔬菜送来。有10多种汤底可供选择,其中的鸡汤是全市最好的汤底之一。餐厅是聚会的理想场所。”与之匹配。故选A。
    35.【答案】Dear schlmates,
    I'm giving this speech t call n yu t dnate the things yu dn't need.
    ①Our schl will carry ut a campus activity with the theme f "Drifting f Old Things", which aims t recreate the value f unused items. At the same time, the reuse f ld things can als save resurces. Yu can cllect the things yu want t dnate in advance, such as textbks, wrkbks, statinery, tys, schl unifrms and s n. Please be sure t keep them clean and tidy. ②I hpe that the active participatin f all f us can make this event a cmplete success.
    Lking frward t yur supprt.
    ①call n号召
    ②carry ut开展
    ③in advance提前
    ④be sure t d sth.务必做某事
    ①Our schl will carry ut a campus activity with the theme f "Drifting f Old Things", which aims t recreate the value f unused items.(which引导非限定性定语从句)
    ②I hpe that the active participatin f all f us can make this event a cmplete success.(that引导的宾语从句)
    36.【答案】 ①I wuld say friendship is ne f the greatest pleasures that we can enjy.
    ②I want t write abut friendship because I have gained wnderful friendship ver the years. Tday we graduate frm middle schl and will fight fr ur tmrrw alne, but dn't ever frget ur friendship and the beautiful days we have. Maybe 20 years later when we get tgether again, yu'll find that we are still a family, a whle grup that can never be defeated, and the memries we have will be the mst precius treasure we've ever gained.
    Thank yu fr yu all. May ur friendship last till the end f the universe.
    ①graduate frm从……毕业
    ②fight fr为……而战斗
    ③get tgether聚在一起
    ①I wuld say friendship is ne f the greatest pleasures that we can enjy.(that引导限定性定语从句)
    ②I want t write abut friendship because I have gained wnderful friendship ver the years. (because引导原因状语从句)
    If yu like ht pt (火锅), this restaurant is a must. It gets fresh meat and vegetables delivered every day. There are mre than 10 chices f sup bases t pick frm, and the chicken sup is ne f the best in the city. The restaurant is perfect fr get-tgethers.
    Dn't leave the city withut trying the rast duck. This restaurant is famus and has a lng histry. If yu rder the whle rast duck, the skilled chef (主厨) serves it up in an artistic way in frnt f yur table. A nice utdr seating area is prvided in summer and fall.
    If yu are hungry late at night, this 24-hur Cantnese restaurant can help. It has many snacks and dumplings t chse frm. Many dumplings have a seafd filling. The restaurant als serves favrites such as wntn ndles and spring rlls.
    If yu are a seafd lver, pay this restaurant a visit. It specializes in Lu dishes. Seafd takes center stage here and the mst ppular dish is sweet and sur carp (鲤鱼). The restaurant pays much attentin t freshness, s yu will never regret eating here.
    Rast duck is famus, s I want t try it. Outdr seating area is better if pssible.
    I like dumplings and hpe t find a restaurant that is pen at midnight.
    I am a ht pt fan, s I want t try it with my friends, but we have different tastes!

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    2024年北京市西城区中考英语一模试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2024年北京市西城区中考英语一模试卷(含详细答案解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-多任务混合,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年北京市西城区九年级一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年北京市西城区九年级一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-简答,信息匹配,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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