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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What will the man d next?
    A. Cllect sme infrmatin.B. Discuss with sme students.C. Get the wman’s pinin.
    2. Why is the wman in a hurry?
    A. T answer a call.B. T search fr a stre.C. T lk fr a washrm.
    3. What happened t Larry last night?
    A. He fell int water.
    B. He culdn’t find his htel.
    C. He was caught in the rain.
    4. Where will the wman g tmrrw night?
    A. T the man’s huse.B. T a cinema.C. T a restaurant.
    5. What des the wman think f the man?
    A. Bad-tempered.B. Warm-hearted.C. Absent-minded.
    6. What is the man wrried abut?
    A. His friend’s visit.B. Lss f his friend.C. His pr cking.
    7. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Dwnlad an app.B. Ck unique cuisines.C. G ut with his friend.
    8. What des the wman shw the man?
    A. Her visa.B. Her passprt.C. Her ID card.
    9. What will the wman d with her luggage?
    A. Check it in.B. Make it lighter.C. Take it with her.
    10. Why des the wman find the study hard?
    A. The pems fcused n sme difficult tpics.
    B. She has t cmpare pems acrss languages.
    C. She lacks knwledge abut different cultures.
    11. What day is it tday?
    A. Sunday.B. Saturday.C. Mnday.
    12. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.B. Teacher and student.C. Husband and wife.
    13. Where will the speakers park their mtrhme?
    A. At their hme.B. In the wds.C. On a beach.
    14. What did the wman d in the mrning?
    A. She stred water in the vehicle.
    B. She tk a picture f the vehicle.
    C. She filled the vehicle up with gas.
    15. What seasn is it nw in Sctland?
    A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Winter.
    16. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Take a shwer.B. Turn the heat n.C. Check the amunt f gas.
    17. When will the event be held?
    A. Frm January 12th t February. 10th.
    B. Frm January 10th t February 12th.
    C. Frm January 12th t February 12th.
    18. Hw much shuld a cuple with a child f 8 pay fr their entrance?
    A. $20.B. $10.C. $30.
    19. Which event is new this year?
    A. A flwer shw.B. A fancy dress cmpetitin. C. A winter sprt.
    20. Where will the fd shps be?
    A. In the center f the site.
    B. Next t the entrance.
    C. Beside the amusement rides.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Living in a drm is definitely ne f the best parts f the cllege experience. Yu finally get yur wn space that yu can decrate hwever yu want. Hwever, it can be pretty hard t decide hw yu want t decrate yur drm rm s that it’s the perfect, cmfrtable, persnalized space. It’s imprtant that yur drm feels like yur hme. The fllwing are sme ideas fr the clest rm n campus.
    Try decrative plants
    With all f yur classes, yu prbably wn’t have time t keep real plants alive, but thankfully yu can get sme realistic-lking greens nline t bring sme grwn-up vibes int the space.
    Add fun lights
    Yu can g with the TikTk famus LED strip lights, r g with smething a little sfter, like a sunset lamp.
    Try temprary wallpaper
    This is prbably the easiest way t decrate yur drm rm. Just pick a cute pattern r clr, and then at the end f the year, peel it ff and leave a clean slate fr the next student.
    21. Why des the authr recmmend realistic-lking greens?
    A. Yu can decrate yur drm hwever yu want.
    B. It is pretty hard t chse a really persnalized plant.
    C. Realistic-lking greens are mre beautiful than real plants.
    D. Students may nt have enugh time t lk after the real plants.
    22. What is an advantage f trying temprary wallpaper?
    A. It is the cutest.B. It is the simplest.
    C. It is the lveliest.D. It is the cleanest.
    23. Hw much d yu pay if yu buy the Rse Flwer Garland and the Sunset Lamp?
    A. $30.B. $27.2.C. $22.8.D. $20.
    A dctr walked int an perating rm where an peratin was being perfrmed. Everything seemed t be ging well, but the dctr nticed that n ne was wearing a face mask. He was surprised—wearing a face mask is a basic hspital prcedure. But he didn’t say anything. The peratin was a success, but a few days later the patient came dwn with a fever. It turned ut that she had cntracted a serius infectin, prbably because the dctrs and nurses hadn’t fllwed a simple rule.
    Atul Gawande was interested in that stry and carried ut a research n the imprtance f a checklist t bst hspital services. Gawande is a dctr himself, and in his research he suggests that if surgens run thrugh a simple checklist befre every peratin, then lives will be saved. And he’s gt the numbers t prve it. In 2001, an experiment at an American hspital required dctrs t use a five-pint checklist befre they carried ut specific prcedures. The checklist was just a list f rutine things dctr shuld nrmally d withut thinking—wearing latex glves, washing their hands befre and after every patient, and s n. By making sure that the checklist was fllwed, there were almst n infectins during the 27 mnths f the experiment, and they estimate that arund eight lives were saved. When the checklist was tested again in hspitals in Michigan, infectins went dwn by 66 percent.
    In his study, Gawande lks at ther prfessins, t, t supprt his argument that checklists reduce accidents and imprve success rates. He pints ut that peple like engineers and pilts use checklists all the time, and he cmes up with sme gd examples. Just imagine that an airplane crashed because the pilt had failed t fllw basic prcedures. Suppse a skyscraper cllapsed because the engineers hadn’t remembered t d sme imprtant calculatins. Peple wuld demand that fficials lk int these events immediately.
    Gawande’s study finding is really interesting and received much public attentin. ‘It reminds us that smetimes the easiest way t avid making mistakes is t fllw a very simple set f rules. It’s relevant fr all f us, nt just fr dctrs.
    24. The functin f the first paragraph in this text is t ________.
    A: intrduce the rigin f the idea fr Gawande’s study
    B. explain the imprtance f the basic hspital prcedure
    C. explre the causes f infectins amng patients in hspitals
    D. emphasize the urgency f prviding relevant training t dctrs
    25. What are the tw experiments in paragraph 2 intended t prve?
    A. Yung medical staff need t fllw the checklists.
    B. Checklists are necessary fr hspitals in particular.
    C. Hspitals are required t maintain gd management.
    D. Medical infectins can be reduced by bserving a set f rules.
    26. What can we learn frm paragraph 3?
    A. Air crashes hardly ccurred with the basic prcedures.
    B. Gawande intends t prmte his idea t ther prfessins.
    C. High buildings may cllapse due t engineers’ miscalculatins.
    D. Peple think it a must fr a pilt r engineer t use their checklists.
    27. What is the authr’s attitude tward Gawande’s study?
    A. Unclear.B. Dismissive.C. Apprving.D. Dubtful.
    Can humans really understand what animals are saying, r are we just barking up the wrng tree?
    “Artificial intelligence (AI) hlds the key t unlcking the fascinating insights. Beynd creating chatbts that charm peple, machine learning may sn make it pssible t decde (解码) animal calls,” says Raskin, c-funder f the nnprfit Earth Species Prject. It’s develping AI mdels that imitate a variety f species, aiming t have “cnversatins” with animals. Its team is cllecting diverse data frm varius species and building machine-learning mdels fr analysis. Prject CETI (鲸类动物翻译计划) fcuses n understanding a particular species, in this case the sperm whale.
    Sperm whales have cmplex scial grups. When a familiar yung male rejined his family, researchers seized the chance t recrd their sunds. Fr tw decades, scientists dcumented tw sperm whale grups, capturing their clicking sunds. After manually decding sme sunds, they turned t AI fr faster translatin. Using a neural (神经的) netwrk, the team trained it t discern individual whales frm a subset f sunds. Next, their ambitius gal is t train a cmputer t speak whale.
    As tech advances, the dr has been pened t using machine learning t decde unfamiliar languages. It’s fund that AI tls have practical value beynd research. Translating animal sunds aids endangered species. Scientists study caged birds’ calls t grasp sund changes, explaining difficulties in reintrductin. Machine learning decdes pets’ signals like barks and facial expressins. Raskin’s AI mdel translates dgs’ expressins, revealing their surprising capabilities t wners. Additinally, it helps predict pig emtins based n their sunds, enhancing animal welfare. Advancements deepen ur understanding f animals.
    Nw enthusiastic scientists are cmmitted t pen-surce data and mdel sharing. “Every time yu invent a technlgy, yu als invent a respnsibility,” Raskin says. “Designing a ‘whale chatbt’ demands we imagine an animal’s experience. The true value f any language is that it helps us relate t thers.”
    28. What is the purpse f the Earth Species Prject?
    A. T gather vast data with a cmputer.
    B. T create chatbts that imitate animals.
    C. T understand animal languages using AI.
    D. T study the scial behavir f sperm whales.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “discern” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Train.B. Recgnize.C. Recrd.D. Prtect.
    30. Hw d AI tls prvide practical value in deepening ur insights int animals?
    A. By translating animals’ calls and lks.B. By advancing animal well-being.
    C. By reintrducing endangered species.D. By studying animals’ negative emtins.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Lst in Translatin? Nt with AI
    B. A Future f Chatting with Animals
    C. Whales SOS: Human-AI Unite fr Miracles
    D. Practical Value f Machine Learning Mdels
    In the autumn f 2020, while stargazing n his balcny in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Teju Cle was inspired t start taking phts f his kitchen cunter. He cmpared the daily migratins f his pts, pans, spns, and graters t the revlutins f celestial bdies (天体) ,and began t track them in a “cunter histry”. A year later, he published the results as Glden Apple f the Sun (2021), a bk-length pht essay that expands his islated dmestic experiment until it seems t include the whle wrld. Cle writes abut the hunger he suffered as a barding-schl student in Nigeria, Dutch Glden Age still-lifes, slavery and the sugary recipes in an ancient ckbk. “The later a phtgraph is in a given sequence, the heavier it is,” Cle explained. Smehw, frm this kitchen sink f memir (回忆录), art histry, and bservant bredm emerges a prtrait f the pandemic’s cllective slitude, “this year f feeling buried in the dark earth like bulbs.”
    Cle’s wrk makes an art—and a necessary virtue—f clse lking. Open City (2011), his first nvel, wn praise fr its prtrayal f pst-9/11 New Yrk, whse buried histries f vilence and displacement resurface in the curse f a medical student’s wanderings. In Cle’s essays, tranquil Vermeers reveal traces f empire in clnial times, and strmy Caravaggis picture befrehand the uncertain jurneys f twenty-first-century migrants.
    His great theme is the limits f visin, and the way that these limits can serve as the basis fr a kind f secnd sight. “Amng the human rights is the right t remain unseen and dark,” Cle writes in Black Paper (2021); a recent essay cllectin. In his wn pictures, peple seldm appear directly, but their presence is everywhere implied. Blind Spt (2017), an experimental pht bk recrding his travels, gathers images f htel rms, brder fences, ships, and tmbs. “Darkness is nt empty,” Cle writes. “It is infrmatin at rest. Beauty, briefly, slips frm the shadws.”
    32. What made Cle start t take phts f his kitchen cunter?
    A. His islated dmestic lifestyle.
    B. His great interest in pht-taking.
    C. The inspiratin he gt while stargazing.
    D. The suffering as a barding-schl student.
    33. What d we knw abut Cle’s first nvel?
    A. It was praised fr making a new art.
    B. It was written thrugh a student’s view.
    C. It resurfaces traces f a clnial empire.
    D. It fresees the uncertain jurney f migrants.
    34. Why des Cle prefer the limits f visin in his wrks?
    A. Peple can feel what is unseen by themselves.
    B. Human rights can be well prtected in the thery.
    C. It is ne f the basic skills fr the artists like him.
    D. He starts a new style t write abut cmmn peple.
    35. What can we infer abut Cle?
    A. He has a limited visin.B. He published a ckbk.
    C. He enjys taking phts f peple.D. He fcuses n stries behind pictures.
    It has been a few rugh years. Many f us are finding urselves exhausted, burned ut, struggling t build balance back int ur lives. We need t recharge. Water can help.
    Participating in water activities such as swimming r surfing can help us enter a “flw state”. 36 It calms the mind, which is ften absrbed by reasning and wrry, says Ricard Gil-da-Csta, a neurscientist and chief executive f the neurtechnlgy cmpany Neurverse, wh has studied hw water affects ur brain.
    Bdies f water als can prduce a glrius sense f awe—the emtinal respnse t smething vast that expands and challenges hw we see the wrld. 37 Water naturally relaxes us and helps fcus ur thughts by taking away all the nise.
    Water has special prperties that may bst nature’s psitive impact, envirnmental psychlgists say. When we are near water, there is ften less visual and auditry infrmatin t prcess. Our mind can rest, 38 Besides, its smell can stir (激发) up psitive memries and assciatins. When we’re flating in water, ur bdies can rest t, in a way we never can n land.
    39 It mves rhythmically, prducing a play f light, clr and sund that is fascinating. It hlds ur attentin, but nt in an verly demanding way, 40 It gives ur brains a break frm the intense, fcused, exhausting attentin that much f daily life requires. “Water helps yur mind wander in a psitive way,” says Mare Berman, directr f the Envirnmental Neurscience Labratry at the University f Chicag. “This is what is s restrative.”
    A. Mst imprtant: Water is dynamic.
    B. Researchers call this sft fascinatin.
    C. One f the mst calming prperties f water is its sund.
    D. It means we becme fully devted t what we’re ding.
    E. The sund f water, typically steady and sft, cmfrts us.
    F. Here’s sme advice n hw t use the healing pwer f water.
    G. Awe can decrease stress and help us put things int perspective.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Jim wned a stre. A custmer nce asked him hw he managed t stay 41 all the time. His answer was, “When I wake up in the mrning, I knw that the day will have gd and bad 42 fr me, but whatever happens, I’m ging t chse t be in a gd 43 .”
    Then ne day, smething 44 happened. Jim was abut t leave the stre when an armed rbber came in, held him up at gunpint, and made him pen the 45 . As he was trying t pen it, Jim’s hand 46 . The rbber saw this and prbably thught, “He’s abut t attack me!” The rbber 47 and fired his gun.
    Jim was rushed t the hspital. In the ambulance, he felt 48 because the paramedic (医务辅助人员) kept telling him, “I’m sure yu’ll be OK.”
    But when Jim was in the perating rm and he saw the faces f the dctrs and nurses, he gt the feeling that they thught he was. 49 dead. He knew he needed t d smething t change their 50 .
    There was a 51 wh was asking him lts f questins, very fast. One questin was, “Are yu 52 t anything?” “Yes!” Jim said ludly and everybdy stpped what they were ding. There was ttal 53 . “Bullets!” Jim said, and all the dctrs and nurses burst ut 54 . And then Jim added, “Please perate n me thinking that I’ll live, and nt that I’ll die.”
    Jim survived, thanks t the skill f the dctrs and nurses. But what als helped was that he managed t remain an ptimist even in the mst 55 mment f his life.
    41. A. friendlyB. enthusiasticC. generusD. psitive
    42. A. mmentsB. peratinsC. testsD. cnflict’s
    43. A. stateB. mdC. eventD. luck
    44. A. ridiculusB. awkwardC. terribleD. challenging
    45. A. safeB. drC. windwD. parcel
    46. A. shkB. wavedC. stretchedD. slipped
    47. A. refusedB. panickedC. hesitatedD. withdrew
    48. A. fineB. painfulC. wrriedD. curius
    49. A. nearlyB. alreadyC. definitelyD. ultimately
    50. A. rutineB. scheduleC. directinD. attitude
    51. A. nurseB. plicemanC. rbberD. guard
    52. A. superirB. accustmedC. allergicD. sympathetic
    53. A. cnfusinB. silenceC. anxietyD. vilence
    54. A. cryingB. applaudingC. laughingD. debating
    55. A. significantB. impressiveC. crucialD. desperate
    Shanghai, lying in the subtrpical zne f mnsn (季风) climate in East Asia, 56 (enjy) a humid weather with fur 57 (remark) seasns in a year. April 1st marks the beginning f spring, lasting 65 days t end up 58 a rise in temperature in June. Summer calls n June 5th and finishes n the 22nd f September, while autumn falls every 23rd f September t wind up at the 26th day f Nvember, ttaling 65 days. Winter visits the land f Shanghai n Nvember 27th, extending 59 perid f 125 days t end n the last day f next March. S it features a shrter spring and autumn but a lnger summer and winter. Thugh ht in summer and cler in autumn, it is 60 (relative) cld in winter in Shanghai, but snw is rare. The cntinual mnsn rain, 61 cmes in the middle f June, usually lasts 20 t 30 days t end in the middle f July, 62 (witness) an amunt f rain f arund 250 millimeters. Strms frequently ccur between July and September, a seasn ften 63 (affect) by typhn activity. Shanghai 64(lcate) in the east cast f the mid-latitude land mass; therefre, warm and cld air-current is a frequent 65 (visit). S it features a changeable weather with drught and fld, influencing the agriculture and life f the peple here.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Daniel正在你的城市旅游。请写封邮件邀请他与你一起进行一次城市漫步(city walk),内容包括:
    1. 发出邀请;
    2. 介绍行程。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I never pick up hitch-hikers (搭便车者) as a rule. I dn’t knw what mved me t d s tday. I was heading frm Nrth Platte t Brady and he was just utside f Nrth Platte. He jumped in and said, “Thanks fr stpping.” I said, “N prblem, I’m ging t Brady abut 23 miles up the rad, and I’ll take yu that far.”
    As we were cnversing, I nticed he smelt f alchl. I als nticed his wrinkled, sun darkened and unshaven face, his messy hair and clthes. But what I nticed mst was his clear, large, blue eyes. They say the eyes are the windw t the sul, and I believe it, if yu lk clsely, yu can pretty much tell the kind f sul a persn has thrugh their eyes. His eyes were almst indescribable. They were s spellbinding, nt a bit f hate in them. Lking at his very rugh appearance, I culd tell he’d been dwn a very hard rad. Smehw, despite the rad he had been dwn, there was n hate in his eyes, nly lve.
    I asked him if he wanted a smke, and he said yes, s I gave him ne, then I let him keep the whle pack, fr which he seemed genuinely grateful. I started asking him where he was frm, where he was heading, whether he had a family, etc. He tld me he had been n the rad fr six days, cming frm Arizna where he had recently had a heart attack and heart surgery. He was pretty much healed up but culdn’t find wrk. He was heading back t his birthplace f Kansas City, which is where I was brn as well. He said he lst his wife t a brain tumr ten years ag, and that he never had kids because his wife culdn’t have any. We talked the rest f the way, and I had a feeling that there was smething abut this guy that I culdn’t put my finger n, but it was smething special.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1—5 BCAAC 6—10 CABCB 11—15 BACAC 16—20 CBABB
    第二部分 阅读(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    21—23 DBD24—27 ADDC 28—31 CBAB32—35 CBAD 36—40 DGEAB
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41—45 DABCA 46—50 DBABD 51—55 ACBCD
    56. enjys 57. remarkable 58. with 59. a 60. relatively
    61. which 62. witnessing 63. affected 64. is lcated 65. visitr
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Daniel,
    I hpe yu’re having a wnderful time turing ur city. Yu tld me earlier that yu are free this Sunday, s maybe we can d a city walk t explre sme lesser-knwn sites and experience the authentic lifestyle here.
    Here is my plan. We’ll meet at 9:00 am, at the ld pagda near my schl t admire the beautiful architecture and sak in its cultural grandeur. Then, we can head t the ruins f the city wall built arund 2,000 years ag, and feel first-hand the weight f histry. Our next stp will be an rdinary bridge decrated with delicately carved stne lins, whse distinct facial features and vivid expressins will blw yu away! After that, we can hit the snack street t sample sme street fd and brwse the unique handicrafts, sme f which can make perfect suvenirs!
    This city walk will make yur trip truly cmplete. I really want t spend this Sunday with yu and discver these hidden gems tgether. S, are yu in?
    Li Hua
    S we gt t Brady and I said, “Well, this is the end f my line.” He lked at me with gratitude in his eyes and thanked me again fr the ride. As he stepped ut f the car, I culdn’t help but think f his stry and struggle fr life. S I added, “When we stp, I’m ging t give yu sme mney t s it will be sme help n yur way.” This is a decisin I had subcnsciusly made in this instance.
    As I mentined, I tld him I was ging t give him sme mney. He lked at me with gratitude in his eyes and said, “Thank yu, but I dn’t need yur mney. Just yur kindness and cnversatin were enugh fr me.” As we said ur gdbyes, I culdn’t help but feel a sense f admiratin fr this man. Despite the hardships he had faced, he carried himself with grace and a genuine lve fr thers. He taught me that smetimes, the mst valuable gift we can give smene is ur time and understanding.
    第一部分 听力
    1—5 BCAAC 6—10 CABCB 11—15 BACAC 16—20 CBABB
    第二部分 阅读
    21. D【解析】细节理解题。由第二段“With all f yur classes, yu prbably wn’t have time t keep real plants alive,”可知答案选D。
    22. B【解析】细节理解题。由第四段“This is prbably the easiest way t decrate yur drm rm.”可知答案选B。
    23. D【解析】本题为计算题。由“Miracliy Artificial Rse Flwer Garland”和“Tsrarey Sunset Lamp Prjectin”所标的原价和折扣可知答案选D。
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。医生Atul Gawande受到一个医疗小事件的启发,着手研究如何通过严格执行操作程序清单提升医疗服务。另外,Gawande发现严格遵守操作程序对其他行业也十分重要。
    24. A【解析】推理判断题。本题要求考生理解第一段的大意,并归纳其在全文中的作用。通读全文可知,第一段主要交代了Gawande所做研究的灵感来源。
    25. D【解析】细节理解题。由第二段可知,Gawande在美国多所医院开展的研究证明checklist可以减少医疗事故,提高手术成功率。
    26. D【解析】推理判断题。第三段的主要内容是Gawande发现严格遵守操作程序对其他行业的重要性。从“Peple wuld demand that fficials lk int these events immediately.”—句中可知,人们认为pilts和engineers必须严格使用checklist。
    27. C【解析】推理判断题。从文章的最后一段可以推断出作者是认可Gawande的研究的。
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。非营利机构Earth Species Prject利用人工智能工具解码动物语言,加深人类对动物的理解和共情。
    28. C【解析】细节理解题。由第二段第三句“It’s develping AI mdels that imitate a variety f species, aiming t have ‘cnversatins’ with animals.”可知,其目的是利用AI与动物对话,即理解动物。
    29. B【解析】词义猜测题。由画线词所在句“the team trained it t discern individual whales frm a subset f sunds.”可知,该团队利用AI来将个体抹香鲸(的声音)与一个子集的声音分辨开来,故选B项。
    30. A 【解析】细节理解题。由第四段“Machine learning decdes pets’ signals like barks and facial expressins.”可知,AI工具能为加深我们对动物的认知提供实际价值,其背后的机制是破译动物的语言信号,如叫声和面部表情。
    31. B【解析】主旨大意题。全文贯穿始终的关键词是动物语言和AI工具,根据第二段前三句也可很明确地得知,本文的写作意图是介绍一个利用AI工具破译动物语言的科学研究的进展,故选C。
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了摄影师兼作家Teju Cle的一些作品及创作灵感。
    32. C【解析】细节理解题。由第一段第一句“In the autumn f 2020, while stargazing n his balcny in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Teju Cle was inspired t start taking phts f his kitchen cunter.”可知答案选C。
    33. B【解析】细节理解题。由第二段的“Open City (2011), his first nvel, wn praise fr its prtrayal f pst-9/11 New Yrk, whse buried histries f vilence and displacement resurface in the curse f a medical student’s wanderings.”可知,他的第一部小说通过一位医学院学生的漫步之旅,让被埋葬的暴力和流离失所的历史重新露面。故选B。
    34. A【解析】推理判断题。由第三段第一句“His great theme is the limits f visin, and the way that these limits can serve as the basis fr a kind f secnd sight.”可知,他作品的主题是视觉的局限性,而这些局限性可以作为第二视觉(预见力、洞察力)的基础。A选项意为“人们可以洞察看不见的东西”,符合文义。
    35. D【解析】推理判断题。由最后一段的“In his wn pictures, peple seldm appear directly, but their presence is everywhere implied.”可知,他关注的是图片背后的故事。
    36. D【解析】考查承上启下。上文提到生僻概念“flw state”,此句应适当解释,而下文阐释此状态的效果。衔接顺畅,故选D。
    37. G【解析】考查与上文的关系。上文提到“awe”,G项进一步阐释其效应。
    38. E【解析】考查承上启下。本段前两句笼统地提到水有一些特殊属性含有较少视觉和听觉信息。由空前“Our mind can rest.”可知,行文逻辑已经从说明水的特质转变为阐释水对人的影响或效果。此空下文“Besides, its smell can …”亦是阐释其效果。故此空也不例外。故选E,阐释水声对人的影响或效果。
    39. A【解析】考查段首句。由前三段的段首句可知,每段从不同方面解释水具有治愈力的原因,此段也不例外。由下文mves rhythmically, prducing a play…可知,此段着重于介绍水的动态性,故选A。
    40.B【解析】考查承上启下。上文提到“… fascinating”,“nt in an verly demanding way”,此处需要从正面来说明水对我们有较为柔和的影响,即“软迷恋”。此概念与下文“… a break frm …”,“helps yur mind wander in a psitive way”意思相近,衔接顺畅。
    第三部分 语言运用
    41. D【解析】由下文可知,Jim时刻坚持做一个乐观的(psitive)人。
    42. A【解析】由句意可知,我们每天都遇到好的和坏的时刻(mments)。
    43. B【解析】由句意可知,不管发生什么事情,Jim都选择保持好心情,故选md。
    44. C【解析】此处开始讲述一个小事件。由下文可知,这是一件恐怖的事情,故选择terrible。
    45. A【解析】由句意可知,an armed rbber进来,用枪顶着Jim,要求他打开保险箱(safe)。
    46. D【解析】由下文可知,Jim在当时的情形下,应该是手滑了一下,故选slipped。其他动作不会让rbber恐慌。
    47. B【解析】由句意可知,rbber当时一定是恐慌(panicked)了,所以才会开枪。
    48. A【解析】由句意可知,当时医务辅助人员在安慰他,所以Jim感觉很好(fine),并与下文中医护人员的反应形成对比。
    49. B【解析】由句意可知,当时医护人员给Jim的感觉是他已经(already)死了。
    50. D【解析】根据下文可知,Jim想改变医护人员对待他的态度(attitude)。
    51. A【解析】由句意可知,当时应该是护士在询问Jim的情况。
    52. C【解析】根据下文可知,当时护士应该是在询问Jim对什么过敏(allergic)。
    53. B【解析】由句意可知,护士询问Jim是否有过敏物,Jim回答yes,当时医护人员一定是急切地想知道Jim对什么过敏。所以,大家会静下来等待Jim的答案。故选silence。
    54. C【解析】由句意可知,当Jim幽默地回答对子弹过敏时,医护人员一定是开始笑了。
    55. D【解析】由全文可知,在最应该感到绝望(desperate)的时刻,Jim依旧保持乐观。
    56. enjys【解析】考查动词时态。enjy与主语Shanghai构成主谓结构,用一般现在时。
    57. remarkable【解析】考查名词变形容词。题中提供的单词是remark,其形容词为remarkable。
    58. with【解析】考查介词用法。根据句意和动词搭配可知,此处填with。
    59. a【解析】考查冠词用法。此处的a perid f 125 days表示非特指的一段时间。
    60. relatively【解析】考查形容词变副词。此处cld需要用副词(relatively)修饰。
    61. which【解析】考查定语从句。根据句意可知,此处考查非限制性定语从句,补充说明前面的先行词(The cntinual mnsn rain)。
    62. witnessing【解析】考查非谓语动词。witnessing在句中作动词lasts的伴随状语。
    63. affected【解析】考查非谓语动词。affected在句中作a seasn的后置定语。
    64. is lcated【解析】考查被动语态。根据句意可知,上海位于(is lcated in)中纬度地区的东部沿海。
    65. visitr【解析】考查词性变化。根据句意和所提供的单词可知,此处表示“温暖和寒冷的气流是一个常来的访客(visitr)”。
    第四部分 写作
    Dear Daniel,
    I hpe yu’re having a wnderful time turing ur city. Yu tld me earlier that yu are free this Sunday, s maybe we can d a city walk t explre sme lesser-knwn sites and experience the authentic lifestyle here.
    Here is my plan. We’ll meet at 9:00 am, at the ld pagda near my schl t admire the beautiful architecture and sak in its cultural grandeur. Then, we can head t the ruins f the city wall built arund 2,000 years ag, and feel first-hand the weight f histry. Our next stp will be an rdinary bridge decrated with delicately carved stne lins, whse distinct facial features and vivid expressins will blw yu away! After that, we can hit the snack street t sample sme street fd and brwse the unique handicrafts, sme f which can make perfect suvenirs!
    This city walk will make yur trip truly cmplete. I really want t spend this Sunday with yu and discver these hidden gems tgether. S, are yu in?
    Li Hua
    S we gt t Brady and I said, “Well, this is the end f my line.” He lked at me with gratitude in his eyes and thanked me again fr the ride. As he stepped ut f the car, I culdn’t help but think f his stry and struggle fr life. S I added, “When we stp, I’m ging t give yu sme mney t s it will be sme help n yur way.” This is a decisin I had subcnsciusly made in this instance.
    As I mentined, I tld him I was ging t give him sme mney. He lked at me with gratitude in his eyes and said, “Thank yu, but I dn’t need yur mney. Just yur kindness and cnversatin were enugh fr me.” As we said ur gdbyes, I culdn’t help but feel a sense f admiratin fr this man. Despite the hardships he had faced, he carried himself with grace and a genuine lve fr thers. He taught me that smetimes, the mst valuable gift we can give smene is ur time and understanding.
    Text 1
    W: Hw is yur research ging, Jack?
    M: Well, nt bad. I cllected sme infrmatin abut it. And nw I’m ging t talk t sme students and get their pinins.
    Text 2
    M: Madam, can I help yu?
    W: Oh, thank Gd. The department stre is s huge that I can’t find the tilet t answer the call f nature. I am in such a hurry.
    Text 3
    M: I saw Larry last night. He was lking very wet.
    W: But it wasn’t raining last night.
    M: Well, he hadn’t seen the htel swimming pl and had fallen in with his clthes n.
    Text 4
    M: Hi, Beth. My family and I are having a few peple ver fr dinner tmrrw night. Then we might watch a mvie at my huse. Can yu cme?
    W: Sure. I’d lve t. That’d be mre fun than eating at a restaurant alne.
    Text 5
    M: Have yu seen my maths textbk, Mm? I frget where I placed it.
    W: What gives? Again? Why d yu always pay n attentin t yur persnal belngings? I am nt yur babysitter, dear!
    Text 6
    M: Lucy, ne f my lng-lst friends will cme arund t have a meal with me. Afterwards, we will hang ut in the walking district nearby.
    W: S will yu dine ut?
    M: Npe, I will ck fr her, but my cking will surely upset her.
    W: Dn’t wrry and I recmmend a very useful app, definitely a hit recently.
    M: Ww, culd yu tell me the name f it?
    W: N prblem. It is called Sweetisine, integrating the wrd sweet and cuisine. And it ffers s many recipes t chse frm.
    Text 7
    M: Hell. Where are yu heading tday?
    W: I’m ff t Paris fr a week.
    M: D yu have yur passprt with yu?
    W: Yes, here yu are. I dn’t need a visa t g t France, d I?
    M: Frtunately fr yu, yu dn’t. Er, hw many pieces f luggage are yu checking in?
    W: I like t travel light s I just have this ne.
    M: If that’s yur nly piece f luggage, it is small enugh t carry n with yu. Here’s yur barding pass. Enjy yur flight!
    Text 8
    W: This study is taking me frever. I have t cmpare the pems frm different cultures. It is really difficult because they are all in different languages!
    M: Yes, I can imagine that this wuld be pretty hard! Which pets are yu studying?
    W: Xu Zhim frm China, T. S. Elit frm America, and Kahlil Gibran frm Lebann in the Middle East.
    M: Why d yu chse thse pets? Are they yur favrite nes?
    W: Nt really, but I d like them. They all wrte petry arund the same time, which is really interesting.
    M: Well, hw much time have yu gt?
    W: My prfessr wants it by next Mnday, which is the day after tmrrw. S, I dn’t have much time!
    M: Tell yu what, dear, yu get n with yur wrk and I’ll make yu sme nice ht cffee.
    W: Oh, yu’re the best. That’s why Mm married yu!
    Text 9
    W: This place is really far away, but the scenery is s beautiful here. Shall we park the mtrhme nw? It’s getting dark.
    M: Sure, hw abut stpping the vehicle ver there?
    W: Yes, perfect. That’s much mre cnvenient than putting up a tent when we went camping in the wds in the spring f this year.
    M: True. We can park here right n the beach!
    W: Oh, yes. I filled the vehicle up with freshwater in the mrning. S, we can have a shwer if necessary.
    M: Great! There we g. Let’s get ut and have a lk arund.
    W: Ww, the scenery is amazing here in Sctland. Lk at the sunset abve the sea and the snwy muntain behind us. Let me take a picture!
    M: The bad thing is that it’s nt summer nw, but we’re s lucky t spend the cld night in the warm mtrhme! And we can have a gd view f everything frm there.
    W: Anyway, let’s get back inside and I’ll turn the heat n! Wuld yu please g and check if there is enugh gas t ck ur dinner?
    M: Sure.
    Text 10
    Hell, everyne. The winter carnival is cming sn. We prepare different kinds f activities fr it. I’d like t take this pprtunity t talk abut ur plan fr the winter carnival this year. We plan t hld the event frm January 10th t February 12th at the Sky Site. We suggest an entrance fee f $10. Yu can als bring yur children aged 12 r under. N admissin charge fr them. The site will be divided int six areas. In the center, there will be a flwer shw. It is a gd place t take pictures. T the side f the flwer shw, there will be tw areas fr amusement rides. We will set up 30 rides in these areas. This year, there will be tw new events-a fancy dress cmpetitin and an ice sculpture exhibitin. We will set up a tent fr the fancy dress cmpetitin. If yu are gd at designing clthes, bring yur wrks t the cmpetitin. Finally, next t the entrance, there will be fur fd shps where visitrs can enjy fd frm arund the wrld, such as Italian fd, Chinese fd, Japanese fd, Mexican fd and s n. We have attached a map fr yur reference. Yu can pick ne up at the ticket ffice. That’s all. Thank yu.
    Miracliy Artificial Rse Flwer Garland
    $16 AT AMAZON
    Nw 45% Off The Current Price
    RECUTMS Artificial Ivy With LED String Light
    $24 AT AMAZON
    Tsrarey Sunset Lamp Prjectin
    $14 AT AMAZON
    Nw 20% Off The Current Price
    Rssetta Star Prjectr, Galaxy Prjectr
    $36 AT AMAZON
    Nw 40% Off The Current Price
    RmMates Pink and Orange Cheetah
    Cheetah Peel and Stick Wallpaper
    $44 AT AMAZON
    JiffDiff Peel and Stick Wallpaper
    $13 AT AMAZON
    Dear Daniel,
    Li Hua
    S we gt t Brady and I said, “Well, this is the end f my line.”
    As I mentined, I tld him I was ging t give him sme mney.

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