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    这是一份2024届山东中学联盟高三下学期考前热身押题英语试题,文件包含英语电子版docx、英语答案解析pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共9页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Small Ways Yu Can Dnate Mney T Charity
    There are plenty f innvative ways that yu can help peple in need, even when mney is tight. Here are just a few unique ways t give.
    Fd Angel, Hng Kng
    Fd insecurity has becme a glbal prblem fr families. In Hng Kng, the peple behind the Fd Angel prgram cllect 45 tnnes f edible surplus fd each week that grcery stres, restaurants and individuals wuld therwise dispse f. That includes fresh fruits and vegetables and ther perishables(易腐烂的食物) that aren’t nrmally accepted in fd-dnatin bxes.The impact is significant: Vlunteers make and serve arund 20,000 meals and distribute mre than 11,000 ther meals and fd packs every day.
    Frigs Slidaires, France
    Imagine if thse in need culd help themselves t fd with annymity(匿名) and dignity. Frigs Slidaires, r Slidarity Fridges, was started with that aim by Dunia Mebtul, a yung restaurateur in Paris. Nw, 130 fridges installed in frnt f places such as shps and schls ffer free fd t the hungry acrss France.
    Stuff A Bus, Canada
    In Edmntn, the transit service parks vehicles in frnt f supermarkets fr its annual “Stuff a Bus” campaign each Nvember. Vlunteers cllect fd and cash dnatins frm shppers t fill buses bund fr fd banks. Since its start in 1995, the campaign has cllected 553,000 kilgrams f fd and rughly half a millin dllars.
    Rice Bucket Challenge, India
    Heard f the Ice Bucket Challenge? Yu take a vide f yurself dumping a bucket f ice water ver yur head, then nminate (指定) three mre peple t d the same. In sme versins, the participant dnates $100 if they dn’t cmplete the challenge.
    “I thught it was an amazing way t raise awareness f ALS and raise funds,” recalls Manju Kalanidhi, a jurnalist in Hyderabad, India. But it didn’t make sense in her cuntry, where water is t precius t waste, even fr a gd cause. Then in 2014, it hit her: Why nt make it a Rice Bucket Challenge t fight hunger? “I gave a bucket f rice t smene in need and clicked a pht. I shared it n Facebk and said,‘This is a Rice Bucket Challenge.Why dn’t yu d it, t?’”Participants dnate a bucket f rice t an individual r family—n, it’s nt dumped—take a pht and pst it n scial media with a message encuraging thers t d the same.
    1.Which ne can help peple in need get fd withut hurting their pride?
    A.Fd Angel, Hng Kng B. Frigs Slidaires, France
    C. Stuff A Bus, Canada D. Rice Bucket Challenge, India
    2.What d yu knw abut Rice Bucket Challenge in India?
    A.It is an amazing way t raise awareness f ALS.
    B.It was inspired by the Ice Bucket Challenge.
    C.A bucket f rice is given and dumped.
    D.A bucket f water is dnated fr a gd cause.
    3.What’s the purpse f the text ?
    A.T explain hw imprtant t help peple in need.
    B.T inspire readers t start a nn-prfit rganizatin.
    C.T intrduce sme creative ways t give away.
    D.T appeal t readers t dnate mney t charity.
    Which f these ingredients have yu cked with r eaten, wild rice, rabbits r rses? Actually, they were part f Native American cuisine in the past. Sean Sherman is a chef frm the Oglala Lakta tribe, wh is attempting smething remarkable. Thrugh his cmpany and his restaurant, Sherman is bringing these ingredients back int the public eye.
    Sean Sherman grew up n the Pine Ridge Reservatin. As a reservatin kid, Sherman usually didn’t have access t high-quality r tasty fd. His family relied n the Cmmdity Supplemental Fd Prgram, which meant canned gds, tasteless fd, and pwdered milk. After high schl, Sherman started wrking fr the Frest Service. As part f his jb, he had t learn the names f the plants, which raised his curisity abut indigenus(本土的) plants and fds.
    Sherman started ding lts f research n his wn, and he started his cmpany in 2014. A few years later, Sherman pened his restaurant Owamni, where he shwed native ingredients and flavrs. The mst significant feature f the restaurant is the native ingredients, nne f which is related t Eurpean civilizatins.
    The vibe in the restaurant is ttally unique as well. There, a lt f peple are really struck by it, because it’s nt typical t be able t g smeplace and see their native fds n the menu, see native peple cking the fd and listen t native music. Therefre, it’s a whlly unique experience and it’s smething that’s really special.
    Native cuisine allws native peple t explre their histries and cultures. It supprts lcal businesses and cmes with a hst f health benefits. “We shuld have native restaurants in every city t shw the diversity and flavrs f all the different tribes acrss Nrth America and thus have a future where native cuisine is mre widespread, and ingredients are mre familiar and well knwn,” Sherman explains.
    4.When did Sean Sherman becme interested in native fds?
    A. As he was a reservatin kid.
    B. Befre he entered high schl.
    C. When he wrked as a chef in a restaurant.
    D. When he was wrking in the frest department.
    5. What is the mst imprtant feature f Sherman’s restaurant?
    A. The ingredients used are native.
    B. Native music is played all the time.
    C. Diverse ingredients are cmbined in each dish.
    D. It is a reflectin f mdern native civilizatin.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “vibe” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Service.B. Decratin.C. Scenery.D. Atmsphere.
    7. Why des Sherman suggest each city shuld have native restaurants?
    A. T bst the prfits f lcal businesses.
    B. T help native peple t hnr their histry.
    C. T present and prmte the native cuisine.
    D. T serve fds with varius health benefits.
    In the 1950s, British histrian Nrthcte Parkinsn came up with a cncept which was later knwn as Parkinsn’s Law f Triviality(琐事). It states that the amunt f time spent discussing an issue in an rganizatin is ppsitely assciated with its actual imprtance.
    Parkinsn’s Law f Triviality is als knwn as “bike-shedding”(车棚), after the stry Parkinsn uses t illustrate it. He asks readers t imagine a financial cmmittee meeting t discuss a three-pint agenda. The pints are as fllws: A prpsal fr a £10 millin nuclear pwer plant; A prpsal fr a £350 bike shed; A prpsal fr a £21 annual cffee budget.
    What happens? The cmmittee ends up running thrugh the nuclear pwer plant prpsal in little time. It’s t advanced fr anyne t really dig int the details. The discussin sn mves t the bike shed. Here, everyne’s an expert. In the end, the cmmittee runs ut f time and decides t meet again t cmplete their analysis.
    Bike-shedding happens because the smaller a matter is, the mre peple will have an pinin n it, even when there is n genuine value t add. When smething is utside ur circle f cmpetence, like a nuclear pwer plant, we dn’t even try t express an pinin. But when smething is cmprehensible, everyne wants t shw that they knw abut the tpic at hand.
    Hw can we avid bike-shedding? The main thing yu can d is t have a clear purpse. Priya Parker, the authr f The Art f Gathering: Hw We Meet and Why It Matters, says that any successful gathering needs t have a fcused purpse. “Specificity,” she says, “is a crucial element.”
    When it cmes t chsing yur list f invitees, Parker writes, “if the purpse f yur meeting is t make a decisin, yu may want t cnsider having fewer cks in the kitchen.” Getting the result yu want—a thughtful, educated discussin abut that pwer plant—depends n having the right peple in the rm.
    8. What is Parkinsn’s purpse f presenting the imaginary meeting?
    A. T state a fact. B. T clarify a cncept.
    C. T make a predictin.D. T intrduce a new pint.
    9. What can be inferred frm Paragraph 4?
    A. The mre yu knw, the less yu speak.
    B. What is simple fr yu may be tugh fr thers.
    C. What is imprtant may achieve less invlvement.
    D.The mre yu put in, the better yur result will be.
    10. Which is the authr’s suggestin fr a successful meeting?
    A. Planning befre the meeting.B. Getting the right peple t the table.
    C. Spending less time n the minr issues.D. Taking different pinins int accunt.
    11. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Purpse: The Key t an Effective Meeting.
    B. Talent: A Crucial Element in Organizatins.
    C. Bike Shed Effect: Less Time n Unimprtant Things.
    D. Nuclear Pwer Plant: The Less-knwn Prpsal.
    Gldfish may seem like simple creatures swimming in a glass tank, but they pssess a rather cmplicated navigatin system, as discvered by researchers at the University f Oxfrd. Led by Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux, the study aims t shed light n ur understanding f hw fish, and ptentially humans, estimate distances using what culd be described as an internal GPS.
    Writing in the jurnal Prceedings f the Ryal Sciety B, Sibeaux and clleagues reprt hw they created a tank in their experiment with 2cm-wide black and white vertical stripes (垂直条纹) n the walls, cnnected by similar stripes acrss the flr. The team trained nine gldfish t swim a set distance f 70cm and then return t their starting pint when waved at. The experiment aimed t investigate hw the fish wuld estimate this distance withut any gestures, under different patterns.
    Over multiple trials, the gldfish averaged a swim distance f 74cm, give r take 17cm, when presented with the vertical 2cm-wide stripes. Hwever, when the stripe pattern was altered t either narrwer vertical stripes, checked patterns, r hrizntal stripes(水平条纹), the fish’s behavir changed significantly. Narrwer vertical stripes led them t verestimating the distance by 36%, while hrizntal stripes resulted in highly incnsistent estimatins.
    Accrding t the researchers, the gldfish appeared t be using an “ptic (光学的) flw mechanism” based n the visual density f their envirnment. They kept track f hw frequently the vertical pattern switched between black and white t estimate hw far they had traveled. The study suggests that different ptic flw mechanisms are used by mammals, including humans, based n angular (有角度的) mtin f visual features. The study implies that the use f visually based distance infrmatin culd have emerged early in the evlutinary timeline.
    “This study is nvel because, despite knwing that fish respnd t gemetric infrmatin regarding directin and distance, we dn’t knw hw they estimate distances,” Prfessr Clin Lever, althugh nt invlved in the study, said, “it’s exciting t explre fish spatial mapping because fish navigatin evlved earlier and better than mst mammals.”
    Why did Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux cnduct the study n gldfish?
    T test the accuracy f gldfish’s internal GPS.
    T create an advanced navigatin system fr humans.
    T uncver hw an inbuilt GPS helps calculate distances.
    T explre the relatinships between gldfish and humans.
    What can we learn abut the experiment?
    Peple gestured the gldfish thrughut the experiment.
    The tank was decrated with clrful backgrund patterns.
    Gldfish tended t underestimate distances with hrizntal stripes.
    The change in the tank setting led t the gldfish’s incrrect judgment.
    What can be cncluded frm paragraph 4 ?
    Optic flw mechanism is unique t humans.
    Mammals develped flw mechanism lng befre gldfish.
    Gldfish evaluated the distance with multidimensinal visual infrmatin.
    Visual density f the envirnment strengthened the lcating ability f gldfish.
    What attitude des Prfessr Clin hld twards the study?
    Objective.B. Ambiguus.C. Disapprving.D. Favrable.
    A garden is a prject that ften requires a fairly large initial investment f bth time and mney frm the start—as well as a cmmitment t maintain it. 16 . Thse wh like their hme garden find it rewarding bth as a place t relax, and as a fun and healthy hbby.
    If yu’re lucky enugh t have a backyard, yu can imagine the enjyment yu’d receive frm changing that dusty, weedy dead space int a green, relaxing envirnment. 17 . With regular, lw-level maintenance it will cntinue t thrive(茁壮成长)and prvide yu with pleasure.
    S, hw can yu build a pleasant hme garden? Sme clever gardeners use drught-resistant plants such as cacti(仙人掌), and a little bit f watering and inspiratin t prduce spaces that are bth relaxing and pleasing t the eye. 18 .
    19 . If yu put in the plants and walkways yurself, it will be gd fr yur health. Many peple find that spending a while digging hles fr trees r pulling weeds is easier t stmach than half an hur n a running machine, and wh can blame them? It might take a while t see the fitness results, but a few days’ wrk can literally transfrm yur yard.
    There are many ppular hme garden bks and magazines. 20 , as many bks cntain detailed plans fr cmplex prjects. Use these resurces as a starting pint and put tgether smething uniquely yurs—within the limits f yur time and budget.
    A trip t the library can help yu get started
    Hwever, it is a deserving challenge fr many peple
    A hme garden can be a gd wrkut as well as a place t relax
    The shape f the space is ften as imprtant as its cntents r size
    Sme d it fr exercise and spend a little time utdrs n a sunny day
    N matter what the circumstances, it’s pssible t create a lvely hme garden
    Many gardeners als enjy emplying tuches such as stne paths t create a nice atmsphere
    第二部分: 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Brn with n right leg, Anthny Rbles, ne f the best wrestlers in the NCAA, started wrestling when he was in high schl. When his cusin first 21 him t wrestling, Rbles wasn't a/an 22 . Hwever, he gradually fell in lve with it and he has been ding it ever since .
    While sme peple might have 23 his decisin t take n the sprt, his family was a huge 24 f supprt and encuragement. He said: “They 25 in me frm a yung age that I culd d whatever I 26_ my mind t. “They didn't give me any special 27 . They raised me like thers .”
    While the physical aspects f the sprt seemed t be the mst challenging part, at ne pint Rbles realized he needed t be 28 tugher. After 29 seventh at natinals in his junir year, he tk a 30_ frm wrestling fr a little while. He said. “I was 31 . That really just helped me t mentally get back t the sprt.”
    Then came the last match. Rbles was s scared that he was almst starting t cry. When he defeated defending natinal champin 7-1, the 32 were quite different. “I culdn't even 33 it. ” He said, “It was just a great experience.”
    Nw Rbles is ready fr the next page in his life, “I really want t help ther peple achieve things in their lives that thers might say are _34 .” Rbles plans t put his amazing attitude and energy t 35 as a mtivatinal(激励) speaker.
    21.A. shwed B. recmmended C. intrduced D. attracted
    22.A. partner B. fan C. master D. audience
    23.A. questined B. admired C. hnred D. affected
    24.A. amunt B. surce C. fld D. supply
    25.A. planted B. breathed C. delivered D. registered
    26.A. exchange B. imprve C. bury D. apply
    B. credit C. cnfidence D. treatment
    28.A. gradually B. bviusly C. frmally D. mentally
    29.A. succeeding B. ging C. finishing D. becming
    30.A. break B. jb C. bus D. flight
    31.A. cut ut B. left ut C. stressed ut D. checked ut
    32.A. decisins B. emtins C. appraches D. gals
    33.A. impressed B. cncentrated C. design D. believe
    34.A. useless B. extra C. cnfusing D. impssible
    35.A. rest B. place C. use D. test
    (共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    Over 400 pieces r sets f Dehua white prcelain (德化白瓷) are n display in the Natinal Museum f China in Beijing, with the exhibitin 36 (run)frm Aug 26 fr three mnths.
    Dehua white prcelain is famus fr its pure white clr. Accrding t Chen Cha, 37 artist dedicated t prcelain research, Dehua prcelain is 38 .(extrardinary) pure and white because the kalin (高岭土) in Dehua cunty in Fujian has a lw percentage f irn, 39 (make) the prcelain stainless (无瑕的) like white jade.
    Sitting in Quanzhu city, 40 the ancient Maritime Silk Rad started, Dehua white prcelain
    41 (sell) well at hme and abrad since the Sng Dynasty (960-1279). In 2006, Dehua white prcelain was listed as a natinal intangible cultural heritage.
    42 the past glries, Dehua craftsmen (工匠) never stp refining (精进)their skills. One 43 (impress) skill is “the eggshell technique”(薄胎技艺). Chen said that it is just ne f the 44 __ (achievement) that Chinese prcelain craftsmen have made n the lng path f innvatin.
    “Cmbining traditinal Chinese artistic skills with mdern disciplines (学科), we will create even mre utstanding wrks 45 (increase) the cultural cnfidence f the Chinese peple.” said Chen.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    2. 你的祝愿。
    写作词数应为 80 左右;
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    They’d been planning this frever. Frm her birth, mst likely. Mya’s mther, Helena lved hsting parties. And Aunt Beatrice lved birthdays. Tgether, they’d make her Sweet Sixteen a hundred times bigger, blder, and brighter than it needed t be. They selected a theme every year and stuck t it. Her furteenth had been the “Snw White” and her ninth had been the “Frzen”. They never tld her what the theme was the day befre. She’d just wake up her birthday mrning, a brand new birthday utfit(一套服装)laid neatly n her dresser (an utfit related t the theme, f curse) and she wuld pen her dr t see the adventure that lay ahead f her that day.
    Mya had a few guesses as t what this year’s theme wuld be. A play n the wrds “Sweet Sixteen” was likely—a candy themed party, perhaps? But she’d had a baking party a few years ag—and Helena was anything but repetitive. Mya didn’t have any interest in cars, s she dubted a sprts—car party was n the menu. She’d tried t lk thrugh her mther’s purchase histry nline, but her mther had been careful enugh t delete everything recent. S the nly clue left was the birthday utfit she wuld receive the next mrning.
    May 1st, Mya wke. The bright sunlight begged her eyes t pen and she lved the day that her birthday tk place. It was always nice ut n May 1st and it never rained. This mrning was n different than her previus birthdays. She sat up in her bed and lked t her dresser befre slipping ut f bed and inspecting the utfit. She unflded it and held it against her bdy, seeing hw it was like. It reached dwn, just abve the ankle. Mya dressed, eyed herself in the mirrr and fund it was nt s much a pretty utfit as she had received befre. It was ttally ne fr blue-cllar wrkers!
    续写词数要求应为 150 左右;
    Suddenly her thughts were interrupted by a knck n the dr.
    With everything dne, her face shne with a sweet smile.

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