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    北京市西城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案
    北京市西城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案01
    北京市西城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案02
    北京市西城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案03
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    北京市西城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案

    这是一份北京市西城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了 5分,共15分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    When Susan was a high schl senir, her English teacher Mr. DiMe gave the class a challenging task: Recite a pem in frnt f the whle class.
    "I had a mild stutter(结巴). I'd be 1 t get a wrd ut that might begin with 'D'r 'TH', r I might say 'the' three times, " Susan said. The thught f getting up in frnt f her classmates and stuttering thrugh the pem was t much t 2 .
    Susan went hme and 3 hw scared she was t her mm, wh agreed t write a nte asking fr her t be 4 frm ding the task in frnt f the whle class.
    When the day f the recitatin came, Susan recited the pem ne-n-ne t Mr. DiMe. 5 she was dne, Mr. DiMe said smething she'd never heard befre: that he liked listening t her vice. Fr the first time, she cnsidered the pssibility that public speaking didn't have t be a surce f 6 .
    Susan went n t graduate frm high schl and g t cllege. She never gt t prperly thank Mr. DiMe. But smetime after cllege, she 7 a jb as a crprate trainer. The new psitin made her realize hw big a(n) 8 he had had n her cnfidence.
    "I stand up in frnt f peple and speak, and I d it all the time. If I d stutter nce in a while, n big deal, " she said. Susan recently fund a way t 9 her frmer teacher, and plans n sending him a letter expressing her appreciatin.
    In her mind, Mr. DiMe is an unsung her, because he's a big reasn why she has a successful career and life. "I dn't knw where I wuld've gne if I felt like I had t keep my vice 10 because I was afraid f embarrassing myself. I'd like t thank him fr that kindness. "
    1.A. cntinuingB. strugglingC. pretendingD. hping
    2.A. shareB. expressC. findD. bear
    3.A. taughtB. prvedC. revealedD. prmised
    4.A. excusedB. prhibitedC. crrectedD. discuraged
    5.A. WhileB. AlthughC. UnlessD. Once
    6.A. jealusyB. wrryC. bredmD. lneliness
    7.A. wantedB. fferedC. landedD. created
    8.A. impactB. ideaC. chiceD. stress
    9.A. judgeB. cntactC. studyD. interview
    10.A. sweetB. ludC. quietD. deep
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    I'll never frget my first visit t China. Mum encuraged me t try different kinds f fd, and I did! I lved everything. But just when I thught I culd deal with all Chinese fd, I came acrss stinky tfu. A hrrible grey thing that lked and smelt like a burnt sprts she. "Yu needn't try it 11 yu dn't want t, "Mum said. But I 12 (gather) all my curage t take a bite and was amazed t find it wasn't s bad. It reminded me f blue cheese, a similarly strng smelling type f fd yu either lve r hate. Maybe I 13 (fall) in lve with stinky tfu-smeday.
    The 5-Secnd Rule suggests fd is OK t eat if yu pick it up 14 five secnds r less. Believe it r nt, scientists have tested the rule. We're srry t reprt it's nt necessarily true. Bacteria can attach 15 (it) t yur fd instantly, regardless f hw quickly it 16 (pick)up. Fd left there fr five secnds r less will prbably cllect less bacteria than fd sitting there fr a lnger time, but fast may nt be fast enugh. Flrs, even clean-lking nes, harbr bacteria. Ultimately, if in dubt. abandn the fd 17 (avid) ptential illness.
    Yur hmetwn culd affect yur navigatinal (导航的) skills. New research indicates that individuals 18 (raise)in cities with structured street patterns may encunter difficulties in navigatin cmpared t thse frm rural areas with mre rganic layuts. This cnclusin was drawn frm a study 19 (invlve)players f a mbile game abut sea, 20 tests 3-D navigatin skills. Hwever, there's hpe fr city residents: an urban versin f the game shwed slight imprvements fr them.
    Discvery Pass
    With a NSW TrainLink Discvery Pass, yu can
    • get unlimited bked travel t mre than 365 destinatins n the NSW TrainLink Reginal train and cach netwrk
    • chse a pass that suits yur travel plans: 14 days, ne mnth, three mnths r six mnths
    • chse a class f travel that suits yur style: Ecnmy r First Class (Premium).
    Please nte that yu cannt bk a child ticket nline with a Discvery Pass. Yu will instead need t call 13 22 32 r visit a sales agent.
    Befre purchasing a pass, please read the relevant terms and rules. A NSW TrainLink Discvery Pass is nn-refundable and it cannt be assigned t anther persn.
    Hw t purchase a pass and bk trips
    Step 1: Purchase a Discvery Pass
    Chse a time limit and class f travel that suits yur needs.
    Step 2: Bk yur trips
    After yu purchase a Discvery Pass, yu have up t ne mnth t bk yur first trip. The time limit n yur pass will start frm the departure date f yur first bked trip. All trips must be bked and taken befre the expiry (到期) date indicated n the pass. Yu must bk each trip befre yu travel.
    Find ut mre abut ways t bk yur ticket? Visit ur website:
    https: /transprtnsw.inf/tickets-pal/reginal-tickets-fares/ways-t-bk-yur-ticket
    21. Yu can use a NSW TrainLink Discvery Pass t ______.
    A. bk a child ticket nlineB. chse a class f travel that suits yu
    C. chse a weekly, mnthly r yearly passD. get bked travel t unlimited destinatins
    22. If a mther with a child wants t buy a ne-mnth NSW TrainLink Discvery Pass fr Ecnmy Class, she shuld pay
    A. $353B. $418C. $693D. $876
    23. What can we knw abut a NSW TrainLink Discvery Pass?
    A. A pass can be given t anther persn.
    B. A pass can be refunded t NSW Trains.
    C. The time limit n a pass starts frm the day f yur purchase.
    D. Yu shuld bk yur first trip within ne mnth after yur purchase.
    As this year draws t a clse, I still remember the fear I felt n a bright Saturday mrning in late September, at a five-kilmeter race in Clarkstn, Gergia, as I waited fr my 11-year-ld sn at the finish line.
    I knew he culd run a 5k in abut 30 minutes. When I didn't see him at the 35-minute mark, I began t wnder what had gne wrng. Had he gtten lst? Was he hit by a car? Abut an hur earlier, when we drve int twn, my sn nticed an insect n my car. It was bright green, n lnger than a fingernail. And it was friendly. This little green thing hpped nt my sn's finger, where it stayed fr a lng, lng time. It stayed s lng that we eventually gave it a name: Little Friend.
    A few minutes befre the race, Little Friend jumped ff my sn's hand and landed n the sidewalk. But pedestrian traffic was heavy and unpredictable. Little Friend was in danger. S my sn knelt and reached ut his hand. Little Friend came back.
    The race was abut t start, and the tiny green insect was in fr a wild ride. My sn wuld run fast, and the race wuld be lng, and his arms wuld swing, and Little Friend wuld eventually be shaken ff.
    "Yu will lse Little Friend, "I tld him.
    My sn ndded, treating the mment with apprpriate seriusness.
    The race began, and I lst sight f him.
    The excitement at the finish line gave way t anxiety when my sn did nt shw up.
    I kept asking peple if they'd seen him. N ne had. And beynd the 40-minute mark, I was in a panic.
    But there he was, thank gdness, just ahead f the 45-minute mark.
    And there was Little Friend, riding n the upper crk f his right thumb like a very small captain n a very tall ship.
    My predictins had been wrng. My sn had nt run fast, and he had nt lst Little Friend. And these tw facts seemed smehw related. He blamed a cld he was getting ver. I suspected it was mre than that, but I didn't questin him t much abut it.
    We walked back t the car, smiling, and fund sme bushes in the parking lt that seemed like a gd place fr my sn t drp ff Little Friend.
    “Be free,” my sn said, and gently put it in the bushes.
    My sn knew the truth. Smetimes life gives yu smething beautiful, a fragile, shrt-lived treasure in yur hand. There is n need t rush ahead. Treat it gently. Enjy each mment. Hld n while yu can.
    One day my sn will leave t, running ff n his wn adventure.
    24. Hw did the writer prbably feel when he finally saw his sn appear in sight?
    A. Relieved. B. Depressed. C. Satisfied. D. Disappinted.
    25. The sn failed t run as fast as his father had expected prbably because ____.
    A. he was lstB. he was recvering frm a cld
    C. he was afraid t lse the tiny insectD. he was slwed dwn by the heavy traffic
    26. As fr the way his sn treated Little Friend, the writer is ______.
    A. indifferentB. anxiusC. appreciativeD. dubtful
    27. What will the writer mst prbably d after the race?
    A. Treasure every mment he has with his sn.
    B. Encurage his sn t take mre adventures.
    C. Tell his sn t take races seriusly.
    D. Get mre insects fr his sn.
    Evan Selinger, prfessr in RIT's Department f Philsphy, has taken an interest in the ethics (伦理标准) f Al and the plicy gaps that need t be filled in. Thrugh a humanities viewpint, Selinger asks the questins, "Hw can AI cause harm, and what can gvernments and cmpanies creating Al prgrams d t address and manage it?" Answering them, he explained, requires an interdisciplinary apprach.
    "AI ethics g beynd technical fixes. Philsphers and ther humanities experts are uniquely skilled t address the nuanced (微妙的) principles, value cnflicts, and pwer dynamics. These skills aren't just crucial fr addressing current issues. We desperately need them t prmte anticipatry(先行的) gvernance, " said Selinger.
    One example that illustrates hw philsphy and humanities experts can help guide these new, rapidly grwing technlgies is Selinger's wrk cllabrating with a special AI prject. "One f the skills I bring t the table is identifying cre ethical issues in emerging technlgies that haven't been built r used by the public. We can take preventative steps t limit risk, including changing hw the technlgy is designed, "said Selinger.
    Taking these preventative steps and regularly reassessing what risks need addressing is part f the nging jurney in pursuit f creating respnsible AI. Selinger explains that there isn't a step-by-step apprach fr gd gvernance. "AI ethics have cre values and principles, but there's endless disagreement abut interpreting and applying them and creating meaningful accuntability mechanisms, " said Selinger. "Sme peple are rightly wrried that AI can becme integrated int 'ethics washing'-weak checklists, flwery missin statements, and empty rhetric that cvers ver abuses f pwer. Frtunately, I've had great cnversatins abut this issue, including with sme experts, n why it is imprtant t cnsider a range f psitins. "
    Sme f Selinger's recent research has fcused n the back-end issues with develping AI, such as the human impact that cmes with testing AI chatbts befre they're released t the public. Other issues fcus n plicy, such as what t d abut the dangers psed by facial recgnitin and ther autmated surveillance(监视) appraches.
    Selinger is making sure his students are infrmed abut the nging industry cnversatins n AI ethics and respnsible AI. "Students are ging t be future tech leaders. Nw is the time t help them think abut what gals their cmpanies shuld have and the csts f minimizing ethical cncerns. Beynd scial csts, dwnplaying ethics can negatively impact crprate culture and hiring, " said Selinger. "T attract tp talent, yu need t cnsider whether yur cmpany matches their interests and hpes fr the future. "
    28. Selinger advcates an interdisciplinary apprach because ____.
    A. humanities experts pssess skills essential fr AI ethics
    B. it demnstrates the pwer f anticipatry gvernance
    C. AI ethics heavily depends n technlgical slutins
    D. it can avid scial cnflicts and pressing issues
    29. T prmte respnsible AI, Selinger believes we shuld ______.
    A. adpt a systematic apprachB. apply innvative technlgies
    C. anticipate ethical risks befrehandD. establish accuntability mechanisms
    30. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Mre cmpanies will use AI t attract tp talent.
    B. Understanding AI ethics will help students in the future.
    C. Selinger favrs cmpanies that match his students' values.
    D. Selinger is likely t fcus n back-end issues such as plicy.
    While sme allergies(过敏症) disappear ver time r with treatment, thers last a lifetime. Fr decades, scientists have been searching fr the surce f these lifetime allergies.
    Recently, researchers fund that memry B cells may be invlved. These cells prduce a different class f antibdies knwn as IgG, which ward ff viral infectins But n ne had identified exactly which f thse cells were recalling allergens r hw they switched t making the IgE antibdies respnsible fr allergies. T uncver the mysterius cells, tw research teams tk a deep dive int the immune (免疫的) cells f peple with allergies and sme withut.
    Immunlgist Jshua Kenig and clleagues examined mre than 90, 000 memry B cells frm six peple with birch allergies, fur peple allergic t dust mites and five peple with n allergies. Using a technique called RNA sequencing. the team identified specific memry B cells. which they named MBC2s. that make antibdies and prteins assciated with the immune respnse that causes allergies
    In anther experiment, Kenig and clleagues used a peanut prtein t g fishing fr memry B cells frm peple with peanut allergies. The team pulled ut the same type f cells fund in peple with birch and dust mite allergies. In peple with peanut allergies, thse cells increased in number and prduced IgE antibdies as the peple started treatment t desensitize them t peanut allergens.
    Anther grup led by Maria Curtt de Lafaille, an immunlgist at the Icahn Schl f Medicine at Munt Sinai in New Yrk City, als fund that similar cells were mre. plentiful in 58 children allergic t peanuts than in 13 kids withut allergies. The team fund that the cells are ready t switch frm making prtective IgG antibdies t allergy-causing IgE antibdies. Even befre the switch, the cells were making RNA fr IgE but didn't prduce the prtein. Making that RNA enables the cells t switch the type f antibdies they make when they encunter allergens. The signal t switch partially depends n a prtein called JAK. the grup discvered. "Stpping JAK frm sending the signal culd help prevent the memry cells frm switching t IgE prductin, " Lafaille says. She als predicts that allergists may be able t examine aspects f these memry cells t frecast whether a patient's allergy is likely t last r disappear with time r treatment.
    “Knwing which ppulatin f cells stre allergies in lng-term memry may eventually help scientists identify ther ways t kill the allergy cells, " says Cecilia Berin, an immunlgist at Nrthwestern University Feinberg Schl f Medicine. "Yu culd ptentially get rid f nt nly yur peanut allergy but als all f yur allergies. "
    31. Why did scientists investigate the immune cells f individuals with and withut allergies?
    A. T explre the distinctins between IgG and IgE.
    B. T uncver new antibdies knwn as IgG and IgE.
    C. T identify cells respnsible fr defending against allergies.
    D. T reveal cells assciated with the develpment f allergies.
    32. What des the wrd "desensitize" underlined in Paragraph 4 mst prbably mean?
    A. Make. . . less destructive. B. Make. . . less respnsive.
    C. Make. . . less prtective. D. Make. . . less effective.
    33. What can we learn frm the tw research teams' wrk?
    A. MBC2s make antibdies and prteins that prevent allergies.
    B. Memry B cells generate bth RNA fr IgE and the crrespnding prtein.
    C. JAK plays a rle in cntrlling antibdy prductin when expsed t allergens.
    D. Allergists are capable f predicting whether an allergy will last r disappear.
    34. Which culd be the best title fr the passage?
    A. RNA Sequencing Is Applied in Immunlgy Research
    B. Specific Cells Related t Peanut Allergies Are Identified
    C. Unmasking Cells' Identities Helps Diagnse and Treat Allergies
    D. Newfund Immune Cells Are Respnsible fr Lng-lasting Allergies
    Mst f us are actually terrible at giving gifts. Abut $70 billin wrth f presents are returned every year in the U. S. 35 Here are three ways t imprve yur gift-giving game arund the hlidays.
    Stp trying t make yur gifts s delightful. 36 We want smething frm giving: thse lks f delight. Thse exclamatins. This is why items like hyper-specific kitchen gadgets and fancy vintage clcks all seem like fantastic gifts. But it turns ut, recipients ften want things that are far mre practical-things they can actually use.
    37 Just give peple what they ask fr. A study lked at Amazn wish lists t determine if peple were mre appreciative f gifts frm the list versus gifts that were ttal surprises. It turned ut that peple wh gt gifts that weren't n their list cnsidered them as less thughtful and less persnal. 38
    Hw can we create a gift-giving plan that is as emtinal as we desire? Humans lve t feel cnnected. And ne way we d that is by sharing interests with thers. S if yu want t learn hw t give better gifts, put yurself in the recipient's shes and try t think f smething yu bth share. Maybe it's the lve fr a sprt, drinking wine, r sme ther hbby. 39 And because yu picked smething yu share, they will feel mre cnnected t yu and appreciate yur gift mre.
    A. S hw d we get less terrible?
    B. Surprise is verrated-we're happier t get what we ask fr.
    C. S what's the mst practical gift yu can give that peple might actually be grateful fr?
    D. The lng-term pleasure f the receiver may nt be bserved and therefre is discunted.
    E. Once yu've fund a shared interest, g and find a useful gift related t this interest.
    F. What recipients care abut is hw much value they're ging t get frm the gift ver a lnger time perid.
    G. Research has shwn that givers are cnsumed by the mment f unwrapping a gift even mre than the gift itself.
    In a fast-paced wrld, where stress and mental tiredness seem cmmnplace, we're cnstantly lking fr new ways t unwind. Peple may carry ut a variety f activities t help them relax. But what abut the birdsngs r ther nature sunds? Culd they als help peple t let g f the tensins f mdern life?
    Accrding t a study by King's Cllege Lndn in 2022, seeing r hearing birds culd help t bst the mental wellbeing f peple. Taking a trip t places rich in birdlife like parks, frests and canals and encuntering birds singing t each ther in the trees culd even help t treat sme mental health cnditins. And it's nt just birds that culd have a curative effect n ur mds. Anther study cnducted by the Natinal Trust cmpared the effects f wdland sunds with viced meditatin (冥 想) apps. The study fund listening t birdsng as well as ther wdland sunds like leaves crunching underft r the gentle flw f a stream bsted feelings f relaxatin 30% mre than the apps d. Other sunds which may help t cl peple dwn are waves lapping n the shre, gentle wind, and light rainfall.
    Hwever, nt all f us live in rural surrundings, and depending n where we live, a trip t the cuntryside t see birds may nt be an ptin. But culd the nature sunds that riginate there still help yu? Accrding t research by Califrnia Plytechnic State University, even a recrding f the sunds f birds had a prfund effect n peple's md, while ther studies saw peple listening t sundscapes f the cast and frests with similar utcmes t their wellbeing.
    S, wherever yu live, yu can access the wnderful sunds f birds and nature during a strll thrugh a wd r via sme headphnes. And maybe listening t the chirps, trills, warbles and whistles f sme birds culd help yu t relax after a lng, hard day.
    40. What did the study by King's Cllege Lndn in 2022 find?
    41. Hw did the Natinal Trust cnduct the study?
    42. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Accrding t the passage, birds singing, viced meditatin apps and the recrding f the sunds f nature have the same effect n peple's md.
    43. Besides what is mentined in the passage, what d yu usually d t help yu relax in yur daily life? (In abut 40 wrds)
    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你和你校交换生Jim准备联合参加学校组织的校园文创设计大赛(Campus Cultural and Creative Design Cmpetitin), 请给Jim发邮件,内容包括:
    1. 分享你的创意;
    2. 询问Jim的建议。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    2024. 4
    第一节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    1. B
    2. D
    3. C
    4. A
    5. D
    6. B
    7. C
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C
    第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    11. if
    12. gathered
    13. will fall
    14. in
    15. itself
    16. is picked
    17. t avid
    18. raised
    19. invlving
    20. which
    21. B
    22. B
    23. D
    24. A
    25. C
    26. C
    27. A
    28. A
    29. C
    30. B
    31. D
    32. B
    33. C
    34. D
    35. A
    36. G
    37. C
    38. B
    39. E
    40. Seeing r hearing birds culd help t bst the mental wellbeing f peple.
    41. They cmpared the effects f wdland sunds with viced meditatin apps.
    42. Accrding t the passage, birds singing, viced meditatin apps and the recrding f the sunds f nature have the same effect n peple's md.
    The study fund listening t birdsng as well as ther sunds f nature bsted feelings f relaxatin 30% mre than the apps d.
    43. 略
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is it ging? I've just had a "light bulb" mment fr ur entry in the upcming Campus Cultural and Creative Design Cmpetitin, and I can't wait t share it with yu t get yur thughts.
    Hw abut creating a series f bkmarks? On ne side, we'll have ur schl mtt, and n the flip side, breathtaking illustratins shwcasing ur campus thrughut the fur seasns. Each bkmark will capture a special mment r scene that perfectly reflects the essence f that particular seasn. I really think this idea nt nly nails the cmpetitin theme but als ffers a practical yet visually stunning prduct that truly represents the spirit f ur schl.
    What d yu think? Wuld lve t hear yur thughts and any suggestins yu might have!
    Li HuaPass type
    14 days
    1 mnth
    3 mnths
    6 mnths
    Adult Ecnmy
    Adult Premium
    Child Ecnmy
    Child Premium

    北京市西城区2023届高三英语一模试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市西城区2023届高三英语一模试卷(Word版附解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了5分,共15分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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