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    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷
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      专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考通用)(原卷版).docx
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      专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考通用)(解析版).docx
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷01
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷02
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷03
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷01
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷02
    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷03
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    【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷

    这是一份【热点题型归纳+演变】2024年高考英语专题训练 专题11 阅读理解之记叙文-试卷,文件包含专题11阅读理解之记叙文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练新高考通用原卷版docx、专题11阅读理解之记叙文-2024年高考英语二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练新高考通用解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    题型01 细节事实题
    细节理解题目主要考查学生对文章具体事实和细节的理解能力,属于表层理解题范畴,难度较小,但在整个阅读理解题中所占比例最大,细节理解题多从文章的某个具体事实或细节出发来设计题目。包括三种题型:1.直接事实题;2.间接事实题;3. 数据推算。
    Inspired by the effrtless way humans handle bjects withut seeing them, a team led by engineers at the University f Califrnia San Dieg has develped a new apprach that enables a rbtic hand t rtate (旋转) bjects slely thrugh tuch, withut relying n visin.
    Using their technique, the researchers built a rbtic hand that can smthly rtate a wide variety f bjects, frm small tys, cans t even fruits and vegetables, withut bruising r damaging them. The rbtic hand accmplished these tasks using nly infrmatin based n tuch. The wrk culd aid in the develpment f rbts that can manipulate bjects in the dark.
    T build their system, the researchers attached 16 tuch sensrs t the palm and fingers f a fur-fingered rbtic hand. Each sensr csts abut $12 and serves a simple functin: detect whether an bject is tuching it r nt.
    What makes this apprach unique is that it relies n many lw-cst tuch sensrs that use simple, binary (二进制的) signals—tuch r n tuch—t perfrm rbtic in-hand rtatin. These sensrs are spread ver a large area f the rbtic hand. This cntrasts with a variety f ther appraches that rely n a few high-cst tuch sensrs affixed t a small area f the rbtic hand, primarily at the fingertips.
    The researchers then tested their system n the real-life rbtic hand with bjects that the system has nt yet encuntered. The rbtic hand was able t rtate a variety f bjects withut stalling r lsing its hld. The bjects included a tmat, pepper, a can f peanut butter and a ty rubber duck, which was the mst challenging bject due t its shape.
    The researchers are nw wrking n extending their apprach t mre cmplex manipulatin tasks. They are currently develping techniques t enable rbtic hands t catch, thrw and juggle, fr example. “If we can give rbts this skill, that will pen the dr t the kinds f tasks they can perfrm,” said ne f the researchers.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “manipulate” prbably mean?
    10. Why is the ty rubber duck difficult fr a rbtic hand t rtate?
    A. It’s never been seen by rbts.B. It has an unusual shape.
    C. It has a unique smell.D. It can damage rbts.
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The bjects included a tmat, pepper, a can f peanut butter and a ty rubber duck, which was the mst challenging bject due t its shape. (这些物品包括一个西红柿、辣椒、一罐花生酱和一个玩具橡皮鸭,由于它的形状,橡皮鸭是最具挑战性的物品。)”可知,橡皮鸭特殊的形状使得机械手很难旋转它。故选B。
    题型02 主题理解或写作意图推断题
    写作意图题要求考生在理解文章主旨的基础上明白作者的言外之意,找到作者的写作意图。题干中常有 purpse, in rder t 等词。不同体裁文章的写作意图不同。故事类记叙文的目的通常是娱乐读者(t entertain);广告类应用文的目的一般是推销产品或服务(t advertise);议论文的目的是要阐述论点(t argue/persuade);科普、文化类说明文的目的大多是介绍知识(t infrm)。这类题型经常考查短文的标题(title, headline);短文或段落的主题(subject);中心思想(main idea);作者的写作目的(purpse)。
    1.What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    2.What des the secnd paragraph mainly discuss?
    3.What is the passage mainly abut?
    4.The main purpse f annuncing the abve events is __________.
    Nisy family? Lud cnstructin right utside yur windw? A new flexible ludspeaker culd help yu rest easily. It culd turn yur walls int nise-canceling systems.
    The new ludspeaker is abut as thick as a few sheets f paper. It’s lightweight and flexible enugh t stick t mst surfaces t cntrl nise much easier, ntes Jinchi Han, an electrical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy in Cambridge.
    Lts f dme-shaped (圆顶状的) micrstructures are in the centre f the new speaker. Han’s team sandwiches their new material between tw plastic sheets t prtect the dmes. “The bttm layer lifts up the small dmes s that they can vibrate (震动) freely, and the upper prtective layer is thicker than the dmes that are secured in the middle f the layers,” he explains. “S if yu tuch the surface, yu dn’t need t wrry abut damaging these small structures.”
    Han pints ut large area f the new material culd make cntrlling nise much easier.
    Each dme wrks as a tiny speaker. The dmes can generate sund waves all tgether, in grups r individually. Wallpapering yur bedrm with this material wuld create speakers all arund yu. Thse same speakers culd then dampen r cancel unwanted sund. “If yu desire, yu culd turn any space int a quiet zne where yu culd sleep r study with barely any nise,” Han says. He als sees applicatins in cars, airplanes, apartments r wherever unwanted nise is a prblem.
    Large versins culd be the next step fr this super-thin speakers, says Lri Beckstead, a sund artist.
    “The new speakers are s thin and light that they culd be placed in spaces where traditinal ludspeakers might have been impractical,” Beckstead adds. She ntes that adding nise-canceling technlgy t lud spaces frm restaurants t nisy industrial plants wuld be fantastic.
    15. What is Beckstead’s attitude t the applicatin f the new speakers?
    A. Favrable.B. Intlerant.C. Dubtful.D. Unclear.
    【解析】观点态度题。根据最后一段“‘The new speakers are s thin and light that they culd be placed in spaces where traditinal ludspeakers might have been impractical,’ Beckstead adds. She ntes that adding nise- canceling technlgy t lud spaces frm restaurants t nisy industrial plants wuld be fantastic. (Beckstead补充说:‘这种新型扬声器非常轻薄,可以放置在传统扬声器可能不切实际的地方。’她指出,在从餐馆到嘈杂的工业工厂的嘈杂空间中添加降噪技术将是非常棒的)”可推知, Beckstead对这种新型扬声器的应用持支持态度。故选A。
    题型03 推理推断题
    此类题的设问常常包括infer, imply, suggest, cnclude 等词,这类题的设问方式主要有:
    1. We can infer frm the passage that __________.
    2. What / Which f the fllwing can be inferred frm the passage?
    3. It can be inferred / cncluded (frm Paragraph 3) that __________.
    4. The authr suggests / The writer implies in this paragraph that __________.
    5. On the whle / Frm the text / After reading the passage, we can cnclude that __________.
    6. What cnclusin can be drawn frm the passage?
    7. The authr is inclined t think that __________.
    8. When the writer talks abut, what he really means is that __________.
    9. What’s the writer’s attitude / feeling 
    10. In the writer’s pinin,...
    At nly 8 years ld, Kayzen Hunter has already displayed mre character than sme peple ever manage. It all started abut a year ag when the child became a regular diner at the Waffle Huse in Little Rck, Arkansas. His family ges fr breakfast there at least nce a week, and they always chse t sit in a certain waiter’s sectin.
    Devnte Gardner is a father f tw wh wrks hard fr his living. He always has a smile n his face, and he quickly frmed a friendly relatinship with Kayzen and his family. “I cme with a psitive attitude,” Devnte said. “I treat everybdy with smile. I als lve t see everybdy smile.” His kindness affected Kayzen. “Devnte is just a really nice persn,” he explained. “Really gd guy. Super nice t everyne he meets.”
    After a year f cntact, the child’s family learned the truth behind Devnte’s bright smile. Devnte, his wife, and their tw yung daughters have been living in a cheap mtel fr the past eight mnths. Their frmer apartment was filled with bugs and had black mld(黑霉), which made his kids sick. Every cent Devnte makes ges tward keeping his children fed, clthed, and hused, and the struggle was verwhelming. Since he can’t affrd a car, he als walks t and frm wrk every day. Even s, he shwed up at wrk every day with a smile n his face, ready t serve and make friends with custmers like Kayzen.
    Kayzen knew right away that he wanted t help his friend. He went hme and tld his mm, Vittria Hunter, that he wanted t start a GFundMe t help Devnte get mney fr a new car.
    “Devnte is ne f the mst jyus and psitive peple yu’ve ever met!” Vittria and Kayzen wrte n the GFundMe. “He always greets us with the biggest smile. I hpe yu will help me spread kindness in the wrld. ” Their initial gal was $5,000, but wrd quickly spread in their cmmunity. The GFundMe currently sits at ver $100,000!
    4. Why are Kayzen and his family mentined in paragraph 1?
    A. T explain the imprtance f a smile.B. T shw the great ppularity f the restaurant.
    C. T intrduce the main character f the text.D. T present the relatinship f characters.
    【答案】推理判断题。根据第一段“At nly 8 years ld, Kayzen Hunter has already displayed mre character than sme peple ever manage. It all started abut a year ag when the child became a regular diner at the Waffle Huse in Little Rck, Arkansas. His family ges fr breakfast there at least nce a week, and they always chse t sit in a certain waiter’s sectin.(年仅8岁的Kayzen Hunter已经展现出了比一些人所能表现出的更多的性格。这一切始于大约一年前,当时这个孩子成为阿肯色州小石城华夫饼屋的常客。他的家人每周至少去那里吃一次早餐,他们总是选择坐在某个服务员区。)”和第二段前两句“Devnte Gardner is a father f tw wh wrks hard fr his living. He always has a smile n his face, and he quickly frmed a friendly relatinship with Kayzen and his family.(Devnte Gardner是两个孩子的父亲,他努力工作谋生。他总是面带微笑,很快就与Kayzen和他的家人建立了友好的关系。)”可知,文章首段介绍八岁的Kayzen和他的家人经常去Devnte工作的餐厅就餐,并且和Devnte建立了非常友好的关系。再结合下文讲述Kayzen帮助Devnte筹集资金的故事可推知,首段中介绍Kayzen以及他的家庭是为了引出本文真正的主人公 Devnte以及他们之间的故事。故选C。
    题型04 词义、句义猜测题
    1.The wrd “...” in be replaced by...
    2.As used in the passage, the phrase “...” suggests...
    3.Frm the passage, we can infer that the wrd/phrase “...” is/referred t...
    4.The wrd “...” is clsest in meaning t...
    此类题目可以采用以下几种方法:1. 利用构词法;2. 联系上下文语境;3. 代入法。词义推断题有时候可以同时运用构词法、语境和代入法,短语的语义高度依赖上下文内容和逻辑。
    Dear Editr,
    I’m nw a pstgraduate student and have studied at tp universities, but am trubled that my life chices are cnditined by a need t prve myself, pssibly resulting frm a deep-rted sense f insecurity. At schl, I based my self-wrth n academic success. I care excessively (过度地) abut what impressin I’m making and can’t bear the thught f displeasing peple. Hw can I stp caring what ther peple think?
    Mr. Perfect
    Dear Mr. Perfect,
    Yu are living yur life by externally referencing. This means yur actins are guided by what yu imagine ther peple think f yu. Yur challenge is t becme mre internally referenced, which means yu can make chices guided by the experience f hw things feel t yu. G with what feels gd, nt with what yu think wuld lk gd t thers.
    Yu dn’t need t impress anyne. Yu are gd enugh exactly as yu are. We are nt necessarily accepted by peple because we impress them and, in fact, if we try t hard t d that, we are mre likely t be rejected. Yu dn’t have t say “tp” university, yu can be prud f what yu have achieved, but withut being cmpetitive.
    We d care abut what peple think abut us. We want friendly clleagues and clse friends-it matters. Peple will want t be arund yu because they feel seen by yu and yu can get n each ther’s wavelengths, nt because yu are impressive. S let g f impressing and think mre abut relating. Wrthiness is nt abut being a tp academic, it is abut being a caring, curius human being.
    3. What des the underlined wrd “relating” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Shwing empathy.B. Turning fr help.
    C. Establishing new relatinships.D. Pleasing peple.
    【解析】词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“Wrthiness is nt abut being a tp academic, it is abut being a caring, curius human being.(价值不在于成为顶尖的学者,而在于成为一个关心他人、充满好奇心的人)”可知,菲利帕认为我们要关心他人,即对他人表现出同情心。故划线词意思是“表现同情心”。故选A。
    题型01 细节事实题
    When Jhn Tdd was a child, he lved t explre the wds arund his huse, bserving hw nature slved prblems. A dirty stream, fr example, ften became clear after flwing thrugh plants and alng rcks where tiny creatures lived. When he gt lder, Jhn started t wnder if this prcess culd be used t clean up the messes peple were making.
    After studying agriculture, medicine, and fisheries in cllege, Jhn went back t bserving nature and asking questins. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)? Which kinds f fish can eat cancer-causing chemicals? With the right cmbinatin f animals and plants, he figured, maybe he culd clean up waste the way nature did. He decided t build what he wuld later call an ec-machine.
    The task Jhn set fr himself was t remve harmful substances frm sme sludge (污泥). First, he cnstructed a series f clear fiberglass tanks cnnected t each ther. Then he went arund t lcal pnds and streams and brught back sme plants and animals. He placed them in the tanks and waited. Little by little, these different kinds f life gt used t ne anther and frmed their wn ecsystem. After a few weeks, Jhn added the sludge.
    He was amazed at the results. The plants and animals in the ec-machine tk the sludge as fd and began t eat it! Within weeks, it had all been digested, and all that was left was pure water.
    Over the years, Jhn has taken n many big jbs. He develped a greenhuse — like facility that treated sewage (污水) frm 1,600 hmes in Suth Burlingtn. He als designed an ec-machine t clean canal water in Fuzhu, a city in sutheast China.
    “Eclgical design” is the name Jhn gives t what he des. “Life n Earth is kind f a bx f spare parts fr the inventr,” he says. “Yu put rganisms in new relatinships and bserve what’s happening. Then yu let these new systems develp their wn ways t self-repair.”
    25. Why did Jhn put the sludge int the tanks?
    A. T feed the animals.B. T build an ecsystem.
    C. T prtect the plants.D. T test the ec-machine.
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段“After a few weeks, Jhn added the sludge. (几个星期后,约翰把污泥加了进去)”以及倒数第三段“He was amazed at the results. The plants and animals in the ec-machine tk the sludge as fd and began t eat it! Within weeks, it had all been digested, and all that was left was pure water. (他对结果感到惊讶。生态机器里的动植物把污泥当成了食物,开始吃了起来!几周之内,它就被消化了,只剩下纯净水)”可知,约翰把污泥放进罐子里是为了测试生态机器。故选D。
    题型02 主题理解或写作意图推断题
    Reading Art: Art fr Bk Lvers is a celebratin f an everyday bject — the bk, represented here in almst three hundred artwrks frm museums arund the wrld. The image f the reader appears thrughut histry, in art made lng befre bks as we nw knw them came int being. In artists’ representatins f bks and reading, we see mments f shared humanity that g beynd culture and time.
    In this “bk f bks,” artwrks are selected and arranged in a way that emphasizes these cnnectins between different eras and cultures. We see scenes f children learning t read at hme r at schl, with the bk as a fcus fr relatins between the generatins. Adults are prtrayed (描绘) alne in many settings and pses — absrbed in a vlume, deep in thught r lst in a mment f leisure. These scenes may have been painted hundreds f years ag, but they recrd mments we can all relate t.
    Bks themselves may be used symblically in paintings t demnstrate the intellect (才智), wealth r faith f the subject. Befre the wide use f the printing press, bks were treasured bjects and culd be wrks f art in their wn right. Mre recently, as bks have becme inexpensive r even thrwaway, artists have used them as the raw material fr artwrks — transfrming cvers, pages r even cmplete vlumes int paintings and sculptures.
    Cntinued develpments in cmmunicatin technlgies were nce believed t make the printed page utdated. Frm a 21st-century pint f view, the printed bk is certainly ancient, but it remains as interactive as any battery-pwered e-reader. T serve its functin, a bk must be activated by a user: the cver pened, the pages parted, the cntents reviewed, perhaps ntes written dwn r wrds underlined. And in cntrast t ur increasingly netwrked lives where the infrmatin we cnsume is mnitred and tracked, a printed bk still ffers the chance f a whlly private, “ff-line” activity.
    31. What des the authr want t say by mentining the e-reader?
    A. The printed bk is nt ttally ut f date.B. Technlgy has changed the way we read.
    C. Our lives in the 21st century are netwrked.D. Peple nw rarely have the patience t read.
    题型03 推理推断题
    What cmes int yur mind when yu think f British fd? Prbably fish and chips, r a Sunday dinner f meat and tw vegetables. But is British fd really s uninteresting? Even thugh Britain has a reputatin fr less-than-impressive cuisine, it is prducing mre tp class chefs wh appear frequently n ur televisin screens and whse recipe bks frequently tp the best seller lists.
    It’s thanks t these TV chefs rather than any advertising campaign that Britns are turning away frm meat-and-tw-veg and ready-made meals and becming mre adventurus in their cking habits. It is recently reprted that the number f thse sticking t a traditinal diet is slwly declining and arund half f Britain’s cnsumers wuld like t change r imprve their cking in sme way. There has been a rise in the number f students applying fr fd curses at UK universities and clleges. It seems that TV prgrammes have helped change what peple think abut cking.
    Accrding t a new study frm market analysts, 1 in 5 Britns say that watching ckery prgrammes n TV has encuraged them t try different fd. Almst ne third say they nw use a wider variety f ingredients (配料) than they used t, and just under 1 in 4 say they nw buy better quality ingredients than befre. One in fur adults say that TV chefs have made them much mre cnfident abut expanding their ckery knwledge and skills, and yung peple are als getting mre interested in cking. The UK’s bsessin (痴迷) with fd is reflected thrugh televisin scheduling. Ckery shws and dcumentaries abut fd are bradcast mre ften than befre. With an increasing number f male chefs n TV, it’s n lnger “uncl” fr bys t like cking.
    31. What might the authr cntinue talking abut?
    A. The art f cking in ther cuntries.B. Male chefs n TV prgrammes.
    C. Table manners in the UK.D. Studies f big eaters.
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“With an increasing number f male chefs n TV, it’s n lnger “uncl” fr bys t like cking.”(随着电视上出现越来越多男性厨师,男孩子喜欢烹饪不再是一件“不酷”的事了。)可知,接下来,文章应该具体介绍电视上的男性厨师,从而与上文形成语义连贯。故选B项。
    题型04 词义、句义猜测题
    Terri Bltnis a dab hand when it cmes t DIY (d-it-yurself). Skilled at putting up shelves and piecing tgether furniture, she never pays smene else t d a jb she can d herself.
    She credits these skills t her late grandfather and builder Derek Llyd. Frm the age f six, Terri, nw 26, accmpanied Derek t wrk during her schl hlidays. A day’s wrk was rewarded with £ 5 in pcket mney. She says: “I’m sure I wasn’t much f a help t start with painting the rms and putting dwn the flring thrughut the huse. It tk weeks and is was backbreaking wrk, but I knw he was prud f my skills.”
    Terri, wh nw rents a huse with friends in Wandswrth, Suth West Lndn, says DIY als saves her frm lsing any depsit when a tenancy (租期) cmes t an end. She adds: “I’ve mved huse many times and I always like t persnalise my rm and put up pictures. S, it’s been useful t knw hw t cver up hles and repaint a rm t avid any charges when I’ve mved ut.”
    With millins f peple likely t take n DIY prjects ver that cming weeks, new research shws that mre than half f peple are planning t make the mst f the lng, warm summer days t get jbs dne. The average spend per prject will be arund £ 823. Tw thirds f peple aim t imprve their cmfrt while at hme. Tw fifth wish t increase the value f their huse. Thugh DIY has traditinally been seen as male hbby, the research shws it is wmen nw leading the charge.
    24. Which is clsest in meaning t “a dab hand” in paragraph 1?
    A. An artist.B. A winner.C. A specialist.D. A pineer.
    【解析】词句猜测题。根据文章第一段画线短语下文“Skilled at putting up shelves and piecing tgether furniture, she never pays smene else t d a jb she can d herself. (她擅长摆架子和拼接家具,从不付钱给别人做她自己能做的工作)”可推知,此处指Terri Bltnis是一位DIY高手。C项“A specialist (一位专业人员)”最接近画线短语“a dab hand”的意思。故选C。
    What sprts are yu int? Ftball? Tennis? Swimming? If yu’re lking fr a change, yu might like t try ne f these.
    Octpush (r underwater hckey as it’s als knwn) is a frm f hckey that’s played in a swimming pl. Participants wear a mask and snrkel and try t mve a puck (水球) acrss the bttm f a pl. The sprt has becme ppular in cuntries such as the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Suth Africa. An ability t hld yur breath fr lng perids f time is a definite plus.
    Zbmbing invlves riding a children’s bike dwn a steep hill. The sprt riginated in the US city f Prtland in Oregn in 2002. Participants carry their bikes n the MAX Light Rail and g t the Washingtn Park statin next t Oregn Z (which is why it’s called “zbmbing”). Frm there, they take a lift t the surface, and then ride the mini-bikes dwn the hills in the area.
    Office Chair Racing
    Office Chair Racing cnsists f racing dwn a hill in ffice chairs that can reach speeds f up t 30kph. Strict rules are in place fr cmpetitrs: they’re allwed t fit in-line skate wheels and handles t their chairs, but n mtrs. “We check each chair carefully in advance,” ne f the rganizers explained. The participants race in pairs wearing prtective padding as they launch themselves frm a ramp (坡道). Prizes are given t the fastest cmpetitrs and als fr the best-designed chairs.
    Fit 4 Drums
    Fit 4 Drums is a new frm f cardi-rhythmic exercise. Led by an instructr, the class invlves beating a specially-designed drum with tw sticks while dancing at the same time. It’s the first grup fitness activity where yu get t play a drum while getting an intense wrkut. A sense f rhythm is a definite advantage!
    Hrse Barding
    Hrse Barding invlves being twed behind a hrse at 35mph n an ff-rad skatebard. Prfessinal stuntman Daniel Fwler Prime invented the sprt after he strung a rpe between his ff-rad “muntain bard” and a hrse. Participants stand n a bard while hlding nt a rpe, attempting t maintain their balance as the hrse gallps (疾驰) ahead. “The hrse rider and the hrse have t wrk tgether because if they dn’t, the hrse ges flying,”Daniel explained.
    S, which sprt wuld yu like t try?
    1. What d yu need t d if yu want t play Octpush?
    A. Swim n the surface f the water.B. Hld yur breath befre the sprt.
    C. Play it by the side f the seashre.D. Wear underwater breathing devices.
    2. Which activity will yu chse if yu want t take part in cllective fitness?
    A. Zbmbing.B. Office Chair Racing.C. Fit 4 Drums.D. Hrse Barding.
    3. What prverb des Hrse Barding tell us?
    A. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.B. Never let yur feet run faster than yur shes.
    C. The bigger they cme, the harder they fall.D. Every chess master was nce a beginner.
    (2023上·福建福州·高三福建师大附中校考期中) The turn f the year is the time fr reviewing ne’s life, and fr making sme reslutins abut what t cncentrate n in the cming year; and fr many years I have taken advantage f the hliday t review my wn ambitin.
    One thing I decide n this year is t give up writing the Grumpy (暴躁的) Old Bkman clumn in this magazine. It’s nt that I’ve lst interest in the bk wrld. But Lenard Wlf, husband f American writer Virginia Wl (1882—1941), used t say a man shuld change his career every seven years. Thugh I wuld say that changing yur whle career frequently is ging a bit far, I d find that it serves as a great refresher if yu can ccasinally try a new jb within the same line f business.
    It is ver 15 years since ur editr wrte t me and asked if I wuld be interested in writing a regular piece abut what was, even then, a rapidly changing publishing scene. He apprached me because since 2004 I had been writing a regular blg called, Grumpy Old Bkman.
    As my mnthly survey f develpments in bth traditinal and digital publishing cntinued, in this magazine, I began t realize that writers in this century, f bth fictin and nn-fictin, are living in smething clse t a paradise (天堂). Once, yu struggled fr years t find a publisher— r an agent if yu wanted ne—but nw yu can publish yur wn stuff, either digitally r in paperback, withut it csting yu a penny piece.
    After abut five years f prducing such clumns, it ccurred t me that, rather than let these essays fade away n the seas f time, it might be valuable t publish my thughts and cmments in bk frm t ptential readers. Hence, in 2014, I published the first 69 GOB clumns in paperback frmat, using Amazn’s Create Space facilities. Title: Writers Rejice! A mnthly diary f the dawn f the digital age, which was my first trial. And nw I sincerely wish a new 2024.
    4. Why des the authr want t give up writing the clumn?
    A. He is fed up with the career linked t bks.B. He is very keen n trying smething new.
    C. He fllws Lenard Wlf’s suggestin.D. He’s used t changing his jb every seven years.
    5. Accrding t the authr, what can be inferred frm Paragraph 4?
    A. Nw it is amazing t find a publisher easily.B. Publishing industry is a prfitable business.
    C. It is rather hard t publish bks nwadays.D. It is a blessing t live in the present times.
    6. What d yu think f the authr?
    A. Emtinal and gd at cntrlling himself.B. Dedicated but easy t dubt himself.
    C. Purpseful and gd at self-adjustment.D. Ambitius but unwilling t change himself.
    7. What des the authr mainly want t tell us?
    A. Giving up timely is anther virtue.B. Changing the jb means a new pprtunity.
    C. The beginning f a year is a new start.D. Reflectin can drive us t push frward.
    (2023上·福建福州·高三福建省福州第一中学校考开学考试) “Can we eat this ne, Dad?” my fur-year-ld daughter, Alicia, asks. We’re n ne f ur Thursday adventures, searching the nearby wds fr eatable mushrms. She’s pinting at a bright-red cap cvered with white dts. I pull ut my handy mushrm-identificatin app, which ntes that Amanita muscaria, while eatable if prepared prperly, is als a knwn hallucingen (致幻剂). I have a firm “tell them the truth and be as precise as pssible” philsphy and explain what the app says, and that I dn’t think ur Thursday adventures are ready t get quite that adventurus yet.
    Watching yur kids learn new skills is extrardinarily rewarding, but I’ve experienced mre persnal grwth than I have at any ther pint in my life.
    Last year, after a winter f practicing skiing n the green tracks fr beginners each week, Alicia was french-frying her way dwn blues and even attempted her first black. That mnth als witnessed me visiting the muntain mre times than in the 15 years cmbined and I’ve gt myself a partner fr life.
    It’s nt all easy—but smetimes that’s the pint. Alicia practices the vilin every day, and althugh she enjys it, even 15 minutes f practice can upset her. The trick, I’ve fund, is t let her watch me try t get better at smething, t. I start taking pian lessns at 41 years ld with the idea that if she sees me struggling as I practice and then imprve, she’ll understand that things dn’t cme easy, even fr grwn-ups. I knw there’s ging t be a time when I’ll end up n the sideline cheering her n as she finds her wn passins. I’m kay with this, and I’m hping that by then she’ll carry the jy f practice and knwledge thrugh life.
    8. What des the father imply by saying “I’ve gt myself a partner fr life.”?
    A. It is rewarding t learn new skills.B. Skiing has becme his lifelng hbby.
    C. He will explre mre with his daughter.D. His daughter will accmpany him frever.
    9. Why des the father start learning t play the pian?
    A. T prve it is never t ld t learn.B. T set a gd example fr his daughter.
    C. T experience the jy f pian practice.D. T share with his daughter musical knwledge.
    10. Which f the fllwing can best describe the father?
    A. Rigid and humrus.B. Cautius and inspiring.
    C. Creative and thughtful.D. Ambitius and patient.
    11. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Thrill f the SkillB. Practice Makes Perfect
    C. Like Father, Like DaughterD. The Pwer f Knwledge
    (2023上·福建泉州·高三福建省永春第一中学校联考期中) Pretending sickness may get harder. Slipping a day ff wrk by nervusly cughing dwn the phne t yur bss might nt wrk. Very sn yur cmpany might be able t tell whether yur symptms are real, just frm yur vice.
    An Indian research team tried t tell a “cld vice” frm a healthy vice. Their research makes use f the fact that human speech, like any musical instrument, des nt prduce single frequencies f sunds. Even the best trained singers cannt hit pure ntes like thse frm tuning frks. The dminant ntes in the human vice are instead accmpanied by a series f higher pitch (音高) tnes.
    Tgether these sets f ntes fit int mathematical patterns called harmnics (和声), with tnes having frequencies that are multiples f the riginal nte. Fr example, the pitch f the secnd harmnic nte is twice the frequency f the main nte and s n. The ludness f these harmnics in speech tends t fade as they prceed up the frequency scale. The team reasned that infectin with a cld might change hw this decline happened.
    T find ut, the scientists made use f an unusual resurce: recrdings f the vices f 630 peple in Germany, 111 f whm were suffering frm a cld. Each was asked t cunt frm ne t 40 and describe what they did at the weekend. They als read alud a fable The Nrth Wind and the Sun, which has been a ppular text fr speech research since 1949. By breaking dwn each persn’s speech int its spectrum (声谱) f cmpnent wavelengths, the researchers culd identify the dminant frequency and the harmnics in each case. They then used machine-learning t analyse the relatinships between the ludness f these harmnics and fund patterns that culd distinguish the cld vices frm the healthy vices.
    The team’s diagnsis f cld vice shws a 70% accuracy. Faced with anther dull Mnday at the ffice, wuld yu take the risk?
    12. On what basis is the research perfrmed?
    A. Human speeches vary in frequencies.B. Training has n effect n human ntes.
    C. Humans speak like musical instruments.D. Higher pitch ntes dminate human vices.
    13. What may reduce the vlume f human harmnics?
    A. The pitch f harmnics.B. A pretended cld vice.
    C. The sets f human ntes.D. Higher sund frequencies.
    14. Why are the participants required t read the fable?
    A. It is easy t understand.B. It is valuable in literature.
    C. It is ppular with speakers.D. It is suitable fr the research.
    15. What des the authr want t tell us?
    A. Human speech reflects healthB. Pretending sickness is a trend.
    C. Vice changes with cnditins.D. Changing vice is f great risk.
    1. D 2. C 3. B
    1. 细节理解题。根据Octpush中“Participants wear a mask and snrkel and try t mve a puck (水球) acrss the bttm f a pl. (参与者戴着面具,戴着通气管,试着在泳池底部移动一个冰球。)”可知,如果你想玩Octpush,你需要佩戴水下呼吸装置。故选D项。
    2. 细节理解题。根据Fit 4 Drums中“Fit 4 Drums is a new frm f cardi-rhythmic exercise. Led by an instructr, the class invlves beating a specially-designed drum with tw sticks while dancing at the same time. It’s the first grup fitness activity where yu get t play a drum while getting an intense wrkut. A sense f rhythm is a definite advantage! (Fit 4 Drums是一种有节奏的有氧运动。在教练的带领下,该课程包括用两根棍子敲击一个专门设计的鼓,同时跳舞。这是第一项集体健身活动,你可以在进行高强度锻炼的同时打鼓。有节奏感是绝对的优势!)”可知,如果你想参加集体健身,应该选择Fit 4 Drums。故选C项。
    3. 推理判断题。根据Hrse Barding中“The hrse rider and the hrse have t wrk tgether because if they dn’t, the hrse ges flying.(骑手和马必须合作,因为如果他们不合作,马就会飞起来。)”可知,Hrse Barding告诉我们“不要让你的脚跳得比你的鞋子快”,说明运动中必须合作一致。故选B项。
    4. C 5. D 6. C 7. D
    4. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But Lenard Wlf, husband f American writer Virginia Wl (1882—1941), used t say a man shuld change his career every seven years. Thugh I wuld say that changing yur whle career frequently is ging a bit far, I d find that it serves as a great refresher if yu can ccasinally try a new jb within the same line f business. (但是作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔的丈夫伦纳德·伍尔夫,曾经说过一个男人应该每七年换一次职业。虽然我个人会说,如此频繁地改变整个职业生涯有点过分,但我确实发现,如果你能偶尔在同一业务范围尝试一份新工作,这是一种很好的提神剂。)”可知,作者放弃写专栏是因为他采纳了伦纳德·伍尔夫的建议。故选C项。
    5. 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“I began t realize that writers in this century, f bth fictin and nn-fictin, are living in smething clse t a paradise(天堂) (我开始意识到,这个世纪的小说和非小说作家都生活在一个接近天堂的地方)”和“but nw yu can publish yur wn stuff, either digitally r in paperback, withut it csting yu a penny piece (但现在你可以出版自己的作品了,无论是电子版的作品还是平装本的作品,每本都不用花一分钱)”可知,作者认为如今的作家生活在一个天堂般的地方,作家们出版自己的作品可以不用花一分钱,由此可推测出,作者认为生活在当今这个时代是一种福气。故选D项。
    6. 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“and fr many years I have taken advantage f the hliday t review my wn ambitin (多年来,我一直利用假期重新审视自己的抱负)”、第二段中的“One thing I decide n this year is t give up writing the Grumpy (暴躁的) Old Bkman clumn in this magazine. (今年我决定放弃在这本杂志上写‘脾气暴躁的老书呆子’专栏。)”和“Thugh I wuld say that changing yur whle career frequently is ging a bit far, I d find that it serves as a great refresher if yu can ccasinally try a new jb within the same line f business. (虽然我个人会说,如此频繁地改变整个职业生涯有点过分,但我确实发现,如果你能偶尔在同一业务范围尝试一份新工作,这是一种很好的提神剂。)”可知,作者一直在审视自己的抱负,并放弃了一直写的专栏,并且作者认为偶尔尝试一份新工作是一种很好的提神剂,由此可推测出,作者非常善于自我调整。根据最后一段中的“After abut five years f prducing such clumns, it ccurred t me that, rather than let these essays fade away n the seas f time, it might be valuable t publish my thughts and cmments in bk frm t ptential readers. Hence, in 2014, I published the first 69 GOB clumns in paperback frmat, using Amazn’s Create Space facilities. (在写了大约五年这样的专栏之后,我突然想到,与其让这些文章在时间的海洋中消失,不如把我的想法和评论以书的形式出版给潜在的读者看。因此,在2014年,我使用亚马逊的Create Space,以平装本的形式出版了前69篇GOB专栏。)”可知,作者决定把自己的想法和评论出版出来,并且最终付诸了行动,由此可推测出,作者是一个目的明确的人。故选C项。
    7. 文章大意题。通读全文可知,第一段“The turn f the year is the time fr reviewing ne’s life, and fr making sme reslutins abut what t cncentrate n in the cming year; and fr many years I have taken advantage f the hliday t review my wn ambitin. (一年之交是回顾自己生活的时候,也是决定来年要专注于什么的时候;我一直利用假期重新审视自己的抱负。)”引出本文要谈论的话题,即作者总是会自我反思,接下来具体讲述了作者准备放弃自己的专栏并开始把自己想法和评论以书的形式出版出来这件事的经过。由此可推测出,作者主要想告诉我们反思可以推动我们前进。故选D项。
    8. C 9. B 10. B 11. A
    8. 句意猜测题。根据第二段“Watching yur kids learn new skills is extrardinarily rewarding, but I’ve experienced mre persnal grwth than I have at any ther pint in my life.”(看着你的孩子学习新技能是非常值得的,但我经历的个人成长比我生命中其他任何时候都要多。)以及划线句前“Last year, after a winter f practicing skiing n the green tracks fr beginners each week, Alicia was french-frying her way dwn blues and even attempted her first black. That mnth als witnessed me visiting the muntain mre times than in the 15 years cmbined ”(去年,艾丽西亚在为初学者准备的绿色雪道上练习了一个冬天的滑雪之后,她在蓝色中级雪道一路摸索,甚至尝试了她的第一个黑色钻石雪道。那个月我去山上的次数比过去15年的总和还多)可知,孩子在探索的同时,我也在探索。所以划线句的意思是他将和女儿一起探索更多。故选C。
    9. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“I start taking pian lessns at 41 years ld with the idea that if she sees me struggling as I practice and then imprve, she’ll understand that things dn’t cme easy, even fr grwn-ups. ”(我从41岁开始上钢琴课,心想如果她看到我在练习和进步的过程中苦苦挣扎,她就会明白事情来之不易,即使对成年人来说也是如此。)可知,父亲开始学弹钢琴为了给女儿树立一个好榜样。故选B。
    10. 细节理解题。根据第一段“‘Can we eat this ne, Dad?’ my fur-year-ld daughter, Alicia, asks. We’re n ne f ur Thursday adventures, searching the nearby wds fr eatable mushrms. She’s pinting at a bright-red cap cvered with white dts. I pull ut my handy mushrm-identificatin app, which ntes that Amanita muscaria, while eatable if prepared prperly, is als a knwn hallucingen (致幻剂). I have a firm “tell them the truth and be as precise as pssible” philsphy and explain what the app says, and that I dn’t think ur Thursday adventures are ready t get quite that adventurus yet.”(“我们可以吃这个吗,爸爸?”我四岁的女儿艾丽西娅(Alicia)问道。我们正在进行周四的一次冒险,在附近的树林里寻找可食用的蘑菇。她指着一顶布满白点的鲜红色帽子。我拿出手边的蘑菇识别软件,上面显示,如果准备得当,毒蝇伞虽然可以食用,但也是一种已知的致幻剂。我有一个坚定的“告诉他们真相,并尽可能精确”的理念,并解释了应用程序的内容,我认为我们的周四冒险还没有准备好进行那样的冒险。)可知,作者在女儿问他一种毒蝇伞蘑菇是否可食用,作者查找识别软件,并认为不能尝试食用这种蘑菇,说明作者是一个谨慎的人。最后一段“I start taking pian lessns at 41 years ld with the idea that if she sees me struggling as I practice and then imprve, she’ll understand that things dn’t cme easy, even fr grwn-ups. ”(我从41岁开始上钢琴课,心想如果她看到我在练习和进步的过程中苦苦挣扎,她就会明白事情来之不易,即使对成年人来说也是如此。)可知,父亲开始学弹钢琴为了给女儿树立一个好榜样,说明他是一个鼓舞人心的人。故选B。
    11. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段“ I knw there’s ging t be a time when I’ll end up n the sideline cheering her n as she finds her wn passins. I’m kay with this, and I’m hping that by then she’ll carry the jy f practice and knwledge thrugh life.”(我知道总有一天我会在场边为她加油,因为她找到了自己的激情所在。我对此没有意见,我希望到那时她会把实践和知识的乐趣贯穿一生。)可知,本文通过作者女儿不断的尝试各种技能的同时,父亲也做出了表率,希望女儿能够明白事情来之不易,即使对成年人来说也是如此。父亲希望技能可以给孩子带来乐趣。所以“技能带来的快感”符合最佳标题,故选A。
    12. A 13. D 14. D 15. C
    12. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Their research makes use f the fact that human speech, like any musical instrument, des nt prduce single frequencies f sunds.(他们的研究利用了这样一个事实,即人类的语言和任何乐器一样,不会产生单一频率的声音)”可知,该研究理论基础是人的语言频率是不同的。故选A项。
    13. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The ludness f these harmnics in speech tends t fade as they prceed up the frequency scale. (这些和声在语音中的响度往往会随着它们在频率范围内的上升而减弱)”可知,较高的声音频率会减少人类和声的响度。故选D项。
    14. 推理判断题。由文章第四段“By breaking dwn each persn’s speech int its spectrum (声谱) f cmpnent wavelengths, the researchers culd identify the dminant frequency and the harmnics in each case. They then used machine-learning t analyse the relatinships between the ludness f these harmnics and fund patterns that culd distinguish the cld vices frm the healthy vices.(通过将每个人的语音分解为其分量波长谱,研究人员可以识别出每种情况下的主频和和声。然后,他们使用机器学习来分析这些和声的响度之间的关系,并找到了可以区分感冒声音和健康声音的模式)”可知,测试者被要求读寓言是因为可用他们的声音来分析。由此推知,这样做是为了配合该研究。故选D项。
    15. 推理判断题。根据文章第三段“The ludness f these harmnics in speech tends t fade as they prceed up the frequency scale. The team reasned that infectin with a cld might change hw this decline happened.(这些和声在语音中的响度往往会随着它们在频率范围内的上升而减弱。研究小组推断,感染感冒可能会改变这种下降的发生方式)”以及联系上下文可推知,作者想告诉我们声音随着环境的变化而变化。故选C项。
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