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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What’s the weather like nw?
    A. Warm.B. Cld.C. Windy.
    【原文】W: I’d better take ff this cat. It’s rather warm.
    M: This is an incredible seasn. It was cld and windy when we left hme this mrning.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the wman d next?
    A. Lk fr a jb.B. Hld an interview.C. Take a test.
    【原文】M: Hw is yur jb hunting?
    W: I’ve gt shrtlisted fr Inva. But I will be tested befre I can take an interview.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What’s wrng with Jhn?
    A. He is badly ill.
    B. He is under pressure.
    C. He missed an appintment.
    【原文】W: D yu have an appintment with the dctr? Aren’t yu feeling well?
    M: N. I dn’t need t see a dctr. I have an appintment with Jhn, my friend, wh is a dctr. He is under great pressure these days. S we’ll g swimming tgether t get him refreshed.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw will the wman get t Star Rad?
    A. By subway.B. By car.C. By bus.
    【原文】M: It’s t late fr the subway service. I can give yu a lift.
    W: It will be nice if yu can just drive me t Star Rad, where I can take the bus hme.
    M: N prblem.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where will the speakers g?
    A. T their hme.B. T the dctr’s.C. T the schl.
    【原文】M: Maybe yu need t stay hme fr anther day.
    W: I kept cughing but my temperature is OK nw. Please drive me t schl. I dn’t want t miss t many lessns.
    M: All right.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What has gne wrng?
    A. The washing machine.B. The electricity supply.C. The car.
    7. Hw is the man feeling?
    A. Embarrassed.B. Relieved.C. Unhappy.
    【答案】6. B 7. C
    【原文】M: What’s wrng with the washing machine? I just can’t get it started.
    W: It’s nt the washing machine. It’s the pwer failure.
    M: Pwer failure? What can we d withut electricity?
    W: I called the electricity service just nw but the line is ccupied. Maybe we shuld drive there t reprt this.
    8. Why is the man calling?
    A. T cnfirm a reservatin.
    B. T aplgize fr a misunderstanding.
    C. T make a change abut the bking.
    9. What des the wman prmise t d fr the man?
    A. T keep the table fr him.
    B. T arrange a table fr mre peple.
    C. T change the bking fr anther day.
    10. When will the man arrive at the restaurant?
    A. By 7:00 p.m.B. By 7:45 p.m.C. By 9:30 p.m.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. B
    【原文】M: Gd evening. Is that the Ivy Restaurant?
    W: Gd evening, sir. Yes. Hw may I help yu?
    M: My name is Lid Smith and I have a bking at 7 p.m. this evening fr 8 peple.
    W: Just give me ne mment. OK, I find yur reservatin.
    M: Well, I’m just calling t aplgize and say that unfrtunately we are running arund 45 minutes late this evening. Are yu OK t hld the table fr me, please?
    W: Yes, that’s nt a prblem. Please dn’t arrive any later than 7:45 p.m. as we d have anther bking fr that table at 9:30 p.m.
    M: OK, brilliant. Thank yu very much. See yu sn.
    W: See yu.
    11. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a café.B. In a bakery.C. In a supermarket.
    12. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Friends.C. Wrkmates.
    13. What des the wman recmmend?
    A. A kind f bread.B. Sme biscuits.C. Tea packets.
    【答案】11. C 12. B 13. A
    【原文】W: Hi, Simn!
    M: Oh, hi, Laura! I haven’t seen yu fr a while.
    W: It has been ages, hasn’t it?
    M: Hw are things?
    W: All gd. Thanks. I’m just picking up a few bits fr dinner. It has been a lng day fr me s I dn’t fancy cking tnight.
    M: I knw the feeling. I have picked up sme biscuits but I shuld prbably g and get sme meat and vegetables as well.
    W: Have yu tried Waitrse bread? It’s perfect with a cup f tea.
    M: N, but that sunds delicius. I will get sme f them.
    W: Hey, we shuld get a cffee tgether sn. Are yu free next week?
    M: Yes, sure. I’ll be in tuch. I’ll invite James, t.
    W: Gd idea. OK. Chat sn and enjy thse biscuits.
    14. What’s the man’s suggestin?
    A. Wearing a necklace.B. Giving up black shes.C. Chsing a frmal dress.
    15. Why des the man suggest the wman g withut a scarf?
    A. It’s t infrmal.
    B. It’s nt necessary.
    C. It desn’t g with the dress.
    16. Hw des the man sund?
    A. Uneasy.B. Bred.C. Patient.
    【答案】14. A 15. B 16. C
    【原文】M: Are yu ready fr the party tnight?
    W: Yeah, almst. Can I get yur advice n my dress? It feels a bit t infrmal.
    M: It lks lvely. But I see what yu mean. Why nt wear a necklace t dress it up a bit?
    W: Yeah, gd plan. And what d yu think abut wearing a scarf?
    M: Yu can g withut that. I think it’s ging t be sunny tday.
    W: OK. And what abut shes?
    M: I suggest black heels. They g with everything.
    W: Great! Can yu wait a few mre minutes?
    M: Sure. I can wait all my life.
    17. What will be replaced by thicker nes?
    A. Sme plastic cups.B. Sme plastic bags.C. Sme ice cream sticks.
    18. Which is cvered by the ban?
    A. Plastic cups.B. Water bttles.C. Bags f snacks.
    19. What is the appeal f plastic prducers?
    A. Putting ff the ban.
    B. Prviding alternatives.
    C. Creating jb pprtunities.
    20. What is the cncern f many peple regarding the ban?
    A. Waste f wd.
    B. Prfits f their businesses.
    C. Lack f gvernment supprt.
    【答案】17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B
    【原文】M: India banned sme single-use plastic prducts. Fr the first stage, it has identified 19 plastic items that aren’t very useful but have a high ptential t becme litter and makes it illegal t prduce r sell them. These items range frm plastic cups and straws t ice cream sticks. Sme single-use plastic bags will als be replaced with thicker nes that can be reused. Thusands f ther plastic prducts—like bttles fr water r sda r bags f snacks—aren’t cvered by the ban. But the gvernment has set targets fr prducers t be respnsible fr recycling them after their use. Plastic prducers had appealed t the gvernment t delay the ban, saying it may cause ptential jb lsses. But India’s envirnment minister said that the banned items were identified while keeping in mind the availability f alternatives like bamb spns and wden ice cream sticks. But in the days leading up t the ban, many peple said if plastic bags are stpped withut a readily available and equally cst-effective replacement, their business will be affected.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Sme under-30 travelers prefer t get arund with peple their wn age. If that’s yu, yu’re in the right place! Fllw us t Suth America and cver all f the highlights.
    Start Lima, Peru
    Finish Ri de Janeir, Brazil
    Destinatins Argentina, Blivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru
    Grup size Min 1, Max 16
    Why yu’ll lve this trip
    ·Wander in the Amazn jungle at night. Flat (漂浮) dwn the river, keeping an eye ut fr the frightening eyes f jaguars and caimans.
    ·Tur the flating islands f Urs n Lake Titicaca. Spend the night under the stars in a traditinal island village.
    ·Whether yu trek (跋涉) the classic Inca Trail, the Inca Quarry Trail r take the scenic train rute t Machu Picchu, trust us, this is ging t be ne f the highlights f yur life.
    ·Dn’t wrry. We wn’t ccupy all f yur time. Yu’ll have plenty f pprtunity t bunce arund Cusc, digging deep int the pckets f Inca histry.
    ·G t the strangely wnderful La Paz, frm the wines f the Witches’ Market t the tasty treats f Mercad Lanza.
    ·Ever dreamt f walking n water? Nw’s yur chance. The sprawling salt lakes f Blivia serve up special pht pprtunities.
    ·The Iguazu Falls is n the brder between Argentina and Brazil, and yu’ll be able t see it frm bth sides.
    ·Ri de Janeir is a great place t end the trip. Party dwn with the lcals and experience a culture at the beating heart f Brazil.
    21. Where can the turists learn abut Inca histry?
    A. In Lima.B. In Machu Picchu.C. In Cusc.D. In Ri de Janeir.
    22. What is the trip like?
    A. Relaxing and interesting.B. Adventurus and exciting.
    C. Cmfrtable and refreshing.D. Educatinal and ecnmical.
    23. Which site can be admired frm tw different cuntries?
    A. The flating islands f Urs.B. The Inca Quarry Trail.
    C. The Witches’ Market.D. The Iguazu Falls.
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D
    细节理解题。根据倒数第五段“Yu’ll have plenty f pprtunity t bunce arund Cusc, digging deep int the pckets f Inca histry.(你将有很多机会在Cusc到处转转,深入挖掘印加历史。)”可知,游客在Cusc可以了解印加历史。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据Why yu’ll lve this trip部分中“·Wander in the Amazn jungle at night. Flat (漂浮) dwn the river, keeping an eye ut fr the frightening eyes f jaguars and caimans.(·晚上在亚马逊丛林中漫步。顺河而下,留意美洲虎和凯门鳄可怕的眼睛。)”以及“·Ever dreamt f walking n water? Nw’s yur chance. The sprawling salt lakes f Blivia serve up special pht pprtunities.(梦想过在水上行走吗?现在是你的机会。玻利维亚广阔的盐湖提供了特殊的拍照机会。)”可推知,这次旅行冒险又刺激。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“·The Iguazu Falls is n the brder between Argentina and Brazil, and yu’ll be able t see it frm bth sides.(·伊瓜苏瀑布位于阿根廷和巴西的边境,你可以从两边都看到它。)”可知,伊瓜苏瀑布可以从两个不同的国家欣赏。故选D。
    Nenad Bach, an American cmpser and singer wh lives with Parkinsn’s disease (帕金森病) is the funder f “Ping-png Parkinsn”, a mvement that prmtes ping-png as a therapy (疗法) t imprve the lives f Parkinsn’s patients wrldwide.
    After being diagnsed with Parkinsn’s disease in 2010, Bach fund that his tremrs (颤抖) and ther symptms were keeping him frm playing his guitar. But a friend intrduced him t ping-png, als knwn as table tennis, and he sn fund that bth his mtr skills and his md seemed t imprve when he played. Bach’s dctr cnfirmed his imprved state. And that’s when the idea fr “Ping-png Parkinsn” tk rt.
    In 2017, Bach wrked with well-knwn New Yrk Times crsswrd puzzle editr Will Shrtz. Shrtz als happens t be the wner f the Westchester Table Tennis Center. In Octber f 2019, the first Parkinsn’s Wrld Table Tennis Champinship was held at the Center, attracting peple with Parkinsn’s disease frm as far away as Sweden, Japan, Brazil, Cratia, England, and China.
    Recently, a small study was cnducted by scientists at Fukuka University in Japan. Peple with Parkinsn’s disease participated in a table tennis exercise prgram nce a week fr six mnths. Participants experienced significant imprvements in facial expressin, psture rigidity, speed f mvement and hand tremrs. They als experienced imprvements in speech, handwriting, getting dressed, getting ut f bed and walking.
    Dr. Ken-ichi Inue, the study’s authr, cmments, “While this study was small, with twelve participants, the results are encuraging because they shw ping-png, a relatively inexpensive frm f therapy, may imprve sme symptms f Parkinsn’s disease.” Dr. Inue is planning a much larger study t cnfirm his findings.
    24. Why did Bach pick up ping-png?
    A. He fund it great fun.
    B. He fllwed his dctr’s advice.
    C. He wanted t imprve his cnditins.
    D. His friend needed smene t play it with.
    25. What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. “Ping-png Parkinsn” met with wide bjectins.
    B. Ding wrd puzzles benefits peple living with Parkinsn’s disease.
    C. Bach taught peple living with Parkinsn’s disease t play the guitar.
    D. The first Parkinsn’s Wrld Table Tennis Champinship was held in the US.
    26. What is a limitatin f Dr. Inue’s research?
    A. Small subject number.B. Shrt studying perid.
    C. Incmplete study aspects.D. Limited subject perfrmances.
    27. What’s the authr’s intentin in writing the text?
    A. T prmte a sprts event.
    B. T tell the stry f Nenad Bach’s struggle.
    C. T intrduce a therapy fr Parkinsn’s disease.
    D. T present the findings f Nenad Bach’s research.
    【答案】24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍Nenad Bach推广治疗帕金森病的乒乓球疗法,并且也介绍了一项这方面的研究成果。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“But a friend intrduced him t ping-png, als knwn as table tennis, and he sn fund that bth his mtr skills and his md seemed t imprve when he played. Bach’s dctr cnfirmed his imprved state. ”(但一位朋友向他介绍了乒乓球,他很快发现,打乒乓球时,他的运动技能和情绪似乎都有所改善。巴赫的医生证实他的病情有所好转。)可知, Bach发现,打乒乓球可以改善他的运动技能和情绪,即巴赫学乒乓球是因为想改善自己的身体状况,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“In 2017, Bach wrked with well-knwn New Yrk Times crsswrd puzzle editr Will Shrtz. Shrtz als happens t be the wner f the Westchester Table Tennis Center. In Octber f 2019, the first Parkinsn’s Wrld Table Tennis Champinship was held at the Center, attracting peple with Parkinsn’s disease frm as far away as Sweden, Japan, Brazil, Cratia, England, and China.”(2017年,巴赫与著名的《纽约时报》填字游戏编辑威尔·肖特兹合作。肖特兹碰巧也是威彻斯特乒乓球中心的老板。2019年10月,首届帕金森病世界乒乓球锦标赛在中心举行,吸引了来自瑞典、日本、巴西、克罗地亚、英国和中国的帕金森病患者。)可知,首届帕金森病世界乒乓球锦标赛是在美国举办,吸引了来自瑞典、日本、巴西、克罗地亚、英国和中国的帕金森病患者。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Dr. Ken-ichi Inue, the study’s authr, cmments, “While this study was small, with twelve participants, the results are encuraging because they shw ping-png, a relatively inexpensive frm f therapy, may imprve sme symptms f Parkinsn’s disease.” Dr. Inue is planning a much larger study t cnfirm his findings.”(该研究的作者kenichi Inue博士评论说:“虽然这项研究的规模很小,只有12名参与者,但结果令人鼓舞,因为它们表明乒乓球这种相对便宜的治疗方式可能会改善帕金森病的一些症状。”井上博士正计划进行一项规模大得多的研究,以证实他的发现。)可知,本次实验参与的人少,但是结果令人鼓舞。实验还需要大规模研究来确认研究结果。因此本次研究的局限是研究对象少。故选A。
    推理判断题。通读文章,根据第一段“Nenad Bach, an American cmpser and singer wh lives with Parkinsn’s disease(帕金森病) is the funder f “Ping-png Parkinsn”, a mvement that prmtes ping-png as a therapy (疗法) t imprve the lives f Parkinsn’s patients wrldwide.”(患有帕金森病的美国作曲家和歌手内纳德·巴赫是“乒乓帕金森”运动的创始人,该运动旨在促进乒乓球作为一种治疗方法来改善全球帕金森患者的生活。)介绍了治疗帕金森病的“乒乓帕金森”运动的创始人及其运动宗旨。同时结合第三段“In 2017, Bach wrked with well-knwn New Yrk Times crsswrd puzzle editr Will Shrtz. Shrtz als happens t be the wner f the Westchester Table Tennis Center. In Octber f 2019, the first Parkinsn’s Wrld Table Tennis Champinship was held at the Center, attracting peple with Parkinsn’s disease frm as far away as Sweden, Japan, Brazil, Cratia, England, and China.”(2017年,巴赫与著名的《纽约时报》填字游戏编辑威尔·肖特兹合作。肖特兹碰巧也是威彻斯特乒乓球中心的老板。2019年10月,首届帕金森病世界乒乓球锦标赛在中心举行,吸引了来自瑞典、日本、巴西、克罗地亚、英国和中国的帕金森病患者。)讲述了首届帕金森病世界乒乓球锦标赛的影响;倒数第二段中“Recently, a small study was cnducted by scientists at Fukuka University in Japan. Peple with Parkinsn’s disease participated in a table tennis exercise prgram nce a week fr six mnths. Participants experienced significant imprvements in facial expressin, psture rigidity, speed f mvement and hand tremrs. They als experienced imprvements in speech, handwriting, getting dressed, getting ut f bed and walking.”(最近,日本福冈大学的科学家进行了一项小型研究。帕金森氏症患者每周参加一次乒乓球锻炼项目,持续6个月。参与者在面部表情、姿势僵硬、运动速度和手部颤抖方面都有了显著改善。他们在语言、书写、穿衣、起床和走路方面也有了改善。)提到了一项和治疗帕金森病的研究成果。因此,本文介绍Nenad Bach推广治疗帕金森病的乒乓球疗法,并且也介绍了一项这方面的研究成果。故选C。
    At present, research shws that when emplyees reach the age f 50, they keep quiet abut their age. They see fewer prmtin prspects cmpared t yunger emplyees. It’s als harder t get a new jb after the age f 50.
    But that is set t change. There is already skills shrtage in the wrld with nt enugh yunger peple cming int the wrkfrce. Emplyers will have t wrk harder at hiring senirs with the skills they need.
    The Center fr Ageing Better ntes that we already have an lder wrkfrce and the qualities f lder peple are being mre recgnized. When teams mix lder and yunger wrkers, prductivity ges up and cmplex prblems find mre nvel slutins because the strengths and weaknesses f bth grups are balanced. Age-diversity helps slve cmplex prblems by bringing tgether a mix f ideas, skill strengths, and experiences. Older wrkers can draw n a lifetime f experience while yunger wrkers may challenge utdated strategies and bring fresh perspective. Als, senirs’ greater life experience makes them better placed t manage themselves and thers in the wrkplace cmpared with yunger emplyees.
    There are five recmmendatins the Center fr Ageing Better makes, including minimizing age bias (偏见) in taking in emplyees and encuraging career develpment at all ages. The really big change that needs t cme is t stp seeing lder peple as “ther”, as different…
    There are many peple in their 80s and 90s wh have never stpped wrking. They enjy what they d and like the scial aspect f wrk. But mst, frm 55 nwards chse t retire—with 25% regretting it, accrding t a recent study.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “that” in Paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Cmpetitin in the jb market.
    B. Wrldwide skills shrtage in the wrkfrce.
    C. Yunger peple’s declining prmtin prspects.
    D. Older peple being at a disadvantage in wrkplaces.
    29. What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Qualities f lder emplyees.
    B. The advantages f age-diversity.
    C. The challenges faced by an lder wrkfrce.
    D. The cmplex prblems that call fr slutins.
    30. What is the key t wrkfrce cmpsitin?
    A. Minimizing age bias.
    B. Giving up utdated strategies.
    C. Launching career develpment prgrams.
    D. Emplying peple frm different backgrunds.
    31. What can be learned abut lder peple frm the last paragraph?
    A. Sme regret after retirement.
    B. Sme remain scial after retirement.
    C. Mst dn’t retire until their 80s r 90s.
    D. Mst keep updating their wrking skills.
    【答案】28. D 29. B 30. A 31. A
    词句猜测题。根据第一段“At present, research shws that when emplyees reach the age f 50, they keep quiet abut their age. They see fewer prmtin prspects cmpared t yunger emplyees. It’s als harder t get a new jb after the age f 50.”(目前,研究表明,当员工达到50岁时,他们对自己的年龄保持沉默。与年轻员工相比,他们的晋升机会更少。50岁以后找新工作也更难了。)可知,人们到50岁后晋升前景黯淡,找工作难。所以第二段首句中“that”便是指代50岁以后找工作难的这种现象。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中“When teams mix lder and yunger wrkers, prductivity ges up and cmplex prblems find mre nvel slutins because the strengths and weaknesses f bth grups are balanced. Age-diversity helps slve cmplex prblems by bringing tgether a mix f ideas, skill strengths, and experiences. Older wrkers can draw n a lifetime f experience while yunger wrkers may challenge utdated strategies and bring fresh perspective. Als, senirs’ greater life experience makes them better placed t manage themselves and thers in the wrkplace cmpared with yunger emplyees.”(当团队中年长和年轻的员工混合在一起时,生产力会提高,复杂的问题也会找到更新颖的解决方案,因为两个团队的优势和劣势都得到了平衡。年龄多样性通过汇集各种想法、技能优势和经验,帮助解决复杂的问题。年长的员工可以利用一生的经验,而年轻的员工可以挑战过时的策略,带来新的视角。此外,与年轻员工相比,老年人更丰富的生活经验使他们更有能力在工作场所管理自己和他人。)可知,年龄结构多样化有利于提高工作效率,解决工作中的复杂问题,且与年轻员工相比,老年人更丰富的生活经验使他们更有能力在工作场所管理自己和他人,因此本段主要讲述年龄多样化的好处。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“There are five recmmendatins the Center fr Ageing Better makes, including minimizing age bias (偏见) in taking in emplyees and encuraging career develpment at all ages. The really big change that needs t cme is t stp seeing lder peple as “ther”, as different…”(老龄改善中心提出了5条建议,包括在录用员工时尽量减少年龄偏见,以及鼓励各年龄段员工的职业发展。真正需要做出的重大改变是,不要再把老年人视为“异类”,视为与众不同……)可知,提出的5条建议的关注点是“消除职场中的年龄偏见。”故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“But mst, frm 55 nwards chse t retire—with 25% regretting it, accrding t a recent study.”(但根据最近的一项研究,大多数人在55岁以后选择退休——25%的人对此感到后悔。)可知,多数人会选择55岁退休,其中的四分之一人会感到后悔。故选A。
    Chemicals taken frm sawdust (锯屑) and water can knck ut mre than 99 percent f sme disease-causing micrbes (微生物). That makes the sawdust mix a ptential alternative t current micrbe-killing chemicals.
    Many disinfectants (消毒剂) used tday can harm the envirnment. They frm pisnus by-prducts when they get washed. Sme ptentially greener disinfectants exist. They rely n a chemical called “phenl (苯酚)”. But these cleaners can be cstly and take a lt f energy t make.
    Shicheng Zhang went searching fr a better ptin. He’s an envirnmental engineer at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Wd cntains many mlecules (分子) that lk like phenl. S Zhang wndered if micrbe-killing chemicals culd be btained frm sawdust thrugh a lw-cst and lw-energy prcess.
    He and his fellw researchers cked mixtures f water and sawdust fr ne hur. They heated this sawdust sup under pressure, and then filtered it. Later, they tested hw well the liquid killed ff micrbes. This liquid wiped ut E.cli bacteria—micrbes that can cause fd pisning. The liquid als killed anthrax bacteria. These micrbes cause dangerus infectins. What’s mre, the disinfectant stpped flu viruses frm being infectius.
    The researchers als added different amunts f water t the sawdust sup. That let them test hw cncentrated it had t be t knck ut micrbes. Depending n its cncentratin, the mix culd kill mre than 99 percent f the micrbes.
    Lking at killed micrbes under a micrscpe revealed sme f the ways the sawdust mix kills. The disinfectant damaged the micrbes’ cell walls. It als may have messed with the micrbes’ prteins and DNA.
    Zhang and his fellw researchers didn’t stp at a sawdust disinfectant. They made disinfectants frm ther plant materials, t. Sme f these started as bamb pwder. Others were made using rice plant. Plant materials that are richer in mlecules that release phenl-like cmpunds are best at killing micrbes. One example is crn straw.
    32. What may be an advantage f Zhang’s sawdust disinfectant ver existing nes?
    A. Being safer and mre effective.
    B. Being envirnment-friendly and less expensive.
    C. Being less expensive and having mre lasting effect.
    D. Being mre effective and having mre lasting effect.
    33. What gave Zhang the idea f the sawdust disinfectant?
    A. The absence f micrbes in sawdust.B. The phenl-like mlecules in wd.
    C. The existence f a greener disinfectant.D. The pssibility f being fd pisned.
    34 Hw was Zhang’s research further carried ut?
    A. By analyzing data frm previus studies.
    B. By identifying the ways different disinfectants kill.
    C. By imprving the prcess f dealing with by-prducts.
    D. By cmparing the effects f different cncentratins f the mix.
    35. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. A Public Drive Aims t Greener Disinfectants
    B. A Chinese University Grws Micrbe-killing Plants
    C. A Disinfectant Made frm Sawdust Kncks ut Micrbes
    D. A Chinese Team Made Breakthrughs in Disease Research
    【答案】32. B 33. B 34. D 35. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Many disinfectants (消毒剂) used tday can harm the envirnment. They frm pisnus by-prducts when they get washed. Sme ptentially greener disinfectants exist. They rely n a chemical called “phenl (苯酚)”. But these cleaners can be cstly and take a lt f energy t make.(今天使用的许多消毒剂会危害环境。当它们被清洗时,会形成有毒的副产品。存在一些可能更环保的消毒剂。它们依赖于一种叫做“苯酚”的化学物质。但这些清洁剂价格昂贵,需要大量的能源来制造)”以及第三段“Shicheng Zhang went searching fr a better ptin. He’s an envirnmental engineer at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Wd cntains many mlecules (分子) that lk like phenl. S Zhang wndered if micrbe-killing chemicals culd be btained frm sawdust thrugh a lw-cst and lw-energy prcess.(张士成开始寻找更好的选择。他是中国上海复旦大学的环境工程师。木材含有许多看起来像苯酚的分子。因此,张想知道是否可以通过低成本、低能耗的方法从锯末中获得杀死微生物的化学物质)”可知,与现有的木屑消毒剂相比,张的木屑消毒剂既环保又便宜。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Wd cntains many mlecules (分子) that lk like phenl. S Zhang wndered if micrbe-killing chemicals culd be btained frm sawdust thrugh a lw-cst and lw-energy prcess.(木材含有许多看起来像苯酚的分子。因此,张想知道是否可以通过低成本、低能耗的方法从锯末中获得杀死微生物的化学物质)”可知,木材中的苯酚分子让张产生了木屑消毒剂的想法。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第五段“The researchers als added different amunts f water t the sawdust sup. That let them test hw cncentrated it had t be t knck ut micrbes. Depending n its cncentratin, the mix culd kill mre than 99 percent f the micrbes.(研究人员还在木屑汤中加入了不同量的水。这样他们就可以测试出杀灭微生物所需的浓度。根据其浓度的不同,这种混合物可以杀死99%以上的微生物)”可知,张的研究通过比较不同浓度混合物的效果进一步开展。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“Shicheng Zhang went searching fr a better ptin. He’s an envirnmental engineer at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Wd cntains many mlecules (分子) that lk like phenl. S Zhang wndered if micrbe-killing chemicals culd be btained frm sawdust thrugh a lw-cst and lw-energy prcess.(张士成开始寻找更好的选择。他是中国上海复旦大学的环境工程师。木材含有许多看起来像苯酚的分子。因此,张想知道是否可以通过低成本、低能耗的方法从锯末中获得杀死微生物的化学物质)”结合文章主要介绍了中国复旦大学张教授团队从锯屑水中提取消毒剂的一项研究。可知,C选项“由锯末制成的消毒剂可以消灭微生物”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Revenge bedtime prcrastinatin (报复性睡眠拖延症) refers t the decisin t delay sleep in respnse t stress r a lack f free time earlier in the day. The additin f the wrd “revenge”, by the Chinese, t the cncept f bedtime prcrastinatin became ppular n scial media. ___36___ Bth language versins reflect frustratin tied t lng, stressful wrk hurs that left little time fr persnal enjyment.
    Peple wh engage in bedtime prcrastinatin knw and generally want t receive enugh sleep. ___37___ This is knwn as an intentin-behavir gap.
    Bedtime prcrastinatin can cause sleep deprivatin (缺乏). ___38___ Nt getting enugh sleep affects thinking, memry, and decisin-making. Sleep deprivatin als raises the risk f daytime sleepiness, which can harm prductivity and academic achievement while increasing the risks f sleeping driving.
    ___39___ It causes difficulties in regulating emtins. It’s als been cnnected t mental health disrders, such as depressin and anxiety. It is als discvered that sleep deprivatin wrsens physical health, making peple mre easily t suffer frm illnesses. Onging sleep lss cnsequences can build up ver time. ___40___
    The best slutin fr bedtime prcrastinatin is creating gd sleep patterns and a gd sleeping envirnment. But remember that it will take mre than ne night t truly get int gd sleep habits.
    A. But they fail t actually d s.
    B. The Chinese are nted fr wrking lng hurs.
    C. A lack f sleep is tied t mental and physical health.
    D. Therefre, it cntributes t significant lng-term health prblems.
    E. We struggle t stay prductive during the day t make up fr the lss.
    F. Withut enugh hurs f sleep, the mind and bdy can’t prperly recharge.
    G. The English term “revenge bedtime prcrastinatin” appeared frm a translatin f this expressin.
    【答案】36 G 37. A 38. F 39. C 40. D
    下文“Bth language versins reflect frustratin tied t lng, stressful wrk hurs that left little time fr persnal enjyment.(两种语言版本都反映了与长时间、压力大的工作时间有关的挫折感,这些工作时间几乎没有留给个人享受的时间)”说明前文用两种解释说明报复性睡眠拖延症的定义。空处用另一种语言版本说明报复性睡眠拖延症。G项中的“The English term ”和下文的“Bth language versins”相呼应,表示“英语术语“报复性睡前拖延症”是从前面表达的翻译中出现的”。故选G。
    上文“Peple wh engage in bedtime prcrastinatin knw and generally want t receive enugh sleep.(睡前拖延症患者知道并普遍希望获得足够的睡眠)”说明睡前拖延症患者希望自己获得足够的睡眠。空处和前文为转折关系。A项中的But和前文构成转折关系,s指代前文中“want t receive enugh sleep”,表明他们虽然希望自己获得足够的睡眠,但是却做不到。故选A。
    上文“Bedtime prcrastinatin can cause sleep deprivatin (缺乏).(睡前拖延会导致睡眠不足)”说明睡眠拖延会导致睡眠不足。空处承上启下,说明睡眠不足的害处,F项中的“Withut enugh hurs f sleep”和上文相呼应,“the mind and bdy can’t prperly recharge”和下文“Nt getting enugh sleep affects thinking, memry, and decisin-making.”相呼应,说明睡眠不足,大脑和身体就无法正常充电。故选F。
    下文“It causes difficulties in regulating emtins. It’s als been cnnected t mental health disrders, such as depressin and anxiety. It is als discvered that sleep deprivatin wrsens physical health, making peple mre easily t suffer frm illnesses. (它会导致情绪调节困难。它还与精神健康障碍有关,如抑郁和焦虑。研究还发现,睡眠不足会恶化身体健康,使人们更容易患病)”说明睡眠不足会从精神和身体上对人造成危害。空处为本段的主旨句。C项“睡眠不足与身心健康息息相关。”符合语境,适合作本段的主旨句。故选C。
    上文“Onging sleep lss cnsequences can build up ver time. (持续睡眠不足的后果可能会随着时间的推移而累积)”说明持续睡眠不足危害很大。空处和前文为因果关系,表明持续睡眠不足会导致严重的长期健康问题。D项“因此,它会导致严重的长期健康问题。”符合语境。故选D。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Alyssa has a dg called Cby. Cby lves t sit ut n her balcny (阳台) and ___41___ the wrld g by. He ___42___ every passer-by, but there’s ne persn he likes best, Alyssa’s neighbr Sherwin.
    Sherwin lives in an apartment acrss the street frm Alyssa. His kitchen windw lks ___43___ acrss the street t her balcny, s Cby can ften be ___44___ sitting n the balcny and staring at Sherwin’s hme.
    One mrning, Sherwin was eating breakfast with friends when he ___45___ and saw Cby staring right at him. Sherwin was ___46___ abut it and was happy t interact with Cby every day. Sherwin decided t d smething ___47___ t let Cby knw the “brmance (兄弟情)” was mutual.
    Sherwin talked t Alyssa and they decided t create a ___48___ between their apartments s that Sherwin culd pass ___49___ and tys t his new friend. They spent sme time creating a clthesline pully system, and the next thing Sherwin did was ___50___ rtisserie chicken (烤鸡) acrss the street, much t Cby’s ___51___.
    After weeks f interactins, Alyssa and Sherwin ___52___ an in-persn meeting. Sherwin brught Cby a new ty, and the tw instantly ___53___.
    “Seeing him enjying his ty was awesme,” Sherwin said. “It was like we had ___54___ each ther fr years. I’d say Cby and I are best friends. He’s the ___55___ dg.” It was Cby wh decided t be friends, and Sherwin was ttally game.
    41. A. helpB. watchC. hearD. let
    42. A. greetsB. disturbsC. ignresD. calms
    43. A. particularlyB. frequentlyC. directlyD. largely
    44. A. caughtB. leftC. preventedD. fund
    45. A. stayed awayB. gt awayC. gave upD. lked up
    46. A. frightenedB. cnfusedC. excitedD. satisfied
    47. A. strangeB. annyingC. dangerusD. special
    48. A. linkB. relatinshipC. trustD. street
    49. A. wrdsB. treatsC. tlsD. cstumes
    50. A. sendingB. buyingC. makingD. eating
    51. A. creditB. prideC. reliefD. delight
    52. A. delayedB. arrangedC. cveredD. dismissed
    53. A. bndedB. stppedC. returnedD. relaxed
    54. A. cmfrtedB. respectedC. knwnD. bserved
    55. A. prestB. strngestC. sweetestD. bravest
    【答案】41. B 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. D 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. A 51. D 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Cby喜欢坐在阳台上看外面的世界。A. help帮助;B. watch观看;C. hear听见;D. let让。根据上文“Cby lves t sit ut n her balcny”和下文“every passer-by”可知,Cby是坐在阳台上观看外面的世界并和路过的人打招呼。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他和每一个过路人打招呼,但有一个人是他最喜欢的,那就是Alyssa的邻居Sherwin。A. greets打招呼;B. disturbs打扰;C. ignres忽视;D. calms使平静。根据下文“there’s ne persn he likes best”可知,Cby对人友善,因此是和路人打招呼。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:他厨房的窗户正对着街对面她的阳台,所以经常可以看到Cby坐在阳台上盯着Sherwin的家。A. particularly尤其,特别是;B. frequently频繁地;C. directly直接地,径直地;D. largely很大程度上。根据下文“staring at Sherwin’s hme”可知,Cby能盯着Sherwin的家,可见Sherwin的厨房的窗户正对着街对面Alyssa的阳台。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他厨房的窗户正对着街对面她的阳台,所以经常可以看到Cby坐在阳台上盯着Sherwin的家。A. caught抓住;B. left离开;C. prevented阻止;D. fund发现。根据上一段“Cby lves t sit ut n her balcny”可知,Cby被发现坐在阳台上。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:一天早上,Sherwin和朋友们一起吃早餐,他抬头一看,发现Cby正盯着他看。A. stayed away远离;B. gt away离开,逃脱;C. gave up放弃;D. lked up向上看。根据下文“saw Cby staring right at him”可知,Sherwin向上看才能看到Cby正盯着他看。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Sherwin对此很兴奋,很高兴每天都能和Cby互动。A. frightened害怕的;B. cnfused困惑的;C. excited兴奋的;D. satisfied满意的。根据下文“happy t interact with Cby”可知,Sherwin对Cby看他一事感到兴奋,很高兴每天都能和Cby互动。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Sherwin决定做一些特别的事情让Cby知道他们的“兄弟情”是相互的。A. strange奇怪的;B. annying让人生气的;C. dangerus危险的;D. special特别的。根据下文“Sherwin talked t Alyssa and they decided t create a ___8___ between their apartments s that Sherwin culd pass ___9___ and tys t his new friend”可知,Sherwin想让Cby知道他们的“兄弟情”是相互的,所以是想做点特别的事情来达到这个目的。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Sherwin和Alyssa谈了谈,他们决定在他们公寓之间建立一个连接,这样Sherwin就可以给他的新朋友传递食物和玩具。A. link连接;B. relatinship关系;C. trust信任;D. street大街。根据下文“They spent sme time creating a clthesline pully system”可知,他们创造了一个晾衣绳滑轮系统,也就是在他们的公寓之间建立一个连接。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Sherwin和Alyssa谈了谈,他们决定在他们的公寓之间建立一个连接,这样Sherwin就可以给他的新朋友传递食物和玩具。A. wrds词语;B. treats美味佳肴;C. tls工具;D. cstumes服装。根据下文“rtisserie chicken (烤鸡) acrss the street”可知,Sherwin给他的新朋友传递的是食物,也就是美味佳肴。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们花了一些时间创造了一个晾衣绳滑轮系统,接下来Sherwin做的是把烤鸡送到街对面,这让Cby很高兴。A. sending发送;B. buying买;C. making制作;D. eating吃。根据下文“acrss the street”可知,Sherwin是把烤鸡送到街对面,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们花了一些时间创造了一个晾衣绳滑轮系统,接下来Sherwin做是把烤鸡送到街对面,这让Cby很高兴。A. credit信用,信贷;B. pride骄傲;C. relief宽慰,轻松;D. delight高兴。根据上文“rtisserie chicken (烤鸡) acrss the street”可知,Sherwin给Cby送烤鸡,Cby当然高兴。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过几周的互动,Alyssa和Sherwin安排了一次面对面的会面。A. delayed推迟;B. arranged安排;C. cvered覆盖;D. dismissed开除。根据下文“an in-persn meeting”可知,Alyssa和Sherwin应该是安排一次见面。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Sherwin给Cby带来了一个新玩具,二者立刻建立了联系。A. bnded建立亲密关系;B. stpped停止;C. returned回来;D. relaxed使放松。根据下文“I’d say Cby and I are best friends”可知,他们是最好的朋友,也就是他们建立了一种亲密关系。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:就好像我们已经认识很多年了。A. cmfrted安慰;B. respected尊敬;C. knwn认识;D. bserved观察。根据下文“I’d say Cby and I are best friends”可知,Sherwin觉得Cby是自己是最好的朋友,因此就觉得好像已经认识很多年了。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他是最可爱的狗。A. prest最穷的;B. strngest最强大的;C. sweetest最惹人喜爱的,最可爱的;D. bravest最勇敢的。根据下文“It was Cby wh decided t be friends”可知,Sherwin觉得是Cby先要和自己做朋友的,所以Cby是最可爱的狗。故选C。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Octber is a beautiful seasn in Qufu, the birthplace f Cnfucius, east China’s Shandng Prvince. The Eighth Nishan Frum n Wrld Civilizatin, ___56___ tk place here frm Mnday t Wednesday, ___57___(prvide) a platfrm fr a dialgue amng different civilizatins. ___58___(theme) “Diversity f Human Civilizatin and Cmmn Values f Mankind”, the frum saw ver 600 participants jin nline and ffline. They shared ___59___(view) n the thughts f the ancient Chinese sage (智者), thus ___60___(thrw) light upn pssible slutins ___61___ the mst pressing challenges f the times.
    Participants agreed that the diversity f civilizatins ___62___(be) the surce f human prgress and mutual learning. In ___63___ wrld where cuntries are ___64___(increasing) interdependent and share weal and we (祸福), respecting diversity is key t clser ___65___(cperate) and btaining win-win utcmes.
    【答案】56. which
    57. prvided
    58. Themed 59. views
    60. thrwing
    61. t 62. is
    63. a 64. increasingly
    65. cperatin
    考查定语从句。句意:第八届尼山世界文明论坛于周一至周三在这里举行,为不同文明之间的对话提供了一个平台。空格处引导的是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词The Eighth Nishan Frum n Wrld Civilizatin是物,因此空格处用关系代词which,故填which。
    考查介词。句意:他们分享了对中国古代圣人思想的看法,从而为解决当今最紧迫的时代挑战提供了可能的解决方案。the slutin t是固定搭配,意为“……的解决办法”,因此空格处是介词t,故填t。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jack对中国文化很感兴趣,请你给他写一封邮件,告知他中国驻英国大使馆将于下月10日举办中国文化节的消息。
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Jack,
    Hw are yu? Knwing that yu’re interested in Chinese culture, I’m writing t tell yu abut the Chinese Culture Festival t be held by the Chinese embassy in Lndn.
    There will be art shws, kung fu perfrmances and handcraft presentatins at the festival. This is abslutely a great pprtunity fr yu t experience Chinese culture first hand. Please d remember the time f the festival is the tenth f next mnth and check fr mre infrmatin at the embassy’s website.
    Wish yu a great time at the event.
    Li Hua
    举办:hld →hst
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→shw interest in
    原句:There will be art shws, kung fu perfrmances and handcraft presentatins at the festival.
    拓展句:There will be activities which include art shws, kung fu perfrmances and handcraft presentatins at the festival.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Knwing that yu’re interested in Chinese culture, I’m writing t tell yu abut the Chinese Culture Festival t be held by the Chinese embassy in Lndn. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Please d remember the time f the festival is the tenth f next mnth and check fr mre infrmatin at the embassy’s website. (运用了that引导的宾语从句,省略了that)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Dave had lved basketball fr as lng as he culd remember and he had never had a day withut playing it. At primary schl and junir high schl he jined basketball clubs, attended training prgrams and watched basketball games, frm which he learned the mves f the star players, wishing t play in a prfessinal team like them and shine n the curt.
    Nw as a senir high schl student, hwever, his dream f becming a prfessinal player was dimming (变暗) because he was nly f average height. He had t give up the hpe f jining the schl team. The guys n the schl team were all tall bys wh played matches and wn hnrs fr the schl. They were like heres. Dave watched them play and cheered them but he knew he wuld never be ne f them.
    Dave felt it a pity nt t be tall enugh, but this didn’t stp him frm puring his passin int basketball. He just played fr the lve f the sprt. He played in the schl gym with ther bys r by himself every day, even during hlidays and weekends, when it was pen fr tw hurs in the mrning. He enjyed every minute n the curt making every effrt t play better.
    It was ne Saturday mrning. Dave was playing in the gym by himself, as all the ther bys were busy with ther weekend affairs. Then he nticed a tall by appraching. It was Lankas. Everybdy knws him as captain f the schl basketball team. “Hi, Lankas,” Dave greeted him. “My name is Dave.” “Hi, Dave,” Lankas replied as he gt clser. “Nice t see yu here. D yu need an ppnent t play against?” Dave was shcked, frzen right there, unable t believe his ears but smehw, he answered, “Why nt?”
    S, a game f tw players began.
    The next Saturday, when Dave was playing in the gym, Lankas appeared shuting, “Dave, I have gd news fr yu.”
    【答案】 S, a game f tw players began. Dave went all ut t play against this tugh ppnent, frgetting all abut his height. It was a game he culd play t his heart’s cntent. Each sht was hard-earned. Sn they were sweating like a pig. T Dave, there was nthing like playing against smene like Lankas. It was mre like an enjyment than a challenge. Tw hurs passed befre they knew it. The tw thanked each ther and said gdbye. Dave was secretly expecting anther chance t play with Lankas.
    The next Saturday, when Dave was playing in the gym, Lankas appeared shuting, “Dave, I have gd news fr yu.” Dave stpped playing and the tw had a talk. He learned that Lankas talked with the cach abut Dave and their game the week befre and the cach agreed t take Dave as a member f the team. At the news, Dave had t hld back his tears f jy and culdn’t help jumping up. Lankas patted Dave n the shulder, “Hi, buddy, d yu need an ppnent t play against?”
    【详解】1. 段落续写
    2. 续写线索
    3. 词汇激活
    ①全力以赴:g all ut/spare n effrt/make every effrt
    ③与……对抗:play against/cmpete against/fight against
    ②心满意足地:t ne’s cntent/satisfactrily/apprvingly/with satisfactin
    It was a game he culd play t his heart’s cntent. (运用了省略关系代词引导的限制性定语从句)
    He learned that Lankas talked with the cach abut Dave and their game the week befre and the cach agreed t take Dave as a member f the team. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)

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