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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. Hw many students visited the Buckingham Palace?
    A. Twelve. B. Ten. C. Six.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an airplane. B. In a classrm. C. In a kitchen.
    3. What is the man’s attitude twards the wman’s advice?
    A. Ambiguus. B. Supprtive. C. Disapprving.
    4. What des the man dislike abut his living place?
    A. The surrundings. B. The nise. C. The neighbrs.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Whales. B. The weather. C. A sail.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des the wman d?
    A. She des interviews. B. She rganizes training. C. She psts jb advertisements.
    7. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She wrks in a training schl. B. She is ding a stressful jb. C. She will receive training.
    8. Why did the wman chse t be a teacher as a prfessin?
    A. Because f the pressure frm her family.
    B. Because f a teacher’s encuragement.
    C. Because f the passin fr the wrk.
    9. What des the wman think is the best part f her jb?
    A. Being with children. B. Winning thers’ respect. C. Learning different things.
    10. What des the wman want her students t be?
    A. Lifelng learners. B. Creative thinkers. C. Gd cmmunicatrs.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.
    12. What des the man think f starting ne’s wn business?
    A. Interesting. B. Helpful. C. Difficult.
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She hasn’t decided what t d. B. She will start her wn business. C. She prefers living a peaceful life.
    14. Wh prbably is the wman?
    A. A student. B. A parent. C. A receptinist.
    15. When will the part-time curse end?
    A. On July 29th. B. On August 26th. C. On August 29th.
    16. Hw much des it cst t take a full-time curse and live in a drmitry?
    A. $1,000. B. $1,160. C. $1,320.
    17. What des the man think f the price f the drmitry?
    A High. B. Lw. C. Reasnable.
    18. When did Hemingway prduce his first cllectin f shrt stries?
    A. In 1923. B. In 1929. C. In 1952.
    19. What is his first nvel abut?
    A. His experiences during Wrld War I.
    B. The time when he wrked as a reprter.
    C. Thse gifted but lnely and angry peple.
    20. Why culd Hemingway win the Nbel Prize fr Literature accrding t the speaker?
    A. He wrte many bks and stries.
    B. He wrte it with his wn persnal experiences.
    C. He wrte abut his childhd.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2分,满分 30 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Craig Fster, bare-chested, was diving in bitterly cld waters ff the suthern-mst tip f Africa when he saw her--an ctpus hiding under a cat f shells and stnes.
    Deeply attracted, he began fllwing this incredibly shy creature.He kept cming back every day t the same place where he first met her, trying t stay very still in her presence.Fr weeks she refused him: hiding in her hme, r pushing her liquid bdy int the nearest crack t escape.And then, after Fster's dgged persistence fr 26 days, she reached ut and tuched him.
    In the dcumentary "My Octpus Teacher", this tender mment mves yu in a way yu never thught an ctpus tentacle(触手)wrapped arund a human hand culd.The nature dcumentary wn Best Feature at the EarthxFilm Festival 2020.
    "If yu gain the trust f that animal ver a perid f mnths, it will actually ignre yu t a certain degree and carry n with its nrmal life, and allw yu t step inside its secret wrld," Fster says in his dcumentary.
    We see her utsmarting a shark by riding n its back, grwing a new tentacle after surviving a shark attack, and finally wasting away after laying her eggs."The ctpus shwed me many behavirs that were cmpletely new t science," Fster says.
    After years f filming sme f the planet s mst dangerus animals, Fster was burnt ut, depressed, and discnnected."I was struggling.My nly way t heal felt like I needed t be in the cean, my g-t happy place as a child," he says.
    Cmpletely invlving himself in the underwater wrld has calmed his mind.Over the years ther animals have reached ut t make cntact, including dlphins, whales and even sharks."But nthing has cmpared t this 'nce-in-a-lifetime' bnd with the ctpus," Fster says.
    The ctpus changed Fster's life frever.Fster says the ctpus taught him that humans are part f the natural wrld, and nt simply visitrs."Yur wn rle and place in the natural wrld is the mst precius gift we humans have received," he says.
    1. Fster fllwed the ctpus with _______________.
    A. great patienceB. a prfessinal gal
    C. scientific curisityD. an adventurus spirit
    2. Accrding t "My Octpus Teacher", the ctpus _______________.
    A. enjyed Fster's attentinB. taught Fster surviving skills
    C. placed trust in Fster graduallyD. benefited frm Fster's cmpany
    3. What did Fster learn frm the experience?
    A. The natural wrld ffers many gifts.
    B. Humans belng t the natural wrld.
    C. The natural wrld never fails t impress.
    D. Humans shuld prtect the natural wrld.
    Hundreds f peple die at sea every year due t ship and airplane accidents. Emergency teams have little time t rescue thse in the water because the prbability f finding a persn alive fall dramatically after six hurs. Beynd tides and challenging weather cnditins, unsteady castal currents ften make search and rescue peratins extremely difficult.
    New insight int castal flws gained by an internatinal research team led by Gerge Haller, Prfessr f Nnlinear Dynamics at ETH Zurich, prmises t enhance the search and rescue techniques currently in use. Using tls frm dynamical systems thery and cean data, the team has develped an algrithm (算法) t predict where bjects and peple flating in water will g. “Our wrk has a clear ptential t save lives,” says Mattia Serra, the first authr f a study recently published in Nature Cmmunicatins.
    In tday’s rescue peratins at sea, cmplicated mdels f cean dynamics and weather frecasting are used t predict the path f flating bjects. Fr fast-changing castal waters, hwever, such predictins are ften inaccurate due t uncertain bundaries and missing data. As a result, a search may be launched in the wrng lcatin, causing a lss f precius time.
    Haller’s research team btained mathematical results predicting that bjects flating n the cean’s surface shuld gather alng a few special curves (曲线) which they call TRansient Attracting Prfiles (TRAPs). These curves can’t be seen with ur eyes but can be tracked frm instant cean surface current data using recent mathematical methds develped by the ETH team. This enables quick and precise planning f search paths that are less sensitive t uncertainties in the time and place f the accident.
    In cperatin with a team frm MIT, the ETH team tested their new, TRAP-based search algrithm in tw separate cean experiments near Martha’s Vineyard, which is n the nrtheastern cast f the United States. Wrking frm the same real-time data available t the Cast Guard, the team successfully identified TRAPs in the regin in real time. They fund that buys and manikins (浮标和人体模型) thrwn in the water indeed quickly gathered alng these emerging curves. “Of several cmpeting appraches tested in this prject, this was the nly algrithm that cnsistently fund the right lcatin,” says Haller.
    “Our results are rapidly btained, easy t interpret and cheap t perfrm,” pints ut Serra. Haller stresses: “Our hpe is that this methd will becme a standard part f the tl kit f cast guards everywhere.”
    4. In a search and rescue peratin, .
    A. the survival rate drps t almst zer after six hurs
    B. the use f dynamics leads t the wrng lcatin
    C. weather cnditins are a determining factr
    D. changing currents present a challenge
    5. What is the distinct feature f the new algrithm?
    A. It relies n cean dynamics.
    B. It tracks the path f the curves.
    C. It stps the uncertainties f the accident.
    D. It figures ut hw tides change ver time.
    6. Paragraph 5 mainly talks abut .
    A. the cllectin f dataB. the testing f the algrithm
    C. the identificatin f the TRAPsD. the cperatin f tw research teams
    7. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Why Success Rates f Rescue Operatins have Fallen
    B. Why Algrithms are Ppular in Rescue Operatins
    C. Hw Mathematics Can Save Lives at Sea
    D. Hw Castal Waters Affect Saving Lives
    Acrss much f Spain n Tuesday mrning, a thin layer (层) f red dust (尘埃) cated everything utside. This included cars, buses, trees, and plants.
    As the sun rse, the dust in the air turned the skies in sme cities a strange range. The cause f the dust and unusual sky clr wasn’t a frest fire, but the dust frm the Sahara Desert. Every year, a large clud f dust rises frm the Sahara Desert. It’s called the Saharan Air Layer. Usually, it crsses the Atlantic Ocean as part f a natural cycle (圈) that helps develp farmland in Central and Suth America.
    But smetimes, depending n the weather, the layer f dust gets frced t the nrth. Large sandstrms in nrthern Africa lift sand and dust int the air, where it gets blwn tward Spain. These kinds f strms aren’t unknwn in Spain. In fact, it has a special name, calima. It is s large that it can be seen frm space. A NASA scientist says it’s like a river f dust in the air. That river f dust has met with a river f wet air driven by strng winds. Peple in sme cities, like Malaga and Navarra, reprted that it was raining dust. In ther places, the dust changed the clr f the snw n the grund.
    The dust clud cntinued t mve nrth and west, hitting bth France and the United Kingdm. The dust is expected t keep stalking, pssibly as far nrth as Denmark. The dust clud may make sme places a little fggy and sunsets very clrful.
    Sme weather experts warn that climate change culd make dust strms frm the Sahara Desert even mre serius in the future.
    8. Nrmally, what des the Saharan Air Layer d?
    A. It’s farmland-friendly.B. It des gd t the desert.
    C. It ends in the desert.D. It disappears in the cean.
    9. What can be learnt abut the calima in Spain?
    A. It has different clrs.B. It causes heavy rains.
    C. It is huge and famus.D. It is frmed near rivers.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “stalking” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Rising.B. Spreading.C. Getting weak.D. Becming different.
    11. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Culture.B. Health.C. Agriculture.D. Nature.
    Lts f animals play. But the behavir is best knwn in mammals (哺乳动物) and birds. Nw the scientists at Lndn’s Queen Mary University reprt that bumblebees (大黄蜂) knw the same thing. But befre this, there were n reprts f insects playing.
    Dr. Lars Chittka began t wnder if bumblebees played during an earlier test. In that test, Chittka guided bumblebees t mve balls int a gal fr fd. He nticed that sme bees were rlling (滚动) balls even when they weren’t given fd. He wndered if they were playing.
    T test the idea, the scientists at his lab set up a new test. First, they numbered 45 yung bumblebees between ne and 23 days ld. The numbers let them fllw bumblebees’ behavir. Then, they set up a clear pathway frm the bumblebees’ hme t a feeding area. On either side f the pen pathway, the researchers placed small clred wden balls. On ne side f the path, the balls culdn’t mve. On the ther side, the balls culd rll arund. Fr three hurs a day, ver 18 days, the scientists pened the pathway between the hme and the feeding area. The bumblebees never had t leave the pathway t find fd, but they left anyway. They weren’t interested in the side where the balls didn’t mve, but they made lts f visits t the side with the rlling balls.
    Catching the balls with their legs, the bees wuld mve their wings t pull n the balls, causing them t rll. The 45 numbered bumblebees did this 910 times during the test. Thugh sme nly did it nce, thers did it a lt. The yunger nes liked t spend mre time rlling balls while the lder nes shwed less interest in it. One bee was recrded rlling balls 44 times in a single day. One was seen rlling balls 117 times ver the whle test.
    The test raises imprtant questins abut hw the insects’ minds wrk and whether they have feelings.
    12. What did Chittka want t d abut bumblebees in the earlier test?
    A. Discver if they played.B. Train them t mve balls.
    C. Make them learn t relax.D. Find ut if they’d share fd.
    13. What did the scientists d t bumblebees befre the new test?
    A. They named each f them.B. They let them interested in balls.
    C They had all f them g hungry.D. They marked them ne by ne.
    14. What can we say abut the lder bumblebees’ behavir in the new test?
    A. They held their attentin fr lnger.B. They understd simpler numbers.
    C. They were less active in rlling balls.D. They helped the yung pull n balls.
    15. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. Bumblebees Are First Insects Knwn t Play
    B. Tw Tests Prve Bumblebees Expect t Play
    C. Bumblebees Are the Wrld’s Smartest Insects
    D. Scientists Make Bumblebees Wrk fr Them
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2分,满分 10 分)
    Nwadays, family life has becme even mre challenging than befre. Then, hw can we create a happier family life? Let’s see sme advice.
    Enjy tgetherness. When children are babies, parents are advised t spend ne-n-ne time with their babies. ____16____ This can be a big mistake since enjying each ther’s cmpany (陪伴) is ne f the easiest ways fr families t create lasting happiness. Parents shuld regularly spend quality time with their children ding activities tgether like playing games, sprts.
    ____17____ Althugh the Internet has certainly made cmmunicatin easier, it is still imprtant t have face-t-face time with yur family members. Try t avid using yur cell phne s much. ____18____ Many families have regular meetings where they discuss issues affecting (影响) the family. This can be a great way t start talking face t face. Yu can talk abut yur family’s values, r hw yu can wrk tgether as a grup t slve prblems that affect the family. ____19____
    Plan fun activities as a family. This can be smething that yu d nce r twice a mnth, r even nce a week. This can be smething as easy as ging t the beach, a park, r ging n a trip t visit relatives. ____20____ Ding the activities regularly can help yu build strnger relatinships with yur family members, and relieve (释放) stress that many families feel.
    A. Talk mre as a family.
    B. Let family members talk abut activities.
    C. But, as children get lder, the ne-n-ne time is reduced.
    D. Parents need t help their children manage their daily stress.
    E. Make quality cnversatin with yur family members, instead.
    F. Yu can als try simpler nes such as camping vernight in yur backyard.
    G. Regular cmmunicatin like this can help yu build strnger family relatinships.
    第三部分 英语知识应用
    第一节 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分30分)
    When I wanted t get int my little daughter's rm ne evening, stpped. Thrugh the crack f the dr, I saw her playing alne. In ne hand was plastic ___21___ and in the ther, a ty brm. I ___22___ calmly as she was speaking t her make-believe little friend and I'll never frget the wrds she said ___23___it was Just a pretence(假装).
    She said, "Rsa is in the crner because she hasn't been very ___24___ and quiet lately. She didn't listen t me r d what she shuld. " In the crner I saw her baby dll. It was___25___ that she'd been put there t sit ___26___ and think by herself. My daughter went n with her "___27___", as I sat dwn n the flr. She said "I'm ___28___ f all this. I really dn't knw hw t ___29___ her any mre. She cries whenever I have t wrk and wants t play games, t. She never ___30___me t d the things I just have t. She tries t help me with the dishes, but her arms can't reach. I dn't have the energy t teach. I have much wrk t d and a big huse t keep ___31___ . I dn't have time t sit and play -understand what I mean?"
    Later, I thught abut making changes in my life as I listened t her ___32___ wrds that cut me like a knife. I didn't pay enugh ___33___ t what I care mst abut. I'd been caught up in respnsibilities that ___34___ thrughut the year.
    But nw my___35___ has greatly changed because in my heart I realize that I've seen the wrld in a ___36___ way thrugh my daughter's eyes. S, just let the spider webs take up the crners and the dusty ty rabbit ___37___ the flr. Anyway, I'm nt ging t ___38___them any mre. I'm ging t fill the huse with ___39___ f a child and her mther because we're given nly ne childhd, and we'll ___40___get anther.
    21. A. phneB. blckC. tyD. speaker
    22. A. thughtB. mvedC. listenedD. wrked
    23. A. as ifB. nw thatC. s thatD. even thugh
    24. A. carefulB. gdC. reliableD. serius
    25. A. pssibleB. sensitiveC. strangeD. clear
    26. A. smewhereB. straightC. alneD. anyhw
    27 A. pininB. cnversatinC. expressinD. stry
    28. A. sureB. tiredC. fndD. afraid
    29. A. deal withB. care abutC. turn tD. rely n
    30. A. persuadesB. helpsC. allwsD. requests
    31. A. safeB. quietC. cmfrtableD. tidy
    32. A. simpleB. flishC. harmfulD. empty
    33. A. patienceB. attentinC. cnfidenceD. imprtance
    34. A. changedB. fellC. increasedD. escaped
    35. A. galB. decisinC. lifeD. attitude
    36. A. differentB. peacefulC. friendlyD. clever
    37. A. cleanB. cverC. decrateD. rule
    38. A. get intB. wrry abutC. watch verD. suffer frm
    39. A. memriesB. gamesC. wishesD. prmises
    40. A. hardlyB. everC. neverD. even
    第三部分 英语知识应用
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15分)
    On the ftball field, it desn’t always matter what team peple are n. When a player is ____41____ need, everyne answers the call.
    A Pennsylvania high schl ftball team and ____42____ (they) caches shwed a great act f kindness fr a member f the ppsing (对手的) team after a recent game. The game was ____43____(real) a fight t the finish, but these peple came tgether t prvide encuragement fr a greater fight ahead.
    ____44____ tw teams are Avn Grve High Schl and Catesville High Schl. During a Friday night game, bth teams turned up at midfield with the purpse f ____45____ (give) Gavin Picard ballns and a gift. Gavin, ____46____ plays fr Avn Grve, was recently diagnsed (诊断) with cancer.
    Rachel Taylr Wilsn, ne f Gavin’s ____47____(classmate), shared her thughts abut the supprt fr Gavin n the scial media. “____48____(shw) Gavin Picard the kind supprt, Catesville players and caches came up t ur team after the game. There ____49____ (be) nt very many dry eyes n the field because everyne there was s _____50_____(mve). Ftball is mre than wins and lsses. It’s a brtherhd. These ftball members and ther peple have prved that,” she wrte.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    删除:把多余词用斜线( \)划掉。
    Tday we had a chemistry test. I fund the test difficulty, but I tried hardly t d it. Suddenly Mary, my best friend, asking me t let her t cpy my answers. After think fr sme time, I let her cpy my answers. But after the test, all f us were called t the teacher’s ffice. The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the tests. We were warned nt t cheat again s she wuld need t see ur parents. I was very upset. I didn’t cheat. I was just helping a friend. Why des she punish me?
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你获悉首都博物馆正在招募于暑假期间做英文讲解的志愿者,向外国游客介绍中国文化。请你用英文给相关负责人写一封申请信,内容包括:
    1. 说明写信原因;
    2. 介绍你的相关经验和优势;
    3. 希望能被录用。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    1-5 CACBC 6-10 BBCAA 11-15 ABACB 16-20 BCACB高二英语期末试卷
    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1 Hw many students visited the Buckingham Palace?
    A. Twelve. B. Ten. C. Six.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an airplane. B. In a classrm. C. In a kitchen.
    3. What is the man’s attitude twards the wman’s advice?
    A. Ambiguus. B. Supprtive. C. Disapprving.
    4. What des the man dislike abut his living place?
    A. The surrundings. B. The nise. C. The neighbrs.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Whales. B. The weather. C. A sail.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des the wman d?
    A. She des interviews. B. She rganizes training. C. She psts jb advertisements.
    7. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She wrks in a training schl. B. She is ding a stressful jb. C. She will receive training.
    8. Why did the wman chse t be a teacher as a prfessin?
    A. Because f the pressure frm her family.
    B. Because f a teacher’s encuragement.
    C. Because f the passin fr the wrk.
    9. What des the wman think is the best part f her jb?
    A. Being with children. B. Winning thers’ respect. C. Learning different things.
    10. What des the wman want her students t be?
    A. Lifelng learners. B. Creative thinkers. C. Gd cmmunicatrs.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.
    12. What des the man think f starting ne’s wn business?
    A. Interesting. B. Helpful. C. Difficult.
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She hasn’t decided what t d. B. She will start her wn business. C. She prefers living a peaceful life.
    14. Wh prbably is the wman?
    A. A student. B. A parent. C. A receptinist.
    15. When will the part-time curse end?
    A. On July 29th. B. On August 26th. C. On August 29th.
    16. Hw much des it cst t take a full-time curse and live in a drmitry?
    A. $1,000. B. $1,160. C. $1,320.
    17 What des the man think f the price f the drmitry?
    A. High. B. Lw. C. Reasnable.
    18. When did Hemingway prduce his first cllectin f shrt stries?
    A. In 1923. B. In 1929. C. In 1952.
    19. What is his first nvel abut?
    A. His experiences during Wrld War I.
    B. The time when he wrked as a reprter.
    C. Thse gifted but lnely and angry peple.
    20. Why culd Hemingway win the Nbel Prize fr Literature accrding t the speaker?
    A. He wrte many bks and stries.
    B. He wrte it with his wn persnal experiences.
    C. He wrte abut his childhd.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2分,满分 30 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Craig Fster, bare-chested, was diving in bitterly cld waters ff the suthern-mst tip f Africa when he saw her--an ctpus hiding under a cat f shells and stnes.
    Deeply attracted, he began fllwing this incredibly shy creature.He kept cming back every day t the same place where he first met her, trying t stay very still in her presence.Fr weeks she refused him: hiding in her hme, r pushing her liquid bdy int the nearest crack t escape.And then, after Fster's dgged persistence fr 26 days, she reached ut and tuched him.
    In the dcumentary "My Octpus Teacher", this tender mment mves yu in a way yu never thught an ctpus tentacle(触手)wrapped arund a human hand culd.The nature dcumentary wn Best Feature at the EarthxFilm Festival 2020.
    "If yu gain the trust f that animal ver a perid f mnths, it will actually ignre yu t a certain degree and carry n with its nrmal life, and allw yu t step inside its secret wrld," Fster says in his dcumentary.
    We see her utsmarting a shark by riding n its back, grwing a new tentacle after surviving a shark attack, and finally wasting away after laying her eggs."The ctpus shwed me many behavirs that were cmpletely new t science," Fster says.
    After years f filming sme f the planet s mst dangerus animals, Fster was burnt ut, depressed, and discnnected."I was struggling.My nly way t heal felt like I needed t be in the cean, my g-t happy place as a child," he says.
    Cmpletely invlving himself in the underwater wrld has calmed his mind.Over the years ther animals have reached ut t make cntact, including dlphins, whales and even sharks."But nthing has cmpared t this 'nce-in-a-lifetime' bnd with the ctpus," Fster says.
    The ctpus changed Fster's life frever.Fster says the ctpus taught him that humans are part f the natural wrld, and nt simply visitrs."Yur wn rle and place in the natural wrld is the mst precius gift we humans have received," he says.
    1. Fster fllwed the ctpus with _______________.
    A great patienceB. a prfessinal gal
    C. scientific curisityD. an adventurus spirit
    2. Accrding t "My Octpus Teacher", the ctpus _______________.
    A. enjyed Fster's attentinB. taught Fster surviving skills
    C. placed trust in Fster graduallyD. benefited frm Fster's cmpany
    3. What did Fster learn frm the experience?
    A. The natural wrld ffers many gifts.
    B. Humans belng t the natural wrld.
    C. The natural wrld never fails t impress.
    D. Humans shuld prtect the natural wrld.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
    推理判断题。通过文章第二段“And then, after Fster's dgged persistence fr 26 days, she reached ut and tuched him.(然后,在福斯特顽强坚持了26天之后,她伸出触手摸了摸他。)”可知,福斯特通过26天获得了章鱼的信任,这需要很大的耐心。故选A项。
    推理判断题。通过文章第三段“In the dcumentary "My Octpus Teacher", this tender mment mves yu in a way yu never thught an ctpus tentacle(触手)wrapped arund a human hand culd.The nature dcumentary wn Best Feature at the EarthxFilm Festival 2020.(在纪录片《我的章鱼老师》中,这个温柔的时刻以一种你从未想到过的方式打动了你,一只章鱼的触须缠绕在人的手上,这部自然纪录片赢得了2020年地球电影节的最佳影片奖。)”可以推知章鱼通过接触,逐渐开始信任福斯特了。故选C项。
    细节理解题。通过文章最后一段“The ctpus changed Fster's life frever.Fster says the ctpus taught him that humans are part f the natural wrld, and nt simply visitrs.(章鱼永远改变了福斯特的生活。福斯特说章鱼教会他人类是自然世界的一部分,而不仅仅是游客。)”可知福斯特从这次经历中认识到了人类是属于自然界的。故选B项。
    Hundreds f peple die at sea every year due t ship and airplane accidents. Emergency teams have little time t rescue thse in the water because the prbability f finding a persn alive fall dramatically after six hurs. Beynd tides and challenging weather cnditins, unsteady castal currents ften make search and rescue peratins extremely difficult.
    New insight int castal flws gained by an internatinal research team led by Gerge Haller, Prfessr f Nnlinear Dynamics at ETH Zurich, prmises t enhance the search and rescue techniques currently in use. Using tls frm dynamical systems thery and cean data, the team has develped an algrithm (算法) t predict where bjects and peple flating in water will g. “Our wrk has a clear ptential t save lives,” says Mattia Serra, the first authr f a study recently published in Nature Cmmunicatins.
    In tday’s rescue peratins at sea, cmplicated mdels f cean dynamics and weather frecasting are used t predict the path f flating bjects. Fr fast-changing castal waters, hwever, such predictins are ften inaccurate due t uncertain bundaries and missing data. As a result, a search may be launched in the wrng lcatin, causing a lss f precius time.
    Haller’s research team btained mathematical results predicting that bjects flating n the cean’s surface shuld gather alng a few special curves (曲线) which they call TRansient Attracting Prfiles (TRAPs). These curves can’t be seen with ur eyes but can be tracked frm instant cean surface current data using recent mathematical methds develped by the ETH team. This enables quick and precise planning f search paths that are less sensitive t uncertainties in the time and place f the accident.
    In cperatin with a team frm MIT, the ETH team tested their new, TRAP-based search algrithm in tw separate cean experiments near Martha’s Vineyard, which is n the nrtheastern cast f the United States. Wrking frm the same real-time data available t the Cast Guard, the team successfully identified TRAPs in the regin in real time. They fund that buys and manikins (浮标和人体模型) thrwn in the water indeed quickly gathered alng these emerging curves. “Of several cmpeting appraches tested in this prject, this was the nly algrithm that cnsistently fund the right lcatin,” says Haller.
    “Our results are rapidly btained, easy t interpret and cheap t perfrm,” pints ut Serra. Haller stresses: “Our hpe is that this methd will becme a standard part f the tl kit f cast guards everywhere.”
    4. In a search and rescue peratin, .
    A. the survival rate drps t almst zer after six hurs
    B. the use f dynamics leads t the wrng lcatin
    C. weather cnditins are a determining factr
    D. changing currents present a challenge
    5. What is the distinct feature f the new algrithm?
    A. It relies n cean dynamics.
    B. It tracks the path f the curves.
    C. It stps the uncertainties f the accident.
    D. It figures ut hw tides change ver time.
    6. Paragraph 5 mainly talks abut .
    A. the cllectin f dataB. the testing f the algrithm
    C. the identificatin f the TRAPsD. the cperatin f tw research teams
    7. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Why Success Rates f Rescue Operatins have Fallen
    B. Why Algrithms are Ppular in Rescue Operatins
    C. Hw Mathematics Can Save Lives at Sea
    D. Hw Castal Waters Affect Saving Lives
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Beynd tides and challenging weather cnditins, unsteady castal currents ften make search and rescue peratins extremely difficult. ”(除了潮汐和天气条件的挑战外,不稳定的水流经常使搜寻和营救措施变得极其困难。)可知,在搜寻和营救中,变化的水流呈现出挑战。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“These curves can’t be seen with ur eyes but can be tracked frm instant cean surface current data using recent mathematical methds develped by the ETH team. ”(这些曲线不能被眼睛看到。但是通过使用由ETM小组发展的数学方法,能瞬间从海洋表面的水流数据追踪到这些曲线。)可知,新算法能追踪到曲线的路径,故选B项。
    段落大意题。根据第五段“the ETH team tested their new, TRAP-based search algrithm”(ETM小组基于TRAP的搜寻算法,来测试他们的新算法,。)可知,第五段主要讲述算法的测试,故选B项。
    标题判断题。第一段“Hundreds f peple die at sea every year due t ship and airplane accidents.”(每年成百上千的人由于船或飞机事故死在海中。)交代了文章的背景。根据第二段“the team has develped an algrithm t predict where bjects and peple flating in water will g.”(这个小组发展了算法,用于预测将要沉入水中的人和物。)及“recent mathematical methds… enables quick and precise planning f search paths”(最近的数学方法使搜寻路径变得快且精准。)可知,数学算法可以在海上精准地探测到人和物体,故文章主要讲述如何通过使用数学方法在海上挽救生命。故选C项。
    Acrss much f Spain n Tuesday mrning, a thin layer (层) f red dust (尘埃) cated everything utside. This included cars, buses, trees, and plants.
    As the sun rse, the dust in the air turned the skies in sme cities a strange range. The cause f the dust and unusual sky clr wasn’t a frest fire, but the dust frm the Sahara Desert. Every year, a large clud f dust rises frm the Sahara Desert. It’s called the Saharan Air Layer. Usually, it crsses the Atlantic Ocean as part f a natural cycle (圈) that helps develp farmland in Central and Suth America.
    But smetimes, depending n the weather, the layer f dust gets frced t the nrth. Large sandstrms in nrthern Africa lift sand and dust int the air, where it gets blwn tward Spain. These kinds f strms aren’t unknwn in Spain. In fact, it has a special name, calima. It is s large that it can be seen frm space. A NASA scientist says it’s like a river f dust in the air. That river f dust has met with a river f wet air driven by strng winds. Peple in sme cities, like Malaga and Navarra, reprted that it was raining dust. In ther places, the dust changed the clr f the snw n the grund.
    The dust clud cntinued t mve nrth and west, hitting bth France and the United Kingdm. The dust is expected t keep stalking, pssibly as far nrth as Denmark. The dust clud may make sme places a little fggy and sunsets very clrful.
    Sme weather experts warn that climate change culd make dust strms frm the Sahara Desert even mre serius in the future.
    8. Nrmally, what des the Saharan Air Layer d?
    A. It’s farmland-friendly.B. It des gd t the desert.
    C. It ends in the desert.D. It disappears in the cean.
    9. What can be learnt abut the calima in Spain?
    A. It has different clrs.B. It causes heavy rains.
    C. It is huge and famus.D. It is frmed near rivers.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “stalking” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Rising.B. Spreading.C. Getting weak.D. Becming different.
    11. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Culture.B. Health.C. Agriculture.D. Nature.
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. D
    细节理解题。文章第二段讲到“Usually, it crsses the Atlantic Ocean as part f a natural cycle (圈) that helps develp farmland in Central and Suth America. (通常,它作为自然循环的一部分穿越大西洋,这有助于开发中美洲和南美洲的农田。)”可知,通常情况下,撒哈拉空气层对农田很友好,故选A。
    推理判断题。文章第二段讲到“In fact, it has a special name, calima. It is s large that it can be seen frm space. (这种风暴在西班牙并不罕见。事实上,它有一个特殊的名字,卡利马。它如此之大,以至于可以从太空中看到)”可知,西班牙的calima是巨大而且著名的,故选C。
    词义猜测题。文章划线单词上一句“The dust clud cntinued t mve nrth and west, hitting bth France and the United Kingdm. (尘云继续向北和向西移动,袭击了法国和英国。预计灰尘将继续传播,可能会一直向北到丹麦)”可知划线单词所在句子The dust is expected t keep stalking, pssibly as far nrth as Denmark.的意思是:预计灰尘将继续跟踪,可能会一直向北到丹麦。因此第四段中带下划线单词的意思是“传播”,故选B。
    推理判断题。本文主要介绍了每年撒哈拉沙漠都会升起一大片被称为撒哈拉空气层的尘土,它是自然循环的一部分。同时介绍了撒哈拉空气层所经之处对天气变化的影响。尤其文章第二段“Every year, a large clud f dust rises frm the Sahara Desert. It’s called the Saharan Air Layer. Usually, it crsses the Atlantic Ocean as part f a natural cycle (圈) that helps develp farmland in Central and Suth America. (每年,撒哈拉沙漠都会升起一大片尘土。它被称为撒哈拉空气层。通常,它作为自然循环的一部分穿越大西洋这有助于开发中美洲和南美洲的农田。)”可知,这篇文章可以出现在报纸的自然部分。故选D。
    Lts f animals play. But the behavir is best knwn in mammals (哺乳动物) and birds. Nw the scientists at Lndn’s Queen Mary University reprt that bumblebees (大黄蜂) knw the same thing. But befre this, there were n reprts f insects playing.
    Dr. Lars Chittka began t wnder if bumblebees played during an earlier test. In that test, Chittka guided bumblebees t mve balls int a gal fr fd. He nticed that sme bees were rlling (滚动) balls even when they weren’t given fd. He wndered if they were playing.
    T test the idea, the scientists at his lab set up a new test. First, they numbered 45 yung bumblebees between ne and 23 days ld. The numbers let them fllw bumblebees’ behavir. Then, they set up a clear pathway frm the bumblebees’ hme t a feeding area. On either side f the pen pathway, the researchers placed small clred wden balls. On ne side f the path, the balls culdn’t mve. On the ther side, the balls culd rll arund. Fr three hurs a day, ver 18 days, the scientists pened the pathway between the hme and the feeding area. The bumblebees never had t leave the pathway t find fd, but they left anyway. They weren’t interested in the side where the balls didn’t mve, but they made lts f visits t the side with the rlling balls.
    Catching the balls with their legs, the bees wuld mve their wings t pull n the balls, causing them t rll. The 45 numbered bumblebees did this 910 times during the test. Thugh sme nly did it nce, thers did it a lt. The yunger nes liked t spend mre time rlling balls while the lder nes shwed less interest in it. One bee was recrded rlling balls 44 times in a single day. One was seen rlling balls 117 times ver the whle test.
    The test raises imprtant questins abut hw the insects’ minds wrk and whether they have feelings.
    12. What did Chittka want t d abut bumblebees in the earlier test?
    A. Discver if they played.B. Train them t mve balls.
    C. Make them learn t relax.D. Find ut if they’d share fd.
    13. What did the scientists d t bumblebees befre the new test?
    A. They named each f them.B. They let them interested in balls.
    C. They had all f them g hungry.D. They marked them ne by ne.
    14. What can we say abut the lder bumblebees’ behavir in the new test?
    A. They held their attentin fr lnger.B. They understd simpler numbers.
    C. They were less active in rlling balls.D. They helped the yung pull n balls.
    15. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. Bumblebees Are First Insects Knwn t Play
    B. Tw Tests Prve Bumblebees Expect t Play
    C. Bumblebees Are the Wrld’s Smartest Insects
    D. Scientists Make Bumblebees Wrk fr Them
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“Dr. Lars Chittka began t wnder if bumblebees played during an earlier test.(Lars Chittka博士开始想知道在早期的一次实验中大黄蜂是否在玩耍。)”可知,Chittka想知道在早期的一次实验中大黄蜂是否玩耍。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“First, they numbered 45 yung bumblebees between ne and 23 days ld. The numbers let them fllw bumblebees’ behavir.(首先,他们给45只1到23天大的年轻大黄蜂编号。这些数字让他们可以跟踪大黄蜂的行为。)”可知,科学家们在实验前给蜂编号是为了做标记区分这些蜂。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段的“The yunger nes liked t spend mre time rlling balls while the lder nes shwed less interest in it.(较小的蜂喜欢花更多的时间滚球,而较大的对此兴趣不大。)”可知,在滚球的这个活动中,较大的蜂不如小的蜂活跃。故选C项。
    标题归纳题。根据第一段中的“Nw the scientists at Lndn’s Queen Mary University reprt that bumblebees (大黄蜂) knw the same thing. But befre this, there were n reprts f insects playing.(现在,伦敦玛丽女王大学的科学家们报告说,大黄蜂也知道同样的事情。但在此之前,没有昆虫玩耍的报道。)”以及下文内容可知,本文主要介绍了大黄蜂是第一种被发现会玩的昆虫。因此A项“大黄蜂是已知的第一种会玩耍的昆虫”可以作文本文的最佳标题。故选A项。
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2分,满分 10 分)
    Nwadays, family life has becme even mre challenging than befre. Then, hw can we create a happier family life? Let’s see sme advice.
    Enjy tgetherness. When children are babies, parents are advised t spend ne-n-ne time with their babies. ____16____ This can be a big mistake since enjying each ther’s cmpany (陪伴) is ne f the easiest ways fr families t create lasting happiness. Parents shuld regularly spend quality time with their children ding activities tgether like playing games, sprts.
    ____17____ Althugh the Internet has certainly made cmmunicatin easier, it is still imprtant t have face-t-face time with yur family members. Try t avid using yur cell phne s much. ____18____ Many families have regular meetings where they discuss issues affecting (影响) the family. This can be a great way t start talking face t face. Yu can talk abut yur family’s values, r hw yu can wrk tgether as a grup t slve prblems that affect the family. ____19____
    Plan fun activities as a family. This can be smething that yu d nce r twice a mnth, r even nce a week. This can be smething as easy as ging t the beach, a park, r ging n a trip t visit relatives. ____20____ Ding the activities regularly can help yu build strnger relatinships with yur family members, and relieve (释放) stress that many families feel.
    A. Talk mre as a family.
    B. Let family members talk abut activities.
    C. But, as children get lder, the ne-n-ne time is reduced.
    D. Parents need t help their children manage their daily stress.
    E. Make quality cnversatin with yur family members, instead.
    F. Yu can als try simpler nes such as camping vernight in yur backyard.
    G. Regular cmmunicatin like this can help yu build strnger family relatinships.
    【答案】16. C 17. A 18. E 19. G 20. F
    上文“Enjy tgetherness. When children are babies, parents are advised t spend ne-n-ne time with their babies. (享受团聚。当孩子还是婴儿时,建议父母与孩子一对一相处)”说明父母和孩子应该多相处, 父母应该多陪伴孩子,因此C项“但是,随着孩子年龄的增长,一对一的时间减少了”符合语境,故选C。
    下文“Althugh the Internet has certainly made cmmunicatin easier, it is still imprtant t have face-t-face time with yur family members (虽然互联网确实让沟通变得更容易,但与家人面对面交流仍然很重要)”说明家庭成员之间面对面的交流非常重要,因此A项“作为一个家庭多说话”能够概括本段段意,故选A。
    上文“Try t avid using yur cell phne s much. (尽量避免过度使用手机)”说明在家庭谈话时要提高谈话的质量,因此E项“与家人进行高质量的交谈”符合语境,故选E。
    上文“Many families have regular meetings where they discuss issues affecting (影响) the family. This can be a great way t start talking face t face. (许多家庭定期开会讨论影响家庭的问题。这可能是一个开始面对面交谈的好方法。)”说明定期召开家庭会议是有积极效果的,空格处是积极效果具体体现之一,因此G项“像这样的定期沟通可以帮助你建立更牢固的家庭关系”符合语境,故选G。
    上文“Plan fun activities as a family. (作为一个家庭计划有趣的活动)”强调有趣的家庭活动,因此F项“你也可以尝试更简单的方式,比如在后院露营过夜”也是有趣的家庭活动,故选F。
    第三部分 英语知识应用
    第一节 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分30分)
    When I wanted t get int my little daughter's rm ne evening, stpped. Thrugh the crack f the dr, I saw her playing alne. In ne hand was plastic ___21___ and in the ther, a ty brm. I ___22___ calmly as she was speaking t her make-believe little friend and I'll never frget the wrds she said ___23___it was Just a pretence(假装).
    She said, "Rsa is in the crner because she hasn't been very ___24___ and quiet lately. She didn't listen t me r d what she shuld. " In the crner I saw her baby dll. It was___25___ that she'd been put there t sit ___26___ and think by herself. My daughter went n with her "___27___", as I sat dwn n the flr. She said "I'm ___28___ f all this. I really dn't knw hw t ___29___ her any mre. She cries whenever I have t wrk and wants t play games, t. She never ___30___me t d the things I just have t. She tries t help me with the dishes, but her arms can't reach. I dn't have the energy t teach. I have much wrk t d and a big huse t keep ___31___ . I dn't have time t sit and play -understand what I mean?"
    Later, I thught abut making changes in my life as I listened t her ___32___ wrds that cut me like a knife. I didn't pay enugh ___33___ t what I care mst abut. I'd been caught up in respnsibilities that ___34___ thrughut the year.
    But nw my___35___ has greatly changed because in my heart I realize that I've seen the wrld in a ___36___ way thrugh my daughter's eyes. S, just let the spider webs take up the crners and the dusty ty rabbit ___37___ the flr. Anyway, I'm nt ging t ___38___them any mre. I'm ging t fill the huse with ___39___ f a child and her mther because we're given nly ne childhd, and we'll ___40___get anther.
    21 A. phneB. blckC. tyD. speaker
    22. A. thughtB. mvedC. listenedD. wrked
    23. A. as ifB. nw thatC. s thatD. even thugh
    24. A. carefulB. gdC. reliableD. serius
    25. A. pssibleB. sensitiveC. strangeD. clear
    26. A. smewhereB. straightC. alneD. anyhw
    27. A. pininB. cnversatinC. expressinD. stry
    28. A. sureB. tiredC. fndD. afraid
    29. A. deal withB. care abutC. turn tD. rely n
    30. A. persuadesB. helpsC. allwsD. requests
    31. A. safeB. quietC. cmfrtableD. tidy
    32. A. simpleB. flishC. harmfulD. empty
    33. A. patienceB. attentinC. cnfidenceD. imprtance
    34. A. changedB. fellC. increasedD. escaped
    35. A. galB. decisinC. lifeD. attitude
    36. A. differentB. peacefulC. friendlyD. clever
    37. A. cleanB. cverC. decrateD. rule
    38. A. get intB. wrry abutC. watch verD. suffer frm
    39. A. memriesB. gamesC. wishesD. prmises
    40. A. hardlyB. everC. neverD. even
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. D 38. B 39. A 40. C
    【详解】1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一只手拿着塑料电话,另一只手拿着玩具扫帚。A.phne电话;B.blck街区;C.ty玩具;D.speaker演讲者,扬声器。根据下文 “as she was speaking t her make-believe little friend ”可知,此处表示塑料电话。故选A。
    2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我静静地听着她和那个假装的小朋友说话,我永远不会忘记她说的那些话,即使那只是假装的。A.thught认为,思考;B.mved感动;C.listened听;D.wrked工作。根据下文“calmly as she was speaking t her make-believe little friend” 可知,此处表示静静地听。故选C。
    3.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我静静地听着她和那个假装的小朋友说话,我永远不会忘记她说的那些话,即使那只是假装的。A.as if好像,仿佛;B.nw that既然;C.s that以便,所以;D.even thugh 即使,虽然。根据“it was just a pretence”可知,此处表示即使。故选D。
    4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:苏西呆在角落里,因为她最近表现不太好。A.careful小心的,仔细的;B.gd好的;C.reliable可靠的;D.serius严肃的。根据下文“She didn’t listen t me r d what she shuld”可知,她不听我的,也不做她该做的事。所以,此处表示表现不太好。故选B。
    5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很明显,她被放在那儿是为了独自坐着,一个人思考。A.pssible可能的;B.sensitive敏感的;C.strange奇怪的;D.clear明显的,显著的。根据上文“In the crner I saw her baby dll”可知,此处表示明显能看出来。故选D。
    6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:很明显,她被放在那儿是为了独自坐着,一个人思考。A.smewhere在某处;B.straight径直地;直接地;C.alne独自地;D.anyhw无论如何,不管怎样。根据下文“and think by herself”,可知,此处表示独自坐着。故选C。
    7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我坐在地板上,女儿继续她的“谈话”。A.pinin意见;B.cnversatin交谈,会话;C.expressin表情;D.stry故事。根据上文“as she was speaking t her make-believe little friend”可知,此处表示女儿继续假装和小朋友的“谈话”。故选B。
    8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说:“我厌倦了这一切。”A.sure确定的; B.tired厌倦的; C.fnd喜爱的; D.afraid害怕的。根据上文中“She didn't listen t me r d what she shuld. ”可知,此处是说她讨厌这一切。故选B。
    9.考查短语词义辨析。句意:我真的不知道该怎么应付她了。A.deal with应付,处理; B.care abut关心; C.turn t转向; D.rely n依赖。结合上文“I'm 8 f all this.”及下文“She cries whenever I have t wrk ”可知,此处指不知道如何应付她。故选A。
    10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她从不允许我做我必须做的事。A.persuades说服;B.helps 帮助;C.allws 允许;D.requests要求。根据上文“ She cries whenever I have t wrk and wants t play games, t. ”可知,此处指她不允许我做我必须做的事。故选C。
    11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我有很多工作要做,有一个大房子要保持整洁。A.safe安全的;B.quiet安静的;C.cmfrtable舒适的;D.tidy整洁的,整齐的。根据上文“a big huse t keep” 可知,此处表示保持房子的整洁。故选D。
    12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随后,当我听着她那些简单的话语时,我的心像刀子一样刺痛着我,我想到在我的生活中做一些改变。A.simple简单的; B.flish 愚蠢的;C.harmful有害的; D.empty空的。根据上文中“I'm 8 f all this. I really dn't knw hw t 9 her any ”可知,此处表示对女儿来说,这些话是简单的抱怨。故选A。
    13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没有足够重视我关心的事情。A.patience耐心; B.attentin 注意;C.cnfidence信心; D.imprtance重要性。根据下文“I'm ging t fill the huse with 19 f a child and her mther because we're given nly ne childhd, and we'll 20 get anther.”可知,我要让这个房子充满孩子和她母亲的回忆,因为我们只有一个童年,再也不会有另一个了。所以,此处指我没有关注我最应该关心的。选项B符合题意。故选B。
    14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一年来,我的责任越来越重。A.changed改变;B.fell落下;C.increased增加;D.escaped逃离。根据“I’d been caught up in respnsibilities ”可知,此处表示责任增加了。故选C。
    15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但现在我的态度有了很大的改变,因为在我心里,我意识到通过我的小女儿的眼睛,我以一种不同的方式看待这个世界。A.gal目标;B.decisin决定;C.life生活;D.attitude态度。根据下文“has greatly changed”可知,此处表示态度有了很大的改变。故选D。
    16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但现在我的态度有了很大的改变,因为在我心里,我意识到通过我的小女儿的眼睛,我以一种不同的方式看待这个世界。A.different不同的;B.peaceful和平的;C.friendly友好的;D.clever聪明的。根据下文“thrugh my little girl’s eyes”可知,此处表示以一种不同的方式。故选A。
    17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以让蜘蛛网占据角落,让玩具兔子统治地板吧。A.clean清扫; B.cver 覆盖;C.decrate装饰; D.rule统治。根据上文“ let the spider webs take up the crners and the dusty ty rabbit”可知,此处表示让蜘蛛网占据角落,让玩具兔统治地板吧,旨在突出把注意力从家务转移到与孩子的相处,故选D。
    18.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我不会再担心它们了。A.get int进入,穿上;B.wrry abut担心;C.watch ver照看;照料;D.suffer frm遭遇。根据上文中 “ I'm nt ging t及下文“them any mre”可知,此处表示我不会再担心它们了,即:布偶在过渡强调房间的清洁,孩子可以在屋子里尽情地玩耍。故选B。
    19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我要让屋子里充满一个孩子和她母亲的回忆,因为我们只有一个童年,永不会有第二个了。A.memries回忆,记忆;B.games比赛,游戏;C.wishes愿望;D.prmises承诺。根据上文中“I'm ging t fill the huse with”及下文中“a child and her mther”可知,此处表示回忆。故选A。
    20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我要让屋子里充满一个孩子和她母亲的回忆,因为我们只有一个童年,永不会有第二个了。A.hardly几乎不;B.ever曾经;C.never永不,从不;D.even甚至。根据上文“because we're given nly ne childhd”可知,此处表示永不会有第二个童年。故选C。
    第三部分 英语知识应用
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15分)
    On the ftball field, it desn’t always matter what team peple are n. When a player is ____41____ need, everyne answers the call.
    A Pennsylvania high schl ftball team and ____42____ (they) caches shwed a great act f kindness fr a member f the ppsing (对手的) team after a recent game. The game was ____43____(real) a fight t the finish, but these peple came tgether t prvide encuragement fr a greater fight ahead.
    ____44____ tw teams are Avn Grve High Schl and Catesville High Schl. During a Friday night game, bth teams turned up at midfield with the purpse f ____45____ (give) Gavin Picard ballns and a gift. Gavin, ____46____ plays fr Avn Grve, was recently diagnsed (诊断) with cancer.
    Rachel Taylr Wilsn, ne f Gavin’s ____47____(classmate), shared her thughts abut the supprt fr Gavin n the scial media. “____48____(shw) Gavin Picard the kind supprt, Catesville players and caches came up t ur team after the game. There ____49____ (be) nt very many dry eyes n the field because everyne there was s _____50_____(mve). Ftball is mre than wins and lsses. It’s a brtherhd. These ftball members and ther peple have prved that,” she wrte.
    【答案】41. in 42. their
    43. really 44. The##These
    45. giving 46. wh
    47. classmates
    48. T shw
    49. were 50. mved
    考查介词。句意:当球员需要时,每个人都会应召。短语be in need表示“需要”。故填in。
    考查冠词。句意:这两支球队分别是Avn Grve高中和Catesville高中。空处特指这两个足球队,可用定冠词the或者these。故填The/These。
    考查可数名词复数。句意:雷切尔·泰勒·威尔逊是加文的同班同学之一,她在社交媒体上分享了她对加文支持的想法。classmate为可数名词,且ne f表示“……之一”,后加可数名词的复数形式。故填classmates。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了向加文·皮卡尔表示善意的支持,科茨维尔的球员和教练在比赛结束后来到了我们的球队。分析句子结构可知,空处为非谓语动词作目的状语,所以用动词不定式。故填T shw。
    考查主谓一致。句意:在场上很多人眼睛都很湿润,因为在场上的每个人都非常感动。根据空后的many dry eyes可知,there be句型中的be动词用复数形式。结合上下文可知,句子为一般过去时。故填were。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。
    Tday we had a chemistry test. I fund the test difficulty, but I tried hardly t d it. Suddenly Mary, my best friend, asking me t let her t cpy my answers. After think fr sme time, I let her cpy my answers. But after the test, all f us were called t the teacher’s ffice. The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the tests. We were warned nt t cheat again s she wuld need t see ur parents. I was very upset. I didn’t cheat. I was just helping a friend. Why des she punish me?
    【详解】1.考查形容词。句意:我发现考试很难,但我尽了最大的努力。find sth.后用形容词作宾语补足语,difficulty的形容词是difficult,意为“困难的”,故将difficulty改为difficult。
    4.考查不带t的不定式。句意:突然,玛丽,我最好的朋友,让我让她抄我的答案。let sb. d sth.意为“让某人做某事”,d是省略t的不定式,故去掉t。
    8.考查名词。句意:老师很生气,因为我们在考试中得到了相同的答案。由前面的“a chemistry test”可知,那是一场考试,因此test用单数,故将tests改为test。
    9.考查连词。句意:我们被警告不要再作弊了,否则她就得去见我们的父母。由后面的“she wuld need t see ur parents”可知,句子表示“我们被警告不要再作弊了,否则她就得去见我们的父母”,“否则”是r,故将s改为r。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你获悉首都博物馆正在招募于暑假期间做英文讲解的志愿者,向外国游客介绍中国文化。请你用英文给相关负责人写一封申请信,内容包括:
    1. 说明写信原因;
    2. 介绍你的相关经验和优势;
    3. 希望能被录用。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Sir r Madam,
    Knwing English vlunteer guides fr the Frbidden City are wanted in the summer vacatin, I am writing t apply fr this psitin. I am a Senir 3 student in Hngxing Middle Schl, and I believe I am qualified fr the psitin. These years, I have been n several exchange prgrams in America, which makes me cnfident with my cmmunicatin skills in English. Besides, as a fan f Chinese ancient histry, I am sure my knwledge will prve helpful when intrducing the Frbidden City t freign guests. I wuld be very grateful if yu culd ffer me the pprtunity.
    Thank yu fr yur cnsideratin.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    此外:besides→what’s mre
    原句:Knwing English vlunteer guides fr the Frbidden City are wanted in the summer vacatin, I am writing t apply fr this psitin.
    拓展句:As I knw English vlunteer guides fr the Frbidden City are wanted in the summer vacatin, I am writing t apply fr this psitin.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】These years, I have been n several exchange prgrams in America, which makes me cnfident with my cmmunicatin skills in English.(运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Besides, as a fan f Chinese ancient histry, I am sure my knwledge will prve helpful when intrducing the Frbidden City t freign guests.(when引导的时间状语从句的省略)
    【高分句型3】I wuld be very grateful if yu culd ffer me the pprtunity.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句)

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