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    这是一份广东省惠州市2024届高三下学期4月一模英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含2024届广东省惠州市高三下学期一模拟考试英语试题docx、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共9页, 欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷共8页 考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分
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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Teen vlunteer pprtunities are the best way t learn the values f respnsibility and enhance prblem-slving skills. Here are a few vlunteer pprtunities fr yu t take up.
    Care fr pets
    Animal shelters and hmeless shelters are the best places fr animal lvers. A typical day vlunteering at an animal shelter wuld invlve helping with the adptin prcess, feeding animals and cleaning up after animals.
    Participate in a beach cleanup
    Teens can assciate with a lcal envirnmental rganizatin fr a beach preservatin. This is a great way t learn abut eclgy and cntribute t its imprvement in a hands-n manner. The pprtunity invlves utdr activities and is a gd platfrm t cnnect with green advcates.
    Vlunteer at a summer camp
    A jb as a ‘Cunselr-in-Training’ is a great fit fr teens. It teaches them rganizatin skills by training under experts. Teenagers can learn cmmunicatin skills and benefit frm the real-time feedback frm children and parents. It is als an excellent pprtunity t learn utdr supprt skills, such as CPR and first aid.
    Vlunteer at a lcal hspital
    Lcal hspitals are always n the lkut fr a helping hand. Whether it’s chatting with residents, greeting visitrs r transprting patients t the cafeteria, a little help ges a lng way! A few hspitals may have an age limit and require vlunteers t get basic training and cmmit their time each week.
    21. Which vlunteer pprtunity suits envirnmentalists best?
    A. Care fr pets.B. Vlunteer at a lcal hspital.
    C. Participate in a beach cleanup.D. Vlunteer at a summer camp.
    22. What can vlunteers benefit frm a jb at a summer camp?
    A. They can receive guidance frm bilgists.
    B. They can prgress in academic perfrmance.
    C. They can gain independence in utdr activities.
    D. They can acquire essential emergency medical skills.
    23. What is special abut vlunteering at a lcal hspital?
    A. It welcmes vlunteers f all ages.
    B. It may call fr weekly time devtin.
    C. It may invlve interactins with dctrs.
    D. It demands training befre vlunteering.
    As a child, Jhn always wndered hw the human bdy wrked and hw he culd keep it healthy. His interest in medicine grew strnger when he vlunteered at a children’s hspital during high schl. The never-give-up spirit f yung patients battling against varius illnesses massively affected him. Initially, he chse nursing in cllege, believing it wuld lead him t wrk clsely with children. But after his first half year, he recgnized nursing wasn’t fit fr him.
    Switching t bilgy helped him discver his passin fr learning abut the cmplexities f human bdy and using that knwledge t help children. Althugh the thught f the lengthy educatin and residency required fr pediatrics (儿科学) made him hesitant, a heart-t-heart cnversatin with his brther changed his mind. His brther cnvinced Jhn that his passin shuld mtivate him rather than scare him. It was then that Jhn decided t becme a pediatrician because f the simple fact that he wuld wrk with children every day, and wuld make a psitive impact n their lives and their families.
    Pediatrics is nt just abut regular check-ups, it als includes making sick kids feel better and helping them heal. This brings s much jy t Jhn’s heart. T him, he is nt nly a dctr but als a teacher, ffering a safe space fr the little nes t pen up and share their fears r cncerns. Plus, he really enjys being a friendly and easy-t-talk-t persn in their lives.
    Being a pediatrician gives Jhn the rewarding experience f helping and interacting with children daily and making thse little nes’ tugh times easier. Als, the changing wrld f healthcare means he’ll always be learning new things and facing exciting challenges. With his future plans, he wants t get int the field f being a physician assistant—a stepping stne that keeps him invlved in pediatric care while still engaged in direct interactin with yung patients. It allws him t d lts f the same things as a pediatrician, as well as helps him imprve skills that are vital fr making kids healthier.
    24. What can we learn abut Jhn frm the first paragraph?
    A. He began t have an interest in medicine during high schl.
    B. He decided t wrk n nursing after graduatin frm cllege.
    C. He gt inspired by yung patients when vlunteering at a hspital.
    D. He was curius abut hw the dctrs wrk t keep peple healthy.
    25. Why did Jhn chse the career as a pediatrician?
    A. T learn abut the cmplexities f human bdy.
    B. T bring abut imprvements in children’s lives.
    C. T get rewarding experience f helping children.
    D. T face the challenges making him hesitant and scared.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Jhn’s feeling twards being a pediatrician?
    A. Excited but tired.B. Wrthy but stressful.
    C. Prud and delighted.D. Cncerned and mved.
    27. What’s the text mainly abut?
    A. Jhn’s jurney f pursuing a career in pediatrics.
    B. Jhn’s challenges and rewards as a pediatrician.
    C. A cmparisn between pediatricians and nurses.
    D. The imprtance f imprving the health f children.
    A new trend has ppped up in China with many yung peple abandning brand (品牌) names t create makeshift handbags ut f things like reusable grcery bags and ther materials. One example is the Shenzhen bag, which includes canvas (帆布) bags, paper bags, milk tea packages that peple carry arund in Guangdng Prvince.
    Makeshift handbags like the “Shenzhen bag” are als cmmn amng yung peple in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhu. Peple find the bags practical, wearable and fashinable, and they can be carried n the shulder r the back. This emerging trend reveals a new attitude t cnsumptin as yung peple in China begin t pursue a simple and shared life, with cnsumers n lnger blindly pursuing brand names as a status (身份) symbl, but advcating a simple and lw-carbn lifestyle. In additin t the handbags, and regardless f their mnthly incmes, many yung peple are living mre casually, in line with a “gd enugh mentality”. Lse T-shirts, Crcs, and canvas bags are basically standard mde.
    “Cnsumers tday are becming mre mature and ratinal. They are pursuing smarter cnsumptin thrugh careful cnsideratin and calculatin t find the cheapest; mst practical, cst-effective way f shpping,” says. Wang Ning, a scilgy prfessr at Nanjing’s Sutheast University.
    Ecnmists believe that China’s Generatin Z n lnger blindly pursues brands and luxury gds r buys things fr brand name and status. Instead, they pay mre attentin t their actual needs, quality, and experience f buying, and prefer sharing and secndhand purchases. They als advcate envirnmental prtectin and sustainable cnsumptin.
    Price-aware Chinese cnsumers have als begun t place a greater emphasis n their inner selves. Driven by ratinal cnsumptin, many yung peple n lnger save t buy a brand-name bag, but fr self-imprvement.
    The new handbag trend has als created business pprtunities. Reusing packaging used fr fd brands as handbags results in mbile advertising fr the assciated brands, and the phenmenn f the “Shenzhen Bag” has als benefited paper bag cmpanies.
    28. What is the feature f “Shenzhen bag”?
    A. A ppular luxury brand f handbag.
    B. A makeshift handbag symblizing status.
    C. A traditinal handbag designed fr specific peple.
    D. A temprary handbag that was nce fr anther use.
    29. Which is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd “ratinal” in paragraph 3?
    A. Cnservative.B. Reliable.C. Sensible.D. Cnsiderate.
    30. What cntributes t the change in cnsumptin habits amng China’s Generatin Z?
    A. A belief fr a plain and green lifestyle.
    B. A neglect f envirnmental prtectin.
    C. Blind pursuit f brand names and luxury gds.
    D. Fcus n uter appearance rather than inner selves.
    31. What is the text?
    A. A bk review.B. A news reprt.C. A business plan.D. A research article.
    Hearing live music may be mre emtinal than listening t a recrding f the same tune because it brings abut greater activity in the part f the brain linked t prcessing emtins:
    Sascha Frühhlz at the University f Zurich in Switzerland and his team cmpsed 12 pieces f music, each lasting 30 secnds. Half were written with the aim f expressing negative emtins, such as sadness and anger. These were slwer, less harmnius and included mre minr chrds (和弦) than the remaining sngs, written t aruse psitive emtins.
    The researchers then emplyed 27 peple wh weren’t musically trained, t listen t these 12 pieces twice—nce perfrmed by a live pianist, which the participants heard thrugh a speaker, and nce as a recrding. The rder they listened t them was randmly assigned, with 30 secnds f silence in between. Peple didn’t knw when they were hearing a recrding r live music.
    While listening t the music, the participants lay in an MRI scanner (扫描仪) s the team culd mnitr their brain activity. The pianist then adapted the vlume and speed f the piece accrding t the brain activity. Fr example, if smene was shwing little activity in respnse t a psitive piece f music, the pianist might play luder.
    “Recrded music is net adaptive t nw a listener is respnding, but live pianists ften adapt the music t the audience t get the best respnse frm them,” says Frühhlz.
    Live perfrmances f bth the negative and psitive pieces led t increased brain activity in the left amygdala, the regin f the brain that is strngly linked t assigning sensry stimuli, such as sunds, t certain emtins.
    The recrded tunes caused much less, and mre incnsistent, activity in the left amygdala. This matched hw emtive the participants rated each piece f music after the experiment.
    The findings shw that live music strengthens ur emtinal respnse, prbably due t its free-flwing and active nature.
    32. Which aspect f live music des Sascha Frühhlz’s research fcus n?
    A. The technical skill f live musicians.
    B. The ppularity f live music cncerts.
    C. Its emtinal impact n listeners’ brain
    D. Its lack f interactin with the audience
    33. What made the audience receive the best respnse frm live musicians?
    A. Their harmnius tune.B. Their emtinal perfrmance.
    C. Their adjustment t the listeners.D. Their cnnectin with the audience.
    34. Hw did the researchers cnduct the experiment?
    A. By analyzing the data.B. By cmparing brain activity.
    C. By gruping the participants.D. By asking certain questins.
    35. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. What culd live music bring us?
    B. What emtins culd live music express?
    C. Why des live music make us s emtinal?
    D. Why des live music utweigh recrded music?
    The prcess f srting thrugh my childhd stuff started ut easy. At first, I was excited t tss everything ut. But as the bedrm emptied ut, I felt a creeping sense f sadness. My childhd was ver, and I entered full-fledged (成熟的) adulthd. And I wndered: 36 In shrt, yes.
    37 That’s because ging thrugh yur ld stuff can pssibly stir up difficult emtins r sweet memries. whatever emtins pp up, accept them, and it will help yu prcess it faster.
    Befre yu start srting, determine hw much strage space yu’re willing t devte t yur childhd items. 38 Yu may have limited space fr ld stuff. But listen t yur heart. If yu’re sentimental and yu want t hld n t stuff, hld n t it. Yu can always get rid f it later.
    During this prcess, it can be useful t have smene yu trust by yur side. They can help yu hnr the memries assciated with each bject and let g. 39 They knw which life experiences mean the mst t yu.
    And yu dn’t have t pile yur childhd stuff in the attic (阁楼). 40 Yu can take phts, which yu can revisit any time n yur phne r cmputer. Or yu can turn them int an art prject and display it in a shadw bx.
    Remember, there is smene wh care enugh t hld n all ld stuff fr yu. This is a value f all f the time and effrt and mney yur parents have pured int yu. This has been saved in lve.
    A. Get creative and think utside the bx.
    B. Culd my childhd memries be regained?
    C. Yu can find meaning in yur life experiences.
    D. Lved nes can als help yu decide what t save.
    E. But it will prbably still be a bittersweet experience.
    F. That will help yu figure ut hw much stuff yu can keep.
    G. Was there a less heartbreaking, mre strategic way t d this?
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Mst airplanes are cnstructed with seats in rws f tw r three Mathematically, smene in my family f five has t sit by a 41 . I always ask t be that persn and cnsider it the greatest 42 t meet smene remarkable.
    Frm the time I culd speak, I realized that vercming cmmunicatin 43 was an essential key t 44 the enrmus ptential in cnstructing meaningful relatinships with thers. My father is a successful scientist, but he has been 45 since birth. My childhd was spent understanding his intelligence while smetimes 46 t cnvey ideas because the wrds I chse were t 47 t lipread. But I learned hw t emply my wn apprach t face the challenge. Gradually, I develped a 48 fr cmmunicatin skills.
    Since kindergarten, I have lved Chinese culture. In my Junir year f high schl, I 49 a cmpetitive schlarship t study in China fr the summer, learning Mandarin and the eastern culture. Drpped int Chengdu and 50 t speak the language fluently, I fund myself a tddler (学步儿童). Hwever, I didn’t quit. At the end f the prgram, I was vted t 51 the 500 schlarship recipients (被授予者) t deliver a speech in Chinese. My speech did win cheers. Finally, I returned hme with a cultural awareness beynd expectatin, pssessing lifelng 52 with frmer strangers whm I nw cmmunicate with in Chinese.
    Thanks t the strangers in my life, I learn that ne must embrace (拥抱) certain new experience. I’m s 53 t cnfirm that stepping ut f my cmfrt zne can, actually, 54 experiencing smething frm slightly interesting t life-changing. On the flight hme frm China I 55 chse t sit next t a stranger and it didn’t disappint.
    41. A. kidB. strangerC. senirD. pilt
    42. A. pssibilityB. mistakeC. taskD. hnr
    43. A. skillsB. relatinshipsC. barriersD. ideas
    44. A. wningB. unlckingC. ensuringD. maintaining
    45. A. depressedB. weakC. deafD. blind
    46. A. strugglingB. askingC. wishingD. helping
    47. A. virtualB. abstractC. riskyD. difficult
    48. A. talentB. habitC. passinD. case
    49. A. fundB. valuedC. earnedD. dnated
    50. A. incnvenientB. unnecessaryC. unableD. impatient
    51. A. inviteB. encurageC. trainD. represent
    52. A. happinessB. friendshipsC. achievementsD. knwledge
    53. A. pwerfulB. willingC. cmfrtableD. grateful
    54. A. put ffB. add upC. cut dwnD. lead t
    55. A. suddenlyB. definitelyC. graduallyD. accidentally
    A plush ty named “Happy Lng” has recently captured the hearts f visitrs t the Gansu Prvincial Museum in nrthwest China.
    Mdeled after 56.__________ Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) gld decratin in the shape f a lng r Chinese dragn, ver 1,000 f these chubby and grinning lng tys were sld in the first week after they 57.__________ (appear) earlier this year. This innvative apprach t museum 58.__________ (suvenir) reflects a brader trend f making cultural prducts mre appealing t yung Chinese museum-gers, 59.__________ (drive) up the incme acrss varius museums.
    Cui Yuxin, head f the 60.__________ (create) cultural prduct center at the Gansu Prvincial Museum, emphasized that nly thse deeply 61.__________ (rt) in the sil f Chinese histry and culture can stand the test f time. In additin t “Happy Lng”, the Gansu Prvincial Museum ffers stuffed tys inspired 62.__________ the flying apsaras (飞天) f the Mga Grttes and the brnze gallping hrse frm the Easter Han Dynasty (25-220), all f 63.__________ cmbine rich histry with Gen-Z appeal.
    China’s central ecnmic wrk cnference in December 2023 prpsed that the cuntry shuld 64.__________ (active) develp new cnsumptin grwth pints such as China-chic gds in 2024. Lking ahead, the museum suvenir market in China 65.__________ (expect) t cntinue grwing.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 作品简介;
    2. 参赛感想。
    参考词汇:文旅资源 cultural turism resurces
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Stranded (困住) far frm family, I refused t give up
    The date had been circled n my calendar fr mnths — Friday 18 December 2013. Mum was cming t pick me up frm university and bring me hme fr the Christmas hlidays. There was nthing that made me happier than Christmas with my family. Our small celebratins were the same every year. I culd picture it. Mum, my yunger brther and me all dressed up and pened presents n Christmas mrning by the tree, the same festive CD sund tracking ur day.
    The call came at 10am that Friday. I was dressed and packed, Christmas presents divided int carrier bags. I’d made sure the fridge in my shared student kitchen was empty, everything eaten r chucked away, and my live-in carer was leaving at lunchtime.
    “We are nt ging t make it,” my mum said n the phne. “Ken was blanketed vernight, with up t 20cm falling in three hurs. We’ve crawled as far as Detling, but they’ve clsed the mtrway because it was dusted in a thick layer f snw. There’s n way we can get t yu.” I was stranded.
    Alne in my student bedrm, I burst int tears. “What am I ging t d?” My life was different frm that f ther students. Withut my carer, I had n ne t help me ck, wash and get int bed. My friends had already left and the halls f residence were eerily (怪异地) quiet.
    Suddenly, a crazy idea came acrss my mind, “Hw abut ging hme independently using the wheelchair?” Anyway, I decided t have a try. After calling multiple firms in the hpe that their ne wheelchair-adapted vehicle was available, I was lucky t get an accessible ne t the train statin. One hur later, I arrived, but fund myself stranded n the bustling platfrm, feeling helplessly at the steps leading up the train.
    Just then a few yung men nticed my struggle in the wheelchair and came t help me. ____________________
    When I finally arrived hme, making it indrs, mum was shcked t see me. ____________________________
    Dear Tm,
    Li Hua

    广东省佛山市2024届高三下学期4月二模英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份广东省佛山市2024届高三下学期4月二模英语试题(Word版附解析),共29页。

    广东省2024届高三下学期3月一模英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份广东省2024届高三下学期3月一模英语试卷(Word版附答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了考生必须保证答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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