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    北京专用04 阅读培优小卷-2023年高一英语寒假作业阅读培优小卷(原卷版)
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    北京专用04 阅读培优小卷-2023年高一英语寒假作业阅读培优小卷(原卷版)

    这是一份北京专用04 阅读培优小卷-2023年高一英语寒假作业阅读培优小卷(原卷版),共7页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    The day will cme when renewable energy such as wind, slar, gethermal and thers replace fssil fuels as the majr surce f wrld energy. Hwever, mst analysts insist that this day will nt arrive fr many decades t cme—certainly well past the middle f the century. Systems f fssil fuels have already been firmly set up, and it is t cstly r impractical t replace the existing systems with renewables. But there are gd reasns t believe that the transitin(转变) t renewables will cme much faster than previusly thught.
    It is hardly surprising that many experts say we will see a relatively slw transitin frm fssil fuels t renewables, given what is knwn abut previus energy changes f this srt. “Energy transitins take a lng time,” bserved Vaclav Smil f the University f Manitba. It tk mre than 50 years fr cal t replace wd as the wrld’s leading surce f energy and anther 50 years fr il t replace cal; the change frm fssil fuels t renewables, he argued, is nt likely t cme any faster.
    Under rdinary circumstances, Smil’s frecast wuld n dubt prve accurate. But these are nt rdinary times. Grwing cncern ver climate change is leading t increasingly strict cntrls n CO2 and ther greenhuse gas (GHG) emissins(排放),while the develpment in renewables technlgy is lwering their price and speeding their installatin(安装).
    There are, f curse, many difficulties in the effective cntrl f carbn emissins, as demnstrated by cal cmpanies t blck the intrductin f new rules by the US Envirnmental Prtectin Agency. Nevertheless, it is impssible t take n ntice f the prgress being made at the lcal and internatinal levels t prmte the use f renewables. The Eurpean Unin (E.U.), fr example, is well n the way t achieving a 20% reductin in GHG emissins frm 1990 levels by 2025, alng with a 20%increase in the use f renewable energy.
    The transitin t renewables will be faster due t dramatic US imprvements in the pricing and perfrmance f such systems. As a result f the steady increases in the efficiency f wind and slar systems, tgether with the savings achieved thrugh large—scale manufacture, the price f renewables is falling glbally. With prices drpping this fast, slar energy is nw prving cmpetitive with fssil fuels fr generating electricity in many areas.
    The change frm fssil fuels t renewable energy will nt cme vernight, and it will nt escape many setbacks. Nevertheless, renewables are likely t replace fssil fuels as the main surce f electrical pwer well befre mid—century.
    1.Vaclav Smil believes that ________.
    A.renewable energies are nt very practical
    B.the change t renewables will cme slwly
    C.systems f fssil fuels have been firmly set up
    D.there are many setbacks f renewable energies
    2.We can learn frm the passage that Eurpean Unin ________.
    A.has cut dwn half f the carbn emissins
    B.has failed t find a way t reduce GHG emissins
    C.is trying its best t encurage the use f renewables
    D.tries t stp the intrductin f new rules n renewables
    3.The renewables are mre cmpetitive because f ________.
    A.their falling pricesB.the decline in the cal industry
    C.internatinal tradeD.the new rules n CO2 emissin
    4.Accrding t the passage, ________.
    A.Smil’s frecast has prved t be inaccurate in all situatins
    B.Renewable energy serves as a majr surce f energy in tday’s wrld
    C.Cmpanies supprted the rules made by US Envirnmental Prtectin Agency
    D.There has been a steady imprvement in the efficiency f wind and slar systems
    5.The authr writes this passage in rder t ________.
    A.call n peple t use fewer fssil fuels
    B.give advice n hw t prmte renewables
    C.argue that the energy transitin will cme sner
    D.prve that renewables will be the majr surce f energy
    A character in ne f Shakespeare’s plays nce said, “Sme are brn great, sme achieve greatness, and sme have greatness thrust upn them.” Any f these culd apply t the mdern-day sprtsmen. Many still argue abut the nature f talent. Sme claim that peple are brn t be sprtsmen, while thers say it is nly thrugh devtin and hard wrk that they achieve their abilities. Arguably thugh, it is nt until their talents are acknwledged (认可) by the public that they truly have greatness fallen upn them.
    With this acknwledgement f their “greatness” cme all the trappings f mdern-day celebrity: mney, pwer, influence and respnsibility. Fr better r fr wrse, like it r hate it, mdern sprtsmen are the rle mdels f children everywhere. These children will grw up admiring their heres, devting their lives t cpying their every mve, and wanting abve all t be like them. Due t this fascinatin, particularly with the massive influence f the media, it is mre imprtant than ever fr these sprtsmen t acknwledge their respnsibility.
    In the past few mnths alne, there have been many examples f questinable behavirs frm sprts stars f the present day. They are ften mirrring the very wrst aspects f sciety, a fact that the self-righteus (自以为是的) anger f the mdern press has been quick t pint ut. It wuld be wrng fr us t expect sprtsmen t be perfect. It wuld als be wrng fr us t think that their behavir is markedly different frm the sprtsmen they grew up watching, but with the all-seeing eye f mdern media it is a different wrld, and different standards must be expected.
    Of curse, there is n duty fr sprtsmen t be gd rle mdels. There are n prisn sentences, n fines, n cmmunity service—unless their behavirs are illegal. Unless they break the law, it is entirely up t them as t whether r nt they think their behavir is apprpriate. Furthermre, measuring the true influence their decisins have n their fllwers is abslutely impssible. Sme will rise against their idls, seeing them in a new light and criticizing their actins. Others may cpy their heres’ actins, using them as a shield when accused f the same crimes.
    It is withut dubt that the actins f sprtsmen will influence the lives f thse wh wrship them. Mdern day sprtsmen are almst ideals f tday’s wrld, and their actins are watched carefully by millins ver the wrld. Sme may cmplain against it, denying their influence n these children’s lives. Others may be aware f it but nt respect it, while many may bth be aware f it and respect it. In a wrd, yu d nt chse whether yu are a rle mdel. All yu can d is t decide hw t act when greatness is thrust upn yu.
    6.In Paragraph 1, the authr tries t emphasize ______.
    A.sprtsmen becme great when their gifts are recgnized by peple
    B.sprtsmen achieve greatness thrugh their devtin and effrts
    C.different ways fr sprtsmen t achieve success and greatness
    D.the cre characteristic t becme great sprtsmen nwadays
    7.Accrding t Paragraph 4, we can learn that ______.
    A.rle mdels usually have psitive influence n their fans
    B.sprtsmen have the right t behave freely within the law
    C.all the fans will fllw their heres’ actins
    D.n duty is given t sprtsmen
    8.The underlined phrase thrust upn in paragraph 1 mst prbably means ______.
    A.put ff B.remved frm C.related t D.frced n
    9.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T advise the media t chse prper events t reprt.
    B.T infrm the public that sprtsmen are n rle mdels.
    C.T remind the sprtsmen f their scial respnsibilities.
    D.T argue that sprtsmen shuld nt be expected as heres.
    Like many ther peple wh speak mre than ne language, I ften have the sense that I’m a slightly different persn in each f my languages—mre cnfident in English, mre relaxed in French, mre emtinal in Czech. Is it pssible that, alng with these differences, my mral cmpass (指南针) als pints in smewhat different directins depending n the language I’m using at the time?
    Psychlgists wh study mral judgments have becme very interested in this questin. The findings f several recent studies suggest that when peple are faced with mral dilemmas (困境), they d indeed respnd differently when cnsidering them in a freign language than when using their native tngue.
    In a 2014 paper led by Albert Csta, vlunteers were presented with a mral dilemma knwn as the “trlley prblem”: imagine that a runaway trlley is mving quickly tward a grup f five peple standing n the tracks, unable t mve. Yu are next t a switch that can mve the trlley t a different set f tracks, therefre sparing the five peple, but resulting in the death f ne wh is standing n the side tracks. D yu pull the switch?
    Mst peple agree that they wuld. But what if the nly way t stp the trlley is by pushing a large stranger ff a ftbridge int its path? Peple tend t be very hesitant t say they wuld d this, even thugh in bth situatins, ne persn is sacrificed t save five. But Csta and his clleagues fund that presenting the dilemma in a language that vlunteers had learned as a freign tngue dramatically increased their stated willingness t push the sacrificial persn ff the ftbridge, frm fewer than 20% f respndents wrking in their native language t abut 50% f thse using the freign ne.
    Why des it matter whether we judge mrality in ur native language r a freign ne? Accrding t ne explanatin, such judgments invlve tw separate and cmpeting ways f thinking—ne f these, a quick, natural “feeling,” and the ther, careful deliberatin abut the greatest gd fr the greatest number. When we use a freign language, we uncnsciusly sink int the mre careful way simply because the effrt f perating in ur nn-native language signals ur cgnitive (认知的) system t prepare fr difficult activity.
    An alternative explanatin is that differences arise between native and freign tngues because ur childhd languages are filled with greater emtins than are thse learned in mre academic settings. As a result, mral judgments made in a freign language are less filled with the emtinal reactins that surface when we use a language learned in childhd.
    There’s strng evidence that memry cnnects a language with the experiences and interactins thrugh which that language was learned. Fr example, peple wh are bilingual (双语的) are mre likely t recall an experience if reminded in the language in which that event ccurred. Our childhd languages, learned in the middle f passinate emtin, becme filled with deep feeling. By cmparisn, languages acquired late in life, especially if they are learned thrugh limited interactins in the classrm r dully delivered ver cmputer screens and headphnes, enter ur minds lacking the emtinality that is present fr their native speakers.
    10.What des “this questin” in Paragraph 2 refer t?
    A.What cntributes t ne’s language imprvements?
    B.Is it necessary t learn mre than ne freign language?
    C.Des the language ne uses influence ne’s mral judgments?
    D.Hw d peple deal with mral dilemmas in a freign language?
    11.When the “trlley prblem” was presented in a freign language, vlunteers were mre likely t ______.
    A.care less abut the five peple
    B.pull the switch t the side tracks
    C.remain hesitant abut what t d
    D.sacrifice the stranger n the ftbridge
    12.The underlined wrd in Paragraph 5 is clsest in meaning t ______.
    C.selectin D.arrangement
    13.What can we learn frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.Bilingual peple are less emtinal than thers.
    B.Native language learning invlves greater emtins.
    C.Childhd memries limit freign language learning.
    D.Academic settings prmte freign language learning.
    Fr 18 years after her retirement, Deng Xialan vlunteered t teach music in a village in Fuping cunty, Hebei prvince. Her inspiratinal teaching and the enthusiasm and talent f her pupils made the 44 children frm Malan village sing the Olympic anthem (颂歌) in Greek at the pening ceremny f the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics n Feb, which were ne f the highlights f the night.
    Deng’s invlvement with the rural children can be dated back t her parents. Her father Deng Tu was the publisher f Jinchaji Daily, a newspaper which was based in Malan village in Fuping cunty, Hebei prvince, frm 1939 t 1948. During the Japanese aggressin (侵略), 19 Malan lcals were killed fr refusing t divulge infrmatin abut the newspaper. Under the influence f her parents, wh bth had a passin fr music, she learned the vilin and singing when she was yung. She jined the schl band after entering Tsinghua University, and als taught her wrkmates t play the vilin after graduatin.
    In 2003, when Deng Xialan returned t the village t remember the persns wh were killed by Japanese invaders, a grup f lcal children als attended the ceremny. She wanted t sing a sng tgether with the children in cmmemratin (纪念仪式), but nne f the children knew the well-knwn sngs she named.
    “If the children culdn’t sing, then they wuldn’t knw hw t appreciate music. Life wuld be s clrless if it desn’t have music,” Deng said. “My parents lived and fught here when they were yung, and they wanted the lcals t live a happy life. S I thught if I had the chance, I must teach them t sing.”
    Deng began t travel between Beijing and the village since 2004 t teach the children music. She cllected instruments and als rebuilt the schl huses by raising funds and using her wn mney. As the children had n backgrund in music, she had t teach them basic music knwledge.
    Tw years later, she frmed the Malan Band. Amng mre than 200 students taught by Deng, many left the muntainus village t receive university educatin, sme f whm are studying art at university r have entered a career in art educatin.
    14.What cntributed t the 44 children sing at the pening ceremny?
    A.They have a gd cmmand f Greek.
    B.The Winter Olympics Cmmittee chse them.
    C.Deng’s inspiratinal deeds and talent f her pupils.
    D.Deng Xialan taught them and helped them sign up.
    15.What can we knw abut Deng’s life in paragraph 2?
    A.She was a publisher f Jinchaji Daily.
    B.She majred in music in Tsinghua University.
    C.Her father was killed during Japanese aggressin.
    D.Her parents played an imprtant rle in her lve f music.
    Fr many students, maths and science have always been bring and even difficult subjects. Teachers have lng tried a variety f ways t get students excited abut STEM, which stands fr science, technlgy, engineering and maths. ____16____.
    The use f rbtics is n the rise in tday’s wrld. ____17____ Nt nly des it give them a head start in subjects like cmputer prgramming, maths and science, it can als develp an interest in careers students may have never cnsidered befre.
    Rbts are mst ften related t technlgy and ther STEM-related fields. Hwever, playing with rbts has educatinal benefits beynd simply learning t build and prgram the rbts themselves. Rbts can be used t in prblem-based learning t develp students’ prblem-slving skills and get them wrking cperatively and mre. In this learning mdel, students are presented with a prblem they must slve. ____18____. This inspires creativity, critical thinking and cperatin—all imprtant 21s-century skills.
    Rbts aren’t just fr students wh need a challenge. ____19____ Students with autism wh may shy away frm interactin with a human being are mre likely t pen up t a rbt, and the risk f failure r embarrassment in frnt f the rbt is much lwer. Rbts can prvide a way fr them t practice scial skills withut the pressure f interacting with a real persn.
    There are a wide variety f rbts available fr classrm use. ____20____ It nw makes rbts designed fr students in elementary and middle schl. The rbts can be prgrammed using a cmputer r tablet and a simplified prgramming app. This intrduces the basics f prgramming and rbtics t yunger students wh might then chse t study further in high schl and cllege.
    Rbts are nly ging t becme a bigger part f everyday life in the future. Using rbts in the classrm is a prven way t get kids excited and increase learning.
    A.Allwing students t play with rbts and learn hw they wrk can have huge benefits fr them.
    B.Instead f fllwing a teacher’s directins, students wrk ut their wn slutins t the prblem.
    C.One f the mst ppular is frm LEGO, the cmpany that first made engineering fun fr kids.
    D.It turns ut ne f the best ways t get kids interested in STEM is thrugh the use f rbts.
    E.Playing with rbts can have additinal benefits fr students with disabilities.
    F.Research int this pssibility has already begun.
    G.Rbts are naturally fun and exciting fr kids.

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