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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    There is a day in the life with AI, wh fllws yur mve: the way yu travel, the fd yu eat, hw yu spend yur mney, the news yu read and yur scial interactins...
    7a.m Yu wake up and glance at yur iPhne, which unlcks itself using facial recgnitin
    Apple’s Face ID changes yur face t a set f numbers that act as yur wn unique identifier. This bimetric prtrait is nt set in stne-it uses AI t track changes in yur appearance, updating its mdel if yu grw a beard, change yur makeup style r get lder and it als detects whether yur eyes are pen and yur attentin is directed at yur phne.
    8:30a.m Yu drive t wrk in yur electric car
    Cars such as the Tesla can d mst f the rdinary aspects f driving. The vehicle’s AI system cllects data frm eight cameras, identifies bstacles, lanes, intersectins and traffic lights and decides what actin t take, whether mving skillfully int an awkward parking spt r vertaking a slw lrry. But self-driving cars knw nly hw t deal with situatins they have seen befre and an nging challenge is hw t equip them fr rare and unexpected events.
    4:30p.m Yur phne rings with a message frm yur Amazn Ring drbell-a package has been delivered t yur drstep
    Last year, abut ne in five husehlds in the UK reprted having an AI-based hme security system.Amazn Ring uses a mtin-activated camera, heat sensr and radar and uses cmputer visin sftware t make users different when a persn, r a package, is utside their prperty. Humans have a heavy heat signature and with the radar, the bject mving in 3D spaces can be detected.
    9:30p.m Yu scrll(滚动) thrugh a newspaper article that cntains a special ad
    As yu read news articles, scrll thrugh scial media, make Ggle searches and buy things nline, yu leave a trail f clues abut wh yu are, what yu might want t spend yur mney n-that is incredibly valuable fr digital advertisers.AI sift(筛) this data fr insights int yur age, gender, lifestyle, incme and yur hbbies. This allws cmpanies such as Ggle t serve up specific, targeted adverts that pp up as yu scrll thrugh a news article.
    21. Which f the fllwing is the disadvantage f electric cars?
    A. Tendency t cut in.B. Speeding n the lane.
    C. Uncntrlled parking areas.D. Lack f infrmatin abut emergencies.
    22. What can we learn abut AI frm the text?
    A. Apple’s Face ID may change yur facial features.
    B. Self-driving vehicles can replace human drivers.
    C. Abut 20% f English hmes adpt Amazn Ring.
    D. AI can wrk ut yur persnal nline preference.
    23. What infrmatin des the text cnvey?
    A. We will live a better life with AI.B. AI enters many aspects f ur life.
    C. The smartphne is a necessity fr s.D. Persnal infrmatin is n lnger secure.
    During my first year in cllege, I was silent. I was t afraid f saying smething wrng.
    I declared a religin majr as a sphmre(大二学生)and tk a class frm Barbara, a yung thelgian. My mind was split pen by a range f new thinkers and writers and by the quality f Barbara’s questins, I finally had smething t say and the energy t say it. I was a frequent visitr during Barbara’s ffice hurs, a rcket f wrds. She listened and calmly respnded, a perfect cntrast t my feverish ramblings. I lved what she saw in me, which was a range f abilities I had never seen in myself. In the fllwing years, ur relatinship gradually deepened, but I was always cnscius f a teacher-student dynamic(动态).
    This changed fundamentally when I became a parent. I had my sn in March 2010, and Barbara was ne f the first t cngratulate me. When, nine mnths later, my child was diagnsed with Tay-Sachs disease, a rare and always terminal illness with n treatment and n cure, she sent me a letter-handwritten n a white legal pad. Fr the next tw and a half years, Barbara wrte me regular, smetimes weekly, letters, remarkable letters that are revealing, lving, and kind.
    The letter, written right befre my sn died when he was three, was the mst persnal and perhaps the mst prfund. “I think he’s made yu better by pening up the great fire f yur lve, “she wrte, “with his small but magnificent existence. “ I have never in my life read a mre deeply cmfrting sentence, ne that spke t my grandest hpes, my deepest fears, and the nly faith that remains t me, which is a belief in chas. Our lve had blmed and deepened frm a guarded mutual respect t a richer, deeper friendship.
    Mentrs are meant t lead thse in their charge int fresh understanding, help them srt and filter new experiences, assist in the prject f making sense ut f the chas that is human life. Mentrs bserve and accmpany the darkest despair, the wildest srrw, and the mst unexpected jy.
    24. What can we learn frm paragraph 2?
    A. The authr tk the class because she excelled in thelgy.
    B. Their relatinship changed significantly beynd a teacher-student mde.
    C. The authr was a frequent visitr t Barbara’s hme after wrking hurs.
    D. Barbara’s peaceful lk was a cntrast t the authr’s verexcited talk.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “This” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The way Barbara treated her students.
    B. The fact that the authr kept silent in class.
    C. The rle f the authr as a cllege student.
    D. The relatinship between Barbara and the authr.
    26. What transfrmed the relatinship between Barbara and the authr frm a mutual respect t a deeper friendship?
    A. Barbara’s effrts t slve the prblem. B. The empathy shwn in Barbara’s letter.
    C. The authr’s in-depth understanding f Barbara.
    D. Barbara’s cngratulatins n the birth f the authr’s sn.
    27. What des the authr think f Barbara?
    A. Demanding and dedicated.B. Respnsible and reasnable.
    C. Insightful and inspiring.D. Aggressive and ambitius.
    Madagascar’s extremely imprbable wildlife may be thanks t dzens f dramatic ceanic jurneys that wuld put Rbinsn Cruse t shame, says a new research.
    “It seems like a far-fetched idea that animals culd survive mving acrss the sea,” says Matthew Brths, a researcher at Duke University. But a cmparisn f genetic data frm mdern Malagasy species with the fssil(化石)recrd f their ancestrs frm the African mainland has revealed that this is likely what happened fr mst land animals , accrding t the research, published in May in the jurnal Bilgical Reviews.
    Animals frm mainland Africa wuld have been trapped n large rafts(木筏)f vegetatin and flated t Madagascar, where they eventually evlved(进化)int the wildlife we knw tday. Sme 95 percent f wildlife are endemic t the cuntry, which means they live nwhere else in the wrld.
    Scientists have three majr theries t explain hw land animals gt t Madagascar: The species were there befre Madagascar divided and became an island, they swam and/r rafted acrss frm mainland Africa when currents flwed that way, r they crssed land bridges that might have existed at different perids.
    In their study, Jasn Ali, the study c-authr, and Blair Hedges, a bilgist at Temple University, pulled tgether a large amunt f previusly published research t test each f these pssible rigin stries.
    The team cmpared the genes f 28 grups f land animals, including animals frm mdern-day Madagascar, with the genes f species n mainland Africa that are the clsest relatives. Based n this infrmatin, they calculated the likely time when the ancestr f each species grup likely arrived in Madagascar, then evlved int smething new.
    28. What des the research find abut the animals in Madagascar?
    A. They cme frm mainland Africa.B. They are gd at swimming.
    C. They are the same as thse in Asia.D. They tend t live n the cast.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “endemic” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. friendly.B. native.C. unknwn.D. Useful.
    30.Hw did Jasn Ali’s team cnduct the study?
    A. By cllecting rigin stries in the field.B. By bserving wildlife in the frest.
    C. By cmparing the published data.D. By teaming up with the lcals.
    31. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Why Is Madagascar’s Wildlife S Unique?
    B. When Did Animals Arrive in Madagascar?
    C. Hw Did Scientists Study Fssils in Africa?
    D. What Makes Animals in Africa Evlve Slwly?
    Have yu nticed hw the price f nline purchases can increase at checkut? This is due t a strategy called “drip pricing,” cined by American ecnmist Richard Thaler in 1971. Drip pricing is a strategy where businesses gradually add extra charges t a custmer’s bill, making the initially advertised price rise.
    This strategy takes advantage f custmers’ tendency t cmmit t a purchase when they see a lw riginal price. As extra fees are added, custmers ften cntinue with the purchase despite the increased cst due t their emtinal investment. Businesses, frm e-cmmerce stres t airlines, use this technique t significantly bst their prfits. The initial price f a prduct r service can sharply increase with the additin f varius csts. Fr example, a flight ticket can cnsiderably increase due t the inclusin f extra csts such as baggage fees, seating ptins, and access t express lanes.
    Hwever, current laws seem inadequate in the face f these practices, resulting in calls fr new regulatins and clearer retailer respnsibilities. Dr. Jane De frm the Cnsumer Behavir Research Grup at the University f Cambridge fund that custmers’ knwledge plays an effective rle. “Our study shws that when custmers are infrmed abut drip pricing techniques, they are less likely t fall fr them, ultimately leading t mre cst-effective purchases,” Dr. De said.
    The success f drip pricing depends n custmers nt knwing r accepting these extra csts. An interesting suggestin t fight these practices culd be the start f an annual event t highlight and criticize the wrst examples f drip pricing. Pssible award categries might include The Biggest Drip, Mst Uselessly Named Charge, and the Drplet Award fr multiple extra ricing add-ns. Such an event culd strengthen custmers and prmte penness in pricing, thereby challenging the success f drip pricing.
    As we prgress int the era f digital cmmerce, the need fr transparency and fairness in pricing is becming increasingly imprtant. Cnsumer advcates argue that the key t fighting drip pricing lies nt nly in stricter laws and regulatins frm the gvernment but als in equipping cnsumers with the necessary knwledge and tls.
    32. What des the term “drip pricing” refer t?
    A. An utdated apprach applied in e-cmmerce pricing.
    B. An in-depth study n the cntinual rise f business prices.
    C.A pricing strategy invlving added csts t the initial price.
    D. A cst reductin technique cmmnly emplyed in airlines.
    33. What drives custmers t prceed with a purchase even as csts increase?
    A. Fear f lsing previus rders.B. Restrictins frm acts and laws
    C. Emtinal cmmitment t the prduct.D. Unawareness f the additinal charges.
    34. Accrding t Dr. Jane De, hw t prtect cnsumers frm drip pricing?
    A. By enfrcing clear new lawsB. By prviding cnsumer educatin.
    C. By prmting cst-effective shpping.D. By rganizing challenging annual events
    35. What can be inferred frm paragraphs 4 and 5?
    A. Annual events will award successful drip pricing.
    B. Ignring drip pricing is an effective way t resist it.
    C. Cnsumer advcates need supprt frm the media.
    D. Cnsumers and authrities shuld make jint effrts.
    When yu hear yur friend passed an exam that yu had failed earlier, will yu share her happiness? If yu can feel the jy, cngratulatins! 36 Studies fund that Freudenfreude cntributes t kind acts, such as helping thers. Celebrating the persnal victries f ther peple can bring n mre f ur wn.
    37 Smetimes, yur lss might really sting, making Freudenfreude feel ut f reach. If yu were raised in a family that paired winning with self-wrth, yu might misread smene else’s victry as yur wn persnal shrtcming. And factrs such as mental health and verall wellbeing can als affect yur ability t participate in smene else’s jy. 38
    One way t summn gd feelings fr thers is t ask questins. Yu dn’t need t wait fr smene else’s gd news t exercise Freudenfreude. Cultivate jy by inviting thers t share their victries. 39 When yu speak with them be sure t maintain eye cntact and listen attentively. This shuld mtivate yu t keep ging and make yu feel as if yur effrts will pay ff.
    Because emtins are cntagius(有感染力的), shwing appreciatin can als increase Freudenfrude. Yu can think f Freudenfreude as smething yu can spread when yu’re experiencing persnal jy. 40 Start by sharing yur win, then tell the ther persn hw yu appreciate their help. Practicing gratitude is like sharing dessert: Bth parties enjy the sweetness f the mment, which enhances Freudenfreude fr them bth.
    A. It is a term that describes the jy we feel when smene else succeeds.
    B. Yu might ask: “what’s the best thing that happened t yu this week?”
    C. T d this, try giving thers credit fr their supprt that leads t yur wn.
    D. While the benefits f Freudenfreude are plentiful, it desn’t always cme easily.
    E. T better understand Freudenfreude, it is imprtant t realize that it is a win-win.
    F. Still, generating Freudenfreude is wrthwhile and there are ways t encurage the feeling.
    G. Finding pleasure in anther persn’s gd frtune is what scial scientists call Freudenfreude.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Just weeks after being named the Her f the Year, Nelly Chebi traveled mre than 7,000 miles t bring her award hme. Far frm the lights, cameras, and celebrities wh surrunded her at the gala(晚会)event in New Yrk City, Chebi was 41 by her wn heres: the students she serves in rural Mgti, Kenya.
    “I felt a lt f 42 just bringing the award t the kids,” Chebi said, “Fr me, and fr the cmmunity here, it really means a lt t be celebrated.”
    Like many f her students, Chebi lived in pverty(贫穷)frm childhd, withut 43 t educatin. Chebi watched her mther wrk 44 s Chebi and her sisters culd 45 schl. She saw educatin as an effective 46 t end her wn pverty. In 2012, Chebi 47 a full schlarship t Augustana Cllege in Illinis and began her 48 in cmputer science. “The nly tl I had at the time was educatin,” Chebi sad.
    After graduatin, she taught her students cmputer skills and helped them have Zm calls with NASA. She’s fund jb pprtunities abrad fr them. She has brught prfessinal, and 49 supprt t her cmmunity in Africa. “Digital skills prvide 50 pprtunities,” Chebi said.
    She wes her success t her mther, Christina. “I’m cnstantly 51 ccasins t shw peple this is Christina Chebi and she happened t have fur daughters. She’s wrked really hard t raise them.” When Chebi’s name was 52 as the Her f the Year, the first face she saw frm the stage was that 53 ne. “I lked at the audience, and saw my mm 54 at me,” Chebi said. “This was smene wh had n idea that all her hard wrk is ging t 55 smething.”
    41. A. reprtedB. refusedC. greetedD. cnsulted
    42. A. effrtB. hpeC. pressureD. pity
    43. A. respnseB. changeC. accessD. desire
    44. A. casuallyB. ccasinallyC. nervuslyD. tirelessly
    45. A. attendB. leaveC. stpD. manage
    46. A. speciesB. meansC. excuseD. match
    47. A. missedB. drppedC. receivedD. predicted
    48. A. experimentsB. cmpetitinsC. travelsD. studies
    49. A. mentalB. financialC. academicD. suitable
    50. A. glbalB. unrealC. equalD. unique
    51. A. taking upB. lking frC. giving upD. fighting fr
    52. A. annuncedB. servedC. rememberedD. prtected
    53. A. naturalB. lnelyC. painfulD. familiar
    54. A. strikingB. smilingC. aimingD. cming
    55. A. amunt tB. refer tC. deal withD. meet with
    The chengsam is the classic dress fr Chinese wmen, which cmbines the elegance f Chinese traditin 56 unique elements f style and fully sets ff the beauty f the female shape.
    The name “chengsam”, 57 (mean) simply “lng dress”, entered the English vcabulary frm the dialect f China’s Guangdng Prvince. In ther parts f the cuntry including Beijing, hwever, it is knwn as “qipa”, 58 has a histry behind it.
    After the early Manchu(满族)rulers came t China, the Manchu wmen nrmally wre a ne-piece dress which came t be called “qipa. 59 the rule f the Qing Dynasty was ended in 1911, the female dress survived the plitical change. In 60 1920s, the chengsam experienced a change with the influence f Western styles, including its length being shrtened, which allwed the beauty f the female bdy 61 (display) fully. Starting frm the 1940s, chengsam became clser-fitting and mre practical and in summer, wmen wre sleeveless dresses. It didn’t becme standard female clthes until the 1960s.
    Tday, this clse-fitting dress featured by stand cllar, right side pening, fitting waist and slip bttm, shws its charm at many markets. Nt nly because it has varieties f styles, but als because it can 62 (wear) either n casual r frmal ccasins. Fr instance, when 63 (wife) f China’s ambassadrs attend imprtant scial gatherings, the chengsam is their first chice amng dresses. In fact, quite a number f 64 (influence) peple have suggested that chengsam shuld becme the natinal dress fr wmen in China. Many freign wmen are eager t get 65 (they)a chengsam when they visit China.
    假如你是李华,你刚刚参观了你市博物馆举办的一次“遇见艺术家(Meet the Artists)”的展览,请为你校英文报写一则评论,内容包括:1. 展览概况;2. 观展感受;3. 意见建议。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 为使行文连贯,可以适当增加细节。
    It was Octber and we were attending the fire hall’s pen huse with ur five-year-ld sn Henry. He was especially drawn t the cllectin f mdel fire trucks in the large glass display case. The firefighters were mre than happy t answer his many questins abut each piece f equipment. “When d yu get t play with thse?” Henry asked the accmpanying firefighter.
    The firefighter hid his amusement and pretended t be serius as he answered. “We dn’t get t play with them. The chief keeps them lcked away in that bx.”
    Henry was lst in thught as we walked hme that evening.
    With clder weather setting in, ur thughts turned t the upcming New Year’s Day. It was imprtant t us t educate Henry abut the true spirit f New Year celebratin. The last thing we wanted was ur kid seeing the festival as merely a time t receive lve and gifts.
    We sat Henry dwn and explained that there were many children that didn’t have tys t play with. Sme children didn’t have their mmmy r dad fr cmpany during the festival because their parents were busy ding their jbs when we were n hliday. We explained that every ne f us can be f sme help t thse in need.
    Henry’s eyes shne! “Can we take presents t the firefighters?”, he said, with his favrite lllipps(棒棒糖)in his muth, “They aren’t allwed t play with all thse fire trucks! We can take them tys t play with n New Year’s Day!”
    At first we didn’t knw hw t respnd. We had lng since frgtten abut the mdel fire trucks at the fire hall! Apparently Henry had nt. His dad cleared his thrat. “Well, that is a gd idea, but they dn’t really have time t play with tys because they are t busy keeping us safe during the hliday, just like thse plicemen and dctrs.”
    Henry became very serius. He knew his dad was right. Being a firefighter was a very imprtant jb.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “Or maybe we can bring them smething else...” Henry murmured t himself. __________________________
    I psted thse phts nline. __________________________________________________________________
    【答案】21. D 22. D 23. B
    21细节理解题。根据第三段“But self-driving cars knw nly hw t deal with situatins they have seen befre and an nging challenge is hw t equip them fr rare and unexpected events.(但自动驾驶汽车只知道如何处理它们以前见过的情况,一个持续的挑战是如何装备它们应对罕见和意外事件)”可知,缺乏关于紧急情况的信息是电动汽车的缺点。故选D。
    22细节理解题。根据最后一段“AI sift(筛) this data fr insights int yur age, gender, lifestyle, incme and yur hbbies.(AI筛选这些数据来了解你的年龄、性别、生活方式、收入和爱好)”可知,人工智能可以计算出你的个人上网偏好。故选D。
    23推理判断题。根据第一段“There is a day in the life with AI, wh fllws yur mve: the way yu travel, the fd yu eat, hw yu spend yur mney, the news yu read and yur scial interactins..(生活中总有一天,人工智能会跟踪你的一举一动:你旅行的方式、你吃的食物、你花钱的方式、你读的新闻和你的社交互动……)”结合文章主要通过四个时间点做的事情,来说明人工智能进入了我们生活的方方面面。可推知,文章传达的信息是人工智能进入我们生活的许多方面。故选B。
    24-27 DDBC
    24 D 文章第二段I was a frequent visitr during Barbara’s ffice hurs, a rcket f wrds. She listened and calmly respnded, a perfect cntrast t my feverish ramblings
    25 D 文章第二段最后一句 In the fllwing years, ur relatinship gradually deepened, but I was always cnscius f a teacher-student dynamic
    26 B 根据文章第四段“I think he’s made yu better by pening up the great fire f yur lve,” she wrte, “with his small but magnificent existence.” I have never in my life read a mre deeply cmfrting sentence, ne that spke t my grandest hpes, my deepest fears, and the nly faith that remains t me, which is a belief in chas.
    27 C 依据全文Barbara对我的细节
    28—31 ABCA
    28.A 细节理解题。根据第二段“But a cmparisn f genetic data frm mdern Malagasy species with the fssil(化石)recrd f their ancestrs frm the African mainland has revealed that this is likely what happened fr mst land animals...”可知,基因数据对比分析显示马达加斯加岛上的动物祖先来自非洲大陆·
    29.B 词义猜测题·根据画线词后“which means they live nwhere else in the wrld”可推断,画线词与native的意思最接近
    30.C 细节理解题。根据第二段“But a cmparisn f genetic data...”、第五段“... Jasn Ali.. pulled tgether a large amunt r previusly published research...及第六段“The team cmpared the genes f 28 grups f land animals...”可知,Jasn Ali的团队主要通过搜集已公布的研究成果,对比基因数据来进行研究工作·
    31.A 标题判断题·通读全文,尤其是第一段“Madagascar’s extremely imprbable wildlife may be thanks t...”可知,本文主要介绍科学家们通过对比分析基因数据,试图找到马达加斯加岛上生活着各种奇特动物的原因。
    【答案】32.C 33.C 34.B 35.D
    32细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Drip pricing is a strategy where businesses gradually add extra charges t a custmer’s bill, making the initially advertised price rise.(水滴定价是一种策略,商家逐渐在客户的账单上增加额外费用,使最初宣传的价格上涨。)”可知,“水滴定价”指的是在初始价格基础上增加成本的定价策略。故选C。
    33细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“As extra fees are added, custmers ften cntinue with the purchase despite the increased cst due t their emtinal investment.(随着额外费用的增加,尽管成本增加,由于他们的情感投 入,顾客往往继续购买。)”可知,对产品的情感投入驱使顾客在成本增加的情况下继续购买。故选C。
    34细节理解题。根据第三段第二句和第三句“Dr. Jane De frm the Cnsumer Behavir Research Grup at the University f Cambridge fund that custmers’ knwledge plays an effective rle. “Our study shws that when custmers are infrmed abut drip pricing techniques, they are less likely t fall fr them, ultimately leading t mre cst-effective purchases,” Dr. De said.(剑桥大学消费者行为研究小组的Jane De博士发现,消费者的知识起着有效的作用。多伊博士说:“我们的研究表明,当客户被告知水滴定价技术时,他们不太可能上当,最终导致更具成本效益的购买。”)”可知,可以通过提供消费者教育来保护消费者免受水滴定价技术的欺骗。故选B。
    35推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Cnsumer advcates argue that the key t fighting drip pricing lies nt nly in stricter laws and regulatins frm the gvernment but als in equipping cnsumers with the necessary knwledge and tls.(消费者权益倡导者认为,打击水滴定价的关键不仅在于政府制定更严格的法律法规,还在于为消费者提供必要的知识和工具。)”可知,从第四段和第五段中可以推断出消费者和当局应该共同努力。故选D。
    【答案】36.G 37.D 38.F 39.B 40.C
    空后“Studies fund that Freudenfreude cntributes t kind acts, such as helping thers.(研究发现,乐他人之幸有 助于善良的行为,比如帮助别人)”说明了乐他人之幸的好处,空格处应该引出“乐他人之幸”这个概念,G 选项“Finding pleasure in anther persn’s gd frtune is what scial scientists call Freudenfreude.(从别人的 好运中寻找快乐就是社会科学家所说的“乐他人之幸”)”引出了“乐他人之幸”这个概念,符合语境,故选G。
    空格处是本段主题句,由空后“Smetimes, yur lss might really sting, making Freudenfreude feel ut f reach. If yu were raised in a family that paired winning with self-wrth, yu might misread smene else’s victry as yur wn persnal shrtcming. And factrs such as mental health and verall wellbeing can als affect yur ability t participate in smene else’s jy.(有时候,你的损失可能真的很刺痛,让你觉得自己遥不可及。如果你成长在一个把胜利和自我价值结合在一起的家庭,你可能会把别人的胜利误认为是你自己的缺点。心理健康和整体幸福感等因素也会影响你参与他人快乐的能力)”可知,本段主要讲的是“乐他人之幸”并不容易实现,D选项“While the benefits f Freudenfreude are plentiful, it desn’t always cme easily.(虽然“乐他人之幸”的好处很多,但它并不总是来得容易)”说明“乐他人之幸”不容易实现,因此概括了本段内容,可作为主题句,故选D。
    由空后一段的“One way t summn gd feelings fr thers is t ask questins.(唤起对他人的好的感觉的一个方法是问问题)”可知,空后要讲实现“乐他人之幸”的方法,空格处应该是引起下文,F选项“Still, generating Freudenfreude is wrthwhile and there are ways t encurage the feeling.(尽管如此,产生“乐他人之幸”是值得的,而且有一些方法可以鼓励这种感觉)”说明了有方法可以让人乐他人之幸,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选F。
    空前“One way t summn gd feelings fr thers is t ask questins. Yu dn’t need t wait fr smene else’s gd news t exercise Freudenfreude. Cultivate jy by inviting thers t share their victries.(唤起对他人的好的感觉的一个方法是问问题。你不需要等待别人的好消息来锻炼你的“乐他人之幸”。通过邀请他人分享他们的胜利来培养快乐)”说明乐他人之幸的一个方法是问问题,空格处应该具体说明该问什么样的问题,B选项“Yu might ask: “what’s the best thing that happened t yu this week?”(你可能会问:“本周发生在你身上最好的事情是什么?”)”举出了实际例子,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选B。
    空前“Yu can think f Freudenfreude as smething yu can spread when yu’re experiencing persnal jy.(你可以把乐他人之幸想象成当你经历个人快乐时可以传播的东西)”说明你可以把乐他人之幸想象成当你经历个人快乐时可以传播的东西,空后“Start by sharing yur win, then tell the ther persn hw yu appreciate their help.(从分享你的胜利开始,然后告诉别人你是多么感激他们的帮助)”是具体的做法,因此空格处应该说该怎么做,C选项“T d this, try giving thers credit fr their supprt that leads t yur wn.(要做到这一点,试着把别人的支持归功于你自己)”说明的是笼统的做法,后文是具体的做法,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
    本文是一篇记叙文·肯尼亚教师Helly Chebi因在家乡支教被评为年度杰出人物,她感激母亲当年不辞辛劳供养她和姐妹们上学。CBCDA BCDCA BADBA
    41.C 没有聚光灯、摄像机和众多名流围绕身边,迎接(greeted)Chebi的是肯尼亚乡下Mgti那一群可爱的学生们。
    42.B “我满怀希望(hpe)地把这个奖项带给孩子们,”Chebi说道。
    43.C 跟自己很多学生一样,Chebi自小生活在贫困之中,没有接受教育的机会(access)。
    44.D Chebi看着妈妈不知疲倦地(tirelessly)辛勤劳作,只为供养孩子们上(attend)学。
    45.A 见上题解析。
    46.B 她视教育为摆脱贫困的有效手段(means)。
    47.C 2012年,Chebi获得(received)伊利诺伊州Augustana学院的全额奖学金,学习(studies)计算机科学。
    48.D 见上题解析。
    49.C 她为家乡带来了专业和学业上的(academic)帮助。
    50.A “数字技术给我们带来全球性(glbal)机遇,”Chebi坦言。
    51.B “我总在寻找(lking fr)合适的场合告诉人们这就是我的妈妈 Christina Chebi。她正好也有四个女儿。”
    52.A 当Chebi被宣布(annunced)评选为年度杰出人物时,她从舞台上第一眼望去就看到那张熟悉的(familiar)脸庞。
    53.D 见上题解析。
    54.B “我注视着台下的观众,妈妈正对着我微笑(smiling)。”
    55.A “这就是那位了不起的妈妈,她只知付出而不知其付出真能为孩子们带来(amunt t)翻天覆地的改变。”
    56. with 57. meaning 58. which 59. Althugh/Thugh/While 60. the
    61. t be displayed 62. be wrn 63. wives 64. influential 65. themselves
    This May Day saw numerus visitrs t the "Meet the Artists" exhibitin in ur city museum.
    T cultivate citizen’s artistic accmplishment, the museum exhibited many fantastic pictures f impressinists and pst-impressinists, bringing a feast fr the eyes f art lvers. I enjyed every secnd f the shw and was particularly attracted by Van Ggh’s Starry Night and the Sunflwers. Expsed t his clrs, frms and imaginatin, I seemed t have reached his passinate inner wrld.
    I hpe in the future shws can last lnger and mre schls f pictures including Chinese masterpieces can be displayed.
    “Or maybe we can bring them smething else...” Henry murmured t himself. He tilted his head with a frwn f cncentratin as if racking his brain fr a gd idea. Suddenly his eyes shne again as he exclaimed in excitement, “Let’s bring them my favrite lllipps!” My husband exchanged amused glances with me and smilingly ndded his apprval. Then fllwing Henry’s lead, we started stcking up n lllipps with varius flavrs. In the prcess, Henry came up with mre gift ideas, with chclates, hand-made ckies and greeting cards finding their way int ur gift list. On New Year’s Day, we set ff fr the fire hall, where Henry was greeted with a warm welcme. Laughter and warmth filling the hall, I tk ut my cellphne t capture the memrable mment.
    I psted thse phts nline. Much t my surprise, the phts sn went viral. Henry was shwered with praise fr his cnsideratin fr thers. There were pst after pst expressing appreciatin f ur deed and determinatin t d the same. It didn’t take lng befre we fund phts and vides f peple carrying ut the campaign in their wn cities. In ne vide, a family was sharing lunch with sme nurses when an urgent case arse. Despite the unfinished dinner, the nurses dashed withut any hesitatin t the emergency rm. The captin read, “There is n walking n sunshine except smene managing t crack a silver lining in the cluds. (哪有什么岁月静好,只不过有人在替我们负重前行)” Indeed, thse with selfless devtin t duty deserve ur kindness and gratitude.

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