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    Sending yur rugs (小地毯) t the cleaners can get expensive. A grwing number f brands are making rugs designed t be thrwn directly int yur wn washing machine.
    Revival Washable Rug
    Price: $109 and up
    Size: 2 ft. x 3 ft.
    Care: Machine-washable, hang-dry fr 36 hurs.
    Cnsumer Reprts' take: This small rug feels sft under yur feet and hides stains (污渍) well. After having cffee drpped n it, a 30-minute gentle cycle in a washer gt rid f the resulting stains.
    Lrena Canals Rug
    Price: $629
    Size: 5 ft. 7 in. x 7 ft. 11 in.
    Care: Machine-wash in cld water. Dry n lw heat.
    Cnsumer Reprts' take: A single machine washing gt rid f the big cffee stain made n this wl and cttn rug. It can g in the dryer, t, and may require 2 hurs t get cmpletely dry.
    Ruggable Mrccan Rug
    Price: $309 and up
    Size: 5 ft. x 7 ft.
    Care: Machine-washable. Dry n lw heat r hang-dry fr 36 hurs.
    Cnsumer Reprts' take: This super-sft rug is easy t clean. A damp twel alne remved a juice stain. The ther stains n the rug disappeared after machine-washing it n a gentle cycle.
    Ruggable Jnathan Rug
    Price: $119 and up
    Size: 2 ft. x 3 ft.
    Care: Machine-wash in cld water. Dry n lw heat r hang-dry fr abut an hur.
    Cnsumer Reprts' take: This rug stayed in gd shape even thugh it was used in a high-traffic kitchen. All stains were gne after washing it using a gentle cycle.
    1.Hw lng des a washer take t remve cffee stains n Revival Washable Rug?
    A. 36 hurs. B. 30 minutes. C. 2 hurs. D. 23 minutes.
    2.Which rug is suitable fr kitchen use accrding t Cnsumer Reprts' view?
    A. Revival Washable RugB. Lrena Canals Rug
    C. Ruggable Mrccan RugD. Ruggable Jnathan Rug
    3.What d these rugs have in cmmn?
    A. They all cst $119 and up. B. They are very similar in size.
    C. They dry nly n lw heat. D. They are machine-washable.
    Everything went wrng fr American climber Beck Weathers n his trip t Munt Qmlangma in May f 1996. His eyes respnse t the extremely thin xygen levels near the highest summit n Earth was “snw blindness”. Weathers culd nt see mre than 3 feet in frnt f him. His guide, Rb Hall, made him agree nt t climb t the summit and he wuld wait fr Hall till he gt back.
    Anther grup f climbers returning dwn frm a pwerful snw strm came upn Weathers. They decided t help him dwn, but a strm with 70 mph winds frced them t merely gather tgether fr warmth. During a quiet perid f the strm, ne man went back t the camp fr assistance. Hurs later help returned, but they decided Weathers was t unrespnsive and appeared t be beynd saving. He was left waiting fr death.
    “I wke up in the snw, pened my eyes, and directly in frnt f me was my unglved righthand, which was clearly dead,” Weathers remembered. "It lked like a marble sculpture f a hand. I hit it n the ice and realized that s much f my tissue was dead, s I wasn't feeling any pain. That had the wnderful effect f fcusing my attentin. If I didn't stand up, I realized I was ging t die n that spt. I figured I had three r fur hurs left t live, s I started walking. All I knew was, as lng as my legs wuld run, and I culd stand up, I was ging t mve tward that. camp. If I fell dwn, I was ging t get up and keep mving until I hit that camp.” As everybdy thught Weathers culd nt survive, he struggled t stand up and mve frward fr survival in the face f adversity. Finally, he made it. It's believed that his success relied n his strng belief and curage.
    4.Why did Beck Weathers give up climbing the Munt Qmlangma?
    A. Because the tugh envirnment tk his breath away.
    B. Because the cld weather frze his hands and feet.
    C. Because the thin xygen level narrwed his eyesight.
    D. Because the terrible strm damaged his equipment.
    5.What des the underlined wrd “unrespnsive” mean in the secnd paragraph?
    A. Reactinless. B. EmtinlessC. Faithless. D. Fearless.
    6.Hw did Beck Weathers manage t return t the camp?
    A. By fcusing attentin. B. By awaiting rescue.
    C. By remaining standing. D. By keeping walking
    7.Which f the fllwing best describes Beck Weathers?
    A. AmbitiusB. CurageusC. Dynamic. D. Respnsible.
    Fr many yung students, the schl break is nt a time fr play, but rather a perid f intense wrking ut at weight lss camps. The extreme ppularity f these camps is a sign f the alarming trend in China—childhd besity (过度肥胖). Accrding t a reprt published by the Natinal Health Cmmissin in 2020, ne in five Chinese yuth aged 6-17 years is verweight r bese, up frm just ne in 20 in 1995.
    This increase is driven by multiple scial factrs. Fr instance, heavy cursewrk at schl and a ready availability f digital devices are fixing the cuntry's yunger generatins in a mre inactive lifestyle. Als, an age-ld belief that mre fd cnsumptin equals better grwth has led many parents t spil their children with an unlimited supply f junk fd and late night snacks. Besides, weight gain during their mther's pregnancy, regularly skipping breakfast, high intake f sweet fds and drinks, and insufficient sleep can all add t the risk f becming verweight.
    Extra weight gained in childhd may likely be carried int adulthd and increase the risks f high bld pressure, heart disease, sleep disrders and cancers. What's mre, the strng feeling f scial disapprval related t besity can als have a dangerus effect n a child's emtinal well-being and self-esteem (自尊). Sme f verweight teenagers can't even finish their primary educatin.
    Therefre, parents shuld clsely mnitr their children's weight frm an early age s that they can intervene withut delay when signs f besity shw. That des nt mean that parents shuld rely n dietary restrictin r slimming pills fr dramatic transfrmatins. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, limited screen time and sufficient sleep are enugh t help children maintain a healthy weight.
    8.Hw did the besity rate fr Chinese yuth change frm 1995 t 2020?
    A. It mre than dubled. B. It became fur times.
    C. It stayed the same. D. It drpped by half.
    9.What cntributes t the increase in childhd besity?
    A. A drp in physical activities. B. An limited supply f snakes.
    C. Reduced intake f sugary drinks. D. Right amunts f restful sleep.
    10.What shuld parents d t help their children avid besity?
    A. They shuld stp their children having sweet fds.
    B. They shuld limit their children's time spent indrs.
    C. They shuld keep clse track f their children's weight.
    D. They shuld ask their children t take slimming pills.
    11.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Childhd Obesity in ChinaB. Cncerns abut Public Health
    C. Increase in Children's HeightD. Healthy Lifestyle Recmmended
    Petry has a lng histry, dating back t the Epic (史诗) f Gilgamesh, cmpsed 4, 000 years ag in what is nw Iraq and Syria. Early pems develped frm flk sngs such as the Chinese Shijing, r frm a need t retell the actins f great men and wmen r abut a natin's histry.
    Ancient attempts t define petry, such as Aristtle's Petics, fcused n the uses f speech in rhetric, drama, sng and cmedy. Later attempts cncentrated n features such as repetitin, verse frm and thyme, and emphasized the aesthetics (美学) which distinguish petry frm mre bjectively infrmative frms f writing. Frm the mid-20th century, petry has been mre generally regarded as a creative act emplying language. Petry uses frms t suggest different interpretatin t wrds, r t prduce emtive respnses. Devices such as rhythm are used t achieve musical effects. The use f ambiguity (模糊不清), symblism, and ther stylistic elements f petic descriptin ften leaves a pem pen t multiple interpretatins. Similarly figures f speech such as metaphr and simile create a layering f meanings, frming cnnectins previusly nt perceived.
    Sme petry types are specific t particular cultures and respnd t characteristics f the language in which the pet writes. Readers used t identifying petry with Dante, Gethe, and Rumi may think f it as written in lines based n rhyme and regular meter; there are, hwever, traditins that use ther means t create rhythm. Much mdern petry reflects a criticism f petic traditin, playing with and testing the principle f rhyme itself, smetimes altgether giving up rhyme r set rhythm. In tday's increasingly glbalized wrld, pets ften adapt frms, styles and techniques frm diverse cultures and languages.
    12.What did early petry riginate frm?
    A. Flk sngs. B. Ethnic music. C. Ancient stries. D. Histrical events.
    13.What d we knw abut petry accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. Mdern petry study fcuses n the uses f speech.
    B. Petry uses rhythm t achieve gd visual effects.
    C. Petry has been treated as a creative act fr years.
    D. Frm makes petry different frm ther writings.
    14.What can be inferred abut mdern petry?
    A. Pets will strictly fllw the principle f rhyme.
    B. Pets will adapt mre diverse frms and styles.
    C. Pets will emphasize lcal language characteristics.
    D. Pets will develp new frms f figures f speech.
    15.Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. Science fictin. B. Newspaper. C. Fashin magazine. D. Encyclpedia.
    16.Tday, mst researchers describe sleep as ccurring in tw main phases: rapid-eye mvement (REM) sleep and nn-REM sleep. Nn-REM sleep cmprises three stages, knwn as N 1, N 2 and N 3, which are characterized by specific brainwave patterns that reflect neural (神经的) activity. ① , and peple wh sleep well typically experience fur t six cycles every night.
    ② , their brain shws a mixture f high frequencies in which a lt f neurns (神经元) are firing, but nt in a cmpletely cnsistent way. Then, as the persn starts t g int a light sleep, r the N l stage, thse frequencies slw dwn int a pattern called theta waves. This stage typically lasts fr ne t ten minutes.
    During the secnd phase f sleep, N 2, bdy temperatures drp, heart rates and breathing slw dwn and muscles relax. Brainwave frequencies nw keep changing between slwer wave sand shrt bursts f neural activity. ③ , but gets prgressively lnger in later cycles, ultimately cmprising abut half f a persn's sleep time each night.
    Slw-wave sleep ccurs in the N 3 stage, which is characterized by slw, high waves called delta waves. This 20-40-minute phase makes up abut ne-quarter f a persn's sleep time. Sme evidence suggests that slw-wave sleep plays a crucial part in restring energy levels, repairing and grwing tissues, clearing waste and bsting the immune (免疫) system. ④ .
    Neural activity picks up when the bdy enters REM sleep, which is when dreaming ccurs. In this phase, which cmprises ne-quarter f sleep time each night, the brainwaves fllw a beta-wave pattern. As the night prgresses, the perids f slw-wave sleep shrten and REM sleep increases. ⑤ , such as emtinal regulatin, memry and creative prblem-slving.
    A. When smene is awake.
    B. Sleep is a brain-wide netwrk effect. C. When smene enters nn-REM sleep.
    D. REM sleep is imprtant fr cgnitive functins.
    E. Slw-wave sleep als aids learning and makes memry strnger.
    F. This phase generally lasts 10-25 minutes during the first sleep cycle.
    G. These three stages f nn-REM sleep plus REM sleep cmprise the sleep cycle.
    Catherine Krestyn furnished her hme mainly with hard rubbish, such as the chairs, drs and lamps, which were cllected frm the street where she lives. And it's a way f life she's sharing with her cmmunity in the hpe f making a 1 .
    Catherine leads a 6, 000-strng nline grup called Brndara Hard Rubbish Rehme, where members 2 pictures f their hard rubbish piles fr eager lcals t find. She started the grup in 2022 with her childhd friend Jennie Irving, hping t 3 a cmmunity f thrift (节俭) where they lived. The 4 have stpped mre than 7, 000 kg f hard rubbish 5 in landfill since they funded the grup. Sme items are 6 as they are, like chairs and lamps, and thers take a bit f 7 t clean up, like the ld, wden drs.
    Lcal teacher Ruth Plgar discvered the grup while surfing the Internet and has since 8 her classrm with secnd-hand items, including artwrk she has rehmed frm an eighbur. “We 9 take unneeded items frm the grup and use them fr ur schl prjects,” she says
    10 the grup can be really challenging fr Catherine. But she isn't dwn n thse wh have t let g f their 11 because f stressful circumstances. “If yu're dwnsizing r If yu're clearing an 12 huse, quite ften yu're desperate fr 13 t easy ptins,” she says. “Hard rubbish piles are ften that ptin.”
    All Catherine wants t d is give her cmmunity a way t 14 their waste, and t send a 15 t thse in charge that things need t urgently change.
    17.A. chiceB. cmmitmentC. differenceD. sense
    18.A. takeB. dwnladC. changeD. uplad
    19.A. buildB. settleC. findD. make
    20.A. pairB. neighbrC. friendD. clleague
    21.A. taking upB. breaking dwnC. ending upD. giving ff
    22.A. hardB. readyC. creativeD. new
    23.A. mneyB. effrtC. attemptD. energy
    24.A. decratedB. equippedC. filledD. crwded
    25.A. typicallyB. recentlyC. legallyD. regularly
    26.A. FundingB. StartingC. RunningD. Funding
    27.A. savingsB. findingsC. earningsD. belngings
    28.A. emptyB. ldC. idealD. amazing
    29.A. keyB. replyC. accessD. devtin
    30.A. cleanB. cllectC. reduceD. share
    31. A. messageB. emailC. textD. letter
    32.The animated mvie “Chang'an” was a real hit last summer. It is named ① the ancient city f Xi'an in Shaanxi prvince, which served as the capital f the Tang Dynasty fr ver 280 years. It ② (bring) t life sme f the mst representative figures in Chinese literary histry.
    The stry between Ga Shi and Li Bai ffers a glimpse int the petry f the Tang Dynasty, ③ is ften seen as a glden age in Chinese histry due t ④ (it) ecnmic and cultural advancement. As the unique charm and sul f the mvie, 48 Tang pems help audience travel frm the ⑤ (sand) desert frntier t the mist-filled regins suth f the Yangtze River. The mvie is undubtedly a masterpiece shwing the ⑥ (characteristic) f Chinese culture t the wrld.
    In rder t ⑦ (accurate) cnvey the charm f Tang petry and better translate the cultural cntext set in the dialgue, the prductin team invited Linda Jaivin ⑧ (assist) with the translatin prcess. Linda Jaivin is ⑨ Australian sinlgist (汉学家) and she has translated many famus Chinese films. Despite her already rich knwledge f Chinese culture, she fund sme petry lines and place names t be quite challenging, ⑩ (require) careful and repeated cnsideratin.
    33.你校英语报将出一期主题为“勇于面对挑战”的专刊,请你以“Grwing thrugh Challenges”为题目写一篇投稿。
    要点:1. 结合个人的学习或生活,描述成长经历;
    2. 表达自己对待挑战的观点。注意:词数80左右。
    Grwing thrugh Challenges
    34.It was the end f the schl year. Mum drpped me ff at the schl gate and I dashed tward my classrm as usual, withut being aware f my German Shepherd, Baxter als jumped ut f the car and fllwed me int the schl. Fr fear that I might be late fr Mr. White's class, I just ignred the strange glances and laughter all the way, thinking they had nthing t d with me, until my best friend Ry shuted anxiusly “Melisa, Baxter behind yu.”
    I turned arund: There he was, with his tngue hanging ut and tail wagging happily in the wind. I was rted n the spt. I wasn't suppsed t bring my dg t schl but at that mment, it was just impssible t get Baxter back.
    I lwered myself and tried t get Barter t cme clser, but he stared at me fr a while, and jumped back. He was waiting fr me t take him utside fr a walk. Praise is always gd, even fr a dg, s I said “Baxter, gd by. Cme n nw.” Luckily, he ran tward me.
    But I culd never hide such a naughty dg under my desk. I lked at Ry helplessly, wh see yes suddenly lit up, “The clset (储存室)…”
    Yes, the clset. A thrill f excitement ran thrugh my bdy. There, at the end f the hallway f this building, just n this flr, there was a small unlcked clset where we culd safely park Baxter. That was really a perfect idea which wuld free me frm my dilemma.
    Then, Ry and I ran desperately back int ur classrm. Hardly had we settled dwn int ur seats when Mr. White came in, bks and papers in his hand.
    The class went n smthly. Mr. White explained sme rules patiently and reminded us t take ntes. I listened attentively. Then smething went wrng. When Mr. White began t write sme math prblems n the blackbard, quietly, a dg slid in. It was Baxter. Mr. White turned arund, frzen with shck. “Whse dg is it ?”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    At this time, Baxter sptted me and ran tward me excitedly. _______________________________________
    I had thught Mr. White wuldn't let me get away with it. __________________________________________
    3.答案: D
    7.答案: B
    11.答案: A
    15.答案: D
    解析:2022年,她和儿时的朋友珍妮·欧文(Jennie lrving)创立了这个组织,希望在他们居住的地方建立一个节俭社区。自成立该组织以来,这对伙伴已经阻止了7000多公斤的硬垃圾进入垃圾填埋场
    28.答案: B
    29.答案: C
    30.答案: C
    31.答案: A
    32.答案:① after② brings③ which④ its⑤ sandy⑥ characteristics⑦ accurately⑧ t assist⑨ an⑩ requiring
    解析:① after无
    ② brings无
    ③ which无
    ④ its无
    ⑤ sandy无
    ⑥ characteristics无
    ⑦ accurately无
    ⑧ t assist无
    ⑨ an无
    ⑩ requiring无
    Grwing thrugh Challenges
    Challenges are part f ur life, which cme in different frms. Hwever, it is grwing thrugh these challenges that makes us strnger.
    As fr me, ne challenge that I faced was living in the drm independently. It was the first time that I had left my parents and learnt t manage my life all by myself. At first, it was very frustrating that I culdn't adapt t living withut my parents. But with the help f my teachers and classmates, I vercame all the difficulties I met. Nt nly my parents but als I was amazed t find a cmpletely new me.
    As Santiag in the bk f The Old Man and the Sea says, “A man can be destryed but nt be defeated.” Only by bravely facing challenges can we gain grwth.
    At this time, Baxter sptted me and ran tward me excitedly. He annunced silently t al that was his wner. With my heart racing and my face burning, I culd see, frm the cmer f my eyes, sme f my classmates lked at me sympathetically. I reminded myself t breathe as I std up, with sweat streaming dwn the back f my neck, and said, “Srry. "I explained nervusly, chking with shame and tears Baxter sensed my anxiety and began t bark. tried desperately t calm him dwn.
    I had thught Mrs. White wuldn't let me get away with it. Hwever, Mrs. White didn't scld me. Instead, she suggested l keep Baxter in her ffice fr a while. She als lent me her cell phne, s that l culd call my mther asking her t pick Baxter up. Because f my teacher's kindness ,the accident turned int an amusing ncident .After the class, l made an aplgy again t Mrs. White but she just patted me sft saying, “It's OK." It was the first time l had felt my teacher was such a gentle wman.
    ③道歉:make an aplgy t/aplgize t
    【高分句型1】Instead, she suggested keep Baxter in her ffice fr a while.(由that引导的宾语从句,省略了that)
    【高分句型2】She als lent me her cell phne, s that l culd call my mther asking her t pick Baxter up.(由s that引导目的状语从句)

    英语-山西省大同市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中考试题: 这是一份英语-山西省大同市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中考试题,共10页。

    山西省大同市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题: 这是一份山西省大同市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题,文件包含山西省大同市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中考试英语试题含答案docx、高二英语答案pdf、高二期中听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

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