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    这是一份山东省日照市2024届高三下学期2月校际联合考试(一模)英语试卷(Word版附答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了02, 考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Learn t Turn Yur Favrite Pht int a Digital Illustratin
    That’s right. We’re abut t seriusly schl yu n the art f prtraiture, using nthing but a pht, yur cmputer, and ur trusty friend, Adbe Illustratr. In ur brand-new class, Digital Illustratin: Turn Yur Phts Int Art, artist and designer Kristin Berry will teach yu hw t create yur wn digital prtrait art using a phtgraph.
    In Berry’s latest Digital Illustratin class, yu’ll be surprised and delighted by hw just a few simple steps can result in a custm piece f art. It’s a great creative skill t learn fr creating wedding invitatins, hliday cards, birthday gifts, r wall art fr yur hme. Plus, if yu want t change the clr f yur shirt r add in a crazy clr backgrund, she’ll teach yu hw t d that t. There are endless ways yu can custmize yur digital illustratin, and this class will shw yu all the tips and tricks yu need.
    In the 82-minute nline class, we’ll teach yu:
    ·The best way t rganize yur Adbe Illustratr wrkspace
    ·Hw t illustrate the human frm frm the face all the way t the utfit
    ·Tips n hw t add special tuches t make yur illustratin unique and persnalized
    Once yu sign up fr the class, it’s yurs t take n-demand, meaning yu can watch it whenever (and at yur wn pace). Students will als get access t a design class that will have yu learning frm a prfessinal. Yu’ll als get t dwnlad an exclusive curse wrkbk that will help guide yu thrugh the class.
    Sunds amazing, right? S find yur mst prtrait-wrthy pht and sign up fr Digital Illustratin: Turn Phts Int Art TODAY!
    1. What is Adbe Illustratr prbably?
    A. An art teacher.B. An applicatin.C. A curse wrkbk.D. A prtrait phtgrapher.
    2.What skill can yu learn in Kristin Berry’s class?
    A. Taking digital phts.B. Designing nline curses.
    C. Making Christmas cards.D. Organizing wedding parties.
    3.What is the text?
    A. A reprt.B. A jurnal.C. An annuncement.D. An advertisement.
    Sri Nihal Tammana, age 13, f Edisn, New Jersey, was named a winner f the 2022 Glria Barrn Prize fr Yung Heres. The Barrn Prize annually hnrs 25 utstanding yung leaders wh have made a significant psitive impact n peple, their cmmunities, and the envirnment.
    Nihal funded Recycle My Battery t prmte and facilitate the recycling f used batteries. His nnprfit places free battery recycling bins(箱子)and educates yung peple and adults abut battery recycling. In just three years he has built a team f mre than 250 student vlunteers acrss the glbe wh have recycled nearly 200,000 batteries and educated millins f peple. Nihal learned at age 10 that 15 billin batteries are thrwn away each year and that mst end up in landfills(垃圾填埋地)where they pllute grundwater, harm the ecsystem, and can cause catastrphic fires. Inspired t tackle the prblem, he began cllecting used batteries frm his cmmunity. He put them in free recycling bins at stres like Staples until he was tld he was bringing t many and had t stp.
    Undeterred, he reached ut fr help frm Call2Recycle, the largest battery recycling nnprfit in Nrth America. Call2Recycle agreed t assist and prvided recycling bins fr free, which were placed in schls, libraries, and ther public places. Nihal’s rganizatin nw perates acrss the U.S. and is expanding t ther cuntries including Canada, Switzerland, and India. “Earth gives us s much—xygen, fd, water— everything! S it’s imprtant that we give smething back when we can,” says Nihal.
    The Barrn Prize was funded in 2001 by authr T. A. Barrn. “Nthing is mre inspiring than stries abut heric peple wh have truly made a difference t the wrld,” says T. A. Barrn. “And we need ur heres tday mre than ever. Nt celebrities, but heres — peple whse character can inspire us all. That is the purpse f the Barrn Prize: t shine the sptlight n these amazing yung peple s that their stries will inspire thers.”
    4. What des Recycle My Battery intend t d?
    A. Prtect the earth frm used batteries.B. Prmte used batteries acrss the glbe.
    C. Make mney by cllecting used batteries.D. Stp peple thrwing used batteries away.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “Undeterred” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Undiscuraged.B. Unprepared.C. Unsurprised.D. Uninterested.
    6. Hw did Call2Recycle help Nihal’s rganizatin?
    A. By making it g glbal.B. By ffering free recycling bins.
    C. By prviding financial supprt.D. By buying mre used batteries.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f recycling batteries.
    B. The impact f batteries n the envirnment.
    C. The achievements f the Barrn Prize winners.
    D. The inspiring stry f a yung envirnmentalist.
    Mre than 50 millin peple in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere fllw pastralism(游牧) as a way f life. The practice has survived fr s lng because it is designed t change with the envirnment. Pastralists mve with animals t find new lands and water, leaving behind eaten plants t regrw.
    Mnglia is well knwn fr its pastralism. Agvaantgtkh and his family are herders(牧民). On hrseback, he rides with nearly a thusand sheep and gats t help them find water. Smetimes, he and his wife, Nurmaa, stp t help struggling yung nes, weak after a difficult winter.
    Fr families like Agvaantgtkh’s, pastralism is mre than a prfessin. It is a cultural identity that cnnects generatins. At its heart is the human cnnectin t animals. While they cnsider the animals as their prperty, they als see them as living beings wrking alngside them.
    Researchers say herders believe in “animal agency”. Agvaantgtkh lets his animals chse the fd they eat and where they find water. T him, restricting an animal’s mvement and asking it t eat the same thing each day is like putting a persn in prisn.
    In Mnglia, weather extremes are a part f life. When Agvaantgtkh thinks abut climate change, he is cncerned abut humans and animals. Cntinuus dry and warm weather affects Mnglia. Since 1940, the gvernment says, average temperatures have risen 2.2 degrees Celsius. T keep their practice alive, pastralists seek ways t mdernize. In Mnglia, Lkhaebum recently began using a small vehicle t mre easily search fr hrses. The family uses electricity and has ther technlgies including a TV and a washing machine. They als use a cellphne t fllw the weather and access scial media where herders share infrmatin.
    One f the biggest threats t pastralism cmes frm within. Nurmaa and Agvaantgtkh’s 18-year-ld daughter studies medicine. Their sn spke abut becming a herder when he was a child, but nt anymre. “I wn’t regret anything if my child wn’t be a herder,” Nurmaa said. “I wuld like them t d what they desire t d.”
    8. What cntributes t the survival f pastralism?
    A. Huge pastralist ppulatins.B. Adaptatin t the envirnment.
    C. Herders’ desire t travel t new places.D. Slw develpment f mdernizatin.
    9. What des pastralism mean t Agvaantgtkh?
    A. The distinct identity f animals.B.A prly-paid prfessin.
    C. An ut-f-date lifestyle.D. The bnd between man and animals.
    10. What des “animal agency” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Animals’ living in cages.B. Animals’ eating the same thing.
    C. Animals’ struggling in shelters.D. Animals’ mving arund freely.
    11. What is a big challenge fr pastralism?
    A. Mdern technlgy.B. N gvernment supprt.
    C. Yung peple’s disinterest in it.D. Lack f infrmatin exchange.
    Dr Paul King at Texas Christian University has been an influential schlar in the field f cmmunicatin studies fr 30 years. I spke t King abut his research int “state anxiety in listening perfrmance”. Mst f us believe that anxiety impacts nly the persn giving the speech r presentatin. Dr King has discvered that audience members feel anxiety, t.
    King says that listening is a tiring activity because the learner is cntinually adding material t be remembered-retrieved-later. This is what he means by “cgnitive backlg(认知积压)”. Put simply, the lnger the task r the mre infrmatin that is delivered, the greater the cgnitive lad. Accrding t King, listening t a five-minute presentatin prduces a relatively small amunt f cgnitive backlg; an 18-minute presentatin prduces a little mre, while a 60-minute presentatin prduces s much backlg that yu risk seriusly upsetting yur audience unless yu create a very engaging presentatin with “sft breaks”— stries, vides, demnstratins, r ther speakers.
    The lnger the presentatin, the mre the listener has t rganize, cmprehend, and remember. The burden increases alng with a listener’s anxiety. They becme increasingly frustrated, even angry. King says that the current research int memry prcessing suggests that it’s better t study cntent n tw r three ccasins fr a shrt perid f time instead f spending an entire evening cramming(填鸭式学习).
    King applies the results t his graduate class n research methds. If given a chice, mst graduate students wuld rather attend a single three-hur class than three 50-minute classes. When King taught his class nce a week, he fund that the students returned fr the next class having lst mst f the infrmatin they had learned the prir week. King discvered the “better practice” was t schedule the same cntent n three separate ccasins, such as Mnday, Wednesday, and Friday. King said that despite bjectins, when he taught the class n three ccasins his students scred better and exhibited a better memry f the cmplex material.
    12. What des Dr Paul King say abut “cgnitive backlg”?
    A. It shuld be prevented frm happening.
    B. It is affected by the number f listeners.
    C. It changes with the length f a presentatin.
    D. It prduces a negative effect n mental health.
    13. What is the functin f “sft breaks”?
    A. T case listeners’ anxiety.B. T shw the talents f speakers.
    C. T add tpics t the presentatin.D. T make the presentatin lnger.
    14. What des Dr Paul King’s new practice fcus n?
    A. Explring cmplex materials.B. Cmpleting a single task at a time.
    C. Breaking up the whle int parts.D. Gruping students by their levels.
    15. What can we learn abut Dr Paul King’s new class schedule?
    A. It was welcmed by students.B. It turned ut t be a success.
    C. It made n difference indeed.D. It still had rm fr imprvement.
    N matter hw friendly yur tne is r hw hney sweet yu are in a cnversatin, when yu use ne f these tw wrds (r bth) in yur sentences, the message t yur cnversatin cmpanin is “Yu are wrng”. 16 They are “n” and “but”.
    These wrds dn’t say, “Let’s discuss this” r “I’d lve t hear what yu think abut this” t peple. They say, “Yu are wrng and I am right.” If yur cnversatin cmpanin is als eager t win at any cst,yu will have a ptential battle n yur hands. The result? 17
    Are yu interested in a little test t see hw cmpetitive yur c-wrkers are? Try this. Fr ne week, keep a screcard f hw many times each persn uses “n” r “but”. 18 And, if yu explre a little deeper, yu’ll see patterns emerge. Fr instance, sme peple use these wrds t gain pwer. Yu’ll see hw much peple hate it, cnsciusly r nt, and hw it stifles(抑制)rather than pens up discussins.
    19 Practically withut even thinking, I keep cunt f their use f these tw little wrds. It’s such an imprtant indicatr! If the numbers pile up in an initial meeting with a client, I’ll interrupt him r her and say, “We’ve been talking fr almst an hur nw, and d yu realize that yu have respnded 17 times with either ‘n’ r ‘but’?” This is the mment when a serius talk abut changing behavir begins.
    If this is yur interpersnal challenge, yu can d this little test fr yurself just as easily as yu can t judge yur c-wrkers. Stp trying t defend yur psitin and start mnitring hw many times yu begin remarks with “n” r “but”. 20 Fr example That’s true, but...”. Anther expressin is “Yes, but...”.
    A. I use this technique with my clients.
    B. Why d peple like t say these tw wrds?
    C. What are these cnversatin stpping wrds?
    D. Nthing mre can happen that will be prductive.
    E. It’s human nature t like being accepted and recgnized.
    F. Yu will be shcked at hw frequently these wrds are used.
    G. Pay clse attentin t when yu use these wrds in sentences.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A Flrida plice fficer is receiving praise fr his quick respnse in rescuing tw struggling swimmers caught in a rip current(离岸流)n a Tuesday afternn.
    Brke Qualls, a witness t the incident, expressed her 21 at Officer Dylan Cffman’s actins, stating, “Seeing him g ut there and hw quick and 22 it was, it’s just amazing seeing that.”
    Qualls had just 23 her wrk at Trtugas in Flagler Beach when she bserved Officer Cffman spring int actin. “Literally I watched him 24 ut f his plice car, rip ff his shirt, and 25 int the water and save nt ne, but tw peple wh were extremely, s far back in the water, 26 n hrrible rip currents,” she said.
    Sean McSweeney, anther witness n the spt, was 27 mved by the fficer’s heric actins. “I’d never seen anything like it. It was shcking, yet 28 , t witness a rescuer 29 s quickly, and it was truly remarkable,” he said.
    The Flagler Beach Plice Department shared Qualls’ phts f the 30 t their Facebk page and thanked Cffman fr ging the extra mile.
    “Serving cmes in many different ways, and thanks t Brke Qualls fr 31 this pht f Officer Dylan Cffman 32 as he respnded yesterday t tw swimmers caught in dangerus rip currents. Thanks t Officer Cffman’s 33 , they were successfully returned t the 34 uninjured! Cffman cntributed a lt t make ur city 35 !” the department wrte.
    21. A. disappintmentB. amazementC. sympathyD. annyance
    22. A. efficientB. cmfrtableC. terribleD. dangerus
    23. A. finishedB. lstC. evaluatedD. cnsidered
    24. A. climbB. jumpC. rllD. fall
    25. A. drpB. lkC. diveD. slip
    26. A. stuckB. buriedC. bathedD. engaged
    27. A. hardlyB. slightlyC. graduallyD. equally
    28. A. interestingB. embarrassingC. heartwarmingD. cnfusing
    29. A. escapeB. reactC. rwD. think
    30. A. cnflictB. practiceC. cmpetitinD. rescue
    31. A. cllectingB. develpingC. shtingD. prcessing
    32. A. in needB. in trubleC. in shckD. in actin
    33. A. dreamsB. inspiratinsC. effrtsD. talents
    34. A. hspitalB. shreC. shelterD. htel
    35. A. safeB. mdernC. tidyD. lively
    A grup f dancers perfrmed the traditinal Chinese Puning Yingge flk dance in Lndn last Saturday 36 (celebrate) Chinese New Year and ffer peple a cultural feast.
    37 (hld) a pair f shrt sticks, the perfrmers, with their faces painted, jumped and swung the sticks 38 (skillful) while walking and dancing, all t the sund f drums, gngs, and shuts. The 16 dancers cme frm the Chashan regin f Suth China’s Guangdng prvince, the place 39 the dance riginated, and traveled t England t spread 40 (wish) f gd frtune in the Year f the Dragn t peple in the United Kingdm.
    The Puning Yingge dance, which is listed as natinal intangible cultural heritage in China, dates back t the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and 41 (cnsider) the dance f warrirs because f its clse assciatin 42 the classic nvel abut Chinese herism Water Margin. Thrugh a 43 (cmbine) f pera, dance, and martial arts, the dance evkes(唤起)the fighting spirit f the characters in the stry, said Chen Laifa, a natinally 44 (recgnize) inheritr(继承人)f the Puning Yingge dance and leader f the team f perfrmers.
    Many members f the dance team are nt full-time perfrmers, 45 rdinary peple wh earn their living by ding a range f jbs, including car detailing, running nline stres, and managing small businesses, Chen said.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 表达感谢;
    2. 回顾所提供的帮助。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The schl festival was buzzing with excitement, all because f a new cntest called “Innvate Yur Way.” This cntest was all abut making a cstume that was as unique and creative as pssible, shwcasing what ne lves the mst.
    Lily Adams was surrunded by classmates with cl ideas. One classmate said excitedly, “I’m ging t be the whle slar system, with planets circling arund me!” One basted(吹嘘), “I’ll redefine innvatin. I will becme a walking smartphne frm the future, shwing the digital age with interactive apps and games.”
    Meanwhile, anther ne came up with the idea t dress up as a live weather frecast. He planned t attach LED screens t his utfit, displaying different weather patterns. This cstume wuld nt just shw the weather but als change with real-time updates, cmbining technlgy and creativity in a way the festival had never seen.
    Feeling verwhelmed, Lily wasn’t sure what t d. Her friends had such amazing ideas, and she hadn’t even picked a cstume yet. She shared her wrries with her friend Nah, saying,” I can’t make up my mind. Every idea seems t hard t d r just nt exciting enugh.”
    Nah, always wise, had a great suggestin. “Why dn’t yu make a cstume abut gardening? Yu lve it, and it’s smething unique t yu,” he said. Lily was unsure because the cntest was just a few days away. “I dn’t knw if there’s enugh time t make smething like that frm the beginning,” she wrried. But Nah encuraged her, “Yu have a special talent fr making smething wnderful ut f simple things. Use what’s arund yu.”
    Inspired by Nah’s wrds, Lily thught ver her cllectin f plants and flwers. Arriving hme, she nticed the pile f ld gardening magazines and a frgtten green tarp(防水布)in the garage.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Andy,
    Li Hua
    As Lily lked thrugh the magazines, an idea began t take rt.
    The day f the cntest finally arrived.
    1—3 BCD4—7 AABD8—11 BDDC12—15 CACB16—20 CDFAG
    21-25 BAABC26-30 ADCBD31-35 CDCBA


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