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    这是一份甘肃省酒泉市酒泉市四校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含甘肃省酒泉市酒泉市四校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题原卷版docx、甘肃省酒泉市酒泉市四校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    1. What did the wman d last night?
    A. She drank sme cffee. B. She wrte a paper. C. She prepared fr a test.
    2. When will the man meet his parents?
    A. At abut 8:00 am. B. At abut 9:00 am. C. At abut 10:00 am.
    3. Why didn’t the man see the wman at breakfast?
    A. She went fr a lng walk.
    B. She finished her breakfast early.
    C She didn’t g t the dining hall.
    4. What des the wman think abut the building?
    A. It’s nice inside. B. It’s unusual utside. C. It hlds n attractin fr her.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A reprt. B. A researcher. C. A department.
    6. What des the man d?
    A. He is a phtgrapher. B. He is a designer. C. He is a painter.
    7. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Strangers. C. Classmates.
    8. What is the wman ding?
    A. Giving advice. B. Preparing dinner. C. Making cffee.
    9 What will the man d this afternn?
    A. Meet a friend. B. Have an interview. C. G shpping.
    10. When did the wman get the handbag?
    A. Last week. B. Last mnth. C. Last year.
    11. Why did the wman’s brther leave early?
    A. T catch a train. B. T write a paper. C. T lk fr a new jb.
    12. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Buy a magazine. B. Read in the library. C. Turn t a jurnalist.
    13. Hw des Lisa feel abut Jsh’s invitatin at first?
    A. Excited. B. Wrried. C. Uninterested.
    14. What time des the cncert end?
    A. At8:00 p. m. B. At 10:00 p. m. C. At 11:00 p. m.
    15. What kind f music will the speakers hear in the cncert?
    A. Classical music. B. Cuntry music. C. Pp music.
    16. Why d the speakers g t the cncert by bus?
    A. It’s faster. B. It’s always n time. C. It’s cheaper.
    17. What did mst peple suggest the speaker d?
    A. Get t the park early. B. Watch ut fr thieves. C. Eat smething befre running.
    18. Why did the speaker take the yung man by the arm?
    A T help him stand up. B. T get his mney back. C. T demand an aplgy.
    19. Where was the speaker’s mney?
    A. In his pcket. B. On the running track. C. In the kitchen.
    20. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. His funny experience. B. His brave behavir. C. His fitness plan.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节( 共 15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Family: Pems — by Mr. Keith Keenan
    Kindle $0.00; Hardcver $12.50; Paperback $7.00.
    The pet describes persnal thughts and feelings in a lyrical jurney t understand and celebrate his family. “Family” lks at living hnestly in places, nt illusins. Figurative (形象的) language, a lve f metaphr and sharp images all make the pems wrk.
    Time t Heal — by Aleandra Vasiliu
    Kindle $9.99; Hardcver $21.94; Paperback $12.64.
    Frm the bestselling authr cmes an inspiratinal petry bk abut lve, healing, and grwth. It is a reminder t strive t change fr the better. Featuring mre than 130 uplifting pems and black-and-white illustratins, it’s a great cmpanin when yu need t embrace self-lve and persnal transfrmatin.
    Seeds frm a Birch Tree — by Clark Strand
    Kindle $9.99; Hardcver $26.80; Paperback $16.95.
    Seeds frm a Birch Tree makes nature int a spiritual path. Its message was simple: Haiku teaches us t return t nature by fllwing the seasns — seventeen syllables at a time. With its mix f petry and memir (回忆录), the bk guides us t the jy hidden in plain sight, leading us t get int a gd state f bdy and mind.
    A Pem fr Every Day — by Allie Esiri
    Kindle $9.99; Hardcver $28.05; Audi CD $18.05.
    This audi bk is a cllectin f 366 pems which link t events n key dates—funny fr April Fls’ Day, festive fr Christmas. This is the perfect gift fr petry lvers f all ages. These pems are infrmative, peaceful, and energetic!
    There are a large number f petry cllectins n Amazn. Mre infrmatin, please click here.
    1. Hw much will yu pay if yu are t buy a hardcver editin f a bk n haiku?
    A. $12.50.B. $21.94.C. $26.80.D. $28.05.
    2. Accrding t the text, what can we learn abut the bks?
    A. Family: Pems features plain language.
    B. Time t Heal features clrful illustratins.
    C. Seeds frm a Birch Tree fcuses n human nature.
    D. A Pem fr Every Day fcuses n festive celebratins.
    3. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A marketing website.B. A literature magazine.
    C. A bk review.D. A news reprt.
    By the time she turned 18, Khadijah Williams had attended twelve schls. She had lived in shelters, in parks, and in mtels, never in a permanent residence fr mre than a few mnths. She had tlerated the blames f students wh cnsidered her as “different”.
    Hmeless since early childhd, Khadijah struggled all her life t hide her circumstances frm teachers and fellw students. Hwever, academics prved t be a way fr her t find cnfidence in herself again. Fr instance, at the age f 9, she placed in the 99th percentile n a state exam, and her teacher tld her she was “gifted”. Frm that mment frward, Khadijah decided t d whatever it tk t keep herself in that categry. “I was s prud f being smart. I never wanted peple t say, ‘Yu gt the easy way ut because yu’re hmeless,’” she said. “I never saw it as an excuse.”
    By the secnd year f high schl, she realized that she culd nt succeed in getting the further educatin she dreamed f withut getting help t g beynd what her current schl culd ffer. She talked t teachers and cunselrs (辅导员) wh helped her apply t summer cmmunity cllege classes, schlarships, and enrichment prgrams. And in 11th grade, when she enrlled at Jeffersn High Schl, she decided t cmplete the rest f her schl career there—a decisin that meant taking a bus each mrning at 4 a. m. and nt getting hme until 11 p. m.
    Her perseverance and hard wrk paid ff, hwever. When she pured the stry f her life int her Harvard University cllege applicatin, she was accepted.
    Once Khadijah felt ready t tell her stry, it wn her ntice nt nly frm cllege admissins bards but als frm the news media, including Oprah, wh intrduced Khadijah n her shw. Nw as a successful student at Harvard, Khadijah cntinues t use the lessns f her extrardinary life t help and inspire ther students.
    4. What was Khadijah’s life like befre she turned 18?
    A. She was badly treated at hme.B. She struggled with academics.
    C. She had lived in varius places.D. She ften misbehaved at schl.
    5. Hw did Khadijah find cnfidence in herself again?
    A. By hiding her circumstance frm thers.B. By wrking hard fr academic success.
    C. By being prud f her hmeless backgrund.D. By getting help frm teachers and cunselrs.
    6. Why did Khadijah apply fr summer cmmunity cllege prgram?
    A. T use her experience t inspire thers.B. T get financial help frm her teachers.
    C. T realize her dream t g t university.D. T be admitted t Jeffersn High Schl.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A Khadijah’s success in her academic pursuits.B. Khadijah’s experience f vercming adversity.
    C. Khadijah’s invlvement in cmmunity service.D. Khadijah’s achievements at Harvard University.
    Phnetic (语音) infrmatin—the smallest sund elements f speech—is cnsidered by researchers t be the basis f language. Babies are thught t learn these small sund element s and add them tgether t make wrds. But a new study suggests that phnetic infrmatin is learnt t late and slwly fr this t be the case. Instead, rhythmic (有韵律的) speech helps babies learn language and is effective even in the first few mnths f life.
    Researchers frm the Trinity Cllege Dublin investigated babies’ ability t prcess phnetic infrmatin during their first year. Their study, published in the jurnal Nature Cmmunicatins, fund that phnetic infrmatin wasn’t successfully encded (编码) until seven mnths ld, and did nt ccur very ften at 11 mnths ld when babies began t say their first wrds. Frm then individual speech sunds are still added in very slwly—t slwly t frm the basis f language.
    The researchers recrded patterns f brain activity in 50 babies at fur, seven, and eleven mnths ld as they watched a vide f a primary schl teacher singing 18 nursery rhymes (童谣) t a baby. They fund that phnetic encding in babies appeared gradually ver the first year f life, beginning with labial sunds (e. g. “d” fr “daddy”) and nasal sunds (e. g. “m” fr “mummy”), with the “read ut” prgressively lking mre like that f adults.
    “The reasn why we use nursery rhymes is because that is the best way fr babies t discver and cnnect sunds with language, s we are teaching them hw t speak,” said Givanni Di Libert, lead authr f the study at Trinity Cllege Dublin in Ireland. “Parents shuld talk and sing t their babies as much as pssible r use baby-directed speech because it will make a difference t language utcme,” she added.
    8. What shuld babies learn in the first few mnths f life accrding t the new study?
    A Small sund elements.B. Rhythmic infrmatin.
    C. Phnetic infrmatin.D. Individual wrds.
    9. What des the authr mainly discuss in paragraph 2?
    A. The pr phnetic encding in babies.B. The advantages f phnetic infrmatin.
    C. The babies’ great ability t learn language.D. The babies’ grwing prcess in the first year.
    10. What des Givanni suggest parents d?
    A. Sing nursery rhymes fr babies frequently.B. Play a variety f splendid music fr babies.
    C. Affect the children via their wn experience.D. Pay attentin t their children’s speech act.
    11. What is the best title f the text?
    A. When Babies Are Able t Say Their First Wrds
    B. Hw Phnetic Infrmatin Changes Over Time
    C. Why Phnetic Is Better Than Rhythmic fr Babies
    D. Why Babies Need Nursery Rhymes fr Language Mastery
    In a study frm Washingtn State University, researchers have uncvered a significant crrelatin between the clseness f lder adults t green and blue spaces and their mental and physical well-being. The study ffers cnvincing evidence that even small increases in access t nature can remarkably imprve the health utcmes f lder adults.
    A mere 10% increase in frest space within a persn’s living envirnment is linked t a nticeable decrease in serius psychlgical cnditins. This type f suffering includes mental health challenges that need treatment and blck nrmal scial, ccupatinal, r educatinal functining. Similarly, the new study prves that enhancing green spaces, water bdies, r trail lengths by 10% appears t lwer the likelihd f lder individuals reprting their verall health as pr.
    The researchers analyzed health survey data frm ver 42,000 peple aged 65 and abve living in urban areas f Washingtn state, spanning (跨越) the years 2011 t 2019. The experts related the health utcmes f these individuals t varius measures quantifying their access t nature within their living areas.
    Initially presented at the American Academy f Neurlgy Annual Meeting in April 2023, the research fcused nly n the link between psychlgical depressin and clseness t natural spaces. The final study expanded t include additinal metrics (指标) such as green space percentage and trail length, als taking int accunt demgraphic variables (人口统计变量) like race and educatin.
    “Our findings suggest that abatement f ur urban green and blue spaces due t rapid urbanizatin may nt just have an envirnmental impact but culd have a public health impact as well,” said Adithya Vegaraju, first authr f the study.
    Vegaraju said this research is amng the first in the U. S. t specifically investigate the relatinship between access t nature and health in the lder ppulatin.
    12. What des the authr intend t stress in the secnd paragraph?
    A. Access t nature can imprve the elders’ mental health.
    B. Older individuals are mre likely t get clse t nature.
    C. Green space is an ideal place fr educatinal functining.
    D. A persn’s scial interactin is linked t mre green space.
    13. Hw d the researchers cnduct the research?
    A. By changing ld peple’s living habits.B. By tracking and recrding the aged peple.
    C. By cmparing varius measures in the study.D. By analyzing the participants’ related data.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “abatement” mean in paragraph 5?
    A. Slutin.B. Impact.C. Lss.D. Pwer.
    15. What des Vegaraju think f the study?
    A. It needs further research.B. It’s a pineer research wrk.
    C. It is beneficial t everyne.D. It will be used in ther fields.
    There tend t be tw types f teachers when it cmes t petry: Ones wh lve it and bring it int the classrm freely and ften. Then, thers stay clear. ___16___ If the lve is nt there yet, I challenge yu t try it! Here are several reasns t teach petry in the classrm.
    Build Reading, Speaking & Listening Skills
    Children need t learn t read varius texts, and pems are ne f thse frms. They learn t attend t the wrds they hear and think abut what they mean tgether. Children strengthen their reading skills and build reading fluency thrugh repeated reading. The dts cnnect in a child’s brain when they see, hear, and say it alud. ___17___
    Inspire Petry Writing
    Teach hw pems are cnstructed and the wrds they cntain. It is the first step t writing. ___18___ We learn hw t chse the right wrds t create imagery and effect. The simple patterns fund in sme pems are fun t fllw and great places fr children t start learning t write.
    Petry is a frm f expressin. Writing lets us express ur feelings and thughts n a subject, while reading encurages us t cnnect and find meaning in ur experiences. Petry can have a psitive impact n children’s scial and emtinal learning. It may ffer them a new way f thinking abut smething.
    Build a Lve fr Reading
    Expse children t varius styles and types f text as they learn t read. As teachers, we want them t lve the act f reading and what they read as they learn. Reading can be hard wrk, and the bks children learn first ften lack that unique ingredient. Petry is different. ___20___ Pems prvide enjyment and laughter. They are engaging and fun t read!
    A. Encurage Creative Thinking
    B. Explre Language and Vcabulary
    C. Petry ffers a memrable and mtivatinal way t teach.
    D. It has that special sauce that children lng fr and s much mre!
    E. Petry teaches us hw t cmbine wrds t frm meaning and cntext.
    F. This may be because they dn’t think it fits with the curriculum and what they are teaching.
    G. Reading cmprehensin als results in discussins abut meaning, cnnecting, and visualizing.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    With spring appraching, a ft f snw that had fallen rapidly melt (融化). The runff frm the hills had filled the rivers and frmed little ___21___ f water in the rad. Brken tree branches were everywhere. I was ___22___ hme and suddenly saw ne f these branches ___23___ acrss the rad. It was big enugh t damage my car if I didn’t ___24___ in time s I stepped n the brakes and ___25___ my emergency flashers. ___26___ there were n ther cars there yet. But I knew that it wuld nly be a matter f ___27___ befre ne crashed int that branch, causing a (n) ___28___ and even death.
    I ___29___ my car and tried t pull the branch t the radside. It was a lt ___30___ than I thught but I started t ___31___ it. Inch by inch I pulled it ff the rad. When it was finally mved t the side I std up and felt ___32___. Just as I did, thugh, a little red car passed by ___33___, hit a pl f water in the rad and made my pants wet. I wasn’t ___34___ but laughed at the absurdity (荒谬) f it all.
    Smetimes we all d gd things in this life nly t get dirty water. When this happens just remember that the real reasn yu d gd is because f the ___35___ inside f yu.
    21. A. stepsB. srtsC. plsD. ftprints
    22. A. walkingB. drivingC. ridingD. running
    23. A. standingB. hangingC. sittingD. lying
    24. A. clapB. reflectC. stpD. check
    25. A. penB. breakC. expandD. examine
    26. A. ThankfullyB. GenerallyC. SurprisinglyD. Hpefully
    27. A. psitinB. rderC. rankD. time
    28. A. cnflictB. injuryC. breakthrughD. plt
    29. A. gt ut fB. pulled verC. slwed dwnD. put away
    30. A. shrterB. lngerC. heavierD. easier
    31. A. bserveB. leaveC. replaceD. mve
    32. A. ashamedB. depressedC. relievedD. relaxed
    33. A. plitelyB. quicklyC. gratefullyD. carefully
    34. A. flexibleB. angryC. pleasantD. nrmal
    35. A. kindnessB. curisityC. anxietyD. regret
    Accrding t Albert Estrada, a Spanish student, studying Chinese is ne f the best ways t get clser t the culture.
    Estrada ___36___ (study) at the Cnfucius Institute f Barcelna in Spain fr five years. He says the huge ___37___ (difference) between the tw languages mean that Chinese peple find sme aspects f Spanish grammar hard while Spanish peple find the prnunciatin f Chinese, as well as Chinese characters, ___38___ (challenge). “I wuldn’t say I speak Chinese right nw. ___39___ the last few times I’ve been t China, I have been able t shp, buy fd and talk t peple withut turning t English,” he says.
    The Cnfucius Institute ___40___ (fund) in Barcelna in 2009 as part f a cllabrative effrt between Spanish and Chinese universities, ___41___ ffers Chinese language curses at 14 different levels. Estrada is ___42___ (current) n the furth f the six HSK levels. He stresses that it is imprtant t mix with Chinese peple, bth at hme and in China. ___43___ (break) the linguistic barrier is the first step, and nce they see that yu are learning ___44___ language, they feel mre relaxed and then it is easy t establish a relatinship.
    Estrada spent tw mnths in China last summer, and he hpes t visit it again at the end f this year ___45___ (experience) Chinese New Year.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 书面表达(满分 15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter对中国文学感兴趣,来信请你介绍一位中国古代文学作家及其作品,请你给他写一封e-mail,内容如下:
    1. 简单介绍一位中国古代文学作家;
    2. 说明你喜欢其作品的理由。
    1. 词数80左右;
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Pimple n the Nse
    “N!” screamed Asha as she saw a huge pimple(痘) n her nse. She didn’t have time t cver the pimple as she was running late t schl. She gbbled her breakfast, grabbed her bag and gt int her schl bus just in time. As sn as she entered, kids started laughing. Nbdy was willing t make her sit beside them. Even Anita, her bus mate acted a bit differently with her.
    Asha was lst in thughts. A new thught ppped in her mind every secnd. Once she thught “Great! As if hmewrk and exams were nt enugh, I have t wrry abut my pimple as well.” The next minute anther thught ppped in her mind. “I am tired f using that face wash. I still wnder hw I agreed t use that hrrible thing! Hw can…” Mr. Shetty, the bus driver said “Asha, d yu want t miss the class?” Asha was s lst in her thughts that she did nt even ntice that everybdy had gt dwn the bus except her.
    She did nt want t step int the campus. She thught, “What will my teachers think? What will my friends think?” After sme time, she gathered curage and entered her class expecting that she wuld be laughed at.
    It was a very hard day at schl fr her. As sn as she gt hme, she hugged her mther tightly. As she did s she felt all her wrries were nt even a dt in frnt f the warm and lving hug.
    Later that day, she went t the supermarket with her mther. While cming back she heard peple cmmenting n her pimple. A small child cried, “Daddy! My cherry is n her nse! Get it fr me.” She heard sme bys murmuring, “If she wuld have been in ur schl, she wuld definitely be chsen as the jker in the dance.”
    Asha wndered why peple cared s much abut her appearance.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Finally it was time fr bed stry, and mm asked her t chse a bk.
    Her mther asked her never t judge a bk by its ld cver but t pay attentin t the details.

    甘肃省酒泉市酒泉四校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题: 这是一份甘肃省酒泉市酒泉四校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题,共4页。

    甘肃省酒泉市酒泉市四校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题: 这是一份甘肃省酒泉市酒泉市四校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题,共4页。

    甘肃省酒泉市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月考试英语试卷(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份甘肃省酒泉市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月考试英语试卷(原卷版+解析版),文件包含甘肃省酒泉市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月考试英语试卷原卷版docx、甘肃省酒泉市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月考试英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。






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