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    Here are sme free apps yu’ll want t cnsider dwnlading.
    Pcket Casts
    Pcket Casts is an app wrth checking ut if yu listen t pdcasts(播客)and want t discver great pdcasts and easily manage yur library. Brwse(浏览)pdcasts by charts, netwrks, and categries, and then add the nes yu like t play episdes n the fly and create yur wn playback queue.
    Duling ffers a variety f interactive curses in ver 30 languages, frm Spanish t Chinese. The app persnalizes yur learning experience, adjusts t yur skill level, and prvides exercises acrss speaking, listening, reading, and writing. With Duling, yu can track yur prgress, set daily gals, and jin a cmmunity f learners. It’s ideal fr anyne lking t pick up a new language r imprve their skills.
    Zedge is the app yu’ll want t use t persnalize yur device’s ringtnes, ntificatins, and alarm sunds. The app ffers thusands f high-quality sunds that are free and easy t dwnlad. Brwse thrugh the categries r use the search functin t lk fr a specific sund. Yu can set a custm(定制的)ringtne fr each persn in yur cntact list, s yu always knw wh’s calling.
    Ever find yurself brwsing thrugh an app, nly t see smething yu need t remind yurself f later? Remindee is a simple app that lets yu create reminders frm anywhere within yur device, n matter what app yu’re currently brwsing. Just ta p the share buttn and then tap the Remind Me ptin t create a reminder. Set the date and time yu want fr yur reminder, and yu’re finished.
    1.What can yu d with Duling?
    A.Learn a new language with diverse exercises.
    B.Order fd frm internatinal restaurants.
    C.Play vide games in multiple languages.
    D.Translate dcuments prfessinally.
    2.Wh may be interested in Zedge?
    A.Chefs lking fr new recipes.
    B.Peple wanting t learn new languages.
    C.Users seeking t custmize device sunds.
    D.Travelers searching fr their wn reminders.
    3.If yu want t lk back at what yu’ve brwsed, which app is best fr yu?
    A.Pcket Casts.B.Duling.
    If there’s ne thing I’ve realized since becming a male cllege student, it’s that finding a summer jb is nearly impssible. I’ve applied t s many places and I’ve experienced s many interviews, but I always either get straight-up refusal r never hear frm the cmpany again.
    One time, I even called ne f the cmpanies multiple times, but the manager avided me. I was clse t giving up. I felt like I was the nly ne struggling hard. I had a pretty gd resume, and I always dressed nicely fr my interviews, s why culdn’t I get a jb?
    Well, the reasn is actually right in frnt f me—I am a student. Cmpanies generally want students wh can wrk all year lng, but mst f them aren’t willing t be flexible with schedules. I culdn’t tell yu hw many times interviewers tld me that they were lking fr smene permanent.
    I tried lking fr jbs marked as temprary nes. And I even nce tried t apply thrugh a temprary agency. But it didn’t wrk. Even if I wanted t wrk during the schl year, nne f the cmpanies wanted t hire me because f my limited weekday availability. And despite nt knwing if I culd juggle (尽量兼顾) bth schl and a jb, I even started t tell interviewers that I wuld like t wrk during the schl year and give up my weekends. But I had n luck.
    I’m nt sure if there are thers like me ut there. But if yu are ging thrugh smething similar, what I want t tell yu is t keep n trying. Despite being rejected s many times, I still applied fr any jb that I was qualified fr. I even started my jb search befre the semester ended t get ahead. Eventually, I gt my ideal summer jb.
    I knw it’s frustrating, and yu may feel like yu’ve tried everything—that’s hw I’ve felt fr a lng time. And nw, with cmpanies requiring years f experience, it’s even harder t get a jb if yu’re smene like me. But dn’t give up. Keep searching and applying, sign up fr sites that send yu jb ffers and lk n the university’s website fr n-campus jbs.
    4.What des the authr want t cnvey in paragraph 2?
    A.His brilliant academic recrds.
    B.The cause f his unemplyment.
    C.His jbless cnfusin in summer.
    D.The scial prejudice t graduates.
    5.Why did the temprary agency fail the authr?
    A.He was trubled with schlwrk.
    B.He was thught t have tight wrk time.
    C.He was unwilling t balance study and wrk.
    D.He was regarded as an inexperienced student.
    6.What can be cncluded frm paragraph 5?
    A.Well begun is half dne.
    B.Actins speak luder than wrds.
    C.Everything cmes t him wh waits.
    D.All wrk and n play makes Jack a dull by.
    7.What is the authr’s main purpse in writing the last paragraph?
    A.T give advice.B.T crrect an errr.
    C.T cmpare ccupatins.D.T recall regrettable experiences.
    Climate change is causing mre areas t turn int deserts. This issue is affecting the lives f 250 millin peple as land that used t be gd fr farming becmes dry and unprductive. Arund ne-third f the wrld’s land is impacted, including regins in Africa, suthern Eurpe, Asia and America.
    Sand t Green is a Mrccan cmpany that can transfrm a patch f desert int a sustainable (可持续的) and prfitable plantatin in five years, accrding t Wissal Ben Mussa, its c-funder and chief agricultural fficer. The slutin is using agrfrestry (农林业)t create a new kind f agriculture that is sustainable and that can be resilient (有适应力的) in frnt f climate change.
    The system can be set up clse t any surce f salty water, which Sand t Green cleans using energy frm the sun. It then grws different types f fruit trees and plants tgether in the same area—a methd called mixed planting—and waters the plants’ rts directly with the cleaned water, t reduce water lss t the air. The sil is regenerated using what Sand t Green calls “green manure”, a mixture that includes cmpst, bichar(生物炭)and micrrganisms that help the sil “wake up”. Bichar is a frm f charcal that can help dry sil hld n t water.
    In a five-hectare trial in suthern Mrcc that’s been running since 2017, Sand t Green has tried ut a variety f plants in search f the best perfrmers. Amng the intercrpping herbs (草本植物) that have been successfully trialed are rsemary, geranium, vetiver and citrnella, which Ben Mussa describes as “very lw-maintenance and very high-prfit”.
    Sand t Green is nw wrking t scale up t a 20-hectare cmmercial site, als in suthern Mrcc. It says a site f that size wuld cst arund $475,000 t set up and wuld start bringing financial returns in abut five years.
    Accrding t Ben Mussa, with this system they create bidiversity, which means better sil, healthier crps and a bigger yield. The plantatin can generate 1.5 times mre yield, thus making mre mney than a farm that grws nly ne type f crp in the same space.
    8.What phenmenn des the authr describe in paragraph 1?
    C.Glbal warming.D.Urbanizatin.
    9.Why did Sand t Green use agrfrestry?
    A.T preserve the crp’s survival rate.
    B.T prtect water frm pllutin.
    C.T make a new type f sil.
    D.T help peple adapt t climate change.
    10.What can we learn abut Sand t Green?
    A.It aims t plant mre trees.
    B.It earns a gd reputatin.
    C.It develps new plants.
    D.It prduces gd results.
    11.What des the underlined phrase “scale up” mean in paragraph 5?
    A sugar replacement called erythritl (赤藓糖醇) has been linked t bld cltting (血液凝固), strke, heart attack and death, accrding t a new study.
    “The degree f risk was nt mdest,” said lead study authr Dr. Stanley Hazen. Peple with existing risk factrs fr heart disease will be twice as likely t experience the risk if they have the highest levels f erythritl in their bld. Erythritl appears t be causing bld platelets (血小板) t clt mre readily. Clts can break ff and travel t the heart r the brain, causing a heart attack r a strke.
    Erythritl is a sugar alchl, a carb fund naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Hwever, artificially manufactured in massive quantities, erythritl has becme an extremely ppular additive t lw-carb prducts.
    The discvery f the cnnectin between erythritl and cardivascular issues was purely accidental. Hazen’s research had a simple gal: find unknwn chemicals r cmpunds in a persn’s bld. T d s, the team analyzed 1,157 bld samples. “We fund this substance that seemed t play a big rle, but we didn’t knw it was erythritl, a sweetener until later,” said Hazen. T cnfirm the findings, the team tested anther tw batches f bld samples and fund that higher levels f erythritl were cnnected t a greater risk f heart attack, strke r death within three years.
    “This certainly sunds an alarm,” said Dr. Andrew Freeman, directr f a hspital inDenver. “Science needs t take a deeper div e int erythritl and in a hurry, because this substance is widely available right nw. If it’s harmful, we shuld knw abut it.”
    Hazen agreed,“I nrmally dn’t get up n a pedestal (崇高地位) and sund the alarm, but this is smething that I think we need t be lking at carefully.”
    12.Abut the risk, what des Hazen’s wrd in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.It is nt wrth cnsidering.B.It is remved by erythritl.
    C.It shuld nt be underestimated.D.It is just present in peple with disease.
    13.What d we knw abut erythritl?
    A.Its quality is uncertain.B.It has been used widely in fd.
    C.It is manufactured by artists.D.It mainly exists in fruits.
    14.What can be cncluded frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.Erythritl is nt available t peple.
    B.Hazen likes warning peple abut ptential dangers.
    C.Peple have realized that erythritl is dangerus.
    D.Further research shuld be dne n erythritl.
    15.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A.The Accidental Discvery f a New Sweetener
    B.The Ptential Health Risks f Erythritl Uncvered
    C.The Rise f Erythritl as a Ppular Sugar Substitute
    D.The Surprising Benefits f Erythritl in Diet Prducts
    Hw t Be Funny?
    Humr can help yu cnnect with ther peple and make unpleasant situatins a little mre bearable. 16 But it’s nt that hard nce yu tap int yur inner sense f humr. Even if yu dn’t think yu’re naturally funny, there are things yu can d t make yurself and ther peple laugh.
    Learn frm funny peple. Yu can expand yur reach a gd deal by listening t ther funny peple. Whether they’re prfessinal cmedians, yur parents, yur kids, r yur bss, learning frm the funny peple in yur life is a key step twards being a funny persn. 17 Lk fr what yu admire mst in these peple.
    Braden yur factual knwledge fr jke material. 18 They may be yur amazing knwledge f 17th-century petry, yur familiarity with fishing trips that went wrng, etc. Whatever the material is, it needs t resnate(引起共鸣)with yur audience.
    19 Being funny desn’t cme in a ne-size-fits-all package. What makes yu funny is unique t yu and the way yu bserve the wrld. Trust that yu d have a funny bne; as babies, we laugh frm fur mnths f age, and all children express humr naturally frm the kindergarten age, using humr t entertain themselves and thers. It’s already in yu. Yu just need t bring it ut!
    Read, read, read. Get yur hands n everything that is funny, and cnsume it like yur mm tld yu nt t. Chemists becme chemists by reading and practicing chemistry. Sprts writers becme sprts writers by reading and writing abut sprts. 20
    A.Strike while the irn is ht.
    B.Trust in yur inner sense f humr.
    C.Observe the funnier things these peple say r d.
    D.Being funny might seem t take a great deal f wrk.
    E.It’s much easier t find funny mments in familiar material.
    F.Yu’ll becme a humrus persn by reading and practicing jkes.
    G.The better yu knw smene, the easier it will be t make them laugh.
    Britain’s tughest grandmther cheated death three times t becme a champin pwerlifter and is still pumping irn in her 70s. Pat Reeves has 21 tw terminal cancer diagnses and a high-speed car crash.
    She 22 weightlifting in 1982 when she was 36, after receiving her first terminal diagnsis due t a brain tumr (肿瘤). She 23 a plant-based diet and began running marathns and 24 . She hped that it wuld 25 her slw-grwing tumr. She was encuraged by her bdybuilding 26 t try pwerlifting and fell in lve with it, quickly breaking recrds and 27 titles at cmpetitins she entered. Fr 10 years, she traveled the wrld, 28 in natinal and glbal events.
    But in December, 1993, she was 29 by anther terminal cancer diagnsis; this time she was tld she had bne cancer. Reeves 30 t let it defeat her and cntinued with her healthy and 31 lifestyle in an attempt t make the tumrs 32 , and was declared cancer-free in mid-2016.
    In September, 2018, she was invlved in a high-speed 33 . The accident left her with crushed lungs and led t a(n) 34 disease that ccurred when lung tissue was 35 . She was tld she nly had three mnths t 36 in June, 2019. But she survived again. Hwever, she said, “It des still 37 me, but I’ve fund a way t train and I still d pwerlifting even with my setbacks.” She has brken arund 200 38 and can lift up t nearly 300 punds.
    We may meet many 39 in life. Hwever, as lng as we have a psitive attitude, we can 40 vercme them.
    22.A.tk upB.saved upC.kept upD.drew up
    The “Three Muntains (Fragrant Hills, Jade Spring Hill and Lngevity Hill) and Five Gardens (Jingming Garden, Jingyi Garden, The Summer Palace, Changchun Garden and Yuanmingyuan)” are imprtant landmarks in Beijing that represent its rich cultural and histrical heritage. 41 (riginal) used as leisure retreats fr the imperial family, these sites are nw treasured fr their 42 (nature) beauty and cultural significance.
    Unfrtunately, many valuable cultural items 43 (huse) in these lcatins were lst due t damage caused by Western clnialist frces. Hwever, a recent prject has recreated 69 lng-lst cultural relics in digital frm, 44 are nw being displayed t the public. This achievement is the result f cperative effrts invlving many vlunteers frm bth hme 45 abrad. Schlars and artists 46 (study) in France, as well as verseas students, 47 (cntribute) valuable infrmatin abut these scattered (分散的) relics.
    The prject has created a digital museum that shwcases these cultural relics in seven different 48 (categry). With technlgies like virtual reality, visitrs can have 49 unique and up-clse experience f appreciating these items. 50 (reach) a wider audience, the digital museum team is als rganizing ffline turing exhibitins.
    As nline learning became ppular, we enjy its cnvenience but als face challenges. The bviusly advantage is having access t vast resurce anytime and anywhere. Otherwise, distractins and the lack f face-t-face interactin can be its disadvantages.
    T be smart nline learners, that we shuld d is set clear learning gals and stick t a schedule. We shuld als make full use fr advantages f the technlgy, such as using tls enhance learning and avid distractins. Additinally, engaged in nline discussins and seeking help frm peers which can make up fr the lack f face-t-face interactin. By ding s, they can maximize the benefits f nline learning and becme smarter learners in this digital era.
    1. 展览的时间、地点、主题等;
    2. 师生的反响;
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 题目已为你拟好。
    1.A 2.C 3.D
    1.细节理解题。根据Duling中“Duling ffers a variety f interactive curses in ver 30 languages, frm Spanish t Chinese. The app persnalizes yur learning experience, adjusts t yur skill level, and prvides exercises acrss speaking, listening, reading, and writing. With Duling, yu can track yur prgress, set daily gals, and jin a cmmunity f learners. It’s ideal fr anyne lking t pick up a new language r imprve their skills.”(Duling提供从西班牙语到汉语等30多种语言的互动课程。这款应用可以个性化你的学习体验,根据你的技能水平进行调整,并提供说、听、读、写方面的练习。使用Duling,你可以跟踪你的进度,设定每日目标,并加入学习者社区。对于任何想要学习一门新语言或提高技能的人来说,这是理想的选择。)可知,你可以用Duling通过多样的练习来学习一门新语言。故选A项。
    2.推理判断题。根据Zedge中“Zedge is the app yu’ll want t use t persnalize yur device’s ringtnes, ntificatins, and alarm sunds.”(Zedge是一款应用程序,你可以用它来个性化你的设备的铃声、通知和闹钟声音。)以及“Yu can set a custm(定制的)ringtne fr each persn in yur cntact list, s yu always knw wh’s calling.”(您可以为联系人列表中的每个人设置自定义铃声,这样您就可以随时知道谁在打电话。)可推知,寻求自定义设备声音的用户可能对Zedge感兴趣。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据Remindee中“Ever find yurself brwsing thrugh an app, nly t see smething yu need t remind yurself f later? Remindee is a simple app that lets yu create reminders frm anywhere within yur device, n matter what app yu’re currently brwsing.”(有没有发现自己在浏览一个应用程序时,却看到一些需要稍后提醒自己的东西?Remindee是一款简单的应用程序,可以让你在设备的任何地方创建提醒,无论你目前正在浏览什么应用程序。)可知,如果你想回顾一下你浏览过的内容,Remindee这个应用程序最适合你。故选D项。
    4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A
    4.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“One time, I even called ne f the cmpanies multiple times, but the manager avided me. I was clse t giving up.I felt like I was the nly ne struggling hard. I had a pretty gd resume, and I always dressed nicely fr my interviews, s why culdn’t I get a jb? (有一次,我甚至多次给其中一家公司打电话,但经理没有见我。我几乎要放弃了。我觉得只有我一个人在苦苦挣扎。我有一份很好的简历,面试时我总是穿着得体,所以为什么我找不到工作呢?)”可知,作者想在第2段中表达他失业时的困惑。故选C。
    5.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Even if I wanted t wrk during the schl year, nne f the cmpanies wanted t hire me because f my limited weekday availability. And despite nt knwing if I culd juggle (尽量兼顾) bth schl and a jb, I even started t tell interviewers that I wuld like t wrk during the schl year and give up my weekends. But I had n luck. (即使我想在学年期间工作,也没有一家公司愿意雇佣我,因为我工作日的可用性有限。尽管我不知道自己是否能兼顾学校和工作,但我甚至开始告诉面试官,我想在学年工作,放弃周末。但我没有运气。)”可知,临时代理机构不愿意接纳作者是因为他们认为他工作时间很紧。故选B。
    6.推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Despite being rejected s many times, I still applied fr any jb that I was qualified fr. I even started my jb search befre the semester ended t get ahead. Eventually, I gt my ideal summer jb. (尽管被拒绝了很多次,我仍然申请了任何我有资格的工作。我甚至在学期结束前就开始找工作,最终找到了理想的暑期工作。)”可知,只要一个人愿意等待,事情必将会发生。故选C。
    7.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“But dn’t give up. Keep searching and applying, sign up fr sites that send yu jb ffers and lk n the university’s website fr n-campus jbs. (但不要放弃。继续搜索和申请,注册向你发送工作邀请的网站,并在大学网站上寻找校内工作。)”可知,作者写最后一段的主要目的是提供建议。故选A。
    8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段“Climate change is causing mre areas t turn int deserts. This issue is affecting the lives f 250 millin peple as land that used t be gd fr farming becmes dry and unprductive. Arund ne-third f the wrld’s land is impacted, including regins in Africa, suthern Eurpe, Asia and America.”(气候变化导致越来越多的地区变成沙漠。这一问题正在影响2.5亿人的生活,因为过去适合耕种的土地变得干旱和贫瘠。全球约三分之一的土地受到影响,包括非洲、南欧、亚洲和美洲地区。)可知,作者在第一段描述了沙漠化的现象。故选B项。
    9.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The slutin is using agrfrestry(农林业)t create a new kind f agriculture that is sustainable and that can be resilient(有适应力的)in frnt f climate change.”(解决方案是利用农林业来创造一种可持续的新型农业,这种农业可以在气候变化面前具有弹性。)以及第三段中“The sil is regenerated using what Sand t Green calls “green manure”, a mixture that includes cmpst, bichar(生物炭)and micrrganisms that help the sil “wake up”.”(土壤的再生使用“从沙到绿”所谓的“绿肥”,这是一种混合物,包括堆肥、生物炭和微生物,可以帮助土壤“苏醒”。)可知,沙改绿采用农林业是因为可以保持作物的存活率。故选A项。
    10.推理判断题。根据第四段中“Amng the intercrpping herbs(草本植物)that have been successfully trialed are rsemary, geranium, vetiver and citrnella, which Ben Mussa describes as “very lw-maintenance and very high-prfit”.”(在已成功试验的间作草药中,有迷迭香、天竺葵、香根草和香茅,本·穆萨称这些草药“维护成本低,利润高”。)可推知,从沙到绿,我们能了解到它产生了良好的效果。故选D项。
    11.词义猜测题。根据第五段中“It says a site f that size wuld cst arund $475,000 t set up and wuld start bringing financial returns in abut five years.”(该公司表示,这种规模的网站将花费约47.5万美元来建立,并将在大约五年内开始带来经济回报。)由此可知,此处为“从沙到绿”目前正在努力扩大到20公顷的商业用地。故可猜测划线短语scale up为“扩大”的意思,结合选项A项Expand“扩大”意思一致。故选A项。
    12.C 13.B 14.D 15.B
    12.推理判断题。根据第二段““The degree f risk was nt mdest,” said lead study authr Dr. Stanley Hazen. Peple with existing risk factrs fr heart disease will be twice as likely t experience the risk if they have the highest levels f erythritl in their bld. Erythritl appears t be causing bld platelets(血小板)t clt mre readily. Clts can break ff and travel t the heart r the brain, causing a heart attack r a strke.”(该研究的主要作者斯坦利·哈森博士说:“风险程度并不低。”如果血液中赤藓糖醇的含量达到最高水平,有心脏病风险因素的人患心脏病的可能性会增加一倍。赤藓糖醇似乎能使血小板更容易凝结。血块会破裂并进入心脏或大脑,导致心脏病发作或中风。)可推知,关于风险,哈森在第二段的话是为了表明它不应被低估。故选C项。
    13.细节理解题。根据第三段“Erythritl is a sugar alchl, a carb fund naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Hwever, artificially manufactured in massive quantities, erythritl has becme an extremely ppular additive t lw-carb prducts.”(赤藓糖醇是一种糖醇,是一种存在于许多水果和蔬菜中的天然碳水化合物。然而,大量人工制造的赤藓糖醇已经成为一种非常受欢迎的低碳水化合物产品添加剂。)可知,赤藓糖醇它被广泛应用于食品中。故选B项。
    14.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段““This certainly sunds an alarm,” said Dr. Andrew Freeman, directr f a hspital inDenver. “Science needs t take a deeper div e int erythritl and in a hurry, because this substance is widely available right nw. If it’s harmful, we shuld knw abut it.””(丹佛一家医院的院长安德鲁·弗里曼博士说:“这无疑敲响了警钟。”“科学需要对赤藓糖醇进行更深入的研究,而且要抓紧时间,因为这种物质现在已经广泛存在。如果它有害,我们应该知道它。”)可推知,科学应该对赤藓糖醇进行进一步的研究。故选D项。
    15.主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段“A sugar replacement called erythritl(赤藓糖醇)has been linked t bld cltting(血液凝固), strke, heart attack and death, accrding t a new study.”(一项新的研究表明,一种名为赤藓糖醇的糖替代品与血液凝固、中风、心脏病发作和死亡有关。)可知,文章主要讲的是研究表明,一种名为赤藓糖醇的糖替代品与血液凝固、中风、心脏病发作和死亡有关。故文章最好的标题是“发现赤藓糖醇的潜在健康风险”。故选B项。
    16.D 17.C 18.E 19.B 20.F
    16.根据上文“Humr can help yu cnnect with ther peple and make unpleasant situatins a little mre bearable.”(幽默可以帮助你与他人建立联系,让不愉快的情况变得更容易忍受。)引出话题,提到幽默可以帮助你与他人建立联系。以及下文“But it’s nt that hard nce yu tap int yur inner sense f humr.”(但是一旦你挖掘了你内心的幽默感,这就不是那么难了。)提到一旦你挖掘了你内心的幽默感,幽默就很容易了。结合选项D项Being funny might seem t take a great deal f wrk.(变得有趣似乎需要大量的工作。)表明幽默有可能是困难的,与下文形成转折,语意连贯。故选D项。
    17.根据上文“Whether they’re prfessinal cmedians, yur parents, yur kids, r yur bss, learning frm the funny peple in yur life is a key step twards being a funny persn.”(无论他们是专业的喜剧演员,你的父母,你的孩子,还是你的老板,向生活中有趣的人学习是成为一个有趣的人的关键一步。)可知,讲的是向生活中有趣的人学习是成为一个有趣的人的关键一步。结合选项C项Observe the funnier things these peple say r d.(观察这些人说或做的有趣的事情。)可知,承接上文内容,为对上文内容的语意递进,these peple指代上文替代的人。故选C项。
    18.根据该段标题“Braden yur factual knwledge fr jke material.”(拓宽你的笑话材料的事实知识。)以及下文“They may be yur amazing knwledge f 17th-century petry, yur familiarity with fishing trips that went wrng, etc.”(他们可能是你对17世纪诗歌的惊人知识,你对出错的钓鱼之旅的熟悉,等等。)具体说明在熟悉的素材中找到有趣的时刻的例子。结合选项E项It’s much easier t find funny mments in familiar material.(在熟悉的素材中找到有趣的时刻要容易得多。)可知,和上下文内容紧密连接,同时呼应标题,符合语境。故选E项。
    19.由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段内容。该段下文“Being funny desn’t cme in a ne-size-fits-all package. What makes yu funny is unique t yu and the way yu bserve the wrld. Trust that yu d have a funny bne; as babies, we laugh frm fur mnths f age, and all children express humr naturally frm the kindergarten age, using humr t entertain themselves and thers.”(有趣并不是一个放之四海而皆准的东西。让你有趣的是你和你观察世界的方式。相信自己有一根幽默的骨头;作为婴儿,我们从四个月大的时候就会笑,所有的孩子从幼儿园开始就自然地表达幽默,用幽默来娱乐自己和他人。)可知,讲的是我们本身就是一个幽默的人。结合选项B项Trust in yur inner sense f humr.(相信你内心的幽默感。)意思一致,为总结该段内容。故选B项。
    20.根据上文“Chemists becme chemists by reading and practicing chemistry. Sprts writers becme sprts writers by reading and writing abut sprts.”(化学家通过阅读和实践化学而成为化学家。体育作家通过阅读和撰写体育新闻而成为体育作家。)为举例说明通过实践和练习来达到你的目的。结合选项F项Yu’ll becme a humrus persn by reading and practicing jkes.(通过阅读和练习笑话,你会成为一个幽默的人。)可知,同样也是说明此观点,上下文紧密连接,符合语境。故选F项。
    21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.B 31.A 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.A 36.D 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.C
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:帕特·里夫斯在两次癌症晚期诊断和一次高速车祸中幸存下来。A. suffered遭受;B. survived幸存;C. recvered恢复;D. treated治疗,对待。根据上文“Britain’s tughest grandmther cheated death three times”提到三次死里逃生,由此可知,此处应表示帕特·里夫斯在两次癌症晚期诊断和一次高速车祸中幸存下来。故选B项。
    22.考查动词短语辨析。句意:1982年,36岁的她第一次被诊断出患有脑瘤,此后她开始举重。A. tk up开始做;B. saved up积攒;C. kept up保持;D. drew up起草。根据下文“weightlifting in 1982 when she was 36”以及“after receiving her first terminal diagnsis due t a brain tumr.”由此可知,此处应表示36岁的她开始举重。故选A项。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她采用了植物性饮食,开始跑马拉松和健身。A. rejected反对;B. examined检查;C. adpted采用;D. experienced经历。根据下文“a plant-based diet”由此可知,此处应表示她采用了植物性饮食。故选C项。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她采用了植物性饮食,开始跑马拉松和健身。A. fantasy幻想;B. innvatin革新;C. interactin互动;D. bdybuilding健身。根据下文“She was encuraged by her bdybuilding ____6____ t try pwerlifting”提到健身,由此可知,此处应表示她开始跑马拉松和健身。故选D项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她希望它能阻止她缓慢生长的肿瘤。A. enhance增强;B. stp停止;C. attack攻击;D. inspect检查。根据上文提到的她采用了植物性饮食,开始跑马拉松和健身,以及下文“her slw-grwing tumr”由此可知,此处应表示她希望它能阻止她缓慢生长的肿瘤。故选B项。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在健身教练的鼓励下,她尝试举重,并爱上了这项运动,很快就打破了纪录,在她参加的比赛中获得了冠军。A. cach教练;B. judge裁判;C. athlete运动员;D. teacher教师。根据上文“She was encuraged by her bdybuilding”以及下文“try pwerlifting and fell in lve with it”由此可知,此处应表示在健身教练的鼓励下,她尝试举重,并爱上了这项运动。故选A项。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在健身教练的鼓励下,她尝试举重,并爱上了这项运动,很快就打破了纪录,在她参加的比赛中获得了冠军。A. missing失去; B. accepting接受;C. securing设法得到;D. beating击败。根据下文“titles at cmpetitins she entered”可知,此处应表示她在参加的比赛中获得了冠军。故选C项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:10年来,她周游世界,参加国内和国际赛事。A. cmpeting竞争;B. accelerating加速;C. charging要价,收费,充电;D. hiding隐藏。根据下文“natinal and glbal events.”可知,此处应表示她参加国内和国际赛事。cmpete in“参加比赛”。故选A项。
    29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但在1993年12月,她被另一个晚期癌症诊断震惊了。A. puzzled吃惊的;B. designed有计划的;C. embarrassed尴尬的;D. shcked震惊的。根据下文“this time she was tld she had bne cancer.”提到被告知得了骨癌,由此可知,此处应表示她被另一个晚期癌症诊断震惊了。故选D项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:里夫斯拒绝让它打败她,继续她健康积极的生活方式,试图使肿瘤变小,并于2016年年中被宣布癌症治愈。A. hesitated犹豫; B. refused拒绝;C. attempted尝试;D. claimed声称。根据下文“let it defeat her”可知,此处应表示里夫斯拒绝让癌症打败她。故选B项。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:里夫斯拒绝让它打败她,继续她健康积极的生活方式,试图使肿瘤变小,并于2016年年中被宣布癌症治愈。A. active积极的;B. lazy懒惰的;C. ppular受欢迎的;D. bring无聊的。根据上文提到的里夫斯拒绝让癌症打败她。以及下文“in an attempt t make the tumrs 12 ”由此可知,此处应表示里夫斯继续她健康积极的生活方式。故选A项。
    32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:里夫斯拒绝让它打败她,继续她健康积极的生活方式,试图使肿瘤变小,并于2016年年中被宣布癌症治愈。A. bigger更大的;B. lnger更长的;C. smaller更小的;D. strnger更强壮的。根据下文“and was declared cancer-free in mid-2016.”提到于2016年年中被宣布癌症治愈,由此可知,此处应表示里夫斯继续她健康积极的生活方式,试图使肿瘤变小。故选C项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2018年9月,她遭遇了一场高速车祸。A. ccasin场合;B. crash撞车;C. event事件;D. adventure冒险。根据上文提到的“a high-speed car crash.”由此可知,此处应表示她遭遇了一场高速车祸。故选B项。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次事故使她的肺部破裂,并导致肺部组织破裂时发生的肺部疾病。A. eye眼睛;B. skin皮肤;C. heart心脏;D. lung肺部。根据下文“when lung tissue was 15 ”可知,此处应表示这次事故使她的肺部破裂。故选D项。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这次事故使她的肺部破裂,并导致肺部组织破裂时发生的肺部疾病。A. brken破裂的;B. clean干净的; C. healthy健康的;D. strng强壮的。根据上文“The accident left her with crushed lungs”可知,此处应表示这次事故导致肺部组织破裂时发生的肺部疾病。故选A项。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2019年6月,她被告知她只能活三个月了。A. walk步行;B. wrk工作;C. cnnect连接;D. live活。根据上文“she nly had three mnths”结合语境可知,此处应表示她被告知她只能活三个月了。故选D项。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,她说:“它仍然影响着我,但我已经找到了一种训练方法,即使遇到挫折,我仍然会做力量举。”A. prtect保护;B. supprt支持;C. affect影响;D. scld责骂。根据下文“but I’ve fund a way t train and I still d pwerlifting even with my setbacks.”转折表示她已经找到了一种训练方法,即使遇到挫折,仍然会做力量举重。由此可知,此处应表示伤情仍然影响着她。故选C项。
    38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她打破了200多项纪录,能举起近300磅的重物。A. arguments争论;B. recrds记录;C. media媒体;D. devices设备。根据上文“She has brken arund 200”以及下文“can lift up t nearly 300 punds”由此可知,此处应表示她打破了200多项纪录,能举起近300磅的重物。break recrds“打破记录”。故选B项。
    39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们在生活中可能会遇到许多困难。A. successes成功;B. pprtunities机会;C. pleasures快乐;D. difficulties困难。根据下文“we can ____20____ vercme them.”由此可知,此处应表示我们在生活中可能会遇到许多困难。故选D项。
    40.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,只要我们有积极的态度,我们最终可以克服它们。A. barely几乎不;B. instantly立刻;C. eventually最终;D. slightly稍微。根据句意以及上文“as lng as we have a psitive attitude”可知,此处应表示只要我们有积极的态度,我们最终可以克服它们。故选C项。
    41.Originally 42.natural 43.hused 44.which 45.and 46.studying 47.cntributed 48.categries 49.a 50.T reach
    考查定语从句。句意:然而,最近的一个项目以数字形式重建了69件失传已久的文物,现在正在向公众展示。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词69 lng-lst cultural relics作补充说明,先行词指物,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which作引导词。故填which。
    考查连词。句意:这一成就是国内外许多志愿者共同努力的结果。根据句意以及空前bth可知,此处应用连词and,构成固定该结构bth… and…“两者都”。故填and。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在法国学习的学者和艺术家以及海外学生为这些散落的文物提供了宝贵的信息。分析句子可知,此处为非谓语动词作后置定语修饰Schlars and artists,Schlars and artist和study逻辑上为主动关系,所以为现在分词形式。故填studying。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了吸引更广泛的观众,数字博物馆团队还组织了线下巡回展览。分析句子可知,此处为动词不定式表示“为了……”,作目的状语,且空处位于句首,t的首字母需大写。故填T reach。
    51.1. became→becmes
    2. bviusly→bvius
    3. resurce→resurces
    4. Otherwise→Hwever
    5. that→what
    6. fr→f
    7. 在enhance前加t
    8. engaged→engaging
    9.删除 which
    10. they→we
    【详解】1.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:随着在线学习的普及,我们享受着它的便利,但也面临着挑战。由主句动词enjy和face可知,该句应为一般现在时,结合从句主语nline learning为第三人称单数意义名词,所以谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故将became改为becmes。
    6.考查固定短语。句意:我们还应该充分利用技术的优势,比如利用工具来加强学习,避免分心。分析句子可知,此处为固定短语make full use f“充分利用”,满足句意要求。故将fr改为f。
    7.考查固定短语。句意:我们还应该充分利用技术的优势,比如利用工具来加强学习,避免分心。分析句子可知,此处为固定短语use sth. t d sth.“使用某物做某事”,所以此处应在enhance前加t。故在enhance前加t。
    9.考查动词。句意:此外,参与在线讨论和寻求同伴的帮助可以弥补面对面交流的不足。分析句子结构可知,engaging in nline discussins and seeking help frm peers作句子主语,谓语动词为can make up fr,所以为其前面的which多余。故将which删除。
    A Glimpse int Our Students’ Phtgraphy Exhibitin
    Last week, ur schl’s art gallery was alive with the vibrant display f ur students’ phtgraphy exhibitin, themed Prgress. This shwcase was a testament t ur students’ hard wrk and grwth in the current era. The exhibitin featured a selectin f phtgraphs that captured the essence f student life. Each piece was a snapsht f ambitin, shwcasing the diverse experiences and perspectives f ur students.
    The reactins frm bth faculty and students were incredibly psitive. Teachers praised the exhibitin fr its prfessinal quality and the insightful narratives each phtgraph presented. Students felt inspired, seeing their peers’ talents and interpretatins f prgress.
    This event nt nly highlighted ur students’ artistic ability, but als enriched ur schl’s culture.
    见证:testament→ witness
    展示:shwcasing→ demnstrating
    积极的:psitive→ active
    才华:talents→ gifts
    原句:Last week, ur schl’s art gallery was alive with the vibrant display f ur students’ phtgraphy exhibitin, themed Prgress.
    拓展句:Last week, ur schl’s art gallery was alive with the vibrant display f ur students’ phtgraphy exhibitin, which was themed with Prgress.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The exhibitin featured a selectin f phtgraphs that captured the essence f student life.(运用了关系代词that引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Students felt inspired, seeing their peers’ talents and interpretatins f prgress.(运用了非谓语动词中的现在分词形式作状语)

    2024届陕西省榆林市高三下学期二模英语试题: 这是一份2024届陕西省榆林市高三下学期二模英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了请将各题答案填写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年陕西省榆林市高三下学期三模英语试题 PDF版: 这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省榆林市高三下学期三模英语试题 PDF版,共15页。

    2023届陕西省榆林市高三下学期三模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届陕西省榆林市高三下学期三模英语试题(含答案),共16页。试卷主要包含了请将各题答案填写在答题卡上,个人感受等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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