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    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. Why did the wman buy the dress?
    A. It’s her favrite style. B. It’s needed fr wrk. C. It’s inexpensive.
    2. What has the man started ding recently?
    A. Taking exercise. B. Keeping a diary. C. Learning t ck.
    3. Which kind f huse d the speakers wrk in nw?
    A. A ne-rm studi. B. A tw-rm apartment. C. A tw-stry twn huse.
    4. What is the man ding fr the wman?
    A. Explaining her wrk duties.
    B. Checking her bld pressure.
    C. Scheduling her next dctr's visit.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Ways t make a living.
    B. Lessns frm their jbs.
    C. Feelings f wrking in a city.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What des the wman think f the exam?
    A. It's easy. B. It's surprising. C. It's unimprtant.
    7. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Cusins. B. Classmates. C. Teacher and student.
    8. Where did the wman prbably learn abut the bk?
    A. Frm a friend. B. Frm the man. C. Frm TV.
    9. What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A. Lend him a bk. B. Check his writing. C. Teach him scial skills.
    10. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a bkstre. B. In a library. C. On a beach.
    11. What activity will the man mainly d during his vacatin?
    A. Clthing shpping. B. Outdr sprts. C. City turing.
    12. Wh is the wman ging n her trip with?
    A. Her sister. B. Her parent. C. Her friend.
    13. When will the wman return frm Suth Krea?
    A. On March 19th. B. On March 21st. C. On March 23rd.
    14. Hw des the man feel nw?
    A. Stressed. B. Excited. C. Bred.
    15. Why didn't the man cme back hme as planned?
    A. He had t take exams.
    B. His flight was delayed.
    C. He went t a Christmas party.
    16. Where will the speakers g next?
    A. The man's huse. B. An airprt. C. A supermarket.
    17. Hw is the wman prbably related t the man?
    A. His friend. B. His teacher. C. His mther.
    18. Wh put frward the prpsal?
    A. A gvernment fficial. B. A senir student. C. A fd expert.
    19. When will the new plan be carried ut?
    A. Tday. B. Next week. C. In ne year.
    20. What is the judgment n the plicy based n?
    A. The health cnditin f the listeners.
    B. The prfits made by the dining hall.
    C. The level f student satisfactin with the fd.
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Where t Eat in Kuala Lumpur
    Great restaurants in Kuala Lumpur ffer a genuine glbal dining experience. Whether yu are lking t enjy hearty cmfrt fd r sme lcal delicacies, the city's dining scene satisfies all cmers.
    Mum's Place
    Nthing brings mre cmfrt than mm's cking. With recipes inspired by the wners' mther, this restaurant brings yu Nynya dishes that are truly Malaysian. Lcated in the district f Damansara Perdana, Mum's Place is a neighburhd restaurant with its main custmers frm residents nearby. Sme f the best dishes include cencaru fish, devil curry chicken and beef rendang.
    Lcated abut 20 minutes frm dwntwn Malacca, it is a hme-based eatery with abut 10 tables manned by fur peratrs. Unlike mst restaurants, fd is self-service here, with dishes placed n catering pans fr custmers t chse frm. It serves traditinal Malaysian dishes with distinct Chinese influences. Yu will find rice dumplings and chicken rendang amng the fferings. It has tw branches in the city. Their dishes sell ut fast, s it'd be best t head there befre lunch time.
    YumYum Restaurant
    Situated in the beautiful Shangri-La Htel, Yum Yum Restaurant is amng the lcals' many favurite spts t dine at. It ffers an interesting Nynya and Thai fd with Chinese influences that make them stand ut. The classic dishes include sambal petai prawns, assam fish head and Yum Yum egg. It can get crwded here, s it'd be best t head there early r call ahead fr reservatins.
    Trika Sky Dining
    Offering fine dining, the impressive Trika Sky Dining undubtedly stands ut frm the pack. Set n the 23rd flr f Twer B f The Trika, it ges withut saying that the clud-skimming views here are smething else entirely. The fd is what helped it stand ut. It serves award-winning French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish fd and adventurus menu f high-end pizzas and pasta.
    21. What d Mum's Place and Yum Yum Restaurant have in cmmn?
    A. They are based in htels. B. They serve Nynya dishes.
    C. They need prir reservatins. D. They ffer breathtaking views.
    22. Which restaurant serves western fd?
    A. Mum's Place. B. Cantalupe.
    C. Yum Yum Restaurant. D. Trika Sky Dining.
    23. What's special abut Cantalupe?
    A. It is a buffet restaurant. B. It serves hard-t-find dishes.
    C. It has branches thrughut Asia. D. It pens fr lunch earlier than thers.
    The mtivatin fr his inventin came t Aarrav Anil last year when he saw his uncle Arjun, wh has Parkinsn's disease, struggle t eat. Sme fd spilled (溢出) ut f his muth, the rest splattered (溅) n his clthes. Arjun attempted t keep his dignity but the frustratin frced him t give up and call his helper t feed him.
    The sight f his uncle's shaking the spn s vilently inspired Aarrav, 17, frm Bengaluru, suth India, t turn t rbtics. He lcked himself in his rm with micrcntrllers, sensrs, mtrs, and a 3D printer. What emerged was a prttype (原型) f a smart spn that is nw underging trials at the RV Cllege f Physitherapy in Bengaluru.
    The sensrs in the battery-perated spn detect shaking n ne side and activate mvement n the ther, effectively cancelling ut shaking t keep the spn stable.
    "I've been fine tuning the design based n the cllege's feedback-that it needs t be waterprf s that it can be washed withut damaging all the electrnics inside; that it must be remvable s it can be cleaned and replaced by a frk, "Aarrav says.
    Fr Aarrav it is the peak f a 10-year interest in mechanics that began when his mther bught him a Leg set. He has nw represented India at mre than 20 rbtics cmpetitins acrss the wrld.
    When the blueprint fr the smart spn wn first prize in the future innvatrs categry at last year's Wrld Rbt Olympiad in Germany, Aarrav felt encuraged t make the prttype.
    Mre than 7 millin peple in India are estimated t have Parkinsn's disease, a cnditin in which parts f the brain becme prgressively damaged and which mainly affects peple ver the age f 50. Symptms (症状) include invluntary shaking and stiff muscles. As the disease prgresses, eating can becme mre difficult, frcing peple t rely n help frm thers.
    Aarrav's ambitin is that every family that has smene with Parkinsn's will have the smart spn. He says his uncle Arjun's wrds keep eching (回响) in his mind: "Wh wuld have thught such a small thing culd mean the difference between dignity and indignity?"
    24. What can Aarrav's inventin help peple with Parkinsn's d?
    A. Cntrl their physical balance. B. Bst their md and relieve stress.
    C. Maintain a gd range f mvement. D. Feed themselves mre independently.
    25. What des the underlined part "fine tuning" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Overturning. B. Recnsidering.
    C. Cnducting a study f. D. Making minr changes t.
    26. What is the authr's purpse in mentining Parkinsn's in India?
    A. T shw prspects f Aarrav's inventin.
    B. T reveal the natin's pr health situatin.
    C. T ppularize general knwledge f the disease.
    D. T cnvince peple t vlunteer fr scial causes.
    27. What can be learned abut Aarrav frm the text?
    A. He enjys being alne. B. He has an innvative mind.
    C. He used t be a health wrker. D. He lnged t be a businessman.
    Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case fr Hpe and Healing in a Divided Wrld is ne f the mre imprtant bks abut climate change t have been written. Hayhe is a gifted public speaker and Saving Us is a fllw-up t her awesme TED talk in 2018, "The mst imprtant thing yu can d t fight climate change: talk abut it".
    One f the many refreshing aspects f this bk is that Hayhe recunts bth her successes and her failures t cmmunicate, thrugh which she has gathered evidence abut what wrks and what des nt. Much f the bk's advice is cmmn sense, all backed up nt just by Hayhe's experience but als with cnvincing research by psychlgists and scial scientists.
    Hayhe advises against trying t engage with a small minrity, the "Dismissives", wh "angrily reject the idea that human-caused climate change is a threat; they are mst receptive t misinfrmatin and cnspiracy theries (阴谋论)". There is a warning that ffering up mre facts abut climate change can actually increase plarisatin amng them.
    The bk includes amusing examples f her encunters with the "Dismissives", almst entirely lder men-including an engineer wh was uncnvinced abut the evidence but with whm she was able t establish mutual (相互的) respect thrugh a shared passin fr knitting (打毛线衣)—and is packed with inspiring accunts f hw she has wn ver even the mst suspicius f crwds. Her mtt is "bnd, cnnect and inspire", which represents her apprach f always lking fr pints f cmmnality.
    She als tells f a man wh apprached her after an event in Lndn in 2019. He had been s inspired by her TED talk that he had started t speak t everybdy he culd in his neighbrhd f Wandswrth. He shwed her details f 12, 000 cnversatins that had taken place as a result, claiming that they had helped t cnvince the cuncil t declare a climate emergency and t switch investments frm fssil fuels t renewable energy.
    And s, while it may feel difficult t influence the utcme f the COP26, Hayhe's uplifting bk makes a persuasive case that we can all d ur bit t bring abut success just by talking abut the issue.
    28. What des the bk mainly fcus n?
    A. Sharing climate cmmunicatin tips.
    B. Teaching presentatin skills with TED talks.
    C. Explring critical thinking thrugh literature.
    D. Prmting peple's insight int climate change.
    29. Which f the fllwing best describes the advice in the bk?
    A. Humrus but ne-sided. B. Nvel but cntradictry.
    C. Serius and hard t fllw. D. Well-based and wrkable.
    30. Hw did Hayhe win ver the "Dismissives"?
    A. By changing their plitical identity.
    B. By challenging their fundamental beliefs.
    C. By ffering mre facts abut climate change.
    D. By seeking cmmn grund built n a shared lve.
    31. What des the authr want t say by telling the stry in paragraph 5?
    A. Wrld shift t clean energy is unstppable.
    B. We shuld help peple prepare fr the climate crisis.
    C. Plicymakers are less respnsive t market changes.
    D. Cnversatins can influence climate decisin-making.
    Ramirez Castañeda, a Clmbian bilgist, spends her time in the Amazn studying hw snakes eat pisnus frgs withut getting ill. Althugh her findings cme in many shapes and sizes, she and her clleagues have struggled t get their bilgical discveries ut t the wider scientific cmmunity. With Spanish as her mther tngue, her research had t be translated int English t be published. That wasn't always pssible because f budget r time-and it means that sme f her findings were never published.
    "It's nt that I'm a bad scientist, " she says. "It's just because f the language. "
    Castañeda is nt alne. There is plenty f research in nn-English-language papers that gets lst in translatin, r is never translated. A research lked thrugh mre than 400, 000 peer-reviewed papers in 16 different languages and fund 1, 234 studies prviding evidence n bidiversity cnservatin which, because they weren't in English, may have been verlked. These included Japanese-language findings n the effectiveness f relcating the endangered Blakistn's fish wl, the largest wl species.
    Sme experts argue that fr the sake f the bigger picture, scientific knwledge shuld cnverge (转换) int ne cmmn language. Science is very glbalised and becming mre s, s the use f a glbal language is enrmus fr that.
    Of curse, scientists can wrk with an English partner, r use a translatr-but this ultimately strengthens the cycle f dependency n the glbal nrth, leading t inequality in internatinal influence. The specific meanings f wrds can als pse a prblem in translatin. Fr example, it is difficult t find in English ne single wrd t describe frest snakes and frgs in the wrk Castafieda des with indigenus (土著的) cmmunities in the Amazn.
    "S we're lsing bservatins fr science, t, " says Castañeda. "Fr me, it's nt pssible t just have everything translated int English. We need multilingual (多语种的) science, and we need peple that feel cmfrtable ding science in their wn languages. It culd be pssible t switch t a wrld where, say, Chinese, English and Spanish are the three languages f science, just as English, French and German were the languages f science in the 19th century. "
    32. What prevented Castañeda's discveries frm being mre widely knwn?
    A. Pr management. B. Oppsitin frm her clleagues.
    C. Her bad reputatin. D. The language barrier.
    33. What's the cnsequence f the dminant fcus n English in scientific research?
    A. Inefficient wildlife cnservatin.
    B. A knwledge gap in the scientific wrld.
    C. A grwing interest in nn-English papers.
    D. Inadequate jb pprtunities fr translatrs.
    34. What des the authr want t illustrate by mentining frest snakes and frgs?
    A. The urgency t prtect rare species.
    B. The need t adpt ne glbal language.
    C. The challenges in translating scientific texts.
    D. The bidiversity n the Suth American cntinent.
    35. What is presented in the last paragraph f the text?
    A. A ptential slutin. B. A theretical mdel.
    C. A ppular belief. D. A glbal trend.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Learning hw t aplgize is similar t learning any new behavir. It may feel awkward and may nt be plished at first. 36 There are several tips that will help yu as yu learn hw t aplgize.
    First f all, wait until the right time and yu are in the right place. Althugh public aplgy is ften apprpriate, discretin (谨慎) shuld be used. 37 Remember, yu will be raising a tpic that may recall a bad experience r bad feelings. Be respectful as yu apprach this task.
    Be direct and brief in yur apprach. Acknwledge the fact that injury has ccurred and then take respnsibility fr what happened. Be sincere in expressing yur regret and demnstrate yur willingness t take wnership f the situatin. 38
    Even if yu fllw these steps, be prepared fr rejectin. Smetimes, the persn aplgizing has an expectatin that the aplgy will lead t immediate frgiveness and acceptance. 39 If yu think f the ffense (冒犯) as an emtinal bruise (瘀伤), think f the healing prcess as the clr changes we see as a bruise heals.
    40 Knwing when t keep ne's muth shut is a virtue. Keeping quiet may be very difficult, as pst-aplgy listening is nt easy. We may hear unpleasant bservatins frm anther abut ur wn shrtcmings. We may hear the expressin f anger. One f the ways we let thers knw we are truly respnsible and accuntable fr ur mistakes is by listening t the ther party pur ut the feelings assciated with ur actins.
    A. Frgiveness and acceptance may take time.
    B. T give r receive a gd aplgy is an art.
    C. But with practice, everyne can learn t d it.
    D. Listening t the respnse t ur aplgies is imprtant.
    E. Mst aplgies can and shuld happen in a private setting.
    F. In ther wrds, avid excuses and ffer t repair the damage.
    G. Taking respnsibility desn't mean accepting blame fr everything.
    Last Christmas, I vlunteered fr WNWNB, a charity which takes surplus (剩余的)prduce frm New Cvent Garden Market and 41 it t the lcal cmmunity.
    The fd was already in cntainers. S we set up the stand and gt ready t distribute sme Christmas 42 . At first, it was 43 . Peple seemed a bit suspicius f taking fd fr free. But they gradually 44 us and we had a fun afternn singing carls and trying t 45 passersby t take ur fd.
    It was then time t deliver meals t thse wh weren't able t cme. This is 46 things changed fr me. The first dr I kncked n was 47 by a wman in her 30s. She had children and lked abslutely wrn ut. I tld her I was frm WNWNB and gave her the 48 meals. It was prbably nly abut tw days' wrth f fd but, the way she 49 , I felt as if I was handing her gld.
    I had similar respnses t my next 50 . In sme cases, when peple were elderly r alne, I'd g int their hmes and have a brief 51 befre heading ff. Many felt 52 , but I saw hw happy they were t have anther adult human t 53 .
    As a lcal plitician I knck n drs and talk t peple a lt, but there was smething deeper abut thse 54 n Christmas Day. I finished my day at WNWNB a slightly different persn frm the ne wh 55 .
    41.A. distributesB. intrducesC. sellsD. exhibits
    42.A. frgivenessB. imagesC. recipesD. cheer
    43.A. easyB. niceC. slwD. safe
    44.A. brke away frmB. put up with
    C. cut in nD. warmed up t
    45.A. threatenB. encurageC. allwD. cmmand
    46.A. whyB. hwC. whereD. when
    47.A. penedB. repairedC. cleanedD. guarded
    48.A. cstlyB. unfinishedC. desertedD. ready
    49.A. declinedB. reactedC. arguedD. traded
    50.A. purchasesB. interviewsC. deliveries D. schedules
    51.A. mealB. chatC. reprtD. silence
    52.A. prudB. freeC. lnely D. cntent
    53.A. cnnect withB. lk afterC. turn t D. rely n
    54.A. cnversatinsB. budgetsC. explanatinsD. deals
    55.A. hesitatedB. startedC. ignredD. struggled
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Tanghulu (als knwn as bingtang hulu) is a traditinal Chinese snack cnsisting f hardened sugar cated fruits n a stick. 56 (classic), tanghulu is made f hawthrns that are rich 57 vitamin C. In recent times, tanghulu makers 58 (add)variety t this traditinal snack by using ther fruits such as cherries, strawberries, pineapples r grapes.
    Tanghulu can taste sweet r sur, depending n yur fruit. Traditinal tanghulu using hawthrn berries is said t taste like a 59 (cmbine)f bth. Yu can, f curse, make yur wn Tanghulu using any fruit yu desire.
    Tanghulu is easier 60 (make)at hme than yu might think. The trick is t use the crrect water t sugar rati (比例) and bil the sugar water mixture 61 its temperature reaches 150 ℃. Then quickly dip yur fruit skewer (扦) int the sugar mixture. This will result in fruit that's cated in a thin layer f hard candy that cracks when 62 (bite)int.
    Tanghulu is cmmnly eaten in the winter. Yu can find 63 (travel)traders raming (游荡) in the streets, selling this unique snack. If yu want t try the sticky treat 64 (yu), yu can find Tanghulu stands near mst f the ppular turist attractins in China. Tanghulu isn't expensive, as a skewer csts nly $1. S, what culd pssibly stp yu frm giving ne 65 try?
    1. 活动过程;
    2. 活动感想。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A climbing event t celebrate the New Year
    I've always knwn that I'm very quick with my hands. If smene thrws smething, I catch it almst befre I'm aware it has been thrwn. When I was yung, I had n idea hw useful this skill wuld becme.
    Last week, I was ging t visit a friend with her newbrn and was n my way t a ty stre t buy a gift. I'd nce lived in the neighburhd and I decided t head back t my ld cupcake shp fr a cffee. Sitting alne at a table utside with my drink, I was apprached by an lder man, wh in a calm and very matter-f-fact way tld me t call 911, because there was a baby n a fire escape.
    I jumped up t see where the baby was. I was s surprised t see it, wearing a little nesie (连体衣) and lying n the fire escape railings (栏杆) between the secnd and third streys. I was nervus, s the baby by became my nly pririty.
    As I was n the phne t the emergency services, I made eye cntact with the child, keeping him calm, telling him t stay there. Sme peple were ging up the stairs t find the parents, wh were apparently sleeping thrugh the whle drama.
    I just wanted the child t feel safe. I hped he'd stay there until smebdy culd rescue him. Apparently he had slipped thrugh pieces f cardbard placed next t an air-cnditining unit in the windw, and withut bars t prtect him he'd crawled (爬) ut and up the fire escape twards the next strey. He was nly 16 mnths ld. Fr him t even climb up and balance in that psitin was incredible.
    Then he slipped. Instinctively (本能), he grabbed n the railing as he fell, hanging by his arms. I knew he culdn't hld n, 25 feet abve the street, fr lng. I sensed peple had gathered behind, but my attentin was purely fcused n my intentin t catch the baby.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I made sure I was psitined t catch him.
    The mments after he was saved were exciting:
    1-5 CBACA6-10 BBCAC11-15 BAABA16-20 CCBBA
    21-23 BDA24-27 DDAB28-31 ADDD32-35 DBCA
    36-40 CEFAD
    41-45 ADCDB46-50 DADBC51-55 BCAAB
    56. Classically 57. in 58. have added 59. cmbinatin 60. t make 61. until / till 62. bitten 63. travelling / traveling 64. yurself / yurselves 65. a
    As the New Year dawned, ur schl embraced the traditin f “Hiking Upward t Welcme the New Year” n January 1st, 2024. Brimming with enthusiasm, students and teachers embarked n the ascent at the break f dawn with brisk air and cludless sky.
    After reaching the summit, the grup was greeted with breathtaking natural scenery and a vast panrama f the awakening city. There was a sense f accmplishment, mingled with hpeful anticipatin fr what the new year might bring.
    Nt nly did this cllective experience frge a deeper bnd amng us but als instilled cnfidence t brave the academic challenges f the cming year. Better still, it served as a vivid reminder that every step frward, n matter hw labrius, brings us clser t the peaks f ur ptential.
    B. 官方范文
    A climbing event t celebrate the New Year
    T welcme the new year, ur schl hsted a climbing activity n New Year's Day.
    The climb began at 10 a.m. and lasted fr an hur and a half. We tk part in a launching ceremny at the Happy Valley gate t warm up befre the climb began. We wrte ur New Year’s wishes n red ribbns and tied them t trees alng the way, Reaching the tp, we gt a bird’s-eye view f the entire resrt.
    As “climbing high”" symblizes grwth and new accmplishments in Chinese culture, the event helped demnstrate the spirit f “striving upward” and express ur wishes fr a happy and prsperus 2024.
    I made sure I was psitined t catch him. Heart slamming and palms sweating, my hands, trembling but steady, were ready at all times. Thugh it seemed like a century, it was nly secnds befre his little fingers slipped and he came tumbling dwn twards me. With my entire attentin n the tiny by falling thrugh the air, I was able t act with the prmptness and precisin I've always had. Althugh stumbling a bit, I leaned frward, reached ut my hands and caught him securely and tightly. The by's chubby face first was written with panic, then sftened int relief and finally, calmness and cmpsure. Cradling him gently in my arms as if he were my wn child, I kept mumbled, " yu are safe nw, my kid."
    The mments after he was saved were exciting. Peple applauded and cheered me n in jy, filled with a mixture f relief and awe. Amid the celebratins, a wman, presumably the by's mther, rushed dwn the staircase, whse face was stained with tears f panic and self-reprach. She tk her sn, checking him ver frantically fr any injuries. After making sure her sn nly suffered minr scratches, the wman heaved a sigh f relief and she turned t hug me tightly. “I can’t thank yu enugh.” With a trembling vice thick with emtin, she shwered me with wrds f gratitude. While everyne was calling it a miracle, I knew it was my lifelng quick reflexes that had prepared me fr this unfreseen mment f herism.
    B. 官方范文
    I made sure I was psitined t catch him. Nervus but determined, I std still, reaching ut my hand. The baby held n fr a few mments until he lst his grip and fell. Peple behind me gasped in shck at the scene. At that instant, I tk the maximum effrt t break the baby's fall and prevented him frm slipping frm my arms and hitting the grund. It felt like a basic and simple human respnse. Emergency services arrived and gave the baby a quick check. Luckily, he was perfectly fine withut a scratch n him.
    The mments after he was saved were exciting. Amid thunderus applause and cheers, peple kept telling me that I was an angel. The baby's parents had been wken by the cmmtin. Rushing dwnstairs, his parents burst int tears f gratitude after learning their baby was safe and sund. The crwd scattering, I left fr the ty stre and played the prcess ver and ver again in my head. I came t realize that it changed me int a calmer persn and I became mre at ease with emergencies. I think I was meant t be there.

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