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    第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Accrding t the Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature (IUCN), hundreds f marine(海洋的)species acrss the wrld cme under endangered and critically endangered categries. Sme f the endangered and recgnizable marine species are named here.
    Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle
    The Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle, als knwn as the Atlantic Ridley Sea Turtle, is endangered as the rarest and smallest sea turtle.
    Distributed thrughut the Gulf f Mexic and U. S. Atlantic seabard, they gather ff the cast in nrtheastern Mexic and cme ashre in large grups t lay eggs every year. As marine reptiles(爬行动物),they are threatened by il spills, lack f fd and marine pllutin.
    As a rare marine mammal, Vaquita is n the edge f extinctin nly a half-century after its first sighting.
    Extensive fishing in the Gulf f Califrnia has endangered this marine species, resulting in a gradual drp in ppulatin since the 1940s. Accrding t reprts, there are nly a dzen f these marine mammals left in the wrld since the percentage f dec line in their ppulatin was as much as90% since 2011.
    Fin Whale is the secnd-largest mammal n the planet after Blue Whale and it is als a victim f hunting.Accrding t estimates, the glbal ppulatin f Fin Whale ranges frm belw 100,000 t arund 119,000.
    Humpback Whale, anther whale species, has als been listed as an endangered marine species. Befre the intrductin f the whaling mratrium (暂停) in 1966, the species was hunted fr its fur, while the ppulatin drpped by 90%. Currently, arund 2,500 Humpback Whales survive in the wrld.
    高三英语试题 第 1 页 共 8 页Hawaiian Mn k Seal
    A native f the Nrthwestern Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Mn k Seal is ne f the earless seals wh live n warm beaches, unlike ther seals.
    Accrding t recent research, nly 1,400 Hawaiian Mn k Seals remain n the Islands. These seals are mainly threatened by predatrs like tiger sharks. Besides, ther reasns like habitat lss and fd limitatin als cntribute t their critical situatin.
    1. Why d Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles land n the beach in large grups?
    A. T nest. B. T reprduce. C. T avid attack. D. T hunt fds.
    2. What is the majr t hreat t Hawaiian Mn k Seal?
    A. Glbal warming. B. Lack f fd. C. Natural enemies. D. Habitat pllutin.
    3. Which f the fllwing is the mst critically endangered species?
    A. Vaquita. B. Fin Whale. C. Humpback Whale. D. Hawaiian Mn k Seal.
    Defrestatin——by clear-cutting r wildfires——has massive cnsequences bth n climate and health.But leaving refrestatin t Mther Nature can take decades, particularly as disastrus wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity. And the time, cst and labur invlved makes traditinal methds f tree planting nt as practical as they nce were.
    Bryce Jnes knws hw hard it is t replant frests. Fr fur mnths in 2013, he wrked as a tree planter thrughut Canada.“There’s n technlgy there,”he says.“The nly way yu can autmate refrestatin is thrugh the air.”But it wasn't until 2019 that he hit n the ne that he thught had ptential: use drnes(无人机) t fire specially designed seed pds(荚) int the grund—at 10 times the nrmal rate and csting20-percent less than traditinal methds. He prpsed the idea t his brther and Flash Frest was brn. His first gal was t plant a billin trees by 2025.
    The team tk ut a lan, bught a drne and used 3D printers at Jnes's schl t make casts f the pds. Nw, nly tw and a half years later, the cmpany has a grup f drnes with each able t carry several thusand pds per flight. Three peratrs wrk in a field, cntrlling five drnes, whse flights take 15 t 20minutes. Flash Frest's big draw is its seed pd, which cntains everything seedlings(幼苗) need t prmte survival. And its technlgy allws them t reach pst-burn sites r remte areas that are difficult fr traditinal tree planting.
    There are challenges every day, Jnes says, as they wrk t imprve the engineering, hardware, sftware and seed-p d recipes. Then there are the challenges presented by the climate——this year, recrd temperatures,recrd wildfires and drught.“That was smething that was ttally ut f ur cntrl,”he says.
    Unlike sme traditinal frms f refrestatin, Flash Frest is fcused n bidiversity. Fr Jnes, the target f planting a billin trees by 2025 is just the beginning.“I have a dream that the cmpany will plant n six cntinents——everywhere where ur technlgy is needed,”he says.
    4. What des the authr intend t tell us in paragraph 1?
    A. The benefits f refrestatin. B. The pwer f Mther Nature.
    C. The way f putting ut wildfires. D. The urgency t seek a planting way.
    5. What are the features f Jnes' technlgy?
    A. Efficient and cst-saving. B. Innvative and back-breaking.
    C. Pricey and grund-breaking. D. Challenging and time-cnsuming.
    高三英语试题第 2 页 共 8 页6. What cntributes t the particular appeal f Flash Frest?
    A. Its drne peratrs. B. The frequent flights.
    C. Its seed pd. D. The lw cst f seedlings.
    7. What can we infer abut Flash Frest frm the last paragraph?
    A. It changed its fcus in the past. B. It will achieve its final target in 2025.
    C. It might be available wrldwide ne day. D. It has replaced traditinal frms f refrestatin.
    Ariel Prcaccia has thught a lt abut hw t cut a cake ver the last 15 years. As the father f three children, he knws hw hard it is t divide a birthday cake t everyne's satisfactin. But it's als becausePrcaccia's wrk fcuses n explring the mathematical rules fr dividing stuff up fairly. One way t d that is t think abstractly abut dessert.
    Fr decades, researchers have been asking the seemingly simple questin f hw t cut a cake fairly.The answer reaches far beynd birthday parties. A mathematical prblem at its heart, cake cutting cnnects strict reasning t real-wrld issues f fairness, and s attracts nt nly mathematicians, but als scial scientists, ecnmists and mre.“It's a very elegant mdel in which yu can distill what fairness really is,and reasn abut it,”Prcaccia says.
    The simplest apprach is called the“divider-chser”methd, where ne persn cuts the cake int tw equal pieces in his view, and the ther persn picks first. Each receives a piece that they feel is as valuable as the ther's. But when persnal preferences are taken int accunt, even the easiest rule becmes cmplicated. Suppse Alice and Bb are t divide a cake, and Alice knws Bb prefers chclate, she may knwingly divide the cake unequally s the smaller piece cntains mre chclate. Then Bb will chse accrding t his preference, and Alice will get the larger piece. Bth f them are satisfied with what they get,but the meaning f fairness changes in this situatin.
    The cake is a symbl fr any divisible gd. When cake-cutting principles are emplyed t settling disagreements, they are ptentially helping the wrld find slutins. Prcaccia has used fair divisin algrithms(算法) t mdel fd distributin. Scial scientist Haris Aziz is explring situatins ranging frm hw t divide up daily tasks t hw t best schedule dctrs' shifts in hspitals.
    Even after decades f investigatin, cake cutting isn't like a simple jigsaw puzzle (拼图) with a well-defined slutin. Instead, ver time, it has evlved int a kind f mathematical sandbx, a cnstructive playgrund that brings tgether abstract prfs and easy applicatins. The mre researchers explre it, the mre there is t explre.
    8. What des the underlined wrd“distill”in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Find the ppsite f. B. Get the essence f.
    C. Keep the fcus n. D. Reduce the impact n.
    9. What can we learn abut fairness frm the example given in paragraph 3?
    A. Its standard is stable. B. It prevents unequal divisin.
    C. Its cncept is cmplex. D. It dminates persnal preferences.
    10. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut cncerning cake cutting?
    A. The applicatin f its rules. B. The details f its prcess.
    C. The prblems it prduces. D. The harmny it symblizes.
    高三英语试题第 3 页 共 8 页11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Wh benefits mst frm fairness?
    B. Hw has fairness changed ver time?
    C. What methd wrks best in cake-cutting?
    D. Why are researchers s interested in cake-cutting?
    Amblypia is the mst cmmn cause f visin lss in children. In all cases f amblypia, there's a strnger eye and a weaker eye, and it's winner-take-all in the crtex(大脑皮层). The crtex learns t ignre the signal frm the weaker eye. By ignring the weaker eye, the brain desn't fuse (融合) images frm bth eyes. As a result, peple with amblypia can have truble seeing in 3D.
    In an attempt t slve this prblem, dctrs start treating patients with amblypia at a yung age, while their brain pathways are still develping. The children, usually under 7 years ld, are ften tld t wear an eye patch ver their strng eye t frce the brain t rely n the weaker. But whenever the eye pa tch is remved, the cmpetitin can start ver. Fr lasting imprvement, new treatments need t teach the brain t stp supremessing(抑制) key visual cues cming frm the weaker eye, says neurscıentıst Dennis Levi f theUniversity f Califrnia.
    Nw, several research teams are taking a new way that aims t get the brain t make better use f the infrmatin cming frm bth eyes. Several cmpanies are wrking n treatment s based n this new angle.One is called Luminpia.
    Luminpia's therapy invlves having children watch vides thrugh a virtual reality headset. As the children watch, the headset blcks ut certain parts f the display fr each eye, s the patients actually have t cmbine input frm the tw images t get the full vide.
    The cmpany cnducted a trial shwing that children with amblypia begin t see better n eye chart assessments after three mnths f ne-hur sessins dne six days a week. But they have yet t measure imprvements in lng-term effectiveness. It is believed that if peple with amblypia dn't learn t fuse signals frm bth eyes frm a yung age, they never will. S sme scientists think attempting t treat adults,whse brains have suppressed signals frm their weak eye fr decades, is a lst cause.
    12. Why des a persn with amblypia have truble seeing in 3D?
    A. His brain is unable t receive images.
    B. His weaker eye fails t receive signals.
    C. His strnger eye can't send signals t the brain.
    D. His crtex verlks signals frm the weaker eye.
    13. Which f the fllwing best describes the effect f an eye patch?
    A. Temprary. B. Ineffective. C. Wnderful. D. Cmprehensive.
    14. What is the wrking principle f Luminpia's therapy?
    A. Frcing the brain t rely n the weaker eye.
    B. Activating the weak eye t get the full vide.
    C. Imprving the situatins with eye chart assessments.
    D. Blcking ut the images received frm the strnger eye.
    高三英语试题第 4 页共 8 页15. What can we learn abut Luminpia's therapy frm the last paragraph?
    A. It has an instant effect. B. Adults are its main targets.
    C. It has lng-term effectiveness. D. Mre trials need t be cnducted.
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    Ask anyne hw they're feeling these days and chances are that they'll reply with sme versin f“exhausted”. We're tired f perating amid uncertainty. We're tired f balancing chi ldcare with wrk.16 They direct ur fcus t the mst readily available infrmatin t help us make decisins quickly withut prperly cnsidering all the variables.
    The result is that we are wired t mve tward things that make us feel gd and away frm things that make us feel uncmfrtable. 17 They default(默认) t what feels“nrmal”. Thse netwrks are s deep in ur thinking that when we're traveling a new and challenging path, ur wheels default back t the wrn-in grves (凹槽). S, hw d we d hard things when ur brains are cnstantly telling us t avid effrt?
    18 A 2016 study fund that when peple are upset, they're less likely t try t d hard things.When they're feeling upbeat, hwever, they're mre likely t take n the hard-but-essential tasks that ultimately make life better. One way we can get urselves in the right mindset is t d what's called“reappraisal”, in which we create a shift in ur brains f hw we perceive a task.
    Mrever, we must give ur brains the right amunt f autnmy. When we have a chice, ur brains ften want t prgramme smething easy. 19 Put it int a wrk cntext: D I want t experiment with a new prject management tl that might make things easier fr my team next week, r d I want t stick with the same sheet that a frmer emplyee established that nne f us feel great abut anyway?
    20 But by understanding what's ging n in yur brain, yu can wrk tward accmplishing hard things and manage yur fears better.
    A. Tackle them when we're in a gd md.
    B. Ding things like hard wrk can seem abnrmal.
    C. Our brains label effrt as bad because it's hard wrk.
    D. We shuld be creative and pen-minded when ding tasks.
    E. This is called mindset fault, the tendency t d right things.
    F. When we feel like this, ur brains want t save mental energy.
    G. But we can reduce the respnse by challenging urselves t be innvative.
    高三英语试题 第 5 页 共 8 页第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15 分)
    I'd been explring the 40-hectare wds arund ur cttage my whle life and I knew the way well. S it was a 21 when I fund myself lst there.
    One dull cld February afternn, I had a sudden 22 t hike the hill with my tw daughters.Putting n ur snwshes, we immediately 23 nrthwestward. While making ur way up the hill,my daughters stpped ccasinally t investigate unknwn plants and t lk at the abandned deer really made their 24 .
    As the shadws started t 25 , we mved further up. Sn, weariness began t 26enthusiasm. We decided t return. Instead f backtracking ver ur 27 rute, I chse t walk dwn the steep(陡峭的) side f the hill, 28 my general sense that ahead f us lay the stream that wuld guide us t the rad. But as the terrain(地形) leveled ut, I had my first majr mment f 29 : Where was the stream? Were we ff curse?
    I instinctively (本能地) pulled ut my phne t get my lcatin, but it 30 in my hand in the cld air. 31 , I started feeling a bit panicky. Hwever, I quickly 32 myself, reassuring my daughters t cntinue walking. Fcusing n the landmarks, I sptted a familiar tree and eventually 33the rad.
    That winter's day taught me a valuable lessn abut habitual reliance n technlgy. If my phne had34 then, I might have directly fllwed the GPS, ignring the ld 35 f depending n surrundings and life skills.
    21. A. challenge B. shck C. reward D. reminder
    22. A. discvery B. respnse C. wrry D. urge
    23. A. escaped B. drve C. headed D. lked
    24. A. reputatin B. dream C. day D. way
    25. A. lengthen B. swing C. emerge D. fade
    26. A. fuel B. witness C. verlk D. utpace
    27. A. riginal B. rugh C. ffbeat D. rundabut
    28. A. appreciating B. trusting C. envisining D. assessing
    29. A. curisity B. cmparisn C. dubt D. anticipatin
    30. A. died B. slipped C. flashed D. rang
    31. A. Reprtedly B. Admittedly C. Seemingly D. Surprisingly
    32. A. expsed B. cmpsed C. defended D. behaved
    33. A. gt ff B. laid dwn C. came acrss D. made ut
    34. A. wrked B. remained C. changed D. verheated
    35. A. thery B. standard C. practice D. rutine
    高三英语试题 第 6 页 共 8 页第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Yangk,a rural Chinese flk dance with a histry 36 (date) back thusands f years, riginates frm farming life in ancient times. The dance relates t sacrifices t the farmland gd when peple prayed fr a gd harvest. As time passed, the 37 (rigin) dance develped, taking in varius artistic frms and skills, including pera, acrbatics and martial arts, and eventually turned int the type f Yangk 38is seen tday.
    39 (preserve) this Chinese flk culture, it was included in the inaugural(首批的) items f natinal intangible cultural heritage in 2006. It is 40 (cmmn) perfrmed in nrthern China during festivals,especially fr Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival. Perfrmances r cmpetitins 41 (rganize)in twns and villages t express peple's jy and their hpe fr a better life.
    Yangk emplys drumming, Suna, dancing and singing. Cntent is based 42 flk stries and legends. Cstumes are richly-clred and pera-styled, enabling 43 (character) t be easily identified.During a perfrmance, the actrs will dance and sing, fllwing lively rhythms. Highly. skilled and interesting acts such as stilt(高跷) walking 44 carrying a wedding sedan chair(花轿) are als included.As a part f traditinal Chinese culture, Yangk 45 (cncentrate) the grup cnsciusness f theChinese peple, and has utstanding histrical and cultural value.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    你校将举办以“讲故事,话家风”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请以“My family traditin”为题写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
    高三英语试题 第 7 页 共 8 页My Family Traditin
    It's an hnr t talk abut my family traditin. _

    第二节 (满分25分)
    “ I'll bet Anjali knws. Right, Anjali? Why dn't yu shw us since yu're the star student, ”Deepak taunted (奚落) .
    Anjali was cnfused. She wasn't trying t shw ff. She was just playing tabla( 印度塔不拉鼓), like everyne else. And why was Deepak being s mean lately? Is it because tabla is a by's thing? She didn't care that peple thught it was a bys’instrument. Anjali knew there was n such thing. She danced her fingers acrss the tabla t perfrm the cmpsitin in cnfusin.“Ugh!”Anjali heard smene gran, and she stpped playing.
    “ I guess I dn't knw it that well after all,”Anjali said sheepishly t the teacher, Mr. Zakir. Her stmach was ding flip-flps. That wasn't true. Nt even a little. Mr. Zakir's eyes narrwed. He lked like he was abut t say smething, but changed his mind.“The recital (演奏会) is next week, everyne. Keep practicing. I will be annuncing wh will get t perfrm nstage with me at my next cncert! ”Anjali had dreamed f a m ment like that. She wanted t win the pprtunity, but she needed t srt things straight withDeepak first.
    As the class was dismissed, Anjali hurried ver t Deepak. When she finally made eye cntact with him,he purpsely lked away and walked ff. The next day at schl, Anjali verheard Deepak whispering tMary.“Peple are nly interested because she's the nly girl in tab la class and they want her t feel special.She's nt that gd—”Anjali was furius. She excused herself and went t the bathrm. She tk sme deep breaths but culdn't relax. Her heart was punding.
    “It's nt my fault that peple make a big deal abut a girl playing tabla. I make mistakes t, but I wrk really hard. Maybe he shuld t. He shuld be less mean and practice mre.”
    “If I play in this cncert, n ne will talk t me again. He will turn everyne against me.”
    “ I dn't want t see a tabla r hear a tabla r play a tab la EVER AGAIN!!”Anjali yelled at the mırrr.It was quiet fr a mment. She believed it was ne f her darkest days ever.
    1.续写词数应为 150个左右;
    高三英语试题第 8. 页 共 8 页Stepping ut f the bathrm, Anjali saw sme inspiring psters n the wall. ____
    After the recital, Deepak walked up t Anjali. _

    1-3 BCA 4-7 DACC 8-11BCAD 12-15 DABD
    16. F 17. C 18. A 19. G 20. B
    第二部分 语言运用
    21-25 BDCCA 26-30 DABCA 31-35 BBDAC
    36. preserve40.cmmnly41. are rganized42. cncentrates

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