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    这是一份福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末教学质量监测英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末教学质量监测英语试题原卷版docx、福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末教学质量监测英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. G t Germany. B. Cnsult her teacher. C. Give up the chance.
    2. What will peple d at the beach this weekend?
    A. Have a beach party. B. Jin a cmmunity dance.
    C. D a beach cleanup.
    3. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A warm wrkmate. B. A cmfrtable huse.
    C. A big dinner.
    4. What des Mr Smith discuss abut n scial media?
    A. Humrus stries. B. Future plans. C. Cmpany news.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Librarian and brrwer.
    C. Fellw classmates.
    6. Hw lng will the science fair prbably last?
    A. Fur days. B. Five days. C. Six days.
    7. What’s the wman especially interested in abut the science fair?
    A. The space explratin shw.
    B. The chemistry experiments.
    C. The lectures n mdern physics.
    8. Hw des Christpher feel after ging t the gym?
    A. Energetic. B. Cnfident. C. Relaxed.
    9. What des Christpher d when watching birds?
    A. He classifies the birds.
    B. He fcuses n rare birds.
    C. He writes reprts n birds.
    10. Hw lng des Christpher spend n bird-watching every seasn?
    A. Abut 3 hurs. B. Abut 6 hurs. C. Abut 8 hurs.
    11. Hw ld was J. K. Rwling when she first had the idea fr Harry Ptter?
    A. 32. B. 30. C. 25.
    12. What did James Jyce d befre his first bk?
    A. He wrked as a secretary.
    B. He studied medicine.
    C. He served as a career advisr.
    13. What is the wman upset abut?
    A. Hw t chse a reliable career advisr.
    B. Hw t finish her medical studies smthly.
    C. Hw t make a clear future career plan.
    14. What is the wman’s attitude twards the effect f educatin n the envirnment?
    A. Psitive. B. Critical. C. Unclear.
    15. What des the man think laws can help t d?
    A. Recycle litters. B. Lcate pllutants. C. Save resurces.
    16. What des Jerry suggest peple d individually?
    A. Educate ther peple.
    B. Refuse harmful prducts.
    C. Find new resurces.
    17. What’s the tpic f the speech?
    A. Ideas abut average students.
    B. Study requirements at U. S. universities.
    C. The cmpsitin f students n U. S. campus.
    18. Why d many students take part-time jbs?
    A. T cver their daily expenses.
    B. T pay mney back t banks.
    C. T save mney fr the future.
    19. What is the speaker’s suggestin fr the diverse student bdy?
    A. Shwing respect. B. Cllecting ideas. C. Having discussins.
    20. Wh might be the listeners?
    A. Prfessrs. B. Freshmen. C. Parents.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best Mvies f 2023
    Determining the “best” mvies is subjective and can vary depending n persnal tastes and preferences. Hwever, here are sme highly rated mvies frm 2023 that received psitive reviews.
    Spider-Man: Acrss the Spider-Verse
    140 min |Animatin, Actin, Adventure
    ☆Rate 8.7
    Miles Mrales travels acrss the Multiverse, where he meets a team f Spider-Peple. When the heres fight ver hw t handle a new threat, Miles must redefine what it means t be a her.
    Directrs: Jaquim Ds Sants, Kemp Pwers, Justin K. Thmpsn
    Vtes: 310,763
    Guardians f the Galaxy Vl.3
    150 min |Actin, Adventure, Cmedy
    ☆Rate 7.9
    Still depressed frm the lss f Gamra, Peter Quill gathers his team t defend the universe and ne f their wn — a missin that culd mean the end f the Guardians if nt successful.
    Directr: James Gunn
    Vtes: 350,483
    116 min |Adventure, Cmedy, Family
    ☆Rate 7.4
    With dreams f pening a shp in a city knwn fr its chclate, a yung and pr Willy Wnka discvers that the industry is run by a grup f greedy chclatiers.
    Directr: Paul King
    Vtes: 9,342
    Barbie (I)
    114 min |Adventure, Cmedy, Fantasy
    ☆Rate 7
    Barbie suffers a crisis that leads her t questin her wrld and her existence.
    Directr: Greta Gerwig
    Vtes: 403,759
    Click here t see mre and vte fr yur favrite mvies f 2023.
    1. Which mvie gives an insight int the meaning f heres?
    A. Spider-Man: Acrss the Spider-Verse.B. Guardians f the Galaxy Vl.3.
    C. Wnka.D. Barbie (I).
    2. Wh may be mst attracted by Wnka?
    A. Science fictin addicts.B. Actin mvie fans.
    C. Chclate enthusiasts.D. Dll lvers.
    3. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A mvie magazine.B. A mvie website.
    C. A mvie pster.D. An academic paper n mvies.
    Chinese mathematics educatr Gu Lingyuan delivered a lecture abut a 45-year math teaching refrm prgram in Shanghai at the 14th Internatinal Cngress n Mathematical Educatin. The refrm prgram—the “Qingpu Experiment”—has invlved three generatins f educatrs.
    The experiment started in Shanghai’s Qingpu District in 1977 when Gu fund nly 2.8 percent f 4,300 surveyed middle schl students there passed a test related t basic math knwledge, and 23.5 percent received zers. Since then, three runds f 15-year research and refrms in math teaching have been launched t imprve the general lcal math educatin quality.
    “The first perid was t explre practical ways t imprve educatin quality in mst cmmn situatins,” Gu said. In this perid, Gu and his clleagues(同事) spent three years in surveying students’ math learning. They then selected seven lcal schls and 50 teachers t learn abut prblems and useful experiences befre screening ut the mst effective teaching appraches. The appraches were then prmted in all lcal schls.
    With their effrts,16 percent f the final-year students passed the math test in the graduatin exam in 1979, and the rate increased t 85 percent in 1986.
    After imprving students’ test scres they began t wrk n hw t make students becme “smarter”. In this perid, they develped an apprach t guiding students t develp their cgnitive ability rather than merely memrizing mathematical cncepts and practicing by ding exercises. In the past decade, they have been paying mre attentin t students’ innvative abilities and putting frward the apprach f actin educatin.
    “This experiment helped us find ut prblems in mathematics educatin in China and ffer slutins, in which we have summarized ur wn experiences,” said Gu.
    4. What d the experimental data in paragraph 2 indicate?
    A. Students shwed little interest in math.
    B. Students diversified in learning utcmes.
    C. Students exhibited limited math cmpetence.
    D. Students were distracted frm math learning.
    5. What can we learn frm the first perid f the experiment?
    A. One in five students passed the final graduatin math test.
    B. Selected measures were taken t bst students’ perfrmance.
    C. A survey cncerning teachers’ educatin prcess was cnducted.
    D. Varius teaching appraches were prmted acrss the cuntry.
    6 What have Gu and his clleagues fcused n in the last ten years?
    A. Students’ innvative ability.B. Students’ memrizing ability.
    C. Teachers’ educatin system.D. Teachers’ teaching technique.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Qingpu Experiment: a 45-year math teaching refrm prgram.
    B. Gu Lingyuan: A pineering mathematics educatr.
    C. The develpment f math educatin in China.
    D. Educatin refrms in Qingpu District.
    Withut shiny black slar panels (太阳能板) n the rf, the residents in an apartment building in Illinis are enjying the benefits f “cmmunity slar” — a prgram in which residents can buy electricity frm nearby slar farms, reducing planet-warming greenhuse gas emissins (排放) and receiving discunts n their electric bills.
    The slar energy in cmmunity slar desn’t actually flw int yur hme, but flws int yur area’s pwer grid (电网), prviding electricity t hmes and businesses in yur regin, and yu get the benefits f gvernment slar rewards in the frm f lwer electricity bills.
    Amng thse signing up fr the prgram is Dickersn, 73, f Oak Park, Illinis. “Try it; yu’ll like it,” he said. “Yu’ll save mney, and yu’ll feel gd abut saving the planet — at least a little bit.” Prudly shwing charts f their electricity csts in a recent interview, Dickersn and his fellw members f the cmmunity green cmmittee, said they’re all paying less with cmmunity slar fr their individual hmes as well as the cmmunity’s cmmn space.
    Cmmunity slar was pineered in the mid-2000s as a way t bring clean energy t the many American husehlds withut access t slar panels fr varius reasns. “Cmmunity slar is abut t bst everywhere in terms f access,” said Nicle Steele, a senir advisr in the U. S. Department f Energy. “It’s just anther way t be part f the clean energy transfrmatin and see the actual benefits.”
    Dickersn and his neighbur Jhnsn have been prtecting the planet since childhd, such as leaving n litter in the frest and srting recyclables. Therefre, they fund it easy t accept cmmunity slar. Nw, the building’s green newsletter, edited by Jhnsn, is trumpeting cmmunity slar savings. “As a parent and grandparent, it’s kind f like a heritage,” Jhnsn said f this wrk. “Hw culd I d smething that’s bad fr the wrld in which my grandchildren are ging t live?”
    8. Hw des cmmunity slar wrk?
    A. By directly transprting energy t husehlds.
    B. By equipping residents’ rftps with panels.
    C. By string electricity in nearby slar farms.
    D. By prviding electricity thrugh the pwer grid.
    9. Why did Dickersn and the cmmittee members sign up fr the prgram?
    A. T prevent greenhuse gas emissin.
    B. T reduce cst and help save the planet.
    C. T experience a mre cnvenient energy.
    D. T get rewards frm the lcal gvernment.
    10. What is Nicle Steele’s attitude t cmmunity slar?
    A. Dubtful.B. Dismissive.C. Cnservative.D. Apprving.
    11. What des the underlined wrd “trumpeting” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Admitting shyly.B. Stating critically.
    C. Explaining secretly.D. Annuncing prudly.
    As they grw, children start ding certain activities withut their parents watching ver them. And while mst parents agree that kids benefit frm pprtunities t be independent, they may be engaging in mre “helicpter parenting”, suggests a new University f Michigan Health C. S. Mtt Children’s Hspital Natinal Pll (民意调查) n Children’s Health.
    “There’s a sizable gap between parent attitudes abut prmting children’s independence and what they actually allw r encurage their children t d withut supervisin (监督),” said Mtt Pll c-directr Sarah Clark, M. P. H.
    Fur in five parents f children aged 9 — 11 agree that it’s gd fr children t have free time withut adult supervisin. But fewer reprt their child actually des certain things withut an adult present, the pll suggests.
    Abut three in five parents have let their tween-aged child stay hme fr 30 — 60 minutes while half say their child has separated frm them t find an item at anther aisle (过道) in the stre. Less than half say their child has walked r biked t a friend’s huse r played at the park with a friend, and less than a sixth f parents have let their child trick-r-treat with friends.
    The tp reasn behind parents’ hesitancy t prmte such independent milestnes was safety. “T sme extent, wrrying abut yur child is natural. But sme parents are limiting their child’s independent activities due t highly publicized media reprts, even if thse utcmes are very unlikely t ccur r cannt be prevented,” Clark said.
    The elementary schl years, Clark ntes, is an imprtant perid fr develping independence with parental guidance. “Becming independent is a gradual prcess f allwing children increasing amunts f freedm, with parents there t teach skills and help the child understand the ptential dangers f their chices,” Clark said. “As children becme mre experienced and cmfrtable with tasks, they can assume respnsibility fr ding them regularly. Research shws encuraging independence facilitates a child’s self-cnfidence, prblem-slving ability, and mental health.”
    12. What is an example f “helicpter parenting”?
    A. Sara allwing her 9-year-ld daughter t g swimming alne.
    B. David stpping his 10-year-ld sn playing ftball fr fear f danger.
    C. Andersn leaving his 11-year-ld twins in the library n weekends.
    D. Jann a inviting her 12-year-ld daughter t g hiking in the muntain.
    13. What is the main reasn behind parents’ hesitancy?
    A. Being busy.B. Fear f media reprts.
    C. Lack f trust.D. Safety cncerns.
    14. Accrding t Clark, what benefit can children gain frm being independent?
    A. Imprved physical health.B. Better scial skills.
    C. Enhanced prblem-slving ability.D. Increased academic perfrmance.
    15. What is the suggested apprach fr parents t prmte children’s independence?
    A. Gradually increasing freedm with parental supprt.
    B. Giving children cmplete freedm withut guidance.
    C. Warning children f the ptential dangers f their chices.
    D. Encuraging independence after elementary schl years.
    Research by psychlgist Carl Dweck suggests that there are tw basic mindsets that influence hw peple think abut themselves and their abilities: the fixed mindset and the grwth mindset.
    Peple wh pssess a fixed mindset believe that things such as intelligence are unchangeable. Thse with a fixed mindset believe that success isn’t a result f hard wrk — it’s simply a result f talents. ____16____
    Thse wh have a grwth mindset, n the ther hand, feel that they can change, grw, and learn thrugh effrt. ____17____ When things get tugh, they lk fr ways t imprve their skills and keep wrking tward success.
    By taking baby steps, anyne wh wants t can change ne’s mindset frm a “fixed” perspective (视角) t a “grwth mindset”. Here’s hw:
    Acknwledge and accept imperfectin in self and thers. ____18____ Our imperfectins make us unique. And self-lve is a gd thing.
    Speed is nt imprtant. ____19____ Instead, yu fully engage and put effrt int the prcess, n matter hw lng it takes. By the way, fcusing n the prcess ften als imprves results, because yu did put a lt f effrt in alng the way.
    ____20____ Peple with grwth mindsets dn’t believe that failure is a reflectin f their abilities. Instead, they view it as a valuable surce f experience frm which they can learn and imprve. “That didn’t wrk,” they might think, “s this time I’ll try smething a little different.”
    By chsing t make the extra effrt t build a grwth mindset, yu can make yur mental prcesses wrk fr yu, resulting in a greater likelihd that yu get the results yu’re lking fr and live the life yu want t live.
    A. Believe that yur effrts matter.
    B. View failures as learning experiences.
    C. What wrks fr yu might nt wrk fr smene else.
    D. They tend t give up mre easily in the face f a challenge.
    E. We all have ur shrt-cmings and weaknesses — ur imperfectins.
    F. When yu have a grwth mindset, the end results are less f a fcus.
    G. Peple wh believe that they are capable f grwth are mre likely t achieve success.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    A heartwarming tale f friendship and selflessness has drawn the attentin f peple wrldwide. In a ppular TikTk vide, Sarah Hallum, a nursing schl student, psted her ____21____ fr a kidney (肾) transplant. Little did she knw, her call fr help wuld ____22____ the eyes and heart f Savannah Stallbaumer, a ____23____ frm acrss the Internet.
    Mved by Hallum’s stry, Stallbaumer ____24____ t take actin. Ms Hallum wrte n Facebk: “I culdn’t believe it when Stallbaumer first ____25____ it. In fact, I cmpletely ____26____ her at first. I didn’t expect smene wh I just met shuld be s ____27____ t save my life — but she persisted.” After getting tested, Stallbaumer received incredible news — she was a perfect ____28____.
    Stallbaumer shared the news with Hallum ____29____ by hlding up a sign that simply said, “BREAKING NEWS: Yu’re getting a new kidney.” The ____30____ mment was shared n scialmedia, giving us a brief insight int the pwer f human ____31____. Hallum expressed her deep thankfulness fr Stallbaumer’s selflessness, ____32____ the incredible act f kindness that had taken place.
    This stry is an evidence f the pwer f the Internet t bring peple tgether, even in the mst ____33____ ways. It als serves as a ____34____ f the enrmus capacity (能力) fr cmpassin (同情) and ____35____ that lies within us all.
    A. ambitinB. abilityC. chargeD. need
    A. cureB. replaceC. reachD. pen
    A. relativeB. strangerC. classmateD. nurse
    A. decidedB. hesitatedC. pretendedD. refused
    A. encunteredB. mentinedC. examinedD. recgnised
    A. cnvincedB. understdC. ignredD. cnfused
    A. determinedB. cnfidentC. brilliantD. cmpetitive
    A ppnentB. geniusC. studentD. match
    A. excitedlyB. bitterlyC. lselyD. cnstantly
    A. amusingB. emtinalC. peacefulD. heartbreaking
    A. creativityB. intelligenceC. cnnectinD. cgnitin
    A. cnductingB. inspiringC. spreadingD. acknwledging
    A. desperateB. clumsyC. unexpectedD. unbearable
    A. reminderB. rewardC. memryD. reliever
    A. hnestyB. genersityC. curageD. patience
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Plastic prductin is energy intensive (能源密集型) and cnsumes fssil fuels. When burnt waste plastic gives ff heat-trapping gases and ther pllutants. Once such emissins (排放) reach a certain level, it results ____36____ envirnmental prblems that will, in turn, harm human beings. All f this makes recycling plastic waste imprtant.
    China’s effrts ____37____ (recycle) plastic waste have cntributed ____38____ (significant) t slwing glbal climate change, reducing il cnsumptin and carbn emissins by millins f tns. China has als prevented 900 millin tns f waste frm ____39____ (generate).
    Over the past decade, China ____40____ (establish) a market-based plastic recycling system with wide-ranging cverage, which accunts fr ver 45 percent f the wrld’s ttal recycled plastic waste. China nw has the ____41____ (large) plastic recycling capacity (能力) in the wrld. Its huge plastic recycling industry, which emplys abut 900,000 wrkers, recycled 31 percent f the plastic waste prduced natinally in 2021, abut 1.7 times ____42____ glbal average rate.
    China has als made great ____43____ (cntributin) t the recycling f plastic waste frm ther parts f the wrld. Between 1992 and 2018, China recycled 106 millin tns f imprted plastic waste, a lt f ____44____ was frm the Eurpean Unin and the United States. This ____45____ (help) save 318 millin tns f il.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15分)
    46. 春节将至,你校学生英语报开辟专栏,号召同学们过一个低碳环保的春节。假设你是校报编辑,请以“Hw t Have a Lw-carbn Spring Festival”为题写一篇专栏文章,为同学们的低碳春节提供建议。
    1.写作词数应为 80个左右;
    Hw t Have a Lw-carbn Spring Festival
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Listening t Be Heard
    Our P. E. teacher Ms. Lpez had been ut with a skiing injury. She was a caring and cnsiderate teacher wh shwed patience and understanding t little minds like us. S, when we knew she was returning, sme f us asked ur substitute(替代) gym teacher if we culd plan a welcme-back party.
    “Sunds great,” said Ms. Green, “We have a few minutes befre the bell rings, s yu can d a little brainstrming while I put sme stuff away.” We were excited and culd nt wait t let ur minds wander. But here came the prblem.
    “I bet Ms. Lpez wuld like welcme-back cards.” I said.
    “We shuld have a rck ‘n’ rll theme!” said Nah.
    “N, we shuld make it a sccer theme! What abut a cake shaped like a sccer ball!”said Avery.
    “Why is sccer better than music?” said Nah.
    “I think cards are really imprtant!” I said luder.
    The discussin sn turned int a nisy chas (混乱). Everyne had their ideas t present and wished them t be realized. Even the “fashinable” kids interrupted, demanding t bring ballns and sme fancy clthes like a skirt with range flwers. It seemed all vices were ignred.
    That was when the bell rang and the party discussin ended. I was in cnfusin and fear fr the rest f the day. It was ging t be a disaster, and Ms. Lpez wuldn’t even knw we missed her.
    When I returned hme, my little brther and sister were arguing abut a bard game.
    “I knw the rules!” Tex shuted. “Yu dn’t have t start ver if yu land n blue!”
    “I knw the rules!” shuted Indi. “Yu get an extra pint if yu get the flwers!”
    I walked ver t where they were playing and said, “If yu’d stp and listen t each ther, yu might realize yu’re bth right.” I pinted t the rule sheet and read them the parts they’d been arguing abut. They were surprised that they were bth right. Suddenly it clicked—we had been busy presenting ur ideas withut listening t thers.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    The next day in gym class, during the party discussin, I asked my classmates fr a stp.
    A week later, Ms. Lpez was amazed at the welcme-back party cntaining ur varius ideas.

    福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质检英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质检英语试题(Word版附答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了01,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量监测英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份福建省泉州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量监测英语试题(Word版附答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了01,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    福建省泉州市2024届高三上学期毕业班质量监测(二)英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份福建省泉州市2024届高三上学期毕业班质量监测(二)英语试题(Word版附解析),共24页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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