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    1.—D yu knw 2024 is the year f_______Dragn? —Sure. The dragn is_______fifth sign in the Chinese zdiac cycle (生肖).
    A. a; theB. /; theC. the; theD. the; /
    2.Dnˈt be afraid f difficulties. Remember: Kites rise highest_______the wind, nt with it.
    A. verB. againstC. acrssD. alng
    3.—Itˈs raining hard utside. But I canˈt find_______umbrella, can I share_______? —Sure!
    A. mine; yurB. my; yurC. my; yursD. mine; yurs
    4.—D yu knw________Nanjing Museum is? —Itˈs abut 130,000 square meters in size.
    A. hw farB. hw muchC. hw manyD. hw large
    5._________the great ancient bks________the writersˈ experience are shared with the TV viewers n an educatinal TV shw-China in the Classics (《典籍里的中国》).
    A. Neither; nrB. Either; r
    C. Bth; andD. Nt nly; but als
    6.—What des Alma Mater (母校) mean t yu after graduatin fr s many years? —Everything! Thse unfrgettable things and peple_______Iˈm familiar (熟悉的) with will remain in my mind frever.
    A. whB. thatC. whatD. which
    7.—Sandy, can I lk at yur ntebk? It lks special. —Srry. I have written dwn smething________in it
    A. perfectB. practicalC. privateD. pleasant
    8.—Lucy lked sad, we wndered________.
    A. what the matter was with herB. what was wrng with her
    C. that she failed the examD. what she was like
    9.Learning English in a classrm is imprtant, while using English in real________will imprve yur English skills mre greatly.
    A. situatinsB. experiencesC. eventsD. psitins
    10.—Where is yur sn Jimmy wrking nw? —He________the city f Beijing, China fr tw years.
    A. has gne tB. has been tC. was inD. has been in
    11.The final assembly, inspectr (总装检验员) f Shenzhu XVII is like a scanner. He checks every step again and again. In his pinin, quality check is smething extremely imprtant. Just as the saving ges________.
    A. Every dg has its day
    B. Dnˈt put all the eggs in ne basket
    C. Actins speak luder than wrds
    D. Yu canˈt be t careful
    12.— Can Jimmy help us with the prblem? —Yes. His prmise is________gld. Trust him!
    A. as 1ng asB. as gd asC. as well asD. as much as
    13.—Sme Chinese gvernment fficers have turned int livestreamers (网络主播) . —Yes. Theyˈre trying their best t help lcal farmers t________prduct sales.
    A. cmpareB. imprveC. affrdD. prvide
    14.Many students have difficulty________with their parents, which causes truble in their life.
    A. cmmunicateB. t cmmunicateC. cmmunicatingD. cmmunicated
    15.—Mum, d yu mind if I watch the ftball match n TV nw? —________.Wrk shuld cme first.
    A. Yes, a littleB. Nt at allC. Better ntD. Never mind
    Last summer, I went hiking alng the riverside with my mther and sme British friends. The river was nt wide, but it was 16 fast. The rcks in the river were s slippery (滑的) that it was 17 fr us t walk. We walked 18 , but the freezing water still flded int ur shes and trusers. I was getting very cld and tired. I wanted t 19 , but when I saw ther kids mving s fast, I felt ashamed. This encuraged me t keep fllwing them, 20 I was far behind. It was even mre difficult during the last part f the walk. I became s tired ut that I 21 my steps and fell several times. But with the 22 f my mther and my friends, I gt t my feet and kept ging each time I fell.
    At last, we arrived at ur place by a waterfall. Everybdy 23 the pnd (池塘) frm a high rck. When it was my 24 , I was very scared and tried t hide arund a cmer. My friends nticed this and 25 me: “Cme n, Kevin! Yu can d this!” With my eyes 26 , I jumped int the pnd.
    Althugh I am nt as 27 as my British friends, I 28 ur walk. This experience made me 29 what perseverance (坚持不懈) is, and hw imprtant it will be t everyne in life! 30 I exercise hard every day, I can becme strng like my British friends.
    16.A. ridingB. arrivingC. flwingD. falling
    17.A. hardB. dangerusC. easyD. cld
    18.A. secretlyB. carefullyC. happilyD. quickly
    19.A. give upB. mve nC. cme verD. make up
    20.A. as ifB. ever sinceC. s thatD. even thugh
    21.A. fundB. missedC. pickedD. threw
    22.A. fferB. attentinC. cntrlD. help
    23.A. fell intB. jumped intC. went thrughD. came acrss
    24.A. dutyB. jbC. turnD. chice
    25.A. encuragedB. askedC. shwedD. called
    26.A. hurtB. painfulC. penD. clsed
    27.A. prettyB. slwC. strngD. lucky
    28.A. challengedB. cmpletedC. changedD. stpped
    29.A. admireB. realizeC. wnderD. dubt
    30.A. WhetherB. AsC. AlthughD. If
    31.In the Secret f Space, yu can ________.
    A. buy a mdel rcket
    B. make a mdel rcket in persn
    C. spread the knwledge f space t thers
    D. watch the vides abut rckets with scientists
    32.The purpse f Save Ourselves is ________.
    A. t act as a sldier fighting fr ur cuntry
    B. t sit in the space ship
    C. t help all the peple arund yu
    D. t spread the knwledge f self-prtecting
    33.Lisa shuld pay ________ if she wants t jin in “Be a Perfrmer” t perfrm a whle year.
    A. $30.B. $120.C. $180.D. $360.
    34.If yu want t take part in the activity “I am Lei Feng”, yu can call ________.
    A. 010-65562225B. 010-72245556C. 010-82243331D. 010-82261116
    35.Whatˈs special abut these fur activities?
    A. Peple need t pay fr all f them.
    B. Theyˈre all held by the gvernment.
    C. Theyˈre meaningful t all the teenagers.
    D. They all prvide children with scial skills.
    Itˈs reprted that Shenzhu-16 will bring internatinal paintings by teenagers frm 10 African cuntries t the China Space Statin.
    Jing Haipeng, ne f the astrnauts fr the Shenzhu-16 manned spaceflight missin, shared the infrmatin during the Shenzhu-16ˈs press cnference(新闻发布会)at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Nrthwest Chinaˈs Gansu Prvince n Mnday.
    These paintings were beautifully drawn by teenagers frm 10 African cuntries including Algeria, Demcratic Republic f the Cng (DRC), Egypt, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Nigeria, Smalia, Suth Africa and Zimbabwe.
    “Indeed, we have this special and meaningful purpse, which is t shw internatinal paintings fr the first time n the China Space Statin, and these excellent wrks are frm the winners f ‘Tianhe Awardˈ fr yung friends frm the 10 African cuntries,” Jing explained.
    “At present, we have nt seen the paintings. I believe they will be bright. Explring the vast universe(宇宙)is the cmmn dream f all human, n matter the race, age, r natinality. We lk frward t jining hands with all peace-lving peple t create a better tmrrw,” he cntinued.
    “ We will take the childrenˈs best yuth, best friendship, and best dreams int space, plant the seeds(种子)f science, friendship, and dreams n the China Space Statin, and let them grw and bear fruit,” Jing hped.
    36.What des Jing Haipeng d?
    A. A reprter.B. An artist.C. A gardener.D. A spaceman.
    37.Where are sme f the teenagers mentined frm?
    A. Egypt, Mauritius and Mexic.
    B. Mali, Clmbia and Zimbabwe.
    C. Madagascar, Algeria and Smalia.
    D. Nigeria, Suth America and Madagascar.
    38.What did Jing Haipeng think f these paintings?
    A. Wnderful.B. Funny.C. General.D. Fashinable.
    39.Which f the fllwing is true?
    A. The paintings were chsen frm Chinese teenagers.
    B. The paintings have nt been shwn befre in space.
    C. Jing Haipeng has seen the paintings when interviewed.
    D. The winners f “Tianhe Award” can get a space ticket.
    40.Whatˈs the main theme f the passage?
    A. Human and nature.B. Peace and friendship.
    C. Science and technlgy.D. Culture and educatin.

    Pems frm Tang and Sng dynasties, peras frm Yuan dynasty, and nvels frm Ming and Qing dynasties are very famus in Chinaˈs histry. Tday, Iˈd like t recmmend Sng f Autumn, ne f the pems by Liu Yuxi (772-842), a famus pet and writer in the mid Tang dynasty.
    Just as shwn in the first line f the pem, mst ancient pets liked t describe autumn as a sad time, but in this pem the seasn appears differently. In Liuˈs eyes, autumn, full f life and hpe, is even better than spring mrning. He describes the bright scene f a crane riding the cluds and flying int the blue sky.
    With his pems paying special attentin t expressing persnal feelings, as well as the daily life f cmmn peple, Liu wrte pems with beautiful music-like wrds. Yu may feel it in this pem. Thugh being translated thughtfully by experienced Xu Yuanchng, the pem still reads nt s beautifully as that in Chinese. I persnally think that English is smetimes nt s pwerful as Chinese.
    Here is anther example, in Liuˈs essay An Eulgium n a Humble Cell(《陋室铭》), with less than 100 wrds, he shws a lively picture f his humble cell. Hwever, it als shws hw he was pleased with the pr and simple life. Peple may find it strange that ne can feel happy living in such a humble cell. Learning frm his famus sentence, “be fragrant because f my virtues”(斯是陋室, 惟吾德馨), I think t be a respectable man is mre imprtant than t live in big huses, t wear beautiful clthes, t enjy delicius fd, and even t gain knwledge.
    41.Which dynasty is the pem Sng f Autumn written in?
    A. Sng.B. Yuan.C. Ming.D. Tang.
    42.Hw was autumn in Liuˈs eyes at that time?
    A. He thught it was a sad time.
    B. He thught that autumn was rather cludy.
    C. He thught Spring was better.
    D. He thught autumn was a hpeful seasn.
    43.Which f the fllwing is the feature f Liu Yuxiˈs wrks accrding t the passage?
    A. Expressing persnal feelings.
    B. Describing daily life f yung peple.
    C. Picturing blue sky and a crane.
    D. Writing sngs accrding t music.
    44.Hw did Liu feel abut living in a humble cell in the writerˈs pinin?
    A. Strange.B. Unhappy.C. Satisfied.D. Lnely.
    45.Influenced by Liu Yuxi, which f the fllwing des the writer think is the mst imprtant?
    A. T be a respectable man.B. T live in a big huse.
    C. T wear beautiful clthes.D. T gain mre knwledge.
    Thusands f runners tied their running shes and rushed ut frm the starting line while crwds cheered alng the curse. Marathns (马拉松) in China are getting ppular again.
    Accrding t the Chinese Athletics Assciatin, a ttal f 133 marathns acrss the cuntry have been registered (注册) fr the first six mnths f the year. On March 26, mre than 300,000 runners tk part in 26 marathn races natinwide, reprted China Daily.
    Teenagers have als taken part in marathns. Xu Qian, a 15-year-ld frm Suqian, Jiangsu, lves running. He gt first place in the 5-kilmeter Happy Run f the Jingdng Suqian Marathn held n April 2. Fr Xu, the race meant mnths f training and preparatin. He ran abut 30 t 40 kilmeters in lcal stadiums each week ahead f the run.
    “Unlike the 800-meter run at schl which is mre abut speed, a marathn tests a runnerˈs endurance (耐力) and psychlgical quality (心理素质),” he tld Teens.
    When he felt tired during the race, he tld himself nt t give up. “In lng distance running, the nly ppnent yu have t beat is yurself,” Xu added.
    Apart frm neˈs willpwer, kindness frm the crwds als plays a big part in helping runners get t the finish line. Li Zhuzi frm Shanxi tk part in a 3-kilmeter Kid Run f the Berlin Marathn in Germany in 2019 when she was 10. The cheers frm the peple alng the curse really encuraged her.
    “When things were hard, peple frm acrss the wrld cheered me n. Even if it was just the wrds, ‘keep it upˈ, it meant a lt t me and enabled me t keep ging t the end,” Li tld Teens.
    She believes that running a marathn is abut fcusing n the final gal (目标), nt the suffering (痛苦) alng the way. “Similarly, ur life is als a marathn,” Li said.
    46.The numbers in Paragraph 2 shw that ________.
    A. marathns are getting big in China
    B. ur physical fitness is getting better
    C. mre and mre yung peple lve running
    D. China is hlding t many marathns this year
    47.What infrmatin can we learn abut Xu Qian?
    A. He was n lnger a teenager.
    B. He did much training and preparatin.
    C. He gt first place in lcal stadiums.
    D. He didnˈt feel tired in the marathn.
    48.What des the underlined wrd “ ppnent” in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Smene wh always cntrls yu.B. Smene wh never refuses yu.
    C. Smene wh cmpetes against yu.D. Smene wh ften cheers yu n.
    49.What did Li Zhuzi think f the crwdsˈ cheering?
    A. It made her lse fcus.
    B. It made her feel bred.
    C. It didnˈt matter a great deal t her.
    D. It made her hld n.
    50.What is Li Zhuziˈs attitude (态度) tward life?
    A. All the pain and tears are lifeˈs gifts.
    B. Pain and suffering are nt imprtant at all in ur life.
    C. The suffering is mre imprtant than the final result.
    D. Center n the gal and dnˈt be afraid f the difficulties.
    51.Letˈs g camping
    As yu knw, camping has a lt f advantages. Here is a list f the mst imprtant reasns t send yur kids t camp. At camp, children can d as many things as fllws.
    Make true friends
    Camp is the place where kids make their very best friends. Free frm the scial expectatins and stress at schl, camp encurages kids t relax and make friends easily. All the amazing activities and endless fun at camp draw everyne tgether. Every day, friendships are created.
    Learn scial skills
    Cming t camp means jining a cmmunity where everyne must agree t wrk tgether and respect each ther. When they live in a small rm with thers, kids slve prblems withut the help f families, and understand the imprtance f pen cmmunicatin mre deeply. Camp builds teamwrk.
    Grw mre independent (独立)
    Camp is the perfect place fr kids t practice deciding t d smething fr themselves. Managing their daily chices in the safe, caring envirnment f camp, children welcme these as a chance t grw in new directins. Camp helps kids develp wh they are.
    Experience success and becme mre cnfident
    Camp helps children build self-cnfidence. With its nn-cmpetitive activities and different chances t succeed, camp life really pens a new wrld fr yung peple. Thereˈs achievement every day. Camp teaches kids what they can d.
    Spend their day being physically (体力的) active
    As children spend s much time these days inside and mstly sitting dwn, camp prvides a wnderful chance t mve. Running, swimming, jumping, climbing! Yung bdies get fully exercised. Camp is actin!
    52.Nwadays, it is very usual fr peple t rder takeut, but did peple eat takeut in ancient (1)__________
    Maybe yu dnˈt think s. (2)__________fact, there was takeut as lng back as the Sng Dynasty (960-1279). Accrding t histry bks, Emperr Xiazng (1127-1194) liked (3)__________ (rder) takeut late at night. His servants (仆人) then went arund (4)__________city t pick up the dishes and bring them back t the palace.
    Cmmn peple als rdered takeut. They wuld get their waiters t g ut int the streets and ask ludly which dishes culd (5)__________ (send) that day. Peple culd then place an rder, delivery( 快递) wrkers wuld bring fd t their hmes (6)__________(late). In the famus Sng Dynasty painting Alng the River During the Qingming Festival(《清明上河图》), a takeut (7)__________ (wrk) is ding delivery wrk. The man can be seen (8)__________ (walk) with fd in his hand in a hurry.
    Peple at the time even had special bxes fr takeut dishes. They (9)__________(nt be) like nrmal bxes. They were lng wden bxes with several layers (层). Peple als used plates made f tw layers f prcelain (瓷). Ht water culd be put between the first layer (10)__________the secnd. In this way, they culd keep the dishes warm.
    53.九年级同学即将参加中考,除了紧张的学习,也应利用课余时间使生活更丰富多彩。学校英语角就“如何让课余生活更有意义?”展开了讨论,大家各抒己见。请你根据以下提示,以“ Hw t make ur spare time mre meaningful?”为题,用英语写一篇短文。
    1. T be a gd vlunteer, what can we d?
    2. What sprts can we d?
    3. What club can we jin?
    4. What else can we d?
    Hw t make ur spare time mre meaningful?
    We Grade 9 students are nw busy with ur lessns, but we are suppsed t make ur spare time mre meaningful. Hw shuld we spend ur spare time?
    1. 略
    2. 略
    3. 略
    4. 略
    5. 略
    6. 略
    7. 略
    8. 略
    9. 略
    10. 略
    11. 略
    12. 略
    13. 略
    14. 略
    15. 略
    1. 略
    2. 略
    3. 略
    4. 略
    5. 略
    1. 略
    2. 略
    3. 略
    4. 略
    5. 略
    1. 略
    2. 略
    3. 略
    4. 略
    5. 略
    1. 略
    2. 略
    3. 略
    4. 略
    5. 略
    【解析】1. 略
    2. 略
    3. 略
    4. 略
    5. 略
    6. 略
    7. 略
    8. 略
    9. 略
    10. 略
    t rder/rdering
    be sent
    【解析】1. 略
    2. 略
    3. 略
    4. 略
    5. 略
    6. 略
    7. 略
    8. 略
    9. 略
    10. 略
    53.【答案】Hw t make ur spare time mre meaningful?
    We Grade 9 students are nw busy with ur lessns, but we are suppsed t make ur spare time mre meaningful. Hw shuld we spend ur spare time?
    First, we can wrk as vlunteers t help thse in need in ur spare time. Fr example, we can g t the cmmunity center t help the ld peple d sme cleaning r shpping. Secnd, we can d sme sprts t make us strnger and healthier. I think running r playing basketball is gd fr us. Third, itˈs als a gd idea t jin different clubs such as the Reading Club, the Swimming Club, the Rbt Club and s n.
    In my pinin, itˈs gd t help ur parents d sme husewrk t shw ur lve fr them. Mrever, it is a gd chance fr us t enjy the nature and relax urselves.
    In a wrd, letˈs make full use f ur spare time and make it mre meaningful.
    【解析】略The Secret f Space
    D yu want t sit in the space ship? We have vides f hw scientists make a rcket. And yu are prvided with a chance t make a mdel rcket n yur wn. Yu can even talk t thse wh have made a rcket befre.
    ★Time: every weekend, 8:00 a. m.—8:00 p. m.
    ★Add: Ninth Rad
    ★Tel: 010-82243331
    Save Ourselves
    When we face a natural disaster like earthquakes, we are sure t be afraid, but are always inspired (激励) by the natinal heres. In this activity, we need thse wh are willing t spread the knwledge abut prtecting urselves in the earthquake.
    ★Time: every weekend, 8:00 a. m—6:00 p. m.
    ★Add: ShiFan Residential Quarter
    ★Tel: 010-72245556
    I am Lei Feng
    Yu are encuraged t help all the peple arund yu like Lei Feng. We need thse wh are very warm-hearted and have enugh patience.
    ★Time: every Saturday, 8:00 a. m.—6:00 p. m.
    ★Add: 318 Renmin Rad
    ★Tel: 010-82261116
    Be a Perfrmer
    We have a play abut sldiers every mnth and yu can act as a sldier fighting fr ur cuntry. Yuˈll lve ur cuntry mre after the activity.
    ★Price: $30 a mnth fr the play; mvies fr free
    ★Time: every Saturday, 8:00 a. m.—12:00 a. m. fr mvies; 13:00 p. m.—15:00 p. m. fr plays
    ★Add: Prince Arthur Rad
    ★Tel: 010-65562225
    Advantages f camp
    Make true friends
    Kids are (1)__________t develp friendship with thers thrugh many amazing activities. Friendships are (2)__________every day.
    Learn scial skills
    Camping is a cmmunity. Kids will knw itˈs imprtant t (3)_______________
    mre penly with thers. Camp builds (4)__________.
    Grw mre independent
    Kids make (5)__________fr themselves and they will find it is a new directin t develp. Camp helps kids develp (6)__________they are.
    Experience (7)__________
    and becme mre cnfident
    Nn-cmpetitive activities help kids (8)__________in themselves and they achieve every day.
    (9)__________part in physical activities
    Kids will d (10)__________exercise t get strnger.

    2024年江苏省泰州市海陵区九年级(下)中考一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2024年江苏省泰州市海陵区九年级(下)中考一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-完成表格,阅读填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024年江苏省泰州市泰兴市九年级(下)中考一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2024年江苏省泰州市泰兴市九年级(下)中考一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-完成表格,阅读填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024年江苏省徐州市九年级(下)中考一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2024年江苏省徐州市九年级(下)中考一模英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共16页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-简答,信息匹配,选词填空-句子,阅读填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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